Saturday, August 18, 2012

Amor Bravío #9-10 (Uni 5) Fri 8/17/12 I Told You! It Was The One-Armed Man!!

Cap. 5 (cap 9 & 10 in Mexico)

Abe comes by the hospital and after spitting out amenities, he gruffly orders Dannie Boy off to the police station to give his statement.  FWIW [for what it’s worth] Dan tells his BIL that he wants the crook caught ASAPP!

(We pause for a Bull Shot which, always, seems to presage a bit of bull sheise! Bottoms up!] At Hacienda La Malquerida, aka MQ, Don Daniel’s personal lawyer, Osvaldo, is chatting with Augustina in the living room.  Ossie takes a macho moment to appreciate Gussie’s color choice today.  Gussie blushes and gushes as she thanks him. (We note another budding romance is in the works--a medicare match made in MQ heaven).  When the other two arrive soon after, Ossie has news for them: Sr. de Acosta never got on the plane as planned and his whereabouts and circumstance are unknown.  Alonso immediately starts jumping to conclusions. 

(Alonso, IMHO, qualifies for gila monster status also, though, to be fair to the poor gila monsters, they actually provide a benefit to human kind as their saliva can be chemically replicated to treat diabetics, and their bite is generally non-fatal to humans.)

Gussie jumps on the badmouth-Daniel bandwagon.  How arrogant to play with them, they agree, and to try to show he’s superior to them because he is now the owner!  Sensible Camila, taking their pique and intolerance in stride, ignores these two.  She asks Os to have his investigators dig around and find out what happened to him, and then to let them know.  No speculating allowed. 

Meanwhile, Abe takes a peek outside Miriam’s cubicle in IC and promises to catch the offending creep.  God prevent him from making a mistake while he’s at it, he prays, cuz he hopes like heck is isn’t Danny Boy. 

At the police station, one of the officers interrogates Dan.  For the record, Dan adds the guy he fought over the gun with had a tattoo on his neck.  He gets up to leave but the cop tells him he’s being held there in the county lock-up till they can corroborate his story with the ballistics report and gather a few more facts [recabar=obtain, get hold of, collect].  Dan demands he call his BIL, Comandante Abraham Farca, so he can tell him the way he’s being treated here!  --Nothin’ doin’, aparrently.  He’s locked in a cell anyway.

[Bull shots!  Chug-a-lug!  It’s bull sh1ttin’ time again for someone.]  Lonnie the Liar is at it again. “--This guy’s a jerk or else he’d have notified us!”  Gussie agrees he’s a definite “patan” [lout/rude boor]!  Cami tells them they’ll wait for word from Os, period. 

Meanwhile, Abe’s side-kick drops by the jail to see Dan, whose Kafka-esque nightmare just won’t end.  The detective tells Dan that he wants the truth about the multi-million peso insurance policy his BFF Dante drew up for him, the one where he’s the beneficiary!!  Dan quickly admits Dante’s his BFF but he also denies ever seeing such a document or knowing that it even existed.  (Somewhere in here he should have clammed up and asked to see his lawyer!  Maybe they don’t get La Ley y La Regla down here?)  Side-kick Guy says money is a powerful reason to attempt murder.  Dan angrily defends himself.  Side-kick Guy says sorry, but his fingerprints are the only ones present on the gun and there was plenty of gunpowder on his hands.  Dan insists he didn’t have time to wash up and the assailant wore gloves!  (DUH!)  Well, unfortunately for him, nobody around there saw the man, so it doesn’t matter if the guy wore gloves or not!  Dan screams back at him to look for a guy with a tattoo on his neck, then!  Again he denies being the assailant.  Side-kick Guy then asks about the reason for the single airplane ticket he found in the apartment.  Dan explains about his trip to Mexico to claim an inheritance. “—Check with the attorney in Mexico and with Dante!” 

At Isadora’s place, Devilish Dionisio has just stopped in to tell her he’s buying a place nearby so they’ll be able to confab more often since he’ll now be close.   He mentions then that the reason DdA never arrived is because he screwed up, and as long as DdA is alive, their plans are at risk. 

