Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Abismo de pasión #64 6/11/12: Lowered Expectations Continue

  El Refrito
  • Elisa hugs Assgusto. Assgusto recoils and leaves. 
  • Elisa hugs self. Huddles in the fetal position on the bed. Hugs pillow.
  • Gab and II blab about Gael and II getting caught by Alfonsina. They argue about telling Gael who his daddy is.
  • Dam gives Paloma the sad news that he saw Elisa and Gael passionately kissing. (Paloma needs to be added to the list of characters needing a peinado make-over.)
Lo Nuevo
Breakfast Table: Casa Castigo
Carmina fishes for info about Gael and Kenia's mom. Elisa is suspicious. Carmina tells her she's going to head to Sab's place and find out the latest chisme. Elisa asks her not to get into Gael's business since he's sensitive. Carmina says she's really more interested in getting dirt on Kenia since *mumblemumble* your dad is so interested in her *mumblemumble* Elisa says Huh? Carmina plays it off. Nada. Nada. Ask your father when you see him.

El Consultorio del Doctor Toofar
Doc is glad Dam is getting around without crutches and is confident Dam won't need the cane much longer, either. Dam is Dam Grateful for all Doc has done. Doc reminds him about his awesome friend Gael who was literally a lifesaver. Dam wishes that blood had come from anyone BUT Gael (Dam ungrateful if you ask me.) Dam won't explain to Doc why he said it, though.  Doc is sure that things are going to be just like they were in a few days. Dam doubts it. Things have changed forever.

La Estética-Un Toque de Glamour
Sabrina is helping mommy get gussied up to win back daddy when Pop! Goes the Sleazel! She explains needing to get her nails done and is asked to wait. She takes a moment to cry fake tears (*eyeroll*) and wish Be-gone the best of luck with resolving her marital problems. The Artificial Orange flavor then explains the she, too is losing her husband. Be-gone takes the bait and asks for a few more details. After asking for discretion (*snort*) Carmina explains that Assgu has a lover. Be-gone is shocked that such an upright and distinguished (*snort*) man would do such a thing and asks who the lover is. Some Kenia chick who was pregnant with Paolo Landucci's child, Carmina responds. Did you catch that Sabrina? Be-gone calls Kenia a "fichita"...whatever that means. Carmina has a few choice words as well (golfa among them) and is incensed that this little chit (fichita?) came into her house...her house(!) under the guise of being Elisa's friend just to lure her husband away. Be-gone is not at all surprised. What else does one expect from Elisa and her ilk? Be-gone tells Carmina she is living through the same pain Alfonsina must have felt when Carmina's own sister was running around with Rosendo. Without missing a beat Carmina says "or how you felt when your own hubs stepped out on you!" (She wisely didn't get into the details of WHO that was he was with.)

La Casa De Dios (y Gael y Padre)
Alfonsina comes calling. She is ever so grateful for his help in saving her son. Now, would he be willing to take a little bribey-poo and take himself and Elisa the heck out of La Ermita? Gael tells her that 1. He can't convince Elisa of anything and 2. He doesn't want/need her "help." Alfonsina knows he's always loved Elisa and if he took her away maybe she would realize that he is the one that is really best for her. Gael repeats he doesn't want her help and Alfonsina asks him not to ignore this "opportunity." She comes face to face with II as she leaves. Gael is a little confused to see they know each other and while II is indeed irritating, it is especially nice to see her irritating Fina. ji ji. II explains that they are they old friends and they met when she was preggers with Gael. Gael wonders if Fina knows who his daddy is. Fina says she knows nothing about his father and explains that II was in quite the economic straits when she was pregnant. Fina claims she really didn't know Gael was II's and II must have had a pretty powerful reason for dumping Gael on her brother's doorstep. Gael gets so frustrated about all the mystery that he tells II that she isn't his mother and he doesn't even care who his father is. His real family is Padre Lupe. He asks II to leave and not to look for him again. He throws both the old broads out.

Foyer-Casa Castigo
Well that was disappointing. Paloma, honey, didn't you learn from the best: Begonia? So yeah, Paloma slaps Elisa. I give it a 4. No real wind up or follow-through. Paloma yells at Elisa for not telling her about Gael. Elisa tries to explain. Paloma cries. Elisa swears there's nothing going on. Paloma never wants to see Elisa again. Paloma says Elisa deserves it that people have always criticized her based on her mom's actions...because Elisa is just like her and worse. Ouch. Now that was worse than a slap.

