Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Una Familia Con Suerte #251-252 Tue 5/15/12 President Vice; or, Putting the Vice in Vicente
As usual, I couldn't really tell when the review of yesterday's episode ended and today's began. The first scene of interest to me was the shocking discovery that Vice has been sleeping with Monica's mom! After the two, ahem, finish, Vice lights up a cigarette and admits that he married Candi. Violeta is disappointed in his poor taste. Then he reveals that, despite having what he'd wanted for so long, he doesn't feel any satisfaction (between silly pecks of kisses). He is missing something, some kind of true emotion. Candi breaks up the psychology session when she calls to enquire about her husband's whereabouts.
In jail, Pancho is threatened (and indeed, strangled) by a bald prisoner named Tarzan. I didn't really catch the reference to gargoyles, but maybe it's another case of Pancho's use of Spanish (gárgola/garganta) referring to the throat being throttled. Fortunately, our hero gets out a word or two, and wins Tarzan over with a promise to protect the big man's family.
At Avon, Chacho thinks Sandra is depressed because of his faulty sperm, but it's actually something she is afraid to tell him about [as the viewers know, she saw the mysterious Don David but has been threatened and warned not to tell anyone].
Poor Doc Oc is finally losing his marbles. Pepe and la Sirenita bring him a cake, but he doesn't remember them at first. He is quite scattered, but they have a very sweet visit anyway. Later, at dinner, Monica mentions that she thinks he should have companionship. It is decided that Rebe's mom will go take care of the good doctor.
We get a split shot of Rebe and Pancho each trying to sleep without the other. Rebe is snuggling her stuffed Pancho. How sweet!
Vice's efforts to sneak in after his escapade are for naught, as Candi finds a lipstick-print (labial) on her hubby's shirt (I must have missed the episode where this dummy cancelled her divorce. why?) and proceeds to mildly flip out. He manages to shut her up with some dumb excuse about kissing a client on the cheek and the client missing and kissing his shirt instead of his face, but she takes the issue to Chela for further discussion.
Chela has been mostly relegated to baby duty since Enzo quit his job and the pair moved back to Mexico city. On a side note, these babies are pretty bad fakes. Their faces are visibly plastic, they never blink, and their bodies are stiff. Anyway, Chela is the voice of reason, and tries to talk some sense into stupid Candi. "He cheated on Pina, and now you think he's somehow different?"Then Chela busts out a phrase that I positively adore and I think my mom will to: she refers to Vins as a "burro sin mecate -" a donkey without a leash! As well we know, a donkey without a leash will make a beeline for the nearest succulent morsel.
Meanwhile, Ana has gone undercover to extract the truth about Pancho from Fred. She accidentally kissed him (I think it was yesterday), leading to a breakup with Adrian (who has no idea what her kissing Fred has to do with protecting her father). There are numerous scenes of her uneasily making out with Freddy.
With his Tarzan problem resolved, a friendly visit from Enzo (who has been having heart palpitations or something - will we have *another* heart attack in this show) and Temo, and hope of being released, Pancho is feeling a bit better. But the soggy-cigar-spewing dragon-lady of a directora has other plans. Her flunky, a skeevy-looking dude in a suit, comes with a guard to throw Pancho in a "calabozo," solitary confinement. It's basically a darkened closet made of shoddily-painted styrofoam (the rats chew through it with ease), but it's lonely and there's no food and little water. Pancho begins to joke around with the rats in a very familiar way. He tells one of them that he looks like Iracheta!
Vins keeps taking off work at midday to rendezvous with Violeta. Seriously, couldn't they have found someone for the job of president who would actually do some work? Oh yeah, no one works in telenovela white-collar offices. Anyway, at their latest meeting, he boasts about what he did to Pancho but whines about "Señor Don David's" extortion. Violeta, though, has a plan to unmask the little devil.
Pancho's lawyer, at the mansion, has clearly been fed a line. He tells the family that Pancho was thrown in solitary for his involvement in a fight.
Enzo has been reviewing security footage from before the cameras went down, and he has zeroed in on the presence of a strangely smiley-faced man interacting with Sandra in the final moments. Somehow, he manages to get the face unobscured, and shows what he found to the ladies. They are impressed.
Beca comes to the jail to yell at la directora, who unleashes all kinds of dragon lady crankiness on her. Basically the woman is frustrated that not everyone treats her like a god (and she says as much). The cigar-sucking-and-spewing is getting really gross. Maybe she just needs some lovin'. Who on the show could we set her up with? Vicente?
Anselmo (the sympathetic guard) sneaks Pancho a decent meal, which he shares with his rodent buddies. Then the directora busts in, yells at Pancho, and has her suit-wearing flunky (probably the only person who gives her the respect she desires) spray him with a hose.
Labels: familia
Tomas, at least, has an inkling about Pancho's treatment in the prison. The Gargoyle is actually an inmate that blackmails other inmates into paying blackmail money to make their life easier in the prison. Tarzan is the "enforcer" of the gargoyle.
I am really worried about Enzzo. I really hope he goes to the doctor soon.
Poor Pancho. But he is the type when you give him lemons, he makes lemonade. I really like how he is standing on principal. I hope he makes it out of prison in one piece. I didn't like the advances, but I have hope.
Vice really needs to have that anvil bust on him. I'm so tired of him getting away with all the crap he already has. I loved how Pina just gave it to him. Good for her.
