Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Amorcito Corazon Discussion #9-13 June 11-15

Main Events:
  • Doris makes a grand entrance and announces she and Fernando are engaged. Marisol, MariFer and MariLu are not happy. They call dad to come home. They call Hortensia to come over. Fernando tries to tactfully explain that he is not engaged and Doris is not his girlfriend. He gets nowhere. The oldest and  youngest daughters don't believe him. The middle one does.
  • Doris is dense and doesn't get it. He's just not that into you, chica.
  • Fernando tries to explain to Isa that it wasn't his fault she got fired; it was his suegra.
  • Hortensia is a real metiche.
  • Willy talks his way out of the stain. He and the monjita have a nice little walk.
  • Zoe's lawyer is slimy, but she gets a waiter at the bar to video the slimy lawyer moves and says she'll put them on the internet.
  • Isa visits her mother. Mother seems to be making progress.
  • Fernando doesn't believe in curses and tries to prove to Isa they don't exist. Too bad the earth started to shake...literally.
Other stuff
  • Poncho bids adieu to Doris' games. He's not willing to lose his job.
  • Willy's friends get a lesson on Karate Kid waxing methods.
  • Who is the random woman who came up at the church and overheard Willy y cuates' conversation about the mojita? Jaibo's wife/girlfriend or the lady who dressed like a nun?
  • We are reminded that Cecilio has it bad for Zoe.
  • Willy has to fast talk to the mother superior and explain why he isn't in his sotana. 
la tintorería: dry cleaners (hey, it's new for me)
flacucha(-a): skinny (not really hard to figure out, but I liked the sound of it)


Sara- What a great surprise to find this recap. I felt so bad for Fernando this episode. Isa, all three Marias, Nana, and his suegra were all getting on his case. Then add crazy Doris on top of it all. I can't believe his daughters, Nana, and Horty all think he doesn't have the right to have a girlfriend or ever get married again. Say what?!

I thought it was funny that he had to go through all kinds of verbal gymnastics to explain how Doris was never his girlfriend, but that they did have *something* going. Hard to explain having sex with someone you don't really like or want to have a relationship with to your three daughters.

You're right that the girl who listened in on Willy and his buds about the nun is Jairo's woman. The one who keeps chasing after Willy (but not the gym woman who spilled wine on the clothes). How long before she starts spreading the gossip around the hood? From the preview it looks like Willy's lie is starting to take on a life of its own, and he doesn't like it.

Loved Zoe filming the slimy lawyer and posting it online. Bet his wife won't be amused.

Thanks for clarifying! I was watching/posting this around midnight lol. Luckily I can watch during the afternoons now.
Oh yes, I laughed at Fernando trying to explain things to his daughters.

I really wish I understood Willy better. I think I missed a great cicuta/Calcutta joke.

Sara, thank you for the recap. I love this show in spite of that bruja.

Isa and Fernando have great chemistry, they are really fun to watch. Her friend Zoe is a fun character also. I could see Mati from CME, she isn't going to put up with much from the lawyer.

Does Zoe know Doris? She was at the next table last night with some guy. Zoe should have taken photos of that and put it on the internet.

Rosemary Primera

I got a weird vibe during the taping of the slimy lawyer. WHat did I miss between the Felipe/Doris table and teh Zoe table. They kept looking at each other.

Ugh! So sorry I was half asleep when I watched this.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Zoe kept looking at Doris, bacause she was in Isa's apartment when Doris came in making her accusations, and now Doris is on Zoe's sh*t list. But Felipe thought that Zoe was looking at him and flirting. The lawyer also that that's what she was doing and pointed it out ot her. By the end, I'm not sure if she finally noticed Felipe or not. I'm sure he'll make a move at some point.

Ah, ok. Thanks.

So far Doris is comically vile.

Horty is truly vile.

Amorcito will be airing for two hour episodes beginning next Monday. -_-

I am really starting to hate Univision.


Exactly. -_-


So basically any TN in any time slot can morph into a two-hour monstrosity virtually overnight? I'm afraid to commit to anything.

I'm pretty sure any TN I like is going to either be moved to a late hour or become a marathon. I don't want to commit to anything either.

You know, I was almost about to volunteer to maybe recap sometimes...but two hour stints, NO, I cannot take that again. Why is Uni so EEEEEEEVIL?

