Friday, August 24, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #99 Fri 8/24/12 Luci doubles her business revenue and the CL hearing begins with lots of animosity and one sickening dumb dude‏


Lo Refrito:
Paz and Luci, have to thank God for each day.
Luci tells Paz today is the hearing between Don Max and my papa. I want to pray for him.
The hearing begins, Max waltzes in very confident… Claudio walks in, stops to look toward Max directly in the eyes, not quite angry but very firm/serious.

Lo Nuevo:
Rod to Pato: today my dad will be able to prove Linares is a felon. (how stoopid can he get?)
Judge begins the hearing requested by CL to reopen the case he was sentenced to 20 yrs for.
CL will try to show his presumed innocence and get restitution for damages.
CL says loudly he wants to show his innocence in front of justice and society and to show that Max accused him of something he did not commit.

Rod comments to Pato that CL came with all his weapons to try to demerit mi papa. Pato has a more clear and fair mindset, says CL spent 20 yrs quiet and now is willing to sing it all now.

Judge says the statement CL made is very serious. IF his statement is proven false, he could get a sentence of 6 mos to 3 yrs plus a fine for repair of damages done by false accusation. (Max asks Oscar to take note of the grounds for countersuit against CL).
We have a series of statements and accusations and objections retained/rejected by judge.
Oscar has an opening statement. Their intent: to prove that the sentencing of CL 20 yrs ago was fair and correct.  (Rod again comments to Pato that his dad has always been a fair and honest man…. Ehem! Excuse me while I go barf in the hallway… talk about shallow headed)

At Het Het…
Paz, Magda and Luci talk about the hearing. Luci is visibly nervous. Paz comments that if it is all cleared (CL is innocent), RosaE won’t know what ostrich hole to hide her head in and will have to confess that they invented the whole scam against Luci’s dad.
They comment briefly about the house CL wants to buy in town to be close to her and baby.
Paz asks Luci if she will move in with him, Luci responds ‘not unless you kick me out of here’. (nice!)… AARRRRRIAAAAAAHHHH!!! Aquiles has come to talk business with Luci.
All three women stand to face Aquiles. He insists he brought a proposal that is convenient for her. He wants her to lease him the lands that she owns (the ones Galdino had) to farm them again. The women just send him packing without even listening to more.

Back to the hearing…
Judge asks Barrera to ensure that he has enough proof to justify re-opening the case where CL was already sentenced to 20 years for. Barrera insists he does have enough evidence.
First the video .. (Aldo shows up, and Max gets angry waving him to sit down)… he asks the jury to compare the image of the man on the video to CL. He asks CL to stand up on top of the judge’s desk (nah, jk, he asked CL just to stand up).
Pato comments to Rod that it is evident the guy on the video is not CL. Rod again comments it must have been his accomplice… (UGH!! Someone hand me a skillet to whack this guy over his head so he will use his brain!!)
Barrera states firmly that the video shows CL was not the man at the bank in Germany.

At TL manor, RE is very nervous. Releasing some tension with Mati… who plays floormat.
What if CL is innocent?
What if he is?
Of course he is NOT!! He betrayed Max. And if Max had not noticed, who knows where the TL family would be today!
So if, as you say, CL is guilty, what is it that worries you?
CL is very smart. With his innocent face(con su cara de que no rompo un plato = with a ‘I don’t even break a plate’ face) he could convince the judge to declare him innocent!
If he is guilty he won’t be able to prove the contrary, but if he is innocent, that will be good for him!
Don’t know what side you are on. Go away.

Connie seems to be getting a very nice new contract with a new business owner looking for a location (Lic Vallejo). She hangs up and closes the laptop very happy. Gets a call from Julie, who is digging for details on the hearing. Of course we all know CL is guilty, no? Connie asks Julie, if you were in his shoes, wouldn’t you do the same? Julie pokes her: Do you believe CL is innocent? Connie avoids the question saying none of our business. Julie changes subject saying RE is surely with Padre Honesto praying this whole trial is over soon. Because if Max turns out to be responsible, what scandal! Would RE be able to handle that??

