Friday, July 27, 2012

El Mundo de Telemundo - Week of July 30 - Discuss among yourselves

Greetings from Maine! While I eat lobsters and watch gorgeous sunsets, all hell is breaking loose on our novelas. Hombre is keeping us up to date on the increasingly violent world of Pablo Escobar while watchers of Corazón Valiente eagerly await the ramifications of the disclosure that Fernanda de Castillo, known to us as the Reptile, has murdered half the cast. Novelera and Deb are handling these developments while I am away. Finally, Shallowgal is providing some updates on Rosa Diamante. Take it away, commenters!

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The jig is up for the Reptile. But when Duval tries to arrest her and JM gives us his best blank stare, she grabs Juan Cruz and a gun and says she’ll kill him if anyone tries to apprehend her.

Nora, and the rest of us, wants D8D to drown. But Willy doesn’t roll that way. He’s about to jump in when Nora reminds him he’s post-op and dives in herself to save the miserable SOB. While D8D sputters by the side of the pool, Willy runs after his mother. D8D orders Ofelia to call the cops, but she refuses.

Ángela discusses what happened in the grocery store with Gus. She tells him she felt no fear; instead she felt strong and sure she could handle herself. She worries that she might be a thief, but Gus makes goo-goo eyes at her and tells her he knows she’s good.

The Reptile tells JM everything happened because she loved him. When he pleads for Juan Cruz, she tells him it’s Ángela’s kid. Meanwhile, Sam and Miggy are circling behind the plane. I guess they came in a private plane – thus the Reptile could pack heat and get away with it.

The Reptile says she wanted to die with him before; she was the one who turned on the gas at the beach house. JM tells her to kill him if she wants, but spare Juan Cruz. The Reptile closes her eyes during a fantasy about a sharpshooter killing her, but managing to kill JM before she dies. This gives JM a chance to kick the gun out of her hands and for Miggy to grab her from behind. Duval then handcuffs and mirandizes her. She screams ¡Te odio! at JM all the way to the police car.

Nora tells Willy that she hates D8D for what he did to Fernanda. Willy has brought her back poolside. Willy yells at his father saying that he knew Fernanda was a killer. He leans forward and tells D8D that he swears by his son and by the woman he loves that, if he calls the cops on Nora, he’ll kill him. Then he and Nora leave.

Miggy tells JM what he knows about the beginning of it all – Fernanda killing Gonzalo, JM’s best friend, because she thought he pushed her down the stairs. JM thanks Miggy, but he says he did it to clear Ángela’s name. He doesn’t tell JM she’s alive.

Nora tells Willy some touching stories about Fernanda as a little girl. She doesn’t want to tell Willy everything that happened to her (D8D getting her framed) because it might get him in trouble. But she asks him to help Fernanda.

Ofelia yells at D8D that, rather than trying to get Nora back in jail, he should be thinking of helping his daughter.

At the police station, when the Reptile demands her lawyer right now, Duval reminds her that she already talked at the airport, plus she took a child as a hostage.

JM admits to Miggy that he was an imbecile. He married Fernanda thinking it was her final wish. If he had been able to open his eyes in time, Ángela would be alive.

Gus tells Ángela that she’s changed his life. He was lonely before. He’s afraid she’ll regain her memory and leave him.

Nora asks Willy why he and Sam are apart if they love each other so much. When Willy tells her why, Nora says they are NOT brother and sister. Nora says that Perla was deeply in love with Miguel Valdez at the time of Sam’s conception. But Willy can’t seem to believe her.

Miggy has come to see Nora. Ángela comes out, drops a cake in shock, and faints. Miggy tells Gus he’s her brother. Gus asks Miggy not to tell Angie what he knows about her life because of what the shrink said. When Angie comes to, he tells her he’s a friend of Lourdes.


Nora has slipped out of Willy’s apartment. After accusing Willy of chasing after a new lover when she sees him trying to find his mother, Sam brings him up to date on Fernanda. They embrace.

JM tells Duval he owes it to Ángela to make the Reptile pay for what she did. Duval says he feels badly and tells JM about how Miggy brought proof of her guilt.

When Ángela comes to she wants Miggy to tell her everything. She asks if he was her boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Gus asks some police contacts to research a person and later tricks Ángela by having her pose for a cell phone picture with cakes. I’m thinking Ángela is off the hook now, but Nora still has a problem. When Nora returns Gus wants her to tell him about Milagros' past. He tells her about her amazing skills, like those of a policeman, at the grocery store.

D8D shows up with a lawyer for Fernanda. Willy is there, and D8D tells him he’ll find out how bad his mother really is and beg his pardon. Hah!

Nic asks Sam to consider El Jefe now that she and Willy can’t be together. They’d make a good family. And then he calls her mama, causing great joy for her.

D8D gets in to see Fernanda in her cell and tells the lawyer he wants them to talk alone. He tells her that her situation is serious. She tells him he has to kill Miggy. D8D tells her it’s too late, and she’s really screwed because Miggy got the proof – he doesn’t know where.

Vicente shows up to place a big order for cakes with Ángela. Hmmm. Is this part of his continuing revenge against the Reptile, producing Ángela? Can’t think why else.

Camilo gently tries to hint that Lorena might consider someone else rather than Willy. But Willy comes back not feeling well, and Camilo becomes invisible to her.

Miggy gets a joyful greeting from Génesis and Violeta. Miggy asks them to leave him alone with JM and Sam. He wants to know if the revelation about the Reptile’s crimes means that Ángela’s name is cleared. JM says they have to wait for the trial. Miggy says that, hypothetically, if Ángela were alive, she’d be cleared, wouldn’t she? JM tells him she’d have to go back to jail to await the outcome of the trial. What??? Really????

Emma is unable to cope with the excited little girls and Juan Cruz in Nelly’s absence. Pablo comes in, takes JC and walks away a few steps. Emma, outrageously, looks at his cell phone when it beeps. She sees the photos of the underwear shoot.

Willy is back in the hospital and makes a funny joke: “Libera a Willy”. Nic comes in and embraces him.

JM gets in to see the Reptile. He asks how she could be capable of such hate. She looks right at him and says it was all for love of him and she doesn’t regret a thing!

Gus has gotten a quick response to Ángela’s picture. He confronts Nora with she and Ángela being escaped prisoners.

Miggy shows up to see D8D. He tells him Estela is dead, Fernanda is in jail, Vicente and Ofelia are paying for their being accomplices and, that D8D is next. D8D raises a gun on his desk and points it at Miggy.


Jean, have some lobster for me! Sounds like you're having a great time.

CORAZÓN VALIENTE- Another great recap, Novelera. I couldn't wait to get up this morning and see what happened last night. Damn, if the novela were going to end next Friday, I wouldn't be surprised but we know there's a lot more to go. Let's hope the Sam and Willy brother and sister thing ends soon, too.

Thanks Novelera--I always look forward to the recaps; things happen so fast on this show that I enjoy savoring it the next day at my leisure.
It feels like they are tying up all the plot ends for "ultimas captitulos". But wait. Maybe Etapa II will be to get into the whole Colombian connection, Fabiola, etc. That leaves D8D as the only primary villain. I had thought the suspense with Fernanda, and finding Sammy and Willy's son, wouldn't be resolved until the end. Guess we are switching gears here.
J in Oregon


Thanks so much for the excellent recap

Nora is doing a great acting job in the recent episodes. I liked that she was the one who saved DD.

Miggy was so cute in his scenes with Angela. Seems that even Angela has a better performance al lado de Miggy!

I can't guess what Vicente is going to do!


We now know the details of Pati's plan. Yes, she took a different airplane from Enelia, so Enelia has taken the mysterious guy who was following them off the track. Originally, Pati, Emilio and Enelia had flown from Colombia to Guayacil, Ecuador. Both Ecuador and Colombia are close to Panama. Then, Pati got on one flight from Ecuador to who knows where (maybe Peru). Enelia got on another. When Pati faked the water breaking from her pregnancy, the pilot DID turn the plane around, and returned to Ecuador. She was taken off the plane, where the doctors didn't find anything really wrong (she says “do you think I was faking it?”), but they tell her to rest in Ecuador for a while. She thanks them, and promptly walks up to the counter, buying two tickets for Panama.

Pablo and Gonzalo are exhausted, having been on a little boat, motoring all night to reach Panama, which they reach in the morning. They are greeted by a joking Marcos, and are ushered into the rich friend's house in Panama where all the other cartel guys are. Pati's there, too, and she hugs Pablo, telling him “you don't have to apologize for a thing, I'm totally supportive of you.”

Jiménez keeps getting closer and closer. He finds Chili and Topo's hideout, but again approaches with too much commotion, and a kid warns Mireya. By the time Jiménez opens the door, Mireya is wearing just a towel. She says you're not going to search now, are you? I'm with a client. Jiménez says sorry, I'm searching. He finds the “client” lying on the bed with a pillow over his face. The client is really Chili, but Jiménez doesn't recognize him, only knows Topo at this point. He and the men leave, as we see Topo crouching outside, nervously holding a cocked gun, which he doesn't need to use this time.

Jiménez later talks to Fabiola. You've got to help us. You don't want to be we these criminals. You've got your life ahead of us. She eventually ID's Chili from a police sketch. Jiménez just about kicks himself. He HAD the guy! She then lets it slip, he was working for Pablo Escobar!

But the police are still one step behind. We see Chili and Topo being thrown in the trunk of a car by their friends, ready to hustle them out of the country. But Topo has an errand first. He finds Fabiola in a dark alley, tells her never to mention the name Escobar again, and slices her cheek with a razor!

Back in Panama, Pablo has a new idea. We should negotiate with the government of Colombia. The thing we don't want is extradition to the US (this is one thing Jiménez HAS accomplished. He's arrested other drug guys, and they're taken by the DEA to the US, to be imprisoned for life. The cartel guys see this on tv, and want anything but that). Pablo says we can tell the government we'll give up our drug business if they let us back in the country and wipe the slate clean. It'll be good for the country. But we need a contact person.


He calls Regina and tells her this. Shortly thereafter, a meeting is set up in Panama with the ex-president (who must be Noriega, although they never mention his name). The old guy initially doesn't want to get involved. When Pablo says WE didn't kill Lara Bonilla, it was the US DEA, trying to blame us, Noriega doesn't believe it for a minute. But then Pablo says we'll not only quit our drug business, we'll turn over our labs and pay back all the money we earned. We'll even allow Colombian courts to put us on trial for drugs. As long as there's no extradition. Noriega is impressed, and agrees to make some calls.

