Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Abismo de pasión #69 6/18/12: Expectations on the Patio may be a smidge higher tonight

El Refrito
  • Sr. Cat Food and Don Lucio discuss the terms of Fina's loan. The Assgu is Redeemable table sends up a cheer and buys a round when Assgu vows to help Elisa keep those lands.
  • Dam and Elisa discuss the terms of Fina's loan. Dam thinks he and Elisa will get back together, but Elisa won't sacrifice her father to be happy...oh, and then there's the pesky Flor problem. They both end up in the overused (but somehow never old) "we are crying on opposite sides of the door" cliche. 
Lo Nuevo
Take my advice and FF>> Through:
  • The Chismosas at the market and Tonia being rude to Lola. I hope Tonia's boobs blow up in her face.
  • Don Lucio and Don Cat Food at the café: take one.
  • Maru's visit to Padre Lupe (AKA: Don Celestino) BTW: is Maru the hipocorístico of some other name?
Now, down to bidnez...

Don Lucio y Don Cat Food at the Café: Take Two
Don Cat Food cracks a joke about the two of them getting involved in "problemas de faldas"(yuk yuk) Don Cat Food admits to Don Lucio that he has a hankerin' for Kenia. Don Lucio reflects on Assgu's past and how he's always had a weakness for minors. Remember? He even had to wait for Steffie to come of age before they married? Ewwww. Don't we call those pedophiles? Assgu and the "she cheated on me with Rosendo" garbage. (Thanks to Julia I totally understood Don L when he said "otra vez el burro al trigo" again with this crap?) Assgu compares Kenia to a fire you have to burn to get a good harvest. She reawakened his desires and confesses the fire is not out. (Blergh. I threw up a little bit.) Luckily he changes the subject to helping Elisa work her lands and helping her get out from the clutches of Fina Arango.

Dam Grows a Pair (Alernate titles: "SQUEE!" and "Hellz Yeah!")
Dam Pithed comes in and demands to know why mom made Elisa break up with him. Fina plays it cool and Dam tells her he knows everything and she better not dare to deny it. She doesn't and what's more, she most certainly will send Don Cat Food to jail. Dam Determined tells mamá that if she does anything to hurt Don Assgu she can forget she has a son! But she is determined! She says no matter what she is going to keep him from having anything to do with Elisa! But he'll show her! She can't run his life! He leaves and Fina immediately calls Casa Castigo. Carmina answers and Fina demands to talk to Elisa. Carmina and Fina make small talk about the separation chisme, but Cheat-ho says it's false. Elisa comes in and grabs the phone. Fina promises to sink both Assgu and Elisa and hangs up on her. When Elisa gets off the phone, Tía Nosy-ho wants to know what's up. When Elisa tells her to mind her own business, Tía Naranja tells her if it has to do with Assgu, it IS her business and she won't let Elisa's foolishness ruin her chance with Assgu now that things are back to how they were. Elisa tells her to leave her alone. Aw, C'mon! Slap the Orange PITA!!

He's Leaving! (More Squees! and Hellz Yeahs!)
Dam is packing his bags. He's not putting up with mom's crap anymore. He is leaving and doesn't want to have anything to do with her,  the Hacienda or the Pro Ce any more. He is sure of one thing: he's going to live his life on his terms (hmmm, he's starting to sound like a Broadway musical....) Maybe Elisa will never accept him but he isn't going to accept Fina as a mother either.  (A round of drinks on me!!! Huzzah!!!) Fina chases him out and swears that if he leaves he can never come back. He throws down his keys and says he doesn't plan on ever coming back. Oh, and sit down and enjoy this next part: He tells mamá no wonder dad left her. Life with her must have been hell!! THWACK!!!!! Fina slaps Dam. Exit Dam. Fina curses Elisa a thousand times. (¡Maldita! ¡Y mil veces maldita!)

Alejandra Orozco and Óscar Cruz are now featured performers during our theme song while Dam and Elisa make out in the background.

Feral Fina
Flor comes running (what is she wearing? Jean leggings?) wanting to know where Dam Free went with that suitcase. Fina turns to go and Flor follows. Fina bears her fangs and turns on Flor. Flor backs down.

In the habanero fields
Assgu asks Gael to work full time at Elisa's greenhouse. They discuss the ridiculous deal with Fina. Don Assgu is going to sell his lands to pay Fina. Don Assgusto has to help repay Elisa for what she did for him (Another cheer wells up from the Assgu can be Saved Table and high fives are exchanged.) Gael thinks it's a good thing that out of all this mess Don Assgu is willing to help out his daughter. Don Cat food is not going to let the Devil Fina sink his daughter, too. He wants Elisa's first harvest to be of the highest quality and tells Gael to give it his best effort.

Flor tries to get Guido to find out what's going on since he and Fina have always gotten along so well.

