Monday, July 02, 2012

Amorocito Corazón Discussion #34-43 July 2-6

The first hour

  • Isa decides it is for the best if she and 'Nando break up. She doesn't want to be to blame for the break-up of his family.
  • Leo gets angry that 'Nando made Isa cry. The two go off to share a few drinks. 'Nando opens up about his situation with Doris, but swears Isa is the one for him. Both Leo and 'Nando talk about their fear of being alone. Leo admits he regrets leaving Sarita. (Meanwhile Sarita explains to Zoe that once a love is broken, it's never the same. Zoe looked pensive.) Leo asks 'Nando to keep their little chat secret.
  • Willy makes his way to the archbishop's office and takes the blame for the *ahem* campaign for prevention.
  • Mother Superior tells Lucía to take a vow of silence. Lucía starts wearing a dry erase board. "NO ME HABLES. VOTO DE SILENCIO." Mother Superior is not amused, but allows Lucia to use it for emergencies.
  • Cecilio visits FFFFF in the hospital. FFFFF tells him about kissing Zoe. FFFFF tells Cecilio to call Zoe (not sure on the details.) He does but Zoe hangs up since she doesn't recognize the voice. FFFFF calls right back and explains it was his buddy Cecilio. For his part Cecilio seemed to recognize Zoe's voice.
  • *sigh* Horty and Marisnot. Marisnot is Marisnot and wants to leave the house, but Mine stops her since that's what 'Nando wanted. Marisnot calls Horty who rushes to her aid. As they are leaving the run into Isa who tells them she is breaking up with 'Nando...right when he walks up. Horty and Marisnot don't really believe her and they flounce off. 'Nando tells Isa he loves her enough to fight the odds and eventually talks her out of breaking up. (The kissing is still "meh" in my book. Have I mentioned that I now think both Diego and Elizabeth are culpable? They only have chemistry if they DON'T kiss.)
  • Guillerma nags Leo. He has some sort of attack. (Maybe the vapors?)
  • Jazmín and Reina get busted by Padre...but he lets her stay.
  • Doris comes to visit 'Nando and brings gifts for the girls. A perfectly times gastric gurgle makes Merifer think she felt the baby move. While Doris is there she finds out abut 'Nando's plan to take Isa out. Doris texts Poncho and tells him to do something to sabotage the evening.
I will return with hour two later this evening...


Thank you Sara. I was a little worried at first when Marisnot game right out the gate shrieking like a harpy, but at least it was a bit less screaming than the last episodes. She is really getting on my nerves. When will actors learn that yelling does not equal good acting? I give special dispensation to the actress who was going into labor though.

I wonder who many times per episode Fer and Isa will break up and get back together?

Voto de Silencio, good luck with that Lucia. I love how she manages to retain her bubbly disposition even while having to be silent.

What an evening! FOUR characters in the hospital! And the doctor doesn't tell anyone's family the patient could die. [sigh]

New vocab:

chupetón = hickey

jeringona = big ol’ syringe

recio = robust

moler = to grind

Oye, why does Doris keep calling the girls "piojitas"? Surely "bird lice" is not a term of endearment...

Thanks for the vocab! I'm about to add it to the list...

...and get off me duff and watch the second hour.

I don't know how much recapping I can get to in this week and next. Hubs will be coming home early most of this week (usually around 1:30) and he is off next week. He monopolizes the TV (as is his right being the main breadwinner in our household lol) and I'm also keeping up with Abismo, the ultimas semanas of LQNPA and I'm also involved in some competitive knitting hee hee.

Here's a saying I picked up in the first hour (with no CCs! I was so proud of myself!)

Tanto peca el que mata la vaca como el que le agarra la pata

It takes two to tango. He who assists in the crime is just as guilty as he who commits it.

Sara, when I heard that cow-killing aphorism I laughed so loud my husband came in to make sure I was all right.

BTW, I'm no good to anyone here for the next 3 weeks, either -- my Mom is coming to stay tomorrow, then I'm on vacation, and I won't have the house (and TV!) to myself again until the 23rd. But I expect to be back with a vengeance -- I will miss my imaginary friends so much...

Just watched the second hour. I guess the biggest action is:

--Isa is allergic to shrimp. As she leaves the hotel she discovers Guillerma is cheating on Leo. During her visit to the hospital she sees Leo and the doctor reports he has high blood pressure. She was not admitted so sadly I did NOT get my bingo. And speaking of bingo, is there a square for PSA? Those seem to crop up a lot.

--Doris loses the girls in the movie theater but finds them. She lied to get them to the theater. 'Nando goes to confront her.

--Sarita is incensed that 'Nando would take her daughter to a hotel and wants to confront 'Nando. She goes up to his apt (with Isa following) where Minerva reports he went to see Doris.

--The next day 'Nando lies to Isa about where he was.

Other stuff
--Reina gets indigestion, but everyone thinks its early labor. Willy goes in search of someone to pay the bill. First he goes to Horty. She's not home, Marisnot meets him and he lets slip where he lives and that he's Babs' brother. Babs is busted, but she tells a BS story about him being the chofer and how her mother took him in. Whatever. Babs and Marisnot are getting on my last nerve.

confianzudo(-a): forward; brazen; cheeky
genio: temper (Jazmin calls the Mother Superior looking for Lucia. Mother Superior gets snippy. Jazmin hangs up and says ¡Qué genio! What a temper! Dudes, I had no idea about this meaning of the word. I'm a a fraude I tell ya!)
a todo dar: really good; excellent; go all out
la primeriza: first-time mother

Have fun while you mom visits, Blue Lass!