I love this show, but ten hours of it a week is too much. I would only want that if it were winter and I were unemployed. I mean, way to think about the old ladies in the nursing home who can no longer do anything but sit in front of the television all afternoon, Uni, but what about the rest of us? Those of us who are young enough to still spend the money on the stuff like the advertisers want?

Blergh. Okay, back to the show.

Thanks for posting the summary. Did those poor barrio boys have to wash and wax the Willymóvil all day? They're going to wear off the paint. I'm looking forward to their getting to be individuals. I LOVE Ricardo Margaleff and he is such a great comic actor. Also a dab hand with the romance. He needs more plot of his own.

The scene of Fernie trying to obliquely explain to his daughters that sometimes a man wants some en flagrante action was SO funny. Though I'm not sure where he's gone wrong with their upbringing, that they think he'd really marry such a horrid woman he doesn't even like, when he insists she isn't even his girlfriend. Doris, yikes, get some dignity, honey.

Zoe's my hero. It's nice to have some ladies on the Good side who aren't naive pushovers.

I heard a colorful phrase on the show yesterday that I recognized from UFCS:

saber de que lado masca la iguana - to know what one is talking about, really know one's business

Lo mas chistoso:
Felipe's underwear fortune telling

Main Events:
--Marilu is a heartbreaking lump of lettuce.
--Zoe is turning into a super hero: righting the wrongs of womankind. She is on a mission to slam sleazy husbands all over the DF!
--A dirty word was blipped out. Someone blabbed about Willy and the "monjita" and now it's all over the barrio. Yadira is all to happy to helps spread it around...and Lucia hears it too!
--Willy accuses his friends of blabbing the monjita chisme.
--Beba is sad. She asks Horty to determine if Willy is a gigolo or truly loves her.
--Montage of action: Beba cries,Doris bribes, Poncho wheedles, contest entries pour in, Isa works hard, Zoe gets sexually harrassed, Cecilio pines for Zoe.

el témpano: cold fish
sacar a patadas: to kick out
dar la patada: to give someone the boot
juicioso(-a): sensible
aflojar la lengua: loosen the tongue (run off at the mouth?)

Vocabulary fairies: is it easier to get the vocab when the Spanish CCs are intelligible? I find myself writing what I think they've said and it is really hit or miss. It kind of depresses me.

Julia--ITA about ten hours a week. Why o why, Univision??? Like you, I love this show. But I don't love anything enough to watch it for two hours at a time. I feel like good shows (UFCS, Amorcito and while I don't watch it Refugio) get the shaft with two hour episodes. It doesn't do them any favors.

Does anyone have any numbers on Refugio? I'm wondering if the two hours hurts, helps or makes no difference.

The top episode of Refugio last week had 3.2 million viewers, versus 4.06 million for the most-watched episode of LQNPA ("among Hispanics", says Nielsen. Do they not count non-Hispanics who watch Spanish-language TV? Or is that the total viewers, and they just mean top programs among Hispanics?). The most-watched anything last week was an NBA playoff game, with 13.3 million viewers.

So, Refugio is probably not doing terribly, compared to how any 7 pm show would do. I still think they would have more viewers if it were only one hour.

OK, I'm watching my recording now and getting teary watching Marilu talk to Isa (this little girl was great in PVAA). Marilu girl is suffering some major Middle Child Syndrome (aka the Jan Brady Syndrome).

2 hours! I'm with you guys. I've got too much in my dvr right now. Plus there was an ad yesterday for "Por Ella Soy Eva." I'm hoping it will replace one of the Refugio hours, but Uni might do something crazy with the schedules when it starts.

Hija sándwich was funny!

I assume Por Ella Soy Eva will be prime time. But then the first muy prontos for Amorcito were on during prime time but then it's an afternoon show. I wish I understood Univision programming.

Thank you Sara. I totally forgot you were going to do a post on Monday until I read someone's comment on another post that referred to it.

TWO HOURS? TWO HOURS?!? Gah! I hate Univision.

I love in today's ep how Hortencia was super sore after her workout. Also loved the sleazy lawyer's wife's reaction. It serves him right.

Ooo I can't wait to watch when I get home. That's one of the nice things about comedies -- even when you know what happens, you still want to see HOW.

I think the upbeat holy nun chanting (si si si)that is Lucia's theme song is very catching. I found myself si-si-si-ing this morning and it took me a minute to remember where I'd heard it.

Thank you, Sara, for the recap! It's so good to have somewhere to discuss this TN.

TWO HOURS. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot. Up until now I've been managing to keep up with this show, but with two hours a day, who knows . . . I do love it, though.