Back in Chile in Abe’s office, Side-kick Guy tells Abe the inheritance story checks out.  Abe doesn’t want to believe it; who gets an inheritance from a perfect stranger, anyway?  Odd!  Well, the detective can’t follow up the Dante info because the guy’s at a convention and then going on vacation or something.  Abe says it being Dan’s BFF, the guy would only cover for the dude anyway, so don’t worry about that now.   That only leaves Miriam to corroborate Dan’s story and she’s in a coma.  The way Side-kick Guy sees it, though, there’s no reason for a guy with money to murder his wife and unborn child for the insurance money or hers.  Abe disagrees.  Some people want it all and Dan could have just as easily planned to kill her, claim the money and head off to Mexico to claim his inheritance also.  So, declares Abe, until he’s indicted, he stays in jail!  

The next morning, Gussie barges into Camila and Alonso’s bedroom, barely stopping to knock and wait for a response. (Darn, Woman!) She opens the door and sees Lon hugging his pillow on the perfectly untouched other side of the bed.  She quickly exits and clucks to herself.

At the same time, Abe gets a call that his sister has just gone into a coma.  He races to the hospital.

Back in Mexico, Gussie asks Cam why she’s not been sharing hubby’s bed.  Cam warns her mama to steer clear of her sex life.  A moment later, Lon walks in ready for work and apologizes, saying it’s all his fault.  He’s embarrassed to say it, but he snores too loudly.  Cam immediately gets on board with this and plays along.

At the prison again, Dan’s finally gotten a visit from his public defender who seems to be more interested in anger management than in case management…..  “--Calm down!”  He needs to get the details from him.  Dan won’t calm down and asks does it make any sense that he’d try to kill his pregnant wife after giving his testimony?  Until they can prove the opposite, insists Dan, he has the right to remain free!  Call Cmdte. Farca and tell him to get him outta there!  The PD says Farca knows already and avoids stating the obvious—that Farca doesn’t give a rat’s rear end about it, either!  “—He knows, but nothing is going to change.” 

At the MQ again, Camila kids along about “snoring” being a reason to get a divorce and then gives a not-so-subtle hint that if he wants to stay with her, he’d better get a specialist to take care of the “problem”. 

In Chile, Abe visits his sister’s bedside and thinks to himself that she’s going to hate him for what he’s about to do, but he feels there’s no alternative.
Back at the hacienda, Gussie gives Cam some marital advice.  “—Don’t leave the marriage bed or your hubby will end up wandering. A wife’s duty is to sleep next to him and take care of his…er…“needs” [complacer=gratify, accommodate, indulge] whenever they “arise”.   

Lonnie dearest pays a morning visit to MamaDora.  She reminds him this is no time for problems with his wife.  He cannot wreck their plans and ruin all they’ve gained so far!   He complains to Mama that his wife seems intent on always getting his goat somehow.  She’s driving him buggy!  [sacar de quicio]  Mama doesn’t care.  Camila needs to be eating out of the palm of his hand!  “—Understand?”  She repeats herself at 100 decibels higher just to make sure that he has.

Cam tries explaining to her Mama now that this gratification thing’s got to work both ways.  Men can be obnoxious jerks—like Ximena’s daddy was to Gussie.  She did all he wanted and still he ran around on her and treated her like garbage!  Gussie has to agree he was a jerk wad.  “--However, Alonso is very different!”  Cam fights back an eye roll.

Back in Dan’s jail cell, Abe stops by for another visit.  Dan hugs him hello.   This time Abe’s definitely not feeling the love for his BIL.  Dan asks Abe to get him out of there since he’s done all he can to give his statement and cooperate.  He has to be there when Miriam wakes up!  Abe hisses back that Miriam may never wake up again now that she’s in a coma!!  Dan is distraught over the news.  Abe glares.  “—All the evidence points to you!  If she doesn’t wake up and testify in your favor, you are going to go to jail!”  Dan yells at Abe that he’s gone nuts! He can’t send him to prison.  He’s condemning him!   He couldn’t believe that he’d harm his pregnant wife when he loves her with all his heart and soul!  He can’t blame him, surely, for what happened to Miriam!   Abe smirks and says he always believed Daniel married his sister for her money.  Dan momentarily forgets himself and angrily pushes Abe into the cell bars.  Abe growls back at him to remember who he is threatening.   