The Only Café in La Ermita
Fina wants to know why the fly (II) is back in her ointment. She tells II that not only will she not blackmail her again, she will pay her back the money she gave her before. II refuses and says Fina ruined her life. Fina thinks II did that on her own when she messed with someone who didn't belong to her (Rosendo.) Fina is no dummy. She knows II is just out for a buck and really not that interested in Gael. Fina says even if Gael were to find out, she wouldn't give him anything since Rosendo never claimed Gael as his (oh I can't wait until she finds out otherwise.) Fina makes TN threat #345 "You don't know what I'm capable of." II counters with #67 "You aren't going to touch a hair on my chinny chin chin because there is someone who knows about everything and if something happens to me, they will know who hurt me, so you better leave me in peace."

First commercial break and a "muy pronto" for Por Ella Soy Eva.

La Casa De Kenia
Um. This scene is a little nauseating. Surely it is enough to tell you that Kenia tells Assgu she loves him and Assgu tries to explain to her why they can't be together. She's sure she lerves him. He has to go to work, but she asks him to come back after work. Cheesy saxophone mood music sets the tone for this scene. Blergh.

Un Toque de Glamour-Parte II
Be-gone and Nem-HO share chismes. Mrs Carefully Calculating Loose Lips tells Be-gone all about Kenia and her brother in town and ask Be-gone to be discreet. Be-gone vows she is a very discreet person (*snort*) They both know what it's like to be betrayed by a husband. And Steffie's "behavior" gets dragged out again, and Elisa's behavior gets dragged out again. Be-gone mentions it's such a curse Carmina has been living (excuse me while I discreetly gag.) Mrs CC Loose Lips informs Be-gone that none other than Gael is Kenia's brother. Be-gone's little brain cells starts firing and she tells Nem-ho about II and her recent trip to the beauty parlor and all the questions she asked about Gael and how gossipy she was.

Pro Ce Sa Do Ra
Gab fusses at Braulio about the continued work at the Castañon tierras. Gab insists he's the one that "manda" and Braulio insists he's only going to listen to Joven Dam. Gab says these instructions are from Fina herself. Dam arrives. Gab explains he's following orders from Fina and doesn't want to get into trouble with her. Dam says he will fire Gab, but Gab is pretty sure he has Fina's full support and leaves. Dam wants to honor the signed contract and sends Braulio to oversee the project.

Cocina de Castigo-I heart Lolita
Elisa whines to Lola. Lola tells her straight up she's hurting a lot of people and it's not fair. Neither Gael or Paloma deserve it. Lola doesn't care her reasons, it doesn't justify what she's doing. What Elisa needs to do is confront Fina. Elisa has to take some responsibility.

Witch Mountain
Paloma whines and rails about Elisa stealing Gael from her. Abuela tells her straight up that Elisa hasn't "stolen" anything. Gael has always loved Elisa.

La Casa Azul
Pop Goes the Sleazel AGAIN!! Nem-ho tells II to keep Kenia away from Assgusto.

El consultorio-Parte II
Elisa comes to see Paloma. How does that girl keep her job??? Conversation turns to Dam and the wedding. Elisa explains there won't be a wedding. Doc wonders if the now in town Flo has anything to do with that. Elisa says no and wonders why Doc asked. Poor Enrique, he has it bad for Flo.

Pro Ce- Parte II
Enrique conveniently explains to Dam how much Flo loves him and that she has no interest in Quique.

Padre Lupe's Study
Don Lucio comes to talk to him about Maru and guilt about Bianca having only died a little while ago. Padre likes the Lucio/Maru match (and his basket of snacks) FF>>

El Consultorio-Parte III
Be-gone arrives and tells Doc Tovar to cancel all his appointments.

La Casa Azul
Nem-ho tells II to keep slutty Kenia away from Assgusto. II says she can't control Kenia. Nem-ho says II is living in her house. Get that kid under control.

Witch Mountain-Parte II
Elisa...Paloma...tears...earnest explicating. It was the only way I could get Dam to forget about me! I had to! Dad would go to jail again! Whatever.

Casa Harangue-o
Fina comes in calling Gab an imbecile and he explains about the Braulio/Tierras issue and she tells him she's berating him for a different muck-up. Why didn't he get rid of II???? Gulp. Fina wants to know where she is!  Gab tries to find out Fina's problem with II. Fina shuts him down. His job is to obey. Well, for obeying he just got in trouble with Dam. She figures its about the lands. Just forget it and let them work the lands. Elisa owes her a bunch of money anyway and the lands are the guarantee. Fina tells him to get along with Dam and not try to play smart with him.