Cenote of Lust and Nausea
Dear Caray mates...I made a joke to the husband tonight that he should watch with me. I told him I could just note his reactions and the snark would just write itself. He refused this invitation on the grounds that he would get a little R rated (boobies!! more boobies!!!) I thank all the TN gods that he turned down this invite. Lord knows what he would have said about this scene. 
Assgusto is having dirty thoughts when Kenia comes upon him (with sweaty pits.) She had followed him from the village. They discuss the Dam Misunderstanding. He tells her he is going to give his marriage another try (idiot.) Kenia wants to know why he's staying with a woman who does nothing for him, whom he doesn't love and never loved. He explains she's his wife and Kenia is just a girl. In a "I Dream of Jeannie" editing flash, Kenia takes off her dress and asks Assgu if she has the body of a girl or a woman. Assgu looks...and picks up her dress and covers her. He asks her to get dressed. Yuck. He has old man hands. Manicure, dude. Manicure. (Don't you know those toes are hideous? So thankful for black socks right now.) He starts to walk away.

La Casa Azul (Thank Heaven for CCs)
I was a little distracted at the beginning of this scene. What the heck was Gab doing with that beer bottle? Drowning a bug? Anyhoo. ING comes home and tells Gab she's taken her money out of the bank in Merida and leaving La Ermita. Kenia has ruined everything and she can't hit Fina up for cash anymore. Gab asks about himself. Didn't she care about him? She doesn't want Fina to do something to her. He's got everything under control. ING doesn't want to stay and she doesn't trust Gab. Well, he says, you don't treat HIM like a dog. ING doesn't leave 'til he says she can! He grabs her purse, chokes her and steals her money. He leaves her coughing and sputtering.

Back at the Cenote
Kenia tells Assgu not to refuse her. Assgu says he won't betray her...and Kenia tells him Carmina doesn't deserve him. Assgu explains that he means Steffie. Kenia says he betrayed Steffie by marrying her own sister. Assgu says it's different because Carmina never produced in him feelings like Steffie did...or like Kenia does. Carmina threw away her best years to be married to a man who could only give her bitterness. Kenia says the Assgu she knows isn't like that. She knows the passionate (urp) Assgu who wants to live and love and feel again. But Assgu won't take the risk. Steffie was young when she married him and ended up loving another man. Kenia doesn't want to be compared to his first wife. She loves him! Steffie told him she loved him, too. But she betrayed him and left the village with Rosendo Arango. He leaves Kenia crying on the banks of the Cenote.

Some Bullets

  • Elisa visits Hacienda Arango and argues it's not her fault Dam found out and besides, she still is not back with him. Fina  repeats that she will sink Elisa and her dad.
  • Don Cat Food and Gael talk about making the greenhouses produce and that his workers work there. OH, and he tells Gael he has the hots for his sister. (Ewww.)
  • Kenia goes to Casa Azul for money. She wants to leave. She and ING decide to try and get the money back from Gab at the Pro Ce
  • Elisa forces her way into Hacienda Arango to extract a promise that Fina will leave her dad alone. Fina bellows for Horacio and Braulio to throw her out. Brau is at work and Horacio refuses to throw Elisa out (And the Horacio table goes wild!! Tequila Sunrises for everyone!) He gets fired for his trouble
  • Gael says he always knew Assgu had the hots for Kenia, but he just wants to know: did Assgu take advantage of his sister? Assgu assures him he did not!
  • Don Assgu tells his employees about the sale of the land, but tells them they can work Elisa's land (synchronized cheers from the crowd.)
  • Dam (disguised as Braulio...ok, not really, but the bandana looks like Brau's) visits Tio Lupe and explains Fina's shenanigans. Dam will stay with Lupe for a while. He offhandedly tells Lupe he won't be in charge at the Pro Ce anymore. Lupe tries to tell him not to leave the Pro Ce, but Dam Done Gone.
  • Guido comforts Fina while she blames the Bouviers for everything.
  • ING and Kenia arrive at the Pro Ce and discover that neither Dam, Gab nor Paolo are there (and that ING can forget getting her job back, simply not showing up does not speak well of ING's work ethic.) ING and Kenia are given permission to wait in Gab's office.  
In Gab's office 
They get right to work. Kenia stands guard and ING goes right to the safe.

Commercial break.
When we return it's Sabrina and Doc Tovar, but you know my rule: It's past 11 PM and this is boring. (Sab just tells Doc that mom is trying to be a better person, she even made friends with Carmina Bouvier!!! Cara de Panic from Doc Tovar.) Oh, then we cut to Casa Arango where Begonia has come to call on Fina. Be-gone gossips and Paolo comes up and so does Carmina (but not together) Who cares FF>> (vocab: preñar-to impregnate; compadecer-to feel sorry for)

Finally! Back to the office!
Kenia still stands guard and ING manages to figure out the code on Gab's safe. But drat! No money! Just an old stupid envelope with really old plane tickets (una reliquia-relic.) ING notes it's for Carmina and Kenia remembers Assgu's words about Steffie leaving with Rosendo. Kenia realizes it wasn't Steffie who was leaving with Rosendo, but Carmina! Oh my!


  • Mark Tacher shirtless. Who cares about the rest?


