Monday, June 25, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #43 Mon 6/25/12 Rod and Luci Spend Their Honeymoon Avoiding Consummation and Baiting Anvils

Luci opens her hotel door to her marido Rod. He’s blown away by her beauty in her simple, modest white dress, and backs her slowly into the room, kissing her all the while. Things are getting pretty serious and it looks like we (and Rod) might get a much anticipated night of wedded bliss.

We’ll have to wait to see if we (and Rod) get our wish, because we are whisked away to another marital bedroom. Except this one is not quite as blissful, or happy, or loving, or…well, you get the drift. Rosa pulls the covers off of Max and demands that he speak to her about their son. Max wants to know what she thinks he can do about it. Rod is a grown man. She storms out to “think.”

Ahh, back to the happy newlyweds. They’re still kissing, when all of a sudden they both realize where this is going and jump apart. They think about it for about two seconds and then rush back to each other’s arms and kiss more passionately than before. In between their heavy breathing and fervent caresses, Rod tells Luci how much he loves her.

Max obviously can’t sleep after his argument with Rosa, so he visits Pato, who is also having a sleepless night. Pato asks if it’s true that Rosa hates Luci because she looks like Aurora Linares. Max admits the resemblance but thinks Rosa hating Luci for that would be nuts. Pato also points out that Max avoids the subject of Claudio Linares. Downstairs in the kitchen, Hannah and Mati are excited by the possibility of Rod and Luci having a baby. (Ladies, they might be making that a reality right about now.) Mati is super excited to be a three generation Nana—Rosa, Hannah and her brothers, and now maybe Rod’s child. Frigida comes in and pooh poohs the baby talk. Rod will never marry that girl. Mati and Hannah give each other a knowing look. Clueless Frigida has been left out in the cold with this piece of hot gossip.

We fly back to the hotel suite to see if Rod and Luci are complying with our, and Mati and Hannah’s wishes. Well, looks like they’re close. They’re on the shag rug (how appropriate), Rod’s on top, and they’re breathing mighty heavily. But they’re still fully dressed and both of them once again become aware of what they’re doing. Rod looks Luci in the eyes and can see her growing discomfort. “Not yet?”, he asks her. “No, not yet.” He rearranges her blouse and helps her up from the floor. They’re still pretty breathless, but decide to go to dinner. “As you wish, Princess.” He kisses her hands and leads her out the room.

Rod and Luci walk the streets of their honeymoon town and purchase snacks from a street vendor. He wants them to come back someday with their first child. They speak of kids and Rod says he can’t wait to be a daddy. They kiss on a park bench, and a child rides by on his scooter and falls right in front of them. Both Rod and Luci spring up to help him up, but his mother is right behind. Rod wants their child to be just like that—brave and daring. Luci also wants their child to be happy, well educated, and above all, very loved. They kiss on it.

Pato is still grilling Max about the Linareses, and why the hate. Why didn’t Max help Claudio? Why does Rosa hate Aurora if they were best friends and she helped with the birth of her child? Pato demands an explanation.

Rosa is in her favorite place to perform her one woman passion play. I think Jesus is getting tired of it too. She wonders what will happen when Claudio discovers that there’s just one body in the grave. “Well, I could just say that the baby’s body disintegrated over time. What about the clothes? What am I going to say about the missing clothes?!  And what has happened to the child? Luciana… Luciana is the same age! What if it’s her? No! No, Dios mio! Not such a big punishment!”

Rod orders tequila at dinner. Luci doesn’t drink, but agrees to try when Rod insists it’s to celebrate. She knows he’ll take care of her. He swears to always take care of her. (Anvil alert!) Smoochies!

