Friday, July 27, 2012

Abismo de pasión, #96 7/26/12: Hey Alfie, Gweedo may be free but Gabino’s gonna cost you.


To: the writers of the Pit

From: Novelamaven

Cap’n Sylvia went to sea / In a beautiful pea green boat / She took her honey and plenty of money / And asked me to give you this note:*

“When I return in two weeks I expect to find these folks alive and kicking: Don Lucio, Dolores, Padre, Ramona, Maru, Braulio, Enrique, Doc Tovar, Paloma and Gael.

Feel free to smite and blight as you see fit any of the following: Gabino Mendoza, Paolo “the momzer” Landucci, Alfabitch, OmegaBitch (aka the Killer Orange) and Chente.

Use these characters however you wish to keep the story moving along: Elisa, Damián, Flor, Guido, Begoña, Toña, Sabrina and the old lady** who was whispering “Hush mah mouth – I bet I can squeeze that old Arango broad for enough pesos so I can ditch the asilo and retire in St. Tropez.”



*With apologies to The Owl and the Pussycat and **Goodnight Moon.


Dolores stares, incredulous, as Horacio is taken away in a squad car. A wanted criminal – this is the man she chose as her life partner? Gabino watches the show. From his expression, you’d think he was at a cockfight and he’d put his bet on the winner. (Are those bloody feathers on his chin? Nah.)

Outside the bank in Mérida, Don Lucio kvetches that Dam is forcing him to lie. He’ll have to go along with the story that before he died, Augusto set up an account for Elisa. Although both men suspect Gabino pocketed the Cielo Abierto money, proving that will take time. Right now, Elisa needs cash to pay off her loan to Alfie. Otherwise Alfie will seize the greenhouse and the harvest.

Doc Tovar’s office

Elisa stops by to ask Paloma to attend tonight’s mass for Augusto. Why does Paloma seem so distant? Elisa needs her more than ever right now. Paloma starts to say she has her own tsuris but then, remembering who the protagonista is, apologizes.

Paloma’s not buying Flor’s pregnancy story and thinks Dam has his doubts as well, official blood test or no.

The Killer Orange is seen deftly driving a pickup truck down the highway and thought-bubbling: “Gabino’s got the Horacio problem covered. Now I’ll dispose of that bastard Guadalupe.”

[Audible gasps from the Lupe table.]

Braulio comes upon the desolate Dolores, and offers a shoulder to cry on when he hears about Horacio.

[The Braulio and Lolita tables edge closer together on the patio.]

Hacienda Harango: AlfaBitch, her fan (I mean abanico, not fanático, and Flor.

Flor announces she is going to Mexico to pick up her wedding gown. Alone. AlfaBitch really wants to go along. She would handcuff herself to Flor if she could, but she is handicapped by the need to flick and fan at dramatic moments.

Enter Dam. He -- and he alone -- will accompany Flor. ”¿Sabes qué?” he says brightly. “Creo que también podríamos aprovechar para ver a un ginocólogo. Quiero ver el primer ultrasonido de mi bebé.” (You know what? I think we could take advantage of the occasion to see a gynecologist. I want to see my baby’s first ultrasound!)

Alfie fans, smiles approvingly. Flor looks haunted. (Oh honey, this is just the opening salvo.)

Knock knock. Who’s there? Gweedo. Gweedo who? Gweedon’t think you’re innocent. Gwee just dropped the charges ‘cause gwee don’t want a scandal in the family.

Gweedo maintains he is innocent – it’s that rotten creep Gabino that Alfie should be accusing. Dam is in his corner. Alfie sighs and fans.

[Some at Gweedo’s table begin to take heart. Maybe, just maybe ...]

Hacienda Beltran -- where a deal is a deal

Smarmy Gabino is no more. This is rabid stick-waving, frothing at the mouth Gabino. And he has no intention of letting the señora cancel the sale of the hacienda just because Alfonsina Arango has outbid him.

“¡Ahora me viene con el domingo siete, ruca!” (I’m pretty sure she’s not pregnant so here our familiar idiom means: Now you’re springing this on me, old lady!) He orders her to vacate his property.

She tries to give him back his check. He tears it up and grabs her from behind, pressing his forearm up against her fragile throat. “Now you have no check, no hacienda, nothing!” She gasps and then goes limp. Is she ... ? Yes, she is dead. And Gabino – with no remorse, with no sign of panic -- digs her grave and buries her body. She won’t have to leave her hacienda after all.

At Casa Bien Castigado, Elisa assures Lucio that they can speak freely. The aunt is out, she took the truck somewhere ...