Back to hearing…
Oscar tries to argue that not being the guy on the video does not clear up CL of ANY responsibility. He presents letters and memos signed by CL, supposedly to and from his ‘partner/accomplice’ to show their relationship and that they worked together!... (BUT!! Oscar does not mention names [we know he means Pedro Campos as the accomplice], so what is those documents proof of?  We don’t have a name of an accomplice?? HMMMM!!! Anyone with more legal experience, feel free to jump in because I am confused about his memos/letters evidence brought by Oscar). Oscar argues CL needed an accomplice to avoid showing himself on the videos and having an alibi. Rod turns to Pato ‘point for Oscar!’ (who made him the judge of this game to tell what is a point for whom?)

At Gala’s magazine offices, Gala had ordered that the press interview ONLY Oscar and Max. NOT to interview CL. (of course to avoid having CL use the press to promote his innocence). Valentina keeps goofing off making comments and making Gala very annoyed. They talk about how long the early pregnancy sickness lasts. Valentina mentions that Gala’s baby will be the second heir of TL since the first is Luci’s baby. Gala almost eats her alive warning her not to tell Marcos or Gabriel about it. Gala admits Rod does not know Luci is preggers yet. The later he finds out the better for her. Gala gets even more annoyed, "What do you mean? That if it were not for baby I would not be Mrs TL?" "Well, if the shoe fits, I am not telling you anything you don’t know." If looks could kill… (I ask: Why does Valentina stick around Gala?)

At Het Het, Namurachi (not sure if I got it right, but it’s the girl who brought her the news she had won the prize) arrives to tell her they need to double up the order and also they will need it the sooner the better because they are getting orders for her work from overseas, they even will send some to Washington in U.S. to be part of an exhibit there) They are all excited (Paz, Magda and Luci). Paz suggests Luci ask CL for help ($$) to expand the work area. Ariche comes in and hears them refer to CL as Luci’s papa so Luci has to explain. Very nice explanation of her story and her feelings as ‘I am lucky to have 2 dads’ and ‘now you have even more people who love you’. Ariche approves CL as Luci’s dad. Very lovely scene.

At college café table, Hana has a cold, Boris is miffed, Hana gets a msg, Genaro is there to pick her up, Boris whines to Lula of Hana’s behavior with Lorenzo.

Fabian already picked up the bike and the basket, but these boys don’t learn, they are back in the corner by TL manor selling the tacos… Hana stops by on way home with Genaro, she wanted to apologize to Lorenzo, he apologizes as well. Lorenzo notices she is a bit congested. Fabi gets annoyed since Lorenzo has eyes and head only for Hana. Hana asks Genaro if he wants a taco. They want to pay and Fabi wants the $$ but Lorenzo does not let them pay. ‘Even with your red nose and all you still look very cute’… (nice line Lorenzo, just don’t say that in front of Boris…)

Estelita’s… Ofelia is looking for jobs in the paper, she comments to Estelita that she learned some English while in the U.S…. Estelita suggests to work as companion for elder people. Lastra comes to Estelita’s with flowers for Ofelia.  Estelita has heard about him. He tries to play nice, brought flowers, but he learns Ofelia has a daughter and is visibly disappointed.
Ofelia turns down Lastra’s offer to return to NFERNO… Estelita says ‘you heard her, she won’t go back!!!’ … Lastra, who by now was looking for a reason to getoutadodge, leaves…

At the police quarters, Marcial gets only another week and a half to finish his report on the money laundering and tax evasion charges on the NFERNO. Boss tired of his ‘almost done’.

At hearing… Judge has accepted the video as proof for CL as long as the man on the video comes to testify as witness. Oscar wants to ride that boat saying ‘without the presence of the guy in the video the supposed innocence of CL is in question’. Barrera immediately objects and the judge approves the objection because Oscar had no reason to make evaluations that are not his to make. Pato comments ‘one point for Linares’. Melissa comes in and introduces herself to judge as Linares collaborator, sits on CL side, to the disgust of Rod and Max, the confusion of Pato, Oscar and Aldo and the delight of Barrera and CL mostly. (one for the good guys!! Pato is quietly observing everything and does not seem so sold on Max’s story.)

Judge states the video is proof FOR CL AS LONG as he can prove that the individual in the video has no relationship to him whatsoever.

