Thursday, August 30, 2012

Abismo de pasión #119 8/29/12: SO much filler it feels like we're playing ring around the rosie... Ramona puts pressure, Alfie plays victim, Elisa looks for II to get answers

WANTED: RECAPPER FOR MONDAY NIGHTS.  Now that school has started Sara's schedule will no longer allow her to continue recapping Monday nights. If any of you have thought about giving recapping a try this would be a perfect opportunity. Ridiculous story lines, absurd characters, great body language, this hot mess practically recaps itself. If we don't have any takers I will just post discussion headers on Monday.

Tonight's recap by Marta Ivett
Ramona reads preg test results of Paloma’s. Not happy. I knew it, although had hoped it would not be true.  Just like your mom, you will be a single mom. (Paloma says don’t worry, I will face the music alone). Ramona reminds her you can’t force a man to love you. Ramona will make Gael respond for her. Paloma says no you won’t. Ramona disappointed in Paloma sleeping with Gael again even if he was engaged to her best friend. Elisa has to find out before she marries a guy who does not know how to respect her. Paloma denies Gael is the daddy, Enrique is… (NO SHE DIDN”T SAY THAT!! … yes she did). Ramona has a hard time believing it, knows Paloma is protecting Gael. One thing is to make the mistake of sleeping with the man you have always loved, another thing is to sleep with a guy you don’t love. Paloma says slept with Enrique to try to forget Gael. Was desperate. Is that so hard to understand? Ramona states the obvious: that is not the answer. Enrique does not love you either. Paloma says if she could change things she would, but it is too late and she is fine being a single mom. Ramona won’t allow her to follow her mother’s steps. That child will have a father and a name! Ramona runs out in a flash.
Alfie is crying in her room. Dam comes in to try to apologize… Alfie whines he used her weak spot to hurt her so. Dam says have been swallowing anger against you for months. You got Guido in jail! Alfie says everyone forgets she had evidence of Guido’s guilt. She was hurt to make that decision. Guido was her friend. Dam questions why she doubted Guido’s innocence. Alfie says she was just projecting her anger at Damian, YOU had abandoned me and the procesa, she felt Guido had taken advantage and did it to laugh in her face. Dam brings out the fact that Alfie had forced Flo to get pregnant in order to get her dad out of jail. Dam recalls the night he and Elisa were going to leave and Alfie brought the pregnancy results to the quinta to stop them. Dam says I am your son, not your slave or your marionette!! Look at me! Look at what you did with my life. Elisa is about to marry my best friend. Alfie insists he has to dedicate himself to his wife and son. Dam gets outraged… What else needs to happen for you to admit to your mistakes? No, I don’t make mistakes!... or at least I try to repair the damage! … Dam is depressed now.. thank you for making my life miserable (gris). Thank you very much.
At the house of M&M… Gael and Elisa arrive. Elisa recognizes it that as children they were walking by and Dam saw his father leave the house…  Elisa second guesses her belief of her mother’s innocence. Maybe the one who has been wrong has been her. Gael won’t let her say that. He says what is really strange is that the house ended up in hands of Gabino and II. Elisa says you are right. II had wanted to talk to her about her mother and the past. Asks Gael to take her to Gabino’s hacienda to talk to II.
At church, Padre Papa Loopy is asking God for guidance… been watching the people around him hurt each other for many years and he has been a mere observer… asks for guidance to help those he loves.
At breakfast, Flo tries to bug Alfie about her arguments with Dam last night. Alfie says don’t talk about it in front of servants. Alfie notes how Flo enjoys learning that Alfie and Dam argued. Could it be perhaps also about Enrique Tovar?... Alfie says she saw them at the town plaza talking. Flo protests if not able to talk to anyone. Flo could care less what Alfie thinks. Alfie will stop that issue herself. Flo not happy.
Dam finds Ramona at cenote, she is crying and he is worried about her. ‘never thought you were capable of crying, thought you were very strong. / even the strongest of souls cries when something hurts… the soul…. If you can’t do something for yourself, I doubt you could do something for anyone else… it is many of us who have ruined our lives. Look what happened with Flo. Now you will marry her by church. (he responds it was the right thing to do) I wish Enrique Tovar will be as much a man as you.’
Quique arrives at DrT’s house. DrT is waiting for II but while he waits, he will tell Quique on what’s up with his life.  Meanwhile BeGoneYa is talking to who knows whom about her children abandoning her and her husband about to marry another.  .. Ramona arrives asking for Quique. Ends up having to tell BeGoneYa why she is looking for Quique. Paloma is expecting his child and he will have to marry Paloma.
BeGoneYa denies that her son is responsible, given her granddaughter’s reputation… (wrong answer! Not the day to provoke Ramona the witch… then they do a dance routine, Ramona takes a couple steps forward, BeGoneYa a couple steps back)…/ I better go, before I slap you right into the floor…
Gael/Elisa at castle.. eh.. I mean the Gabino Mendoza hacienda. Gael tells Elisa II is very nervous because she is living there with Gabino. Gael can’t understand why II is still with Gabino. He has tried ‘millions of times’. But at same time he feels like II is hiding something from him, he remembers Kenya telling him not to trust II. Elisa insists she has to talk to II, II had told her Gabino and OrangeHo keep secrets of each other about the past.  Gael suggests they forget all this and go for a walk around Valladolid/Merida. Lets take a day off and spend a day together… she finally accepts the day date.