But word leaks out, and El Tiempo, the competing paper with El Espectador, publishes it on page one. “Government to negotiate with druglords!” Don't think so. Now that it's been made public, President Delacruz says NO WAY will we negotiate. So much for all that.

We have a touching moment when Nanci meets with Guillermo. She's going to move to Spain, to work in the embassy. She thanks him for his steadfast support with his newspaper.

Pablo is livid that the negotiating didn't work. Fine, we'll spill blood. There'll be a berraco (or something like that, didn't really catch the exact word).

I think Pati's baby was born, a girl.

We see a pilot in Miami, getting some cold looks from two dangerous guys.

It's 1985. Pablo says there's no order of arrest for us. There was no proof. We're going back to Colombia. I have some new contacts there now. We're going to buy off the courts, the army, the judges. We see a colonel named Pedregal who may figure into this.

Next week: The boys are back in town!


great recap Hombre !!!

hmmm, Noriego...
I did some poking around and this guy was all that Pablo Escobar was,
but I guess he never was president, always a military guy,
and it seems that it was while working closely with the CIA, that he attained his absolute power,

on Panama the country,
"With the backing of the United States, Panama seceded from Colombia in 1903, allowing the Panama Canal to be built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers between 1904 and 1914."
(I wonder how that worked).

anyway back to the story,
one thing I am really getting from our novela, is that Pablo was not a poor youth that was unjustly treated by a corrupt government, but the other way around. The basic people of Colombia are good and just, it was just the way Pablo was doing business that brought on the violence, and every time the government pushed back, Pablo would up the ante, wow, what an evil guy with too much money can do in an innocent country like that. (I can see why Pablo didn't like the extradition stuff)

(one story I read about the real Pablo is that at one time he had a $600/man bounty on police officers)

it would have been interesting to see how Pablo's deal with the government would have worked out.


thank you so much novelera !!!

btw your comments on my summaries are much appreciated, like with Angela and the shrink, I didn't get what was being said at all,

and thanks everyone else for your comments/help as well,

wow, Nora is really a touching story for me, and such a stellar performance by her,
(Alba Roversi)

any chance we can tie Fernanda in a wheel chair,
and push her and her dad back into the pool,

then we can do an "Ofelia" rescue,
like she did with Sol

I'm thinking Fernanda might escape,
putting all of L.A. in a state of lockdown and terror,
better leave town now if you live there,

looks like her helpers really did give her a good beating,
it gives her a good behind-the-bars look,

and what about Jefe, yea I know we are trying our best to forget about him,
but what a turn about after he no longer needs Willy's kidneys,
it seems this guy has got to go for the Willy/Sammy thing to really work,
so how evil will he get,
or will he just step in front of the Fernanda bus?

and will Lorena ever be happy,
I can't see her just giving up the baby and going away,
she gets too attached to things,
I've gotten used to the idea of her being a good guy,
now I would just love to see her smile,

and Miggy,
why, why, why, why, why,
does he have to run over to Bernie's and show his hand?
I guess he explained it when he last talked to Natalia,
didn't he say something like he loves the adrenaline rush that danger brings?
so bring it on Bernie!
take a shot at him in your house in front of witnesses,
it means you are Losing it Bernie.


Great recap, Novelera! I didn't even get the Free Willy joke, but you caught it!

I don't care that Duval is sorry, he was so smug with Angela, I want him to pay. If Fernanda escapes, I wouldn't mind if she takes her frustrations out on him.

JM admitted it - he's an imbecile. In contrast, Gustavo and Angela are really good together, so the writers can use the tried and true "good looking rival who appears near the end of the show and makes us think the heroine will switch" storyline.


Excellent recap, Hombre. What struck me last night was what a physical coward Escobar is. If I remember correctly, when he was lying in the back of the boat, just about giving up hope, he remembered the boys shaking the rope bridge he was on. And, then he was like a big baby crying to Pati. Much later, of course, restored by living in comfort he's talking tough to the others in the Medellín cartel about a reign of terror in Colombia after learning the "deal" has fallen through.

It's funny. I was very confused about the ex-president business. I never thought it was Noriega, because he was much younger, much uglier, and seemed to always wear military uniforms. But I thought he was the ex-president of Colombia that Regina had somehow convinced to go to Panamá to negotiate. Ex-president of Panamá makes more sense.

The actor portraying Guillermo Cano looks the part. I found a google image of him. His speech to Niki about the article in El Tiempo not being a scoop, but rather a cynical disgrace, was so well acted.


I'm on a roll with all things related to Colombia, inspired by the novela.

I just started, in English, News of a Kidnapping by Gabriel García Márquez. Besides being an amazing novelist, he worked for many years as a journalist. This book is a true story of a woman kidnapped by the Medellín cartel to put pressure on the government not to extradite its members to the USA. His writing is so clear, so evocative of how this would feel if you were such a victim.

I also looked up some Colombian slang. I'm getting a lot of it in context, but it's fun to know more.

teso/a - used last night to describe Enelia, it means hardcore, an expert in something

llave - literally key, in slang it means buddy or friend

berraco/a - a hardcore person, awesome, worthy of admiration and, referring to a problem, something difficult or hard to solve

camello, camellar - a job or to work.

tombo cop

chimba - After looking this up I was surprised they used it. It is a derogatory term for female genitalia

vaina a case or a thing - used to describe a complicated situation


does Gabriel Porras get along with the young girls?
check out a couple of behind the scenes pics posted at TW

Corazon Valiente
Awww, thanks Deb! Would be fun to see more behind the scenes pics of other actors.
J in Oregon


lovely recap novelera! gracias!

I hadn't been this glued to an episode in a while. the pobrecito Juan Cruz... he was really scared with all that was going on around him. that baby is just adorable!!! did anyone notice in one scene it was a different baby?

I loved how JM kicked the gun out of the Reptile's hand.

J in Oregon - ojala if it were indeed "ultimas captitulos."

Hombre de Misterio - ITA with "Gustavo and Angela are really good together....."


Buenas, Jean -- I was just reading that Maine lobsters are cheaper and more plentiful than they have been in years. Bad for lobstermen but a boon for lobster lovers. Are you taking advantage of some of those two-fer bargains? Anyway, thanks for posting today. And have fun!

El Rostro de la Venganza

Just a reminder -- as Deb pointed out last week, this show starts tomorrow, Monday 7/30, following Pablo Escobar. My cable provider isn't listing it yet but the station had several promos to that effect during Pablo.


Once again, a huge thanks to you, Hombre for a terrific recap.

While in the first several episodes, it was possible to root for the bad guys at times and to be amused at some of their antics, everything changed last night. Or at least for me. Now it has become hard to watch. Every time Pablo starts one of his megomanical spiels, I want to punch him in his fat, stupid, evil face. Even Pati made me mad last night with her "acting" that she was so proud of.

Novelera, excellent point about Escobar's "physical" cowardice. I would say he is just a coward in every sense of the word. It is always other people who are doing the dirty work and taking the greatest risk in his world.

I'm glad you put up that vocab. Paying attention to language issues helps make the whole more bearable.

Deb, thanks for weighing in with your research. I feel really stupid admitting that I didn't know that Panama was ever part of Colombia. :-)

I especially liked your conclusion:

"Pablo was not a poor youth that was unjustly treated by a corrupt government, but the other way around."

Exactly. What a tragic betrayal of all the blood spilled to establish the republic of Colombia in the first place.


deb, thanks so much for the pics. LOVED THEM! :)


Novelera, thanks for the wonderful recap. I really enjoyed the scenes with Willy and Nora. I've not seen this older actress before but I really like her. I wish she would just tell Willy what happened with D8D and how he sent her to prison wrongly. He can't hate the guy much more than he already does.

I also wanted to see more regret and guilt on the part of Dummy Duval and JM. I do like that JM called himself an idiot, but I wanted him to really lay into Duval for being such a jerk about going after Angela.

Corazon Valiente
Vivi; yes and even sadder to learn of Angela's innocence posthumously (or so they think). I hope JM swims in guilt until his fingers turn all pruney...he deserves it.
J in Oregon


Rosa, posing as her friend Eva, who is deceased, takes over the company with her 40% share.

Eva's uncle, who's been wanting that position, is trying to partner up w/anyone else to garner more shares combined.

My fave scene/dialogue -

Uncle storms into her office: "I won't let you disrespect me that way, Eva. I've been working day, noon, and night for this company, busting my hump since before you were born."

Eva: The early bird doesn't always catch the worm, sir. Warming a seat in this company doesn't mean you're working.

Uncle: How dare you, you snot-nosed brat!

Rosa: I dare because I'm the heir to my grandfather's company. From now on, I'm going to monitor the performance of every employee; including you. No, not including, but beginning with you. If you don't like it, the door's wide open enough. Understand? or should I draw you a picture?"

And I love her delivery. Unlike most, not your 'typical' novela performance.


Loved the link to the pics of Gabriel Porras and the kids. That enjoyment really comes across in his scenes with the kids.

Yeah, Novela Maven, I ate a lot of lobster in Maine - a couple of lobster dinners and some lobster rolls and lobster bisque. All good and certainly not what I think of as lobster prices.

Corazón Valiente:

Great recap of a fulfilling episode, novelera. In addition to the Reptile being thrown into the slammer, a few high points for me were when D8D ordered Ofelia to call the police and she replied with an in yo' face, "No!" and when Willy grabbed the arrogant SOB and told him off then later told him to "Shut up!" when they were in Duval's office. Hahaha! D8D is losing his touch. It would be oh so easy and ironic for someone (maybe Vicente) to secretly push his evil azz down las escaleras or, even better, an elevator shaft.

Well, the reptile is in jail --- finally! Even though all signs point to Ángela being exonerated, will she have to return to prison until the formalities for her release are taken care of? Will this set up a face to face confrontation with Fernanda once she is arraigned and sent to the Big House? Will Ángela recognize the Reptile? I'm sick of the novela prison convention, but I suppose we'll have to deal with it because Nora will most likely have to return until Miggy finds the evidence that she was framed.

Speaking of Nora, I hope she planted a seed of doubt into Willy's head about this incest travesty. She admitted to her affair with Dario but in doing so she pointed out how deeply in love Perla was with Miguel Sr during the time Sam was conceived. Surely that tidbit plus all of D8D's lies should inspire Willy and Sam to get another DNA test. Btw, where was Arturo during that scene?