And the aunt has trucked right on into an audience with the Bishop – she has something very grave to tell him about Padre Guadalupe Mondragón!

[On the patio, there are murmurs of dismay: How much weight will the words of a Godless Orange carry?]

Elsewhere in the big city, Dolores visits Horacio in jail. She wants a divorce and an annulment. Horacio will not oppose her. Braulio (sort of the anti-Gabino, no?) waits outside. He hugs her reassuringly.

He loved me. He really loved me.

Back at Casa Castigado, Lucio tells Elisa about the account her father set up for her (¡sí, me querías!) and explains she can use the money to save the greenhouse. She may have to cede half of Cielo Abierto to Gabino though.

Honey, I’m home! Gabino strides into the Blue House, and thwapppp – he slams Irritating in the kisser. “That’s for telling that bastard Gael that I beat you – now you have something to complain about for real. Get out!”

But Ing’s not leaving without her money – and didn’t he say he loooved her?

Love? Hah! “¡Eres un premio de consolación!

“If I leave”, says Ing, “I go straight to Alfie and I tell all – how you defrauded the ProCe, how you covered for Carmina all these years.”

“Now” leers bandanahand, “I can’t let you out of this house – alone or ... alive.”

[Someone on the Patio hisses: “Do it, Gabino. You’re already going to hell ... JudyB looks sternly at her tablemate and silence is restored.]

Ing keeps braying, alternately taunting and wheedling, claiming she was just playing on Gael’s sympathies. Gael is the key to the Arango fortune. Their only obstacle is Alfonsina. (Dam would give Gael his share, she is sure.) Would Gabino have the guts (agallas) to kill that woman?

At Hacienda Arango, “that woman” affects surprise at Gweedo’s vigorous defense of his dignity and innocence. He’ll be living in the hotel in town, he says, not in the hacienda. And he, in turn is amazed at how vigorously Alfie defends a momzer like Gabino Mendoza. Nor is Gweedo any too happy about Flor and Dam getting married.

“But Gweedo” counters AlfaBitch, “Flor is knocked-up! We’re gonna be abuelos!”

In the Blue House of Shame, Ing presses on, calling Gab a coward, all bark and no bite (perro que ladra no muerde). He’s never bloodied his own hands with murder.

Has she? She doesn’t answer.

Then she asks what some on the Patio have wondered: If Ing is the runner-up, is Alfonsina herself the Grand Prize? Not at all, answers Gab. “Alfonsina Arango is the most despicable woman (la mujer más despreciable) in the world”.

Ingrid thinks he should take that thought and run with it ...

Carmina gets back home just as Lucio and Elisa are leaving for the special mass. Would the aunt like to join them? Nah. The rotten orange has no use for churches and souls or eternal life.

Elisa and Carmina agree to talk later about the check that Gabino supposedly gave Augusto as an anticipo for Cielo Abierto. It must be somewhere in the hacienda because it’s not in Augusto’s bank account.

At Hacienda Harango, Gweedo asks if Dam is marrying Flor only because she is pregnant. Or does he love her?

Dam does some awkward tap-dancing around the question. He truly cares for Flor, he says, and he promises to be a good husband and father.

Gweedo notices Dam is wearing black. “Why are you in mourning? Who died?” Dam explains that he is going to a funeral mass for Elisa’s father, Augusto.

Rural Health and Organ Transplant Center

Toña is feeling well enough to nag at Braulio for spending time with Dolores. “You never stopped loving her, did you?”

Braulio says he never regretted his marriage until he found out how Toña had deceived him.

[Some on the Patio whisper that Braulio is fibbing here, but no one seems to hold it against him.]

But now Toña hits him back with a big fat whopper of a lie: She never told him about Gabino because ... sniff sniff snivel ... Gabino abused her ... he took her by force! If Braulio doesn’t believe her, ask Alfonsina!

And right on cue – there is the black widow herself. “Tu mujer está diciendo la verdad” she lies.

In the vestry we see Dolores, Elisa and Lupe. Each is weighted by grief. All mourn Augusto. But Dolores has also lost her dream of marital happiness. And Padre? He looks more despairing than we have ever seen him. Of course he will help Lolita with the annulment. “But what crimes exactly was Horacio accused of? Anything here, in La Ermita? “No, padre” answers Lolita.

Avances: Alfonsina and Florencia put on their little black dresses and go crash a funeral mass. Elisa is not amused.


I must concur completely with our Cap'n on her--and perhaps your--assessment of characters worthy of watching.

And yor recap was most worthy of reading! You did a superb job on tonight's translations. Thank you for another great recap.

Gabino's gonna cost you indeed.

