Thursday, June 21, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #39-40 Thu 6/21/12 Luck Be a Lady Tonight


Mexico City:

We start tonight, with Vicky telling Aldo that guy she is seeing, you know the married one? Well it's his Tio Max and he is also, wait for it, her lover. Aldo is soooo bummed. He tells her not to worry his Moms won't say anything and he still wants to be her friend. She leaves.

Julie, Conny and Oscar are still at the table, and Julie is telling them she has an investigator looking into Luci. Conny and Oscar look like they want to hurl. Julie is so fuuulll of herself. Conny wants to know why all the questions already. Julie says she is curious, oh, yeah right, sure, sure and she also wants to know what Luci was like when she worked for Rosa. Conny and Oscar are very suspicious. All three look uncomfortable.

Coral/Violetta is doing a song number and Lorenzo is tending bar. Violetta is very worried about having that door to Lastra's office open. She is afraid if Aldo gets caught, he will rat them out and Lastra will throw them in jail. Also they talk about some woman (Gala) that came in looking for Luci.

Aldo is back at home with his flash drive and he is in the library. Conny is coming in and he says so you saw me with Vicky. She tells Aldo you know about the rule about not dating employees, it's very bad. (Ok, now excuse me but Vicky DOES NOT work for Torreslanda, so I guess since Jeronimo works there, Vicky being his daughter, this applies to her, Say WHAT????) He tells his Moms he wants to be Vicky's novio, but she is dating some older guy who is very bad. Aldo also tells his Moms that he has a business deal for his Tio but he has to talk to Pato first. Conny is just discombobulated, jus' sayin'.

So Julie, the tag along, has come home to her demon offspring, oh, I mean Gala. She tells Gala she went to Inferno and saw Vicky with Aldo. Julie says oh, I guess this family is into the domesticas, what a bunch of rats! Gala wants to know how the investigation is going. They haven't gotten the goods yet, but either this girl, Luci, is very stupid or dignified (Note to Julie: I would go with the dignified) for a domestica, but she doesn't know yet. Gala tells her that what she got from Lastra will sink the domestica (Too bad it is all a pack of lies).

Rod has come to see Pato. Pato tells him his therapy is going well. He tells Rod that thanks to Luci, who always motivated him, he is doing better. Rod is pleased. Pato wants to know if Rod is coming back to the D.F. to live once he and Luci are married, of course Rod says but not in the Torreslanda house, at the apartment. Rod is worried their devil of a mama knows he is getting married, but Pato tells him not to worry about that. Then they start discussing Claudio Linares. They want to know why Rosa has such a hate for Aurora since they were supposed to be good friends. They think maybe it was the "fraud" that Claudio committed.

Claudio and Lic Barrera are meeting about his case. I didn't get all of this, but I think that Claudio has a couple of days to answer something from Max's lawyer, who of course is Oscar. Claudio says he won't answer Max's falsified docs. He is going against Max good lawyer or no. Lic Barrera leaves and Norma, Claudio's assistant comes in with some paperwork about Luci's home in Het Het. Norma says she tried to call Luci, but got no answer. Claudio says he'll take care of it.

Meanwhile, Oscar and the Judge in the case are meeting. Oscar tells the Judge he is the key to this case. The Judge says he can't discuss this case here (Oh, I guess there is taping in there). Oscar says Max would like the "cooperation" of the Judge and his help. Oscar gives him the business card and leaves. The Judge takes it and looks at it.

Gala and Lastra are having a meet, he wants the dinero, she wants the stuff. He gives her the stuff, she gives him the dinero. Julie comes in and is introduced to Lastra. He tells her you need anything else, or help, give me a ringy dingy. He leaves. Gala shows the huge file on Luci to Julie. Gala plans on showing this file to Rod. Boo Hiss!!!!!

There is a Hanna sighting. The gist is she ran into Lula who she wanted to show her paper to, but Lula is still pithed that Boris is now Hanna's novio, so bug off and have Boris look at it. Hanna is sad.

Aldo has come to see Tio Max. He has a business propostion for him that will make millions and is Tio Max interested in coming in on the ground floor. Max looks at him like yeah right, sure, sure. Max gives him the lecture about you gotta work to be a millonare, it just isn't handed to you and that doesn't happen overnight. Aldo wants to explain more, but Max sends him back to his cubby hole. Aldo isn't happy, but Max is curious. Aldo is back in his cubby hole with his laptop and the flashdrive he got at Inferno in it. Jeronimo informs him his Tio wants to see him, so Aldo leaves the computer and goes. (Note to Aldo: Really dude should have taken it). Aldo goes to Max's office and accuses Aldo of just wanting Max's prestige for his "business" and his name. He calls Aldo an imbecile, and when Aldo tries to interrupt, Max so isn't having it. He tells Aldo no more discussion, get back to work and he is going home cause Pato is sick. Aldo goes.

Vicky is doing Conny's nails when Vicky's cell phone rings. Conny sees who is calling and wants to know if she will answer. Vicky excuses herself and does. It's Max of course wanting a meet. She comes back to Conny and Conny asks her I think, what her mother would think of Vicky if she were here.