Oscar calls CL to the stand. Oscar admits CL is not the man on the video, but comes up with the statement of a bank account of CL’s that shows a deposit of 3,000 Million pesos and asks him to explain. CL says he did not know that money was there until he was detained. Judge asks who ordered that arrest. Judge Diaz del Olmo. Judge states that judge is already retired. And notes to CL that re-opening the case might put in question the honor and prestige of Judge Diaz del Olmo. Claudio and Melissa look a bit concerned. Oscar and Max smirk satisfaction.  CL says there were not enough solid evidence to take him to trial. CL enumerates his evidence: 1) the video..[ judge dismisses it until he finishes his evaluation]. CL says there are other things that were not available 20 yrs ago so he could not bring them up to prove his innocence. Rod remembers when he saw CL and Luci in the car and thinks ‘I wish he never came out of jail’.  CL insists the evidence to jail him were fabricated so well that there was no doubt of his guilt, and that they were a trick to get him out of the company and that he has not been treated with justice.  Oscar seems to deliver a speech that sounds like closing statements, but it is still part of CL’s testimony. Oscar paints CL’s acts as an act of vengeance, Barrera objects and his objection is rejected. CL insists all he wants to do is prove his innocence. He already fulfilled a sentence of 20 years that was totally unfair.  Barrera brings in the evidence of the plane tickets that show CL and his wife were in Prague on vacation at the time of the fraud transaction. (Rod turns to Pato and keeps talking crap about CL being abusive, unscrupulous, who stops at nothing to get his way, then ‘salio el peine’ [the truth comes out] says CL is using all this to separate him and Luci and to try to conquer her for himself. [the boy does not learn, ANOTHER SKILLET WHACK FOR HIM!!])

At Het Het… Paz comments to Magda that Luci will move out and she will end alone. Magda says even if that happens, we all live right by each other… so it doesn’t matter.

At TL Manor, RE is pacing around with Mati, very nervous. Mati insists CL is convinced of his innocence and is just trying to prove it. RE says CL is wrong, if he already paid his sentence, what does he want to prove his innocence now? IF judge says he is innocent, what good does that do him? Mati says if CL is innocent, Don Max would owe his children many many explanations.

At Het Het funeral home.  Procopio keeps feeding the ghost trip on Ariche, Ariche visibly nervous.. so cute!...  Luci calls CL’s office but no response

The plane tix and travel agency report are accepted as evidence of CL’s location.
Barrera submits CL’s credit card statements showing he made transactions at Prague while the transfer was happening in Germany. Noone can be in two places at once. Barrera reminds jury that it was impossible to do transactions over internet or any other way than by personal appearance at the bank offices.

Luci, Paz worried about the # of vases they are asked to make, how will handle the demand.

Procopio comes with a package from Don Serapio which has a huge frame with a lovely picture of Rod and Luci the day they got married… such lovely smiles of the two in pix.

Previews: Everyone: ‘what will happen if he is innocent?’ …’Are you afraid, Max?’ … RE scared stiff…  Rod confronts Melissa: ‘are you with my dad or against him’ … VO: A time bomb is about to go off!


Marta- Thanks for getting this to us so quickly. It also looks like the trial will also go quickly, but I wish CL and crew could track down Campos.

I also wanted to hit Rod over the head with a skillet, many times. His beef with CL has everything to do with Luci, and nothing to do with this case.

Melissa looked nice and grown up with her straightened hair and business suit. That was a pretty bold move to come and declare herself on the side of CL in front of the family.

The photo was so lovely, but poor Luci just can't escape from the memory of Rod for a second, can she?

Continuing the discussion on Brando Peniche and his versatility-- I looked around this evening to find clips from some of his other three tns. He was in the teen-focused tn Verano de Amor a few years back. In this scene in the first episode, he's horsing around with his best friend (who happens to be a girl), he's in his boxers, and he totally doesn't get that his friend now has the hots for his fine self, and for that reason refuses to sleep over as she used to all the time since they were seven. He's young, but definitely has sex appeal. Those who watched Llena de Amor will recognize "Gretel" as the best friend. And the next scene has "Kenia" from Abismo.

The Brandon scene starts in min 4:28:

Wow, Marta, great recap!

I can barely stand Bodrigo, I feel like borrowing Vivi's skillet and giving him a few well placed Whacks of my own. How is it possible he and Pato are related?