La Señora Beltran, no longer Queen of Gabino's world just gifted GABINO MENDOZA with a very fine palace, all tied up discretely by the notary. Gabino has Ingrid's money and a nice pre-dug grave in front of the blue house of shame. I'd say those on the Patio should probably raise a glass bidding 'adios' to ING.

My dear EJ

In the spirit of full disclosure, I admit to the shameless use of Sylvia as a rhetorical device. May I still attend Camp Abismo and hang out on the Patio with the cool kids?

You know I had forgotten all about that perfectly good grave outside the Blue House of Shame. Over the threshold and into the pit ... Convenient.

Dearest NovelaMaven,
I embraced the role of ruca last night and was snoring peacefully by 7:30.

How wonderful to awake to your concise and devilishly funny recap. Today is filled with errands and other boring things, so I expect I won't get around to watching last night's episode. I am sure that your assessment of events is LOADS better.

I loved your transaltions (this week's word for me seems to be agallas, it showed up in Amorcito Corazon as well.)

Oh, and your narration of patio events was just wonderful. We may never know who called for ING's death (might have been me...but if pressed I'm accusing Doris.)

Again, it was so nice on this busy morning to have a quick run-down of things to enjoy with my coffee. Now I can go about my day of drudgery.

I heart NovelaMaven!

Nah, that was me. I mean, Gab was on a roll, an unforgiveable, horrendous role, so I figured it was finally time to get rid of one of the worst, most irritating charaters and her two-tone tendrils forever.

Novelamaven, wonderful recap and I the salute to the good Captain was too cute. Last night it was one of those episodes you really need a pillow to keep hitting your fist into.

I want to hug Delores too.

I think the subtitle for last night should have been "All those ready to do in Gabino Mendoza, please line up to your right".Gab lost me last night. I mean a helpless old lady, really? Guess we know where Pal got her temper. As excited as I got with the II slap, the whole slobber fest after went on entirely too long.

Tonia and Alfi now twisting the truth...if they get Braulio to do something stupid, well we know Alfi will get hers, but I'd like to order an anvil for Tonia too. Oh, she likes hanging with her little snot, we can get an extra big one and it can get them both at the same time. I'm in a vindictive mood.

And Gweedo, looking fine, now has it out for Gab. And I think he is totally on to Alfi now, she should be worried, very worried.

I can't even go there with the Wicked Witch. I would hope there are enough people who can speak up that her machinations won't result in anything. Just despicable.

Those previews almost made me spit my coffee. Were Alfi and Flo in the same dress? She has a nerve showing up too. Hopefully tonight is slightly more entertaining and less frustrating.

Ok, Daisynjay :-)

I can never keep up with who says what. Especially IRT ING since we all find her (and those blasted tirabuzones) so irritating. I find I can't understand any of the scenes she's in because I keep staring at those curls. GET THEM OUT OF YOUR FACE!!! I keep wanting to scream.

PS: I can't believe Gab offed the widow Beltran.

NM, wonderful! I especially love the way you put Spanish sentences or phrases in your recap, that is so helpful, you have a great ear. The plays on "The Owl and the Pussycat" and "Goodnight Moon" were delightful!  Thanks! 

I don't condone lying, and like Lucio, would have felt badly about evolving myself even in a good lie, but Elisa's reaction to the bank account was so sweet, I think the guys did a good thing with their Merida bank visit!  Viewerville sloshes through tons of mucky stuff to get to a heartwarming scene like that!  Maybe she'll never have to know the truth. 
I can't be happy that Alfie won't get Hacienda Beltran, because Gabino used stolen money to buy it and then killed the "old dear."  Oh my, it doesn't look too good for Curls either, of course, I won't miss her a bit and hope she ends up in the hole on the Arango property, no way near Kenia who is a Concrete Angel now and doesn't need a devil around. 

Sara, off for a fun day too, first hardware store, then groceries, I'll think of my drudgery amiga as I drive along. 

I can believe it. He has no scruples.

Oh my, delicious from the very start. Love imagining Sylvia in a pea-green boat with both her honey and the money. You sure know how to start my day off with a bang, Novela Maven.

Favorite heading. Hacienda Harango (so clever! so funny! so how-come-I-never-thought-of-that envy)

Favorite Word Nerd gift: albanico vs. fanatico (both meaning fan, but different kinds the way your mind works.)

Favorite shoutout: JudyB being a Good Two Shoes (okay, you've got my number. Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa)

NOW: Have to admit I'm SHOCKED, SHOCKED I tell you that Gabino offed the old dear and that the Orange Menace is gunning for Padre Lupe. And that Lupita is already going for an annulment. Yikes, a lot happened last night when I turned in at 9 pm, clutching two boxes of kleenex, having an allergic fit (so glad Sara hit the mattress even earlier than I) Rucas Unite! And get some sleep.