Meanwhile II (in very dark large sunglasses) is at quinta looking for Elisa. II is really anxious, need to talk to Elisa urgently. She has to talk to Elisa without Gael being around. Lolita gets on ‘defend Elisa above all else’ mode and tells II she knows Elisa and Gael since they were kids… she loves them as her children and won’t allow II to hurt Gael anymore. II tells her ‘butt out of my business and you have no right to judge me’. Lolita insists she won’t let anyone, including II, ruin Elisa and Gael’s wedding day. II gets crying, asks that Lolita tell Elisa that II needs to talk to her, but this time she can’t go to her son. Just as II gets out, Pop! Goes the Sleezel… she hears from Lolita that the visitor was II, so she runs out to catch II before she leaves. Questions what II had to talk to Elisa about. II says how funny that now that your niece and my son are getting married, we will be relatives!! Jaja!! Orange-Ho does not find it so funny.  She asks II what she is after, to accuse her to Elisa? II says I am not dumb, I know what you are capable of. My daughter and your own husband both appeared dead just after they found out about your deals with Rosie. But if something were to happen to me, I have taken steps to make sure Alfie and Elisa will learn the truth. Nice talking to you. Have a nice day.
Quique is happy for DrT. Hopefully you will find in this woman what you are looking for.  Door knock. They think it is II, but it is Paloma to tell them Ramona found out she is pregnant and she needs to ask them a HUGE HUGE HUGE favor. They say yes without hearing what it is first (BAD MOVE!). She had to tell Ramona that the baby she is expecting is Quique’s. DrT is outraged… Quique not so much. He can understand Paloma because of what he himself is going through with Flo. Paloma is very thankful of Quique. The lie does not have to last long, only until Elisa marries Gael.  DrT wants her to tell Gael.  DrT sends Quique and Paloma ahead to the consultorio, he is expecting someone else. Paloma begs DrT.
Flo(cute maternity dress) arrives at Castanon procesa and is blown away that ‘Elisa has created all this from nothing’. She wants to see Quique, convinces the receptionist to let her wait for him in his office.
Elisa and Gael are walking around Valladolid, Gael is excited to tell her how all the region has been working on restoring the old churches and buildings, convents, etc and restored the plaza. They even built resort hotels by the cenotes.
At La Anita procesa, Gabino wants to talk to Dam. Dam says we have to talk about something serious. Gab brought him a cigar, a real good Cuban. Dam passes on it, I don’t smoke. Dam wants to cancel the contract with Gabino since Gabino has not been able to grow a single habanero. Gabino whines and blames the darn white fly pest. Says Alfie won’t let Dam cancel the contract. Dam says the one at head of the procesa is me. Gab says you can’t afford to lose another supplier. Can’t lose another supplier to Elisa’s procesa. Dam says not your problem. Dam asks are you so desperate as a farmer that you want to go back to work here as a simple employee? Gab says that’s not where I am going. I don’t want to be employee, want to be your associate. Dam says in this my mother is right, no one without the Arango surname will be at the head of this business. NOONE!.
II finally arrives at DrT’s. He is very charming and cuddly with her, she does not seem so engaged into it. She came without suitcases. She cries, still with sunglasses on, came to say goodbye, can’t leave Gabino. DrT disappointed… II says Gabino discovered her when she was about to leave with the bags.  She tries to make him swallow a ‘I don’t love you as much as I thought’ lie. He knows she is lying, he ends up grabbing her and taking her glasses off. He is mad, grabs her, yells at her to not treat him as an imbecil, she is afraid of Gabino. Now she says she does love DrT but is very afraid of Gabino. DrT whispers he will kill Gabino with his own hands. II looking away and down is smirking, (that is what she wanted all along).
Out in fields somewhere Gabino and Orange Ho… Gabino swears to OrangeHo he will kick II out of his hacienda. She will stay at LaErmita though. OrangeHo says that is not good enough. She knows too much about her, saw the plane tix. Gabino says II can’t spill beans because she knows he would not like that. But II will stay at LaErmita because it is convenient for him. II is untouchable for OrangeHo.
Ramona arrives at Castanon procesa. Also ends up heading to Quique’s office. Flo is sitting there. They both figure out who is the woman in front of them.  Flo says ‘finally got to meet the town witch’. ‘not a witch but I am old and savy, you can’t deceive me. You are not pregnant.
Alfie arrives at BeGoneYa’s supposedly to try to scare Quique into not looking for Flo anymore, but BegoneYa in true form spills that Paloma is expecting Quique’s child… Alfie seems to consider that even better than whatever she had in mind.
Back at Castanon procesa… Flo keeps in denyal, Ramona keeps saying ‘I know what I am saying, because I can compare you to another woman I know who is indeed expecting a child’. I don’t know of man’s medicine, but I do know what my mother learned from my grandma. (Flo doesn’t let her touch her belly… LOL!!) Ramona says ‘you better talk to Damian before I do’.
Previews:  Quique proposes to Paloma, BeGoneYa says ‘over my dead body’. Gab points a gun at Gael. Elisa and II nervous outside. Flo tells Ramona the one she will have to hide above anyone else is Alfie. (VO: But Dam suspects something)