Pato has to be the best tn character ever written, Brandon Peniche is fantastic in this role. His facial expressions display every emotion he won't allow himself to say out loud. I loved how he used his wheelchair to advance on the evil Rosalena in yesterday's episode as he spit out all the truths he had found out about her... she looked terrified, as though she was seeing the wrath of G-d coming for her to take her to hell. Great scene!


Too funny Marta-- Whack away!! And then we'll stand in line and take a turn. What a dweeb!. It's like Dumbass can't think for himself, whatever Max, Rosa or any other unscrupulous party feeds him, he just buys into it. And that stupid hug again. This must come from having a mother who never showed affection.

I could go on again on how wonderful Pato is--I mean he THINKS!! You could see how he was really listening to all the facts and noticably wondering what was with Melissa going to CL's side ( and probably remembering she won't set foot in the house anymore). When he puts two and two togther it won't be pretty.

Julie and Gala do realize that if CL is found innocent, that could cut a bit into their free meal ticket? And the betrayal of Max to his kids could drive a wedge between Dumbass and father? Not sure they fully get that. Anyone else think differently--curious.

Mati-Rosa---don't care. Can we just eliminiate these scenes? If I hear Mati's Mi nina one more time....

Lorenzo--naturally smooth. Janna is a goner. And they actually look cute togther. (Loved the driver jumping at the chance for a taco!)

So Luci's growing popularity of her pottery--wondering if it might lead to articles that the family will see and she will gain some fame as a local artists. That should have steam coming out of Gala's ears--can't call her a "domestica" when that happens.
As Luci and CL gain respect and wealth, Torreslanda's will go down. Sweet!!

Excellent recap per usual.

As dramatic as it was when Melissa walked in, it would have been awesome to have been followed by Luci and Archie. Archie would have brought the house down if he had asked Rod the dumb as a rock "are you going to take Luci's bebe for a spin in your plane."

Where does Rod think he is, a debate. And, does he think Pato has suddenly lost his hearing that he has to offer a running commentary.

Oscar, having been kept in the dark by Max, seemed ill prepared. But will CL win. Me thinks it is too early in TN land for this to happen.

Thanks SuperMarta. Well done as always and with your very special Marta-whack-him-with-skillet (I presume this is Emilia's famous iron skillet that she uses on Mike) lines for our dumb as rocks Rod.

I'm right there with Anonymous 9:46 am, every time Mati says Mi niña in that whingey voice, I just want to scream.

The scene with Ariche was so cute. And also rather sad, when he noted that Luci had two "apas" and he didn't even have one.

Thanks for whipping this out quickly. And hope all is well with your family.

I'm also hoping that the trial will be over by the time I recap...trials bore me blue. Just like business details. Oh well...

Great recap of an interesting episode. I always watch "In Session" so I enjoyed the court scene. Mexican legal court is quite different from US court I guess. I love the Gagme scene with her friends. Valentina reminds me of my religion textbook in grade school. The one that has a girl with the red devil on one ear and the white angel in another ear. They take turn to whisper and the little girl's heart turns either black or white depending who she listens to. Valentina for me is the little angel or Gagme's good conscience ( if she has any). And so do they work in Gagme's magazine too? Wouldn't it be fun for them to surprise Gagme with a feature regarding the Artist, Luciana in her upcoming appearance in New York?

giIf we are going to use a skillet to whack the Dumbass lets make sure it is a 12 inch cast iron one. Anything else won't penetrate that block head of his. I can hardly wait until he finds out the truth about CL and Luci. I'm hoping that when he snipes at Melissa on Monday about being a traitor she will dump the whole thing on him.

Pato definitely thinks. It's obvious he has some serious doubts about his much loved Papa but i really feel for him when he finds out the truth about his adored mother. He sees through all her manipulation and blackmail but the truth of what she really is will be really painful for him.

Yuck Lastra showing up with flowers but must say i enjoyed the disappointment when he found out Ofelia had a child. He so creeps me out.

I don't like dragged out trial scenes either and Oscar was taken back with the Prague evidence. I thought he might be beginning to think that good old Max has lied to him all this time. Actually a lot of people are starting to wonder except of course the blockhead.

Another vote for removing the words Mi Nina from our vocabulary. All novela have some phrase or words that are repeated enough to feel like water torture and this one has several for me - mi palomita, domestica, me nina.