Hacienda Castigo
Gael discovers work is continuing as usual on the greenhouse. He asks Braulio about the canceled contract, but Brau doens't know anything about that.

Back at the house, II has come to call and yes, Assgu recognizes her as the lady with the pearl necklace AND Gael's mom.  II informs Assgu that he should lay off her UNDERAGE daughter or she'll send him to jail!! Gulp.

Foyer Casa Harangue-O
Ugh. Another scene I couldn't stomach. Dam is home and Flo is waiting. She admits that she made mistakes that hurt the relationship. She wants a chance to win his love again. Dam admits he made mistakes, too...but it won't change how he feels about Elisa. Flo wants a chance to help him forget about Elisa. She starts to leave, but Dam stops her and asks "Do you really love me?" She answers "Let me show you how much. " They kiss. I wretch. Ji ji. Off key clunker as the scene ends. An auditory QTH? if you ask me.

Avances of a Capítulo Decisivo
  • Paloma cries and begs Gael to at least give her a try. 
  • Gael caves and gives her a kiss. Padre Impactado looks on. 
  • Did you get the impression Elisa saw the slimy Flo/Dam kiss?


Sorry this was late and too long. I'm off to watch Amorcito next.

So there is an action slow down (or perhaps standstill is a better choice of words?), but I still love this show.

Lola is awesome.

Thanks Sara! I love the title (as you might well expect).

Favorite quote: "He throws both the old broads out." Hee! Favorite scene too.

Second favorite scene, when II told Assgu to lay off her UNDERAGE daughter, waaaaah. Serves him right. Did you notice her curls were in attack mode? They were poking right at Assgu. I think they have a life of their own.

In one of my old vocab lists I have "fichita" translated as "chippy", although I don't know why. I think "chit" works quite well.

Paloma's slap, well I think the cameraman robbed Paloma of her windup. But yes, her words hurt more than the slap.

Gack, the Begonia/Carmina scenes were gagerrific. So was Flo and Dam's kiss, blechhh. The off key clunker sounded like something out of Alfred Hitchcock.

Paloma, please don't be pathetic! And yes, I did get the impression that Elisa saw Dam and Flo kiss. Serves her right for fake-kissing Gael.

Sara, thanks for the terrific recap. it didn't feel late to me, in fact it was posted just as Abismo started in my time zone. So perfect timing.

What a nice recap—it wasn't too long! Thank you very much.

Action slow down is right! I think there is a sailing name for when you travel backwards—Cap'n, is that the doldrums or something?

Sara, I thought you did a great job in capturing the bonding moments in the hair salon between new BFF's Carmina and Be-gone-ya. Won't Be-gone-ya be fit to be tied when she finds out that Carmina was the 'other woman' with Edmundo? Also, I was thinking today that when Begonia smiles, when she is all gussied up, she is quite a good looking woman. She has a great figure! If she could just voluntarily take a vow of silence...

Also, shouldn't Sabrina give herself a "a peinado make-over" before she tries to help any clients?

Finally, Sara, I can't believe you glossed over the lo--ong (thank you camera operator) Gabino shirtless and low-slung shot in the early scene with II. OMG. Now, you Sara, were probably doing a recapper-worthy activity like translating dialogue. I was not so occupied and although I usually don't care that much about beefcake, this scene made my toes curl. Lord, that bad Zamboni man has a body. My apologies to my co-worker Cynderella La Novia de Gabino—it was strictly a look-don't-touch-moment, but I hope Madame Tussaud's is working on a wax sculpture of GABINO MENDOZA. That face and body should be preserved.

EJ, still fanning herself

Finally, Sara, I can't believe you glossed over the lo--ong (thank you camera operator) Gabino shirtless and low-slung shot in the early scene with II.
Sylvia actually captured that scene to perfection in her recap.

I found myself distracted during his dialogue with Fina. Yes, he was fully clothed, but that little bit of fur peeking out of his shirt made feel all warm and tingly. It's the little things, I guess. LOL

Cap'n-I'm glad the timing was right!


Yep EJ, you got it right, The Doldrums. Gah!

I was most happy to relive Gabino's shirtless scene over again. Since I am trying to lay off the sugar I am happy to enjoy all the eye candy I can get. Still waiting for the shirtless arm-wrestling scene...

Stuff we learned in this episode:

Begoña learned Irritating Ingrid is Gael & Kenia's mom and Kenia is Assgusto's lover.

Sabrina learned Paolo knocked up Kenia.