Yeah. I'll be able to handle the two hour episodes until school starts. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. I'm pretty bummed about this.

Sara, thanks for the mini recap.

Fernando was really sweet with his daughter so he must be a good guy.

Zoe is going to be fun to watch. I like her so much better without the headband (CME).

So nuns cannot wear perfume, LOL.

Rosemary Primera

Fernando was really sweet with his daughter so he must be a good guy.
Isa may drive him crazy, but when it came to his daughter he wasn't willing to take a chance. I was glad that while he said one thing to Isa (I know my daughters/don't meddle) he actually wen and talked to Marilu.

Aw, poor Marilechuga. I'm glad Fernando took Isa's comments seriously, even if he wasn't going to admit to HER that he needed parenting help.

The underwear fortunetelling was funny. Isa was wearing the same or a similar black camisole and briefs set when the robbers made them strip, wasn't she? Was that the same day? I missed the first episode.

Yay, Juancho finally spotted Marisol. Now he just needs to be smart enough to look into that.

I hope Willy G keeps exercising Snorty Horty enough that she doesn't have the energy to attack Fernando so much. She's really nasty. I prefer the comic villains.

I got the impression the Marilyn Monroe imitation and the robbery were the same day, so I think she was in the underwear.

Ugh! THanks for reminding me about the Juancho/Marisol scene. That is the sort of stuff that frustrates the stew out of me. (Immortal Beloved--worst ending ever.)

Horty is definitely going to be the one to hate. I can stand Doris because she is so funny/clueless.

Ah yes, the sexy black underwear. Yes, the robbery and the MM incident were the same day. And it was Zoe who bought Isa the cute/sexy black, with white trim, undies to wear on her b-day. It was implied that Isa usually wears more boring undies.

Here's a bit of vocab I caught yesterday:

salir con su domingo siete - to get knocked up

One of the women in the nun's class said it. I think this is a specific Mexican interpretation of the phrase; in other places it can just mean to have bad luck or do something stupid, not on purpose.

Sorry, folks...Hubs decided to come home early today and boy he can be annoying lol. I missed the beginning.

Horty is mean, but we saw a softer side today. I thought the scene with her talking to the girls about their mom was very sweet. And wow, they sure like hamburgers.

Is that cough going to turn into something more serious? Don't you know it is?

Lucia broke my heart. Willy is on my spit list (if you know what I mean.)

What was it exactly that dropped off the top of Isa's entry? Was it her entry forms and stuff?

I hope Isa finds the (dropped) note from Fernando that came with the computer.

So yeah. I dropped the ball today. :-/

PS: Do NOT (NOT NOT NOT) call me señora. lol
PPS: Minerva better be well paid. She puts up with a lot.

And Julia--bless you and your vocab awesomeness!!! Thank you!!!!!

Just finished Monday's epi. Was that our very first cachetada?

Ooo second cachetada on Tuesday's epi, and looks like we're getting another one today.

Some questions:

What is "hada"? Are they really calling Marilu a little witch?

What is it they keep bleeping out about Willy and the monjita?

WHY did Fernando let Doris into his kitchen???

Cuento de hadas: fairy tale

I am *dying* to know what they are bleeping. I think the second word is "monja" so I wonder if it is some sort of perjorative for "one who has sex with a monja"...but in a not so pretty way.

Am I way off base? Have I just revealed to all what a gutter mind/potty mouth I have?

Sara, I'm sure you're right -- they must be calling Willy some kind of chupamonjas or something. I'm trying like mad to read their lips, so far with no success. Not that I'm going to need that word, but still.


I think I just thew up a little bit.

But LMAO at the same time.

Blue Lass, you are a GEM!

Sara and Blue Lass, you are cracking me up with these dirty word guesses. I'll try to pay attention and read their lips next time. :)

I can't wait to see Lucia lay into Willy. He should be forced to appologize to her publicly in front of the whole barrio.

It's hilarious that the mother superior still thinks he's a priest, despite the slang and lack of robes. She asked him to bring the street youth he works with to meet her some time. I bet his three buds will get roped into this.

Julia, 'salir con su domingo siete" is one of my favorite sayings.

Barbara is not very sharp, is she? Yesterday she suggested to Marisol that she may set her up with her cousin, who also was dumb enough to fall for someone from another town...like Marisol did. Hand, meet face. Oh well. I guess this will be a running gag for a while.

I guess this will be a running gag for a while.
I never find this stuff funny. It frustrates me.