Sara!!! This recap was amazing. I missed the episode because I could not turn down a chance to grocery shop without los niños.
Favorite line: All of them. Well this one in particular:
:Mark Tacher shirtless. Who cares about the rest?:
There's a reason I usually wait until children AND hubby are asleep before watching. :)
This plot really seems to be heating up. I know its only Monday, but my expectations feel boosted. I almost want to audition as a recapper. But that's silly. All of you re-cappers are amazing.
What I wonder:
*Is Begonia going to be portrayed as real or false? (Cara de Panic for Dr. Tovar, lol!!!)
*When will Flo go home? (She reminds me of Aunt Flo, who, after almost 20 years of monthly, expected visits, still ANNOYS me...)
*Will Kenia and Agusto finally make dirty love and be done with it or will I have to stomach this revolting act for much longer???
Wow Sara, you knocked the (black) socks off this one!!! Thank you!!

Sara, I echo Kathleen commendations. This was great and patio/table commentary produced giggles.

I have to cite the Dam Grows a Pair/Squee/Hellz Yeah as a favorite. This was wonderful. Fina starting to get some karma for all the crap she's pulled. Dam realizing why his dad left and poor, deer-caught-in-the-headlights Flo (Feral Fina indeed).

Though I'm relieved Kenia and the Toad didn't take things to the next level, the writers need to STOP THIS MADNESS. My eyes cannot take being accosted in this fashion. Your husband's comments would have been hilarious.

Wow, Kenia and II have stumbled upon important info. And Gab crossed II regarding the money. If she was willing to kill her daughter for $, as our resident seer has foretold, he's toast. Anvils are looming.

Yay Sara! I loved this recap. thank you.

Your description of the Assgu/Kenia scene was hilarious. Note to wardrobe staff, when you make an actor wear a dress that is two sizes too small the fabric cuts into her armpits and shows sweat. Just sayin'.

In fact all your editorial comments are too funny. Gab with his beer bottle, I Dream of Jeannie editing (now that was just weird), FF>> through the boring parts, all hilarious.

Oopsie, GABINO MENDOZA showed his crazy side tonight. As soon as he started talking about himself in the third person I knew we were in trouble.

Yowza, Elisa was so upset by Fina that she stormed right over to Hacienda Arango and forgot to put her pants on. She just wore her little blouse and boots.

Dam Done Gone, bwaahahaha!

Kathleen, you should recap. Your comments are always spot-on and fun to read. Try subbing for someone sometime.

Karen you are so right, there are way too many anvils swaying overhead right now. La Ermita is becoming a dangerous place.

Great recap Sara. Thanks for the laughs and insight.

Mark Tacher shirtless!!! Pitcher of ice water for the table please.

Forgot to say, I believe Maru is a nickname for Maria.

Great work; this is a pivotal episode.

Except that I'm willing to bet that the plane tickets will still remain hidden, as it is too early in the story for the issues to be resolved. Or perhaps the Botox Queen is so determined in her hatred that this will make no difference to her. Without the DNA results (which Doc Tovar still doesn't have duplicates of) the storm cloud of incest still hangs over Elisa and Damian.

I don't know where to start on how funny and wonderful your recap is Sara.Maybe I should just highlight the whole thing?

"Oh, and sit down and enjoy this next part:" Ok, let's be honest...we were all doing that thru the majority of the episode last night. I know I wasn't the life of the party last night obn the patio, but if I took a shot for everytime I cheered on what was happening last night, I'd never be up for work this morning for my 8:00 am conference call.

Though way too much Assgusto/Kenia (the cenote scene could have been shorter-let's be honest), he at least showed a few cylinders firing in how he is handling things, and that goes for the lands too. (Though the revelation of Steffie being underage too--my skin is still crawling over that).

Dam Stupid sailed right back into Dam Fine territory last night. What a mother. You would lose your son over a woman is not even the one who did you wrong. Yeah, way too many botox sessions have deadened the brain cells as well. So now the bro's are livin under the same roof? Padre's hat will be in shreds soon I'm betting.

And I admit it--Horacio scored a few points with me last night. On the other hand-Tonia needs to just give her Lolita-hatred a rest. Like someone to give her a good swack.

Anyone else wish:
1.) Gabino would have just choked II right off our TV screens?
2.) That preview of tonight with MT had been a LOT longer. Freeze frame!!

We got a lot of Kenia last night, and now she and II find the plane tickets-I see anvil heading very quickly over our lovely young thing. No way Carmina is going to let that info leak out ( and I can see II and Kenia being stupid and trying to blackmail her...just saying).

Sara, I will echo everyone's comments. This was exceptional. The title was great. ) "we are crying on opposite sides of the door" cliche was great and "I hope Tonia's boobs blow up in her face made me laugh". So many great lines.

What goes around comes around and Fina deserved every bit of what she received (and oh, so much more). It was also nice to see Gab about to be unceremoniously dumped. Karen, your comment about he and Ing was great: "If she was willing to kill her daughter for $, as our resident seer has foretold, he's toast"

Our poor Kenia ("with sweaty pits") is truly misguided.

The good father will have to change the name of his residence to "Padre's place for galans". Wonder if I can get a room there?

Thanks again Sara!


Thanks Sara. As you pointed out, things are certainly looking up, or at least looking like they are moving. The only thing I don't like about Dam's independence is him leaving the Proce in Alfie and Gab's clutches. Bad news for the workers and for Elisa's contract.

Now both Ing and Kenia know about the tickets. No way both of them can be knocked off before they share the info with someone who can help the good guys, can they?

