Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #6 7/24/12

Por Ella Soy Eva July 24, 2012

The show began with a bit of the conversation between Juan Carlos and Helena.  Helena asks him not to play with her feelings and to be honest with her.  She poured out her heart to him, and you can tell that Juan Carlos is beginning to feel compunction for some of what he’s doing and how he’s treating Helena.  He’s falling.

We begin our actual show with Juan Carlos daydreaming about Helena.  The guy is falling fast.  Fernando interrupts Juan Carlos and informs him about how Plutarco is withholding his and Santiago’s salaries.  Juan Carlos confronts Plutarco and lies about the project being finished.  Plutarco demands to see it, and an argument begins.  Adriano walks in, puts an end to their argument, and reminds Juan Carlos of their deal.  Juan Carlos is in quite a bind.

At the same time that’s happening, Helena and Lalito are about to have lunch, but first, a mother/son talk takes place.  This was a good scene because it showed an honest talk between them.  She basically said that despite any jealousy, anger, or hurt feelings, Lalito can always talk to and confide in Helena, and that their bond of love and trust is very strong.

They eat lunch, and Lalito notices that his mom is somewhat distracted.  She TELLS HIM THAT SHE’S DISTRACTED BECAUSE OF WORK RELATED STUFF.  He, in turn, asks her if she’s told Juan that she won’t be his girlfriend.  Lalito’s grandfather’s influence is very obvious in how he talks to Helena, quite demanding and authoritative.  Why Helena hasn’t put her son in his place is still a question.

Back at Grupo Imperio, Plutarco and Rebeca are talking.  He wants more information on what she knows regarding the project.  She doesn’t give in so easily and lets him know that she doesn’t appreciate when he takes advantage of her.  He doesn’t even compensate her with any type of gift, jewel, trip, etc.  This gal knows how to manipulate things to her advantage.  She gets her way…so far.

Helena continues to think about Juan and is pretty bummed.  She asks her friend Lucia id he’s called yet, and she says no.  I love these two friends’ interaction.

Plutarco and Onesimo talk.  Plutarco’s just purchased two pieces of jewelry for Antonia and Rebeca.  He wants to get them off his back.  He asks Onesimo what he knows regarding Rebeca seeing other men.

Plutarco gives one of the pieces to Antonia.  They talk, and she says that rather than buying her expensive gifts or meals at fancy restaurants, he should just show her love.  She misses and wants Plutarco to be intimate with her.  He’s not happy with this but has no choice!

We then have some nice family scenes with Juan Carlos and his parents.  It seems to me that his mom might be beginning to have some kind of illness.  She talks to and thinks of Juan Carlos as a little boy.  She’s smart though and perceives that her son has trouble with a girl and flat out asks her son if he’s in love.  Juan Carlos’s dad is a different story.  He’s tougher and seems to be somewhat of a macho type of man.  He thinks it’s time for his son to find a woman who can take care of him properly.

At the Moreno home, the family is eating dinner.  Eduardo is mentioning a trip he’s going to take to reunite with some of his military buddies.  He lets Lalito know that he won’t be at his upcoming football game.  They talk about an upcoming father/son game that they will be in, and Lalito lets it slip that he played football with Juan on the beach in Acapulco.  Eduardo has a fit and grills Helena over who Juan was and why he was playing with Eduardo’s grandson.  Helena fibs, but Eduardo is not very happy with her answers.

Juan Carlos continues to try and be Don Juan and call one of his many girlfriends.  However, even though he makes plans with her, it’s obvious that he’s somewhat distracted.  He’s probably thinking about Helena.

Helena and her mom get to talk.  Her mom wisely advises that Helena take things slowly and to be careful with what she does.  Silvia asks Helena if she’s falling in love with Juan.  The answer is avoided.  That parallels what happened with Juan Carlos and his mom.

Plutarco gives Rebeca the same gift he gave Antonia.  Rebeca loves it and can’t really focus on much else.  Plutarco uses this to his advantage and threatens to take it away from her if she doesn’t spill the beans regarding the project.  She lets him know that the Canadian competition is going to sponsor a small travel agency called “Viages Moreno.”  Plutarco begins to remember his conversations with Felix and what happened with the cancelled tour and how it went to “Viages Moreno.”

At the office, Lucia tries to get a distracted Helena’s attention.  She succeeds, and they talk.  Helena can’t hide that she’s thinking about Juan.  She lets Lucia know that if she were to start a relationship with him, it would have to be very serious.  They’d share a lot and he’d incorporate himself into her work projects.  She’s fallen hard, and Lucia razzes her about it.

At work, there’s a scene between two best buds…Juan Carlos and Santiago.  Santiago is razzed about getting married and about the women he chooses.  Santiago then brings up the project and lets Juan Carlos know that he doesn’t see how things are going to work out if Helena isn’t saying a word to him.  Juan Carlos has a plan!  It is also noticed that Juan Carlos seems a bit conflicted or guilty about what he’s doing to Helena.

Plutarco asks Onesimo to be a sort of spy or informant regarding Helena’s travel agency and her relationship with Juan Carlos.  He goes to the agency and charms Lucia.  When Lucia goes to get him some coffee and cookies, Onesimo takes the opportunity to take the information directly involved with the project.  He will charge Plutarco double for this particular favor.

Things continue to get rough for Plutarco.  First, his wife goes to Grupo Imperio to kidnap him for the day.  He tries to say no, but Antonia knows the right things to do.  She asks her big brother permission to take her husband.  Adriano is glad to oblige.

