Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Amor Bravío #3-4 (Uni 2) Tue 8/14/12 GREAT EXPECTATIONS

Alonso continues to pressure Camila for an answer to his proposal and goes so far as to nuzzle her playfully.  She is sooo not into him!  She throws her head back in exasperation and he takes that to mean yes and showers her with kisses.

At the main house, Don Daniel tells Agustina he doesn’t have to explain his actions (about Agatha).  In other words, MYOB!  She leaves in a huff and Don Daniel wonders how she can react this way after so many years.  Padre Baldomero supposes this is how women behave when they’re in lurve.   Daniel scoffs at the idea that Agustina could possibly be in love with him.  She’s his late brother’s wife!  No matter, says the Padre.  She’s been a widow for almost 25 years now.  She was a good wife but fell in love with Daniel after her husband died.  Daniel says she fell in love alright, with that botarate (idiot, madcap), Ximena’s father.  She married him and he made her life miserable and left her in ruins.  Padre can only agree but reminds him that back then Daniel was married to Amparo.  But since Agustina’s divorce and Amparo’s death, Agustina has fallen in love with him. 

Santiago, Chile
Miriam finds Daniel going over those photos of his mother with a man he doesn’t recognize.  Miriam remarks that his mother looks very happy.  As happy as he’ll be with the news she’s about to give him.  Daniel is despondent and doesn’t think anything will make him happy.  She’s not too sure about that and whips out the pregnancy test, telling him they’re expecting!!  He’s overjoyed at the news.

Rancho Malquerida
Camila breaks the news to her mother that Alonso wants to marry her.  Agustina considers this happy news.  Alonso es un gran partido (great match), quapo, hard worker, and trustworthy.  After all, there’s a reason he’s the ranch manager, not to mention her tío’s personal dealings.  Camila is clearly not happy.  She agrees about Alonzo’s good points but she wonders if she’s ready to get married.  Agustina feels she’s ready and has a right to happiness.  Camila’s not so sure about that.  She still blames herself for Luis’ death.   This ranch and the passage of time may have helped her some, but she cannot forget the accident was her fault.  Agustina tells her she shouldn’t continue to punish herself.  What happened was God’s will and it is now His will that she be happy.  And that’s why He sent Alonso, a man who loves her and patiently waited until she was ready to be by his side. 

While Agustina is praising Alonso’s qualities, he is on the phone with his mother telling her everything is going according to plan.  Mamá, who is shown at an angle so we don’t see her evil face, is glad this marriage will finally take place and will benefit them greatly.  BWAHAHA!!!!

Back at the ranch, Camila wonders if she’ll ever be the same girl she once was.  Of course, says Mamá.  She wants Camila to promise to give it a chance with Alonso, he’s worth the risk.  She urges her to marry him.  Camila admits she’s already said yes.  They both laugh at this while Camila tells her he’s coming Friday with his mother to ask for her hand.  Agustina congratulates her daughter but we can see that Camila may still not be convinced. 

Agustina later calls Ximena to give her the good news.  Ximena could care less and says she may not be in Mexico in time for the wedding.  During this conversation Ximena meanly points out that Camila is only her sister by her mother, but not her father.  Agustina is understandably upset by this and asks her not to mention her father.  Thanks to him, they’ve had to live on the charity of Tío Daniel.  Ximena doesn’t feel her father’s to blame.  Agustina’s living at Daniel’s by her choice.  Aside from not being in Mexico, she may not attend the wedding anyway because weddings bore her – as much as the ranch.  Agustina is certain Camila will be happy now.  Ximena reminds her that she’s said many times that happiness doesn’t exist, only happy moments.  So don’t come telling her that Camila has found happiness with that Don Nadie (Mr. Nobody).  That does it.  Agustina’s angry now and tells her she has to cancel everything in order to be at Camila’s wedding, or else. 