As Abe leaves, Dan warns him this is a miscarriage of justice.  Abe replies that no, the miscarriage of justice would be letting him go free.  “—If she ever does wake up again, the best thing for her and her child will be living far away from you!”

(Bull shots!  Chug!)  At the MQ, Os tells Cami he learned that DdA didn’t show up because the night he was due to fly out his pregnant wife was assaulted and she got shot.  She’s seriously wounded!  Lon is eavesdropping on one side of the room.  Some old dude dressed like the Caped Crusader also stops to listen from the other side of the room. 

Lonnie slithers out from his hidy-hole and gripes about having to wait on this de Acosta dude till his wife gets better.  Nope, says Os, he’s going to jail cuz he can’t prove his innocence and the evidence suggests he’s guilty of attempted murder! 

In the meantime, the nightmare continues for Daniel.  We see him transferred to the main prison in Santiago and how he’s fingerprinted, hosed down, and given a number.

Back in Metepec, Mexico, Dio is on the phone with Trench and ticked that Dan’s in prison cuz they can’t get to him while he’s in there.  He gripes at Trench and tells him to high-tail it back to Mexico before somebody connects the dots to him.  Once he’s off the phone he tells himself that hopefully while DDA’s in jail they won’t have any further problems from him.

Os continues on about a life insurance policy being the cause.  Gussie and Lon share a big fraidy-cat scare at the thought of this man actually coming to live under the same roof with them.  Gussie sniffs that he no doubt was raised devoid of morals thanks to his chippie of a mother!  Cam finds it hard to believe such a horrible thing about this man.  (I bet it’s the vet’s soft-spot for wounded animals taking over here for her!)  Lonnie growls that he hopes the guy never gets out of jail; Gussie seconds that and spouts off about Don Daniel turning over in his grave over this.  Lon, barely able to hide an evil grin, suggests this would mean that if the guy doesn’t get released and never shows up the inheritance goes to Cam.  Oswaldo says it will stay with DdA despite being in jail, because he was notified.  Lonnie the Lawyer perks up and says that’s debatable and he…they…will fight it out in court.  “—Right, my love?”  Cami just stares back at the weasel and frowns.

At the prison again, one of the convicts tries to make nice with Dan.  Dan tries to blow him off. He’s innocent and he’s not planning to stick around very long.   The guy asks Dan to tell him at least what he did in the other life.  Professional computer programmer and systems analyst, he says, and walks off to another table to be alone.

Piedad is cooking in the kitchen of the hacienda.  Leoncio/Caped Crusader Guy tells her that he heard Sra. Cami isn’t going to be the new hacienda owner and that the new owner just happens to be in prison. “Things are definitely going to change around here!” 

Alone in his cell now, Dan is trying to put all the pieces together.  He thinks back to all the strange occurrences of the past few days.  “—At what point did all this happen?  Is it possible the camera guy is connected to this somehow?  Was it done with malicious intent?  Was the inheritance from a stranger some sort of a trap?  Why?  Why would somebody want to hurt me?  Who is the thief?  Were they wanting to get rid of [deshacerse de] me, Miriam, or both of us?  Or to get rid of her in order to have me sent here? --I don’t understand anything!! All this began when I got the job notification to work in Mexico, and after the notification by phone of this damned inheritance!” He says a prayer asking Dios to help him understand it all.

Back in Mexico, Dora, Dio and Lonnie are in Mama’s living room discussing their next steps since DdA didn’t show and now is stuck in jail.  Best possibility is that he stays stuck there and misses the deadline?  No, says Dio, theres no reason to trust that he won’t get freed before the deadline.  Too many months still to go with that.  He could sue for his money from jail.  The best thing would be to block him some way.  Lon asks if Dio’s suggesting bribing the Chilean officials, cuz if he is Lon refuses to risk his career and freedom for that!  Dio looks down and says, ok then he’ll look for something else they can do.  Once Lonnie goes home, Dio angrily says to Dora that he’ll be damned if he’s going to allow Dora’s pantywaist kid to wreck their plans to get hold of MQ and turn it into a tourist development!

Back in the jail cell again, Dan’s cell doors are open and in runs a couple of convicts, one trying to attack and kill the other.  He chases the assailant out and saves the other convict’s life.  The killer convict threatens Dan for interfering with “his people” and leaves.