But I'm going to look forward to watching this if Univision managed to get through. We kept losing the feed last night because of more rain and windstorms here in the Midwest.

Oh and Daisynjay..."two-toned tendrils" Nice. Ever thought of recapping?

Genius knock knock joke. I read it at least four giggly times before i could read the rest of the recap. Thank you.

Exactly Danielle. After commenting on Refugio, I looked back at my notes and noticed I'd forgotten to mention that hilarious Gweeedo Knock Knock joke. Novela Maven has an amazing comic mind.

Love your picture by the way.

Sylvia: hope you are experiencing sunny skies and robust (yet calm) blue seas. God speed.

NovelaMaven: Sensational! This was utter joy - I grinned from ear to ear the entire read - sublime.

"Paloma starts to say she has her own tsuris but then, remembering who the protagonista is, apologizes,", "She would handcuff herself to Flor if she could, but she is handicapped by the need to flick and fan at dramatic moments" and "(Are those bloody feathers on his chin? Nah.)" were just a few of my favorites. An abundance to choose from...Excellent!

Ah dear Lolita. The only tiny bit of consolation is that she thinks he is "only" guilty of fraud. When she finds out the whole terrible truth, it will be somewhat less of a shock.

I have quietly left the Tonia table. Bitchy, haughty at times - sure. But, I have always felt the reprehensible Vincente and knowing she would never have Braulio's heart fully, were punishment enough. Saying Gabino raped her has I'm afraid to say, likely sealed an unpleasant ending for her.

I've said several times that I find Gab totally distasteful. Hey, I appreciate nice abs and a six pack as much as anyone, but those nibbling kisses, lasvicious looks have always turned me off. Gabino is without heart and soul and he can't go away fast enough for me.

While I'm feeling contrary, would just like to say that I don't think Alfie is the queen bee beyotch any longer. Carmina's sullied her murderous hands with blood many a time. Alfie wouldn't stoop to committing murder herself (it's beneath her). Carmina is a master eavesdropper and lets nothing slip by her. Alfie was hoodwinked by Paolo and Gab. Carmina would never have let that happen. Alfie walks like a queen but Carmina slithers like a snake.

What on earth could Carmina possibly have told the bishop??

Sandy: ITA with your "Oh my, it doesn't look too good for Curls either, of course, I won't miss her a bit and hope she ends up in the hole on the Arango property, no way near Kenia who is a Concrete Angel now and doesn't need a devil around". Amen.

NovelaMaven, again, this was amazing!!


Too wonderful, NM. Some favorites:

- Paloma starts to say she has her own tsuris but then, remembering who the protagonista is, apologizes.

- [The Braulio and Lolita tables edge closer together on the patio.]

- AlfaBitch…would handcuff herself to Flor if she could, but she is handicapped by the need to flick and fan at dramatic moments.

- [Sra. Beltrán] won’t have to leave her hacienda after all.

- How much weight will the words of a Godless Orange carry?

Novela Maven- Count me in as another one who had a giggle fit at your knock knock joke. :) The whole recap really was fabulous.

I missed this last night, but I know when I watch my recording it won't be half as entertaining as the recap.

So Horacio's crime was fraud? I thought it would be murder or assault. I can now see why he would keep quiet about Blanca and not throw Gab under the bus. He won't want the cops to know that he killed someone.

Thanks for the thought Judy, but my language skills are too horrendous to be able to give my fellow Caraymates a decent recap. Now, if these TN's were in French, I'd be golden.
We lucked out in the Cleveland area with that front yesterday. Had one brief storm. My sons at their colleges got clobbered more and I saw the nastiness you had come thru. And I can sympathize with the sinus/allergies--and today is more of the same. I've spent a fortune in klennex this summer.

What I want to see is how Gabino manages to move into his new hacienda and the confrontation with Alfi that ensues.

NM: Thanks for great concise recap.

Technically, Gab didn't off Sra. Beltrán - she grabbed her chest and died. He really didn't have to bury her right there and then, but, I guess he'll make up some story about her leaving town already to deflect Alfonsina from the fact that he is the purchaser. He can now demand that all papers be recorded.

Then, as to Gab and Ing - he really shows himself. What a brutal relationship of sex, lies, crime and abuse. Ing didn't succeed in convincing him to kill Crmina, and she probably won't be able to convince him to kill Alfonsina. But, then, she has physical problems, too.

How is he going to cover up his ownership of the hacienda. 'He'd have to disappear for a while, have plastic surgery and return as a new man. This is not possible.