Rod and Marco are in Rod's office talking about business, when Gala comes in. She wants a moment alone with Rod. He wants to know why she is here? She says to talk about Luci. Oscar comes in to give Rod a business propectus with financing and Gala says I guess you are very busy, but I need to talk to you in a quiet place with no interruptions. He doesn't want to talk to her about Luci. She also wants her things from their apartment, excuse her, his apartment. She wants to know if after he is married to Luci they will live there. He says yes. She is pithed. So Gala has a plan, she calls Julie and tells her that she is meeting Rod later in their apartment, his apartment, and will give him the Lastra file then. Julie is very pleased about this and Gala says this will put an end to Rod and Luci forevs.

Conny is back home and wants to know what happened to Rosa, she was supposed to meet her at the salon. Rosa says she changed her mind. Mati comes in and says that Pato ate a little. Rosa and Conny go up to see him. Mati comes along too. Well we know how evil Rosa is and she starts the banshee wailing, about how she isn't taking the chantaje from him and Conny touches his forehead and discovers poor Pato burning up with fever, which shuts Rosa right up. Rosa calls the doctor.

We have a Marcial and Vio argument. I think he is being transferred to a better job, more money, etc in another town. Vio says she can't go with. Can't afford it and she thinks she will be dumped I think, but he says can see her on weekends, but she has to work. He tells her still his novia will make time to see her.

Ophelia has finally phoned home to tell Dona Estella and Marinita she is fine, is a maid in a big house, not to worry and hangs up. Both are sad, but Marinita is happy her Mama is ok.

Lorenzo and Serena run into each other, and I think her job is ending soon, and she will have to look for a new job. Lorenzo tells her Inferno is always looking for girls, but Serena isn't down with that. She tells Lorenzo she doesn't like the place.

Rod has come home to see about Pato, and sees the Frigid one. He asks after Pato and she tells him the fever is now under control, the doc gave Pato a shot and now Pato is good. Rod informs her he is staying in for the evening with Pato. Of course, Frigid can't let this pass, so she calls, wait for it, Gala to inform her in the change of plans dept. Frigid tells Gala of Pato's illness and Mati just happens upon Frigid on the phone with Gala. She is now using the Frigid method of getting info. Gala tells Frigid she had a meet with Rod and she'll wait, but Frigid tells her not gonna happen, Rod ain't leavin' he'll be with Pato all night long, all night, all night long, all night (Sorry love Lionel Ritchie). Anyhoo, Frigid wants to know about the Lastra info. Gala says she got it. Well Frigid has a brilliant idea, just bring it to Torreslanda and let Rosa the Evil One see it and that should be that. Besides Frigid is in charge of all these things doncha know. Mati hears the whole thing.

Rosa, Conny, Hanna and Rod all gathered in Pato's room with the Doc. He tells them, fever is natural and not to worry under control. All are happy. The Doc tells them Pato needs to rest. Rosa and Conny and Hanna following a minute behind leave. Frigid and Mati now come in. Frigid the Rigid is yapping about Gala calling "concerned" about Pato. Pato rolls his eyes and looks "thrilled", not. Rod thanks Frigid. Of course his cell phone rings and its Gala. She says don't worry your fine head about me, just stay with Pato. Julie is hovering in the background during this call, with info from the P. I. Gala says they'll talk later. He thanks her for asking about Pato. She tells him she wants to talk about Luci. After she hangs up, Julie gives the P.I.'s report to Gala, it is like a mile thick, combined with the file from Lastra. Gala is grinning from ear to ear. Meanwhile Pato has caught on that Gala wants to talk to Rod about Luci. Pato wants to know why and Mati chimes in with it can't be good. We interrupt this scene with another of my little dittys:

Luck Be A Lady Tonight- the Frank Sinatra version

Luck be with Rod tonight

Luck be with Rod tonight

Luck they so deserve to be so happy for a change

Luck be a lady tonight!

Mati asks Rod how he really feels about Luci? Is it love? Rod says yes, he really loves Luci and Rod wants to know why? Mati says she can't say (This woman is better than a priest in the confessional, jus' sayin'). but she wants Rod to listen to her. Pato also wants to know what is going on. So Mati asks Rod again, and he says he loves Luci with todo mi alma. So Mati says, leave right now, don't look back, don't asks questions just go. Well you get the gist. Rod goes. See song above.

Anyway, here comes the floating devil of fire, Gala of course, with the mile thick file ready to show all. She meets Rosa in the library, hands the file to her and says all you need to know is in there, and you have no idea what awaits you. They send Frigid up to get Rod so he can see too, but wait for it, Rod is gone. See above song. Frigid has to come down and tells them he is gone. GONE? GONE? Frigid doesn't know where. Of course Mati is there, and Gala wants to know where Rod went, cause evidently Mati always knows everything. Well Mati, you go Mati, swears she doesn't know where Hot Bod Rod went.

So we all know where Rod went of course, Het Het. He knocks on the door and of course Luci gives him the Que Haces Aqui? He loves her, can't stay away from her, has the ring, gets on bended knee and asks her to marry him. Ahhh, finally At Last, in the background, the Etta James version, I wish.

Since Gala was foiled, yet again, she is home, being whiny and crying and Julie says you can't sleep? She tells Julie he is with her right now and when he comes back he'll be married. Well Julie, the callous cow, says ok, so he gets divorced big deal. She tells Gala she will be with Rod and she'll make sure, ugh.