Thanks for the update recap. I like this TN, but can't always watch all of it.
La Paloma

I hear ya, La Paloma! It is good and it's too bad Univision has made it sort of hard to keep up with it.

I can take over daily summaries for awhile if anyone wants me to. I'm around for the next two weeks, and then I'll be out of town with no Uni for a few weeks.

Surely there is a special level of hell for people who claim their family members are their servants. I guess Barb didn't watch Teresa!

I was really disappointed that Isa wasn't kept in the hospital overnight for observation.

Yes, DENYING THE FAMILY is a big telenovela sin! That Barb is digging herself in deep.

I guess Barb didn't watch Teresa!
Yeah. Barb needs a shunning in the worst way!

I'm pretty sure hospitalization of protagonista will get me a bingo, but now that I look I see I marked "coma". Was FFFFF officially in a coma? Why did I mark that?

It was Juancho's Mom who was in a coma. We decided to allow it, even though we'd never seen her before and clearly won't see her after.

What did we decide about Juancho & Marisol "kissing on beach"? Did they or didn't they? Inquiring minds want to know.

For my part, Sara, I think you can count "hospitalization of protagonista" -- but more important, what does Julia say?

Yes he was in a coma. He even took a little stroll toward heaven. I remember noting at the time that his gown was discreetly closed at the back, unlike real hospital gowns.

Can I count "main couple breaks up"? It seems like Isabel threatens to break up a lot, but never actually goes through with it, so I'm thinking not.

Oh that's right. Coma for Juancho's mom. *That's* why I marked it.

Julia: E-mail me if you want to take a couple days next week.

I decided not to mark "hospitalization of protagonista" since Isa wasn't admitted.

One of these days I might make some new cards and include some of the tropes which aren't currently part of the Bingo set. Any requests for squares to include? I can't do it until my home computer comes back from the surgery all fixed up, though (too bad I don't have a square for "laptop hospitalized").

Speaking of my computer estrangement, though, perhaps I should wait to commit to any recapperly duties until I find out when it's coming home. Currently I'm limited to commenting at the office or on my phone.

The characters need to start connecting more and turning their social scene into a tangle of involvements. I think right now Lucia is the only one who knows pretty much everyone, and she's been silenced!

Oh yes, do let's get to work on some new bingo squares. I think we need "false claim of consanguinity" and "lárgate" for starters. Then, if we don't have it, "me las vas a pagar," and maybe, "no respondo." Hmm, let's see. "Noviazgo secreto." "Character tells rival they don't know what s/he's capable of." And do we have "explosion"?

Ah. And "family member mistaken for love interest."

Sara thank you for doing this. And all the chit chat is fun. One little correction, which actually makes it worse than it already is, Barbara says that Willy was the *son* of their chauffeur who then abandoned him and her mother raised him, that's why he said she was his sister, it was like they had been raised as siblings. Regardless, I can't wait to see her get her come-uppance and the fact that to Marisol it wouldn't matter. Although she's getting to be a little narrow-minded and bitchy herself these days. How she can go from gushing over how wonderful Isa is (sharing secrets and getting a new cell phone) to despising her as a two-faced hypocrite after only one of those full-moon nights. I can't discount Horty's influence on her, but really....

Does anyone know if the new sacritstana (is it Reina?) is the same as the Rossy that was in Querida Enemiga? Wasn't Willy's mother in that one, too?
A Very Grateful Anita

Blue Lass--How about a bingo square where 4 main characters supposedly in love with each other don't meet until Ultimas Semanas? I don't know how you would shorten the language, and this is probably the only time this plot-twist has been employed. I think it's funny, but it's also getting tiring. I think FFFF and Zoe make a much better couple. I think I said this once before. Who shall we fix Cecilio up with if the other two stay together?

"Family member mistaken for love interest."

You mean like Beltbuckle and Lucrazy? They never seemed to get the memo that they weren't love interests!

Shall we fix Cecilio up with one of our two abandoned pregnant ladies?

Although the lovers never crossing paths is certainly overdone, I'm not sure anyone would pick that bingo card, just because by definition you HAVE to wait forever to check it off.

Maybe I should start including photos of certain props and set decor as bingo squares. Did anyone else notice the objet d'art in the hotel room? It was that white thing that's shaped like a cause ribbon with a ball on top. That thing is everywhere! Sometimes it has a friend.

Ha ha, visuals, yes. Then we could have the pear robe and those giant balls from the foot of the stairs in CME.

By "family member mistaken for love interest," I was of course referring to Zoe mistaking Cecilio's sister for his wife. That kind of thing seems to happen quite a bit. Hopefully the other thing -- whatever you'd call it -- with Tony & Lola won't be a recurring theme. Blech.

Anita, I kind of like Zoe and F5 together as well. How about Cecilio with Snorty? After Mom's gone, he'll need someone to push him around. (Did you catch the interlude where his Mom called and told him the cat was trapped in the dryer? The next time he answered, he said, "What? Is the dog in the fridge now?")

Oooh, I like the picture idea in the bingo cards, sort of like our street numerals in our robot proofs.

Over on Refugio, I recognized Fernanda's white office chairs from MEPS in Gala's office.

That weird wooden settee in Mercedes' and Ernesto's love nest in LQNPA was used earlier in La Esposa Virgen (this is the tn where our Rogelio learned to be a paraplegic from watching Sergio Sendel).

