Friday, August 17, 2012

Abismo de pasión #110 8/16/12: Doc saves his daughter; Mr. Mendoza furnishes his dream house; and Alfie catches up with Curls.

 I'm filling in for our dear Cap'n Sylvia who claims to be out of town tonight.  Some of you may have noticed that Gweedo also has the night off -- feel free to draw your own conclusions. Ahem.  Anyway.

Elisa muses over Ingrid's offer to spit out some Orange secrets, seeds and all.

Thanks to her father, Sabrina is alive and well ... but thanks to her mother, she is still a dumb bunny.  
The menfolk -- Braulio, Chente (now on his way to redemption, his better nature kindled by his concern for Sabrina), Enrique and Edmundo exchange understated apologies and thanks outside her room.

Begoña is at her daughter's bedside.  First she thanks Edmundo for saving Sabrina but in the next breath infuriates him by suggesting that the miscarriage was a good thing.  She wants to conceal the news from Paolo.  What if he uses it as an excuse to wriggle out of the wedding?  Edmundo says Paolo has to know.  If he leaves Sabrina, then he never really loved her.

Their conversation seems to rouse the young woman.  She begs her parents not to tell anyone, especially Paolo.  She'd die of sadness if he left her because she lost the baby.

Casa Castigo
Carmina doesn't care that Lucio won't help her. She has struck a deal with Gabino Mendoza.  Elisa can't help goading her:  So the tía is unconcerned about the money that was lost?  And by the way, Elisa has heard that Gabino knows some juicy citrus secrets...

Before Citrus can put the squeeze on Elisa for details, Dolores announces that Gael is outside.  [And if the tía wants bread, she'll have to go to the bakery, won't she?]

Elisa joins Gael and they dream aloud about their house, their kids.  Gael is fine with Lolita living with them.

Inspected by Florencia Landucci
Sabrina is home in bed when Flor comes calling, ostensibly to deliver her wedding invitation, but really, to do a womb check.  Sabrina turns out to be a pretty good liar herself.  Asked to explain her disappearance the day before, she babbles about a visit to  Mérida, some bad tacos ... But enough about that -- where the heck has Paolo been?  Flor promises her uncle will stop by.

Enrique joins the party.  Flor waves the wedding invitation in his face.  Enrique insists on seeing Flor out.  At the door -- Grab-Kiss-Slap.  Repeat.  Slam!  A lesser man would be discouraged.

Doc Tovar approves of her friendship with Enrique, he tells Paloma.  A person isn't defined by a single mistake, he says.  He gives her a sweet kiss on the cheek:  "There are plenty of guys who would appreciate you."
[Nods around the Paloma table.  Sylvia pokes the Dolores BobbleHead and it too nods in agreement.]

Hacienda Harango
Paolo is not marrying Sabrina.  And if Flor keeps pushing him, he'll tell her suegra that not only is she not pregnant, but according to a doctor's report, she can't have children at all.

Begoña's Revenge
Mrs. Tovar wants to thank Alfie for having Flor deliver her wedding invitation to Enrique personally.  Those two do seem to spend a lot of time together.  Imagine -- they were hanging out in her bedroom with the door closed.  Props to you, Alfabitch, for picking such an excellent wife for your boy.

Slapper becomes Slappee
Alfie marches into the office where Flor is working on her invitations and Thwap!  She gives her a nice fat cachetada.  Dam is passing by and gets an earful as Alfie calls Flor "una estúpida" and repeats the Bumble report.  What? exclaims Dam Stoopid.

Paolo, his malice equaled only by his impeccable timing, now enters and teases us and Dam with a promise to tell all "con lujo de detalles".  But after the commercial break, he backs up Flor by talking about how sad Enrique is that his sobrina won't see him.  Dam isn't completely convinced.  Nor is Alfie, who sneers that the only decent woman she knows is herself.
[On the Patio, they are howling with delight -- the chutzpah of that woman!]

Gael informs Elisa that Dam and Flor's wedding will be the same day as theirs.  Elisa says she's fine with that though the swell of violins in the background says otherwise.  She thinks he really has to invite Ingrid since he's, you know, the fruit of her womb and all.

Paolo and Flor -- a difference of interpretation
She accuses him of meddling. He thinks he just saved her skinny butt.  But he can easily sink her -- does she think Dam would forgive the baby scam?