Pato should be a lawyer. He’s really raking Max over the coals tonight. He wants to know why all the hate and drama surrounding Luci, just because she looks like Aurora. Max finally admits it’s because of his mother’s ever present absurd jealousy. “Was there something between you and Aurora?” “No. There was never anything between me and Aurora.”  He says that Rosa was always jealous of Aurora because he admired her. She was a serene woman who profoundly loved her husband. (The exact opposite of Rosa, by that description.) Aurora and Claudio were really happy. They loved each other deeply, while there were always problems between him and Rosa. Rosa interpreted his admiration wrongly. Max once again states that he did not have sexual relations with that woman. Anyway, he would never have gotten the chance with Aurora. She was the most dignified and respectful woman he’s ever known. Plus she very much loved her husband. Pato thinks it’s a shame that the memory of Aurora has awakened such base feelings in Rosa towards a girl who has done nothing to her. Max explains how Aurora found she was pregnant when Claudio was in jail (still not clear if she got pregnant before or after he went to jail, and how, if after) and that he and Rosa cared for her. However, Rosa’s irrational jealousy just grew. This was the start of the end of their marriage. Pato asks what happened to the baby and Max explains that she died, along with the mother.  “Nineteen years ago. Exactly the age of Luciana.” Ding, ding, ding! Someone give that boy a prize. Max is completely impactado by this train of thought.

Claudio is still thinking about Rosa’s visit to the cemetery and her chat with the director. He looks at Connie’s business card. 

Connie, meanwhile, is having a romantic (2-person) dinner with Oscar. He’s going to miss her. She tells him he can come visit her, but in the meantime he can take Julie out dancing. “You are bad!” They have a chuckle over this. They then talk about Gala, who is a mess. Connie thinks it’s a tantrum (berrinche) more than anything else. Oscar agrees. Connie gets a call and excuses herself from the table. It’s Claudio. She thanks him for helping Melissa with her thesis. He gets to the point and tells her about wanting to move the remains of his wife and child. He actually wants to speak to Rosa about this, but wants to call her tomorrow at a decent hour.

Melissa thinks back to her meeting with Claudio. Looks like there’s some May-December crushing going on. I might be ok with this. Aside from the HUGE age difference, they have similar personalities and interests.

Gala’s tantrum continues. Blah, blah, Rod betrayed me. Whah! Julie tells her they can’t let down their guard and must continue with the Unmask the Whorish Lying Chacha Plan. 

Back to happier places. Luci is having her first shot of tequila. Looks like she will need some more practice. Rod asks her if she had a lot of boyfriends before.  Nope. Not one.  He doesn’t believe it, as lovely as she is. She admits she’s never been in love before, like this. He kisses her. She says she’s never been loved like this before, never been kissed like this before, never been embraced like this before, never felt like this before. They exchange te amos. He loves her so much, it makes him afraid. It’s like a dream. It’s too perfect. She makes him promise that he’ll never deceive her, and no matter what, come what may (pase lo que pase), he’ll always tell her the truth.  (Anvil alert!!!) He swears it. (Lo juro.) And he makes her promise the same. More kisses. More anvils.

Lastra and Ivan talk about the new girl Violeta brought in. (We assume Serena.) This one’s from the big city, so she won’t scare as easy as the last one fresh off the bus from Het Het. Ivan floats the idea of Lorenzo working in the casino. Lastra doesn’t think it’s a bad idea. This will begin his revenge against Luci. Her brother will be his ally.

Gala doesn’t think that the info they have from the P.I. is enough. They need more proof to show Rod that Luci is a whore. She’s going to attack Luci with all the hatred she’s capable of. Julie thinks the key to Luci’s destruction is in Het Het.

Cut to Don Aquiles crying into his tequila bottle about losing his Palomita and not being able to get what he wanted this time, dammit.

Gala wonders if it’s still worth fighting for Rod’s love. Julie thinks of course it is! (Well, fighting for his money, at least.) Gala’s not on board with wanting Rod back, but she sure wants to finish Luci, in a bad way. She’s starting to get that same crazy eyed look as Rosa.

Rod has arranged for a serenade at dinner, and joins in to sing a love song to Luci. She’s enchanted.  They slow dance as Rod continues to sing. Smooches! Later, they walk back to the hotel and she expresses her surprise at hearing him sing.  He says there’s still a lot she doesn’t know about him. She says the same. (Anvil alert!) More mushy love talk and kisses. “I made a promise to your mother, and you don’t know how much I desire to break it.” He repeats how difficult it is to keep his promise at her door, but lets her into her room saying each one to his/her own bed. We can tell that he totally doesn’t mean it, and would carry Luci off to the bed in a split second if she let him. She closes the door, and they both lean against it on opposite sides, looking like they both need a cold shower.