That night at dinner at the MQ, Lon and Gussie are bad-mouthing Dan again.  The padre and Cami don’t believe he did such a thing.  Padre B says especially since all the references he checked with say only the best things about him.  He was a good man, a good husband and son.  He lost all his savings trying to help pay for his mother’s medical expenses before she died.  Cam asks who told hi all this.  Padre B says nothin’ doin’.  That’s his business, but his source is trustworthy.  Gussie snorts out another rude remark.  Padre B. says it’s up to Dios to show us the man’s innocent, and then hopefully the man will appear at the hacienda.  Lon tells the padre not to get his hopes up.  He’s in prison and may never get out.  So he’s certain to be a crook!

Cami says not everything squares with this story.  Why would a rich man kill for money?  Lonnie says that obviously the guy wanted it all and wanted to make sure none of it would go to his wife or his kid.  He just screwed up and now he’s paying the price for it.

At the same time, Dan’s unable to reach Dante by phone.  He finds out also that Dante won’t be back for another month.  “--No, there’s no phone number.”  (Dude, just give her the frickin’ address already!) “--Tell him I’m in a bind and it’s urgent that he gets hold of me.”  Click.  (Ok.  I understand not wanting people to learn you’re in jail. It’s embarrassing to the max, but this is a matter of life and death so why couldn’t you have added the general location or the government facility to your explanation at least to his secretary?  You’ve been in the papers, for crying out loud!  He’s going to hear about it sooner or later!)  Dan then hangs up and makes a second call.  It’s something to do with computer projects and plans for something or other.  It wasn’t clear.

Back in his rooms at the rectory, the padre paces the floor, wondering how he could have been so wrong about Daniel’s son like this.  Dios needs to give him a hint about the truth.  (Dios is probably taking five right now and won’t get the message till near Las Ùltimas Semanas.) 

Dio, Dios’s opposite number, stops by to give Cami and Gussie his sympathies over the death of Don Daniel personally.  He flirts a bit with Gussie about her beauty and says it must be like mother like daughter!  “—You two could even be sisters!”  Gushing Gussie falls for his flattery hook, line, and sinker.  (Gets me wondering if he is Ximena’s daddy’s long lost brother or some such!  Anyway, the stench from all the maneur he’s spreading is enough to lay us all flat and six foot under!)

Cam learns Dio's there and heads for the main house.

At the same time, Alonesome shows up at the doctor’s office—for what we don’t know.  (Everybody thinking “little blue pills” raise your hand.)

Dio mentions he came by the day of Daniels burial but Alonso said they were indisposed, so he left.  Didn’t he tell them?  Cami makes excuses but her frown has returned.

Dio mentions that that Lon trusts him so much that he told him all about the inheritance situation and that the new owner is in prison for attempted murder.  Far be it from him, however, to be indiscreet!  Cam says the truth is she has no idea if and when DdA will be freed, but she’s definitely anxious to settle all of this.  Mama chirps up a reminder she told them all to be patient.  (Slap!)  Cami politely says she’s tired of the situation, living in a place she may not even own.  So she’s decided to travel to Chile herself to speak with the man.  Dio is taken by surprise and left speechless.  Cam looks over at Mama and looks puzzled.  It must mean Cara de OMG-You-Can’t-Be-Serious de Gussie.


Jardinera - Thanks and take your time. Your title has already given me a giggle.

The Chilean prison, minus the hosing down, certainly seems more humane and less violent than the Mexican ones depicted in novelas. Time will tell, of course.

Leticia is such a pretty women, even if no longer an ingenue. I have never liked her in the bright blond do, but she otherwise looks great and is the perfect foil to Cesar with his deep diabolical laugh.

Okay, Alonso is total scum and an annulment or divorce can't come soon enough for me. Is it possible -- just asking -- that he is really attracted to Camila independent of the plot to get her dough? His pride is hurt, I get that, with the impotence but he seems to want to make a married life with her. I'm not using the word "love", but strong attraction and a relationship (granted one where he's the boss).

When she gets a load of Daniel, can a breakup with Alonson be far behind? Think of the comparison between Alonso and Daniel on looks and manners alone!

Jardinera so nice to see you! I'm so glad someone notice the similarities b/t this and "The Fugitive." (In my adaptation class I show my students an episode from the old show and their reactions are often humorous.)