[Why not, whispers Doris, he did before.  Sara shushes her:  I don't want to miss this part -- I love it when Paolo goes all bitchy.]

Paolo will leave at the first chance he gets.  And Flor better stop threatening him or she'll find herself all alone.

Casa Tovar -- Confirm or deny
Dam wants to know -- Have Flor and Enrique been seeing each other?  Enrique puts an innocent spin on his recent contacts with Flor and then answers Dam's question with a question (although as far as I know, he's not Jewish):
Estás celando a Flor o todo esto lo haces como para deshacerte de ella?
(Are you jealous or are you doing all this to get rid of her?)

And then adds:
And if you don't love her, why did you marry her por lo civil?

Dam replies:  Isn't it obvious?  She's (fake) pregnant (and is planning to steal your sister's (non-existent) baby)!

Girl Talk at Casa Castigo
Who are you getting gussied up for, tía? wonders Elisa.  Paolo?  Gabino Mendoza?
You're not the only one who has suitors (pretendientes), you know, answers tía*.  And then for good measure lobs the 'you killed my baby-azo' at her.  Elisa dodges it easily and hopes a little ... er ... romance  will keep the tía from embittering (amargar) the lives of others.

[*Note to Carmina:  Elisa has suitors.  You have clients.]

Dam Stoopid now believes that Flor and Enrique are history and apologizes for doubting her.  But why did she have to go to the Tovar house without him?  Poor Flor explains that she was a victim of her tender feelings for Sabrina.  She is worried about Paolo breaking the girl's heart.  Dam will have a talk with Gweedo and ask him to make sure his brother does the right thing.

Gael stops at the Blue House to let Ingrid know he's marrying Elisa.  He'd like her to be there -- but not with Gabino Mendoza...

...who at that moment is phoning his main squeeze, the Killer Orange.  He's at his new hacienda!  They're moving the furniture in!  This is his first call on his new phone line!  And he bought a special (hell flame-retardant?) mattress (colchón) for the two of them!

Gabs has caught Creamsicle's attention.  She raises the matter of those plane tickets. He suggests he might be accommodating if she is.  Ingrid?  No problem. Gabs is on it.

La Iglesia
Alfonsina is ordering flowers for Dam's wedding.  And no, she tells Lupe, she doesn't think it's too early.  Well, Lupe tells her, the flowers can serve for two weddings since Gael and Elisa will be getting married on that day as well.  Alfie sputters that those two will have to pick another date.  Nothing doing.  In that case, she'll need to know the schedule so the flowers can be used only during her son's wedding.  Harrumph!  Thwaaap goes the fan.  And out storms Alfie, crossing paths with but not acknowledging Gael as he enters.

Alfie realizes she has left her purse in the church and starts back up the stairs.

Gael and Lupe are talking about Ingrid.  She's living in a house just outside town, near the cenote, says Gael.  Whose house is it? asks Padre.  Just then, seeing that Alfie is in the doorway, listening avidly to their words, they fall silent.  She takes her purse and leaves.

Did you know, Gael asks Lupe, that Ingrid and your sister knew each other from years ago?

Casa Castigo
What to wear for the wedding?  Estefanía's wedding dress is gone -- Augusto either burned it or trashed it.  Dolores's own dress would bring bad luck, she fears. 

Dolores tries to sound out Elisa's feelings about marrying Gael.  Elisa says she feels like Dolores did when she married Horacio.
[And look how well that turned out, whispers Katy.]

She wants a home, a family, and Gael is going to be a great father and a great husband.

Elisa leans on Dolores's shoulder.  She looks haunted.

Busted at the Blue House
It's time for Curls to leave town, Gabs tells her.  Alfie is hiring detectives and things are getting dicey.  Curls isn't leaving empty-handed.  He agrees to go to the bank with her the very next day.  She's getting suspicious. Why is he in such a hurry to get rid of her?  And why don't they leave together?

Now isn't a good time for him.  He and Carmina have a joint venture going and those chiles won't cultivate themselves.  Curls thinks there's something fishy about his business with the Orange one.  And maybe it's not all habaneros.  Couldn't it be that he wants Carmina because she was once Rosendo's squeeze?