I know what you mean, Sara. I get exasperated with the malentendidos and the keeping secrets -- and the lying! I like to think I'd be friendly toward these characters in real life, but I can't stand this casual attitude toward the truth.

Today's episode was quite good. I'll be back later with some vocabs and bullets, but hubs is pushing me to go walk. ick.

Gasp! The cad.

I rewound about ten times trying to figure out the bleeped word, but couldn't make it out. Rats. I can't believe the madre superiora still thinks Willy G is a priest. Shouldn't she know who all the local priests are? Could he be any less priestly?

How did Poncho fit everything from Isa's hard drive on one CD? And did he not give her hard drive back?

I listened online with my headset and I am 90% sure they are calling Willy a "come monja". Does it mean nun-eater? If it is a double entendre I don't get the joke, but I'm pretty sure that is what they are calling him.

"How did Poncho fit everything from Isa's hard drive on one CD?"

"And did he not give her hard drive back?
I don't think so?

I have such a hard time determining what will and won't become important on TNs. I'm hoping that one day I'll get better at it.

So, capítulo #12
What I think is important
--Horty continues to tell Manuela she can't come home. Why I wonder?

--Marifer has bad asthma and is taken to the hospital, but doesn't want Papá to see her desnudo (don't blame her) so Isa goes in with her. Marilu steals the scene while comforting her dad (srsly. it.was.darling)

--ooops, forgot to say Isa had to take them to the hospital because she let the air out of the tires in yesterday's epi. (Because he told Doris Isa said bad things about jarochas.)

--Poncho ended up with the note Fernando wrote with the computer. He confronted Fernando and told Fernando that he and Isa were back to together.

--Lucia confronts Willy. He begs for forgiveness but Lucia tells him only God can forgive him. Willy is bummed. He mom slaps him around a bit, too.

--While drunk Willy continues to be unintelligible, but I'm pretty sure he tells Juancho what really went down. I make this guess based on the fact that Juancho tells Willy's friends the monjita they saw was all a ruse. They get the car and we get product placement (Renault)

--Did padre and and Lucia discuss her leaving the parish?

--Zoe continues to fight marital crimes. Her lawyer leaves her high and dry after the "post all his pervy business on the internet trick." Felipe puts himself in her path (is he an ambulance chaser? er... divorcee chaser?)

--Isa's entry ends up in the trash. (Now how is she supposed to win the contest?)

Other stuff
--Sarita is getting better and should be able to come live with Isa soon.

--Fernando was at a meeting instead of singing Las Mañanitas to Marilechuga.

Vocab (Such as it is)
son tal pa' cual: made for each other.

agobiado(-a): overwhelmed

puntualizar: point out (new for me)

el inhalador: inhaler (I know, obvious.)

(el/la) mentecato(a): adjective and noun silly; fool

And I swear Willy and Juancho kept calling each other "primate." Play on "primo" and "primate"?

"come monja"
ranks up there with chupa monja.

It could be really dirty, as my gutter mind thinks of it.

Or maybe like we use the term "maneater"?

PS for capítulo 12

Fernando finally convinced Doris they are just friends.

I give it 15 minutes and she's back to her old tricks.

I'm thinking it has a dirtier connotation than man eater. I just don't know what it would be. I do know that "comerse a alguien" means to get into someone's knickers. Maybe that's what they mean.

OK, that bitchy friend of Willy's called Lucia a "come hombres", so definitely a man-eater or someone who sleeps around with guys.

Can you tell I'm catching up after being a few days behind?

I'm having a hard time figuring what would be such a bad word that they need to bleep it out in the US but not in Mexico...? So far on the TNs I've watched, they've only bleeped out homophobic remarks and racial slurs (but not all of them.)

They have also bleeped out "poop" and "dog doo", including blurring out the dog doo on the sidewalk which made the gag a bit confusing. Maybe it is the "comer" part that the censors find offensive. Maybe they are taking it too literally if you get my meaning.

Oh yeah. I got your meaning way back when Blue Lass suggested chupa. Lol.

Srsly? Blurring out dog poo? Oy vey.

Yep, and it was a tiny dog too. I can't remember which TN it was though. Let's see, Sebastian Rulli's shoe, must have been Un Gancho Al Corazon.

I finally caught up with the episodes. Sara, thank you for your continuing recaps.

Wow, Zoe is really pushing her little entrapment scheme. I hope she's careful, things could go terribly wrong for her. But this is a comedy so I guess it will be OK.