I don't see why Val hangs with Gagme either. She is constantly being put down and fed a cookie like a dog. She is a little dense at time but who needs the abuse.

Actually I'm starting to worry about CL. He needs to get those papers naming Luci his heir and daughter signed in case anything happens to him. I want her to have his name and money and the fame she will get with her pots to rub Gala, Rosa and the Dumbass face in it (I'm so not a nice let bygones be bygones type).

Hey Decie Girl...glad to see you back. We've missed your discussion points.

The wonderful thing about Val is she keeps on blurting out the truth (as opposed to Julie and Gala's skewed version) and no amount of screaming ever seems to shut her up for long. Yay for Valentina...she's the polar opposite of cringing little Matilde.

Luci's pots are going on display in a museum, so any she make for sale will have to bring a nice peso or a few thousand. She's going to need a factory.

Claudio does need to make provision for her, but we all hope nothing happens to him.

Rod the Clod still doesn't know she's pregnant and that Claudio is her father. That will be quite a double revelation because I don't think Pato is going to keep this from him.

Great recap Marta--thank you. Loved your line, if CL is innocent,Rosa won't know what ostrich hole to hide her head in.

chispa---Yes, two brothers--so different.

daisynjay---GREAT ONE--As Luci and CL gain respect and wealth, Torreslanda's will go down. Sweet!!

Decie Girl---Yes, I agree. The skillet must be a gig heavy one.
And yes, I would like Luci to rub their [Gagme,Rosa and DumbA$$] faces in the dirt at some time in the future but I don't think that her sweet forgiving character will allow her to do that.

Now my comment. Remember, this is only the first trial or part one so to speak. This one is only to declare CL's innocence. The next trial or part two will be to get back the company or part of the company that Max stole from him. When he wins that one, I think that things will get violent. Max will not go down easy. We saw a portion of his dark side with the way he treats Vicky. I believe that Claudio is in or will be in BIG danger. I can't see this novela ending with everyoue living happily ever after. If Claudio goes down, Luci will be hurt deeply but I have seen enough novelas to know that they don't always end the way we want them to--sometimes the good people suffer. I hope that this isn't the case this time but I'm afraid I see it comming.
the gringo



I quit watching a couple of weeks ago. This novela has pretty much avoided the worst of TN cliche's and has been extremely well written and acted but I accidentally and I do mean accidentally stumbled on a brief note that indicated it might be taking a turn in a direction i don't like so i decided not to waste time being disappointed. However i did keep taping and then couldn't resist a Refugio marathon and i'm back in the groove and ignoring what might happen

Well, glad you couldn't resist and are back with us. We always fret with someone in our community disappears and you always have such interesting and strong opinions!

Marta, thanks so much for your recap. Loved your running commentary about clobbering Brain dead boy.

The Gringo - while anvils of doom do seem to be hovering over CL and sometimes Pato, I would like to believe that after 20 years of false imprisonment, they wouldn't let him die at to the person who set him up but I know this is a TN and they don't always let all the good guys win.

Brandon Peniche has been extraordinary in this such much so that I am willing attribute a great deal of his performance to his skills and not the writers.

I'm a little worried about Pato now that his other thinks he's an enemy. Not that she'd kill him necessarily, but who knows what she's capable of? I think even Jesus is going "WTF?"

Pato needs to get his own place, and maybe hire a full-time helper. maybe Valentina? Then they could go around being all honest and pissing off everyone. Fun!


Vida2, great idea!
Wouldn't it be fun for them to surprise Gagme with a feature regarding the Artist, Luciana in her upcoming appearance in New York?
how about they assign Gagme to do a report on that exhibit of mexican artwork in Washington and she drags Rodrigo with her and they notice Luci's work there and it becomes the 'star of the show'. Gagme would still have to write the report and if Luci's work is the highlite, maybe Gagme won't know it is HERS until after it is too late ... but Rodrigo will know... since he had seen Luci's work... wouldn't it be great to see Gagme's face to find out who she wrote about in her own magazine? LOL and i can see Rod saying something like 'you didn't ask me if I knew whose work it was!' with a grin in his face.