Camila and Tío Daniel are walking around the pasture (the bulls are safely behind a fence).  He understands her reluctance to fall in love, based on what’s happened to her.  But she shouldn’t hang on to the past.  He remembers her depression when she first arrived, her low self esteem.  Slowly she recovered and look at her now!  Taking the reins of her life.  She notices that he seems to like Alonso a lot.  He admits that yes, Alonso’s a nice man.  He’s very grateful because thanks to him, she’s smiling again.  She tells him she doesn’t owe her happiness to Alonso.  She owes her happiness to Tío Daniel.  Thanks to his affection and love.  Most of all she credits his intelligence in offering her the position of veterinarian as her motivation  He points out that she did it mostly because she loves animals as much as he does.  She tells him she’s proud he was successful in creating this breed of bulls and happy she was able to contribute her part in fulfilling his dreams.  He tells her nothing would have been the same without her presence in his life or at this ranch.  He truly loves her.  She jokes with him and tells him she respects him.  They laugh and she tells him of course she adores him.  He’s like a father to her and she’s grateful for everything he’s given her.  He feels the same for her.  She’s the daughter he never had.  They embrace in a bear hug.  Awwww.

Elsewhere, Alonso and his mother, Isadora, are sharing in an embrace of their own. * We get our first glimpse of Leticia Calderon.  My, but she plays the villain so well. *  She’s so proud of her son.  Alonso says it was 2 years of hard work.  Camila may seem easy, but it was difficult to convince her.  Mommie Dearest thinks Camila is an insignificant drama queen.  No matter, after they get what they want he can divorce her.  Alonso tells her that may not be necessary.  It was difficult, yes, but romancing Camila was no sacrifice for him.  She warns him  to be careful.  Love can make him vulnerable and he can’t afford to lose his objectivity.  Camila is only the means to justify the ends (el medio para llegar a nuestro fin) and he’d best not forget that.

Dias Despues (at Rancho Malquerida)

The two families gather for La Pedida de Mano.  Agustina flatters Isadora, saying she looks so young.  Isadora, dressed a bit too provocatively, laps it up, sharing that her husband was always offended when people would ask if she were his daughter.  Polite laughter ensues.  Isadora goes on to say she’s only met Camila a few times and only knew them, Don Daniel and Agustina, from what Alonso told her.  She’s happy to finally meet them in person.  Let the games begin:  Alonso formally proposes to Camila by offering her a ring on bended knee.  She says yes.  *darn!*  Daniel notices the ring is an antique.  Isadora explains it once belonged to Alonso’s grandmother and is traditionally used as the engagement ring in their family. 

Chile (días despues)

Daniel and Miriam are jogging through a park as someone secretly takes photos.  Miriam is having a hard time keeping up with Daniel and he eventually leaves her behind to rest.  She confronts the “paparazzo” and struggles for the camera.  Daniel comes back to defend his wife and eventually wrestles the camera away and lets the paparazzo escape.  She doesn’t think he’s from around here, he had a Mexican accent. 


Wow, 2 weddings in two days.  Camila and Alonso are kneeling at the altar with Padre Baldomar officiating.  We go through the motions.  Camila looks happy, Momma looks happy, Tío Daniel looks  happy.  Alonso looks like the smarmy snake that he is and Isadora looks, well, EVIL!!  Outside the church, Camila tells her mom she’s very happy but disappointed that Ximena didn’t make it to her wedding.  Tío Daniel tells her she’s the apple of his eye and they again tell each other how much they adore each other.  As Isadora is greeting the bride, Cesar Evora makes his appearance playing Dionisio.  Alonso’s surprised to see him at his wedding.  He introduces him to Camila.  Isadora and Dionisio make a big show of not knowing each other beforehand (I’ll bet my beanie they do!) and they introduce themselves.  Isadora introduces him to Agustina and Don Daniel, who seems to think they’ve met before.  Dionisio assures him they’ve never met. 

Later Somewhere in a Bar,

Dionisio meets with Isadora.  He tells her it’s always a pleasure to see her ( I get to keep my beanie!).  Dion knows the three of them, Dion, Isadora, and Alonso, will make great partners and Isadora can only agree.  Of course for that to happen they’ll need Alonso to quickly get his hands on Rancho Malquerida by of his wife’s inheritance from Don Daniel.  They both know Camila will eventually inherit everything since Don Daniel adores her unconditionally and he has no other heirs.  Isadora’s heard tell that Don Daniel is not in the best of health.  Dion can only hope that’s true because they’ve already invested a lot of money on this project.  He toasts to their partnership and to her beauty. 

Rancho Malquerida

Don Daniel takes a call from the photographer in Chile who tells him of his failed attempt to get photos of Daniel.  It turns out he was able to get one shot of him with his cell phone and he’ll send that to Don Daniel. 