I'm w/you Traveling Lady - Cam can't get away from AlonsNO too fast for me. I'm chalking up her actions to continuous novio trauma - her first one died and the second one is just icky.

UA - I thought of you b/c Camila's mother, in addition to being a harpy, seems to have boundary issues. I might not have understood the conversation but her asking her daughter about not sleeping w/her husband was creepy.

Jardinera- Can't wait for your wonderful recap. That AlonsNO what a creep. Did he actually go and see a shrink at the end? Isadora is creepy with Dioniso.

I too noticed "The Fugitive" similarity. Although Abraham shouldn't be on this case. But I know this is a TN and that's how it works. Did he ever check into Daniel's inheritance? I know his assistand did, but I think Abraham didn't beleive him.

I like the Padre in this one. Very sensible man. I agree with you Karen, Agustina has no boundaries. She should have let sleeping dogs lie, so to speak.

Yes, Camila please go to Chile without Alonso and leave that craven, bi-polar, depraved, blow fish, psycho-perv playground of a husband behind. Stop off in Nevada and get a quickie divorce. And, while you are at it, reach across the table and slap the crap out of that bigoted mother of yours. What kinda of a hissy fit will these two throw to keep Camila at the bad lady?

Daniel is doing a lot of thinking and resaoning. TN law categorically will have him dumb as a rock within 10 epi's.

Birds of a feather flock together when it comes to family issues. This might partly explain the bizarre attraction between Camila and Alonso. She needs to tell her mother to MYOB while he needs to cut the cord. The latter is probably too late.

He couldn't ID the attacker because he was wearing a mask; his prints are not on the gun because he had gloves on. Anyone can have a black coat.

I still haven't figured out whether Abraham is envious of the inheritance of just overprotective of his sister.

What an excellent title!

I have only watched about 15 minutes... but I noticed Camila refered to Daniel as "mi primo". And yet, this is going to be our main couple? How will that work? Chromologically, I mean.

Rosemary la Otra

Yep, Augustina needs boundaries set. I loved it when Camila shot back that although Augustina was a so-called "model wife," catering to all her second husband's needs in and out of the bedroom, he drained her bank account and dumped her a$$. Ha ha ha!

I believe Alonso wants Camila beyond the plan to take over Don Daniel's wealth. He didn't look happy at all when his mother said he could divorce Camila after they get what they want.

I think Abraham is truly overprotective of his sister. He was worried about Daniel taking advantage of her even back when they first got engaged. Was Daniel unemployed when they married? I would hate my rich sister marrying an unemployed, broke guy too.

Rosemary, I'm sure Don Daniel is not young Daniel's father. That would make more sense than a baby switch or any of the other popular scenarios about alleged relatives not being related after all.

Niecie, Alonso may have a genuine interest in Camila which would put him in conflict with Mama Dragon and the Devil.

I think Camila should send her mother back to Monterrey. Ayer.

Two words - no 4 words: Ravens game (my cousin is a linesman), fell asleep.

Thanks for these recaps. This show gets too close to bedtime for me. I saw the prison; I saw the mother's comments but I am having trouble catching what they say. I am also having trouble watching some people. Not only Alsoslimso but also the mother. She was unlikeable in Alborado, and she seems to be the same here. I am liking Cesar better as a villan though than when I watched him as a good guy.


I'm glad that Camila and the Padre are waiting to pass judgement on Daniel. I hope we don't have to wait for a couple of episodes to pass before Camila meets him. But with all that is being planned for his time in jail, I don't think he's getting out any time soon.

The servant who wears the poncho and keeps his face partially hidden - do we know who he is? It seems that he gives knowing looks at pivotal points. I have a feeling that he's going to be very important in this novela.

Alonso reminds me of a spider. I can't imagine crawling into bed with him.

I thought Abraham was overly protective of his sister and very suspicious of Daniel right from the very beginning.

Yes, Pasofino, that servant who keeps his poncho around his face is really creepy. I don't think he's a bad guy, but he sure is acting like one.

Does anyone else think that the creepy guy with the poncho is the guy who played Alberto LaFont in Pasion? He sure looks like him.