Decie Girl- We've missed you and glad you came back. That's the thing about spoilers, it can spoil the show for you. Best to avoid them. When I look around for info on cast members and such, I always keep an eye out for things that look like they're approaching spoilers and then look the other way. NovelasLounge is good for finding info on things like ratings and extensions without plot spoilers. That's how I found out this was extended by like 50 episodes! I have never seen writers extend a tn by that much and not have the plot suffer. So far they've managed to keep things moving along, but I'm sure they'll start dragging things out at some point. Doesn't matter though because now I'm invested in these characters and want to see what's going to happen to these characters. Unlike some other tns I'm watching, I really like many of these characters: Luci, Pato, CL, Paz, Magda, Lorenzo, Hannah, Ariche, Oscar, Melissa...I even like Rod (the Jerk!). And I want to see Rosa, Gala, Julie, and Max fall. No way can I give up without see how it all unravels!

I am a lawyer and tho I know next to nothing about the Mexican legal system, I was surprised to see a jury [of 8 people]. Could be totally wrong and I didn't research, but I didn't think Mexico had a jury system. I certainly don't think there is a jury for criminal cases in Mexico, but maybe this is not so much a reopening of the criminal conviction as a civil claim like wrongful conviction or false imprisonment.
It also seemed odd that they all seemed to agree that Lic Lin was not shown on the video, but that that was not conclusive on the fraud, then a brou-ha-ha related to showing Lic Lin was in Prague at the time, which was basically irrelevant?
Anyway, maybe these proceedings won't drag on so much, but they got deep into it on Friday. I guess to show Rod's dumbo bluster and posturing, Our Pato's open-mindedness, and Melissa's beautiful taking of sides.
Thanks Marta! You had a tough one.


I hate spoilers, I'm not one of those people who reads the last couple of pages of a book before buying it or why bother. I was looking for something else when i made my error and since the spoiler was something from one of the predecessors of this one and one that I loathed I just sake screw it. But,, then i remembered how much i like some of the characters and i did miss coming here to share our thoughts so bit the bullet. I agree that a 50 chapter extension is almost always a ruiner. As far as i know this is still supposed to be only 165 chapters so am keeping fingers crossed.


Been thinking about Gala and Luci. It is obvious to me why Gagme would want a boy rather than a girl. The inheritance issue is at the forefront for Julie and insuring that they will have a lifetime access to big bucks. Gala wouldn't want a girl because a girl would be competition for her. She has to be the center of attention and a little girl would draw that away from her. As the girl grew older she would be direct competition for her and that wouldn't be acceptable.

I can't help wondering if she will even have the baby.She seems to be having a more difficult time than Luci and she has been sipping the bubbly. I was actually surprised she didn't head for the nearest upscale abortion clinic as soon as the idiot signed on the dotted line. It wouldn't be impossible to think of her faking a miscarriage.

While the Dumbass has a boat load of life lessons to learn Luci doesn't get a free pass either. Pas and Gardino may have done a fine job of raising her to stand on her own to feet and accept nothing she hasn't earned but they did a piss poor job of teaching her to be gracious. When she married Rod he naturally gave her a checkbook and credit card which she kept refusing. All she had to do was accept them and never use them. He was just a man providing for his wife so that she could get anything she needed. Granted he went overboard with the money to the family but his heart was in the right place.

Now she repeats it when her father wants to make sure she has a bank account and the ability to get anything she needs or wants for herself and the baby. What does she do - she refuses and she doesn't see that her actions hurt him and demean the pleasure he is getting from be able to help the child he thought dead. In my family that would be unacceptable rudeness.

Our Luci may be strong and self reliant but she is also immature and a coward. She hides out in Het Het. Yes, it is her land and her people and the big city is scary place with lots of very nasty people. Rod wasn't much help there since he never got how important her little corner of the world was. He could have gotten her a place with a little garden and not tried to hustle her into that gray tacky apartment designed by his ex. He could have gotten a house in Het Het for frequent visits and to let her gradually learn to acclimate to a new life but he didn't.

Claudio wants her near so that he can protect her. More than anyone else he knows what the TL's can do but she continues to think she will be safe with no one but a couple of women and a little boy to protect her. They couldn't even safeguard her from Don A**hat. Luci is going to have to grow up and enter a bigger world or else she will get on my last nerve and bug the bejeezus out of me like most novela protagonista do.