Once again the U.S. editors found a scene, that was perfectly fine in Mexico, too hot for U.S. tv. That editing job they did on Kenia's strip tease was hilarious. I Dream of Jeannie, indeed. LOL!

I find censorship insulting. These programs are meant for adults and should have the freedom to be exactly that.

Worse than this is when dialogue is muted. That's why I watch my assigned recap episodes of LQNPA online. I can't lipread Spanish.

Things definitely picked up last night!

Kathleen: IRT recapping--DO EET!!!! I had the same thought as you concerning Be-gone. I feel like she is up to something and self improvement is not it. She wants to keep being Gossip Girl and still keep her husband, too.

Karen: My husbands comments would probably have been X-rated. LOL. And Gab's future is bleak indeed.

Cap'n: You are spot on with the description of Elisa's outfit. Except for Fina and Padre Lupe, the costuming on this show is terrible...for everyone.

UA: Ugh. The DNA results. Let the second round of story slow down commence.

Daisynjay: My skin crawled at the Steffie revelation, too. What kind of girl got him going when he was 16? I shudder to think. And I was hoping Gab would kill ING, too. I'm so over her.

Diana: Padre's place for Galans--I'd like a reservation, please :-)

Vivi:I hope you are right and at least one of them spills the beans before their date with an anvil, but I'm not holding my breath. Stage three of story slow-down in 3...2...1

Nicely done once more, Sara. I so enjoy your work.

Actually it was with dread that I tuned in last night. I was certain with the preview from Fri that last night would be a two-bagger for us here at the Augusto Support Group table.

While it was by no means pretty (except for Kenia), our guy bore up incredibly well under extreme pressure. Drinks for everyone!

I'm worried that the discovery of those plane tickets may foreshadow ultimos capitulos for our Kenia. I suppose it depends on how she decides to use it, but this knowledge is very dangerous for her.

Now for a word in defense of Alfonsina, or more specifically... her forehead. When Damien stormed out she managed distinct wrinkles of her brow. If there's Botox in play, for at least a moment her emotions escaped its effect.

She's cold and doubtless evil but she is one handsome elegant woman and a heck of an actress.

As for her slap technique... her friend Begoña and her nemesis Elisa have her beat by a mile.


Sara - Queen of Alternate Titles! Excellent recap. Thank you.

On the one side we have the Redeemable Assgu Table, then on the other we have Pobre Sara dry heaving through her recap. Too funny!

Hmmmm... what are we thinking about the theme song's new presentation? I know it will grow on us, but it is almost spoofish. Like what Modern Family would have done.

I've only ff'd the past month or two. Did we get a new Guido? Or is he suffering from consumption before our eyes and I just now noticed?

(with sweaty pits). lol

I will be sitting at the Shirtless Mark Tacher table tonight! It's gonna be crowded!!!!!! Talk about sweaty pits on our dresses!

Rosemary la Otra

The ‘Maru’s’ I have met are named Maria Eugenia… but it could also be other names..
(e.g. maria luisa)

he's going to live his life on his terms (hmmm, he's starting to sound like a Broadway musical....)
My fav line of the recap, along with the avances…

OH, and he tells Gael he has the hots for his sister.Gael says he always knew Assgu had the hots for Kenia, but he just wants to know: did Assgu take advantage of his sister? Assgu assures him he did not! Don Assgu tells his employees about the sale of the land, but tells them they can work Elisa's land (synchronized cheers from the crowd.)
It was nice to watch Gael be patient and supportive and not come up to rushed conclusions but let Assgu talk about what is going on with Kenya and be content with Assgu's promise that he never touched Kenya and would never take advantage of her. Also Gael supports Assgu talking to the workers by calming them down and asking them to listen when Assgu started with the bad news (selling the Cielo Abierto farm) and the workers reacted ‘but.. but.. what about our jobs?’ nice of Assgu to reassure them that they would continue having work at the green house. And Gael’s final encouragement to give it their best shot…

Horacio refuses to throw Elisa out (And the Horacio table goes wild!! Tequila Sunrises for everyone!)
It was nice of Horacio to stand up for Elisa like that knowing how much Lolita cares about Elisa. Even Tonita had to acknowledge that it was a nice gesture from him.

Avances: ‘Mark Tacher shirtless. Who cares about the rest?’ ROFLOL!! That about sums it up!

on to reading comments.

Mark Tacher shirtless!!! Pitcher of ice water for the table please.

hey, and Diana et al... who cares about reservations? i would follow Paloma's lead... just wait in his room until your fav brother takes a shower... that way they won't escape...

ITA with everyone sharing drinks at so many tables last night... it was an episode for keeps ... (except for the cenote scene... we could do away with that, the editing had me chuckling too, besides Assgusto's words were barely audible...)...

Loved Inmundo's face when Sabrina told him his wife and ex-lover were becoming close friends... yikes! and he was thinking of going back home anytime soon?

Lucio and Assgusto's conversation about Maru's feelings... and at same time Maru is with Padre Loopy. I totally agree with Padre... at this age, you don't look for physical attraction, you look for compatible personalities and company for each other... which Lucio and Maru sound perfect for.

