Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #243-244 Wed 5/9/12 Get me to the church on time!

Last night's cliff-hanger (Fred begging Ana not to marry his rival) is swiftly resolved. She shuts him down.

Chacho is still freaking out about the urologist (who he calls "the violator"). Nice to see a case of *male* infertility in the media for a change.

Boy, does Vins look sleazy. He's scheming with his boy hacker via a webcam in a public internet cafe, planning crime and destruction while bored-looking Mexicans check Facebook on either side of him. He's silly in his hat and sunglasses.

Rebe's dad glowers menacingly when he finds out that his ex was out with a younger man, but nothing comes of it. In fact, forget I wrote anything.

Pina lets Kari know that, even though the girl has her support in most things, amor hermoso belongs with Ana. Kari is unconvinced.

I am quite surprised at how little input Enzo is given in his own wedding. He doesn't even know what he'll be wearing, let alone what day the wedding will be. There's a storm in Monterrey, and all the flights have been cancelled. Chela gets really mad, which I could possibly understand if they hadn't thrown this wedding together the day before yesterday! I mean, was she really in such a bridal haze that she did not conceive of scheduling mixups like this? She flips out, and the girls (Candi and Lupita) kind of fall into a sort of a sympathetic freakout. Finally, once he realizes there's no other option, he decides he will drive. I'm somewhat confused at how horrified everyone is by this concept. They all gasp. Drive? Who could conceive of such a barbarity?!

Meanwhile, Frida is asking her boss for some extra money so she can look really good and make Monica jealous. The word she uses is "tupirla," meaning to squeeze or compact. Ew.

In another Pancho-Rebe baby scene, they change diapers and give a rather egregious product placement for some "pure, natural" nappies. Shameless. I guess they're trying to pack 'em in before the show stops, and they couldn't think of anything more subtle.

Kari makes yet another appearance at Fred's house. It's the baby, she says, skip the wedding and come to the doctor with me - I feel weird.

Predictably (I guess Chela saw it coming too), Enzo's car breaks down. He calls her to tell her what happens, but only gets as far as "I've got some bad news" before the cell signal is lost, leaving all the girls back in D.F. in utter hysterics. If only they had brought Pepe with them, Moni whines. Enzo decides to hitchhike, and after some trouble picking up a ride, Enzo employs the nuclear option from the hitchhiker's playbook - doing yoga in front of an oncoming produce truck (personally, I would choose a smaller car to step in front of, on account of its shorter stopping distance). He succeeds, and he and his daughter nestle into the back of the pickup truck, surrounded by luggage and fresh fruit!

Rebe's mom is trying to keep her promise and stay with the babies, but she keeps thinking about her youthful galan. She dumps the kids on Chucha and goes to make mushy eyes at him. He is very sweet to the cougar.

Chela really needs to get a grip. She's going crazy, and even wishes for death (seriously). While Chela bawls, Enzo and daughter get dropped off at the edge of some market somewhere. They get directions and Enzo pays the truck driver to defray his gas costs. Overjoyed, the driver gives a papaya as his mark of esteem. Then the weary travelers (Moni is whinging about the smell of the market) hop on some bicycles, ask for directions, and are on their merry way.

At the hospital (man, this show has really been monopolizing the studio's hospital set this past week or two - maybe shows in their final chapters get priority), Kari comes out of the doc's office in tears. There's been a terrible accident and the baby has been lost. Fred gives her a grudging hug, thinking that he'd rather be at the wedding fuming at Adrian. Either there was really a tragic failure of the pregnancy, or this is Kari's most brazen ploy to date.

The weary cyclists make it up the final hill, and a gasping Enzo thrusts the papaya into Pancho's hands. Someone informs the girls and then the priest, who had been in the process of informing the altar boy and the gilded crucified jesus statue that this wedding was not going to happen (no man, no marriage, right senor?). Enzo and Chela hurry to get dressed in their "traditional" Mexican attire (skin-tight mariachi for him, and I-forget-what-it's-called for her).

The ceremony goes off quite smoothly, except for a brief instant of panic over whether Vins, one of the designated witnesses, would show up. Eventually he does, evincing a foul mood and a ready sneer.

At the reception, though, things get real between Frida and Monica. They lock themselves in the bathroom and have a bit of a scuffle. Ana and Lupita bust down the door (sweet) and break up the fight. I bet Pepe will never hear the end of this from his two sisters.

The bride and groom do a -how can I put this in a culturally sensitive way- goofy dance to "la cucaracha," and everything is wrapped up for today. Tomorrow though, it looks like Fernanda might begin her deathward spiral. Back to the hospital set!


Thank you so much Ezra. This epi was a hoot for the most part. Loved the bike ride of Enzzo and Moni thought they would never get there! Loved the wedding and loved Chela's dress it was wonderful.

Can't stand Frida. She ought to go already. I couldn't beleive she told Moni that she and Pepe were getting married. Can't stand Frida, but loved Moni's look ,very classy.

Do we know for sure if Kari was actually pregnant? I smell a rat.

Vince is insufferable, sqeezing the life out of Chela and calling her a quesadilla, really. What a jackwagon (thanks Ezra).

Like how Lupe and Ana broke up that fight, I think they have more sympathy for Moni than for Frida.

Oh and the hacker thing is just silly, but it will hurt Pancho in the end I think. Vice wants to destroy him and get the presidency as Vivi said yesterday. I hate that Dona Fer is dying. She is a wonderful character.