Marta, thank you for wading through tonight's episode and keeping us afloat by sharing the good bits. Your title is absolutely perfect, so much filler we are going round and round. How I loathe extended telenovelas.

I loved he little face-off between Carmina and Ingrid. Gotta give II props, she doesn't back down easily. I hope it doesn't prove to be her undoing.

Was the info about Remedios working at the ProCe news to us or had we heard it before? To me it felt like a new part of the story, but I might have forgotten.

Marta, thanks for the terrific an detailed recap. More tomorrow, I can barely keep my eyes open.

MARTA...if you check in here, look in your email box, both regular and spam, because Melinama will be sending you posting privileges so you don't have to go through Sylvia or Vivi.

marta - Thank you for the recap. I'm glad you weren't washed away by hurricane Isaac. I appreciate the recap since I won't have time to watch this mess of an episode.

I love it that Ramona told Flo "you are not preggers." Squee!

I wonder if Quique and Paloma will end up married? Poor Enrique, he really needs to leave town and meet better women. I'm holding out that Flo will come clean and end up with him.

Oh, Marta, such a silk purse out of a sow's ear of an episode. (Or maybe it's me--after the good stuff on Refugio, this TN is just DRAGGING).

I see an anvil growing ever larger, falling, falling....Irritating has managed to tick off the wrong folks and knowing Carmina, she's not going to let II go quietly into that good night. And poor, clueless Doc. T is caught in the middle.