Honeymoon Montage: Nature walks, street vendor snacks, delicious meals, boats, jet skis, and lots of kissing.

Gala announces to Julie that the tears are done with, and puts her war paint on. She’s also wearing a fabulous, kick-ass black jumpsuit with a wide black leather belt. Frigida calls to report she heard that Luci has something to do with Claudio Linares.

Boris invites Hannah to his beach house for his birthday party, with some other friends. Hannah’s not going if Lula doesn’t go. Plus, her parents wouldn’t give her permission to go without Lula. Boris is not happy about this.

Padre Honesto is being visited by his favorite psycho, Rosa. He tells her that if Rod and Luci get married, she can’t interfere. He then takes out his big old Bible and shows her the verse that says children are just on loan to parents and must one day leave their parents to unite with their spouse. Rosa chooses to ignore that bit of verse. Padre tries to talk sense to her. Hasn’t he learned? She’s determined to unmask that deceiver Luci.  Padre reminds her that no one is supposed to interfere between a man and wife, and she’s just going to end up separating Rod from his family and from her. She’s sure she will be saving her son’s life.

Mati visits Estella to tell her the Ice Queen wants to see her, NOW, to interrogate her about Luci. (I would tell Rosa to go to hell if I were Estella. She doesn’t pay Estella’s salary. What right has she got to question her?) Over in Vio’s apartment, Lorenzo tells her Ivan wants to talk to him. They talk about Luci coming back soon. Lorenzo is not ok with Luci doing the deed with Rod before the Church wedding, no matter that they have had the civil wedding. He can’t even listen to talk of any hanky panky between his sister and Rod.

Lic. Barrera has gone all the way to Het Het to help Paz out with the properties issue. It’s confirmed that the lands and the house are still in her and Galdino’s names. Paz and Magda are over the moon about it. Madga tells him about La Gorda giving Don Aquiles money for the house already. Barrera wants to speak with her.

In his office, Don Aquiles is telling his lackeys to find out all they can about Rod, and whether or not Luci and Rod are really good and married, in all the ways possible. (Anyone have any idea what that stuffed animal is on Don A’s desk? I laugh every time I see it.)

Ivan tells Lorenzo that he can work in the casino that night. It’s a trial run. Ivan calls Lastra to report this latest development. Gala and Julie meet Lastra at a restaurant and he shows them photos of the night of the Inferno brawl, after Luci had taken off her wig, but was still in her costume. They get the pictures when he gets the money wired to his account. Gala finally connects the dots and realizes that was the same night their group was there. She tells Julie that Rod was the one who defended Luci that night. She seems to think this will help her revenge plan.

Estella has come to the big house, and that bitch Rosa won’t let Marianita come in with her.  (Hey lady, YOU asked her to come to your house.) Mati decides to take Marianita out to the front lawn and goes back inside to get her refreshments. Pato is outside (yay!) and encounters Marianita. Inside the house…wait. I can’t believe this woman has her back turned rudely to Estella when she enters the room, then she DEMANDS that Estella tell her the truth about Luci. Aww, HELL NO! I repeat. Estella does NOT work for her.

OK. A bit of relief. The honeymooners are taking a stroll. She’s going to miss the tranquility of her pueblo. Rod says they’ll build a nice house for her mama in San Francisco del Alto (Het Het), where she can visit any time she wants. He’ll go wherever she goes, to the ends of the earth. She wants her children to know and love her land, like she does. They speak of having many children. He wants them to have her color hair. She wants them to have his eyes.  “Luciana, I’m going to dedicate myself to making you happy, always.”

Avances: More revenge plans from Gala and Julie, and madness from Rosa. It’s all moving towards trouble for Rod and Luci.


Vivi, thank you for the great recap. Tonight's episode would have been great without Gala and her mother.

That stuffed thing must be some sort of cat. At one point, Don A had the darn thing on his lap like a pet. Maybe it is his favorite pet that died and he then had stuffed. Whatever it is has seen better days.

Great line about Rosa and her Passion Play. That is a perfect description of Rosa.