I think Lucia was saying that she should leave the parish, but Padre doesn't want her to and he accused her of being afraid of Willy. Of course she denied it.

When Willy was drunk he was saying all sorts of funny malapropisms. Too bad I didn't get most of them, I'm sure they were very funny. Thank you Sara, I realized after reading your recap that "primate" was one of them.

Willy was funny drunk, but Juancho was HILARIOUS. I couldn't stop laughing.

And apropos of an earlier episode, I have to say if a guy showed up at my door dressed like a chicken, I would let him in.

The blurred dog poo was in Tontas...Santiago and Candy, in front of their office building.

Marilechuga was a hoot calming Fernando down. I hope he didn't really forget her birthday.

I wonder how long it will take for Isa to grasp that Fernando is trying to be nice to her. Although, the computer he got was all wrong for an architect. She needs a bigger screen.

Oh shoot! Hubs and I took a wild hair trip out of town and I haven't seen today's episode. Talk amongst yourselves. Lol. I'll be be back on Sunday.

Off to watch now...

Oh, I like this show. It's really fun. And while the two main characters look as if they'll be stuck in their hamster wheel for a while, the rest of the plot is moving forward. That little snot Barbara is developing nicely -- but I missed Willy's goofy friends.

Thanks Julia! My first flash was of Jaime Camil, but then I talked myself into Sebastian Rulli. I should have known from my old test-taking days...go with your first thought. Can't believe I'm obsessing over mini doggie poo. I'm pathetic. (But having fun.)

While watching the El Tal final, I saw a heads-up for Amorcito saying that not only is it going to two hours on Monday, but it's changing times -- looks like instead of 1-2, it will now be on 2-4. The DVR will adapt automatically, but if you're using a unit with programmable times, OJO.

Has anyone noticed the pear apron Doris was wearing? I think it is a cousin of the pear robe!

YES!!! A pear sighting, finally!

I am about to watch Friday's episode. THanks for mentioning the pear apron, Julia. I think I may have seen the pear robe once. Didn't it make an appearance in STuD?

I'm not gonna lie, I am not looking forward to today's 2 hour episode. I really hate Univision.

Sara- You'll see a picture of the Pear Robe's appearance in STUD, and other tns here, in my Pear Robe Project post: http://caraycaray.blogspot.com/2011/12/pear-robe-project.html

I am very happy to say that I have watched this entire TN already and I am rewatching it again. I love this TN, even when it comes to the hooky parts. I highly recommend it. This TN makes me smile.

Thank you Univision, but really I watch this on the weekends, I hope my DVR can hold up with the 2-hour programming. I guess El Talisman messed up Univision's timing.

I'm taping Mas Sabe el Diablo (it looks like it's ending soon) and Corazon Apasionado.

Anybody know if Por Ella Soy Eva is a day or evening TN? I think with the two stars it's a guaranteed hit for the evening.

Nellie, I think I'm going to have to switch my Amorcito operation to weekends, too -- hope I can keep up. I really am finding it delightful.

Hubs (aka the king of the remote control) come home at noon today and is currently parked in front of the TV. He puts up with my *ajem* quirks, so I will give him a pass for interfering with Amorcito. I will have this weeks post up later.

I really love this show and I think it is just precious so it makes me really mad that Univision is pulling this two hour garbage.

Anyone here watching Refugio? I would have gladly given it a shot if it hadn't been for the two hours.

This Amorcito business is a slap in the face. First they air it for an hour, get me hooked, THEN pull the 2 hour schedule change.

Vivi-Thanks for the link! I've seen it before and I think that post is the only reason I had a vague sense that the pear robe showed up in STuD. lol.

I think it's funny that all of us went "pear robe!" when we saw the apron. :-)

Hi Sara,

I watch Refugio on and off. 2-hours of this show is rough. I have yet to be convinced about the leading love interest characters, I have not been hit with the chemistry yet, so only see it when I'm in the mood.

In Amorcito the pairing hits you between the eyes. Whoever did the casting for this show, should take a bow.

Vivi thank you for the "pear", I too wondered why it seemed so familiar.

Sara, I agree that the two hours is going to be rough. Just when I swear I am going to cut back on TN viewing something like this happens.

Right now I am watching Abismo and Amorcito and I dare not watch anything else for fear I will get hooked. I have a very busy summer and I'm having trouble keeping up as it is.

I swear I'm going to get a pear robe if it's the last thing I do!

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