Fina learned Gael is probably the one person in La Ermita she can't buy.

Elisa learned how Paloma really resents her.

Gabino learned he's in the middle of a mother & son power struggle.

Augusto learned he better keep his pants up and Kenia's skirt down or he's going to jail.

This was perfect Sara, just the right length. Afraid the episode was just "meh". There were good moments: Gael throwing the two biddies out of the house, the Padre/Lucio snack chat, Gab getting reamed by the principal ( so cute when's he's in trouble) and Lolita laying into Elisa ( who I still don't think "gets it").
Of course, the repeat of Gab's Abs.

The rest, too much II for one night, Alfi being conniving and expressionless, Kenia trying to mack on Asshat, and Guppyface and Be-gon-ya's way too long gossip fest. Also disappointed in the Pal slap. There's a definite pause, plant yourself and then move into the slap needed, not going right into from behind the door. She'll learn--sure she'll have opportunity for more slaps in the future.

So now we go to stage two of the TN, ushered in with Dam hooking back up with Flo. (Why was I not bothered by that?) Not sure what the previews of Pal/Gael was all about--and of course, who should walk in!!!???

Oh definitely a meh episode! Hopefully some more happenings tonight. I think you hit the nail on the head: too much II, Be-gone and Orange-ho.

I was bothered by the Flo/Dam hook up because she is just manipulating him. In many ways Dam really is weak willed. I hope that changes. I guess he stands up to Fina... I guess. But it seems halfhearted.

Thanks so much Sara. It didn't feel like a boring episode with such a great recap.

I don't think Dam is being manipulated by Flor. He knows what she's like. He has all the relevant info about her, even knows the latest between her and Quique. I think he's being led by his anger at Elisa, and the little friend in his pants. Maybe he just wants to make sure everything is working correctly down there after his run in with Augie's gun.

I actually enjoyed that little game Carmeany was playing with Begonia in the salon. Will that woman learn her lesson about gossiping. I know Doc Tovar actually loves his wife, but I can't get on board with him moving back in with her until she's learned a few more hard lessons and changed her gossiping ways.

Loved Lolita telling Elisa the hard truth, and Ramona doing the same for Paloma. They both need to grow up.

Sara: Thanks for the recap that I thoroughly enjoyed.

Most annoying scene: Ingrid and Carmina - they both mumble, but Ingrid also, for lack of a better word, whispers adding another layer of intelligibility to her speech. I'm grateful for captions.

I am bothered by Paloma. She is just another person trying to control Elisa. I hope she wakes up.

Damian needs to wake up, too. He should be able to connect the dots which lead right back to his mother.

Sara, I love your new avatar. Who is that?

The countess of Vilches by Federico Madrazo.

And Pasofino- so right about II and Orangina's diction. I was CC dependent during many of their scenes.

Ok maybe Dam isn't being manipulated. But he is being petulant and stupid. I cannot believe he can't see Fina's handwriting on the pared.

Petulant and stupid. That's it, Sara. Damian has a stoopid streak.

I agree with Vivi.
The man in the know, below,
is running the show,
when it comes to Dam and Flo.


"I think he's being led by his anger at Elisa, and the little friend in his pants."

This! Total "I'll get back at ya" to Elisa. But he's also a tad dense in that this is playing right back into Mamita's plans.

And Pasofino, I too am not so thrilled with Paloma's behavior either. I'm bothered by her LALAland approach to how she feels on Gael ( as is Ramona)--I half expect to see her doodling in the office on a notebook writing MRS. Gael...with little hearts and stars. I know the fearsome foursome are supposed to be in their 20's, but except for Gael, I get a 'we're still not out of high school' vibe. I'm hoping tonight is not another forcing herself at him incident--I cut him some slack in that he's taken up the role of resident town pinball and her pushing again is just, well, kind of Pathetic---again. Maybe that's why the writers look like Padre will play The Interrupter again.

I also wonder if this ploy that Elisa pulled is going to come back and bite her - the fact she and Gael are an item. I can see a few people using this as another blackmail ploy and will they have to keep up the pretense? Hugging my Gael shirt since I know he'll do anything to help her. dang.

I actually wasn't bothered by the Dam/Flor hook-up. Elisa does not trust or believe in Damian's love (or anyone else's). She didn't trust anyone else to raise the bail money, not even herself. She didn't trust or believe in Damian's love enough to tell him the truth. And I think Damian would be crushed to learn his love can be so easily sold and bought by Elisa & Fina.