Rosemary Primera

Vivi this recap was wonderful. Loved all your anvil alerts, how right you are. I was really hoping they did the deed, before Julie and Gala can ruin everything. I noticed in the pics you just see Luci kind of from behind, not in full face. Maybe this will help. Can't stand Gala and her revenge.

That thing on Don A's desk looks like a stuffed fox. Foxes are very small, not big at all. We have them around here. He was funny crying into his tequila, lol. He is a big ole baby, but don't like the idea he hired a P.I. either. There are alot of P.I.'s running around.

Awww, all the time Luci and Rod spent together, so sweet. Love how he sang to her, he isn't bad, and her first shot of tequila. I thought he would kind of take "advantage" of her, but not so. He really is a gentleman. Loved how you put "I'll always tell you the truth no matter what", anvil alert. How true that is.

Frigid is dumb really, she can't put two and two together. She could have figured out so much from listening to Mati and Hannah. Instead, he will never marry ese typa. The joke will be on her.

Loved Pato in the garden with Marinita. He is so sweet.

ITA with you about Melissa and Claudio, they would be really good together, and have so much in common. I'm ok with this too, even with the age difference. There is no creep factor there.

Hey Madelaine and Rosemary Primera- So a fox or a cat, heh? Maybe it's a small chupacabra? LOL!

Madelaine- I also thought Rod would take the opportunity to get Luci a little tipsy and take advantage (that's what galan Alex did in Sortilegio), but I'm glad he didn't. The singing was sweet, and like you said, not half bad.

Lol Vivi with the chupacabra. I remember from the last TN I recapped, El Tal, Panchito was outside one night, and thought he heard one, lol.

"Rosa is in her favorite place to perform her one woman passion play" & "Padre Honesto is being visited by his favorite psycho, Rosa"
totally made me LOL

the luci/rod moments were sweet, but in the back of my mind I was thinking 'oh you poor young saps in love, promise all you want, it won't mean much right now'

who the hell does she think she is calling estrellita like she's at her beck and call?! can't wait till someone really gives it to crazy rosa.

the may-dec relationship; really melissa?? yeah agree that they're similar people & can see how she can crush on someone like him, but all I can see coming out of that is trouble.

thanks for the recap!


Vivi thanks for your recap. Glad you only had hour. ITA w/you about Rosa and her treatment of Estella. Unbelievable. I can't wait 'til she starts getting what is coming to her.

Though I generally don't like huge age differences in addition to the power the male characters typically have, I'm not hating Melissa and Claudio. If Connie is going to be with Oscar, then someone else will have to appear as Claudio's potential love interest; Connie was one of the options out there for Claudio.

Dreading the revenge plan making Rod become an idiot. Though Pato as lawyer and detective was great fun.

Wow. I almost needed a cold shower after this one. I would've said to heck with Jesus. Bet the padre wishes Rosa would think the same for a change.

I thought the critter was some kind of racoon, but leave it to Aquiles to be BFF with a chipacabra.

Excellent recap! And loving this calm before the storm.


Vivi: Most excellent (as always). "Clueless Frigida has been left out in the cold with this piece of hot gossip"; "shag rug (how appropriate)" and "one woman passion play" were some of my favorites.

One of the reasons I watch these is for romance. Tingling, exciting, promising love. Rod and Luci have embodied just that the past few nights. I melted when he sang to Luci, albeit forgetting some of the words and singing off key. He was a man in love, and his smile at the end of the song was bright enough to light up the sky. The dual screen showing both of them on opposite sides of Luci's door was so sweet.

Sadly, we know this is not to last...

Rosemary, I burst out laughing at "Don A had the darn thing on his lap like a pet'. Yes, what on earth was that???

Madelaine, I enjoyed every scene with Pato! Karen, Pato does have the entire package doesn't he? Intelligent, kind, handsome. So galan worthy.

So Luci fantasized Max had a relationship with Aurora? It makes sense as Claudio was so devoted and as Luci is completely delusional. Nice to know Max admired someone. Outside of his children, he seems to treat almost everyone with scathing tolerance.

I'm afraid that "Gala announces to Julie that the tears are done with, and puts her war paint on". Very afraid.

