Friday, May 18, 2012

Una Familia Con Suerte #255-256 Thu 5/17/12 Another tick on the body count, and surprisingly, Violenta had nothing to do with it (or DID she?!).

Parking Lot, sinister…
Violenta fills her creepy stabber ring with poison and twirls her waxed-off mustache anticipating Candy’s demise.

Building K, mournful…
Frida tearfully reports that when she arrived at Don Matías’s place, he had died, all alone. Pepe and Moni confort her.

Casa Lopez, confrontational…
Violenta is dressed for a sock hop and is hopping mad. Rebe the Gatekeeper won’t let her into Candyland, and has some words about her poor mothering skills as well. Vio twists her face into a sneer and the jewel cap off her poisoning bling. Rebe turns to show Vio out and nearly gets a fatal pat on the back, but she’s saved by the bell(icose child). For once that wretched kid has made himself useful. Vio slinks back to her snakepit and Temo reports to Rebe that he managed not to fight at school. She’s proud of him.

Snakepit, snakey…
Vice: Candy set us up! I didn’t call you! It was a trap!
Violenta: Who cares? You’re rid of her now, woo-hoo!
Candy, on phone: If that snake sticks so much as her forked tongue into Casa Lopez again, she will be roadkill!

Casa Lopez, dinner chaos level 6…
Lic Mendoza: Oh, what timing, I have happened to drop in right as dinner is being served.
MamaRebe: Join us! Boot Ana out and take this chair right next to me! Chucha, bring peeled grapes and palm fronds!
Slicky Licky: Flirty flirt flirt.
Ana: AHEM. How’s Pop’s case going?
Lic: He’ll be released tomorrow.
Everyone: Woooooo!!! Let’s celebrate while he stews in prison a little longer for no good reason!

Casa Enzo/Chela, heartless…
Enzo: Psssst! Mamación! Cook me a steak, pretty please! But don’t let Chela find out!
Mamación: No way! She’d kill me!
Enzo: I will kill you sooner if I don’t get some manly beef down my manly hatch!
Chela: Enzo!
Enzo: Mmmmm, this green slime is delicious.

Snakepit, creepy…
Violenta: You’re better off without that cheap slutty ramera. I was just going to kill her, so I could have you to my expensive slutty ramera self.
Vice: No! You can’t just go around killing people!
Vio: Whyever not? If you want her alive, it’ll cost you. Join me in the cama to make a deposit.
Vice: Doy, okay. This boink’s for you, Candy!

Casa Pina, giddy…
Adoración: EEEEEEEEEEEEEK! You’re going to ask Pina to marry you?!?!?!!!!!
Sebastián: SHHH! So, will she say yes, do you think? How does it look to you?
Ado: Oh, you look MIGHTY FINE.
Sebas: Ado!
Ado: Oh, erm…she likes you, but who knows?
Pina: Hola! What is this confab all about?
Ado: I’ll just scram.
Sebas: Off we go to infinity and beyond, my dear Pina.

Casa Rinaldi, naggy…
Enzo: Come on, can’t I just have a little steak? All these vegetables are making me gassy.
Chela: Better farts than an infarto. And I shouldn’t have to watch you like a child!
Enzo: Well, how about you distract me like an adult?
Chela: Not until you’re all fixed up.
Enzo: A kiss, at least?
Chela: Okay.
Enzo: Smack slurp slobber swak nom nom…
Chela: No treats, so you’re going to eat me?! Stop!

Da hood, melancholy…
Frida: Thanks for the ride. I am so verklempt over Don Matías. Come in and console me for awhile?
Pepe: No, sorry. I know your game. I’m happy with Moni. Stop trying to kiss me.