NovelaMaven - another great recap. Thank you! And I just love learning tye Yiddish slang in addition to honing my español. :-) WooHoooo!!!
Cap'n Sylvia Sharkbait is so sweet to leave us her note! ;o) Que te pasa bien el viaje!

Paloma starts to say she has her own tsuris but then, remembering who the protagonista is, apologizes. Isn't that the truth. These protagonistas think it's all about THEM. Gahhhh….

Gweeedo has a new hairstyle=new etapa for him and his storyline. Hhhmmm.....

Gabino was a busy boy last night. Double-crossing a longtime 'friend' & sending him to jail, 2nd degree* murder on the old lady, then digging her grave & burying her (won't anyone notice the fresh dirt???), smacking Ingrid…

I think the snakes will all start eating each other, very soon.

What was Carmina's conversation with the bishop all about? I can't find it in the recaps. Did I miss that? or dream that?. . l.

* I'm calling it 2nd degree murder (with my TV Viewerville degree in CSI) because he traumatized her so much, it looked like she had a heart attack. The 'strangling' indirectly killed her. What sayeth the jury on the Patio?

Pasofino - looks like we posted at the same time (9:17) with the same thoughts on the 'murder.'
Personally, I thought he would just leave and let others find her, and assume she died of a heart attack due to old age while sitting there.

Good morning all!

A few clarifications:

Horacio's crimes: fraude, portación de armas, robo calificado
(fraud, illegal possession of firearms, violent robbery)

"Hacienda Harango"™ -- a product of the fertile brain of our Cap'n and now a running (if purloined) joke with several variant spellings (Haranguo, Harangue-O, to mention a couple.

Oh, another question I have about last night. Elisa asked Carmina if she was going to attend the requiem mass for Augusto. Since Carmy was not allowed to attend a wedding because she is not Catholic**, how is she allowed to attend a requiem mass?

**Which made absolutely no sense to me anyway, since she would only be denied the Eucharist/Holy Communion.

Doris: Me, too.

I'm guessing Gabino couldn't just leave the old dear there because the neck-grabbing, being pre-mortem, would leave bandanahand-shaped bruises. And now that it's his house, who's going to be around to notice fresh dirt?

I loved the knock-knock joke as well. I think it should be a regular feature. ;}


You are very kind, amiga, but don't be pointing fingers ("We may never know who called for ING's death (might have been me...but if pressed I'm accusing Doris.") I'm quite sure Doris would NEVER do such a thing.


"Last night it was one of those episodes you really need a pillow to keep hitting your fist into."

Or perhaps hurl a nerfazo at the screen? Understand, the factory is behind on the orders, what with the bola de zánganos working the assembly line:)

Sandy in TN

I hope you are right about Lucio's white lie never coming to light. I'm afraid, though, we have enough episodes to burn that it WILL, with predictable moist consequences.

Hey, I'm really happy you like the Spanish in the recap.

Nope, Urban, no scruples at all.

You are my hero. I am glad to get confirmation that you are not just one of the Back Row Bad Girls, but can be a Goody Two Shoes, when the occasion arises.

"Abanico" has always been one of my favorite words because I invariably stumble over its pronunciation, trying to put the stress on the second syllable (abánico*).

"Hacienda Harango" -- see above. All Sylvia's!

I have been corrected. Apparently I mixed up Doris and Daisynjay.

Abanico is one of my favorite words.

Also: The purpose of Carmina's visit to the bishop was undoubtedly to trash Father Lupe. She has to get rid of him somehow and has probably ruled out murder. This is another plot device that appears frequently in telenovelas. The villainess accuses the parish priest of some hideous behavior and an investigation of the charges must follow effectively keeping the priest out of commission while the villainess goes about her dirty deeds.

Heck Sara, they were in the "D" part of your brain. Alas, I do that all the time.

Now that I've finally seen the episode, gotta say I loved the scene between Ingrid and Gabino. The way they expressed contempt for each other while also slithering through a seduction dance was really something. His churlish "estás buena por un domingo en la tarde, nada más" was delicious. Those two actors were great in their sleazebag roles last night.

If Ingrid gets him to actually off Alfonsina, I'll look more kindly on her, I promise.


I'm delighted you got a giggle from the knock knock joke.


I always enjoy reading your exquisitely written comments with observations like: "Alfie walks like a queen but Carmina slithers like a snake."

And yes, the baddies aren't holding back, are they?

Blue Lass, you're not just saying that because of the pain pills, are you?

Horacio is facing some serious jail time for fraud, violent robbery and weapons possession. Maybe he will end up talking. The actor plays him like a time-bomb ready to explode. All bets are off with H.