Also, when Nora dove into that pool to rescue D8D, she was fully clothed, heels and all. Later in the day she returned to work at the bakery with the same clean, dry, and unwrinkled clothes on. How?

I thought it was rather cruel to subject the baby who plays Juan Cruz to all of that yelling, gun pointing, and high drama during Fernanda's arrest scene. That poor sweet child was terrified, and though it was true to the scene, it had to be traumatic for him. I noticed that they gave him a pacifier to try to calm him down. Holding either Violeta or Génesis hostage would have worked just as well in that scene.



Novelera, thanks for the vocab. I keep meaning to turn on the captions (not easy with my cable box), but this was very helpful.

I really don't know who the old ex-president was. You're right, it probably was not Noriega. Most of the leaders of Panama around that time were called "military governor", that was the highest rank. But maybe this was a president from 20 years before. Still, the main thing we know is that the negotiation failed, so Pablo will now use "other methods".

As horrible as Escobar was, it's still fascinating to see what goes on inside the mind and inner circle of someone like that (although much of this is fictional).

NovelaNewbie: Wow, what a great revenge --Fernanda pushes D8D down the Telenovela Escalera of Death. Perfect!
I, too, was disturbed by the distress of the little baby in that scene with Fernanda. I did notice the appearance of the pacifier halfway through the hostage stand-off. On the other hand I have seen some novelas where I swear the babies are drugged. (The baby in Herederos del Monte, who by the way, played the offspring of a bad-boy played by Resendez. There was also a droopy drugged baby in FELS, the child of cantina singer acted by Ninel Conde.)
J in Oregon



Despicable Dad raises his gun and points it at Miggy's back, but Miggy whirls around pointing his gun. Miggy says this could be like the Old West, a shootout.

JM tells the Reptile, in her cell; that, if she hated him so much, she should have killed him instead of innocent people. Completely cut off from reality the Reptile makes up reasons why the others deserved to die. He tells her she tried to kill Génesis; what could she have done. The Reptile replied that she tried to separate her from JM and preferred Ángela. Later, the kid was safe when she changed her attitude. She blames him for everything. He drove her crazy by not loving her and now he’ll have to spend his life feeling guilty or else kill himself.

Ángela burbles on about the new cakes she’s planning, missing the expressions on the faces of Nora and Gus. After Ángela leaves the room, Nora asks if he’s going to turn them in. He replies: “Why shouldn’t I?” Nora tells her that Ángela doesn’t know what happened before and really lost her memory. She says she’ll tell him the truth.

D8D tells Miggy it’s too late to get him convicted for the kidnapping. Miggy replies that he’s looking into his Colombian connections, most likely narcos. D8D grins like he’s not worried, but his fear shows after Miggy leaves the room.

Nic thanks Willy most sincerely, but Willy says any father would do the same for his son. The boy is definitely warning up to Willy, as who would not!

Nora tells Gus she and Ángela are both innocent. Ángela is in shock because of the fire in the prison, and to return her to jail would be traumatic. She tells him it’s OK to turn her in, but please not Angie.

The modeling agent calls Peralta while he’s in the kitchen talking with Emma, who’s jealous as always.

Sam and Willy talk in his hospital room. She seems to be back and forth emotionally all the time now. She tells Willy about Nic calling her mama and beams at Willy. She then wonders if Nic’s medical problem could be because they’re related. And goes on to ask if the baby would be born with problems. Willy insists that’s not the case.

Lorena tells Camilo that she’s frustrated. She has now seen the reality (Willy’s forever love for Sam) and says Willy doesn’t deserve for her to take care of him.

JM confronts D8D. The jerk says he didn’t know about the Reptile. JM says he doesn’t believe him. When JM brings up the Reptile’s fall down the staircase, D8D says it was Vicente.

Miggy has come to see Cecilia, who says she’d leave Brad Pitt stranded in her bed for Willy! She asks him what it was about Alejandra, was she blonde, brunette, how was she? Miggy's memory shows her, blonde of course, picking flowers.

In the next scene we see the same woman at a strip club that JM has visited to drown his sorrows. She introduces herself as Alex and makes a suggestive remark. JM says he just needs a drink and some company.

Nora tells Gus the whole story. Ángela was married to a crook. But she was honest, graduated nursing school. She met up with her childhood friend, Samantha, and became a bodyguard like her father. She was assigned to guard the daughter of a rich man, JM, and they ended up in love with each other. But another woman killed a bunch of people and pinned it on Ángela so that she ended up in prison. That woman was her daughter!


Ofelia brings her ghastly mask of tragedy to cheer up the Reptile, who has no expression on her face. Ofelia says she’s going to find out who did this to her. [What? She knows very well she deserves prison and more!] The Reptile says it was Miguel Valdez. Ofe says she’ll get vengeance for the Reptile.

JM tells Alex he wants to take his children far, far away and begin again. Alex is still trying her best to seduce him. He’s getting drunk. When he asks her if someone can start again, she has a memory of Miggy on his moto. JM ends up in some red wallpapered room and gets it on with Alex. He leaves her money that she says is more than double what she usually earns. It appears that Natalia was right about Alejandra.

Sam tells Willy she wants him to see the divorce lawyer. When he asks her if she’s decided to marry Esteban, she says yes. She needs to tear him out of her heart. She says he doesn’t understand how terrible her punishment has been, to have this amazing love and then to have it prohibited. She says she’s going to make a life with Esteban. She doesn’t love him, but he’s the adoptive father of her son. He congratulates her thorough clenched teeth.

Camilo declares himself to Lorena in Willy’s apartment. He tells her she’s beautiful and perfect, and he’s dying for her. He kisses her passionately, and then backs off.

Ofelia shows up to see Miggy asking who “betrayed” the Reptile. He says he won’t tell her. She guesses Vicente, and goes on to tell him about Vicente killing his own brother when he caught him seducing Fernanda. She also tells him about his killing Paula Uriarte. She wants Miggy to find some evidence against Vicente.

Gus reviews some files on his computer that show Luis Martínez, Ángela with Juan Cruz in her arms, and JM. Gus tells Nora that everything she told him appears to be true. He doesn’t want she and Ángela to leave.

Of course it was Esteban who found Sam the lawyer. She tells him she’s done the paperwork.

Vicente has shown up to pick up the cakes he ordered. Ángela helps him put the cakes in his vehicle. He then whips out the famous telenovela ether-soaked rag and she slumps, out cold. He puts her in the car. Just then Miggy rides up on his moto and asks him what he’s doing there. Vicente manages to say it was just curiosity and drives off. Just then Gus comes out looking for Ángela and points at Vicente’s car, telling Miggy that was the client who ordered cakes. They both pursue Vicente. Unfortunately, a vehicle comes in front of them and they lose him.

Willy seems rather ambivalent about Camilo. He finds him asleep on the sofa, but isn’t too upset.

JM comes to tell D8D that he wants to undo the merger of their companies that happened at the very beginning of the novela. He wants to buy out D8D or have D8D buy him out. He doesn’t want anything to do with D8D’s family. Just then D8D gets a call that the Reptile has hung herself. [We should be so lucky.]

When Sam brings divorce papers to Willy, he says he’ll sign right away. He tells her he doesn’t need to be married to love her, and she doesn’t need to be married to love him like no one else. It's another of those passionate Willy speeches that definitely move me!

Corazon Valiente
Novelera, thank you so much for the epic recap!
1. Notice that Camilo's hair color is gradually getting darker, it is no longer the color of fried brass.
2. Tonight Nora told Gustavo that Angela is like a daughter to her. This is the THIRD mother-daughter reference between these two. I'm just sayin', don't be surprised to learn that Nora is Angela's mother. I just haven't figured out how yet.
3. When JM jumped into bed with Alejandra, there went my theory that Alejandra and Fabiola are the same person. They couldn't juggle two different incest plots at the same time, right?
J in Oregon


Well, to allow for more time on the new show, El Rostro de la Venganza, Pablo was only 15 minutes long!

We see that the pilot who met with the two sinister characters was Harry Beal, and he's been arrested by the DEA. He claims to have no involvement with drugs. But they tell him they KNOW who he works for. I think he's going to start helping the DEA if he ever wants to get out of jail. As a matter of fact, I sort of thought he was the pilot who later brought Pablo back from Panama to Colombia, but I could be wrong about that.

Fabio and Peluche meet with the MR-20 guerrillas, Pablo wants to meet with you. He later meets with Abricio (I think), a rebel leader, who says it's not a good time to join forces, we're negotiating with the government for peace. But Pablo promises so much money and arms that the guy will probably go along with it (he has to ask his superiors, of course).

Pablo feels that the guerrillas will soon control the country, so he wants to get in good with them. Mariachi, Marcos and Pedro Montoa aren't too keen on this idea. Montoa, for one, wants to move to Spain.

A Colonel Pedregal gets a call from Pablo. You've got two options, he says. Either you accept $100,000 and we give you "protection", or we kill your mother, your father, your sister, your children, etc. The guy is shaken and hangs up. We later see Fabio and Peluche getting friendly with a little boy on a playground, who may be Pedregal's grandson. This is chilling.

That's all for today.


Thanks, Novelera, another great recap!

I liked when Willy said his two most important people were "mi Sam y my son" (the last part in English :)

When Angela was in jail, she was intimidated by all the other hardened criminals. But Fernanda gets a private cell. Where's the fun in that?

Miggy could be in for a rude awakening with Alejandra, and could also get mad at JM for sleeping with her. But does anyone even question why JM, who is currently married to two women, and is supposedly a respectable lawyer, is going to a strip joint and picking up a prostitute? I guess this is supposed to be normal.

I think Vicente's days are numbered. What in the world could he accomplish by kidnapping Angela?

I still want to see some of the Colombian bad guys. We were down there for a few days so Reptile could pull that fake kidnapping, but we never got to meet Fabiola or the druglords.


It was fun seeing all those familiar faces from other Telemundo shows. Of course, I'm crazy about Elizabeth Gutierrez and Maritza Rodriguez. And the guy who was the young heredero brother and a rich evil guy on Flor Salvaje is now a rich son.

The main character, Martin was of course convicted of killing all those children 20 years ago. And now he has no memory. I'm guessing he actually did NOT kill them, and was set up, but we'll see.