Next day…
CERESO, antagonistic…
Pancho wants to see La Directora before he leaves. She asks what he wants (other than, obviously, her hot greasy self). He wants justice, and he plans to press charges. He has proof of her corruption. Get over it, that’s how things work, I am a god, she says. Pancho points out that she’s only the big fish in her own filthy little pond, and in the outside world, he’s far more powerful. She pulls out a gun and tells him he has to die. Pancho ducks and literature takes the hit. Pancho excuses himself and la directora decides now would be a good time to run away.

Pina’s office, gossipy…
Arnoldo: So, how’s the fairytale with Prince Charming?
Pina: All Disney, no Grimm. Although, last night I felt like he was hiding something.
Sebas: Hola. I am an open book. I was just…pensive.

Vice’s office, vile…
Lic Mendoza: Yet again, I am here to inform you that a dame would like to be legally rid of your skanky self, pronto. Sign here.
Vice: What if I don’t wanna?
Lic Mendoza: If you sign right now, Candy isn’t asking for anything. If you make it difficult, you’ll just cost yourself a fortune in legal fees and she’ll take you for everything you’re worth. It’ll be painful.
Vice: Scribble scribble. There.

Casa Lopez, jubilant…
A feast is spread, and Enzo eyes it like he’s been on a desert island for a month. Chela tells him he can have cucumber and carrot, no salt. Everyone’s dressed up and bouncing in anticipation of Pancho’s arrival, except Pepe, whose mood is tempered somewhat by the demise of Matías. Tomás ex plomero calls to say he can’t make it; he has to go arrest the prison despot. Pancho somehow manages to sneak in a side door. Everyone celebrates. Ana’s band kicks into gear with their usual stupid song. No matter how much they sing about him, I still don’t like him.

Despot Depot, tense…
Polis: Yoo-hoo! We are here to arrest you!
Prison directora: Bwahaha! I will escape through this trapdoor, into my dungeon!
Tomás: Oh, look, a trapdoor.
Prison princess: Eeeek! Rats!
Polis: Okey dokey, come with us.
Hoosegow hag: Hey! You didn’t kill the rats!

Casa Lopez, grrrroooosssssss…
Pancho and Rebe take a “romantic” bubble bath with all the cliché trimmings. I can’t watch. FF.

Casa Lopez, back downstairs and squeaky clean…
Mealtimes were so much more pleasant without Pancho’s bellowing. Alas, he’s back. The entire front page of the newspaper is Pancho’s release from prison. Pancho catches up on the news: MamaRebe is going to date Mendoza, Rebe’s working at Avon again part-time, Candy’s kicking Vice to the curb, Pepe and Moni are going to live together again, Freddy sent Ana down the drain, and Tom arrested the brig pig.  One misses so much being in prison a few days. Pancho introduces them to the rat he adopted from the prison and named Matilde after the prison director. He puts it right on the dining table with the food. Everyone is friqueando.

Snakepit (formerly Candyland), crabby…
Vice is annoyed by the newspaper and snaps at Violenta. She is up to no good.

Casa Pina, celebratory…
Pina and Ado are thrilled with the news of Pancho’s release, even more so because it will torch Vice.

Freddy’s office, * * (that was Freddy’s hand gesture de impactado)…
Sebastián tells Freddy he wants to ask Pina to marry him. * *. Freddy wisely advises that if Sebas wants to marry Pina, he should be talking to HER about it.

Stalker central, finally resigned? We can only hope…
Adrian tells his daughters it’s over with Ana, and for once they don’t tell him to keep trying. They console him instead. Yay.

Boudoir de Ana, same old, same old…
Ana is still torn. She decides to call Adrián. SIGH.

Casa Enzo, gripy…
Enzo complains to Pancho about the icky vegetables and nopal juice he has to ingest. He says his heart problems are due to poor diet and lack of exercise. Pancho scoffs at the “lack of exercise.” He must have seen Enzo shirtless, too. Enzo’s dying to escape and eat something tasty. Upstairs, Candy cries to Chela and the longsuffering Paquito. I love the look Paquito is giving Candy…it’s like, “Duh. What did you EXPECT?!”