Kisses and smooches.  Camila thanks Alonso profusely for his understanding, patience, and his love.  He thanks her too and the canoodling commences……

Uh, oh – trouble in paradise already.  We come back later to the honeymooners and find that Alonso was unsuccessful in the canoodling business, if ya know what I mean.  He can’t stand the way she’s looking at him.  He knows she’s comparing him to that dead fiancé of hers!??!!  Oh no, it gets better.  Now he accuses our little darling of not being a virgin and sleeping with “el muertito”!  She refuses to answer him when he’s talking to her in this manner.  Alonso:  “This has never happened to me with another woman, NUNCA!  So save yourself the false humility.  Don’t you dare think you are better than me.  Never assume you are superior to me.  Maybe you should worry that you were unable to awaken the man in me.”  QTH? And poof!  Just like that, he leaves Camila bewildered and impactada.   Camila follows Alonso outside.  He refuses to talk about it and leaves her standing there. 

We later see Camila alone in her room in bed and she begins to cry.  Meanwhile Alonso is in the bar and flashes back to his attempt to make love to his wife and he gets angry again.  A young cutie comes by and asks if he’ll buy her a drink.  Ruh roh!


Daniel and Miriam return from shopping for baby things.  She’s still worried about that photographer and he tells her it was nothing.  He might’ve been one of those guys who likes to take candid  photos, whatever, subject closed.  The only important thing now is their baby that has come to help him overcome the sadness he’s felt since the loss of his mother.  Miriam consoles him and leaves to make some tea.  As she walks away we see there’s blood on her pants.  He tells her and she begins to cry as he tries unsuccessfully to console her.   So, so sad.

Rancho Malquerida

Agustina talks to Don Daniel about wedding photos as she gives him some meds.  He tells her that between the wedding and the good news he’s just had, he’s very happy.  He’s not ready to tell her his good news yet.  They talk about Ximena not coming to the wedding.  Agustina hasn’t spoken to her yet.  He’s disappointed she couldn’t make an effort to attend her sister’s wedding.  She’s a bad seed, just like her father.  It’s as though she takes pleasure seeing Agustina suffer.  Agustina doesn’t wish to compare Ximena to her father.  Ximena will soon suffer the consequences of not attending the wedding.  For now, she will not get next month’s allowance (ouch, tough love).  Don Daniel read my mind saying he’s sure she’ll continue the monthly allowance next month and every month thereafter, enabling her behavior.  He doesn’t understand why Agustina feels she’s to blame for Ximena.  He finally gives up the discussion and looks at the wedding photos.  He comes across a photo of Dionisio and again mentions he thinks he knows him.  Agustina finds him enchanting and Don Daniel isn’t so taken with him.  She accuses him of finding fault in everyone.  He disagrees.  When he gets a bad feeling about someone, there’s usually a very good reason and no one knows that better than her!  When she decided to marry that tipo, he warned her that he was only after the money his brother Humberto left her.  And that’s exactly what happened.  Agustina admits it’s true and he never tires of repeating it.  She’s very regretful she didn’t heed his advice but there’s no sense in looking back.  He tells her she should learn from her mistakes instead of avoiding them.  For example, he feels Agustina would rather be here than with Ximena and reining her in.  Agustina gets angry and asks if he’s truly concerned about Ximena or is he saying she’s no longer wanted in his house.  If that’s the case, then she’ll leave now – para siempre!  Don Daniel tells her to calm down and not be such a drama queen -- she knows this is her casa.  She disagrees, saying she’s just an arrimada (freeloader).  Therefore, when Camila returns from her honeymoon, Agutina plans to move in with Ximena in Monterrey.  *I’ll bet Ximena will be pleased as punch to hear that*  Don Daniel tells her he has a lot to thank her for – she’s taken charge of the house for many years, she’s become part of his family, and if he says anything about Ximena it’s just that he feels she’s making a mistake with her.  She reminds him Ximena isn’t like Camila.  She doesn’t take advice from anyone.  That’s why Agustina came to live on the ranch with him and Camila, but if he no longer wants her here, or doesn’t need her, she’ll understand.  He tells her of course he still needs her.  He tells her he cares for her as a sister, as his brother’s widow, as Camila’s mother (notice he doesn’t mention Ximena).  She cries that this isn’t enough for her!  She always hoped one day he’d see her as a woman!  Daniel is dumbfounded.  He doesn’t understand how she came to have these expectations of him.  He doesn’t believe he’s given her reason to believe he could fall in love with her but he’s very sorry if that’s the case.  She feels she’s been very stupid to have ever believed he’d ever forget that woman who stole his heart and make her his woman!  Yes, she is truly stupid (her words, not mine).  She walks off crying and Don Daniel sits there shaking his head.  