Conny, Max,Hanna and Aldo are breakfasting together and Frigid is in the room too. Max wants to know where Rosa is. She isn't feeling well, and Conny goes to check on her. Meanwhile Max, Hanna and Aldo are speculating where Rod could be. Hanna thinks he's with Luci as well as Aldo. Aldo thinks that Luci is very pretty, but not as pretty as VICKY, Aldo sure is stickin' it to his Tio. Hanna is smirking. Hanna wants to know if Aldo is after Vicky. Of course not. Max reminds him about the employee rule again (Pot calling the kettle black), so Aldo says this rule applies to some and not others ,eh. Max says that's so right. lol. Aldo sticks it to him some more, jus' sayin. Meanwhile Conny has gone all over the house looking for Rosa, she finds her in the family chapel. She is curled up on the sofa in there. She is completely insane, jus' sayin'. She is blaming Dios for putting Luci in her path, she hates her and now she has Rod. Conny tells her to get help,this is an obsession and she will drive herself crazy (Note to Conny-its too late, she is already there).

Mati is feeding Pato and he wants to know if Mati talked Rod into going to Luci to avoid Gala. Of course she did. She says she wants them to enjoy their love without interference. Now Pato wants to know about Claudio and Aurora. Mati is wondering why he wants to know. Says Rod said Rosa was yelling about Luci reminding her of Aurora. Did she know Aurora? Gist of the convo was, yes Mati knew her, was best friends with Rosa for a time,and Pato can't figure out why Rosa hates Luci. Marcos comes to give Pato therapy. After the therapy, Pato asks Marcos for a favor. The favor was to move Pato downstairs to Rosa's room. Pato wants to know from her directly about this hate she has for Luci and what about Aurora is that why she hates Luci so much. Rosa wants to know who has told him bout Aurora, Mati of course, and why do you want to know about a dead woman anyway? By this time Pato has told Rosa that Rod is with Luci. Rosa tells Pato to leave the subject of Aurora alone, she ain't talkin. Pato tells HER to leave Luci and Rod alone, and if she doesn't she will lose both her sons. Pato can always go live with them. punto. He goes.

Claudio and Barrera are now talking about that exhumation order and how long it is taking.

Max and Oscar again and Max thinks he has that Judge in his pocket doncha know. Oscar isn't so sure. Max says he knows his enemies well and Claudio will nevea win this one. Oscar isn't too sure, since Oscar thinks that Claudio is innocent. Max says no way Claudio is innocent. Max is in a bad mood cause Rod picked this time to while away with Luci when there is bidness to be done. Oscar tells him Rod could come back married to Luci! Max wants to know how he knows that. Oscar says jus' sayin' Max gives him the stinkeye.

Oh, Gala the she-devil is having a bad day, imagining Rod with Luci and she is crying, boo hoo. (Note to Gala: Too late you posionous snake.)

Rosa has gone to the cemetary to spew more venom on poor dead Aurora. I wish at this point the ghost of Aurora would rise out of that grave and give Rosa an infarto, jus' sayin'. Anyhow, she is screaming at the grave, that she is done with her, she will never forgive her, for, are you ready for this, having a baby with her Max (Note to Rosa: if you weren't so far round the bend, ya woulda thought about a DNA test, jus' sayin'). And of course, this is all Aurora's fault, doncha know. She also tells poor Aurora that she made Rosa miserable. oh, please, the caretaker comes and asks if she knows Claudio Linares? The caretaker tells her that Claudio's exhumation order came thru. That shuts her pie hole pretty quick. She says yeah she knows him. I guess he wanted for her to let Claudio know. He thanks her and as he's about to go off, she calls him back and asks if the exhumation if for the daughter too. He says yes. She'll see him in his office, but before she goes to the office, she says she will never forgive Aurora or her hija Luci. Rosa goes to the caretakers office. She looks at the order, and then tells him to get rid of it. (The nerve of this woman) Well the caretaker tells her he can't. So guess what she does??? Anyone?? She bribes him of course, to sit on it, which he does. He takes the bribe and juding by his face, it was a big amount.

Conny and Julie are having coffee and Conny tells Julie how sorry she is for all of Gala's problems. Julie thinks that Rod couldn't possibly marry Luci, cause Luci has no brains, never been in society, should be in the kitchen, yada yada. Conny tells her, you don't know her. The girl only took the job as a maid cause she had to (You go Conny), and that Luci is very intelligent. She wanted to study more, but couldn't cause of money problems. Besides Conny thinks that Rod and Luci are good together. Julie tells Conny, if you knew what I knew about her, you wouldn't be defending her.

Meanwhile, poor Claudio is wondering where that exhumation order is already. He is asking his assistant Norma about that. When he has a visitor. It is Melissa. She asks if he remembers her from the other night. He says yes, well she wants him to do something for her. She wants him to help her with her, are you ready, wait for it, her thesis. He asks her is she knows about the injustice done to him, time in prison etc. She doesn't care about that. She just wants his help. He is happy to help her.

Gala is having a pity party for one at a restaurant, thinking of the lost engagement she had. Boo Hoo. Meanwhile the wedding is ongoing, but not hers.

There is more of Marcial and Vio but FF>>

Lorenzo and Aldo are meeting and Aldo needs some start up cash for his new business. Lorenzo doesn't have it. Aldo says they can be millonaires. Aldo wants to be one bad.