What are the objects that are used so often there's probably a 50-50 chance they'll appear at least once in any given show? Or I could also add things where it's a distinct type but doesn't necessarily have to be the exact same one. Like...a flatlining heart monitor. A horse statue. A horse painting. (Studly men seem to be required to have horse depictions around them to drive home the point! (So to speak.)) A bedroom filled with roses and lit candles.

Sword. Liquor cabinet. Wetsuit. Tuxedo. Live band. Threat while dancing. Wall safe.

Famous musician appears as self.

Especially funny when no one talks about it, like "OMG I cannot believe Juan Luis Guerra showed up to do a song just so we could dance or get engaged! How on earth did you manage that?!" and then they have to tell everyone they know. They just move on with their lives and never feel the need to talk about how weird and awesome it is that some big star put on a private show just for them.

Yeah, remember the basketball star that showed up at Eva Luna's wedding? He towered over both Blanca and Guy to the point it was ridiculous.

I didn't mind at all when Enrique Iglesias and Juan Luis Guerra showed up for Nata & Jero's two-person engagement party.

Yes, we must have assault on safes. We've had attempted assault on a safe in Corazon Apa. AND La Esposa Virgen.

This gets better all the time.

Antonio committed safe-icide in El Tal. He shot it to death.

Enrique Iglesias is welcome on my screen any time.

How about "liquor tray with an ice bucket that is always kept full"? Or is that totally normal and everyone but me has one?

Beltbuckle's was my favorite safe-cracking scene ever.

Yes! Must have mysteriously regenerating ice.

Significant piece of jewelry. Fake death. Bad harvest. Villainess talks to self in mirror.

Horse chase.


My favorite fake death was in Camaleones. One of the teachers at the fancy private school accidentally mixed up her weight-loss pills (I think) with the catalepsia pills the lead guy, also a teacher, was going to sneak into the prison as a way to break out his father and the leading lady's boyfriend. Because of course they looked the same. So everyone thought she was dead and they were having a funeral, and she woke up in the middle of it, right in front of all the students.

Then they got more pills into the prison to the guys, and the two leads had to sneak into the morgue, where they did some making out whilst waiting for the dead to rise.

O my I've missed a lot!!

I would submit:
Sex on bed of rose petals

Vocab bingo cards
Déjame en paz
lárgate (as has been mentioned)
No me toques (has that one been done? I haven't seen all teh cards)
averaveraveraveraver (I seem to hear that one a lot and I can NEVER say it as quickly as a native.)

As for objects: I almost always see a set of World Book Encyclopedias circa early 1980s on some book shelf. I recognize them from my childhood.

Capitulos 36 and 37

--Isa and 'Nando fight until they make up again.

--Doris claims she's going to go back to Tuxpan. Psh. Like *that* is going to happen.

--Guillermina hires her PI and she wants all the financial info on Leo.

--Knuckles gives Marisnot some pills for "energy." She gets a little loopy. For today that was all that happens. I predict it is a precursor of worse things to come.

--Doris visits Isa and plants seeds of doubt. "He likes that you are a virgin." "Whenever we used to fight he would woo me with flowers and serenades."

--Beba tells Marisnot about Horty's manipulations and Marisnot moves back home. Marisnot continues to be snotty to Isa.

--Lucia gets sent to a medical mission in Chiapas. Willy follows. He has to ride a mule named Hortensia. Shenanigans and schtick. He bares his soul to Lucia and tells her he loves her...the woman beneath the habit. She to him that it hurts that he says such things. She is consecrated to God. She writes that she hates him.

--Marisnot gets a long $$ text from Horty that no one would really send, but I digress. The screed of a text sounds like a good-bye and Marisnot gets worried. Meanwhile Horty gets a massage and says "let them worry." Jewish grandma guilt is nothing compared to Horty.

--Margarita opens the door and looks surprised. I bet it's Manuela. (Avances confirm this.)

--Remember Renando, the dude Zoe took to a hotel and tied up and then sent pictures to his wife? Well, he asks Zoe's forgiveness then offers her a ride. And mugs her (rat bastard.)

--Leo went to a notaria. He wants Sarita and Isa in his will. Help me out here, did the notaria suggest the rancho/capital be put in their names now??

No seas gacho(-a): Don't be annoying!

Anita: thank you so much for the correction!! :-)

Yes, I've got "no me toques" on my bingo card. BTW, if anyone has "suéltame," it was used today.

I thought the notario-guy said yes, put it in their names now, and you can have a life-interest, or something like that.

Mostly I was fretting about the mule. She did not seem to like Willy AT ALL.

Oh I *know*. That poor mule was very nervous. I think Daniel Arenas was just making too many sudden moves. I guess he couldn't really help it though. He had to stay in character.

Bingo - How about making a face(or rolling eyes) while hugging or kissing someone?

Sara, thanks once again.

I loved when Fer took over Isa's TV, how did he do that?

Does the "towel" in the gratutious shower scenes count as an object?

Rosemary Primera

I just watched today's episodes. Trivia not gossip - the actress who plays the beautiful doctor Ana is married to the actor who plays Poncho: Mike Biaggio

Does anybody know who the kid in the mango tree was? I've seen him somewhere.

Do we have any poisoning the protagonista squares? Or poisoning cattle? We've had that in LQNPA & La Esposa Virgen.

What about setting a house on fire with someone in it, but they come out without even getting singed?