Thanks again Vivi!


"One of the reasons I watch these is for romance. Tingling, exciting, promising love. Rod and Luci have embodied just that the past few nights."

Diana- I'm in total agreement. Many recent telenovelas have missed the mark on that. At first I wasn't sold on these two, but I believe in their love (and attraction) now.

I know you meant that Rosa (not Luci) fantasized the relationship between Max and Aurora. Yes, Rosa has quite the imagination, where SHE is always the victim.

jlk and Karen- I'm glad I wasn't the only one annoyed with Rosa ordering Estella around (and ordering that Marianita be kept outside like some dog) like she's the Queen of Sheba. The nerve!

Kelly- Maybe you can join Rod in that cold shower that he surely needs right about now. I am also enjoying this calm, lovely time Rod and Luci are having, but I can't help but to anxious about those anvils I see hovering over them.

"Rosa is in her favorite place to perform her one woman passion play. I think Jesus is getting tired of it too." That was a winning line Vivi (actually 2 lines). Just loved the recap, thanks. I like how Max interacts with his children. Thank goodness for one normal parent.


ITA about poor Estella having to go to Rosa. Rosa thinks she is all that doesn't she. I would have told her to go you know where too. Poor Estella looks so intimidated. And besides Rosa won't beleive anything Estella tells her. It's funny everytime someone tells Rosa how decent Luci is, she doesn't beleive any of them.

Kelly agree with you about Rosa and Jesus. I think Jesus is throughly sick of her. She should instead think of WWJD instead.

Rosa is a control freak big time. It's either her way or the highway. And her obsession with Max and Aurora. I guess she never heard of a DNA test. But I think even with that, she'd still be mean to Luci. This would make Luci the social "equal" of the Torreslandas, I wonder how Rosa would handle that.

Vivi, thank you! Yes, I meant Rosa not Luci. Appreciate the correction.


Think Mati may be in mucho trouble with her job if she didn't fetch Estella for the bey otch to hector.

Seems Rosaelena must think she has already bought her way into heaven and Padre Honesto isn't keeping his end of the deal.

Don't really understand Gala's thinking. Rod came to Luci's (don't recall her inferno name) aid in the inferno smack down and I don't see how Rod knowing it was Luci would make any difference. It might actually make him more endeared to her.

The advances I saw indicated some sort of trouble as Rod either made or received a cell phone call. Thinking maybe Gala sent him photos to his phone. Don't know just speculating.

Not consummating the marriage leaves open going into annulment land...will we?

Thanks much for a really great recap.

Vivi---Your writing is fablous--so many great lines.

one woman passion play

Jesus is getting tired of her

looking like they both need a cold shower

Gala puts on her war paint

I do not know what kind of animal Don A has, but that thing sure has teeth--looks mean like him.

Can someone help me? I forgot, what the relation between Rosa and Estella is.

The past romantic moments have been great. I'm dreading the sadness and evil that is about to arrive, but I guess there wouldn't be a great story and a happy ending without it.
the gringo

Yola- Yes, I really appreciated that honest conversation that Max had with Pato. Well, up to a point. He's not going to start volunteering info about how he framed Claudio. But he is a good dad. I feel bad for the kids when they find out how corrupt he is.

Anon 11:56- I don't get Gala's thinking either or why she smiled so wide when she realized Luci was the girl Rod rescued at the club. I still don't see how they can twist the club incident when Rod was there and was a witness. The only thing he would have to be upset about is that Luci didn't tell him later when they met again. But I still don't see that being a relationship-breaking revelation. So what, she didn't tell him she was the bar girl! It's not like the incident it had any repercussion for him. She's the one who had to deal with all the fallout.

Thanks Gringo. The only relationship Rosa and Estella have is through Mati. Estella is Mati's sister and she's the one who recommended Luci to Mati for the maid job when Mati called to ask her if she knew anyone who needed a job. That's why it's so galling that Rosa is bossing her around. She and Estella don't even know each other, and Estella is not her employee.

Rosa certainly is over the top, imagine forcing the little girl to stay outside as someone said like a dog. The only dog around is that Bitch who is now angry at God for daring to punish her by sending that girl into the house. I can hardly wait for her comeuppance and i want it to be a good one.