Damian knows what he's getting in Flor, plus things weren't bad between them until they came back to La Ermita & he re-encountered Elisa. Had he never come back to La Ermita, he would be married to Flor today and would probably be very happy.

Somebody needs to slap Paloma like she slapped Elisa to let her know that she is not Gael's wife or girlfriend and she doesn't have the right to go around slapping people, screaming at people and throwing tantrums over some guy who DOES NOT WANT HER.

It is very frustrating to be in Viwerville sometimes because we *know* stuff. We know Dam is playing right into mamita's plans, but I guess we are supposed to believe that *he* doesn't realize it.

We *know* that Dam is just thinking with his..er..friend and that he and Flo probably would have been together. However, we also know that Elisa and Dam are supposed to be together (as per TN rules), so even though the Flo/Dam scene makes complete real life sense, I am frustrated since I hate anything that derails the fairy tale.

Paloma is really turning out to be a pathetic character and I don't like it at all. She chases after Gael and acts like he is her property. I don't know how the writers can work around this in the end. If Gael ends up with her, I will be a little disappointed that he is with such a clingy, pathetic character (hmmm, how much do you consider Pal and Flo to be similar?) I like Pal better with Quique. Quique deserves to be happy IMHO.

And really Gael is the most sympathetic character for me. He's been through hell and his support network is a network of one (Padre Lupe.)

"Still waiting for the shirtless arm-wrestling scene..."

YES! That's on of the reasons I decided on this being the one novela I'll consistently watch. If gABino shows up in the background of that scene with his ABs showing, it'll be worth all this bitchy whiny slapping...

Damian has never had true affection...even the pure affection he felt from Elisa as a child was tainted by his mother's lies, and I am starting to think his character is shallow because of the mistreatment by his mother.

"The man in the know, below,
is running the show,
when it comes to Dam and Flo"

Haha perfect! At least she's a sure thing, right? And he can be pretty certain that hooking up with Flo doesn't mean getting laid by PapiLanducci's rifle...
Thanks for another great recap Sara. :-)

"Still waiting for the shirtless arm-wrestling scene..."

YES! That's on of the reasons I decided on this being the one novela I'll consistently watch.
I can't wait to find out WHY they arm wrestle. Brau seems to be the referee. It better not be some stoopid opening credits metaphor a la closing credits/circling horses metaphor.

Kathleen, yep Dam can be certain that hooking up with Flo is probably safer on many levels. I just hope her fake pregnancy scares him enough to be *very careful*, if you know what I mean.

Sara, kind of like abstastic Antonio on the horse in El Tal? Has he ever ridden his horse shirtless in the actual show? That would be so unfair if we never get to see a shirtless arm wrestling scene.

EJ, funny! Your poem is perfect.

I just hope her fake pregnancy scares him enough to be *very careful*, if you know what I mean.
Oh ye gods!

kind of like abstastic Antonio on the horse in El Tal? Has he ever ridden his horse shirtless in the actual show? That would be so unfair if we never get to see a shirtless arm wrestling scene.
Exactly. I hope there really is an arm wrestling scene. Is there anyone who saw Cañaveral that can shed some light? (Unless of course it's spoiler territory.) Jarocha?

If there turns out to be no arm wrestling scene, you (and all others) can join me at the Table of Dashed Hopes on the Patio of Lowered Expectations!

Kathleen, you got it sister! I'll ask Novela Maven to put a "reserved" card on the table in the dark corner.

Thanks for the excellent recap, Sara. We missed the first bit of this episode, and the slap, drat! so we appreciate you all the more.

Dam/Flo: I was thinking of the song "Love the One You're With" If you caaaaan't beeee with the one you luuuuurve, love the one you're with. The poem is more to the, ummm, point!

I would make sure that "Dashed Hopes" Table seats plenty. That may turn out to be the most popular table soon. I for one could go for one of those hazy filmed make-out scenes with one of our handsome galans with bi-ceps and ABS blazing (with someone other than II or Guppyface.) I'm having a bad day at work--just trying to cheer myself up.

"She chases after Gael and acts like he is her property. I don't know how the writers can work around this in the end. If Gael ends up with her, I will be a little disappointed that he is with such a clingy, pathetic character (hmmm, how much do you consider Pal and Flo to be similar?)"

So well stated!! we're supposed to like Pal since she is one of the original kiddies, but she needs to turn the shrill and desperation down a few pegs.

Yes. This. I could almost stand quiet tears of unrequited love, but the shril-fingernails-on-a-chalkboard screaming is annoying and is coming off more as "I want my way" immaturity.