Good news!  Ultrasound shows the baby has a strong heart beat and everything seems to be fine.  Doctor recommends she take it easy but there shouldn’t be any problem going forward.  Yay! 

Luna de Miel Amarga

Alonso finally returns.  Camila doesn’t respond when he calls her name.  He climbs, no slithers, into bed next to her and asks for her forgiveness.  She pushes him away asking how he expects her to feel after the way he treated her.  He tries to explain how badly he felt about what happened (or didn’t happen).  She tells him that doesn’t justify everything he said to her.  He begs her forgiveness and repeats that this had never happened to him.  She believes him.  He starts to act crazy, saying he had so looked forward to this night, to making her happy.  She cries and asks him to stop.  He thinks this means she hasn’t forgiven him.  She assures him she has and suggests maybe he just embrace her for now.  He nibbles on her shoulder and he still has that crazy look in his eyes.  Really creepy scene.


Padre Baldomero is surprised  to see Don Daniel so early at 8:00 mass.  Don Daniel has come to learn more about Agatha.  Padre fills him in on what Amanda has told him  (we still haven’t met Amanda).  It turns out that Agatha only remained with her husband a few months after leaving.  In fact, he wasn’t even by her side at her son’s birth.  Don Daniel assumes this proves this is his son.  Padrecito tells him not to jump to conclusions.  The only proof will come with a paternity test.  *hey, padrecito’s on the ball*  He also heard Daniel turned out pretty good.  He was a good son, has been married now for 2-3 years, and is an expert in computer technology.  Unfortunately, he’s now suffering financially because Agatha’s illness cleared out his savings.  Amanda also told el Padrecito that Amanda never stopped loving Don Daniel.  After so many years, no man could take his place.  Don Daniel concludes that neither the distance or death can erase one’s love.  He knows because the same thing happened with his love for Agatha.  Padre Baldomero is beginning to regret having told him anything.  On the contrary, says Don Daniel, this news has moved him to make a decision, one that will change everything for everyone, for young Daniel, and even his beloved Camila.   Don Daniel is determined to have young Daniel undergo a DNA test.  Padre warns him that young Daniel may not even be aware of the relationship between his mother and Don Daniel, saying he even carries Agatha’s husband’s surname.  This could ruin his life.  Don Daniel disagrees.  He plans to offer him such a good job that he won’t hesitate to hear him out.  Once he’s here, he’ll fix it so he can determine whether or not young Daniel is his son. 


Abraham, Miriam’s brother, has come to congratulate them on the baby.  Daniel is on his way out for a job interview – he’s got to improve their financial status for the baby’s sake.  Both he and Abraham leave.  Once alone, Miriam calls Dante asking him to help her set up life insurance policy with Daniel and the baby as beneficiaries (ruh-roh).  She makes him promise not to mention this to Daniel.  He’s the type of guy that insists of taking care of everything himself.

Luna de Miel Amargo

Camila and Alonssssso arrive poolside.  Alonso accuses a young hunkalicious guy of eyeing his woman.  He pushes the offending hunk into the pool and creates a scene.  A bouncer shows up and eventually everyone calms down.  Everyone but Alonso.  Camila can’t believe what’s happening and tells him the guy wasn’t even looking at her.  He accuses her of defending the hunk, then turns around and accuses her of flirting with the guy.  She’s fed up and leaves him standing there shouting after her. 

Local Restaurant

Don Daniel visits the local restaurant and asks Natalia for help him open his e-mails (he fractures the word “mail” – so cute). 

Showdown in Monterrey

Ximena is predictably outraged her mother is expecting to move in on her in Monterrey.  Agustina reminds she’s the owner of that there apartment and Ximena best understand that while mommy’s paying the bills, she better follow her rules.  “Uh-uh, no way” says Ximena.  “It’s too late to come telling me about your rules.  Need I remind you that you abandoned me to run after Don Daniel? If your plan failed, that’s your problems.  As for me, you’ve already lost me!” Bam – she hangs up on her mother!