Max is with Vicky doing the en flagrante thing again, and he worries she will find a younger man. She says not so much and he warns her never to betray him.

In the cutest scene of the day, Mati is helping Pato by typing stuff on the computer and she is having a hard time keeping up. I think he is tweeting.He asks Mati if maybe Rod and Luci got married. Mati says it would be great if they did.

Het Het:

Luci and Magda are discussing Paz and her health. Magda tells her she is just overwhelmed cause Luci is getting married already. Luci wants them to come to the D. F. after she is married. She wants them to visit Violetta and Lorenzo; Magda says she would love to, but not ready to go yet (I think). Luci is still worrying about her Mama Paz, but Magda says she should be worried about Rosa, ruh roh, she thinks Rosa is a cruel, terrible woman, with no respect. Rosa is, and then Magda stops herself, before going any further to spilling the beans. Magda and Luci go to see Don Serapio. They want to use the phone there, and Luci calls Claudio. He has good news for her and he wants to know why she isn't using the cell. She is worried about the cost of the bill, he tells her not to worry about that, and he tells her the good news. The land and house are still in Galindo and Paz Jacinto's names. There was never a transfer of title and since Galindo has died, Paz is the sole heir of the lands and house, and if Don A tries to sell anything, he will end up in la carcel cause he is comitting fraud. Luci tells him that Don A has found a buyer already, but Claudio tells her that if he tries it he's going to la carcel. Speaking of the Don, he is talking to a lady named La Gorda, self explanatory name, that works at the market selling clothes and she is interested in Paz' home, but she is a little reluctant. Don A tells her that in fact Don Serapio is interested in the home too. He tells her no offense but, wait for it, Business is Business (Note to commentators and recappers: Memba that phrase from another recently ended TN that used this phrase frequently and right afterwards the anvils started falling, jus' sayin'). The Don tells her she best make up her mind. Luci asks Don Serapio if she can use the phone for one more call. He says yes, of course, anytime. Luci calls Rod of course, they miss each other, mushos, lots of lovey dovey I love you etc. Luci, Magda, Paz and Ariche are painting pots and Ariche wants to know if Luci will go back to the D. F. once she is married. Of course she will. Meanwhile while they are talking Magda is trying to get Paz to tell Luci the truth, bout Rosa. As soon as Luci hears this she wants to know if Paz knows Rosa. Magda tells Paz it is time for the truth. Finally Paz tells Luci that yes she knows Rosa. Luci sees she is very nervous and Paz leaves the room with Luci following. Magda stops Ariche from following them. The gist of what Paz told Luci, is that yes, she knows Rosa, her and Galindo were the gardners there. She knew Mati too, and the boys, Rod and Pato when they were young. That is why Paz freaked out when introduced to Rod, she couldn't beleive he was the same boy. Paz tells her they worked for Torreslandas for many years. Luci says the same house she was a maid in. She wants to know why Paz never told her before this. Paz doesn't want to answer anymore questions and wants Luci to leave her, in well paz. Luci thinks it is because Rosa was a beotch to her and Galindo too, but Paz says no no, she was VERY good to us.

We now encounter the Chisme ladies, they are talking about Hot Bod Rod and Luci and what must Don A think of this? A man has been following them, and he asks to find Don A. (This is the PI Julie hired) he also has a recording device and asks about Luci. The Chisme Ladies tell the P. I. how to find Don A. They tell him.

Rod is still waiting for an answer from Luci. She finally accepts, he puts the ring on her finger, she says, hell yes, you get the gist, lots of smoochies. Luci shows the ring to Magda who is very happy for Luci and then she shows her Mama Paz. Rod wants to know if there is a judge in town that can marry them. Of course there is. Luci wants to know if mama Paz will come to D.F. Paz says no, her life is in Het Het and she's staying. More mooning over the ring. Paz wants to know when they are getting married in the church. They say when they get back to the D. F. The family, including Ariche are now in a flower bedecked jeep, with a little marching band in front and they are headed to the Judge's Office and even the Chisme ladies are there dancing to the beat. The P.I. has made it to Don A's office, at this point the wedding is going on. The P.I has some questions for him about Luci, and points the recording device at him. I am also wondering, at this point , if Don A even knows the wedding is going on. The band and the jeep have been all over town, but not where Don A is. Anyhow, Don A wants to know what all this is about/for. The P.I. tells him the family she works for in the D. F. would like some info on her. Don A grabs that recording device and shoves the P. I. and tells him he is so not giving him any info on his palomita, and trashes the recording device into the circular bin by his desk. He tells the P.I. To VAMANOS. The P.I. grabs his recording device and goes, but comes back real quick to give his business card to Don A, while Don A is still telling him to VAMANOS. He goes.