Parking lot (a real parking lot, not Violeta’s weird lair), confrontational…
Vice blocks La Burra with his car. He and Pancho and Rebe get out and glare at each other. You’ll pay for this, you’ll be left all alone, etc.

Church, sobby…
Candy cries to Jesus on the Cross, who frankly looks like he’s got enough problems. What to do, what to do? A vase of flowers crashes to the floor. I guess that is some kind of sign? Well, who knows, but then a twinkly magic nun walks by, and rather than seeking a neurologist or an ophthalmologist, Candy decides this means she should be a nun. Oy vey.

Casa Chela & Enzo, still not happy hour, despite Violeta’s cocktail attire…
Violenta swoops in on her broomstick and twirls her ring.

Casa Lopez. ARGH…
Once again, Adrián has dropped in from Guadalajara to have the same old conversation with Ana. WHY?! He says the game is over. I thought it was already over? Why can’t it ever be over?! He says goodbye and walks out. Oh, he’ll be back. Mala hierba nunca muere. Ana runs up to cry to Lupita. Lupita inexplicably does not slap her silly.

Avon, a hero’s reception…
Pancho returns to the office, to wild applause and tap-dancing (by Raimundo). He makes a boring speech. This guy really loves to listen to himself talk. Ugh. Freddy realizes that his reign of terror as Finance Director is over.

Casa Rinaldi, snippy…
Violenta doesn’t understand why Moni is fed up with her. Pepe arrives and Vio seethes. Pepe tells Moni Mommy Dearest’s look gives him the creeps. He has to go hear Don Matías’s will. Moni tells Vio to get out of her house and out of her life if she can’t be nice to Pepe.

Nunnery, pious…
Candy asks the stunned mother superior how she can become a nun.

Pina’s office,
Pina tells Freddy she can tell Sebas is keeping a secret from her. She demands to know what Freddy knows.

Pancho’s office, schmoopy…
Pancho and Rebe kissy kissy blah.

La Válvula, mournful…
Don Matías has left his house and the auto shop to Frida. She tells Pepe she’d trade it all for him, but since he isn’t making that an option, she fires him. Not to be mean, she just can’t have him around distracting from her fresh start. He understands. They have a LONG goodbye hug.

Pancho’s office, overly generous…
Enzo and Sebas tell Pancho that Frauddie is working really hard as Finance Director. Pancho decides not to clip his wings. Sebas inexplicably asks Pancho for advice setting up a super special romantic proposal.

Avon conference room, sulfurous…
Much drama over transferring the presidency back to Pancho. Vice is a brat, obvio.

Snakepit, charmless…
Vice pours himself a whiskey and tells Violenta they’re through. Sounds like suicide to me. She doesn’t take it well. He’s afraid she’ll poison him, but she says no. Maybe Freddy, though…

Casa Lopez, * *.
Ana’s whining is mercifully disrupted by some SHOCKING * * document delivery to Pancho. It’s from Avon HQ in New York, and he can’t read it because it’s in English. Rebe translates for him. He’s invited to a celebration in NY to be the super special snowflake he is again some more.

Casa Frauddie, Dra. Lonelyhearts on the job…
Lupita visits and tries to convince Frauddie to forgive Ana and get back together with her. If Lupita were half so sick of Adrian as I am, she’d march Frauddie and Ana right down to the judge’s office and make them sign the marriage certificate on the spot, and put an end to this which one? nonsense.

Casa Pina, confrontational…
Pina tells Sebas she can tell he’s hiding something, and she will NOT live with secrets and sneaking around again. Either tell her what’s up, or they’re dunzo. He totally gets it, having been deceived himself, so he confesses he is indeed hiding something. Pina starts to cry. He asks her to trust him. Ohmuhgoooosh, Sebas, just ask her to marry you already. Why the pomp and circumstance? She hates this!