About the heart monitors--they have to say "Low Battery" on it as well to count.

The blue-rimmed glassware appeared again, this time in Don Aquiles' house in Refugio. That should be considered an easy square, that glassware appears often. We could make it harder by specifiying which type of glass.

How about cutting tomatoes or zucchini in a tiled kitchen a la Manuela in CME or Maria in LQNPA. What should count as a demerit is one of the characters doing a product placement, Maria and her Tostitos, Sarita and Suave in El Tal.

Or how about Te traigo un tecito, but the flavor has to be specified.

Sara, I'm so glad you are outlining all the fun. It's like a Christmas tree that we can hang the ornaments on--and everyday we have another tree.

Marisol's prodigal return was too easy. She should have chafed under abuela's roof a bit longer. So, abuela didn't go away on a plane, she went to get a massage. If any of you watched To the Manor Born, remember when Audrey had to lie about going on vacation to Spain and then spent the week hiding behind closed shades and trying to get a sun tan with a lamp? Her valet was in on it, but I don't think Hortensia's maid is in on this one.

This is probably where we get to see Sofia's sister.

We should have a daily pool on Cap'n's suggestion about how many times per episode Fer and Isa will break up and get together.

The tv transmission thing was kind of cute. So was Willy Boy's riding Hortensia (tee hee).

Sorry, I didn't mean La Esp. Virg. (I'm stuck on it right now, though). It's in Corazon Apasionado.

And how *could* I forget Antonio assassinating the wall safe!

I'm so glad you are outlining all the fun. It's like a Christmas tree that we can hang the ornaments on--and everyday we have another tree.
Oh I think this is a perfect description of our team effort!

Anita, I believe we have poisoning, also of course "fire (not in fireplace)", one of my favorites. The others are original, though. I like the tecito. Do we need "character pretends to go on vacation"?

I fell asleep thinking about this last night. Singing "las mananitas." Priest constrained by the confessional seal. Velorio. Lovemaking interrupted by phone call. Recalcitrant mule.

How about empty tombs and or coffins? Or burying the wrong person, or no one at all?

Dr. Alvaro Nesme - CME
Julio Arismendi - Eva Luna
Santiago Diaz Herrera - Montecristo (sort of)
Infant Lucia - Refugio

I haven't looked at the Bingo cards in a long time. Can someone give us the link again?


Capítulos 38 and 39
Oh I was so indolent today, m'dears!! I only half paid attention while doing other things.

--'Nando and Isa are now engaged. They have not yet broken up, but I'm sure it's coming.

--Mauela is back and Isa doesn't have a good feeling about her.

--Marisnot got mad *again* when Mauela lets slip that Isa and 'Nando got engaged. She went to a rave with Knuckles (who gets more and more vile IMHO.) She *finally* meets up with Juancho (who is working there with Moncho.) Smoochies and hugs.

--Unfortunately, Knuckles got very jealous. He and his friend plant drugs in Moncho's little bag o'tips and then make a call to the police. As the episodes ends, Moncho and Juancho are being arrested.

--Zoe visits FFFFF who knows immediately she was not in a car accident but was beaten. She won't press charges so FFFFF thinks it's because it was Zoe's ex and that she still has feelings for him.

--Willy gets eaten by mosquitoes because Lucia switched out some repellent cream with a placebo. Later, will gets dengue fever or the plague or some other horrid tropical disease and Lucia feels terrible and takes care of him. Also during the episode, Lucia shows a jealous streak when she overhears Willy sweet talk someone on his cell and when Willy makes nice with the Dr. Lady.

Sara, thanks once again.

Pobre Willie! I am not sure all of his efforts are worth Lucie.

What in the world is wrong with Snorty? She all but attacked the yoga instructor.

I agree with Isa about Manuela. I don't have a good feeling about her either. She is acting like a jealous wife instead of a SIL.

I also do not have a good feeling about Marisnot making it to the of this TN. She has some really bad friends.

Rosemary Primera

I am definitely worried about Marisnot's decision making skills.

And thanks for the reminder about Horty and the yoga instructor. I think she is torn between being true to her deceased husband and living a full life. IMHO she projects a lot of that onto 'Nando, too.

Here's a link to the song played during the donkey ride. (Cara de Angel)

Cap'n, is this the one playing during the basketball game? For some reason I don't think so...

O.M.G. as Tracy would say. This has got to be eligible for Bingo cards:

The CRY of peacocks in the background. I just heard them tonight on Refugio. They can't be that common, but El Tal had them and Tia Mentirosa wants them for Ana Paula's boda (whether she gets them or not is a different story).

You guys are KILLING me. I probably won't be able to catch up for a couple of weeks, but Rosemary Primera's "What in the world is wrong with Snorty? She all but attacked the yoga instructor" has me desperately trying to figure out how I can distract my mother for an hour and a half...and this is just the FIRST DAY.

Who knew selling M&Ms was illegal? That is what was in that baggie, right? Marisnot does make terrible decisions, but now Juancho is the one who is going to look worse to Fernando, even though he did nothing wrong. He was even trying to get Marisol to talk to her dad!

It was a bit of deja vu for those of us who watched that show our Juancho was also framed with drugs and arrested in a club raid...and wasn't our Moncho the poli who arrested him?

I'd love it if Lucia decided against nunliness and went for a love shack type scenario with Willy G...because that would give me bingo. Also, I don't think she's suited for life as a nun. Devoting herself to charitable service, sure, but convent life is too stifling for her buoyant personality. Although I do agree with Lucia that it's annoying that Willy doesn't respect her decisions.