Say what you will about Max he really is a good father. He spoke up to Pato and didn't just palm him off with some nonsense. Those kids are really going to be hurt when his true character is revealed.

I too like the nice peaceful time between Luci and Rod because experience tells us the poop is going to hit the fan and since he is a typical galan dope he will believe everything and put himself and luci through hell. I honestly wish we could someday have a novela were the beleaguered pair continue to be happy while everyone around them is miserably trying to destroy them. That would be a sign of true love not the break them apart while they moon over each other for months or years.

I was a little nervous about Don Asshat and his questions about the marriage. Can't help but think he will try to find away to get rid of the papers. I do wish his ugly "pet" would come to life and scare him to death.

I am only catching glimpses of this TN, but your recap was wonderful. I really like the heroine—she is so natural looking without the fake bits we see on so many Tn actresses.

I loved all your anvil alerts and got a huge kick out of the mental image of the sport of 'anvil baiting'. Will that appear in the upcoming Olympics in London? It sounds like these two would be medal contenders for sure.

Thanks again, amiga Vivi, for being such a great observer,recapper and writer. Because of your presentation I'll try to grab a view of Refegio when I can. The two hour thing is SOOO hard, though.


Vivi, great recap as usual. The contrast between Luci and Gala is really vast. Luci is a lady without even trying and Gala is well a witch.Gala recognizes that, that is why she hates her so much. Rosa identifies with her because they are the same. Rod should just stop making promises.He is an anvil magnet. The romance scenes are so romantic. I have asked my husband to watch to learn a few things. Rod simply loves Luci and is so respectful of her virtue. I just love this show.Mati is gets on my nerves. How is she going to leave her little niece out on the lawn simply because the crazy one said so. She is adding to her list of offenses with me.She helps get rid a new born baby,doesn't say a word about said baby returning as Luci,doesn't defend her or even clue Max in on what Rosa does to Luci and now leaving a little girl out in the sun. One more offense and she will be dead to me.


I found out what Don Aquiles’ stuffed animal is! It’s called a coatimudi or coati. See these pages:; Other names for it are: Mexican raccoon, Brazilian aardvark, Mexican tejón, hog-nosed coon, pizotes, Panamanian Gatosolo, crackoons, and snookum bears.

“The male coatimundis usually suffer from behavioral problems because of their solitary lifestyle and aggression from females.” Sounds like a certain aggressive Don with behavioral problems that we know.

EJ- Thanks for stopping by amiga. If anvil baiting were an Olympic sport, all of our tn galans would be gold medalists!

Olive- I hear ya about Mati. I find her silence and loyalty to Rosa to be maddening as well. I do still like her, but would like to slap her sometimes.

Anon 12:41- I love Don Asshat. Perfect name for him!

Thank-you Vivi, you're a big help
the gringo

"Coatis are about the size of a large house cat. Males can become almost twice as large as females and have large, sharp canine teeth."

I can't help hoping that once the Queen Bitch has finished with her Inquisition of Estrella that they go out to the garden and find Marianita riding around in the wheel chair and laughing with Pato. Then we can see Rosa flip out and rant and rave about the servants and their dirty kids. She obviously thinks anyone not in her class is dirty in some way.

Interesting to me is that we had hints that the Torreslandas didn't come from money. Obviously Max earned it the old fashioned way, lying and stealing and Claudio remembers Rosalinda as Rosa so obviously when they got money she had to change her name to something more refined sounding. After all Rosa does sound like a servants name. LOL

I'm sure Hot Bod Rod took a very long cold shower...twice. I too was so hoping they'd do the mattress mambo. But it is sweet how he's respecting her (and her mama's) wishes that they have the blessing of a priest in a church ceremony first.

Gala & her "revenge" on Luci: Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned. Anyone notice she still has a pic of her & Hot Bod Rod in her office??? And wonder if that ex-hubby of hers will show up later to cause her & her mama trouble??? Hhhmmm.....

I'm already done with Loco Rosa. Just waiting for the guys in white jackets to come & take her away to the funny farm.

I think Pato is going to put on his detective hat and dig deeper into the Max/Rosa/Claudio/Aurora story.