Novelera in AZ

Pasofino and Cathyx: I just finished watching and was just going to ask who the heck the pirate guy is. I noticed his name is Leoncio, and in the opening credits (in the middle of the show) he is shown holding a gun to Padre's head. I don't think he's harmless.

NO WAY! My number verification is 1101, which was my house number the first 23 years of my life!

I usually FF through the credits and so I missed creepy poncho guy holding a gun up to Padre's head. I don't get how the characters don't think it's odd when someone holds his poncho over his face like he does. Maybe he has a disfigurement, but it's creepy all right.

Yes, didn't Quasimoto dress like that?

Camila is referring to Daniel D-A as her cousin b/c why else would Tio Daniel leave this dude his ranch unless he was his son? In order for them to get together it's got to be proven that Daniel D-A is NOT Tio Daniel's son.

I don't think Daniel D-A was unemployed or broke when he married Miriam, but I don't think Abraham ever liked him either. Daniel is now broke b/c he doesn't have a job and spent all his money taking care of his sick mother for the past 3 years.

Abraham just wants to separate Daniel from Miriam b/c he never liked Daniel. If a witness came forth and said "We saw a shifty guy hanging outside the building and running away after we heard shots fired" he'd disregard their testimony b/c he wants to get rid of Daniel. Whether that's because he considers Daniel a broke joke or really because Daniel is not by birth a Jew (or both), I don't know.

I wouldn't be surprised if Abraham stressed to Miriam that she must marry a Jew, thinking that would break Daniel & Miriam up...and foiled because Daniel converted.

I'm wondering if Daniel will end up converting BACK to Catholicism to be able to marry Camila in the church on the last episode...after Alonso dies/she's granted an annulment. I'm thinking Miriam will never wake up, or will wake up, clear Daniel of any involvement and then die. Alonso & Miriam have to go in order for Daniel/Camila to get together and I don't see Daniel ever divorcing Miriam because he loves her so.


Can one get an annulment without the others consent?

I agree completely with Anon 207. I was surprised when Abraham told Daniel that it was his fault that Miriam left those close to her and her community --since it was Daniel who converted and they had a Jewish wedding. I guess Abraham being a police inspector (or whatever) is a suspicious type...and we know that the first suspect is always the spouse or a close family member. But in this case, it doesn't make sense, as anyone -especially a close family member like Abraham- could see how much Miriam and Daniel loved one another and how happy they were.

A question: I think I might have missed the first few minutes of Friday's episode. But where did the assailant with the knife go? At the end, it looked like he was going to stab Daniel. What happened?

By the way, I think Daniel will convert back to Catholicism because when he discussed his conversion with his mother he indicated that he believed in God and it was the same God for all religions, so he seems to be more spiritual than doctrinaire and could easily go back to Catholicism.

Ok, since no one has done this yet, I claim dibs on Daniel(jr.). I've never seen him before this TN and I love him. He's so cute and handsome, good and loving, smart and sexy, he's now mine. Everyone else, hands off. I'm not sharing.

Thanks for part one Jardinera! Eagerly awaiting the second part.

ITA w/your analysis Anon207. Abe has disliked if not hated Daniel from the beginning. I guess we have to put on our beanies b/c I didn't think police are allowed to be involved in cases concerning their loved ones. It's sad b/c even Abe's lackey said Dan doesn't have to be guilty but the "objective" detective won't have it. Oy,

NJ Sue - trench coat/attempted murdered guy was about to stab Dan when observant Abe walked in and scared him off. Abe sent Dan for his statement and its been a nightmare for him ever since. And ITA that Dan will return to Catholicism.

I'm in the middle of catching up on the last two episodes. Just watched Thurs and now partially into Friday's. I agree with the assessments of Abe. He wants Dan to be guilty-- evidence, or lack there of be damned!

I like Camila. She stands up to her mama and AlonsNO. I loved the double speak conversation at the breakfast table about Alonso's "snoring." Camila made it perfectly clear that she's not putting up with his crap and he better get his sh!t together or it's over. Then she gave her mama a piece of her mind too. Loved it.

OK, back to the sufferings of poor Dan.

By the way, someone asked how Dan didn't recognize the robber by his clothing at least. The guy was wearing a long trench coat in the apt, and a 3/4 jacket in the hospital. Not the same jacket. Both black, but not the same. Uhm...Dan looks hot in his tight prison top. Ok. Back to the show.