Don Daniel’s offices

I’m assuming this is his office in town.  He mentions that with Camila and Alonso both gone, there’s no one to help him and he’s lost with all this computer gibberish.  We also learn he rarely comes to the office and Alonso takes care of everything.  *hissssssss* Natalia has a problem booting up the computer so they have to use Alonso’s laptop which he’s conveniently left on top of his desk.  She fires it up and successfully opens up Don Daniel’s e-mail.  She leaves him alone to review his e-mail.

He settles in but notices a file entitled “Desarrolo Turístico Dionisio Ferrer” ( a tourist development under Dion’s name!).  He realizes Alonso’s a traitor who’s aligned himself with Dion to take everything from Camila.  Well, he will not permit it! 

Luna de Miel Amargo

Camila is looking over a balcony down to the waves hitting the rocks below.  Is she thinking of jumping?  Alonssso suddenly appears, chastising her for leaving him talking to himself.  She tells him not to cause a scene like that again.  Alonsso responds, “or what?” (yeah, real smooth).  She tells him she doesn’t know what’s going on but she doesn’t like this side of him that’s she’s never known before.  He tells he if she hadn’t provoked him, everything would be fine.  She denies provoking him and says his attitude is making things worse.  He takes that as her way of throwing it in his face for what happened last night (or didn’t happen).   Suddenly he begins to manhandle her, telling her he’s asked her a question!!  She tells him that if he can’t get over what happened (or didn’t happen) last night, then maybe they should just cut the honeymoon short and return to the ranch.  He pulls her back sharply and they stare into each other’s eyes.  She looks very scared as Chente croons, “Porque estoy anamorado………”


Oh no!  Don Daniel has a heart attack!  But not before penning a new will, leaving everything to Daniel Diaz Acosta! 


Nice of Don Daniel to leave Camila "protected"...or not...

Good work, Paquita. Slithers is definitely the correct description for that scene.

What a reptile. Did anyone else notice the evil eyes? Impotence is the perfect interim punishment for this predator.

I love Dionisio's entrance. He reminds me a little of Lord Henry Wotten in The Picture of Dorian Grey. He is the devil in disguise; I think his beard should be a little pointier.

Anyone else notice Isadora's nail polish? Metallic but grey, like a reptile. I personally only wear metallic or pearl-colored polish,, but this one matches the evil eyes she wore in the avances.

Paquita-wonderful recap. Like your name for Alonsssso. He does slither. He is one whack job. I agree with UA he has the most evil eyes. Like crazy X3. This actor did a character on PVAA that had the same jealous streak but not the crazy. He is doing a good job here.

I feel so bad for Camila. I thought for a minute Alonssso was going to smack her or throw her over that cliff. He keeps the crazy in check on the ranch though. It seems the crazy comes out when he is alone with her.

I like Don Daniel, very sweet man. I really like how he protects Camila. It's good he found out about Dioisio. Speaking of which he should be wearing a Van Dyke on that face, that is pointy and would so fit.

I noticed Isadora's nail polish. I don't like that color either. I like soft pastels, in the french nail style. I like her hair though. It so fits with this character.

Oh, Ximena I can't stand. Agusta should cut her off with the money and make her work. She is a spoiled brat who needs a wake up call. I like what Agusta told her though. It's my place, deal with it. Let's see if that happens.

Daniel and Miriam are so sweet together. It seems like an anvil is just hovering there.

Oh, I meant Dionisio, not Dioisio, lol.

I came in late after enjoying a wonderful prime rib dinner. Almost lost the meal, as I joined at the point of Alonssso in bed with Camila.

Thanks for the recap.


I can't understand the blonde layer over the dark; it looks so cheap.

"Insignificante"? Isadora must think that all women are nothing compared to herself. That's too familiar for anyone not to notice.

I'm itching to know what she did to Alonso that contributed to his little problem.

Two more things to love from this episode:

-- Miriam has a female doctor
-- Miriam has the guts to confront the stalker

Thanks, Paq. Well, it seems that AlonsNO has been doing some false advertising. The little weasel reminds me a little of Tony Randall ...if Tony had been a creepy reptle. I thought the shoulder biting at the end of this episode was especially creepy. Que the hell was that about ?