Just reviewed what I wrote last night. I said Cecelia would have left Brad Pitt in her bed alone for Willy. I should have said Miggy. Actually, I slightly prefer Willy as fantasy material and that may have been the reason for my slip!

Corazón Valiente:

As always, thanks a million for the recap, novelera.

D8D is certainly getting worried about Miggy's ability to get to the bottom line about all of his filthy ugliness. His world is crumbling. What twisted irony it was how Ofelia lit into Miggy demanding to know who ratted out the Reptile yet asked for his help to avenge her. The good news is that Miggy followed through on the info and witnessed Ángela's abduction.

So now JM is making the rounds trying to drown his sorrows in whiskey and sex to forget what a dumbazz he's been. Meh. The kaka is going to hit the fan when Miggy finds out that his sainted Alejandra knocked boots with JM for $$. When everything is finally resolved, that could make for uncomfortable dinner conversations at future family gatherings. That flashback Miggy had about her strolling through the meadow picking flowers was hilarious to me. All that was missing were the bluebirds chirping around her head and Alex singing an operetic call and response with them.

In defense of Alex, though, Miggy really shouldn't be angry at her because of her chosen lifestyle. He's basically doing the same thing only he services women for information instead of money. Seriously, 300 conquests? The old double standard.

The only reasons I can come up with about the kidnapping is that Vicente might want to use Ángela as a bargaining chip to gain passage out of the country, and/or to taunt the Reptile somehow when she finds out that Ángela is alive. Otherwise I agree that it doesn't make sense.

Gustavo seems like a good guy -- almost too good to be true. I've gotta hand it to him. I would never knowingly let two AWOL convicted felons live with me. Dumb Duvall will throw him into the slammer for that if he gets wind of it.

Sam is still being an idiota towards Willy. How could you NOT have more tests done before filing divorce papers knowing how deceitful and manipulative D8D is? I'm glad Willy showed her how maturity works.

Lorena's scenes last night were bizarre. Maybe the pregnancy hormones are getting to her.

@J in Oregon - That's an interesting theory about Ángela being Nora's daughter. I can't figure out how it could be, either, but it would certainly fit in with the storyline.

How come Willy didn't even pet Arturo after he called him? Booooooo ...



I agree, Hombre, it was fun seeing the familiar faces. It looks like Jonathan Islas is getting roles as bad guys. He was the evil Abel in Flor Salvaje and, as you said, the rich, snotty son of Saul Lisazo's character.

About what happened when Niño Monstruo (apparently the newspapers' common name for him) was a child, it was a bit confusing. They showed him with a gun saying "Now who's the stupid one" to a girl in a hallway. But later it looked like the kids died in a fire.

Our niño monstruo or Martín, the name they've given him, appears to be some kind of Asperger's genius or something. He easily does Rubik's Cube and tells the rich snot 18% of a large number effortlessly.

The Saul Lisazo character, who for unknown reasons, is rescuing Martín appears to be the head of a brokerage house.

The novela takes place in Miami disguised as New York City, of course.

Martín appears to have some special abilities. He told Saul (sorry, I didn't catch the name of the rich guy) that someone was lying to him about something.


Thanks for the recap, Hombre. You sure got off easy this time [kidding, kidding].

I thought it was amazing that Escobar called the general himself and, after issuing those chilling threats, identified himself. I guess he feels no further need to hide his true nature.

El Rostro

Novelera, I think the rich guy is Ezekiel. Martín told him that his lackey DOES know who gave the earrings to his girlfriend (and is a likely candidate as her lover, though Martín doesn't say that.).

So we have some interesting questions about moral responsibility -- if a bullied child cracked under the pressure and committed monstrous crimes, is the adult still to be held responsible?

Or maybe "el niño monstruo" was framed. Only one of the many children who claimed to witness what he did was willing to testify against him.

The father of one of the children killed is a mafioso. Now he's gunning for Martín.


I find it amusing that Maritza Rodriguez, who played a psychologist in La Casa de al Lado, plays one again. Also, Wanda D'Isidoro, who played a TV journalist on Una Maid en Manhattan, plays one again here. Here are few of the names (I looked at the Telemundo website)

Martin's real name is Diego.
Antonia - the shrink, main character
Mariana - Ezekiel's "girlfriend"
Luciano - Ezekiel's son
Veronica - the journalist, Luciano's girlfriend
Katherina - blonde daughter of Ezekiel

And many more.


novelera, thanks so much for the recap

NovelaNewbie, interesting point about Miggy and Alex basically doing the same thing (only he services women for information instead of money); but I think the problem is that Alex is totally different from her image in Miggy's mind. And her having slept with JM... awkward!


I wish Jonathan Islas didn't have to play the bad guy. loved him in La Diosa Coronada and Herederos.


Rosa is playing everyone, making them think they have a shot as head of the company. She is wonderfully, wickedly sly - in the most delightful way.

I still say Junior is a more suitable galan. Hope he gives Juan Ignacio a bit of competition for Rosa's affections.

Tue Jul 31, 04:26:00 PM EDT


I have to agree about Junior, so much more likeable than JI--although I really like Jr with Raquel, someone needs to get some kissin' on, and then maybe Raquel will actually smile for once.

Carla continues to impress me, she may have to be one of my favorite protagonistas ever! I can't wait to see how they get her and Jose Ignacio together...


Corazón Valiente - Tuesday - 31July12

Miguel and Gus are cut off from Vicente who is making a quick get-a-way,
Vicente talks with the unconscious Angela in the back seat,
it's just not fair that Fernanda is in prison and JM ends up with you,

Fernanda is still alive after her suicide attempt, and is rushed to the hospital,

Willy signs the divorce papers,
we will always be together raising our hijos,
so what difference do these papers make?
(Sammy is like in a daze trying to escape this incest nightmare,
and block out the love she has for Willy)
yes, you are right,

Gus and Miggy back at the cake shop talk strategy,
Gus calls his cop friend and gets a list of properties Vicente owns,
ex cop Gus and ex Mexican cop Miguel load their guns and head out the door,

Bernie implies that JM probably wishes Fernanda died,
JM says no, I want her to spend the rest of her life in jail to pay for what she has done,
he insists dummy Duval put her under a 24 hour suicide watch,

Camilo and Lorena walk in on Willy and Sammy,
always an awkward moment with a Luis look-a-like and their surrogate mother,
Camilo confesses he loves Lorena, surprising everyone,

Vicente takes Angela to a big factory/warehouse,
she starts to awake,
so he gets his magic handkerchief out and gives her another dose,

Bernie, Duval, and a lurking JM visit Fernanda at her death bed,
she says without JM, she doesn't want to live anymore,
she fades away,
as soon as they are gone, her eyes pop open, and she laughs,

she asks her guard to get her something,
and as she walks away,
Fernanda springs from the bed, grabbing a vase with flowers,
and clobbers her,

she then grabs a wine bottle next to a large plate of grapes at the foot of the bed,
and calls for the other guard,
and clobbers her,
grabbing her heels and a gun, she is out of there.

Vicente pulls out his smart phone and makes a video,
explaining to JM why he will never have Angela,
showing her in the video with him,
and sends it to JM,

JM gets the call from Vicente,
a guard rushes in and says Fernanda has escaped,
JM is furious,
doesn't look at the call,

meanwhile Gus and Miguel have finally narrowed down the warehouse,
and approach with caution,
up and down the stairs, around the corners, in and out of rooms,
all silently with hand signals,
as Vicente takes one last breath before he plugs Angela, he hears a sound,
not finding the source, he figures he better shoot her now,
Miguel, with a perfect shot, hits Vicente in the forearm,
sending his gun flying,

Corazón Valiente - Tuesday - 31July12 part 2

Willy shows up at the hospital,
tells Bernie it's all his fault,
Bernie says no,
and tells about Fernanda killing him as well, (except it was another guy pretending to be him).

Camilo is off with Lorena,
she says that was a pretty good lie you told Sammy and Willy,
she laughs,
he says that wasn't a lie,
what about your girlfriend Emma?
she's not my girlfriend,
he kisses her,

the hospital is surrounded, but there is no sign of Fernanda,
JM is livid, smashes his cell phone against a wall,
never seeing Vicente's video,

Vicente escapes,
chased by Miguel on his moto,
they exchange gun fire,
the bike is hit and down goes Miguel,

Fernanda is found,
on a top floor balcony, ready to jump,
JM gets on the balcony below her, and threatens to shoot her if she won't come down, ha!
she jumps,
(wow, that was really her too)

but the firemen have the big bag out to catch her,

Gus has taken Angela home,
she insists on calling the cops,
Miguel shows up and says you can't, you are a fugitive,
she is impacted,
she remembers the prison fire,

Natalia shows up at JM's looking for Miguel,

Alejandra is doing a private dance for her owner,
(who is this guy, was he one of the guys in that club that Natalia was working at, or the guy she married, or a new Colombian guy)
he tells her to set up a date with JM,
she calls him at home, he says his cell is broken, no he's busy tonight,

Natalia finds Miguel at his place,
can I see that photo again,
(it's in his wallet)
yep, that's her,

JM keeps the date,
Alejandro has been having flashbacks of Miguel,
but JM will do for now,
she goes down to the bar to get some whiskey for him,

Miguel with Natalia have come in looking for her,
their eyes meet...

Corazon Valiente

Thanks Deb. When will this train wreck end? The last couple of episodes were good. But where are they going with their story lines?

Hombre- If Angie is Nora's daughter, that means she was with Miguel Snr (Miguel Jnr and her are siblings)!

It does look like the older cast has slept with each other with the exception of JM's parents:

Ofelia- Dario & D8D
Perla- Dario,D8D & Miguel Snr
Estela- D8D & Miguel Snr
Nora- Dario,D8D & (Miguel Snr?)


PABLO ESCOBAR - Another short episode

Pablo's daughter was born. Her name is something like Niela.

Since Chili and Topo are still too hot to come out of hiding, Pablo needs a new executioner. He meets with El Yuca, a smartmouth guy from the barrio. Pablo gives him 2 bits of advice: 1) don't talk so much, and 2) first impressions are what count the most. This guy is not making a good one. He's assigned to kill somebody (I think a guy who works with Jimenez).

Later, we see him zoom up and shoot a guy. But guess what? The guy is just wounded and is in the hospital. Pablo tells Yuca, if you don't find the hospital and finish the job tonight, I'll be VERY disappointed.

Pedro Montoa is arrested in Spain, and they're going to extradite him to the US. His brothers talk of rescuing him with a helicopter, but Pablo says that's stupid, you have to use negotiation.