As usual, Gabino is turned on by Ingrid's scorn.  The room is getting hotter and hotter and ... suddenly there's a chill.  Gabino freezes.  Ingrid turns.  Alfonsina Arango stands in the doorway with a look of pure disgust on her face.

Avances:  Jealousy!  Revenge!  Confrontation! Dam threatens to tell the truth! (Gasp!)



Wow were up late! Gracias for another fine recap full of zingers and a delicious hint that our supposedly blameless Sylvia and Guido may be up to no good. Well, who can blame her?

My favorite gems:

Grab-Kiss-Slap. Repeat. Slam! A lesser man would be discouraged.

Gael as "Fruit of the Womb"

and "hell-flame retardant mattress"

"Trop bonne poire" that I am, I'm rooting for Gabino to win Rotten Citrus' heart (if she has one) and definitely her body (since that's his main interest) Give the bad boy a few days of bliss in his friggin' great hacienda before the ax falls.

Sorry that Sabrina, fruit of an especially stupid womb, is still a Dumb Bunny but I expect she is going to become a Sadder but Wiser Girl in very short order.

Thanks for another wicked recap NovelaMaven. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Loveyour recap NM!!Again, all I could do was smile through some of the actions and thinking going on.

QuiQui and Flo- that was downright hysterical.And then
"Slapper becomes Slappee". Alfi is so wonderful when she throws the righteous indignation attitude. Even Padre Brother got a dose last night.

There suddenly seems to be a couple unwanted folks in town, Paolo causing problems, II is in the way...And now that Mr. Upstanding Landowner has been caught with the "goods", what will he do? Oh, Gab you have three women heading for your jugular. Have fun!!

Why am I so bored with Elisa? And Stoopid just gets on my nerves. Starting to become apparent that the best stuff is really all about the bad guys. So sad.

Ugh! I was without power most of last night and now I am running late (unrelated)so I haven't gotten a chance to read this. I am sure it is brilliant and I will be back this evening to read and catch up on the patio.

When the power went out my first two thoughts were:

1. Ack! I won't get to watch Amorcito!

2. Meh. The Abismo recap will be better than the actual episode anyway.

I'm sure I will not be disappointed.

NovelaMaven, this was a spicy, saucy and sassy concoction. Pure perfection. I loved every single word! In addition to what mi amiga Judy noted, I thought "...Flor comes calling, ostensibly to deliver her wedding invitation, but really, to do a womb check", "Props to you, Alfabitch, for picking such an excellent wife for your boy" and ALL of your asides to the patio participants:, "[On the Patio, they are howling with delight -- the chutzpah of that woman!]" were excellent.

New secrets are born (Sabrina's) and some are exposed (GABINO MENDOZA). A surprise possible turn toward redemption (our scamp Vincente) and those further securing their places in hell (Carmina, Gabino)...daisy, you are absolutely correct - the best and most interesting action is with the aforementioned. I am somewhat frustrated because Angelique Boyer is a good actress and the material and character is giving her nothing to do but to whine and look pathetic.

I wonder if Enrique will tell Flor Sabrina lost the baby? Whenever she does find out, I'm curious to know what her Plan B is. She can't consult either person who could and would "handle" the situation - Fina and Carmina and she lacks their cold calculating cruelty (Fina) and maniacal, murderous nature (Carmina).

This is really getting good.

Oh and I guess if we don't see Guido or hear from Sylvia shortly, we must draw some firm conclusions? ;)

Happy Friday all!

NovelaMaven, thank you again...


wow, NM! another gem.. you are SOME pinch-hitter backup recapper!
too many lines to list my favs... i would be repeating the whole thing. LOVE the subtitles and the Patio observers, citrus and fan references...
wow, i have to agree with daisynjay, the villains are definitely the most intersting characters as of late, and there i am including Alfie and even BeGoneYa who does not want to give up her plans of marrying her kids well... maybe she wanted to throw the sting at Alfie about Quique and Flo so somehow the relationship between Flo and Dam will be spoiled...
So true that all three women are after Gab...
but my mind started to go round and round when II inferred that what Gab is obsessed with is all that was ROsie's...
let's see...
II as lover and mother of Gael.. Check.
Orange as lover and escape partner.. Check.
The procesadora (if he can't have it he ruined it)... CHeck!
The blue house ... Check!
The money that used to belong to Rosie... Check!
the hacienda (well, not the Harango one but one just as big).. Check!
The ability to have multiple women at once dancing to the tune he plays... Check!
the only thing of Rosie's that still avoids him is Alfie... I wonder if he really wants to add her to his list as II says...

