Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #7 7/25/12: ULP!


That's the sound of Helena swallowing the Argentinian BS hook, line, and sinker! This is still funny, but it's getting a little hard to watch. However, JC does begin to wince - it's his gastritis - is his conscience attacking his stomach? Or maybe it's his pride as a womanizer, and he can't believe he's hanging with a single mom? Anyway, she brings him in her house to get her mom to give him some tea and call the Doc, who gives him some powerful meds and tells him to get sleep and less stress. Fat chance, right?

 Lalito walks on in! He pouts, but looks like's about to crack up. He runs to his room and thinks his mom won't love him anymore. Nonetheless, Juan comes up and wants a man-to-man!

Dude, Plutarco is a jerk - he claims he's too tired to give his wife a hug. WTF?? She cheers up, though, when she finds the stolen plan de playa majagua - she did her thesis on it, which Plutarco never read. Looks like like he's gonna steal that, too. She's pleased by the attention and tells him he's so moral. You're so generous, so kind, etc, and Plutarco looks pretty disgusted.

Man-to-man, Juan is great fighting it out with the kid. He threatens that Helena will be miserable without him.  The kid eventually relents, saying "my mom is really great, so I guess you must be all right if she likes you. "I'm glad," says Juan. Lalito says you better not hurt her, menso. Helena comes in, is happy to see the issue resolved, puts the kid to bed. As they say goodnight, Juan's eyes bug out when he sees a file named "playa majahua" on the computer in the kid's room.

In the morning he overhears about the mortgage and the lack of money to pay for Lalito's school. You can see his conscience rolling around behind his eyes, but it isn't really connecting with his brain. He's pissed that everyone will be leaving the house for Lalito's game (a perfect opportunity for snooping), but he has to go with them. He winds up getting excited, though, when Lalito scores a GOOOOLLL!

That night, Juan will cook dinner. Lalo says hey, that's for girls, but Juan begins to indoctrinate him with chauvinism - none of the best cooks are women!

And the result of their hard "manly" kitchen-work: a lasagna. "I didn't know it was so hard," Lalo says. Juan: "That's why it's a man's job!"

Lalo has fallen for Juan just as fast as his mom did! He now wants him to come to the father-son soccer game and to come meet all his friends at school. At dinner, Juan impresses the ladies with his story (possibly true) about his mother who still thinks he's 10 years old. (Juan's mother was a well-known actress before she married - now she has memory problems which may or may not be Alzheimers.)

Speaking of Juan's mom, Plutarco's mustached flunkie Onesimo pays her a visit on his boss's orders! He chats with her, realizes that she's kind of stuck in the past, and starts telling her what a fan he is (she was a famous actress or something)... He winds up leaving with an autographed photo from her glory days! Plutarco has a plan to use it against Juan...

Juan is back to snooping around on Lalito's computer... but the playa majagua file loads super slowly and he reaches under the desk to curse it and fiddle around with stuff to make it go faster (?) "This machine must be from the 1970s!" Just then, Helena's mom comes in with some tea for him, he jumps to attention to pretend he wasn't snooping, and slams his head on the underside of the desk! He stammers some nonsense about dropping his pills and looking for water, but fortunately Helena's mom is just as easily-fooled as her daughter and grandson, and launches into that familiar I love Helena, she's a great woman, and you mustn't hurt her again speech. She also mentions that they took out a mortgage on the house to support the Majagua project. All of this guilt-inducing stuff proves to be a bit much for our slime-ball antihero, and his gastric conscience acts up pretty severely.

Onesimo fills his boss (Plutarco) in on his chat with Juan's mom. He mentions that there are some money troubles and her husband is at work all the time (Onesimo says he's an "anotario," but I think he means "notario," notary, and this is just supposed to show us what a dunce Onesimo is).

Next week: see what happpens when Helena's dad comes home to meet his daughter's new man!


THank you!

"...but Juan begins to indoctrinate him with chauvinism - none of the best cooks are women!"

This was a funny line. Glad I actually missed the scene ;-)

I finally figured out where I've seen Lalito before. It's been driving me nuts. Santiaguito in STuD.

I wish I could see more than just the last 10 minutes of this every day. Hubs is a TV hog. LOL

Thank you for the recap, Ezra.

Juan was really touched that Lalo wanted his friends to meet him. I loved how sweetly Juan spoke about his mother.

Does anyone know what were the papers Onesimo tried to get JC's mama to sign?

Does this happen in other TNs, where the galán has not one but two friends? They seem to fill the usual sidekick role, but they our Mutt & Jeff (or Huck and Babalooey?) can also have their own shenanigans together. Though it seems more like noise than information. Why do you think the writer gave us two male sidekicks? My son says in Anime (Japanese animation) the hero often has two buddies.

Are two sidekicks the norm for comedies, maybe?

Panhco Lopez had two, right?

In Amorcito Corazon the galán has two friends as well.

Ezra, thank you. I particularly enjoyed "You can see his conscience rolling around behind his eyes, but it isn't really connecting with his brain." Very nicely put!

Paula, I believe the paper Onesimo presented to JC's mom was blank. And she said "oh, I'm not going to sign a blank page! I'll give you a photo!"

Actually the blank might have been a second proffering. I didn't keep my eyes on the screen, but I thought that when he first came in, he was trying to get her to sign some documents that he identified as acting contracts. Then when that didn't seem to be working (because she wasn't stuck as far back in the past as he thought) he offered her a blank sheet for her autograph instead.

IF there were any documents (and I can't swear there were; I was cooking dinner and only half-listening/watching), they probably weren't real (power of attorney, or whatever) documents. JC's mom may be a little bit lost, temporally speaking, but as far as I can tell she can still read. So I think the main point of One's visit was to get her signature for future forgery fun.

Hi Ezra...sounds like the romance is progressing nicely..loved your crack about early indoctrination into chauvinism (as if the poor kid wouldn't get it from cranky granddad already) and the other observation that our galan's guilty conscience hasn't really connected with his brain". Probably doesn't know the route, since evidently he's never had one before.

I love seeing Helena Rojo again. She's such a lovely actress and has been a favorite of mine ever since Amor Real, even though her character there caused a lot of pain. She just does each role beautifully and is so easy to understand, another plus for a new-to-the-language-plodder like me.

I'm still finding the Plutarcho-wifey scenes uncomfortable, although she seems blissfully unaware of how badly he's treating her. Last night I wanted her to get off that bike and slug him! you, I only see the last few minutes of this. But the last few minutes always seem to be key, so....whatevers.

Thank you Ezra, I would only understand a small fraction of the show without you recappers! I also enjoy Helena Rojo so much and wish she did more novelas.
Helena thank goodness does not seem to be the adoring blind parent with no concept of dicipline. She let her son know that even though he feels jealous he is not to mistreat anyone and she is the adult.

Thanks so much Ezra! Seeing as how Antonia did her thesis on sustainable tourism, I see a partnership with Elena in her future. That is after she kicks Pluto's sorry butt to the curb. Let's hope it's soon!

Vivi, that would be perfect. Let's hope the writers are listening to you!

Thanks, Ezra. I enjoy your writing. Not really into this show but hoping to swallow this TN BS hook, line and sinker. (It'll happen...)

Thanks, Ezra. This TN's a nice change of pace from the killer (and I mean that literally) drama in some of the others.
Go Antonia! Stand up for yourself!
La Paloma

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