"Love the One You're With"
Yeah, Dam definitely is thinking more about physical happiness right now.

And to think, just a couple of short weeks ago Dam and Elisa were ready to get married and fight all obstacles head on. How long did that last? 10 minutes?

Doc Tovar has got to be the best boss in the world. His assistant just takes off, with no explantion, and instead of saying to Elisa-- "Tell your friend to get her butt back here or she's fired!", he says, "Tell her I'm worried about her." Wow!


Are you safe from those dreadful storms that I have heard were devastating Alabama and the Florida Panhandle? Those storms looked awful, with as much as 30 inches of rain in a DAY. That's like the Indian monsoon, for heaven's sake. Hope your town is OK—I can't remember exactly where you are.

Also, your avatar is a serious babe. Bet she had a few proposals of matrimony in her time. Great dress, too. Is that painting at the Prado, or in a private collection?


Awesome recap as always!
Of course sharing my fav scenes with the group:

Gael gets so frustrated about all the mystery that he tells II that she isn't his mother and he doesn't even care who his father is. His real family is Padre Lupe. He asks II to leave and not to look for him again. He throws both the old broads out.

Padre likes the Lucio/Maru match (and his basket of snacks)… he was REALLY hitting that basket of snacks, wasn’t he?? LOL!!

And that bluish-purplish-pink lipstick on II distracted me in pretty much every scene she had… LOVED her facing up to Alfie though…

And Gabino in middle of a mother son power struggle… indeed!

TOTALLY agree with those who say Dam is showing a very weak will side of himself… is this the same guy who was coaching Elisa into facing ‘WHATEVER MAY COME’ together? But at first test he buckles like a thin straw…

Totally with you on your comment about Paloma’s throwing herself into flash conclusions and then desperate dives right to Gael’s arms/lips…
I'm bothered by her LALAland approach to how she feels on Gael ( as is Ramona)--I half expect to see her doodling in the office on a notebook writing MRS. Gael...with little hearts and stars. I know the fearsome foursome are supposed to be in their 20's, but except for Gael, I get a 'we're still not out of high school' vibe. I'm hoping tonight is not another forcing herself at him incident--I cut him some slack in that he's taken up the role of resident town pinball and her pushing again is just, well, kind of Pathetic---again

Vivi, ITA that Doc Tovar is a great boss… he has Tangel-Ho’s number and he is unbiased in his worry/concern/advise for all the yung’ns in town… not limited to his own children but he seems to be fair and equal in trying to help all yung’ns around get to the truth and the right decisions.

I too like the pairing Enrique/Paloma... she would get a great dad in law, and with some luck, even her mom-in-law would get a mind/values makeover before the finale.

Hey EJ-We've had rain and pretty bad thunderstorms, but nothing too horrible. Not much flooding where I am (Central-ish Alabama.) Yes, the Countess is a looker, but it is the blue of her dress that I love. The internet doesn't do it justice. I saw her when I was at the Prado this Spring.

Marta-I thought Padre and his snacks were hilarious. He's had a snack attack before, hasn't he? I seem to remember a scene with Gael a while back in which Padre was noshing away.

"Buckles like a thin straw" is so funny. Perfect description!

Vivi, working for Doc Tovar is a great idea. I'm unemployed but too busy with my volunteering to work a full time job right now. I could easily get Paloma out of the way, work for Doc Tovar, and still do all of my other activities. Brilliant! Oh wait, it's just pretend, shoot. But that's exactly the kind of job I need, must be one out there somewhere.

I know Dam seems like a weak straw, but I don't blame him for wanting to test his equipment to make sure it works properly.

I know Dam seems like a weak straw, but I don't blame him for wanting to test his equipment to make sure it works properly.
OMIGOSH! What a fabulous point!! That bullet was miiighty close to some important gems. Of course he wants to double check their working order. Wow. I hadn't even thought of that!

Somebody else already said it, I was just parroting. That thing I do so well, lol!

Well, darnit. Who said it? I thought I was keeping up with comments pretty well.

Y'all know I barely know names, right? I am avatar dependent. (Oh gosh that sounds terrible. Please forgive me. I've got a mind like a steel sieve.)

Sylvia, I didn't even recognize you without your avocado. lol

Vivi said "Maybe [Dam] just wants to make sure everything is working correctly down there after his run in with Augie's gun." There, blame it on Vivi.

Sara, that is my Fresno Yacht Club glass holding, wait for it, EL CHEQUE!!

I need to get a cool avatar, but I can't figure out how to change mine, do I have to go into my blogger settings?