Harry Beal, the American pilot who flies Pablo around, IS working with the DEA. They tell him you need proof, or you'll be in jail the rest of your life. They give him an instamatic camera and a cassette recorder. He flies Pablo and Gonzalo to Nicaragua, where they meet some local army guys. This'll be their first warehouse center in Central America, much closer to the US. They'll pay the Nicaraguans $1000 per kilo of coke to keep quiet. Gonzo thinks this is too much.

Meanwhile, Harry has been recording the conversations between Pablo and Gonzo in the plane, and takes some pictures of the two bosses unloading some great big parcels of coke.

Guillermo tells Niki to check into the Montoa arrest and the attempted killing, where the guy's in the hospital.

More fireworks tonight!


Great recap, Deb! I think the guy Alex was with is the owner of that club, and also her pimp. I don't think he's Johnny or a Colombian guy. But I could be wrong. The actor just played the same kind of role in Decisiones Peligrosas.

Star, I agree, that older generation has been quite frisky!

Duval really has to be fired. He assured JM that Fernanda was being watched. Right. So they allow a vase, a wine bottle, and two smallish female guards to stop the Reptile? By the way, what did she do with that gun? Also, it was funny when Duval said we can't find her anywhere, and Sam said, neither could we (sort of assuming that regular people are just as good (or bad) at searching than the police).

I was also surprised that even though the cops and fireman never could find the Reptile, when JM spotted her, 30 seconds later that net was ready. Right.

In years gone by, we used to have lots of characters smashing cell phones (in Destilando Amor, the main bad guy smashed about 10 of them), but now that they all use expensive smart phones, it's rare. Still, JM picked a good time to smash his.

Amazing that Vicente was able to drive with a shot hand, and still shoot backwards and hit a speeding motorcycle. Sign him up for the Olympics!

And can we please put Fernanda in a cell with some big mean lady lifers to teach our loopy lass a lesson?


The one girl who did testify against Diego/Boy Monster was Marcella. I've seen that actress before, but where?

The three children of Ezekiel are so funny, with their individual styles. You have spoiled little Napoleon Luciano, with his checked shirts, ties, sport jackets and docksides; Katherina, trying to singlehandedly bring back Madonna's 1984 look; and Marcos, whose little scarf may indicate he's gay, or at least an "artist".

Martin's been so sheltered, I guess he never "kissed a girl", so Mariana may have to give him lessons. We know Katherina and Ezekiel's Mom would volunteer.

Now that Veronica put the release on the news, the cover story can't hold up too well. But I can't tell who we're supposed to root for. Just about everyone, so far, is bad (except Diego's Mom).

I'm enjoying this.


AnotherAmy - ITA w/ you about Carla Hernandez. her performance is just so natural. even her make-up is not caked-on like all the others in tn-land. she is simply adorable.

Speaking of Junior, the left side of his face kinda reminds me of Pierce Brosnan. And yes, he and Raquel would make a handsome pair.


Thanks for the recap, Deb.

For crying out loud - isn't Fernanda dead yet?? or better, I was really praying she'd survive that fall, but be completely and irrevocably paralyzed. UGH!!!

El Rostro de la Venganza -

hi Hombre,

I think Marcelo (Yina Vélez) was in Perro Amor, a love interest of El Perro (Carlos Ponce)
who later turns up with aids.

wow, handing Martín a gun and telling him to go be a body guard in NYC,
that's a little steep isn't it,
what's with the rich guy's interest in all this,
is it just a favor to Antonia?


Thanks, Deb, you're right, Perro Amor, I remember her!

As for Ezekiel's interest, Martín is a genius (we know, because he can actually solve Rubik's cube :), so he could help him in business decisions. Maybe.


Hombre and Deb, my take on Ezekiel -- I think he's up to no good.

First, his son and Martín seemed to recognize each other though neither could say from where. I suspect that the rich guy's son (played by JI) was one of the kids present at the "massacre" 20 years ago. What was his role? Bully? Catalyst? Killer?

Second, it is idiotic -- and surely illegal -- to give a gun to this traumatized young man. For any reason. Saying that Martín is just playing bodyguard and isn't meant to use a gun doesn't neutralize the cruel stupidity of the gesture.

And third, it would be really boring to waste Saúl Lisazo as a plain vanilla Daddy Warbucks when he is capable of so much more.

P.S. So glad Maritza R. has left behind the bug-eyed expression she wore all through La Casa de al lado -- though she is still fated to run after a guy calling plaintively "Martín, Martín ..."


Another excellent summary, Hombre. Thanks. It's impressive how much happens in 15 minutes on this show. And since almost all of it is horrifying, that may be just the right dose for me for now.

Do you think Pablo and Gonzalo will catch on to what Harry Beal is up to?

Pablo Escobar -

thanks so much Hombre for the recap !!

I was thinking that the guy who was shot looked like the guy that picked up the kid at school,

I took a look at a little Nicaraguan history, (so as not to repeat it) and...

once again the U.S. is meddling,
""U.S. Marines occupied Nicaragua from 1912 to 1933"
they leave after setting up a strong military government,
enabling a family of dictators, Somoza
who are later overthrown by a guerrilla movement, the Sandinistas,

""After the 1972 earthquake and Somoza's apparent corruption, alleged mishandling of relief aid, and refusal to rebuild Managua, the ranks of the Sandinistas were flooded with young disaffected Nicaraguans who no longer had anything to lose."
"The Sandinistas, supported by some of the populace, elements of the Catholic Church, and regional governments (including Panama, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Venezuela), took power in July 1979."

the U.S. fearing another Cuba, finances a counter revolution, the Contras,
when congress cuts funding, covert ways are sought using Iran and also possibly drug money through Noriega,
etc., etc,

these countries are ripe for the picking for a guy like Pablo


Thanks a million, Deb. Great recap! Loved Vicente's "magic handerchief". I noticed that he then puts the supposedly ether-soaked hankie in his back pants pocket.

I was SO disappointed when they got that trampoline-like thing under the Reptile.

Vicente looked absolute bat shit crazy when he was telling Ángela that he just had to kill her to get even with JM.

Didn't you love it when D8D tells JM that this whole thing is his fault? Riiiight. The Reptile has a bad case of erotomania, and it's JM's fault.

Another part I liked was when Willy did what I've been wanting to do for months and months. He told Off-Base Ofelia that the Reptile deserved to be in prison because she was guilty of her crimes.

Hombre, I agree about Duval. He thinks just standing there looking handsome is good police work. Fire him now!

Wow. They showed flashbacks of Miggy and Alex in the past. And their eyes meet in last night's episode. For a minute there I thought they were going to go with her seeing Miggy but he doesn't see her. I might have thrown something through my TV set.

I really don't think this novela is a train wreck. It seems to me that every episode has a surprise, secrets do get revealed, and they managed to put the main female villain in a prison cell.

I think the weird thing about prison in the novela is that Fernanda seems to have stayed alone in a cell in the local jail. But they shipped Ángela off to the penitentiary before she even had a trial! I agree with Hombre. I want a beat down in the pen by some really ugly female inmates covered with tattoos!

Willy and Sam told Nicolás about the little brother or sister that was on his or her way, but they didn't really show his reaction.


I'm trying not to watch this but...

I do find Carla Hernández captivating,
and as Rosa, I love the way she is constantly putting everyone in their place,
she is a very smart and talented girl,

particularly interesting is her relationship with Rosaura Sotomayor (Lupita Ferrer)
who she treats with a certain amount of respect as a person,
who in turn seems to be softening towards her,
touching, was Rosaura's reaction to the supposed death of Rosa,
who it seems is her daughter,

but it's hard to get around the fact that everyone is evil and stupid,
and Rosa pretending to be Eva, claiming her inheritance, and a controlling interest in a large company,
must be breaking some major laws,

and the baby, who is the true inheritor,
that Rosa has no legal connection to,
actually must belong to Ramón, who's name they used as the father,


So far my socks are staying put on my feet.

Chocarro is doing a great job portraying damaged goods.

But the rest of the cast is all stereotypes. Jonathan Islas is doing everything but twirling his moustache to show us what an evil son he is.

Saúl Lisazo appears to be playing much the same role he played in El Clon. A misguided rich guy who falls for a much younger, kind of wild woman. NovelaMaven - Daddy Warbucks, great!

The blonde news person is the classic obsessed woman who will stop at nothing for revenge.

Was Roberto Mateos meant to be the mafioso whose daughter was killed? They showed him being interviewed and showing outrage about El Niño Monstruo being released. He was a mafioso in Mi Corazón Insiste and a bad guy club owner in Más Sabe el Diablo.

After I watched last night, I thought. You gave me only half an hour of Pablo Escobar for this?


That Yuca guy had the absolutely best Colombian street accent I've heard yet. Speaking of accents, I notice how they all call each other hombe, leaving off the "r".

In addition to pointing out the idiocy of trying to land a helicopter and break their brother out of jail, I also felt that Escobar didn't really give a rat's patootie that they'd caught a Motua.

Hmmm. With all his money, and the fancy ladies from Brazil, Pablo is still jumping Mireya's bones.

I think the new baby's name is Daniela.

I hope Beal gets away with his recordings and photographs.

I was very confused about who the guy was that Escobar wanted La Yuca to kill. The one I surely want to survive is Jimenez. He seems very smart and totally honest.


I'm very tired today. I simply HAD to see the US girls win the gymnastics gold. I saw on the internet that they'd won and wanted to see it.

And then I simply HAD to watch Pablo Escobar and El Rostro to be able to join in the conversation today.

Talk about a couch potato!


deb, thanks so much for the recap

In my opinion, the show is getting more interesting - except for the Sam and Willy incest storyline.
By the way, I think they intentionally made us wonder if JM and Alex were brother and sister. Apparently the writers of this show are pretty interested in the incest theme!
I was surprised that Miguel found Alejandra so fast. Big shock for both of them.


Deb - Rosa is a very clever girl indeed, especially since she's really led a very sheltered life. HA!

I've actually been enjoying this one since it went to an hour (didn't much like the first couple weeks). Yes, the premise of utterly ludicrous even for a novela; and the multitudinous villains completely ill-motivated, just bad because they are villains, no real psychology or motivations beyond greed (except for Lupita Ferrar's character); but the title character is just so entertainingly written and played by the actress, I'm kinda of willing to just go with the nonsense to watch her.