I totally agree that Paolo is the best player at the poker table today... bluffing he will expose Flo and then backing her up this one last time to warn her of what could happen if he switched sides. the message is clear... i will not go with your plan A anymore if that means i need to marry Sabrina... so better come up with a plan B.
If Dam just 'bought' the story that it is Quique approaching Flo, then he deserves to keep Flo for good.


OMG I am SO HAPPY to be promoted to a live patio participant! Happy Friday to me!!! Loved your recap (as always) and though some have been mentioned, have to give a shout out to:

"Sylvia pokes the Delores Bobblehead and it too nods in agreement!" HAHAHAHA!!

"Enrique answers Dams question with a question (although as far as I know, he's not Jewish).

You are so. FUNNY!!!

Daisy, you called it with boring Elisa. And not to be extra shallow this a.m., but can Elisa lose the braid and can Paloma get a cenote hut adaptor for her flat iron and do some work on her hair too? Florencia is the only one with great hair in La Ermita (which is kind of ironic since one of the characters has a hair salon!).

Marta, I love all your philosophical questions! This blog is like a book club! ITA that Gab has a secret Rosie wish and, per your suggestion yesterday, I think we can agree that Carmina has an Esteffie wish. They are a match made in hell!

Thanks again, NM! You delivered another treasure!



What we learned last night:

We learned Gabino could be a contestant on HGTV's next Design Star.

Gael learned Ingrid is not trying to pay for his wedding.

Alfie learned where Ingrid's been hiding and who she's been hiding with.

Edmundo learned Begona is much more concerned about Sabrina's reputation than her health and well-being.

We learned both Sabrina & Florencia will pretend to be pregnant.

We also learned Begona is not as unaware as she seems.

NM! You are such a nut! Thanks for filling in. Sylvia and Gweedo? Well, whatever floats her boat. And we all want Sylvia's boat to float.

LOL especially to:
- the only decent woman she knows is herself and the patio howling that ensues
- suitors vs. clients
- (hell flame retardant) mattress

Loved it, loved it, loved it. Now I am going to get on the elliptical and try to catch up for the week. I've got to see Chente cry, Orange in white and Begonia dis Alfi.

Rosemary la Otra

P.S. Everyone was so sweet with their comments of support for my first interview in 29 years. Thanks so much. You are a wonderful Familia Telenovela.

Excellent recap, NovelaMaven. I love your nods to the folks here on the patio today.

I'm guessing that Sabrina was not rendered sterile by the life-saving surgery as is so often the case. I don't think that she even needed a transfusion. Good work, Doc Tovar.

As much as I adore Altair Jarabo, I think Enrique would be better off pursuing Paloma.

As for Flo's baby heist, the way things are going now, I think that the time has arrived for a miscarriage of her own.

Rosemary la O, I hope that your interview went well. I'm betting that you wowed them.



NM, know what it is about your recaps?.....the subtly. Just a couple of examples, “Before Citrus can put the squeeze on Elisa for details,” and “Paolo, his malice equaled only by his impeccable timing.” Just wish I could have been a fly on the wall for the evening at the improve with you and your daughter, that must have been REALLY fun! Thanks!

Well, now we have two fake pregnancies, is this a novela record of sorts? Almost every novela has one fake pregnancy, but running two concurrently?

If Begoña goes along with this fake pregnancy to trap Paulo, then she is far more sinister than I ever realized. How much does she know about Kenia and her baby? Could it be that Begoña doesn’t have that piece of information? That seem unlikely given that everyone else knows about this. When we finally, get to El Fin, and the anvil truck filled with habaneros rumbles down the streets of La Ermita, will we be left with a ghost town?

Dr. T, AKA Gordo, is just such a touchy-feely guy. There he goes again kissing Paloma!

NM thanks for another classic. I also enjoyed your incorporation of the bloggers and our patio into your summary.

The Flo/QuiQui couple is annoying to me b/c though there is no baby, Flo still wants to try to steal her future SIL child. And he's being dumb just like Pal; I hope those two get new hearts and brains over the next few weeks.