Excellent recap.

This is a weird telenovela right out of the gate. Already trying to figure out the deal with Daniel and Camila. Are they related. Isn't Daniel, Tio's real son. What is up with Alonso. Is he gay, weird, wife beater, nuts, or is this all an act. Some kind of punishment for stuff that hasn't been revealed. And, Camila...are we to believe they have been hanging around for two years and she hasn't once glimpsed this nut bag, mommies boy let along engaged in "canoodling." And, what are her reasons for marriage: it's time, it will make Mommie happy, it will make Tio happy. I know it is early on in this telenovela but this one should have come with a starter kit or instruction manual.

Fabulous job Paquita! AlonsNO really let the crazy out, didn't he? They haven't even been married a day, and already he's being a jealous abuser. Run Camila, RUN!!!

I think this will throw a big wrench into Mommy Dearest's plans, as she would like for sonny boy to be as cold and calculating as she and Dionoso are about the fleece and dump Camila plan. I don't think AlonsNo will ever let Camila go, as obsessed as he already is with her, and now more so that he hasn't proven he's a "man" to her.

Urban- I also liked the Miriam had the guts to confront the photog for taking pictures of her man. She really went after him. I like the fighting spirit, but it will probably lead to the tragedy they have shown us in the previews and bumpers for this tn.

What reptile did Isadora sleep with to produce Alonsssso?

We have not heard much about the (presumably late) Senor Lazcano. She had one line about him that suggests that he was much older than she.

But then again, komodo dragons are capable of parthenogenesis.

Already trying to figure out the deal with Daniel and Camila. Are they related. Isn't Daniel, Tio's real son.

This is what I understand so far:

Augustina married Don Daniel's brother who I believe is Camila's father.

Don Daniel's brother died and I think left Augustina a large sum of money. Some scumbucket wooed Augustina, married her, produced Ximena and scammed Augustina out of her fortune.

So Don Daniel is Camila's uncle but not Ximena's.

Apparently Don Daniel did not have any children with his wife Amparo, but did have an affair with Agatha, who is Lil Daniel's mother. But she went back to her husband who is Lil Daniel's father on the birth certificate.

So Lil Daniel may or may not be Big Daniel's son. If he is, he would be first cousins with Camila.

So I'm going to say that either Camila was NOT Daniel's brother's daughter or Lil Daniel is NOT Don Daniel's son after all. The only TN I've seen where first cousins mated and procreated was Manana Es Para Siempre where Santiago & Aurora got together and were expecting before it was revealed their fathers were brothers. By that time it was too late to shut that relationship down because they were already expecting.


I forgot to add, Alonssssssso is Don Daniel's lawyer and he and Isssssadora know that Don Daniel has no other blood heirs except Camila*. That's why they worked so hard to get Camila to marry Alonsssssso, so they can take her fortune.

*But what will happen to that marriage once Don Daniel kicks it and it's revealed he left everything to Lil Daniel and nothing to Camila? Alonssssso would have married Camila for nothing. LOL (which is why Don Daniel changed the will).

I think that Ana Cristina and Alejandro of Yo Compro Esa Mujer were possibly second or third cousins, but they didn't know each other growing up.

Something will happen to demonstrate that Camila and Daniel have no blood relationship.

AlonsNO - perfect name for this reptilian leftover. He is really nuts. He is obsessed with Camila's money, takes orders from mommie (who obviously intimidates and emasculates him) and has absolutely no stones whatsoever.
Typical tn fashion to blame the victim (Camila)for his impotence! Couldn't happen to a better guy. He is creepy and hard to watch. Not liking the actor in this role so much.

I think Camila is so emotionally wounded she isn't listening to her intution right now. I wish she were stronger emotionally.

Ximena - can we excise this horrible wart, right now!

I like Don Daniel. Let's hope he can set things right (even if it might be from the grave).


Like everyone has said, Alonso is a major creep. Scary, gross, dangerous. Mommy Dearest has definately emasculated him. He can probably only "perform" with girls he considers un-marriable, or someone his mother hasn't forced on him. Although he is a bit thin, and he did look a bit effeminate in that outfit at the hotel. It was only a light blue hoodie and white pants, but c'mon, look at the difference between Cristian de la Fuente in yellow pants on his honeymoon - nothing effiminate about him at all.