Casa Rinaldi, hormonal…
Pepe and Moni snuggle and he tells her Frida fired him. Moni thinks that is good news. He says Frida is no threat because he only wants Moni. They start to get en flagrante right on the sofa with Enzo and Chela upstairs.

Avon, ugh more Pancho…
Tarzan’s wife Eugenia brings in the kids and meets Pancho. Pancho calls her Jane because she’s married to Tarzan. Pancho gives all the kids Pancho dolls. Yay.  Also some game. Jane scores a little better…he gives her keys to a house. She’s tearfully grateful.

Café, ARGH.
I knew we weren’t rid of him. Adrián is having coffee with Lupita, and for some reason she doesn’t tell him to GO AWAY AND STAY AWAY. Maybe she likes making Ana suffer.

Babypalooza, * *…
Candy tells MamaRebe she wants to be a nun. QUÉ?! Rebe and Pancho spy on them from Avon on the nannycam, but they don’t have sound.

Avon, anxious…
Sebas frets to Pancho that Pina is upset and the situation is dire, so he needs a brilliant idea QUICKLY. How can he ask Pina to marry him? (Keep it simple, stupid…just ask her! Sheesh.)

Ana’s band puts on a concert at the prison. The inmates are really into it, even though they play the terrible Pancho Lopez song. Pancho makes up with Gargoyle.

Winery restaurant…the crime is love in the first degree…
Tomás is summoned and he parks his police car with lights flashing and goes inside, wondering what the trouble is. Lupita has set up a private romantic dinner. The emergency is that she wants some time alone with him. They’re lovey dovey.

Casa Lopez, master boudoir…
Rebe packs for the trip to New York. Pancho asks MamaRebe what she and Candy were talking about when they saw her look shocked on the nannycam. She won’t tell them.

Snakepit de Vice, still snakey…
Enzo is very worried about Vice. Vice says he wants to die.


I'm a little disappointed by Don Matias's sendoff. No one but Frida, Moni, and Pepe even talked about him. Did they even tell Tomas? He used to work for Don Mat also.

Great job Julia. I'm always amazed at what you come up with.

"twirls her waxed off mustache"

"This boinks for you, Candy"

"better farts than an infarto"

"No matter how much they sing about him [Pancho}, I still don't like him"

"Ugh, more Pancho"

The recaps have been outstanding and heroic, but this telenovela has been a disappointment and the main character about as charming as fingernails on a blackboard. Sure hope the next one is better.

And I apologize for my crankiness to those of you who enjoyed this one and found it comic and charming. Just goes to show that taste is very individual and there's no one "right" script or actor.

Oh, Julia you are the queen of short sweet to the point, and sooo funny! Loved the peeled grapes and palm fronds and the crime is love in the first degree, so funny!

I liked how Dona Rebe was flirting with the hardest working lawyer at Avon, Lic Mendoza. He took a shine to her too, and we found out his first name is Gabriel. I did like the celebration dinner, even though it was loud, cause the last one was so sad.

Poor Don Mattias. That was too sad and so unexpected, but Frida now has a new chance at something good. And she fired Pepe, that was good too. Now she stands on her own two feet.

Violenta needs to go already. I was hoping she wasn't going to jab anyone with that ring. Thank goodness Temo got in the way. I was worried too that she would pat Pepe in the back. Glad Moni kicked her to the curb. She has only ever caused Moni grief.

So now Vice is reaping everything he has sown. Good, finally. He has gotten away with too much already.I liked how Pancho was sniffing the air when he came in the board room. Must have been reeking of sulphur lol.

Candy a nun? Hmmm interesting, but I don't think she will last long there if she goes in, but then again she has surprised us before. I can see why she wants to be a nun, disappointed in love twice with the crimnal element. She did ask for a sign from God, maybe that's what she thought when the flowers fell and then she saw the nun.