Now that Pathetic has become such a pain in the butt, I really don't want her to hitch up with Qui Qui.Actually, all these young 'uns should just call it a day, and look for all new partners. Noone fits with anyone.

Love Alfi's "I'm never wrong". Wow--that takes some ego to say that. All about you huh? (By the way, Dam , that chick you REALLY love, she kinda, sorta is the same way...just sayin').

Marta: Your humor and terrific writing made this interesting and fun despite the very frustrating content. I laughed out loud at "this hot mess practically recaps itself". Thankfully, we had your skill and expertise to make sense of all of this.

Ah, the Tovar men. I love Enrique. I'm buying a round of drinks for everyone at his table. So kind... I do fear however for the dear Doctor's life. Intelligent in his craft yet failing miserably in life, he chose the 2 worst, most heinous women. Ever. I fear Ing will bring not only Gabino's, but his downfall as well.

And Ramona? C'mon. The person blessed with more common sense than anyone else couldn't see through Paloma's pathetic lie? Completely out of character. I had to smirk though - at least she gave Begonia a scare! She's onto Flo but has blinders on with Paloma? Not 'buyin it..

doris and daisy, I thought for the first time that Pal and Enrique were going to get married. Elisa and Dam will likely be together, and that leads me to wonder what is going to happen with Gael...



Muchas gracias Marta. You made this episode seem way more interesting than it was. I was quite happy with that scene between Flor and Ramona, with Ramona telling her she's dry/barren-- dry skin, non-shining eyes, just dried up. Meanwhile, Paloma did kind of look like she was glistening all over. Glistening hair (too much product), glistening eyes (too many pathetic tears), and glistening breats! Uhm...what was up with wearing that cleavage-baring dress to ask the Tovar men to lie for her? Did she do it on purpose? Not like either of them noticed that. The Tovar Men (suckers) fold to any woman with tears in her eyes. No need to look further down.

Was I the only one shocked by Paloma's gall to ask them for such a big "favor?" And then she said she "had" to tell her grams Quique was her baby daddy! Had to? Really Paloma? It just shows how nice they are that Quique and Doc didn't call her on that b.s.

How many more episodes in this show? It was originally 250 half hour episodes -- which would make 125 hour long ones. But they are not announcing ultimas semanas yet. Anyone know more?

Thanks for this excellent recap, Marta. Great job.

Maybe it was the Pimm's Cup with fresh strawberries and raspberries, but I really enjoyed last night's episode.

The encounter between Ingrid and Carmina was delightful. I want more of that. They both had hair issues. At one point it looked as though Ingrid had to fish one of her tendrils out of her mouth. Those two and Horacio all need hair help.

I don't think that Ramona buys for a second that Enrique is the daddy. I think she just wants someone to take responsibility and since Paloma has fingered Enrique... so be it.

Even though not much happened last night, a lot of wheels were set in motion. I'm really looking forward to the next few days.


Maybe Sabrina really *was* performing a valuable service with her hair salon -- since she's been gone, it's chaos!

Anon, it looks as if we'll be running through the end of October now. I don't think I'm going to be starting any more TNs unless they're in the can before they start their U.S. runs. Ugh.

Thank you Marta. There must be something about the cenote that flattens Damian's hair. It was flat again when he was talking to Ramona.

Carmina has killed 2 people. They say it gets easier after the first one. Is Ingrid her next victim?

What a terrific job, Marta! Thank you!

Interesting that Dam witnessed two strong women weeping -- his mother and Ramona -- and a) was surprised that they had feelings(!) and b) was unable to offer any solace.

This might make sense if Dam were a naive 20-something. But here, as in other places, Zepeda's actual age works against him and makes him look especially insensitive and self-involved.

I am a sucker for travelogues so I loved the trip to Valladolid, especially with the "What not to wear" opportunities.

Anyway, as Carlos said, not much happened definitively last night but lots of wheels were set in motion.

What we learned last night:

Enrique learned he IS the father!