Het Het The Boda:

The family all disembarks out of the jeep. Rod is looking fine and so is Luci with her native wedding dress, with small silk headband and a small bouquet of flowers. They head into the Judge's office. The Chisme Ladies are outside taking it all in. The family is in the office, waiting for the Judge and Rod spit swears with Ariche again. Don Serapio has arrived for the wedding too. The Judge has finally arrived and he asks everyone to be seated. He has the paperwork already, and gives the pen to Luci. She signs. He then gives the pen to Rod and Rod is toying with it. He takes that pen and, wait for it, signs the paperwork and viola they are now HUSBAND AND WIFE YAY!!!! Besos. They come out of the Judge's office and people are yelling Besos, Besos which they do. Don Serapio tells everyone now we celebrate. The jeep has been decorated with cans on the back and flowers and Rod gets on the running board of the jeep, the family piles inside and off they go, with the little band in front. They are going to Dona ( I don't know her name, folks, sorry) to celebrate. She is doing a wedding banquet. Even the Chisme Ladies go too, and wonder what Don A will do when he finds out!!! The band is still playing. They go to the Dona's place and a wedding celebration is all set up, with a view of the wonderful mountains in the background. Everyone is very happy. The Dona Lady comes out and greets them. Gets the band to stop and gives them something to drink. Then she asks the maestro to start, which I loved this, I have to say, is a single violinist playing, sort of like Fiddler on The Roof. Hot Bod Rod toasts his new wife, Luci Torreslanda.


La Gorda gives Don A the money for Paz' house in cash.

Melissa tells Max about how she got Claudio's help with her thesis.

Julie tries to tell Gala to get Rod back.

Conny tells Rosa to confess the truth its the right thing to do. Rosa thinks Conny is crazy!


Hi ya'll here is this longgg recap,lol. I got carried away. Sorry so into this TN though had to do it. The boda was awesome have to say, wayyy better than the last one. Enjoy the recap.

Thanks Madelaine! I was so happy that the wedding actually took place. Yay! Rod and Luci looked so happy.

I wish Mati would have just told Rod-- Look, Luci had some legal trouble with some awful man who harrassed her. She won the case, but somehow Gala's twisted the facts around and she's bringing you lies about it. At least set the scene so that he isn't blindsighted when it does happens. I do like that she made him leave right away. That was good, but I would have liked her to say more too.

I also like that all of the kids are digging into the secrets the adults are keeping. I think Pato will be key to figuring out the Aurora mystery since he knows something is really off with his mother. Now that Melissa is getting to know Linares, I think she'll help him. Aldo is going to be stumbling onto Max's dirty business secrets, as well as his extramarital secrets.

Aldo is playing the most dangerous game of all. He's taunting Max, and we saw Max's violent side tonight with Vicky. He's not a guy you want to mess with.

The thing Connie said to Vicky is that if her mother were alive, she's sure she would tell Vicky not to allow herself to be someone's sloppy seconds (plato de segunda mesa). In other words, don't be someone's bit on the side. I thought Connie was being quite kind and caring to give her that advice. Doesn't look like Vicky will take that advice yet, but it does seem that she's not having quite as much fun as she was having before with her osito.

I think it's hilarious the the big boss in town, Don Aquiles, has no clue his Palomita is getting married. Ha! He is going to lose it when he finds out this went on right under his nose. I was not surprised that did not trust the big city P.I. and kicked him out. I actually expected it. Nice to know his small town predjudices serve some good purpose. Plus, as he said, he's not going to let anyone (but him) hurt his Palomita.

Thank you for the recap!

I wish Matilde would have said more too. I don't get why she didn't. What is with her and keeping that mouth of hers shut?? She pisses me of sometimes. It makes me sick that way she calls Roselena "Mi Niña". Please, Roselena is no niña. I do give her credit though for having told Rodrigo to leave.

Okay, so Rodrigo and Luciana got married, so now what?? I sure hope Rodrigo doesn't believe all those lies about Luciana that we know Gala will be telling him.

Lula really annoys me. So Boris doesn't love you, so what??? Get over it and quit being so childish about it. Poor Hannah. She needs to find herself a better friend.

Vivi thanks for the phrase definition. I didn't really get what Conny was saying to Vicky. And thanks for what Don A said to the P.I. lol. What will Don A do I wonder? I too am glad now that Rod and Luci are finally married. Rod purposely toyed with that pen, lol. I thought at first oh, no, not again, but he was looking too happy.

Anon 12:03: I know what you mean about Lula. She knew from the beginning that Boris was into Hanna and not her, but Hanna tried to set her up with Boris, but it didn't work. Hanna really isn't that much into Boris, she is more into Lorenzo. We'll have to wait and see how that pans out.

Vivi I agree with you about the kids finding out the secrets. I am worried about Aldo though, he has a lot of info in those hands of his, and doesn't know it yet. He'll figure it out though and stick it to Tio Max, I can see that coming.

Oh, and what Gala has on Luci from Lastra so will not work now.

1) Rod was there the night Luci was assaulted by Lastra
2) Rod will now find out that Luci is a virgin, so all that stuff Lastra was spewing about her being a ho, will be useless.
3) The PI really has nothing on her.

Julie and Gala can twist it anyway they want, but they will have to come up with something else. I am thinking I know what that is, but I'll wait and see. I also think that if Mati and Melissa get any inkling of what Gala and Julie try to pull, they know for sure about the case, as does Claudio of course, so since Melissa is getting to know Claudio she will find out the truth also.

I really hope Lastra is hung by his own pertard. What a jerk.

Rosa needs a trip to the manicomio now. She is way over the edge. Hopefully, somehow, Claudio finds out about the awaiting exhumation order and that the caretaker sat on it, on Rosa's order and she gets in trouble for it.