Adrian just needs to go away, so agree with you Julia. At least he isn't using his daughters anymore. I think Lupe just wanted to see what was up with him. I liked how Lupe also talked to Frauddie. He just needs to get over himself, admit what he did and get back with Ana already. She is dead to him for spying, but he should be dead to her for lying.

Loved the intimate dinner of Lupe and Tomas. It was very sweet and the extra cellphone for only them. Too cute.

Poor Enzzo. He was too funny salivating all over the food and begging Concepcion for meat, any kind of meat lol. Chela is really making sure he is going to be ok. She rides rough shod on him, but loves him so much.

I wonder why Sebas is being so mysterious? He should just ask her to marry him already! I think he is planning something big, because she had such a crappy marriage with Vice, he wants to do something special.

Funny recap Julia, thanks a ton. I'd been gone for three weeks and missed all those episodes so have spent this week trying to catch up and make sense of it all - ha. Not possible, eh? Hard to believe it will be over next week. I am ready.

Julia, ITA that you are the queen of short and sweet. My favorites have already been mentioned, but I did love "For once that wretched kid has made himself useful." Amen to that sister!

Was Violenta wearing a dream-catcher for her earring? My aunt used to make those. We were supposed to hang them in the window to, uh, catch dreams I guess. The way she kept playing with her ring I'm surprised she hasn't poisoned herself yet. I was kinda hoping she would accidentally jab Temo; is that mean to say?

I'm enjoying the actress playing Violenta. She's doing a great job being a diabolical villain. I noticed in the avances that she and Candy do a chest bump. Wow, that's going to be something.

Hooray, more food scenes!! I love it when La Familia Lopez has a fiesta. The mole looked delish. Poor Enzo.

Thanks again Julia, I always look forward to your recaps.

A chest bump? That's like the Titanic hitting an iceberg. I wonder who's going down.

I wasn't sure if the earrings were dreamcatchers or spiderwebs. Maybe dreamcatchers with spiderwebs on them. Dreamcatchers were a common camp craft when I was a kid. We had about a dozen in our house. Violenta has the ugliest earrings. I guess money can't buy taste.

Surely Enzo can eat SOMETHING besides vegetables. Shouldn't he be eating fish and beans, at least? And Chela can surely come up with some low-fat sauce that tastes good. If he has some blockage that is bad enough he is having woozy spells, shouldn't he be getting some intervention beyond a change of diet?

Violeta's earrings do look sort of like dream-catchers but seem more elaborate and complicated. (Alien signaling devices?) I would describe them as nightmare-catchers.

Candy as a nun... interesting. I would think that'd be a choice for someone who's actually religious above and beyond merely going to church to pray only when they need help, but maybe she'll surprise us.

Low-fat? At the very beginning of this TN, they had a rent party at the Casa Popular and Chela was bragging that her tacos were very lean and low in fat.

But who knows what he was eating that whole time in Monterrey. (Buttered Twinkies?)

Julie loved the buttered Twinkies lol. Ya know I think its in Scotland they actually cover them in batter and deep fry them. Blech.

Julia I agree with you too about Enzzo. You would think he could eat fish and beans, the blockage he could get a stent for. Maybe it wasn't bad enough for him to get one.

Over at The Boardwalk they sell deep fried Twinkies. One time my friend got one but she couldn't bring herself to eat it. I allow myself to eat a Cajun Corndog once a year but that's it for the boardwalk junk food.

I can't believe starving Enzo is going to do him any good either. It's only setting him up to obsess about food.

Julia, thanks for a hilarious recap. Most of my favorite lines have been cited, but I loved these too:

"dressed for a sockhop and hopping mad"

"Slick Licky: Flirt flirt flirt."

"This boink's for you, Candy."

Poor Sebas. He's so afraid Pina's going to say "no." Out with it, man.