Also - Augustina. I'm so tired of seeing this actress play the same role over and over and over. The downtrodden, mistreated, victim, trying to help her children have a better life than she has had, but in the process condemning them to the same or worse. Lucero's mother in Alborada, Saul's mother in LFDD, and I think there was another - and now this??? Talk about pigeonholing!

Thank you Paquita! Nice, detailed recap that I needed. I am trying to get into the groove of this time slot so I go to bed early and watch it in bed, but both nights I have dozed off.
UA - about that blonde on top, dark hair below look... That has grown on me. But now I am seeing all these girls who intentionally dye their hair in a style that looks like their roots need touching up. It is called HOMBRE.

Poor Sylvia N's characters. That is 2 for 2 shows I've seen her in where the wedding night took a horrible, cold turn.

Rosemary la Otra

Anon- That was another actress in LFDD (much thinner). This actress was in CME as the happily married bff of the older lead actress. She played a manipulative, bad mother of the galan in En Nombre del Amor.

Anon, she was Sebastian Zurita's mother in En Nombre del Amor where we first saw Leticia Calderon strut her stuff as a villana.

Rosemary, I had no idea that had a name... one that suits this situation because she is more man than her son!

Although the two actresses look a lot alike, they were both in Alborada and En Nombre del Amor. In Alborada, this actress played Lucero's mom, as you mentioned. The other actress (the downtrodden mom in LFDD) played the mother superior (sister of the galan's bff). In ENDA, this actress played the horrible/controlling mother of the galan, and the other actress played the shy/uptight Church lady who eventually finds love via a secret admirer.

Is Augustina "Inez" from CME?

Paquita this was great. AlonsNo is snake that slithers.

Wow, I can't believe how creepy AlonsNo. I give SN credit and acting kudos b/c the actor is so icky I wouldn't want to touch him.

It's brilliant that Don Daniel is going to foil the scheme of the baddies.

And thanks so much UA for the intro epi. I can't wait to find out how Daniel and Camila won't be related. Perhaps he won't be Don D's son after all. Or we'll find out Don D and Camila's father were not blood brothers but raised as such - just guessing.

RlaO- Yes, she was Inez in CME.

Thank You for a nice Recap Paquita. There were very few people in the 2nd wedding unless they intentionally decided to make it just a private "Family" wedding.

And yes. I wanted to say what you all said already. This guy Alonso is a real whack job. My God, the dude is nuts. Poor Camila has to put up with this on her honeymoon. Other "nuts" are seemingly normal for a time but this dude is a crazy one right out of the gate.

He also has a lot of nerve running his mouth at random people. As skinny as he is, I would have broken his face if he pushed me into the pool (though I would have to restrain myself from killing him since I have specialized training for fighting). The guy he pushed was much bigger than he is and I thought he would fight back. the can press assault and battery charges against him. The bouncer was a bit weak. They should have ejected Alonso from the premices.

Kudos to Miriam being opbservant. Not a lot of people are observant and I wonder what made her notice that photographer unless he was so bad and so obvious that anyone could see him. They should not have let him get away. As for Don Daniel, he should have hired a much better Private investigator. One who is very discreet that private citizens DO NOT notice you.

I think it is very bad business practice for Don Daniel to rarely visit his office downtown. I don't care if you have the most trusted person in there, you should make your presence felt by actually holding office hours there. That way you eliminate shenanigans like the dealing with Dionisio. I see it is part of a device to set up the conspiracy plot so i'll play along and perhaps use the Beany. 8-)


Thank you, Paquita!

(Nitpick: the hair color mentioned earlier is actually called ombre. Though it'd be a lot funnier to call it "hombre," depending on who's sporting it.)

Alonssssso...for some reason he reminds me of Francisco from Destilando Amor, only in a smaller package and with concentrated crazy (to save you money!). And damn if after one and a half episodes (I missed a chunk of this one) I don't already want Eduardo Yanez to just run into a scene out of nowhere and punch him in the face.

Great recap, thanks. So many of my favorite actors. Dee Dee

Thanks Paquita for a great recap. This is one strange TN so far.

That noche de boda turned into one pesadilla. Poor Camila needs to 1) have this nightmare anulled and 2) find a good divorce lawyer ASAP.