Are you advocating for Gabino now? Oh, I get it (light bulb turns on) -- that's where "devil's advocate" comes from! :)

"What was Carmina's conversation with the bishop all about? I can't find it in the recaps."

It's in there: "And the aunt has trucked right on into an audience with the Bishop – she has something very grave to tell him about Padre Guadalupe Mondragón!"

That's all we heard. Tune in tonight ...

And maybe Carmina couldn't attend the wedding mass because she was too orange. Or too evil. Or her glow-in-the-dark dentition would detract from the splendor of Dolores's white gown.

"If Ingrid gets him to actually off Alfonsina, I'll look more kindly on her, I promise."

Oh JudyB, and you call yourself a Goody Two Shoes!

NM, Gabino knocked me on the head and took all my pain pills -- I'm headed over to the CSI table for a Bloody Mary.

"Gabino knocked me on the head and took all my pain pills"

What a momzer he is, Blue Lass!

Knock-knock jokes a regular feature, my fat patooty! These dam recaps would NEVER get posted!

NM: No, not advocating for Gabino. He's just a bad a**.


Wouldn't it be great if Braulio didn't do something stoopid? If he reacted to Alfie's smug confirmation of Toña's lie by turning on Alfie and thundering: Then why the blazes did you protect Gabino all these years??? Why did you make a violent rapist your rightbandanahand man, allow him into your hacienda, and into all our lives???

A resounding smack also would be nice.

I know, I know. Just wishful thinking.

Pasofino To borrow from Sara, I keed, I keed. Yes, he's a very bad a** indeed.

Oh that *would* be lovely if Brau did that. But I think that's expecting to much from the La Ermita crew.

JudyB- exactly! I had "D" on the brain.

Hey NM...that just makes me a HYPOCRITICAL Good Two-Shoes...and haven't we always suspected all Goody Two-Shoes are two-faced as well?

Or if we're going to be really nice, we can say I'm "conflicted". Come to think of it, I often am.

"conflicted" works. Even has a taste of ve-ri-sí-mi-li-Tude, doncha think?

"Hypocrite" is far too harsh. :D

Ah, Judy, you're just a delicate flower, admit it!

NM, Thanks musho(oops, wrong TN)for your excellent recap and all the vocab. All the favorites have been pointed out, but I heartily agree, while heartily guffawing.

Much as I hate Gabino, had to admire his ability to dig a grave under all those trees with just a shovel. Or maybe TN trees don't have roots?? I'm going to follow your lead, Novela and discard my beanie and just believe everything! Who needs 'hat hair' in 100 degree weather?

Oh, great. Now I've got "Bandanahand, Bandanahand Man" (to the tune of "Rubber Band Man") stuck in my head. AND I WANT YOU ALL TO HAVE IT, TOO.

Blue will PAY for that! You will PAY! No more Goodie Two Shoes here.

BL: Don't know the song. Immune to the earworm. Nyuk nyuk nyuk.

Emilia, yes, yes! Drink the Kool-Aid and cast off your beanie! But do look for a shady place in the Beanie-optional area of the Patio.

Hey y'all prepare yourselves for Bandanahand man!
Doo doo doo doo....

Drat Blue Lass!

And I had just recovered from an ear worm NM inadvertently sent me earlier is the week!

Thanks NM for filling in for our pirate! You always deliver great recaps.

Gweeedo is the only guy who can get out of prison looking younger and healthier. Is that what a new 'do can do?

I am frustrated by the fake pregnancy plot AGAIN. I hope Damian insists on an ultrasound and gets suspicious when Flor declines.

I am even more frustrated by Orange-Ho's meeting with the Bishop. We know she's said something awful about Padre. Hopefully the Bishop will see Carmina for the Demented 50 Shades of Orange that she is.

Could Alfi and Flor have looked any more Mean Girls-esque in their matching funeral dresses and march-in-step walk down the aisle?

Any other Talismaniacs get a good chuckle with the "mi cheque" scene? Well, except for the part where the vulnerable old lady died.

Rosemary la Otra

Just a guess but I think Carmina told the bishop that Fr. Lupe violated the seal of confession. The bishop would believe it since Fr. Lupe came to discuss such a problem with him earlier. This would remove Fr. Lupe from his church and exile him with a vow of silence.

Is it cool at Camp Abismo? Temp-wise I mean. We KNOW it's cool (dude) at camp. I'd love a dip in yer cement pond, sorry cenote. You can take the girl out of WV... Meanwhile, sitting on the patio, in the shade, beanie-less, sipping daintily from a huge pitcher of Kool-aid. Join me anyone?