I understand what you're saying Decie Girl. There have been other decisions of Luciana that bothered me, which probably you liked...which also could be ascribed to immaturity (although we have to remember, she's only 19 and has lived a very simple life up until the death of Galdino and the kidnapping.)

I think she was much too much in a hurry to get a divorce. She should have let some time pass in order to see if Rodrigo could redeem himself and learn from the horrid way he handled that first challenge.If he didn't show change, then she could proceed to end the marriage. But by ending it so precipitously, she opened the door for Gala. All well and good if you don't still love the guy....but she does. However, since you hate Rod, that's probably a decision you approve.

Different points of view, but at any rate, her decisions right now, her pride in particular, are putting her and the baby in jeopardy

No doubt we'll both be wringing our hands for the new few months over our stubborn little gal, even if different events and reactions are setting us off.

Great recap, Marta, thank you for explaining some of the trial happenings which I didn't quite get.
Still don't understand why the mere bringing of the hearing to clear his name would put CL at risk of 6 more years in jail-because he accuses Max? And is the reputation of a past judge so important that someone shouldn't clear his name?
Rod's behavior is so bad that he really seems like he is not the galan in this story.
And, I do feel there is an anvil hanging over CL-Max is not going to take being cornered quietly.


Decie Girl- Totally agree that Luci's pride has gotten in the way too. She was too hasty to put a final end to her marriage with Rod. They could have both used the help of an outside third party counselor, like the Padre, who they both refused to listen to. Even Claudio told her many times to think about it before ending the marriage since it was clear she still loved the idiot. But Rod didn't help matters either. At every step where he could have made headway with her, he did or said something incredibly stupid or offensive that set her off and made up her mind to end things, run back home and not look back.

As for going back to Het Het...why not! It's way better than D.F. and there was nothing there for her any more. Even her artwork is easier for her to do in Het Het. In D.F. she was getting nothing but work at places like Inferno or as a domestica (drink!). She didn't find out she was a rich heiress until she got back home. I do think now she will have to acknowledge that D.F. has a part in her life. Her father and the father of her child are there. She's going to have tp go back, if even for short trips.

As proud and stubborn as she is, at least she actually gets stuff done and doesn't sit around and whine. That's the trait I hate most in other heroines. They sit around doing nothing and wait for someone else to do it for them. I am so excited that Luci's pottery is taking off.

Despite some of her more impulsive choices, the choice to move to Het Het was acually a good one given Rosalena. The woman is nuts and Luci is one who knows just what she is capable of. She's right to be worried. But yeah, I kinda hope they all move in together into the big house that Claudio wants to buy. If Rosa (or anyone) ever decides to confront her in Het Het, she's going to want Magda nearby. Is there room for Ariche and his (invisible) mother? The more the merrier (and safer)!

No way would Gala give up the baby. Despite the possibility of getting fat, which I'm sure she'll do what she can to prevent pregnant or not, that baby still represents a lot of money and another tie to Rod. SHE may think she'll never get a divorce, but she;s clearly not sure about Rod. besides, like Juli said, she can go the gym and pilates while the nurse and nanny care for the child. Lord knows SHE'S not going to. I'd be more worried about a real miscarriage and a fake pregnancy. And another baby-napping. Rosa has experience in this matter.

Yet another reason to stay in Het Het surrounded by everyone. Even Aquiles could help out here.

Why does he have so many canned goods in his office? Is Rosalena a sign of the coming endtimes that he needs to stock up for?


Thanks for the recap as the trial was a bit confusing for me.

What I'm thinking, they will all move in with Claudio in Pueblo (why do you guys call it Het Het?) Then Luci's current house could be a workspace for the increased production.

Katie- Melinama, one of the original recappers on this, and our Blog Mom, dubbed San Francisco el Alto Het Het. One reason is because SFEA is too darn long to type all the time. Het means the boonies/way out there in yiddish, so Het Het is like saying way, WAY out, which describes Luci's town perfectly.

