Saturday, August 04, 2012

Por Ella Team is Experiencing Summer Scantiness.

Hi friends, As you know we don't really have a full team for Por Ella and due to summer shenanigans we're in trouble at the moment. I am going to be in Cincinnati and unable to blog Monday; Ezra is in Canada and I'm not sure he'll be home in time to blog Tuesday; Jim is at guitar camp and will not be blogging Wednesday. It IS possible Ez will get home in time, but I don't know, because I'll be gone when he gets back. ideas?


I should be able to do something short for Wednesday night. And I'll do Friday as scheduled.

For the other nights, we can leave it open and then if someone doesn't post something (or at least say they're working on it) by a certain cutoff time that seems reasonable to everyone, we can put up discussion headers.

Except, I can't log in when I'm at work, so the cutoff time would have to be like 8:30 am (ET) or whenever I leave for work if I have to leave earlier. Or someone else can post the discussion headers at the Appointed Time. Whatever. We'll find a way!

Thanks for the heads up, Melinama. It seems like a group post, with people contributing as they can, has worked so far. Paula has been quite consistent in sharing--could we ask her to start the post? Any fans can chime in at will.
La Paloma

How's this sound?

Julie has already taken Wed & Fri. If anyone wants to recap other nights, great. Please post your intention here.

For the remaining nights, I'll post a discussion header at 9 PM Eastern. People can discuss the night's show there.

I'm on Pacific time, so I'll see it later than everybody else.

I have the recap for Friday 8/4 it is on it's way. I forgot it was my Friday to recap as Julie and I switch off, every other week. It will be up on Sunday, probably before noon. Just wanted to let y'all know.

I would volunteer for Thursdays but I do the recap for Refugio on that day.

Thanks, Paula!

I would offer to help but I have not been following the novela :(

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