I got off to a late start and then I just HAD to get this thing posted. (I knew if I stopped in the middle, I'm end up starting all over in the morning.)

Une trop bonne poire? I had to look it up -- être trop bon, un peu naïf -- a good expression to know. Thanks. I wonder if there's fruity idiom with a similar meaning in Spanish.

I can't really join you in rooting for Gab -- I can't see or hear mention of Hacienda Beltrán without thinking of the Old Dear and wondering when and how her remains will surface. (Or will it be her ghost?)


"Starting to become apparent that the best stuff is really all about the bad guys."

So true. Dam and Elisa are a snooze. But that happens a lot in drama, don't you think? And our bad guys are soooooo deliciously bad ...


Your power may have been out, but you were in my head yesterday. When I saw Gab supervising the movers in HIS hacienda, I thought: Squeee! I hope you are plugged in again by now.


"[Flor] lacks their cold calculating cruelty (Fina) and maniacal, murderous nature (Carmina)."

I'm not so sure about Flor. I think she may have an as yet untapped well of evil behind her Valley Girl exterior. A woman who would plan to steal a baby ... well, what else might she do?


I loved the evidence you marshal to show Gab's obsession with BEING Rosendo. And as Katy points out, we know Carmina has always been obsessively envious of Steffie. You'd think the two could get it out of their system by putting on funky costumes and having kinky sex. Oh wait ...


You have always been a live Patio participant! Hey, I don't mind Paloma's wild child hair thing -- better than the big braid she started with. The only hair-do I detest is Elisa's because it makes me think of all the hours Dolores must spend grooming her "niña" to achieve it. (I don't include II because that's just a joke, right?)


Thanks for the list today. I especially liked: "We learned Gabino could be a contestant on HGTV's next Design Star."

R la O,

"I am going to get on the elliptical and try to catch up for the week."

You put us all to shame! (Maybe that's something to work into an interview, though perhaps it would be best to leave out our imaginary friends like Chente, Orange, Bumble and Alf).


I think you're right about Sabrina. No one at her bedside was wearing one of those "I'm smiling but there's something terrible I haven't told you" faces, so I'm guessing she has emerged unscathed, at least in body.

Sandy in TN,

"When we finally, get to El Fin, and the anvil truck filled with habaneros rumbles down the streets of La Ermita, will we be left with a ghost town?"

Good question. I'm thinking there should be a few survivors -- but let's not let Doris drive the anvil truck, ok?


" I hope those two get new hearts and brains over the next few weeks."

Which two? Are you rooting for Flo/QuiQui or Pal/QuiQui? 'Cause I'm hopeful about Pal and QuiQui. Flor, not so much. :)

Brilliant recap NM. All my favorite lines have been mentioned. Last night I was faced with two choices-- go to sleep at a decent hour, or watch the going-ons of La Ermita. I chose my bed. But the DVR was doing it's job, so sometime this weekend I'll get to watch the Killer Orange put the squeeze on everyone, Gabino decorate his new home, the Tovar women continue to be dumb bunnies, the Tovar men continue to be dupes, and the Landucci's unsettle the lives of the La Ermita citizens. Notice I didn't mention Dam, Elisa, Gael, or Paloma. Snoooooooze...

Thank you Novela Maven. I appreciate that you were willing to fill in so we don't miss anything.

If Gael and Elisa are going to get married, why do they still act like they're only just friends? No passionate kissing or even kissing on the lips when they greet each other. Yeah, that marriage will work out just great.

I can't believe Doc T will be in agreement of Sabrina marrying Paolo when he hates the guy and now there is no reason for them to marry. Don't let it happen, Doc.

Dam Stoopid should be called Dam Naive. He always believes Flo even with her bad track record. Does he really think that Enrique would admit that he was kissing Flo?


"You'd think the two could get it out of their system by putting on funky costumes and having kinky sex. Oh wait ..."LAUGH OUT LOUD FUNNY!

And the "I'm smiling but there's something terrible I haven't told you" faces! Right on the money--such a TN staple.

I'm wondering where the writers are going with this two bodas on the same day plot device. SURELY both engagements aren't going to last 6 months? (my money is on 6 days). Are we going to make it to the end and have some big switcheroo with Dam and Gael? Surely the writers have a reason for this weird double booking beyond making Elisa teary when she hears the news. Am I over thinking it?