I will confess, Cristian de la Fuente is the ONLY reason why I'm watching this show. LOL

I like that Camila said the cheating can go both ways. If Al isn't giving her what she needs, she might just put the horns on him. You go girl!

Fabulous first part Jardinera! I think it's funny that the lawyer complimented Gussy on the color of her outfit when she wears a shade of purple every day. I wonder if these writers are giving us a wink wink, since they are the ENDA writers and Leticia (aka La Tia Carloca) is also in this tn.

What a treat for the gal who chose not to go to Total Recall with her husband! That made my Saturday night.

Jardinera, I jar-jar-jar'd about the gila monster comparison. Only the gila monster is kinda cute.

How about that underground bunker prison? Are there any of those in the U.S.? Now I am wondering if that is what the El Diablo gates in the Mazatlan hillside led to once upon a time. Has anyone else seen those on the city tour?

Poor Daniel. Cathyx- what did you mean with "by all that is being planned for him in prison"?

Thanks again, Jardinera! I knew I stayed home from that movie for a reason.

R la O

Jardinera, surely you realize that by posting that picture of Flavio Medina you just added fuel to my crazy "He's channeling Ariel Lopez Padilla!" thing? :)

And having missed this one I'm shocked Miriam isn't dead (yet--is her pregnancy acting as a stay of execution?), but it doesn't really affect Daniel's snowball of bad karma. Everybody either hates him or wants him dead, except Camila--and that's just a matter of time, along with his brain hamster making a break for it at some point.

Great recap, Jardinera. I loved " (Dios is probably taking five right now and won’t get the message till near Las Ùltimas Semanas)" and also "Dio, Dios’s opposite number," among others.

It's after 1 a.m. and I'm exhausted, so I won't say more now. But I did want to thank you.

Thank you for this recap.

An interesting first week. It's nice to have a change of scenery after the visual boredom of LQNPA (all those blue walls at the hacienda drove me nuts).

I was watching this Sat night while eating dinner. And I did take a sip of wine at every bull scene and every time Gussie referred to Daniel as "bastardo."

I'm always grateful I live in a country where "innocent until proven guilty" is the norm.

Hi, all. I hope if you missed any of the episodios you got to see the marathon yesterday on Uni. If not, remember Hulu+ and such.....
Bill C.: ITSA re the Padilla thing. I didn't realize it was him playing opposite Edith G. since I only saw the chopped up original of CS via DVD.
TL/RosemaryLO: TeeHee! Couldn't resist that for a title. I'm really dating myself, eh?

This Chilean prison looks nothing like the Mexican one shown in Get the Gringo. It's a resort spa compared to that!
Karen: Hi, amiga! "continuous novio trauma - her first one died and the second one is just icky" LOL! ITSA. She'll fall fast and hard once he shows up, I'm certain! Which would we choose, a stallion or a lizard?
Karen/Madeleine: Yep, the similarities just jumped out at me and I couldn't think of anything better.
UrbanA: Didn't Abe also inherit? I can't believe their daddy wouldn't have left both of them equal amounts.
Cindy: Welcome to Fridays!
Novelera AZ: Hey there! "Alberto LaFont in Pasion" Thanks for placing himi for us! It was driving me nuts!


Kris: Welcome!
Juanita: Glad you got a few giggles. I haven't quite got the feel for this ensemble of characters just yet.
I never considered it a problem, but we must assume that Abe doesn't see Dan's conversion as whole-hearted/serious. From Dan's discussion with his Mama, he really doesn't care one way or the other. The main thing is that he is God-fearing and righteous, whether ritual is followed or not. If he does return to Catholicism to be with Cami, it may play a part in the rest of the Abe vs. Dan blame-game.

I finally read the recap and what a great job you did. There were a couple of points that I didn't understand and it seems it wasn't very clear to you either. I didn't get the point of the second phone call and I didn't get the point of creepy man either.

Rosemary- What I meant by plans for Daniel in the prison was a couple of guys were talking while Dan was on the phone and they were waiting in line and they were talking about Daniel being a computer expert and they were trying to plan something using his skills. So if that takes place, Daniel will be in jail for a while, I think.