At least Ximena has Alonso's number - 'Mr. Nobody!

susanlynn - too funny. I also thought of an evil Tony Randall. Alonso is scary, creepy!

And if Daniel and Camila aren't cousins, maybe something else is going on here, like one of them being the child of Dionisio. Big D was in the family photos and maybe was romancing Agatha.


Muchas gracias, Paquita, for an excellent recap, including some much appreciated vocab.

I loved your comments about Alonso. Yesterday, I (and many others) described him as a snake, and "slithers" is the perfect word! Unfortunately, he's so over-the-top awful that it's hard to believe that Camila was willing to marry him and (ugh) sleep with him. I couldn't bear to watch the two of them in bed. Even though I'm used to TN stupidities and implausibilities, I couldn't tighten my beanie tight enough to accept this marriage. It's not as if he swept Camila off her feet and then revealed his snake self after the wedding. At no point did she seem interested in him or attracted to him. For me, this really spoiled the TN. It would have been easy enough to make a more plausible situation. I don't understand what the writers were thinking--or not thinking.

I'm also more than a little surprised that Don Daniel has apparently changed his will to leave his estate to Lil Daniel without even knowing whether he's his son. And what about Camila, whom Don Daniel supposedly adores? Who/what is going to protect her from Alonso, whom Don Daniel now knows to be a traitor?

All these implausibilities and we're just two days into the TN. Arrgh.ypolves

Paquita - terrific recap. Thanks to your detail, everybody's starting to fall into place for me.

Como se dice "annulment"? Camila, run don’t walk to an attorney.

Anon @ 12:41 - I agree that Alonso can probably perform with women he deems unmarriageable. I'm thinking he got it on with the chick who asked him to buy her a drink.

When they started up in bed, Alonso said something about waiting for this moment with Camila for so long (even though he married her for the dough), and didn't seem to agree with his mother about divorcing her when they get what they want. He was overwhelmed by Camila and is just plain nuts. Kudos to the actors for the intimacy they brought to the (non-performing) bedroom scene.


Wonderful Paquita! Thank you.

I think Snakey Alonso is a psychopath. If Camila's mother says 'he aint so bad' I want Camila to reply: well you live with him anyplace else but here.

Thanks for the great recap Paquita.

Alonso....Oh, I see. A female version of Cynthia in LQNPA. OK. I'm going to watch this novela anyway because it has too good a cast to pass up.

This is a guess: Daniel is not the biological son of Don Daniel.

Camila can get a double annulment on the grounds of Alonso's impotence and his possible refusal to see a pro about it.

Thank you Paquita. You are new to me as a recapper, and I enjoyed it very much.

The actor who plays young Daniel is also new to me. I haven't watched any of his previous work. He is so very hunky, how did I miss him?

Christian de la Fuente's last two TV series before this were in Chile and he's also acted in English. His previous Televisa series was the 2009 version of Corazon Salvaje which was not a hit mostly due to the producer and to the public's feelings about this story being done again when the 1993 version was so perfect.

He did give a good performance in it, though, and looks wonderful in period clothing.

Let me just piggyback on this by adding that Christian de la Fuente also guest starred in Fuego En La Sangre as a would be love interest of Sofia. He also competed in dancing with the stars here in the US.


Excellent title, Paquita! Definitely tracked with you re: the snide asides and sidebar comments! Personally, I'd have never looked twice at that smarmy-looking cake-pop on a stick! Camila was one hard up broad to have ever dated the dude, let alone agreed to marry him! I just don't see it! I had to tighten my beanie and turn the dial up a couple notches on the antennae to even make it through the wedding…and that bed-scene??? OMG!

On the other hand, you've got Mama and double-dealing, oh so debonaire Dio as a duo. MMMMmmm. Sorry, but CE is enough to make me want to cross over to the dark side in this one!

Susanlynn: ditto the creepy shoulder bites!

Cesar Evora is about as slick as they get. When he is at his best weight he reminds me of Marcello Mastroianni, with a hint of Sean Connery (as they were in the '60s).

Niece: "I'm thinking he got it on with the chick who asked him to buy her a drink." ITA and thought that's why when he came back to bed he was so "frisky" after Cam told him to just hold her instead.....

UA: I can see what you mean about CE!

Paquita, thank you for the excellent recap that really captures the episode -- details and atmosphere. Lots going on already! And so many good comments.


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