Novelera, I wish we could have actually gotten a half hour of PABLO - these past two nights, we've actually only gotten about 15 minutes a night. Terrible move by Telemundo. EL ROSTRO DE LA VENGANZA premiered to pretty low ratings and got lower numbers Tuesday, I'm sure the scheduling isn't helping.

It's too early to make any real judgments on this, but I don't know, the first two episodes just felt awfully tired to me, as if they were just going through the motions, which is odd because these things usually come out like gangbusters in the first episodes. Chocarro is good, I guess.

A little off topic, but the new station MundoFox has started airing their test signal today, so if you're going to get the channel on its launch date of August 13th, you should be able to see it now. They are running a bunch of Colombian novelas (Merlina Mujer Divina, Marido a Sueldo, La hija del mariachi) right now as placeholders in the schedule, all of them will be yanked in couple weeks when the channel officially goes "live."

When the channel goes live, they'll be showing recent, Colombian, RCN-produced novelas from noon to 5pm, including a couple recent ones starring former Telemundo actress Paola Rey - a rich/poor comedy called POBRES RICO and another comedy called LAS DETECTIVAS Y EL VICTOR which has one of my favorites, Gregorio Pernia as the protag.

Their primetime schedule somehow has a Televisa show, LOS EXITOSOS PEREZ, so they are putting Jaime Camil opposite himself as it airs at the same time Univision is airing POR ELLA...SOY EVA; and the second season of EL CAPO.


Thanks so much Deb. This was a great recap. I only saw the last 12 minutes, but was glad to see Angela back at Gus's and Miggy still alive. But I didn't know about all the Reptile drama. I can't believe that with all of that going on, JM is visiting a prostitute, AGAIN! Dude, don't you have more important things to spend your time on, like your three traumatized kids? Glad Miggy and Alex have met face to face. It should be interesting to hear how she got into that life.


Novelera - yes, but did you see Roberto Mateos in Donde Esta Elisa? Clean cut and all yuppie-like... totally believable as well. luv him.

This comment has been removed by the author.


I didn't see Elisa, but I loved Roberto Mateos in Doña Bárbara where he played the alcoholic father of Marisela, the protagonist. He played a man trying very hard to do good things, and did an excellent job, as always.


Argee2, I am officially "de luto". I have been anxiously anticipating MF's launch (Colombian TNs are my FAVORITE) since someone (was it you?) mentioned it a while back, and after extensive online research, I have concluded that it's not launching here in KC. I was hoping UVerse would pick it up since I have the Latino Package, but I can't find anything about it.

SO bummed. I've been trying to see Las Detectivas forever (I heart Gregorio!). I may just have to move up to Chicago...



Argee2, I am officially "de luto." I have been anxiously anticipating MF's launch (Colombian novelas are my favorite!!) since someone mentioned it a while back (was it you?), but after extensive online research I have concluded it's not going to launch here in Kansas City :( I was hoping UVerse would pick it up since I have the Latino Package, but I can't find any info about it anywhere on UVerse's site.

I'm SOOO bummed--I've been trying to see Las Detectivas forever (I heart Gregorio!). Maybe I'll just move to Chicago...



This was a jam-packed episode. First Miggy tries to follow Alex and is subdued by some of the bouncers at the strip club. Then Dante, the pimp/nightclub owner puts a gun to his head. He tells Miggy that Alex is his and, if he comes back again, he’ll die.

Gus declares himself to Ángela. He says he wants to live in the present. She says yes to giving it a try.

Willy explains to Nicolás that he and Sam were counting on a life together with the expected baby, but they never were going to stop looking for him. He also tells Nic he just can’t see Sam as his sister. He loves her despite everything, despite Sam’s divorcing him. Nic is definitely starting to have some empathy. He says he can't even imagine how he'd feel if Jessica turned out to be his sister. “How much the two of you must have suffered!”

Later, Miggy tells Natalia it makes no sense to him. Alejandra is from a wealthy family in Mexico; she doesn’t need to do this.

Esteban and Sam talk. She tells him they told Nic about the pregnancy. He tells her the lawyer says the divorce can be fast tracked. She says Willy was right. They’ll be united for life and it’s harder and harder to refuse him. He grabs her hand and tells her it might be easier if they were married. Sam: “You’d marry me? But we’ve had no intimacy.” He says he doesn’t need to make love to her to realize he wants to spend his life with her.

Natalia is helping Miggy meet with Alejandra. She calls someone and seems to be arranging a sex party for some guy. Johnny Lamas recommended them [her husband, I presume]. She tells Miggy they should ask for Dayana, Monique and Jenny, but it’s going to cost a lot. Miggy says he’ll get a rich guy he knows to pretend to want the party.

Gus googles JM. Nora comes in, sees what he’s up to, and reminds him that Ángela is married with two children. She’s worried because Angie said he kissed her. Gus tells Nora he doesn’t want to take advantage of Ángela, but when he’s around her he can’t think.

Génesis and Violeta find a photo of Peralta in a magazine, bare-chested and posing with some pretty young women. They tell Emma he has a girlfriend.

Natalia calls Dante and says she is arranging this party for Johnny Lamas. Dante asks Alex about where she knows Miggy from. She avoids the question, and just then Willy comes in about the party with Dayana, Monique, Jenny, AND Alex.

Sam is leaning against the wall at the hospital. D8D, for the second time standing up, touches her shoulder. When she jerks away, he gets that disgusting poor me expression on his face and says he came to show her he’s better. He appears to be begging her to notice him and says he’s going to disinherit both Fernanda and Willy. SHE’S the only person who deserves his big bucks!


Willy comes to pick up the ladies of the evening. Alex starts to get in the car also, but is grabbed by Miggy. He tells her not to be scared. He’s not going to let her go now that he’s found her.

Sam tells D8D that she doesn’t want anything from him. He sticks out his chin and says that he had to renounce her because she refused him, but he won’t renounce his only grandchild. After Sam walks off, D8D tells Esteban he could tell Sam and Willy that he knew all along they weren’t related. It would be ugly for her to find out Esteban betrayed her and that nothing separates them.

Duval gloats about the Reptile going to maximum security the same way he gloated about sending Ángela there. One. Note. Guy.

Miggy says she has no idea how knocked out he is seeing her after all these years. He tells her he searched obsessively to find her. He felt a terrible guilt because he lost his objectivity when he fell in love and failed to protect her. He asks her to please explain what happened.

We get a very funny scene when JM bursts into Willy’s apartment and finds the rest of the prostitutes. With his back to them, he deadpans: “Are you busy?” And shows Miggy three fingers and a questioning look. One of the prostis recognizes JM from the club, saying he’s the guy who didn’t pick her. Willy smirks at him and calls him Juanchin, laughing at JM’s embarrassment.

Ángela opens up Gus’s laptop, not even knowing what it is [please]. She sees what Gus was looking at – a photo of JM. She asks who that man is. She saw him and felt something.

Alejandra tells her sad story. She was captured buying her [new word for me] ajuar (trousseau) for their wedding. She was locked up a long time and drugged. She’s forgotten a lot of it. She knows she was taken to the outskirts of Mexico City. She ended up in a house of prostitution where they did anything he could imagine to her. Why her? Well, it was revenge. Her father was involved in drugs, which is why he hired Miggy in the first place. He feared something would happen to her.

Alejandra says she became a body without a soul. The men who used her were pigs who didn’t mind having sex with a woman who had been beated and drugged and who was crying. One day a man rescued her – Dante. He gave her a better life. She now has VIP clients. She does take drugs. It was not her choice, but now she’s hooked.

Camilo shows up to see Lorena and gets roped into the wild party. One of the girls is draped all over Willy, who jokes that he’s sacrificing himself for Miggy. Naturally, Sam comes in just then. He tells her he’s only getting a massage for his remaining kidney! Fabián Ríos is great at comedy! Then he goes on to tell the women that he doesn’t have a kidney, but the rest of him works ok. One of the women approaches Sam asking if she came to join the party. Both Willy AND JM get horrified looks on their face. I think they’re afraid the woman is going to get one of Sam’s roundhouse punches.

More silly stuff with Emma. She tells Peralta his body belongs to her. And later she crashes a photo shoot and covers him up with a shirt!


Miggy calls Willy and asks him to keep the girls there a little longer. Then Miggy seems to say to Alejandra that he’s willing to overlook everything. But she tells him it’s impossible; Alejandra died a long time ago. She’s Alex now. Then she starts to unzip her dress, offering herself to him as a prostitute. He gives her a tender kiss and says he doesn’t want her this way. He also says she’s right; she has changed. But he gives her his phone number in case she needs help.

Sam lights into Willy, saying the usual stuff about she’s not surprised to see him in this situation. She says men only want sex. The prostitutes in the background agree! Then she tells him about D8D making her his heir.

Sam comes to see Miggy, and he tells her about Willy just helping him out. He asks her what she felt after seeing Willy after so many years. She replies that she felt the same passion and the same butterflies in the stomach. However, she tells him she’s going to marry Esteban.

Vicente calls JM asking him how he liked the message he send. When JM tells him he never saw it because his phone was broken, V says he’s coming to tell him in person.

Nic tells Esteban he’s very worried about the baby maybe having an illness because of its parents, like he himself, being related. El Jefe can’t stand to see his son so worried and tells him that Sam and Willy aren’t brother and sister.

Miggy confides in Willy. He tells him about Alex. He also tells him his life was changed. He gave up any hope of love because of what happened. Willy in turn tells Miggy his big secret – his mother is alive. Miggy says he knows. Willy gets angry and demands to know where Nora is. Miggy refuses, saying he promised not to tell. He does offer to have Nora and Willy meet in his apartment.

Alex calls Miggy from the club, but Dante walks in and she has to hang up.

Nora tells Gus she’s going out because she needs to see her daughter before they put her in prison. After she leaves, Gus tells Ángela that he’s falling in love with her.

Esteban apologizes to Nic for keeping quiet about Sam and Willy, but he doesn’t want to lose her. If she finds out about the lie, she’ll go back to Willy. He tells his son he’s completely in love with Sam, even though he knows she doesn’t love him. Nic tells his father he has to tell Sam the truth. Sam comes in with a book for Nic, and Nic tells her his papa has something to tell her.