Once again Assgu shows his soft side, caring for the workers and for the relationship of Gael-Kenya so there won't be any misunderstandings or reprievals on Gael's part toward her.
Also caring about Elisa's lands, willing to sell his property to save hers...
Assgusto's support table definitely is busy and crowded.

I agree that Kenya has a huge anvil over her head... poor thing. I loved the actress performance and she is so pretty... in a very interesting native/middle-eastern features kind of way.

Sara, just hilarious, I love your parenthesis commentary: (yuk yuk), (Blergh. I threw up a little bit.), (A round of drinks on me!!! Huzzah!!!),(Don't you know those toes are hideous? So thankful for black socks right now.), (urp), (Ewww.) and so many more! Thanks so much, great episode, great recap!

Well, I’m only having one shot of celebratory tequila and one high five, as UA just said, it is “it is too early in the story for the issues to be resolved” and there is plenty of time for Augusto to blunder into another unattractive smooch with Kenia, especially with the way she is throwing herself at him. The saintly Tim Tebow couldn’t resist her “charming” ways! ( The actress is soooooooo good, that I actually believe her character, love her!) Did anyone notice that Augusto got the hair “product” that I sent him? His hair was a tiny weeny bit better at the cenote and he lost his wacky hat! I bought a manicure and pedicure Groupon for him and am sending that along, we know he is in desperate need of that. (You’re too funny R la O!) I am proud of his insistence on helping Elisa with the crops and selling his lands, he realizes his (shotgun= carcel) responsibility in the situation. If he’ll just leave his guns at home for the duration........please!

Speaking of shotguns, we’ve been talking about anvils for awhile, but the only true menaces have been from the mouth of Carmina. She has made implied threats and also a concrete one, something about shooting someone the other day. She worries me!

Gabino, being such a large muscular guy, looked funny wrestling ING’s pocketbook from her! Yes Sara, what was he doing at the beginning of the scene, playing spin the bottle by himself? ¿Que?

OK, after seeing Dam Fine go up against his mom in this episode, I’m good with him for the rest of the novela, little mouth, gritted teeth and all!!!

Carlos, i have to agree with you that Blanca Guerra looks awesome for her age and even with the botox on... i remember her short appearance in th Clear and Present Danger movie, and also on La Mentira as Vero's returning mother...

Carlos- I noticed the expressive brow on Alfie last night too Carlos. Wrinkles and all!

The whole scene was a replay of when Dam was a kid and told Alfie off and she slapped him.

Sara: What a great recap. Thanks.

Well, Ing wanted to leave town because she felt the well had run dry. She didn't think she could get anything more out of Alfonsina, and Gael just didn't feel it for her. So, how does knowing about the plane tickets change things? If she tells Alfonsina, that won't be worth anything. Ditto Augusto. Ditto Gabino. Of course, Gabino is using the plane tickets to blackmail Carmina.

So, let's see - Ingrid could bump off Kenia so that she doesn't tell Augusto - that would be one mission accomplished. But, then Gabino would bump her off if he thinks that she will foil his plan for Carmina.

Gabino also showed his completely irrational side last night. There was the crazy beer bottle scene and his going nuts scene with Ingrid when she told him she wanted to leave town. He went ballistic. What is this guy thinking?

Chente is getting more and more annoying. For one thing, he only has one dimple on the right side of his face when he talks and smiles. Can this be fixed? And, he was just rude to Maru. What a schmuck. He's in training to be the next town top criminal.

Sara, thanks for sending that pitcher of eye-openers over to the Horacio table! I feel ready to face the day!

So are Dam & Gael going to get bunkbeds, or what?

"I will be sitting at the Shirtless Mark Tacher table tonight! It's gonna be crowded!!!!!! Talk about sweaty pits on our dresses!"

Me too!!! I'm also thinking of helping out the Padre around the house, maybe a little cooking, offer a nice massage at the end of a hard day...may have to take a leave from our patio or fly on the wall crews, but I'm willing to sacrifice.

Wondering if Lolita finds out Horacio lost his job in support of Elisa if that may "help" make her decision about his proposal?

"Chente is getting more and more annoying." I just want this kid gone--either get him involved in a real plot or make him disappear. Maybe Gab will recruit him to be his new henchman if Horacio takes the path of righteousness and clean living for the love of Lolita ( but he'll still have to pay at the end for the bombing-TN rule).

Abismo Monday June 18 comment #69

Bravo, Sara! You’ve knocked our socks off before, but this one has got to be one of your best – certainly one of your most hilarious. Your descriptions of Dam’s confrontation with his mother and your Augusto and Kenia’s scene by the waters of BabbleOn –- so sharp, so perfect!

Sylvia, I’ve been waiting for someone to notice. On Friday I thought, man, Elisa’s gonna be so embarrassed when she realizes she forgot to put her pants on before answering the door. But apparently not.

Kathleen, yes, do it! You’d be a natural!

About Kenia’s pit stains – another reminder of how quickly these novelas are assembled. No one is going to refilm a scene because of a little detail like that (or the other day, when the tag on Paolo’s shirt was sticking out on the back of his neck.) The occasional well-written, well-acted, gaffe-free scene really is something of a miracle, given the constraints of the form.

Anyway, tonight’s show should be a doozy!