Decie Girl and Anon 2:34- Yes, there are quite a few secrets and mysteries that need to come to light to expose Rosa and Max for the people they really are. I have no doubt that the kids, like Pato, are going to be the ones asking the tough questions and digging up the truth.

Vivi- I would happily join Rod anyway, church be darned. I just hope he doesn't fall for the garbage we know is coming. He has such faith in her now that it'd be a shame (and a little against type) to see that change so quickly.

I thought he already knew that Luci was the barmaid. This shouldn't be a shock. And I really didn't get what Gala was so happy about either when she saw the pics. Maybe she's happy about how good she looks in a jumpsuit. Most people couldn't pull that off.


Since it is Telenovelaland we know that in typical Galan fashion Rod will believe every line of BS thrown his way so I'm not going to feel in the least bit sorry for him for his lack of faith.

On the other hand there are revelations galore that are going to hit all of the young un's and I will feel sorry for them. The TL kids will find out sooner or later about Max's other life and it seems it won't be long before they find out about their sainted mother and poor Luci is also bound to discover that she has been lied to her entire life. Lots of anvils headed, as usual to the innocent.

One thing always amuses me and that is how the schemers like Julie and Gala always seem to win and have their triumphs but never seem to get that what goes around comes around (if only it didn't take so long).

Kelly- I think he recognized her, but didn't, if that makes any sense. When he saw her in the club, he immediately felt she seemed familiar, and he was certainly attracted to her. But it was too much of a leap to put the girl in the short devil costume, red wig, tons of makeup, and high heels in a bar in D.F,, together with the image of the sweet simple girl he had met some weeks back in Het Het.

I think once he finds out, it will then make perfect sense to him and he'll realize why he was drawn to the waitress in the first place.

Vivi--Lucky you--just one hour and what a good one, too, full of music, smoochies and heavy breathing. You're the best. I have a long meeting tonight and my DVR is acting up (missed all of AmoCoraz today).

Well, here is what I know and/or suspect:
1. Rosa is going to go Ape Sh*t when she hears about the marriage. She's going to assume they *did* it. When she finds out they didn't, she's going to try to get it annulled. No church wedding until the end, my friends. The opposite happened in El Tal. We had to wait until the end to get the civil wedding.

2. When Don A. is "deposed" by Rosa and/or Julie infront of Rod, he's going to make his relationship with Luci as sordid as he can so he can get her back.

3. Luci is going to have to do the 'splaining about the pictures. It doesn't matter how, it's not going to sound too pure and innocent.

4. Rod is going to believe all the dirt, but probably won't go back to Gala--disappointing Julie so she redoubles her efforts.

5. Pato is going to believe Luci.

6. Claudio leaves on his trip so he can't protect or help Luci.

7. Aurora got pregnant *while* he was in prison--I've maintained that without wavering since I heard Mati say it. They do have conjugal visits in Mexican prisons, but Rosie is going to jump to the wrong conclusion.

8. The DNA test will not work until Claudio gets back, but isn't it the mother's line that is deemed the most reliable? But at least Max and Claudio are both alive for comparison. Max is probably going to be as interested as Claudio to get a DNA test. (Maybe the exhumation won't take place until Claudio gets back and there'll be time to see if they can collect any DNA from the remains.)

9. As much as I think Melissa and Claudio are sweet together, he's too much of a gentleman (and still idolizing his wife's memory) to take advantage of someone the same age as his *dead* daughter. Melissa will have to get over he crush.

10. We in viewerville are in danger of having yet another fake pregnancy thrown at us as Julie gets more desperate to gain access to Rod's checkbook. Poor Gala if she goes along with it. Think of how resourceful Doris has been on Amorcito. She's even willing to do the fake baby bump thing.

11. I know Vivi will give us another top notch recap tonight (in case my DVR doesn't work--again).

Anita- Love all the predictions and think you are spot on.

Not that it matters that much, but I think Melissa is in her 20s, so a little older than Luci, but not much. ;-) I also think he's too much of a gentleman and devoted to his wife's memory to go there with Melissa. Still, if he were a few decades younger, it would be a perfect match.

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