Barb was making me uncomfortable with the way she was talking to Juancho. Him, was funny how he jumped up in relief when Moncho knocked on the door.

but convent life is too stifling for her buoyant personality.
Verily I say unto thee AMEN!! But you are right, for now Willy needs to respect her decisions and volunteer at the church ... a lot.

I loved the M&M quip!

Yeah, Babs made me throw up a little yesterday. Slow your roll, baby.


I heard the peacocks last night in Refugio and thought the same thing.

Peacocks are my favorite birds, they remind me of my grandmother. She had a lot of them. Not only were they pretty but they were great watchdogs.

Rosemary Primera

I have one peacock memory...

Once when I was maybe junior-high-age, my family was traveling home to Idaho from (I think) Seattle and we stopped at Maryhill. It's a place on the Columbia River in south Washington where there is a replica of Stonehenge and a museum and stuff. Anyway, our parents got out of the car and walked over to see if the museum was still open or something, and we kids were being slow-poky about getting our shoes on and all so we were still in the car. There are a lot of peacocks wandering the gardens there, and a bunch of them surrounded our car and were acting aggressive and glaring at us threateningly through the windows (at least that is how it seemed). So we were stuck there in the car, trapped by hostile peacocks.

So we were stuck there in the car, trapped by hostile peacocks.
Ok. I want to see this in a TN. This would be a great plot device.

"I know I was supposed to come get you and we would run off for our secret wedding...but the peacocks...they surrounded me!"

I love that they are royal turkeys in Spanish. (pavo real)

Julia: Can I get some Bingo clarification on "gratuitous shirtlessness" and "real pregnancy"?

Would Reina and Jazmin count as "real pregnancy" or is that only for protagonistas and antagonistas.

Was Willy's shirtlessness yesterday "gratuitous"? I mean, getting ready for bed and swimming would kind of require taking off one's shirt...which keeps it from being gratuitous, right?

Real pregnancy is definitely one to check off. It can be any character, as long as they are a known character in the show and not just an extra you see in the background or something.

When is shirtlessness gratuitous...that's grayer area, I suppose. If the character is just talking to someone or thinking to himself or moping, but happens to have just gotten out of the shower or is sitting around in the gym without a shirt to do it, definitely gratuitous. The swimming yesterday, maybe not, because the swimming was essential to that bit of plot and of course he wouldn't wear a shirt to go swimming. But surely we have had some gratuitous shirtlessness in this show...

I offered Sara gratuitously shirtless Alvaro, but she was all meh. That's okay: I'll take him.

I cannot believe we haven't had at least one scene with Willy G gratuitously shirtless; I just can't remember any in particular.

Honestly, though, I think you should check it off, because telenovelas deliberately create situations which lead to shedding of clothes that would be nearly unheard of in real life. The robbers in the jewelry store making Isa and Fernando strip? That was pretty gratuitous, wasn't it? They didn't really NEED to be en skivvies unicamente.

I offered Sara gratuitously shirtless Alvaro, but she was all meh.
Was I? I'm sorry! I kind of even forgot he was shirtless. His shirtless doesn't seem gratuitous to me at all because he was in the shower and kind of needed to be because of the plot. yaknowwhadimean?

PS: I've watched the first hour and then hubby the TV hog came home. I'll watch hour two later.

The real baddies have finally arrived. Hortensia and Doris are comic kittens compared to Manuela and Barbara.

And Willy....*swoon* Save my soul too, please.

No, I mean after, when he ran down the street in only a towel. That's when I marked MY bingo card. :)

No, I mean after, when he ran down the street in only a towel.
Ok. You've convinced me. *marks gratuitous shirtlessness*

Can you get a diagonal bingo? If so I only need "dramatic moment enhanced by thunderstorm" or "need for blood donor" to get a bingo.

Which reminds me, I still need to run off a card for Abismo.

I only have about 5 episodes I haven't seen, but I saw the second hour today and boy was I surprised by all the changes I saw.

-Juancho was in jail with Moncho.
-Marisnotty and Juancho now know of each other's existance, but Juancho is mad at Marisol (she kind of deserves it).
-Manuela is now in town.
-Zoe and Felipe were both hurt and getting it on, without being drunk.

And the biggest shock of all-- Lucia and Willy are lost in the jungle, wearing only their wet skivies, and kissing! My goodness!

I have yet to read through all the comments, but I just have one question, have Cecelio and Zoe found out each other's true identities?

No, Cecilio and Zoe have yet to cross paths/discover identities. Tons of close calls, though. Of course, no that we've seen more of Felipe (FFFFF) and Zoe together, I don't know how I feel about Zoe and Cecilio any more. FFFFF seems to really have turned a new leaf and I think he genuinely cares for Zoe. I see lots of darling chemistry. They can give Isa and 'Nando a run for their money. :-)

Thanks Sara. Yes, Zoe and Felipe are very cute together. But we need to see more of her with Cecelio too. My guess is that Cecelio taps into Zoe's sweet side, while Felipe taps into her sassy side. She's been give her sassy (and even mean) side quite a workout of late, so maybe it would be good for her to also experience no games/direct/romantic Cecelio.

I think Isa and Nando should take some kissing lessons from Marisol and Juancho, sad to say.

Oh, and I'm not sure how to spell it, but my favorite Spanglish word from yesterday's epi was "jotquecs." (We used to say "panqueques.")