Madelaine, the recap was excellent. Thank you for including all of the details of the many interesting events that occurred. I always enjoy your insights including "They haven't gotten the goods yet, but either this girl, Luci, is very stupid or dignified (Note to Julie: I would go with the dignified) for a domestica..." Simply great. I can tell you put a great deal of time and effort into this - gracias.

Vivi, ITA with you about the wedding. It was lovely and yes, they did look so happy! I hope the bubble isn't ready to burst quite yet.

Secrets (Luci) and Lies (Gala). I don't know how this is going to play out. I read all the excellent comments and while your logic seems flawless Madelaine, I'm afraid we might have to resort to our beanies as it is doubtful that there won't be some type of fallout so early in the game. I'm hoping for a blissful honeymoon at the very least before the sky comes crashing down.

I'm enjoying Aldo, Hannah and so many of the secondary characters here.

Happy Friday all!


Good point Diana. Secrets (Luci) vs. Lies (Gala). Gala made a point of saying that Rod hates deception, and that's why she thinks all the info she's gathered on Luci will blow her and Rod apart.

There's a chance that even if Rod believes Luci's version of things, he'll still be upset that she didn't tell him that she was the girl from the club, that she was in the middle of a legal battle with Lastra, and that she left her town to get away from Aquiles who had been harrassing her and stole her family's lands. I think that would be a b.s. reason to be mad at Luci, because I'm sure he hasn't told her every detail of his past either.

Last night they made of point of Linares preparing to go away on a trip for some days. I think he said 21 days. That's enough time for some real trouble to come, where Luci won't have him to back up her claims (about the Lastra incident or about the lands). Although Lic. Barerra seems ok, he even said to Claudio that he can be bought (when he was saying that the judge or anyone can be bought). Plus he was willing to take on a slimy client like Lastra in the first place. I don't trust him and I don't trust that he will follow Claudio's instructions while he's away if someone else pays him more to help them (Gala, Julie, Lastra, Aquiles).

Insult alert:

When Gala and Julie were bitching about the Torreslanda men being into servants, after Julie reports they saw Aldo with Vicky, Julie says the Torreslanda men must really love pets (mascotas) because they all seem to love cats (gatas), not ratas. Gata is an insulting term for a domestic worker/maid. The villainesses always love using it.

I'm sure it will be used again, since every episode Gala and Julie throw out a few insuting ways to refer to Luci and her job-- la domestica esa, la servienta, la chaha, etc.

Thank you Madelaine and thank you Ezra for yesterday's recap. I got too busy to post a thank you.

I find this hard to take, I can't stand to see how much they hurt Luci.

I have to ask when or is Gala's ex going to make an appearance, I'm sure he has a tall tale to tell, payback for what she's doing to Luci? (I have no idea about this character or if he will be included in this TN)

Hasn't anybody figured out that Rosa is demented? Why have they not gotten her help? Why can't the Priest get everyone together and say he's concerned about her?

I don't understand Oscar, exactly what is he about. I like him immensely, he seems to be like a typical man we run into in our daily lives, but this is a TN there has to be something lurking somewhere?

Oh, Nellie. I would just enjoy this happy time for Luci while you can and not think about the crap to come, because there is sure to be some major hurt and disappointment coming her way. She hasn't even cried a fraction of the tears Sabina promised, and right now she's all smiles. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for at least 1-2 more happy episodes for her.

As for Oscar, I often get the feeling that something else is going on in his head as he listens to Max and others speak. I don't think we know everything about him or his motives yet. This actor usually has important roles (if not the galan), so I think there's more to come.

I got that same feeling about Marcial last night too. He was asking Violeta a lot of questions about Inferno and then he ran off when Vio told him something about there being a silent partner whom she's never seen. Add that to him disappearing for "work" for a few days (he says he sells insurance) and it gets me thinking that he's not with Vio for "love" as he claims, but to use her to get info on Inferno or the people who run it.

My first thought when he gave his excuse about disappearing for a few days was, he's married. My second thought when he started asking about Inferno is that he's an undercover cop trying to bust the owners of Inferno for the illegal gambling, tax evasion and money laundering, and whatever other dirty stuff may be going on under the surface.

Madelaine, thanks for setting up everything so nicely in your recap. I do love detail (most of the time and this was one of them). This was a great one for detail.

A few aclarationes that haven't been mentioned yet:

It was Julie who was asking Vio/Coral about Luci. Gala's only been there for that earlier party. Vio is telling Lorenzo that she pretended she didn't know any Luci at all.

Marcial is only going on a trip to that other town. He's asked Vio to go with him. She won't even join him for a weekend, because she's a decent girl and doesn't want to share a room with him. She also wants to know where this relationship of theirs is going. Is he for real. Hmmm, we wonder, too, but ni modo, her virginity is spared for another couple of episodes.

Rosa didn't bribe the cemetery guy to get rid of the papers. She asked him just to delay a few days. He doesn't want to lose his job over something like that. She assures him that what she is asking is not illegal, and that *this* (the CHEQUE) will help him out. Yes, he does take the check.

Marcos is the office guy. He doesn't give Pato therapy. He came to take him to therapy but Pato asks him for a favor first--then he shows up in mama bear's lair. I'm not sure what the favor was, though, unless Pato lives on the 3d floor and Mama is on the 2d.

You got the whole poignant semi-confession from Paz correct, except that it was a different house. Paz & Galindo didn't live with them because there were no servants' quarters.