Carmina learned she can kill Ingrid if she wanna but her secrets will still come out

Florencia learned she can't fool the town witch

Gabino learned if ya last name ain't Arango, you can hit the road

We learned Damian does not smoke

Dear Sara,

I am so sad that you are unable to continue with your Monday snarkfests. I can't tell you how much I Iooked forward to your unique take on our friends in La Ermita.

I knew you were struggling with the scheduling and I guess I held hope until the very last minute ...

You are absolutely one of the funniest, sharpest-witted, hardest working recappers these pages have ever seen. And my God, you're a Spanish teacher!

Your golden bullets have traveled with us from Avocado Pits to Passion Pits. (I won't even mention Sweet William in a kayak).

Please say you will stick around to comment from time to time.

And I'm counting on seeing you recapping on whatever madness follows this.

Hoping you are safe and well and have been spared the craziness of the storm.


daisynjay, love your "(By the way, Dam , that chick you REALLY love, she kinda, sorta is the same way...just sayin')." You nailed it amiga!

Ooh Carlos, you always drink the yummiest cocktails. I seem to be stuck in a rut that includes cute little paper umbrellas and back scratchers for swizzle sticks. (OK, there are worse ruts, I know.) So Diana, I'll have a Blue Hawaii please.

cathyx, I think Carmina is probably thinking that Ingrid is EXCEEDINGLY inconvenient. If I were Ingrid I would be cautious.

Anon207, when this is all over I will definitely miss your superb lists.

"We learned Damian does not smoke"

Sometimes a cigar is only a cigar. But not this time.

Novela Maven, I hope Sara sees your kind words. Nobody can do bullet points of hilarity like that woman can. I miss her already! Sara will continue the Amorcito recaplets as much as she is able.

Rightnow I'm writng from the local library. Our computer is on the fritz again. Hope Marta sees the notice that Jane has sent her posting privileges.

JudyB I will follow up with Marta. Thank you for helping out with this.

Marta, I am 100% certain that your recap was way more entertaining than the actual episode, so thanks! I don't feel as if I've missed a thing. :)

I can totally picture your "dance routine" between Ramona and Begoña. Two steps forward, two steps back! I'd be afraid of Ramona, too.

Thanks Sylvia. I have never had any luck sending her emails and getting a response, so I do need you to follow up. That's great to know. Muchas gracias.

Great job. Thank you.

So, who could smoke that cigar after Gabino fondled it in strange places, ran it under his nose - just a little too close, rolled it over and carressed it.

Q: Does he have to put sex into everything.
A: Of course.

And, did you check out how he cornered Naranja in front of the car. He raised his leg, put his foot on the hood, and she was cornered. Very original.

Haven't watched the episode yet but now that I know Gabino is acting up again (thanks Pasofino) I'm looking forward to it.

Computer privileges at library about to run out. Have fun everyone. And thanks Marta for the excellent recap and hope, between me and Sylvia, that you get the notice that Jane has sent you recapping privileges.

I could possibly do the recap but I won't be able to submit it until late morning, pacific time.

Thanks, Marta! Great recap as always.

How is Proce La Anita so desperate for money? I thought Alfie had a private fortune that made the business account look like spare change. Does she just not want to invest more of her own funds, or is she secretly not really as rich as she pretends? Or does she just enjoy putting the screws to Damian and watching him struggle?

Paloma is really bugging me. She HAD to claim the baby is Enrique's?! She had no choice? But after Elisa and Gael are married, then what? Surprise! I am seriously concerned she is going to give Padre Loopy heart failure.

Marta, thanks for translating this episode of our Passion Pit, you bring such good clarity to our slurry speaking characters!

Did anyone else see a little of our Alfonsona in Dam when he said, "Your name needs to be ***ARANGO*** to work [in management] here at La Anita!" 
Get a grip Damian! You're morphing into your mom! Besides, the way Rosendo lived, anyone in town under 35 might  be an Arango. 

Oh my goodness, Dr. T was knocked senseless by shinny, out of shape Augusto, he doesn't stand a chance against Gabino. I'm not sure I can even watch that fight, just the sounds alone will be horrible! 