The cops bring out a handcuffed Reptile to take her off to the Big House. JM is there. Off-Base Ofelia is there with a ghastly expression on her face, pushing D8D. Nora peers around the corner. Vicente pushes his way forward and is restrained by a couple of cops. He shouts that HE was the one who betrayed her. And her worst punishment is that Ángela is alive! JM overhears this. Vicente pulls out a gun to kill the Reptile and is shot full of more holes than a colander by, who knows, Miggy or the cops or both.


thanks so much novelera !!!
I missed a lot in this one,
and you are so,o,o good at adding the color,

good bye Vicente (Alejandro López),
I know it's weird,
but I loved watching the gears in his head work,
as he figured out yet another way to make things go his way,
and yes,
it never worked out for him.


Thank you so much Novelera for the great recap. Reading it I felt like it was playing again in front of me.

I liked last night's episode, the playfulness with Willy and Sam. The scene when Sam does not allow three grown men to get up from a table? that was a hoot.

More silly stuff with Emma, that's a nice way to put it. She's really on my nerves, too bad Reptile didn't sent her sights on her. What an annoying character, if this is supposed to be played for laughs, it's seriously not working.

So the latino Ron Moss was shot dead! Thanks for letting me know he was aiming for the Reptile because I was just not sure. Vicente's death scene was different, it felt like the actors taped their scenes at different times, it wasn't slow motion, but something was off, only Miggy seemed to move in real time when he pulled out his gun.

2 things I am wondering about:

I know Angela has memory loss, but has anyone hinted to tell her that her mom died?

I can't remember when D8D told Esteban that S&W were not brother and sister, when was that?

Excellent to see D8D stand up, I hope he is continuing to do well in his recovery.


I am trying to watch this, but I keep getting images of watching a 1960 television show. I expect the women to walk around in a dress with pearls on.

I love David Chacorro, he is of course doing a magnificient job, and I look forward for papacito Roberto to take center stage, it appears another mafioso part.

I am not a fan of Elizabeth G, and she is not winning me over in this role, but this TN is young, let's see how it goes.

I loved the new york city scenes, Broadway is magnificient.


I love the lead girl, so natural, quite deliberate and funny in her scenes. I love her interaction with her grandma, and I look forward to those. I would be happy if this just stayed to that, her thwarting her grandmother at every turn, and yet I hope the gradual acceptance of the grandmother towards Rosa.

I do like the uncle, he seems to be doing a fantastic job playing an imbecile, or a mock imbecile. I like his role very much.

Ochmann? - hummm, I like that Rosa gave him a comeuppance and I hope that will be the trend.

But...I am scared to totally get involved in this, as I'm waiting for Telemundo to do it's thing of changing direction when it wants to.


I'm still not sure who the guy in the hospital is. I agree, it was the guy with the kids at the playground. But he's either a) a relative of Jiménez, or b) a drug guy who was going to talk. I think b.

Yuca goes to the hospital, but gets freaked out in the elevator by a soldier, who asks where are you going? He says to visit my granny. Well then why are you going to the 3rd floor, which is restricted? You should go to the 4th floor. Yuca sees all the military men, chickens out, and goes back to Tony Soprano (I mean Pablo Escobar).

Niki interviews Jiménez, asks if the cartel are back. He plays dumb, says I have no idea. But he's still letting her follow him around.

Pablo calls Colonel Pedregal, get us some uniforms. We then see Gonzalo, dressed as a colonel, and Yuca, dressed as a private, boldly walk right through the hospital. They even bump right into Niki and Jiménez! They keep going. A few minutes later, Jiménez runs into that soldier from the elevator who says "you just missed the new colonel." What? Jiménez turns around, breaks into a run.

But he's too late. Yuca shoots the patient in the head (Gonzo says you should have aimed at the chest), and they escape.

Luis gets on the news, says Pedro Montoa was the brains behind (autor intelectuél) the murder of Rodrigo, and should be extradited from Spain.

Yuca brags on the street how he killed the guy, and his boss, Pablo Escobar will be so proud of him. Big mistake. Another of Pablo's men hears this and tells Pablo. Pablo orders Yuca killed for this, and bye bye Yuca.


Harry Beal gives his info to the DEA. This is dynamite!

Jiménez and Niki go to visit Julio Montoa, and both sides threaten each other.

In Nicaragua, Gonzalo plays with an assault rifle. Maybe the army guys are giving them these weapons in partial exchange for the holding the drugs. He also gives the Nicaraguans lots of cash.

Regina reports on TV the MR-20 and the government can't agree on peace. The rebels just have too many factions. Delacruz says we will have peace. The cease fire will continue. Another army colonel whom we haven't seen before tells his guys to arrest Fabricio (the rebel leader with long hair and a beard).

The DEA sends Niki the photos of Pablo and Gonzalo unloading pick parcels of drugs. She gives them to Guillermo, who says hold the presses, we have a new page 1! This is REALLY gonna make Pablo mad. I think we're heading into some major retribution!!!


Hombre or Hombe,

Wonderful work on this miniseries; it is indeed riveting. The new baby is Manuela.

Many, many thanks


Fabulous 3-part report.
Thank you for all of your time with this.

Definitely cannot tolerate the
incest thing - especially in this day of obtaining Second Opnions
for many diagnoses and in light of so many lab errors...not to mention the evil trickery of D8D. I had thought that Willy might report Nora's opinion on this topic to Sam, and say,"Let's go away by ourselves and get another test." Admittedly, it is necessary to suspend disbelief for much of the plot, but this is just too much to take.
And now Fernanda will have 9 lives;
don't like it one bit. It dilutes other aspects of the plot and dialogue that are quite clever.

Thanks again,


thanks Hombre !!!

it's interesting that Gonzalo took Yuca back to kill the guy,
rather than just doing it himself,

I guess he and Pablo can always say, "I didn't do it"


Another great recap, Novelera, thanks!

Nellie, I think D8D did tell Esteban a few weeks ago the truth about Willy and Sam, just to torture him, adding he knew Esteban would keep quiet. He sort of wanted Esteban as an ally (but nothing ever came from that).

As for telling Angela about her mother being dead, she supposedly doesn't even know she HAS a mother! Or 2 kids! She doesn't know what a computer is! But she's great at baking!

Vicente was expendable, but the Reptile isn't. As much as it would be fun to kill her off, she's the main villain, even worse than D8D, so they have to keep her around til the very end. I think.


The little boy playing Diego as a kid was the main kid on Una Maid en Manhattan. He's also playing the son of Martin's brother (his nephew), although most of the family members think Diego died.

Diego's twin sister is that beautiful actress who was a crazy secretary in La Casa de al Lado, and then a reserved psychiatrist in Mi Corazon Insiste. It's fun seeing these people in new roles.

Okay, we now know how bad Ezekiel is, shooting his helper Benitez in cold blood for having an affair with Mariana (which he didn't!).


muchisimas gracias otra vez, Novelera!!

I too was totally entertained w/ the 3men/3prostitutes scene.


I also recognized the little boy from Una Maid. Very cute kid.

It seemed ridiculous to me that Diego's mother is so scared of the pretty crappy husband that she won't see her son. I suspect she will, eventually.

Please. Lying to the rest of the children and saying Diego was dead? How old were these other kids when the school incident happened? The girl was a twin. How could she not have known about the Niño Monstruo when she was the same age? And, yes, Hombre I like this actress. I thought the crazy person Lucía she played was in Alguien te Mira.

And I can't stand the blonde TV person. OK, OK, her brother was killed long ago. But she refuses to respect Antonia's privacy, following her around in a cab.

Are we supposed to think Diego/Martín is going to end up with his shrink?

Still not liking this one very much. Will probably drop out when it goes to one hour. But when and where can they insert it? There's no announcements of ultimos anything on Corazón Valiente. And Pablo Escobar has years and years of mayhem still ahead of him.

Personally, I think this half hour stuff ruins both novelas.


You got it all, Hombe [gotta go with the Colombian accent!] Thanks!

Boy oh boy, I did love that the pilot was able to turn over his instamatic shots to the DEA. The you know what is definitely going to hit the fan tonight.

By the way, that front of the Miami DEA offices that looks odd, almost like a storefront for expensive shoes, was the same one used in El Cartel. So maybe it really exists.

You know, I always thought the Reagan administration made up that stuff about the Sandinistas running drugs. It was later documented that the Contras (whoever they were) were running drugs. So - maybe both the left and the right were "fund raising" with cartel money.


Thank you Hombre for your response to my questions. I feel a bit guilty because I don't watch this TN on a regular basis, and then I come back and ask questions.

Vivi - I can't believe that with all of that going on, JM is visiting a prostitute, AGAIN! Dude, don't you have more important things to spend your time on, like your three traumatized kids? - EXACTLY HOW I FELT. Thank you for that.

Floridia, agree with you I thought Willy would go straight to Sam and get another test done. This storyline is the reason I stopped watching on a daily basis, and the writers/producers should have put an end to it a long time ago. If it were not for Miggy I would have stopped completely, but I have to admit last night's scenes with S&W were lovely.

But now Miggy has found his true love (I guess), I hope he does not lose his edge.


I so like that the leads are not instantly in love with each other.


You're right, Novelera, the actress who plays Diego's twin was in Alguien te Mira. Her name is Cynthia Olivarría. He name in El Rostro is Diana, sister of Diego/Martín and Omar, daughter of Juan and Sonia, aunt of Juanito.


Not really watching this novela, but I see the first 5 minutes on my DVR before CV starts.

I have a question for anyone who's watching. The evil old biddy who wears sunglasses most of the time. Is she blind or just pretending to be blind? In some scenes it seems as if she can see.

Corazón Valiente- Thursday - 2Aug12...

Vicente, who earlier showed up at the prison with the intent of killing Fernanda, was shot by Miguel, then other police officers, lies dying on the ground, Fernanda rushes to his side, he says, I love you!
and dies,

Nico at the hospital is working on his dad to tell Sammy that she and Willy are not siblings,
he is stalling, sweating that Nico might blurt it out, but he doesn't.
Jessi stops by for a visit,

Gus and Angela trade little smooches, Miguel calls Gus, Gus tells Angela, the guy that kidnapped you is dead,

Fernanda is taken away, Ofelia moans, Bernardo says he has a plan,
Miguel sees Nora lurking, tips Willy off, who gets her out of there.