Can we crochet our own uniforms? I'm very crafty. ;}

Novelamaven, from your mind to the writer's hands. You would think that would be his reaction since he has to put up with the guy's arrogance at work every day too.
Then again, Alfi finds out Gab bought that house, boss lady may be throwing her bandanahand co-hort to the wolves. I can see Braulio in Gab's job.

Thank the heavens I don't know that song either. Work is slow enough today with most of the office on vacation, I would truly go mad with an annoying song going thru my head.

If there is an opening at the Camp, I might consider. I could stand to dangle my feet in the cool cenote waters and sip some ice cold Kool-Aid. Alas, I don't crochet, but I do crewel work and thought I would spend time making Delores a new top with some lovely embroidery. Might be pushing it....but I call dibbs on Gweedo joining me for a little R&R. (I admit, too old for Gael. )


Sharing the "Bandanahand Man" song worm is a act of supreme passive aggro. You know that. Surely you want to be a Camp Abismo Couselor, dearest? Isn't there some irritating family member or co-worker who LONGs to be singing such a song? Sylvia made me sing that blasted Partridge Family Song, "I Think I Love You", for two weeks straight.

I knew the Cap' has sunk me fair and square when I was whistling the tune ( against my will) under my breath in line at Whole Foods and a never-left-the-60's guy in line next to me, smiled a huge and beautiful smile and broke into the chorus, "I think I love you, so what am I so afraid of, I am afraid that I am not sure of..." The tatoo'ed and pierc'ed pirate checking me out raised a shaved brow and intoned, "You two want some time alone"?

It was hard to forgive Cap'n Sylvia for that.


EJ, working at a rural college is very, very much like being a passive-aggressive camp counselor, but with better food and fewer snakes. So far.

R la O, I was just thinking that it had been a while. So glad to see you here!

"Any other Talismaniacs get a good chuckle with the "mi cheque" scene?"

Although I admit to being a recovering Talismaniac, I didn't get the connection until you pointed it out. There may be a unifying principle:

Never argue over a substantial cheque if one of you is NUTS. [La Reina Chula didn't know because she probably didn't get cable at the hacienda.]

Anon 2:49, you could be on to something. Didn't the bishop want to move Lupe to another parish because he was too personally enmeshed in La Ermita to perform his priestly duties? Lupe doesn't have to be expelled from the priesthood, just moved out of the neighborhood. If Lupe gets sent to, say, Cholula, the Killer Orange may feel safe.

Emilia, DaisynJay, BL -- watch out. I fear EJ is using "camper" as code for "ajuste de cuentas".

Oh, a camp COUNSELOR, you say, EJ? In that case ... [NM sips her destornillador and ponders.]

Handcuffing myself to Horacio right now. We don't want any mishaps. We'll be there in a day or two.

NM and all:

Too long winded today. My apologies.


Jijí. Once we get Carmina there, I think each and every one of us is going to want her in one of our workshops. Mine involves chafing.


The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Perhaps it's time for her to embrace her inner "perra".

P.S. I am concerned about BL and her continued infatuation with the half-witted greasy-haired criminal, Horacio. Taking on the said half-wit as a camper while Blue is in residence may bring about unpleasant consequences, somewhat akin to those that might arise were the herpetologist to invite Aunt Alice to hike barefoot through his World o' Snakes.

"Too long winded?" Never? Remember, we have to get it out of our system down here in the comments. Keep the recaps crisp and pithy and let the comments roll and ramble. And sometimes even rock.

WOW, EJ, Our temps don't get DOWN to 79! If your summer gets too chilly you are invited here. Our sand cenote - the Atlantic - is nearby.

I'd love to help reeducate Horacio. Blue, you hold him still while I cut and wash, and wash, and wash his hair.

Carmina? How 'bout stuffing her into a black plastic garbage bag full of ConchaNacarVenus, the bleaching kind?! That's for starters, then a nice bob haircut and a Blue Lass crochet outfit. I'll sit back with my Kool-aid and watch the headshrinkage.

We are going to run a camp now? Is it a fun sleepaway camp or one with rehab and healing attributes? I am assuming the latter as Blue is planning on being handcuffed to Horacio around the campfire.

I would like to be in charge of S'mores at Camp. We can have Original S'mores, with chocolate, marshmallow and grahams or Telenovela S'smores which are avocados roasted between habanero slices. Laughter therapy goes best with roasting Original S'mores, but the cathartic cry, as in bawl your eyes out Elisa style, is best done while roasting TN S'mores.

I am seeing some new fun pictures! Blue, I love the one of you with your imaginary friends. Funny, I can also see them! And Emilia, your nieta is precious! Looks like you've already crocheted something for her.