Ana looked so guilty. I think she knows now she still really loves Freddy and I think the break up with Adrian will be permanent. So Karina also talked to Adrian. They really belong together, I hope they get together.
That dinner at Casa Lopez was so sad, It was lacking all the over talking of each other, it was terrible.
Loved how Dona Rebe came over to Doc Oc's and brought pasteries and made him some coffee. I really like them together. I know he is getting foggy, but maybe Dona Rebe can snap him out of it a little.
I am glad Enzzo is throwing his efforts into unmasking Vince, but worried about this chest pains thing. Perhaps stress-induced anxiety attacks (hopefully not real heart trouble) will convince him to drop the high stress job in Monterrey, for a work-free career at Avon in Toluca.
Sweet Pancho is making friends with Tarzan and the rats with equanimity. Only Gargoyle, the Directora and her toady are making his life miserable. Still he laughs and is nice to others. They are stringing out Vicente's string of sins. I wonder if Violeta will actually hurt him in the end if she is trying to unmask the bubble headed hacker. I can't wait to see the pie cart start down the mountain. Vice is really earning his downfall. Candi's looks was doubtful even though she simpered and petted Vice. She is holding fast to her fantasy of a good marriage but something is sinking through her delusional state.
I thought the babies were all real tonight. They did shoot scenes with them when they are really calm tonight. All three are really cute babies and I am thankful for the absence of wailing. Temoc and Rebe were on low tear mode for the most part.
Interesting that in Albuquerque they are not showing the finale date yet but I will prepare a celebration with snacks and appropriate drinks for the last night next Wednesday. I am just glad I can be home and not scheduled to Spanish El Grupo until the next night. I don't care if I have to tape the first night of the new show.
Glad to hear though that Pancho reached a friendly détente with the rodents.
Thanks for your riff on "burro sans mecate". I've seen and heard that expression before but now, with Vins' behavior as an example, it will stick in my head.
Love how Enzo, with two infants and another on the way, is choosing to IGNORE his chest pains. Way to go, Enzo. Did you learn nothing from Pepe's hand crisis? (At least Doc Oc kind of remembers it!)
I'd like for Adrian to start stalking Karina. Then she'll find out what it was like for Fred. Or maybe she should stalk Adrian, so he can find out what it was like for Ana... argh, there's no way to teach those two a lesson!
I do NOT like Enzo's new trouble. He needs to get to a doctor ASAP. I hope it's just heartburn or something. We do not need more deaths in this comedy! Maybe if Violeta or Vice croaked I wouldn't feel too bad about it.
It seems the writers are throwing every type of horror predicament at our heroes but the anvil has still not slammed Vice. Why?
Add me to the list of those that are distraught about Enzo's heart problem. Between that and tonight's preview the writers are pushing my patience to the limit. You recappers have been fabulous!
Thanks for your recap from yesterday Cheryl.
I really liked the scenes where they intercut between Pina & Sebas discussing how she put up with Vince for so long and then the interchange between Vince and Candi. As Pina described how he would react to her accusations of his cheating -- we saw him play it out with Candi. As Pina described how his show of taking offense would make her doubt her own eyes we saw Candi have those same doubts and actually apologize to Vince for doubting him. It was well written and well played.
I love how Pancho found out how to make friends with Tarzan - father of 5 to father of 6 - and offered to help the henchman's family in return for Tarzan helping him. I like how he is standing up for his principles. Interesting that he won't pay to protect himself but he did pay to help Tomás.
I will miss this show and will miss you all.. The replacement is starting out at 2 hrs a night also -- I think I'll give it a pass. I can't take the double episodes on a regular basis.
Enjoy your finale parties everyone.
Maybe we could fix the prison matron up with Doc Oc, and he could keep forgetting how awful she is.
Loved the scene between Rebe's mom and Doc Oc. Her upbeat attitude is exactly what he needs.
So glad Moni told Chela about Enzo's chest pains. I want to see Enzo shirtless again but not hooked up to electrodes.
Good recap Ezra, I will catch this episode on Hulu, I got to see my Violeta.
I will truly miss all the commenters here.
JubyB, I will check in from time to time to keep up with you. I look forward to keeping in touch with you and following your hometown teams. (I will think of you when I attend the DLA Conference in Columbus, later this year). I Hope you and Guera are blogging on the same page when next years Big Dance gets under way. (By the way, VCU has left the CAA, and now is in the Atlantic 10 Conference).
Vivi, we mourn the death of Chuck Brown yesterday, he is well known as the king of GoGo, and made his mark as the sound of DC. (I only saw him perform once, as the half time show at a Redskin game).
Blue Lass, I hope you make your way to Joes Crab Shack...remember it's in the Fredericksburg Park Central Mall. (I plan to stop there on the way back from the Nationals
game Sunday).
To Julia and Julie, sorry I kept getting ya'll confused.
To Everyone Take Good Care, And may God Bless us all.
I am out.
Hey, our friends the cute, chubby rats are back! I was wondering how they've been doing. They look to be in good health.
Ez, thanks for the "burro sin mecate" translation. That is Vince through and through. What a wonderfully colorful and accurate description.
Only one other Telenova ever kept my
attention Like this one(yo amo juan
querendon) I watched that for mayrin villanueva, and when I saw that she
was in una familia, I had to watch. Never thought that I'd love
all these other characters too.Really
gonna miss Vice, Ado, Pancho, and Frida. jOHN c
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