Lorena is on the phone with her mom ?? talking about going back to the beach house, Camilo overhears,

Jump to Miguel's apartment, where he is about to kiss Alejanda, (what?), but taking off her oversized sunglasses, he sees her black eye, she was in a fight with her owner, I think,
not a happy moment, but they get by it and jump into bed,
I didn't really catch all of their pillow talk but I got the idea that she is fine with keeping her life as is with this little love thing on the side while Miguel is really torn between the memories he has of their past and this now, of the present.

but Miguel has a lot on his plate with his women, next in line are Violeta and Genesis w/ JM and jc in tow show up, the girls just about knock him down, but JM gets the hint that Miguel has company and convinces the girls to leave.

Willy shows up at the hospital with his mom, kids with Sammy about how much the prostitutes were paying him to go with them, Sammy leaves, and Willy sneaks his mom in to see the sleeping Nico.

Duval, who found the receipt for the cakes on Vicente, shows up at the cake shop, recognizes Gus, and they chat, Angela comes over with her too sweet smile, but hears the word police, and ducks out before Duval sees her, Gus takes Duval over to the house to talk some more.

Camilo shows up at the hospital and tells Sammy that Lorena is leaving, (is this like a fetus kidnapping?)
Sammy is shook up over this, Willy appears and Sammy pleads him to go with her,
what? and I guess you want me to marry her too? they fight,

Back at Miguel's, Alejandra leaves, Miguel wants to go with her, but she says no,
next we see her outside of a Subway shop where JM has taken the kids for a bite,
JM sees her and invites her in, the girls want to know all of the details,
Violeta pulls off her sunglasses and they all see her black eye,

Natalia appears at Miguel's, they talk about Johnny,
Angela calls, you need to help me,
the door bell rings, in comes Sammy, she is really shaken about Willy

Meanwhile Fernanda ends up at the same prison that Angela was in,
she is met by the welcoming committee but gets the best of most of them,
there is one big girl with a scarred face though that she has problems with,
but the guards break it up,

Willy at home is having some tender moments with his mom, gets a call, Fernanda has been attacked, Nora is totally upset,

at the cake shop, Angela wants to come clean with the police, but Gus and Miguel try to convince her that she is innocent but if she is found out now she will have to go back to jail, Nora comes in all upset and tells Angela that everything is my fault,

Corazón Valiente- Thursday - 2Aug12... (part 2)

Fernanda, who I thought would be in the hospital is walking around all cocky, tells the guard what do you want, money?, I'll get you money, just let me make a call, she calls Bernie, did you hear what Vicente said before he died, Angela's alive!

lunch time at the prison, Fernanda doesn't like the food, makes a fuss, the guards break it up, scarface passes around a knife,

Nora hugs and tells Angela to take care, she also hugs Miguel and tells him to take care of his sister,

Willy is home alone with Arturo, they talk, men stuff,
Sammy walks in, says she couldn't bear the thought of him in anothers arms,
they kiss, almost, the doorbell rings, it's Bernie, on a bombing run,
he tells Sammy, did you know Willy's mother is alive,
and that Angela is too!
Sammy is impacted
mission accomplished for Bernie

JM stops by the club for another rendezvous with Alejandra,
she is happy to see him, goes off to ready a room for them,
Miguel appears, JM is that you?

Fernanda is sleeping in her cell,
in walks scarface with the big knife,
quietly she walks over to Fernanda,
and slashes her across the cheek.

as scarface stands, she is slammed across the room by the prison godmother,
Nora is back in jail,
"stay away from my hija"

Fernanda, in pain, shock, terror, confusion, looks into the eyes of Nora,

Aylin Mujica is really bringing it to the table in this novela,
I'm really impressed,
I still can't believe she did her own stunt the other day jumping off that building.

Rosa Diamante

hi novelera,

yes, Rosaura Sotomayor (played by Lupita Ferrer) can see,
I didn't really get the whole story on that,
but you can tell when she looks through a peephole behind a hallway picture into Rosa's room,
that she also used to spy on her husband Eduardo, when he was alive and using that room.

Rosa Diamante

oh yea,

Rosaura, the old biddy, we suspect of being Rosa's real mother,
(we don't really know that, only Rosaura and Raquel know the truth on that)
which makes the interactions between the two of them, all the more interesting,
if you catch any of the scenes of Rosa and Rosaura.


In order to prevent Pedro Montoa, who is being held in Spain, from being extradited to the US, his brother Julio approaches a Colombian DA, says, why don’t you pursue the illegal cattle herding charge from 2 years ago, and bring him here to Colombia. I don’t think this’ll work.

A cavalcade of SUV’s is back in Medellin, Pablo and his guys. They visit Fabricio, the rebel leader, and Pablo blames him for the pictures in the paper of Pablo and Gonzo loading drugs. Don’t blame me, says Fabrizio. It wasn’t the Sandanistas, so it had to be one of your guys. What? All I have are my brother, my cousin, my brother in law and the pilot. Well, then it’s the pilot, says Fab. Pablo realizes he’s right. He then tells Fabrizio we’re going to put the President of Colombia on trial.

In an interview, Luis tells Niki that the photos prove that Escobar is a druglord, just as Rodrigo said. And this also shows the Sandanistas are involved in drugs.

Fabrizio gives another rebel commander (Alberto?) $1 million in cash, to organize an attack on the Palace of Justice (like the Supreme Court). Someone is watching this, though. The same guy was watching the SUVs come into town.

Gonzalo and Peluche are worried about the arms shipments.

Fabrizio is murdered. The paper says “abatido”, which is like cut down, or shot down. I’m thinking it was that tough Colonel with dark hair, who despite the President’s wanting peace, keeps attacking the MR-20. But it could also be Pablo’s guys.

Harry Beal isn’t worried at all. I don’t need protection. There’s no way a Colombian would kill an American citizen on American soil. I’m not so sure, Harry.


Pablo calls the tough Colonel, and right out tells him, MR-20 is going to take over the Palace of Justice. We see them taking reconnaissance pictures, making plans. It has 4 stories, we’ll start at the bottom.

November 11, 1985. The rebels are riding to the Palace of Justice on normal transit buses, with big duffel bags hiding their weapons. Outside the building, pigeons are having lunch. Tourists are asking questions. All is calm, a normal day.

The terrorists arrive, kill a guard, and enter through the underground parking garage. Up they go to the first floor, killing a few more people. They radio, entrance number one is clear. Into an elevator they go, as scared employees are pushed to the ground., did this really happen? Tonight, we may see one of the most shocking events in Colombian history.


Great recap, Deb!

I actually don't think Aylin Mujica jumped off a building. If you look closely, there were several cuts. She may have jumped off something about two feet, then a stunt woman did the middle part, then she dropped another 2 feet to the net thing. It's all really quick.

But I agree, her acting is very good. And I still can't believe Nora would protect her that much, when they hinted so many times that Ofelia may really be her mother. Oh well, eventually the truth will come out.

Dummy Duval was so stupid, facing away from the counter, not noticing Angela. Par for the course.

Glad to see that millionaire JM is keeping the Subway chain going. He wants to start over from zero, selling his business to D8D and/or Willy. It's never been too clear what they actually do, cars, planes, or something. And what ever happened to when Sam was running the airplane company? And where's Rodrigo? And if all that stuff was happening in Colombia, how come Alejandra was from Mexico, have they forgotten the Colombian thing? I know, I asking too many questions. Just go with the flow, Hombre......


Yes, interesting that Antonia never realized that one of Ezekiel's kids was killed by the boy monster. Maybe she should make a list. She's already confronted Marcela, who saw it all, and Veronica the reporter, whose brother was killed. We also know of the mafia guy a little. Since there were 7 kids killed, that leaves 4 more.

Diana and Omar are sure mad at their parents for lying to them. I think Diana felt the "call of the blood" and senses that her twin is closer.


gosh! that Rosa/Eva sure is spunky. she does not back down one bit from JI. love love love her.


Thanks so much for the recap, Deb. I really like your sense of humor. "D8D on a bombing run!"

Off-Base, Oddball Ofelia is getting on my last nerve. She's like an evil witch, gloating over Vicente's death.

I get a kick out of Miggy's "mexicanismos" that he throws in there from time to time. Last night's offering was several "tranquilo venenos".

I'm way past caring about Lorena as well. She makes this big generous gesture to incubate and hatch Sam and Willy's chick. But when Willy won't fall for her, after she's known all along she doesn't do it for him, she picks up her marbles and leaves. Being on that weird desert island in California may be fine if you have a normal pregnancy. But, if there are complications? Idiot!

I was SO frustrated that jerk Jefe talked Nic into keeping quiet about Sam and Willy.

It did seem like they cut some footage out of the scene where Alejandro is in Miggy's apartment. Very abrupt. Excellent acting, again, by Gabriel Porras. Alejandra is all happy and post-coital in his bedroom. Miggy is thinking ahead and realizing that she's going to go back to Dante. I don't think they're going to make it.

I was wondering if Juan Cruz could be José Luis Reséndez' actual child. The kid was SO comfortable being held by him and in one scene he grabbed onto his ear and held it for the whole scene.

Samantha, Samantha. Lorena pitches a hissy fit and the first thing she does is blame Willy! Then practically order him to marry her. Willy finally had enough and lit into her. She did come around later changing her tune a bit. But her judgmental act is getting old.

I wonder how JM being there for a roll in the hay with Alejandra and Miggy showing up is going to play out.

I'm hoping for serious, unrepairable facial scarring for the Reptile!


I'll have to double up on episodes tonight.

I was watching Gabby Douglas win a gold medal in gymnastics instead of Pablo Escobar wreaking havoc in Colombia. What a great kid!

Corazon Valiente:

Great job with the recap, deb. I haven't watched Thursday's episode yet (the Olympics are trumping all TV viewing en mi casa), but it's good to read that the Reptile is getting roughed up in prison. I'm going to sneak a peek online to watch and also to see how on earth Nora got back into the slammer!! WTH?!?!?

@novelera - ITA about Gabby Douglas - and the whole USA team, for that matter. I love watching all of our athletes.



Thanks so much deb for the great recap.

You're right novelera. That scene was quite abrupt. I guess the scenes of Alex being beaten by the owner were also cut - or probably written but not filmed. Did we see what happened to her eye?
That scene of Alex being happy and Miguel thinking - with Porras' great acting - was one of those scenes that make this show different from similar novelas.

Loved the scene of JC playing with JM's ear :D

Nora and Reptile meeting would be interesting!


Ditto. I was watching Gabby and the other athletes strut their stuff, but I will watch this one online. Thanks again Deb.


NovelaObserver - almost forgot about that scene w/ JC playing with JM's ear. super-cute!!! so adorable!!

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