I am really hoping this story picks up steam this week. Its starting to resemble the koi pond in my front yard: green, slimy and stinky with a cloud of mosquitoes hovering above it!

I was trying to make a list of all the loose story lines hanging about (And by loose I'm not just referring to our favorite OompaLoompa!! haha couldn't resist).
Alas I lack the conciseness of Anon207 in constructing a list of what Viewerville knows and hopes the cast of characters will start to put together. I better just leave it to the experts...

Great recap, Sara. Thanks. Nicely done and certainly not too long.

I cringed when Augusto went to Kenia's but for the moment at least was pleased with how he handled that. Unfortunately, I think that Kenia will be very persuasive when he returns this afternoon.

Poor Paloma. Who is doing her hair? She needs a visit to Sabrina's shop.

I thought that Begoña looked very fetching and I loved that wicked sparkle in her eye.

Cynderella, I hope that you appreciate balding men, a closeup of Gabino's scalp indicated that he's headed in that direction. Maybe he could borrow a bit from our guy.


I am really hoping this story picks up steam this week. Its starting to resemble the koi pond in my front yard: green, slimy and stinky with a cloud of mosquitoes hovering above it!
LMAO and agreed. And you can't change your avatar. I know who you are now. I won't recognize you if you do. LOL

I hope that you appreciate balding men, a closeup of Gabino's scalp indicated that he's headed in that direction.
mmm. Which makes Gab all the more appealing to me. Hairy chest beats hairy pate in my book.

Paloma's hair is a hot mess. The braid at least looked like all hers. This new 'do looks like her bangs sticking out of a mismatched wig.

I'm not trying to be mean to any real life people but Paloma's hair is starting to look like Michelle Duggar's hair on TLC. If she starts talking about popping out 20 kids with Gael, well then...we're gonna need a happy hour on this patio real soon.

Sara, it's the new look. We can call it the Hair Visor, or maybe the Hair Wing. Just like we used to call Loni Anderson's hardened Cool Whip 'do the Hair Nest.

Loni Anderson, Sylvia? ROFLOL!!

So dam clever, Miss Sara -- I just loved your descriptions of Dam grateful (Dam Ungrateful) and Doc Toofar and the whole esthética shtick. [In fact Begoña looked so shocked at the news that Augusto had a lover, I was expecting her to blurt out something like: "But I heard he was a castrato"]

I also loved:
"...while II is indeed irritating, it is especially nice to see her irritating Fina. ji ji"

Kathleen, I believe the Foyer of Dashed Hopes opens out onto the Patio of Lowered Expectations. Don't worry. It's confusing to everyone.

EJ and Sara, "Petulant and stupid. That's it, Sara. Damian has a stoopid streak."

Indeed he does. Does that make him "estúpido" or just "tonto/menso"? [The actor, however, shines at angry, not so much at tender. Me, I think his professional future lies in villainy.]

In the doldrums? Perhaps. You know a novela is floundering when the viewer must find her amusement watching chile peppers grow and pondering about how cassocked priests cope with the heat. I'm not bored though. There's still so much to chuckle at. And we can continue to cheer for our Truth-Tellers, Lolita and Ramona.

EJ -- loved the poetry!

"I hate anything that derails the fairy tale"

Oh Sara, I love you just for that! in addition to your fine and funny recaps. I too hate anything that derails the fairy tale and get ridiculously upset by these contretemps. (which is why I record the shows and watch during the afternoon when I can....don't want to go to bed upset!...I know, I'm as pathetic as Paloma).

And speaking of... as an "old broad" I didn't like that phrase as much as mi cuate Sylvia, but I'll give you a pass young'un.

Now, favorites from the recap:
(*snort*) always perfectly placed.

[Paloma's slap] "I give it a 4. No real windup or follow-through."
so funny

And your comment about the cheesy saxophone music during the gag-inducing love scene between Kenia and Mophead. Yessss...that wretched music made it so much worse. And it was bad enough already.

Finally, in complete agreement. Chest hair beats head hair any day. I'm right there in line with you...but as an "old broad" I know my chances are slim indeed! But I'm tall so at least I can look over the top of your heads and get a good gander at our fetching villain.

Foyer of Dashed Hopes opens out onto the Patio of Lowered Expectations.
Oh I wish I were clever enough to make this a realty listing. "Viewerville charmer on Doldrum Blvd. Perfect fixer-uper..."

I must be mensa, 'cause I'm sort of buying DZ as manipulated tonto with dreams of true affection. I've never seen him as true villain (I came in after his beat-down and redemption on STuD.)