Vivi, You're gonna love Gabs going all House and Garden, I promise you!

Cathyx, de nada! We Pitters need our nightly fix and a place for debriefing the next day. (Am I proud of that? No. But at least I'm not in denial.) :D

"Surely the writers have a reason for this weird double booking beyond making Elisa teary when she hears the news. Am I over thinking it?"

Any thinking about this fluff is probably, by definition, "overthinking". But I'd be amazed if the double boda happened as planned. And I'd be disappointed if they just kicked out worthless Flor and had the original four sort themselves into Pal/Gael and Elisa/Dam.

Pal deserves better now that Gael has devolved into a jerk. [He even kind of looks like a jerk. Is it my imagination or is he wearing his pants higher and giving off faint Urkel vibes lately?]

Elisa and Dam? As Vivi said, snoooooze.

Have you seen the commercial with William Levy where he flirts with a coquettish chocolate M&M? Now there's an engaging story line!

NM like you I'm for the Pal/QuiQui pairing. As Ramona said about Flo (but it applies to Pal and almost all TN characters that are obsessed) women (and I would add men) who are obsessed are NOT in love.

And yes WL and Ms. Brown is an compelling story line!

William Levy has been in all kinds of commercials lately, i just saw him on another commercial that depicts him as the sexiest thing alive and it ends with him and about half dozen women on him...

back to our show..
the double booking... all kinds of possibilities here... I dont think we will have it over in a few days, more like we will have a time jump sometime soon and the double booking will just fall apart at the last minute, maybe Augie will come back from the dead with his shotgun and blow Flo's fake belly... and Gael will start running toward him adn we will ahve the reverse of brother saves brother with his blood... how's that for exciting conclusion to the double booking?

I am TOTALLY making this up, if anyone was wondering.

Yep, NM, I don't think it's your imagination on Gael. Breaks my heart, but I have seen a decided turn in dressing him rather drabbly, hair always unkempt and last night it looked greasy, and his one day old beard looks more like four days and hangover beard. It's suppose to make us dislike him with cutesie little Elisa. So not right.
Hey,at least his horse likes HIM. More than I can say for Stoopid.


Now there's an epitaph --

"At least his horse liked him."



Your power may have been out, but you were in my head yesterday. When I saw Gab supervising the movers in HIS hacienda, I thought: Squeee! I hope you are plugged in again by now.

Alas, I have not seen the episode yet and I have to wait for hubs to go to bed so I can have the TV to myself.

I am shaky chihuahua excited to watch this episode. It sounds like a doozy. I hope it lives up to the ever brilliant NM recap.

And how exciting! I get a mention! You know me so well, I do enjoy bitchy Paolo.


wow, Cynderella!! you got a jewel of an ep!! beginning with your Gabino!!

Dear EJ,

I'm not sure if you're reading the blog today. Just in case you are, I thought I'd leave you these tasty contrary to fact conditionals from Friday's show:

Ramona to Paloma:

Todo sería muy distinto si no te hubieras entregado a Gael.
(Everything would be very different if you hadn't given yourself to Gael)

"Then" clause -- simple conditional of "ser"
"If" clause -- pluperfect subjunctive (imperfect subjunctive of "haber" + past participle of "entregarse"

And a double-header from Begoña to Sabrina:

Si tú hubieras confiado en mí, si tú me hubieras dicho que estabas embarazada, las cosas serían muy distintas.
(If you had trusted me, if you had told me you were pregnant, things would be very different.)

"If" clause -- pluperfect subjunctive
"Then" clause -- simple conditional

Notice that these are a little simpler than the ones we were looking at before because the "then" clause contains a simple conditional rather than a compound tense (like a pluperfect subjunctive or a pluperfect conditional).

Oooh, how delicious if you all think I have Guido stowed away on my boat! I hate to refute it. Alas, it is just Mr. Sharkbait and me floating out here. We are having a great time but it's not nearly as gossip- worthy is it?

NM THANK YOU again for blessing us with another of your amazingly clever recaps. It sounds like this was a terrific episode. Can't wait to watch it.

My bad, Sylvia. That's what I get for listening to that chismosa de Begoña!

Just keep spreading those hot rumors amiga. They make me sound exciting.


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