Can't wait for tonight!!!

Vivi--You were posting while I was typing. ITA with your take on Marcial. I think he'll end up loving Vio, but it did seem kind of odd that he left her so quickly when she ran out of information.

Thanks Madelaine! Love your long recap.Thanks for all the hard work. I love the village scene. Reminds me of time when things were simple.Just can't get enough.Connie really gets on my last nerve. Where does she get off thinking she and her crazy daughter are entitled to anything.My hope is for Rod to stay strong for his new family. He underestimates his mother.The woman is plotting against her own son's happiness and feels no remorse.


Vivi thanks about the insults, lol. I thought Julie was calling all the Torreslandas rats lol, which some of them are. I agree with you about Luci never having told Rod all her problems with Lastra, she worked at the club, etc. That will be bad when it hits the fan. I can see how Julie and Gala can use this against Luci. Also about Claudio leaving. I hope Lic Barrera doesn't do anything slimy to Luci while Claudio is gone. I thought they said Barerra was some top lawyer and that is why Lastra hired him? I don't think Barerra liked Lastra at all.

Diana-thank you for the great comment. I agree with you and Vivi about the secrets and lies part. I know this will not turn out well for Luci in a little while. I am glad they are happy right now, cause I know as soon as they return to the D.F. the crap will hit the fan. I too hope at least they will have a happy honeymoon. I do so like Aldo and I like how he is sticking it to his Tio Max, also like Melissa. She has a great heart.

Nellie thank you for the great comment. I too really hope Gala's ex makes an appearance. I think he dumped her cause of stuff she pulled in the past. I am hoping that that all comes to light. Julie too must have pulled something, as money hungry as she is. Rosa, I too don't get why Padre Honesto doesn't do an intervention of sorts. Everyone knows about her obsession with Aurora, the Padre wouldn't be breaking the confessional seal. He wouldn't have to divulge the why. I think she will spiral more out of control and something will be revealed, IMOHO. Oscar now is an enigma. On the one hand he works for Max, but on the other he likes Claudio, thinks he is innocent, keeps telling Max that and seems to like Luci. I wonder if Oscar is the one that got those files for Claudio? They haven't revealed how Claudio got those files.

Vivi- good point about Marcial. There is something off about that guy. I don't trust him and he comes and goes alot. Also he is moving wayyy too fast with Vio. I am glad they aren't being en flagrante yet. She shouldn't do that until she gets to know him wayyy better.

Anita thanks for the great comment and clarification on exactly what Rosa was doing. Oh, she is insufferable really. Te odio that woman, as if she hasn't already done enough damage. Ugh. It will be a longgg time for that anvil to hit her. Oh, and thanks for the Paz thing too. Ya know I wonder if Aurora had Luci in that house, with the doctor in attendance and this is where Aurora died? The house Paz and Galindo worked at looked like it had an orchard. Isn't that what Paz and Galindo were doing, when Paz was relating the tale to Magda? The boys were running around in the background. Thanks about the therapy too. I just assumed Marcos was doing it cause they never show Pato going outside the house. I think Pato also lives on another floor of the house, and since they don't have that elevator in the house yet, someone has to move Pato from floor to floor.

Olive thank you for the great comment. I think you meant Julie and her daughter Gala right? I can't stand both of them ITA with you on them. Conny is a sweetheart, she is the mother of Melissa the one that is getting help with her thesis from Claudio. Rod at least has some of his Mama's number, especially her hate for Luci. I too like Het Het, it is truly beautiful and the people are so nice, except for Don A and his swindles and stalking of Luci.

I just have to say I love the mystery in this one. Who is helping Claudio, what is Oscar really about, and whose side is he on? What exactly did Max do, and how bad is he? What was Aurora really like, without the skewed view of Rosa. How did Max become partners with Lastra? What is Marcial really about and who is he really? Will Gala's ex make an appearance and who was Gala's dad? Who was Conny married to? Where did Max and Rosa come from, they weren't always rich. Where did Frigid come from? That one I really want to know, lol. Just kidding. She is a big ole brown noser.

Enjoyed the wedding scene, really neat. Is Archie the wedding planner in Het Het? It certainly would not be Gala's.

Univision has shown several promo's of Gala's upcoming rage fest when she learns the RodLuc Luna De Miel is a go. Gala really comes unglued.

Most excellent recap...

Hi Madelaine and all. I have been enjoying the recaps! I haven't really been able to watch the show much, and I don't really care for Gabe Soto, and there's only so much of Jessica Koch huge mouth/teeth playing the meanie I can take, LOL!

But, definitely Madeleine, the mystery as you lay it out is indeed intriguing. And also Aldo and his hacker snooping. All this will probably end up being the strength of the novela if the writers keep it tidy and clever.

Anon 11:13- thanks for your great comment. Gala does look like she is really losing it, I have to say. Maybe she can go to the manicomio with Rosa, jus' sayin' lol.

Hi Audrey- nice to see you here and glad you are enjoying the recaps. I don't watch LQPNA as I used to, but I enjoy your recaps so much over there. Yeah, I hope they keep this mystery going for a while with little hints and clues all over the place, that's what makes it so fun. I really like Gabe Soto and love to recap about his Hot Bod lol. Also like Harry Geithner. Harry is who we *sigh* over.