Sebas is kind of being a fool. I know he wants to give Pina the romance she didn't have in her marriage with Vicente, but what she didn't have and wants is openness and trust and honesty. I really don't think she cares much about big theatrical gestures. She creates enough drama on her own. She fell in love with Sebastian's cool, no-drama straightforwardness. Play to your strengths, Sebas. Just tell her you want to get married.

So is Mendoza interested in Mama Rebe? I'm on board with that plan.

(Exactly what went on between her and Doc Oc on Wednesday night? I was almost as confused by that scene as Doc Oc.)

Batter-fried Twinkies? I've heard of them. Someone told me they had them at the Minnesota State Fair or somesuch. I'd try one. And then I'd take care never to go back to that place again so I wouldn't be tempted to have another! (I don't like Twinkies generally, but I think they'd be good fried... as would pretty much anything else.)

Mama Rebe is going to be getting nearly as much action as Vicente, what with Doc Oc the other night and now Mendoza.

Yep, I believe she and Doc did it the other night when he thought she was Fernanda. It was a kind of weird yet kind of cute scene.

I've seen deep-fried Twinkies at the fair but I've never had the guts to try one (literally. I have a weak stomach). I've also seen battered, deep-fried candy bars. OMG. I hope no one eats the whole thing. I have also heard of some fairs offering battered, deep-fried BUTTER, which I would think would cause the universe to collapse in on itself.

I actually think that green smoothie looks good. It looks like Naked Superfood, which is tasty. Enzo is a big, active guy, and he needs more calories than a few bare vegetables will provide him, though. Time for our PSA on balanced nutrition and moderation.

Julie, that scene with Doc Oc and Rebe Sr. was weird, but I think it was just that he got confused and thought she was Fernanda, and she played along so he could have a happy moment. Nothing more. He's getting worse fast. It's nice that they drop by with meals but I don't think he should be living alone much longer.

WAIT, MamaRebe and Doc OC DID IT?! I missed that! I thought they just hugged! Okay, if that is true it is much weirder than I thought.

I assumed they were gonna do it. Maybe that's just me and my dirty mind. She had such a devilish grin is why I thought that.

Deep fried butter? QUE QUE QUE? I think at The Boardwalk they also have deep fried pizza and deep fried cheesecake.

Either they actually did it, or she just agreed to do it knowing that he'd probably forget and fall asleep if she stepped out of the room for a few minutes first.

I kinda think they did it, but I'm not sure I approve given that he thought she was someone else. That would have gotten really weird if he'd snapped out of his confusion for a moment.

Naked Superfood - I love it. But at least one of Enzo's green drinks looked even greener that that, more like a spinach puree. I like spinach, but not THAT much... I'd have to wash it down with a pat of butter or something. (Not batter-fried butter. I figure I have to draw the line somewhere.)

Have you all seen the schedule for the finale on Wednesday? It is from basically 7:00pm to 10:00pm.
Refugio starts the next night from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. I don't know if Refugio is also going to be 2 hours long like Familia.

Really? TV Guide says Abismo is on at 9 as usual Wednesday night. (But it agrees that Refugio is going to be two hours the following night.)

Wednesday is my worst night of the week. I'm always exhausted. I wouldn't mind so much having a three-hour final after a run of one-hour episodes, but now we're talking 7 hours in three days. YEESH.

Julie I got that on my cable grid. Maybe the first hour 7:00 to 8:00 is a review or flashback type of thing. I couldn't beleive what I was seeing either. That is a huge long finale.

TV Guide is often wrong. Actually, it's more like Uni isn't always good about notifying others in advance. With the LFMB finale they kept us guessing until the final night. Literally. (Like, we finally knew how many hours but didn't know if the first hour would be a rerun or not until the moment it aired. It was a rerun.)

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It turns out that the green Superfood drink I like is not Naked, but Odwalla. Though Naked is pretty good too.

Recap tomorrow morning. (Loose interpretation of "morning"... as in, I'm sure it'll be morning somewhere.)

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