R la O

Thanks R la O. We have gone 6 whole days without seeing our nieta - we miss her terribly. Yep, I made the headband.

Chafing? Ooo, the possibilities.

NM: The perra is present and accounted for. I want Aunt Alice to walk barefoot through the World of Snakes. I do, I do.

Too right on the short recaps. I have NO skill at this.

As to Blue's attachment to Horacio, perhaps it is just the intellectual's occasional craving for a 'bit o'the rough' as we Irish like to say. Otherwise there is no reasonable explanation for this perversity. LOL.


I think after a flea bath he'll be just fine. I've already got him rolling over and showing his tummy.

Gracias, NM, you really have the touch for a great, readable recap!

Is this the song you were talking about?

Those of us on the Back Row patio tables will be wearing our tee shirts that say --- Good girls go to heaven, but bad girls go everywhere." YESS.

NM - I can't remember if I expressed a desire to see Ingrid "offed" but I have said "Off with her curls!" once or twice. Not the same as "off with her head." ;o) And thanks for the Carmina<----->bishop convo info. No wonder I missed it… there wasn't anything much to miss. My bad. ACK.

Sara - Yep, my daisynjay's name and mine both begin with the same letter… an easy mistake when the telenovela beanie hat is on tightly.

daisynjay -- NOO! Do. Not. Drink. the. Kool-Aid!!!

"NOO" to crochet uniforms. It has more to do with skeeters biting us than 'pudor.'

Hola mami, hola papi
Aquí estoy en
Camp Abismo
Sí es mu-uy divertido
Y lo comienza después de el Gran Fin.
(sing to tune of Alan Sherman's Camp Granada)

Getting close to the patio!

Mike - yes, that is the song.

Thanks, Mike. And you seem to have the abuelo thing down pretty well!

And ... er ... thanks a bunch for the song. I think. :)

@Mike...what a hoot. I want to be up there in silver and blue dancing with all those singin' swingers. Once I dig out my old bell bottoms, I'll be good to go.

Thanks, Mike! I did SO want everyone to be in tune. And I think we have our new Camp Abismo uniforms,, of course. :D


Mark Twain is often quoted as having said,
"The coldest winter I ever spent was
Summer in San Francisco".

Here in the Sonoma Wine Country, 35 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge, we are about 12-20 degrees warmer than SF daytime temp but it usually cools down at night.

Our hottest weather comes in our Indian Summer, September and October, with highs in the 90+ degree range and very occasionally higher.

Our climate is very mild here. Sadly, housing prices—even after the bubble burst—are not at all mild. It is a crazy world out there.

I would love to see your part of Virgina some time.


Blue + Emilia:

Would you two make Little Elisa uniform in extra long, so that it reaches her knees? We know that Blanquita taught her to tailor her clothes but maybe Elisa could be prevented from altering her uniform.

I am saddened to see Father Lupe neutralized by Agent Orange in this manner.

Also, a clarification,if you will. I took the scene with Señora La Reina Beltran to mean that Gabino had to pay a down payment for the Hacienda Beltran. But because of la Sra's untimely demise, Gabino was able to tear up 'the cheque final' he had given the notary and the notary had conveyed to Sra Beltran. Can we assume that this was then a PERSONAL cheque? Isn't a cashier's check the same as cash? He wouldn't tear THAT up, would he? Wouldn't it be very hard to undo that transaction and replace the cash?

Color me
Confused in California

Doris, that filk of "A Letter from Camp" is hysterical!

Gustavo Rojo is truly being typecast. And the TangelHo has some bloody nerve.

The weekend photo gallery is in the posting queue for 11PM.

elnajune - You are right about the Cashier's Check stuff.

little late to the game here, but yeah, gabino didn't kill her! it's not his fault she has a weak heart! and really, she deserved it for trying to return the check. really bad manners if you ask me to try to break the contract.

sorry, i think he's a great villian. i mean his comments about how she can see her flowers grow forever. ha ha! and the priceless look on his face when she died. "well, shit!"

the only thing i didn't love about that scene was the horrible acting on beltran's part. they should have cast a woman who was willing to be strangled a bit more. the grip he had on her looked so fake, and she practically draped his arm over her neck.

-mai tai

"sorry, i think he's a great villian."

jejeje. Oh, definitely, yes.

La Beltrán's acting horrible? Could be. Or maybe it could have been staged a little better. But remember, we've all drunk the Kool-Aid here and we believe anything they tell us.

[You have to admit, though, she had some good scenes the day before when she was putting Begoña in her place and not caving in to Alfie -- at least not on the spot.]

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