I think Isa and Nando should take some kissing lessons from Marisol and Juancho, sad to say.
Totally agree, Blue Lass. FFFFF and Zoe could give them lessons, too. Their kiss-ouch-try again scene was darling!

I'm not terribly impressed with Isa. I like her spunk, but her trying to break up with Fernando over every little thing makes her seem really immature. It's probably a good thing they won't get married anytime soon.

Manuela is a creep. I think I need to put clothes-sniffing on the new bingo cards.

I'm really enjoying the bungle in the jungle. Willy just never gets discouraged, does he? The firestarting bit was fairly ridiculous. It is REALLY hard to start a fire that way. Nearly impossible, I think. But way to go, Lucia.

Did they start a fire? Did they? Do I have "fire (not in fireplace)"?

Inappropriate sniffing, definitely. Our Agustín in CME was disturbingly expert at that.

Capítulos 40 and 41

--Manuela is back and she is baaad. She plants seeds of doubt in Isa and plays Isa and 'Nando against each other. She says one thing to Marisnot and something different to 'Nando. She tells 'Nando she really liked him back in the day. This woman is trouble and there is nothing comical about her. She stalks his bedroom and sniffs his shirts. Run 'Nando, run!!

--'Nando offers to pay for Juancho's lawyer if he will dump Marisnot, which of course Juancho refuses to do.

--There is really no change in the 'Nando/Isa storyline. They smooch, they fuss. Someone plants a seed of doubt, she fusses at 'Nando. He does damage control. He gives her the ring again. meh.

--Doris is not going back to Veracruz (darn) and even suggests to Isa that the two of them form an alliance against Manuela. Doris has Manuela's number.

--Moncho and Juancho lay the drug blame on Jaibo. Jaibo makes himself scarce.

--Barbara is shaping up to be another evil character (in a teen-age kind of way.) She lies to Juancho and tells him Marisnot has a rich boyfriend and doesn't care a fig for Juancho. This story is confirmed later when Knuckles forces a hug on Marisnot, Lala sees and Barbara whispers garbage in her ear. Lala goes to the jail and tells Juancho what she saw. So of course when Marisnot comes to visit, Juancho rejects her.

--FFFFF talks Zoe into pressing charges against Reinaldo. The two of them have a lot of chemistry and poor Cecilio is going to be left alone methinks.

--Willy and Lucia steal the show for me. Lucia heads off to the creek (looked like a cenote to me) to freshen up. Willy follows, faints and has to get mouth to mouth. First to save his body, then smoochies to save his soul. Yes, I know the guy should not be so pushy, but I'm a romantic. Lucia tells (well, *writes*) that if she left the order, it wouldn't be for him. It's best he forget about her. They get lost and have to spend the night in the jungle with CGI jaguars. Aside: Daniel Arenas was dull as mud for me in Teresa. Dear gawd I love him in this. He can make me laugh just by snuggling a mula.

--A search party is sent out for Willy and Lucia.

la delegación: police station
el morral: backpack; rucksack; haversack
fregar: to ruin ("Jaibo is doing it to ruin me" says Moncho)
el/la maleante: criminal
hacer leña del árbol caído: to take advantage of a person's disgrace. Kick him when he's down?
resbalar: to slip
pizpireto(-a): lively; cheerul; spirited (Willy told Hortensia the mula she had "ojos pizpiretos".) Also see Julia's UFCS list
fruncir: to knit one's brow.
La gota que derramó el vaso: the straw that broke the camel's back
mover el tapete: to have feelings for; my loose translation for when Doris said it about Manuela's feeling for 'Nando "she has the hots for him." Lit: moves my tablecloth. hahahaha!
plan con maña: dirty trick; slick; crafty (Zoe thought FFFFF's little pajama drama was a plan con maña.)
¡Sopas!: a cute little Mexican interjection Yeah! Sure! or Oh crap! A CGI jaguar!!

I love you guys. Please add "inappropriate sniffing."

We love you too, Sara. I'm *thrilled* to know the appropriate interjection for seeing a CGI jaguar. :D

OTM: Amor Bravio was announced as being "proximamente" last night during a LQNPA commercial break.

This makes me think it will replace LQNPA. This makes me sad. I can't stay up past 9 during the school year (which is fast approaching and will be underway when Amor Bravio begins I am sure.)


I guess I will have to make some tough choices. Probably I will stick with Amorcito and come into AB in the middle, when Amorcito is over. Since it's an evening TN, there should be plenty of people already on board who can explain it to me.

Yes, fire (not in fireplace), definitely.

I, too, am delighted to have that gaping hole in my vocabulary filled. Now I will know just what to say when I come across a CGI jaguar unexpectedly.

After Teresa, I would not have expected that I would EVER like Daniel Arenas. And yet, here we are. He's impossible not to like even though he's a gigolo and a pest. The character, I mean.

Barb is nasty. She has one friend, and that's how she treats her?

I'm just conjecturing wildly based on what I know:

Refugio is on from 7-9EST right now.
Por Ella Soy Eva is premiering July 16 at 7EST so I assume it's taking over the first hour of Refugio.
LQNPA is in ultimas semanas and should be ending mid-late August.

But knowing what I know about Looneyvision nothing is set in stone.

According to Wikipedia there are 220 episodes of AB planned. I'm not sure what that means, but as I've said before whenever we are looking at a ton of episodes, Looneyvision does two hour episodes. At least, that has been my experience since TdA.