Rebeca and Antonia see one another, and Rebeca notices Antonia’s bracelet.  Another strike for Plutarco, because Rebeca noticed that it was basically the same thing.  She’s NOT happy about that.

Finally, Adriano thanks Plutarco for being such a good husband to his sister and for making her happy.  He does threaten him that if he does anything to hurt her, he’ll kill him.

Just as Antonia is happily looking for her husband, she overhears Juan Carlos and his buddies make some pretty insensitive comments about her and her weight.  She goes into a depression and calls everything off with Plutarco and their date.

Plutarco doesn’t really care what might have upset Antonia, but Rebeca comes in, upset and ready to let him have it.  She tries to be a drama queen and get her way with him, but he’s smart and lets her know that he’s aware of her little fling with Juan Carlos.  That kind of puts Rebeca in her place, and she takes it easier on Plutarco.

At the travel agency, Helena notices that the information for her big project is missing.  She is puzzled, as is Lucia.  Right then, Juan calls but doesn’t ask Lucia for Helena.  She’s bummed but thankful for Juan’s indirect honesty.  Lucia knows that her friend is suffering and decides to take that opportunity to invite her for a girls’ night out.  They intend to celebrate the new agency.  Helena finally relents and goes with Lucia.  Lucia’s idea is to go to a play, and that puzzles Helena because she knows that Lucia is not really into theater.

While that happens, back at the Moreno house, Eduardo leaves for his trip but says he’ll call in a few hours.  Helena better be home.

Plutarco gets the information from Onesimo.  He’s happy with what Onesimo discovered and remarks that he’s going to use the information to harm Juan Carlos.

Lucia takes Helena to an empty theater.  Helena is very puzzled, and Lucia decides to check with the ticket people regarding time and such.  The lights go out, and Juan puts on a show of his own for Helena.  Oh man!  Nice plan, all in all.  Lucia did a nice job of going along with things.
During the song, he asks Helena to be his girlfriend, and she gladly accepts!


Thanks, JP, esp for posting at that hour.

Helena's son definitely is taking too many pages from his abuelo's book. I'll bet she doesn't get enough time with him alone to correct this. This has to change.

Plutarco is a real cad, but I don't think he will get busted for a long time. Does anyone know how many episodes are planned for this series?

They're up to 112 aired in Mexico, but I didn't find how many were planned from a quick search - that will require more digging for Televisa press releases etc.

Thanks JP!

Bless you JP for jumping in and helping out Melinama and Ezra. I'm not currently watching this (although it looks cute) but I know the time and effort it takes to recap and I thank you so much for joining in again.

And probably I'll end up watching! If I do, you'll hear from me more regularly.

But again, THANKS!

Can someone please post this recap to the sidebar? Thanks.

I would if I knew how...I think only JP or Melinama can do that.

JP- Nice to see you recapping again, and you did such a great job on this. What do you make of every single man (including Lalo) in this tn being a chauvinist? Not very balanced, no? I wish they would throw us one or two good guys. Adriano loves his little sis, but I don’t think he’s particularly enlightened either.

With the women, they’ve given us more variety—spunky single mom Elena trying to make her way via hard work; her best friend who is single, searching, but happy and independent; Elena’s more traditional, meek mother who puts her husband first; scheming Rebe who has gotten ahead with both her smarts and her looks/sexiness/body; JC’s friend’s wife, who works and sees her marriage as an equal partnership with her husband (for better or for worse); and Plutarco’s wife who looks like she has been pampered and told to leave things in a man’s hands her whole life, but shows some real flashes of spunk (I wish she would just make up her mind to divorce the pig).

I wish so, too. It would be hilarious to see her drop him on his butt.

Oh, I REALLY hope Antonia dumps Pluto in the most public, humiliating, and financially devastating manner possible. After that, I almost don't care what happens to him. Dead in a ditch, or newly humbled and begging for mercy after a long run of retribution - it's all good.

I'm not thrilled with all the rotten men in this TN, but can only assume that their rehabilitation will be unpleasant for them and amusing for us. Still, it would be good to have a few regular, sane, nice guys around, if only to serve as a reference point.

(I was thinking JC's friend Fernando, the one whose wife is a receptionist, doesn't seem too awful. I think the worst thing he's done so far was getting embarrased when his wife tried to give him money.)


...and Thanks, JP - Eduardo's conversation with Lalito went totally over my head. I was out of the room and hearing only bits and pieces. From the little snippets I heard, I somehow got the impression he was talking about sending the boy to military school! I knew that couldn't be right...

Thank you for the recap, JP.

Notice the contrast between Antonia and Rebeca. Rebeca doesn't want expensive things, she wants her husband's attention. Rebeca threatens that if he doesn't pay up, with a raise or a car or expensive jewelry, he'll suffer.

Vivi, good observation about the variety of women in this show.

I was disappointed to see that JC's dad is perhaps the biggest pig so far in this show. Right in front of his wife, he says, "Who said anything about changing your lifestyle? I just told you to get married. There are women for every (purpose)." I've always liked Carlos Bracho for his beautiful voice and pronunciation, and I hate seeing him as such a pig.

Interesting that JC's mama, despite her dementia, still can read her son better than anyone. She notices that among all the niñas her son has ever mentioned, this is the first one he's ever referred to by name. She knows he has changed, long before anyone else.

Didn't get to sign on earlier to thank you for the recap, JP. It's good to have another take to back up my sometimes imperfect view of things.

I really want Antonia to triumph over selfish pig-dog Plutarcho. I think we'll have some fun with this one, at least I hope so.

La Paloma

Welcome aboard, JP!

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