How wonderful to add those photos in addition to your terrific recap, Jardinera. I took a shot at watching this but was so creeped out by the second night (honeymoon from Hell) that I folded my tent early. Love your writing though and the genius title.

Judy - your willpower is amazing. If you aren't amused, you turn it off and read your wonderful books. I seem to get hooked from the beginning, no matter how awful...hence, my closet full of Talisman tees.

cathyx - Thanks for clarifying. I read that in the recap, but didn't sink in. Maybe his computer skills will actually help him get out quicker.

Jardinera - you so did not date yourself! Of course you were referring to the REMAKE.


It's more wussydom than willpower, Rosemary la Otra. That husband of Camille's is so awful, I literally fled from the room.

Jardinera - great recap. Thanks for all the details. The Gila monster is too funny.

Something tells me Camila's sister is going to be a lot less cynical about love when she gets a load of Daniel.

Judy, Judy, Judy! Delighted as ever you dropped in! I figured you wouldn't probably care for this one with a brute in the honeymoon suite, besides it being so late most of us wouldn't watch either without the aid of video recordings. I fall asleep 80% of the time and watch first thing in the morning with my coffee! At least I can FF>> through the obnoxious commercials and Rewind if I miss a phrase.

cathyx: I'm sorry I forgot to add the two convicts' conversation. They also think he may get out early and shoot them in the head, I believe. Ha, so I guess he faked them out but good.
Rosemary LO: Yes indeedy! The REMAKE!

Hi all! I didn't even get started ;) but if I had, like Judy, I probably would have fled the room already.

I'm afraid I'm too thrilled to have my 9 p.m. hour back (yay!) to be willing to get involved in this one. And I'm burned out on "dark" TN's for the moment anyway.

But I did read some of the recaps including this one - great stuff as usual! Thanks for the entertaining read.


"Dio, Dios' opposite number" -- LOL.

Excellent read, Jardinera.

Niece -I saw that pix and thought, ugly as the poor little gila looks, Alonesome.looked worse and could learn a bit of claw care from the little dude. At least the gila looks like he had sense enough to get a manicure!

Audrey. Good to have ya pop in!

OOOOOHHHh what a treat! I look forward Jardinera to reading your amazing mind expanding discourse on the blog. And of course your recaps that astound me with the answers to my frustratingly ever present question: What? ?? "whatdidhesay?"

Thanks Jardinera for the great recap. And for the great idea about watching this TN in the AM. This 10:00 time slot has thrown everything off. Now if I can just get my butt out of bed in the AM to watch. . .

Madelaine: I like this priest, too. Out of four TNs that I've watched, two have had ding dong heads as priests. This one is more like my fav: Father Bosco from MEPS.

I seem to recall a discussion on one of my other TNS awhile back that all the villainesses seem to wear purple. I don't thing Gussie is a villain--though if I hear her snipe at Dan one more time, I think I'll scream. It's not so much Dan--still not into him yet--it's the constant sniping.

The kitchen looks like the one in CME.

I wasn't sure if I was going to continue this one until I accidentally found out that one of my all time favorites (besides SN, of course) is going to be in this. I won't say who, since he's not listed in the credits and I don't know if it would be considered a spoiler.


I will have to notice the kitchen. Seems I read the CCs too close and miss a lot. I LOVED the CME kitchen! Weren't we all going to meet there?

RlaO: Yes, I think you're right. Warm and inviting with lots of yummy looking food.


But now no Manuela. Sniff.

I know. :(

But a familiar face presides over the kitchen (Piedad/Karina).


Yes, Kari! The champion bow tier. Remember when she tied up her rapey snake husband? lol

And Adriana (Renata's funny friend, Matias gf) is there too.

Bonney Churros: Hey there! Dunno about mind-expanding, but at least I can pretty much of the time figure out enough to answer your $64000 question!

Robey: Hey! Yep, well, I aim to please! Set yer alarm clock. LOL!

Wise, wise Adriana. I miss CME.

Setting the alarm clock isn't the prob. It's hitting the snooze 50 million times.


I can only watch in the mornings if I get my exercising in. I usually fall asleep during this one, and then our wonderful recappers fill in the blanks.

I miss CME too. It's sad when El Talisman is my 2nd favorite. But like Blue Lass says, we have to move on.

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