I think Gala's big bomb is going to fizzle because too many people know what really happened. As someone pointed out it won't be long before Rod knows Luci is pure so even if no one speaks up at Gala's reveal he will know it is all lies.

The big bomb is obviously going to come from Lady MacBeth. She thinks Max and Aurora had and affair so she will tell Rod he slept with his sister. That is a tried an true TN plot line and good for months of anguish while no one thinks of DNA testing.

Aldo is over his head if he thinks he can play games with Max. That reminds me back some episodes Lastra got a call from someone scares him, the big boss. I thought the voice on the phone was Max. Does anyone think Max might be into illegal gambling to add to his I'm assuming ill gotten fortune.

The Oscar character is a puzzle. In the previous version he was actually Rod's friend as well as the family lawyer who found the goods on the fraud and blew the whistle on the family. (In true TN fashion he was secretly in love with Luci) Somehow I can't see Oscar doing the same thing.

The question is who will tell? And when?

Decie Girl- I think we are all sure Max was the voice on the phone with Lastra and is the silent partner, which is also why he gets so nervous anytime someone mentions Inferno and also why he was looking at Aldo so suspiciously when he asked him to invest in a club with him. The gambling going on there is for sure illegal. You might not want to tell us what happened in previous versions of this since it's still early and we don't know how closely they'll stick to the previous versions of the characters or not.

Since they are so good with the other medical stuff, let's hope DNA testing comes to mind. But since Max says he and Aurora never slept together, it doesn't seem to me that there even needs to be a test. No one but Rosa believes there was anything going between Max and Aurora. Seems to me just was just jealous of Aurora and in her sick mind she created this fantasy romance between Max and Aurora.

Decie Girl- thanks for the great comment. Yes, Max is the "silent" partner to Lastra. Question will be how did Max get involved with Lastra and the illegal things at Inferno.

I know Rosa will attempt to play that card. She is the only one that thinks Max is Luci's papa. She will probably get Julie and Gala to agree with her, IMOHO, and try to use that for Luci and Rod to break up. I really think that Luci is Claudio's. Rosa is just so off the deep end. I know Rod and Luci can't be happy all the time, but I want them to have some happiness before the crap hits the fan.

Vivi we think alike, lol. Our comments crossed each other and I so agree with yours.

Madelaine---Long recap but oh so good.

Loved your Gala comment "demon offspring"

Yes Max is ONE MEAN GUY---Watch out Aldo.

Vivi---I too am worried about Sabina's many tears prediction.

I live in the city, just a few minutes from Los Angeles but have always been impressed by the beauty in simplicity of small town life. I loved the wedding in Het Het, it was simple but heartfelt and loving---how nice, it made me wish that I had been there.
the gringo


I'm being very careful in any of my comments that relate to prior versions of this novela. They have made big changes to it chopping out a huge story line in the beginning which would affect two more later on. They were integral to that version but would make no sense in this one. Over and above the fact that this story is good and fast moving I find the tweaking of characters interesting and the fact that some characters are combinations of two or are completely different.

Sure Rosa is the only one on the planet who believes that Max and Aurora had an affair but since no one other than Max has ever heard her accusations it will still come as a bomb (if that is what she does).

I like the Conny character, she seems to have a solid head on her shoulders unlike Miss Wacko sister. Was there some hint that Julie and Crazy Gala might not have a boatload of money. Mam J seems terribly concerned about the loss of Rod's dinero although she certainly spends like she'g got it.

Someone mentioned Gala's ex. Do we know anything about him?

Vivi- I like the idea of Marcial being an undercover cop. At least then we could be spared the obligitory rape scene. But then he probably wouldn't have pushed good-girl Violeta so much. Glad she set him straight that she's no more a whore working at Inferno than any other occupation. But I hope she keeps her radar out about his guy until we know who he really is. He could've been sent by Max who is deserving of all the digs that Aldo is getting in. but as much as he loves his kids, he showed a violent streak when he told Vicki that he would be very unhappy if she were seeing someone else. As though she owes him any loyalty.

I was hoping that someone warned Dona L*** (whatever it was) that the entire village (minus Aquiles) was going to her house for the celebration lunch after the wedding. Luckily she had it all set up overlooking the canyon, with some nice music once they got rid of everyone except the violinist.

And I loved Luci's dress. Village-y, but a really nice change from all these strapless princess-type dresses we see everywhere. It was more flattering and very pretty on her. Hope she keeps it for the church wedding instead of trying for a big city look. Wouldn't that just stick it to Rosa.


Gringo- thank you for your great comment. I love those mountains in Het Het, I don't climb I'd just like the walk the town and mountains there.

Decie Girl - Julie mentioned a couple epi's ago, that they had to sell their apt in NYC because of some financial problem. Julie is very money hungry. She is the one that needs the big bucks, she sells info on the sly to the chisme press to make extra cash. We don't know much about Gala's ex or why they are divorced. I'd be curious to find that out. She probably made his life a living hell. Agree with you about Conny too, so different from her wacko sister.

Kelly thanks for your great comment. I like your idea of keeping Luci's dress the same for the church wedding. It was a lovely simple dress, with the little silk headband. I would love for Luci to stick it to Rosa anyway she can lol. Oh, and can't wait for Frigid to find out Rod and Luci are married. I hope Luci chews her out, especially for goose stepping her out that gate, jus' sayin'.

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