Bunkbeds, BL? Ya think?

Love reading all these comments.
You know, I really think Begonia could turn out to be a voice of truth. She can't keep her mouth shut, so if she can just get her tongue around some beans that need spillin' instead of her usual gossip, people might actually find stuff out around here. Too many people holding their puzzle piece to themselves. If only she didn't care what Alfie thought about her, she could actually do some good.
I agree with everyone about Kenia. The anvil seems to be swinging over her head and I doubt it will miss. Sad because she's so beautiful. Still I hope that she doesn't get killed off, the writers need to keep her in "Pop goes the Kenia" mode. This would be the one time to have a favorite cast member dodge the anvil, and maybe use said anvil to off someone else.
Regarding Horacio, I'm sorry, I really hope this doesn't go far. He murdered Blanca!! That will never be ok. I don't care if he sticks up for Elisa, Kenia, Lolita. Heck, he could even lock ol' Aunt Flo up with out any leggings and make her wear like, I dunno, momjeans, (oh happy day, can you just IMAGINE) and he STILL won't be good enough for Lolita.
Braulio, on the other hand, is destined for Lolita. Hope Tonia doesn't have to die for that to happen, but she has quite a few puzzle pieces herself, and has played into the hand of That Awful Wench too many times.

So are Dam & Gael going to get bunkbeds, or what?

that got me thinking... Fina's hatred tied with Carmina's lies prevented these two from growing up together in their teens... they really could have used each other's company... as good a father as Padre is... nothing like a sibling to live with... there might be frictions and competition, but these two have shown that the camaraderie and good times would overcome any of that. SO not only was Elisa really put to be the most hurt by all the hatred, but these two were ...

Maybe the arm-wrestling is just to see who gets the top bunk!

Marta:Thanks for the additional Maru info. I was thinking it had to be a Maria + some name with a "U". I thought maybe Maria Guadalupe..but that would become Marilu, wouldn't it?

I'm feeling tangential:
Girl's Names
María Soledad-->Marisol
María Luisa-->Malu or Marilu
María Fernanda-->Marifer
María Jesús-->Marichuy

Boy's Names

Please add to this list as I love pet names....oh wait...Teh Google! It is good!!!

Awesome List

Anyhoo...back to comments...

Carlos: Wow, so compassionate you stick up for Fina's forehead :-) OH and Be-gone is the best slapper...ever. Balletic in her technique. Was Ms. Norvind ever a dancer?

R la O: Guido does seem a little older and more beat down, doesn't he? But who can blame him? He's got Flor, Fina and Paolo to contend with!

Sandy in TN "little mouth, gritted teeth and all!!!" Hilarious!!!

Pasofino: So true, Useless and Annoying Vicente is on a one way road to town punk. Hate the character. I also keep seeing him as young DZ a la LFDD. That was brilliant casting. I think it's the eyebrows. So anytime I see him I think Dam's son...but he's not. He's pretty cute in the Totino's pizza rolls commercial, too.

Gah! can't keep up with individualized comments! Back to reading...

Blue - the arm wrestling could be for top bunk. lol!

About the jean leggings, I think those are pajama jeans. I ordered a pair from Avon right before I decided to start My Fitness Pal. My goal? To never wear those pajama jeans. (Anyone want to join my group with My Fitness Pal, please email me. It's fun. I have lost a dress size!)

Daisynjay: you and I might be arm wrestling to see who gets to work at Padre's Place for Galans.

NovelaMaven: Thanks for you compliments. IRT to Elisa's vestuario: what's killing me is they aren't even attempting to make them flattering...just revealing. I think I am going to start looking more closely so I can catch shirt tags and sweaty pits.

Kathleen: I agree Horacio isn't good enough for Lola and I hope that somehow she and Brau end up together, but I still love the bad guy gone good plot device. HOracio definitely has an anvil over him, but I think it is engraved with "reserved for a heroic death."

Sara, that is a great nickname list. I am surprised there are so many. And yet not one mention of Orange-Ho or Assgu.

More nicknames:

María Teresa = Maite

Montserrat = Montse

Rafael = Rafa

Josefina = Pepa, Fina

Ignacio = Nacho

Alfonso = Poncho

Miguel = Migue

Victoria = Toya

Vicente = Chente

R la O, poor Guido needs to pick up some Garnier coverstick and moisturizer, lol. My theory is that he heads out for a run or workout every time things get stressful at the hacienda, i.e. he is working out way too much in the heat.

Blue Lass said...
Maybe the arm-wrestling is just to see who gets the top bunk!

ROFLOL!! good one!

Guido just needs to get the heck out of there before he ends up used by Alfie for whatever comes up that she would need to pressure Flo or Paolo via him.

Blue - click on Sara's Awesome List link from 11:17.

So it is the same Guido as before? Seriously, Guys, he has gone anorexic on us.

Besides working out in the heat, I think Guido was having a “come to Jesus” moment as Fina reached for him. He realized that the dinero loan and free board for his daughter and brother weren’t worth a lifetime of servitude to a Black Widow spider! He wasn’t enthusiastically handing over his shoulder for her to cry on. Anyway, I certainly hope for his sake that he is reassessing his stay at Hacienda Arango. When he was comforting Flo, his profile had the stoop and tired defeat of Augusto! Maybe he should join the galans at Padre Lupe's, sounds like there might be some fun over there tonight!

