Lucero is Helena Moreno: Single, she is an administrator for tourist businesses. A loving mother, intelligent, dedicated to making a good life for her son Lalito, 8 years old. She has had to deny her wish for independence in order to remain in the family home under the strict rules of her father and to work to cover Lalito's needs. Love is not her priority. She doesn't want to risk being hurt, or worse, having her son become fond of somebody who isn't worth it. Juan Perón conquers her with romantic gestures, wins her son's heart and her mother's trust. She becomes engaged and believes he is the love of her life. Unexpectedly she discovers he has been out to deciev her and steal her project. She will have to reconstruct her life and becomes rather cold and hard to survive her pain.
Jaime Camil is Juan Carlos Caballero: Operations Vice President of Grupo Imperio. Efficient, competitive, able to ignore ethics in order to achieve his goals and steal information. As a friend he is loyal, generous and affectionate. His best friends, Santiago y Fernando, are like his family. He is the iconic Don Juan: sexy, virile, intellitent, charming, elegant and well-dressed, born to seduce, he has money and is part of the jet set. No woman can resist his charms. In order to steal her project he decides to win Helena, but finds in fact she's a wonderful woman, and, without noticing, he falls hopelessly in love with her and her son. Accused of a fraud he did not commit, chased by the cops, there is an accident and people think he's dead. When he finds out Helena needs an assistant when she joines Grupo Imperio, he pretends to be a widow and gets the job. He sets out to prove his innocence.
Jaime Camil is Eva María León Jaramillo: She is a character invented by Juan Carlos, evidently of the working class, without family, a widow. Observing Mimi, 'she' becomes brusque, frank, uses florid language, and is very appealing. She is robust, tall, coarse, and comes to be seen as intelligent, wise, loyal, efficient, a good friend, and altogether a fine woman.
Jesús Ochoa is Adriano Reyes: Antonia's brother, Plutarco's brother-in-law. Major share-holder and president of Grupo Imperio. A seducer, noble, gentlemanly and serious about work. He loves to be around beautiful woman but doesn't think highly of their capacities. This ugly attitude permeates Grupo Imperio. He is very disappointed when he believes Juan Carlos has betrayed him. Though he is a master of seduction, he feels very alone. He seriously falls for Eva.
Helena Rojo is Eugenia Mistral: Modesto's wife, mother of Juan Carlose, she has been an actress all her life and became well-known, but when she married Modesto made her abandon her career to be wife and mother. She is friendly, assertive, educated, with some eccentricities that hint at her artistic past, nevertheless she has episodes similar to dementia although her diagnosis is not clear.
Paty Navidad is Mimí de la Rosa: Owner of the apartment where Juan Carlos takes refuge after the accident. She is single, kindly, optimistic, generous, a hard worker, she tries to see the best in everyone. She is frank and open like the people of the north: happy, likes to party, tells jokes. Her talent for makeup was inherited from her mother who worked in the cinema and knew famous actors. She makes up everybody in the neighborhood so she's a celebrity. She transforms Juan Carlos into Eva.
Mariana Seoane is Rebeca Oropeza: Plutarco's lover, coordinator of Public Relations at Grupo Impero and, like her kind, she has thousands of contacts in the tourism world. She is manipulative, cynical, astute, ambicious and greedy, but very amusing and appealing. And sexy. She's quite a trickster; she seduces Plutarco and looks to a secure future with high status and cool stuff. She expects him to obey her caprices but she has to put up with his having a spouse (Antonia).
Leticia Perdigón is es Silvia Romero:Helena's mother, Eduardo's wife, Lalito's aunt. Housekeeper. She is patient, loyal, sensitive and dependable. It is her efforts that keep her marriage together, she believes marriage is for better or worse. She is serene, reserved, observant, wise, she loves her daughter and nephew, they are her main happiness.
Labels: por-ella, synopsis-cast
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