I am torn as well. I want to stick with AC and was hoping maybe to pick up a Friday recap gig with AB...but I have to be careful. I'm real good at overloading my basket sometimes.

Sara, I can take a regular rotation on Amorcito after vacation -- but if they stick with the 2-hour episodes, I could probably only promise on Friday.

Amazing how Willy G still feels frisky. One would think he'd have some bothersome chafing and rash issues after an entire day of riding a mula and walking in wet shorts. Not to mention, shouldn't they be hungry and thirsty? They headed to the swimming hole first thing in the morning, seemingly without having breakfast first. It's now night. They didn't expect to be away from camp long, just to bathe, so probably didn't take any provisions. Maybe they found some mangoes at some point in their wandering?

Thanks Blue Lass! I'm sure we'll all figure something out.

I've only watched the first 45 minutes but, man, Manuela is creepy!

Ja! Love Lucía's nunderwear! Not see-through even when SOAKING WET.

Clearly I need to do my underwear shopping with these ladies. They're foolproof! Lucia goes swimming in her nunderwear and it remains opaque! Isa is forced to strip by robbers, and happens to be wearing a cute full-coverage matching set! Never an underoopsie!



All caught up! I continue to be extremely impressed with the Televisa make-up department -- Doris's sunburn, Isabel's hives, Zoe's golpes, Willy's mosquito bites. They even did a great job on Hortensia-the-Mule's jaguar scars -- although there's not enough make-up in the world to, ejem, make that mule a female.

Hortensia is transgendered, okay? Don't mock her.

I so enjoy reading everyone's comments. They always make me smile. Blue Lass--I totally agree: the make up dept is very good.

I'm all caught up with Friday's episode and this sow continues to charm the stew out of me.

--Doc kisses Willy and professes her feelings for him. She thinks the girl he loves is an idiot for not seeing what a swell guy he is. Lucia looks jealous during a big part of this episode.

--Lucia is called back to the parish and Willy follows. Before he leaves, Willy finds it necessary to tell Lady Doc that the woman he loves is Lucia. Lady Doc is gonna call the parish and tell them about Lucia and Willy's night in the jungle. Grrr.

--Marisnot and Babs have a screaming fight in the school yard. Babs' poverty is revealed and all the mean girls make fun. She runs to Juancho and spins the story to her advantage.

--Juancho almost believes the tale, but Marisnot brings Knuckles to the jail and he explains there is nothing between him and Marisnot. Juancho and Marisnot make up. I think Babs and Knuckles are going to form an unholy alliance at some point.

--Marisnot talks Ceci into being Moncho and Juancho's lawyer.

--Zoe finally sees the "Estupida Suicida" ad and calls Ceci. They meet and she breaks up with him BUT it should be noted that FFFFF made a lascivious comment about Manuela and 'Nando commented that FFFFF will never change. So despite the lovey-dovey, I don't think FFFFF is really ready to settle down.

--Horty makes it clear to Viwerville that Manuela most likely had something to do with Sofia's death and that Manuela is bipolar. Horty wants Manuela to leave the DF. There's a Manuela berrinche but Horty stands strong. Manuela manipulates Beba into letting her stay at her house. Beba confronts about Horty about her terrible treatment of Manuela.

--Mauela is crazy. She sneaks into 'Nando's room and sprays Sofia's perfume around.

--Doris was around for a bit. She brought ceviche. I'm sure there will be fireworks between her and Manuela.

--'Nando and Isa are going to go to Puerta Vallarta for 6 days for a conference.

Stuff I need help with:

--A dude comes to visit 'Nando and there is talk about selling shares/investing blah blah. I almost always tune-out when talks turns to "acciones" and "inversiones", but I suspect it will come back to be a plot point so I think I need help.

--What was the deal with Horty and the credit cards and the help not getting paid? I got the part about the bank stopping the charge since they thought it was "suspicious". Did the bank freeze everything? WAs this there just to give Jaime an excuse to spill the beans about Manuela being home?

It looks like Lucia is going to be in a lot of trouble :-(

I'll be back with some vocabs later :-)

Thanks, Sara. I can't help much with the two murky plot points except to say that the business deal has something to do with Dubai, and the credit card business seemed to be because Snorty was traveling and the sudden charge showed up far from home, so the company flagged it. She was nasty to them, so I wonder if there will be a time later when someone actually *will* run off with her credit card, and the company will let it slide.

What I don't understand is the significance of Snorty getting all cozy with the young fellas. Is this supposed to be her re-awakened sexuality? Because of Willy? They can't seem to decide if they want to play it for laughs or not. I think they should make up their minds.

Thanks, Blue Lass!

I'm not sure why Horty was getting so chummy with Yoga Boy, either. I wish the writers would stick to the Horty/Beba/Willy triangle for laughs plan.

I think the guy who visited Fernando is another partner in the constructora. He wants to sell his shares to Fernando, which would give Ferny a majority share. Fernando is interested, but doesn't have enough cash on hand, so he would need to get a loan or something.

I think the Hortensia (meanie, not mule) scenes were to show how self-absorbed she is (as well as give Jaime a chance to tell her about Manuela). She has a giant cow when she has trouble accessing HER funds, but her staff should just shut up and deal with it when she can't be bothered to pay them because she's busy relaxing? What a nasty (and all too common) attitude.

Sara, thanks a million for the recaps. And thanks to the other commenters for clarifying and adding details.