¡¡Guau!! Super list! I didn't even know there was a name "Luzdivina." I love it.

I'm going to make my next group of students chose nicknames that are fun to say. (One of them last semester chose Pilar, and I loved calling her "Pili.")

In Spain I knew a Josele (Jose Leonardo, perhaps?) and a Juanjo (Juan Jose.)

I'm going to make my next group of students chose nicknames that are fun to say. (One of them last semester chose Pilar, and I loved calling her "Pili.")
I'm thinking of doing the same!!!

But maybe not as vicious as the nicknames we give our Abismo characters.

I guess it was Guido playing his part so well that threw me. He had me convinced!

Wheee! By accident I just figured out how to add accent marks with my phone. Now I can say jíjí !

Another delicious recap (yes I watch and read while having my lunch.)

Dam Pithed
Dam Determined
Dam Misunderstanding
Dam Done Gone

Oh my, you were having fun with that! And so was I.

Other fave:
"...but you know my rule: It's past 11 pm and it's boring."


"Mark Tacher shirtless. Who cares about the rest?"

I really like the use of music in this one. They've got some delusional crazy sounding theme playing each time Alfonsina cries that everything wretched is due to Elisa's family. Nice way of underlining her psychosis.

As for sweaty pits (Augusto had them in the initial cenote scene weeks ago) I love that realistic touch. Yes, it's hot. Real people sweat. No antiperspirant (short of concrete) will stop that.
So why not show it?

Sara, hope your nausea has abated now that those troubling Augusto/Kenia scenes are long past; but like Sandy in TN, noticed that Cat Food's hair had been nicely washed and blown dry for that scene, and he did look a tad better. A tad.

As despicable as Alfonsina is, I felt Damian's "No wonder my dad left you..." was a low blow, even for a witch like her. Thought he could have stormed out with a little more class. But I was cheering for him anyway.

Oh and Kathleen, YES!!! by all means, jump in and try a sub night sometime. And remember, anything gets easier when doing it on a regular basis.

"Oh my, you were having fun with that! And so was I."
I have to give props to Jardinera and her LQNPA recaps...she has taken the El Gusto es ____ theme and made it an art form.

She is rapidly doing the same for "Cara de____ impactada."

I guess the "no wonder dad left" was low, but I am small and petty so I kind of liked it. ;-)

Judy, in the interest of verisimilitude, I am willing to accept pit stains -- if they'll stop pretending that women sleep in full make-up (complete with false eyelashes.) Oy.

I am actually amazed that our actors aren't sweatier. It must be really hot where they are filming. The guys are always mopping their brows and the women fanning themselves. The makeup must be industrial grade.

The "no wonder dad left" was definitely low, but it is exactly the type of thing someone would say if they are that angry.

Novela Maven, I meant to comment on Elisa's getup last Friday, but I forgot about it until last night. Such horrible wardrobe choices.

Well, Viewerville is grossed out by the 'relationship' between Augusto and Kenia. When will she be legal? It's a real 'beauty and the beast' theme but I think old Augusto likes them young. And if she (and the writers) are crazy enough to have her 'correspond'(as the English CC's have it) to the old sad sack, more power to them. It's kind of sweet to have a 'Quasimodo' loved for a change.

The makeup must be industrial grade.
Applied with a palette knife. LOL

Anon 1:21-it is not necessarily the age difference that grosses me out as the casting. I really don't have a problem with May/December romances and though Assgu has a thing for the minors, we have to assume it really doesn't get to pedophiley (made up word.) Ever since Kenia arrived on the scene, Assgu has begun to have flashes of humanity.

I just don't find Alejandor Camacho attractive...at all.

It's kind of sweet to have a 'Quasimodo' loved for a change.

Anon, I agree, “It's kind of sweet to have a 'Quasimodo' loved for a change.” These novelas take us to such wacky places, we aren’t used to seeing a “good guy” (and I think that Augusto will be that in the end) admit feelings for a minor!! His looks might have something to do with it, but I’m sure it is the constant drumbeat of her minor-dom (another made up word) that is turning people off.....his looks/age make him seem like a “dirty old man.” This relationship is nothing really, in Doña Barbara, the galan alternated between Barbara and her daughter, a minor that he had partially raised! Oh dear!

If this the first time you have commented, welcome!

Sandy- You are so right. When I watched the recent re-airing of Dona Barbara, I could not get over the pairing of the older galan with the minor heroine either, and Cristian Mayer is HOT.

Years ago I watched Amigas y Rivales and Roberto de la O (what a great name) played by Eric del Castillo (don Lucio) was in love with and actively pursued Laura (Michelle Vieth) who I think was 18 and in addition at one point in the show was even thought to possibly be his daughter. There were some really creepy vibes even though he is a rather handsome old guy. She was in love with his son.


¡Jíjí !

Sara - Great recap. Thank you. Wonderful snark loaded with great comments. I watched half of my recording this morning, but had to get on to my tee time. I may not watch the rest. I don't think I can stomach the Augusto/Kenia/cenote scene.