Where was he most villainous? I will watch him and decide.

Well, if you're wanting to see DZ in villain mode, do not watch the Sortilegio scene where he fight with William Levy while wearing only highlighter-yellow skivvies. That will only make you laugh and/or scream "My eyes! My eyes!"

I'm buying him as the disillusioned simple sweet soul as well. Yes, he's slow on the draw, but his mother and others have been gaslighting him his entire life. That's got to be disorienting. By now I'm sure he has no faith whatsoever in his own feeble deductive skills.

Oh JudyB, I'm sorry I offended! I didn't know what else to call these....metiches(?) They are getting on my last nerve. And really, sweet Gael probably wasn't thinking of them that way at all.

Is harpy appropriate?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets crazy upset at TN shenanigans.

do not watch the Sortilegio scene where he fight with William Levy while wearing only highlighter-yellow skivvies.
Well, this is practically a dare. Guess what just went on my "to do" list?

"Oh I wish I were clever enough to make this a realty listing. "Viewerville charmer on Doldrum Blvd. Perfect fixer-upper..." jajaja

I don't know that Zepeda has ever really had a juicy role as a villain. What I meant to say was he seems to have a gift for projecting hostility but (to me) he seems to struggle with subtler emotions.

I don't think he's particularly villainous in this role. But I don't like the character very much. He is weak and spoiled. Too bad his father abandoned him at such a vulnerable point in his life. (Or maybe he just needs some highlighter-yellow skivvies to jazz things up.)

Well shut my mouth! The first thing I did was go to youtube and watch that scene. It was great! I loved the butler's face. DZ brings new meaning to the term "banana hammock".

Sara, wonderful! For me, the best sentence is, “She (Alfonsina)comes face to face with II as she leaves. Gael is a little confused to see they know each other and while II is indeed irritating, it is especially nice to see her irritating Fina.” YES! Somebody do something about ALFONSINA and II. The only characters who seem to be able to take on the bad guys in this novela are the other bad guys! Arm wrestling? I’d like to direct that energy in another way, some big time knock out punches directed toward the Black Widow and the woman with “Yentl” tendrils, Irritating Ingrid! ------------Thanks Sara, great job as always.

Anon207: “And I think Damian would be crushed to learn his love can be so easily sold and bought by Elisa & Fina.” That’s kinda my take on the “do you really/still love me” statement from Damian, he has been CRUSHED by Elisa’s “Teresa” move. I felt hurt and pain in his reach for Flo. He does need to be “very careful.” Other suggested “medical” theories on Dam’s move sound super reasonable as well!

Has anyone else noticed that the inside of Ramona’s *house* is much bigger than the outside? Also, having stayed in a couple bad motels in my lifetime, the Abismo sets have such a Day’s Inn hollow ring as the actor’s walk around, they must be made of super cheap “prefab” materials, more so than usual. Or perhaps the actors are stomping around harder!

Vivi: on Dr. Tovar’s tolerance of Paloma’s absences. When she gets to the end of the year and hasn’t taken all her “sick” days and starts calling in “sick,” he’ll probably just see the patients and work the phones too! Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Carlos: “I cringed when Augusto went to Kenia's but for the moment at least was pleased with how he handled that. Unfortunately, I think that Kenia will be very persuasive when he returns this afternoon.” This afternoon with Kenia just might be “our” make or break moment! Tequila in hand for tonight’s capitulo.....

What I meant to say was he seems to have a gift for projecting hostility but (to me) he seems to struggle with subtler emotions.
I can understand this. His face isn't very expressive.

Just watched the yellow skivvies in action. I may never be able to watch DZ without laughing again.

Got home after a ;lousy day and a bad headache and read the comments about the yellow skivvies scene. OMG!! Wine went flying as I remember not only my drop-jaw wtaching that scene, but all the hysterical comments after. I seem to recall poor DZ was blessed with some weird skivvies look by wardrobe in that TN. (But then again, we also had the lack thereof wardrobe for dear WL.Now THAT we could use again here--but I digress.)

I think DZ is doing okay here,not as expert in the subtle reactions and co-actor play we see with Tacher, but I will admit his "Villian" portrayal often was the constant neck-straining, eye popping indignation we now see when he gets mad, mainly at Elisa.

Again, thanks Caray crew. My headache has now vanished after laughing myself silly.

not as expert in the subtle reactions and co-actor play we see with Tacher
Tacher and Rene Casados steal every scene they are in...and even some they aren't lol!

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