I just finished Friday's episodes...1)I'm sure that Zoe and Cecilio are meant for each other, 2) Mauricio is a dangerous creep, 3) Manuela is a dangerous creep, 4) I used to feel kinda sorry for Barbara but now I think she is creepy too; I hope it's only temporary.

ITA about Daniel Arenas, a bore in Teresa and an absolute delight here. Thanks goodness he's in something that shows off his considerable talents.

I watched four episodes on my droid phone this weekend and the two youngest daughters, Marilu and Marifer have excellent diction. I could understand practically everything they said bless their little hearts.

I have just finished watching last week's episodes. Two comments:

1) I am over faulting Fernando for his lack of kissing technique. It takes two to tango. Isabel needs to give him something to work with! Loosen up, Isa!

2) The Lucia "vow of silence" is getting old. It was cute at first, but after a while all the writing just slows everything down. Basta ya!

Thanks to Sara and all for helping me with the rough spots!


Good morning all!

--I wonder if Fernando will go to Horty for a loan to buy the shares...surely not? Or will Horty buy shares just to mess with 'Nando?

--Kuckles is definitely Dangerous Creep #1. He is really scary and gives me a serious case of the heeby jeebies. Ditto for Manuela the Vampire. Barbara I think is being a manipulative mean girl teenager in competition mode. I suspect Knuckles and Manuela will not be redeemable, but Babs (for now) is not a lost cause.

--I do ok with Marilu, but I still miss some of Marifer's lines...but I think I get distracted because I'm like "awww! Cute little girl voice" whenever she talks.

--Isa really does need to relax. I completely agree that all the kissing fault does not lie with 'Nando. Isa never really looks that into it.

--AND YES!! I thought the vow of silence was cute for a few episodes, but it needs to stop. It must have felt really long when it originally aired (in one hour stints.)

I am really looking forward to today's episode.

A little late but here's some vocab from Friday:

no es nada que te incumba: it's none of your business
el careo: confrontation (this was in the context of Zoe confronting Reinaldo since she was pressing charges, I thought it was used more like an ID of a subject, but what to I know?)
el hazmerreír: laughingstock (one of my favorite compounds)
dar alas a: to encourage; fuel; nuture
desquiciar: If you play bingo you know this one ;-) To drive crazy/mad; unhinge
atolondrado(-a): rash;impetuous;scatterbrained. Can also be a noun meaning a scatterbrain

I do love those little girls. I particularly enjoyed it when Marilu was defending her Dad's business trip with Isabel, and she said hey, if he wants to go to Puerto Vallarta, "MUY su asunto." I'd never heard that construction before, but I'm adopting it immediately.

About the tepid kissing between Fernando and Isabel. Who knows what is really going on. These two have come together sort of by default. They are both high-strung individuals. I don't see Fer as a swain. Isa has been mortally afraid of getting too close to a man for years (as has been divulged over and over again). Maybe they think this is a family show.

This is the first time I've seen Elizabeth Alvarez in anything, so I have nothing to compare her to, other than since she's been kissing "Rogelio" happily for several years and he knows how to do it....

Diego Olivera steamed up the inside of my monitor in Montecristo with Silvia Navarro (can't help it if I'm repeating myself) and there are several really hot coupling scenes, so he certainly knows how to kiss and make pretend love on screen look exceptionally real.

Maybe it's the writers, maybe it's in the actors' contracts*, we'll never know unless they tell us.
*It was interesting to learn about Ana Brenda Contrera's contract clause over on LQNPA.

What was Ana Brenda's contract clause? I haven't been following that one. Based on a few interviews of hers I've seen, though, she seems like a very thoughtful, articulate, deliberate lady, so I imagine she would be careful about her career choices and contracts.

I love "hazmerreír." Is there a list of compound words compiled somewhere? I know a lot of us love them. Another of my favorites is picapleitos. It's fun to say.

Yes, Anita, do tell. If there is such a thing as a "tepid kissing clause," I want to know about it. :)

Yes Anita! Please share. I am very nosy :-) I think you may be on to something about the characters. It has been quite some time for both of them and maybe they are rusty.

Blue Lass: I loved the "MUY su asunto" line as well. That girl has spunk and I love how she is very much in her father's corner (as Marisnot pointed out.)

Julia: I know I posted quite a few compounds on some thread (maybe El Tal or Abismo?) but oh my that was months ago and I doubt I could find it again. Maybe the two of us could brainstorm and either create a google doc or write a post. I think Blue Lass has mentioned some before...or maybe Rosemary la Otra. (sheesh, I've got a mind like a steel sieve.)

PS: picapleitos is an awesome word and very fun to say!

Sara--it had to be on El Tal because we were deep into tweezers and things. I JUST threw away my hand-written notes with a list of some compound words (parasol, parabrisas, paraguas, rompecabeza, etc.) Give me a few hours and I'll find it and repost them here--you are a busy lady.

About Ana Brenda--Someone posting on LQNPA said (so this is third or fourth hand "fact," not mine) that ABC was not to appear in any semi-porn love-making scenes. I think this goes back to our reaction to her tepid love scene with Gusto es No Longer Suya and her first coupling with Rogelio after she came back to the hacienda.

I started a compound words google doc:

I gave Sylvia and Sara editing permission because I had email addresses to do it. If anyone else wants to be added, just let me know how. It doesn't look like I can add you just from your blogger profiles that show here. It's publicly available for anyone to view (and will eventually have more stuff on it when I find that old list).

I guess it's a good thing Ana Brenda was the antagonista and not the lead in Sortilegio!

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