I'm bringing my chair over to the Mark Tacher-Shirtless table!

Sara, what a fun episode to recap. You got lucky.

You must have seen this online because I on my TV, they edited out the entire scene of her taking her clothes off and Augusto giving them back to her.

What was Elisa wearing under that top when she went to see Fina? I hope that wasn't a dress.

There were so many good parts to this episode, I hope they will continue, but in TN land, the good parts don't last long.

You must he right, Cathyx. I have been trying to recall an I Dream of Jeannie moment. I bet it wasn't there. I recall her standing in front of Russian Hat Hair asking the child-or-a-woman question, but nothing beyond that.

In the scene she asked the question. Then all of a sudden she was topless (or bare shouldered from what we could see), and Augie reaches for the dress and covers her. That's what was shown on tv, at least my tv.

Rosemary that's my memory of it too. I didn't even see bare shoulders. I only knew what I missed because in the avances on Friday, it showed her starting to take her clothes off. But even that was cut out on my version.

" the galan alternated between Barbara and her daughter, a minor that he had partially raised!"
oh now that would make me hurl.

Carlos: I recently purchased Amigas y Rivales on DVD. I really need to sit down and watch it.

Lola Érase Una Vez (which I watched on DVD) also had a minor/older guy plot. Marion (14) ended up involved with Alexander's friend/lawyer (age undetermined.) Due to DVD editing I don't know much more than that.

IRT Kenia's magical strip tease. I remember the Friday avances. She was very clearly taking off her clothes. On Monday she had blue denim on her shoulders and BOOM was bare shouldered. It looked edited to me.

I probably wouldn't have noticed Kenia dropped the dress if Sara hadn't specifically mentioned it. The censoring screwed up the whole flow of the scene, and as usual brought a whole lot more attention to the subject than if they'd let it alone.

Plús I miss a lot while reading the cc's.

Sara, I'll bet you will enjoy Amigas y Rivales... especially a shortened version. The original went on and on and on...

If you've seen Gabriel Soto in anything else you will be fascinated by his character in this... el Feo.

My favorite character was Nayeli played by Angélica Vale.


R la O, I charge you with accent abuse. Buy me a drink.

-Sylvia, jealous because she hasn't figure out how to make accents on her Android.

Árgh! Sylvía Í've fórgotten hów tó dó accénts on án Ándróid.

Í ám á smárt áléc.

Jí jí jí, I júst fígürëd ít outline yœ brát.

Uh, that would be figured it OUT. Apparently one just holds down the letter and one gets all sorts of accent and letter options.

Sara that was a great recap, thank you. I would have loved your husband's opinion on the Kenia scene haha.

I remember Amigas y Rivales, my favorite of the girls was Jimena de la O (played by Ludwika Paleta), she was a mean, promiscuous, drug addict but she was always right when she'd tell everybody how stupid they all were. That was the circo of circos in telenovelas, there are very few psychos as outrageous as Roxana (played by Joana Benedek).


I would have loved your husband's opinion on the Kenia scene haha.
Oh believe me, hubs can get very randy. Be glad he was not part of last night's happenings. LOL

PS: glád yöü figúred out the accents, Cap'n jíjí.

It sounds like I missed a good episode! Thanks for the recap. I hope this is the start of a new trend for this telenovela. I too thought the best line of the recap was:

Avances: ‘Mark Tacher shirtless. Who cares about the rest?'

I remember seeing Amigas Y Rivales...it reminded me a lot of Sonadoras, probably because both Angelica Vale and Michelle Vieth were in both telenovelas? Michelle walked off the set when they were filming the end scenes...she apparently didn't like the vestido or peinado chosen for her character for the final, climatic scene, threw a fit and stormed off the set. They explained her absence in the telenovela with a mickey-mouse excuse. It was also the first time I saw Gabriel Soto. What fun for those who only saw him after Amigas Y Rivales!

I think you àçćëñt girls have been dœïñg the CCs!

Those people were really called "de la O"? That's just...perverse.

Ya, Sandy, "áccent chicas stressing oút", our new club.

De la O , Blue! Lól

I think you àçćëñt girls have been dœïñg the CCs!
LMAO! So true!!

I remember Amigas y Rivales. It was the first time I saw most of those actors, including Gabriel Soto. What a surprise that was!

I thought Michelle was actually sick at the end, you can hear it in her voice during several episodes before the finale, she had been sick for a while. She did have a fight with Arath de la Torre at the time for some reason or other, though. Arath was also in Soñadoras and he played Michelle Vieth's galán in both novelas although in the first one he ends up with Angélica Vale but in the second one he ends up with Vieth.

Amigas y Rivales was simmilar to Soñadoras because it was the same production. Jaqueline, played by Aracely Arámbula was basically the same character as Jimena (Ludwika Paleta) although each girl played it different. Laura's storyline (Michelle Vieth's) borrowed alot from Emillia's (Laisha Wikins's) storyline, except here the outcome was different. I also felt Nayeli in AyR (Angelica Vale) had a bit of Lucía (Michelle Vieth in Soñadoras) with more extreme living circumstances than Julieta (Angélica Vale in Soñadoras).

The biggest difference between both stories was Ofelia's (Adamari López) story.


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