Loved that Chela sang. I didn't know she could. Loved the dance too. With the hats. I liked how they did the dance too that changed partners. Glad Moni ended up with Pepe for that, and Arnold and Chacho were hysterical, I swear Arnold grabbed Chacho's butt.

Thanks once again, Ezra your are going above and beyond this week as we slink toward the finish line. I fail to see why a comedy has to kill off the most exquisite Doña Fer. I can think of much more appropriate choices to give us all a chuckle. I need my Emilia beanie!

The Doña Rebe and young swain thread is so strange. I keep waiting for him to do something icky, but maybe the joke will be that he really is that innocent. Gorgeous smile so whatever...

loved the bathroom skankiness scene. I agree Madelaine, I am not enamored of Frida so Pepe can wake up now for my taste. i also wonder when Adrian will pitch enough of a fit to freak Ana back into Freddie's arms. I am seeing a parallel between Kari's constant schemes and Flo's over on Abismo. Trying to hook a guy by pity or fatherly obligation is not how it works gurls!!

Thanks Ezra. This was a super recap of a (mostly) fun episode. I LOVE the party episodes in this show because they always highlight the most amazing food. It was hilarious the lengths Enzo and Monica went to to make it to the church on time. By the way Ezra, great title.

Pepe looked trapped with Frida on his arm. I notice the moment she left his side he started looking around for Monica. Moni's kind of a snob, but clearly Pepe loves her. Bye bye Frida.

Madelaine, Arnold was definitely copping feels during the dance, lol.

Cheryl, I can't quite figure out the Doña Rebe plot line either. He seems more smitten than she, maybe that's the point. Dunno.

Thanks again Ezra. I'll bet all the Familia recappers can't wait until these two-hour episodes are over. I wonder, will the replacement telenovela be two hours too? Gads, I hope not.

Thanks so much Ezra! I loved the wedding, how fine Enzzo looked in his suit, and had some hearty chuckles at Moni and Enzo's travails in getting to the church/wedding hall on time.

The food looked amazing. Made my mouth water.

I'm not happy about where the Dona Fer story is going. Why? Why?!

Thanks Ezra. I'm on my way up to the VCR to watch this episode. It looks like it will be fun. I agree that they make the parties look like fun & the food always looks amazing in this show. I appreciate all the references to Mexican customs that they made during the holidays.

I also hate that it looks like Fernanda is dying. It is a horrible plot line.

As long as the writers embarked on the Kari pregnancy route I'm sorry if they have copped out by just making the pregnancy disappear. It would have been more interesting to have Freddy stick ot his guns and support the child while refusing to be sucked into a loveless marriage. It would have made an interesting situation with Ana also.


I loved all the bright colors on the ladies' dresses. I really like Moni's purple dress with the embroidered waist band. Frida is the only one who looked kind of frumpy and bland in her dress. For all her trying on dresses and talking about showing up Moni, she chose a loser of a dress.

Thank you, Ezra!

What a fun episode. I loved the wedding with all the dancing, and Enzo and Moni's epic adventure getting there. Need my beanie to believe Enzo just happened to know the folklorico dance. It was funny how Adrian acted like he was the big hero who saved the day because he...ran inside with the news that Enzo and Moni had arrived.

Did NOT like Chela's bridezilla freakout. Sheesh, woman. You gave the guy like NO notice; how was he supposed to make contingency plans? Plus, this was not his fault. Plus, life would go on if you had to reschedule. I think maybe that was just an outlet for the stress and unhappiness she's feeling over Enzo's living so far away, though. Sooner rather than later, either he needs to change jobs again, or she and the baby need to move to Monterrey.

Vice is such a waste of oxygen. I'm glad he didn't hang around the wedding longer.

Gracias again, Ezra. Nice work, twice in one week!

Vivi, I too loved the different color bridesmaid dresses! Very festive!

I also concur with all the remarks about the wedding food. I think that's the best food porn layout we've had on this show so far.

But mostly, I'm glad nobody dropped dead or fainted during the service.

Madelaine, I thought that someone (Moni?) actually confirmed Kari's pregnancy test results with the doctor's office one day last week. But there's a good chance I'm mixing that up with something else. Last week was kind of a blur.

I've been thinking the Pablo/Rebeca Sr. story is probably as straightforward as it seems. It's a little odd but not ridiculous, IMO. However, if he does turn out to be after her "money," he's in for a big disappointment.

When this thing ends, I'm wondering if Uni's telenovela lineup will end an hour earlier, like it used to. They'd probably like to free up that 10 pm time slot for the unaired Mujeres Assesinas and whatever else they've got. Alas, there is really nothing on the telenovela horizon that I'm interested in watching at the moment; and I'm just as happy having less to watch now that summer is around the corner. (Also, my ability to continue getting Univision may end soon, waaah!)

Also... I thought it was funny when Rebeca Sr. was talking to Chucha and trying to figure out what it's called when an older woman goes for an younger man... I guess the term "cougar" hasn't caught on there yet?

Thanks for the recap Ezra. The food in this show has been fabulous. If caters were listed in the credits, I'd be all over that.

Thanks Ezra and thanks for the earlier recaps, pinch-hitting and otherwise. Just haven't been getting to the comments quite as much lately but I still think you all are heroes for slogging through this.

Ezra, I loved your "how can I put this in a culturally sensitive way". Hah!

Damn it Frida. When the hell will you learn. I wish you'd just kick Pepe and Moni's behind and be done with them!!! John C

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