Julia, I so agree with you on Paloma!

Sara, if you are managing a peek here at night, thanks for your recaps and try to come back if just to comment....we miss you. 


cathyx, your timing works for me. Cynderella doesn't usually post until Saturday sometime, so we would still only wait one weekend for the Monday recap. Shoot me an email at sseaberg[at] and we can work out the posting details.


I agree Damian is turning into his mother. They are well cast and well acted as mother and son. Not only do they look very similar, they also are both very tense and pinchy with a certain deliberation and restraint in how they move, and they speak in a measured, articulate way with the same currents of sarcasm and disdain. But he is also starting to aquire her bitterness and snobbery.

Yep, we kids need to be aware of when we start turning into our parents, especially when we start exhibiting those traits we don't like. I remember the first time someone told me "You sound just like your mother." What an eye-opener. Luckily my mother was a wonderful person, it's just that I never thought I would be her if you get my meaning.

In Dam's case it's interesting because he spent so much time away from her.

Sylvia, I just said today that I fear that I am turning into my mother and my husband was silent!?!?!    I have to tap back into my real self and soon! 

Julia, usually serous scenes in this novela are humorous, but seeing well educated Dr.T and Enrique agree to Paloma's request (demand) was astonishing!  My mouth was open so wide, I'm sure a fly or two drifted in!!!!

It's not enough to try and understand Spanish here, you have to decipher hieroglyphics to post!

Agree, Sandy. They looked slightly aghast as Pathetic, and I summarize, states:

( Oh,QuiQui, I just had to lie through my teeth since I hate when my grandmother thinks she knows it all and didn't want her ratting on the real father, who I still pine away for in a really unreasonable manner, and chased after pathetcially. Ask you father, I never get any work done at the office."

Doc T if you remember nods quietly.

She continues:"So I just had to lie, it willruin your reputation in town, and make you look foolish, especially to all those employees at the new factory you are working at. But not to worry, I'll spring the truth after the wedding and you'll look even more foolish. But the writers promised I'll still come out smelling loike a rose in this show even though I'm a horrible example to young girls everywhere.Work for you?"

Qui Qui: "Okey dokey. Got nothing better to do since Flo dumped me."

I need an industrial strength beanie for this TN!

Dear Marta:

Thanks for the recap! I love the 'Ring Around the Rosie' reference. The Flo/Ramo dance was the best part of the show.

I wonder just how long the FakeBaby plot can survive. With Ramona on the trail, I suppose it could be Ultimas Semanas. She never tells anybody anything in a timely manner.

OK all, I am taking bets. How much longer does Flo have with FakeBaby? I will wager 4 Tomato Nefrazos that even these monkeys with typewriters can only hold out for 10 more episodes—I say by Epi 130 Flo will be dropping the fake basketball out of her wardrobe. Of course, no cheating if you have watched ahead.

Thanks again Marta!


Sylvia: "Luckily my mother was a wonderful person, it's just that I never thought I would be her if you get my meaning." Yes, I do - stated perfectly. Ditto for me.




I am so sad to hear that school duties will keep you from recapping. I have loved being on this team with you.

Do let me know when you are offering the "Golden Bullets of Snark" course. I will be there. Come back to us and comment often!

I miss you and hope you are well and safe through this terrible storm.



Sylvia, Sandy, Julia:

Me to daughter: I don't want to turn into grandma.

Daughter to me: You are grandma.

My TV listing shows this show at 10:00 instead of 9:00, and no Amor Bravio at all tonight.

Thanks for the recap Marta.

ITA w/those of you disgusted by Pal's latest stunt.

If Paloma turns into any more of a screwed up scheming basket case, Doc Tovar is going to feel compelled to have an affair with her, just like Begone feared all those months ago.

Lol, you guys are hilarious!!!

cathyx, thanks for the schedule info.

On another note, has Gabino been stealing Chente's clothes? Could that shirt have been any tighter?

Julia, I think Paloma is probably safe from Doc Tovar until she kills somebody.

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