Kelly- One of Aquiles' many businesses is goods supplier/importer for the stores in the town. That's why all the canned goods and boxes in his office and the stuff he was storing in Paz's house.

thanks for the 'legal' point of view. I too was confused by the use of the jury... but they did take the approach of 're-opening the case of the fraud' and not a 'wrongful conviction or false imprisonment'. Treating it as re-opening of a criminal case makes it more jury-prone than a business suit between two men (LInares and Max)... so maybe that is where they are going with that.
What I was outraged about was that Oscar brought in evidence in the way of letters/memos of Claudio Linares doing some 'business' with some unnamed man (I assume Oscar was referring to the guy on the video). IF there was no name identified with the man on the video, how could Oscar bring in evidence of memos/letters exchanged between Linares and WHOM??( or can they accept evidence of communications between Linares and ... say ... 'THE MYSTERY MAN'????) that really made me bring out the beany hat... BIG TIME!!
the whole trial thing and them interrupting the proceedings while Rod kept turning to Pato to tell him 'point for Oscar'...

ITA with you that the current judge putting THAT MUCH emphasis on the former judge's reputation just because Linares wanted to clear his name was totally out there. After all, as they stated at the end of the episode, the amount of evidence (mostly due to technology differences) was much less 20 yrs ago than what they can gather now... so the former judge was acting on the information he had at hand... now technology can allow lawyers to dig much more info and documents/evidence than before, so it is perfectly understandable that a former judge in the case decided against Linares. But why blame or restrict Linares to think that if he re-opens the can of worms the dirt might land on the former judge... that is LUDICROUS!!

Agree with Vivi that Luci had more reasons to move to Het Het than to stay in the city, not limited to putting distance with RosaE and the TL family, have more people around her at Het Het actually willing to protect her and her baby, and not having much to look forward to at the city... (remember when she moved she had no idea she was Linares' child so staying close to him was not in the list of 'reasons to stay in city').


OT: just posted pix of my mom's 80th bday bash on facebook. marta montalvo-ramos.

Marta - thanks so much for this great recap. I finally got caught up with Thursdays and this one. Loving Pato more as this TN goes on. Love how he is "standing" up to his mother and Rod and anyone else that thinks badly of Luci. I sometimes wish the writers would put them together, even though I am a big "Dead To Me" fan. He is still dead to me by the way.

Rosa is really losing it. I am afraid of what she is going to do. I little push and she will be completely over the edge.

Love how Fabian and Lorenzo got their stuff back and are on their corner again. Hopefully, Rosa won't see them again.

Don A will make money any way he can. I loved Kelly's statement about the end times, canned goods and Rosa lol.

OT-Thanks to all of you for praying for my husband. He is out of the hospital and doing much better. I will have to drive him around for awhile, but at least he is mobile and able to work half days. Thanks again to everyone, and especially to Vivi for covering for me. She is an angel. I will be doing my usual recap on Thursday. Thanks again.

Oh, I meant one little push, not I will push, lol.

Wish your mom Happy Birthday for me SuperMarta! I guess we should call her SuperSuperMarta.

SOrry Clara, meant you, not Sarah when i was commenting again on the funky legal stuff going on at that hearing.

Judy, yes she had a great time even though right now she has a cellulitis infection on both lower legs... she was all around dancing yesterday, nothing could stop her yesterday. she was having too much fun.

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Love that description of your mom Marta. She's my kind of gal..."Use it or lose it" and she's definitely using it. Hope she keeps on dancing for many years to come and that the doctors and some antibiotics clear up the cellulitis quickly.

It is funny how Oscar avoids mentioning the name of the guy on the video... even if Campos doesn't show up, they could be opening a huge can of worms for themselves because, if Linares/Barrera have not recognized the guy on the video yet, THAT would be giving them more information. And if Linares/Barrera dig the company documents or records, it would probably show that Campos dealt much more with Max than with Linares... so probably the docs Oscar gave the judge show Campos' name but Oscar was not about to share that info. Notice Oscar did NOT give Linares/Barrera a copy of what he was handing to the judge.
I love that in the previews Oscar is trying to throw a line that Max steps all over (Oscar: 'all that is left is for you to ask me to bribe the judge!' and in the longer preview in the internet it includes Max' response which i won't add here to avoid spoiling).
Certainly Linares looking at Max and asking 'scared yet?' is a fun moment on the previews too.


Happy birthday to your mom Marta!

Mads, it is wonderful to have you back with us, and to hear the good news about your hubby.

I'm glad your mom enjoyed her birthday, Marta,

Madelaine - so glad your husband is back home and happy you can join us again. I hope he recovers quickly.

Vis-a-vis the trial. I think the reason that the judge warned Claudio about facing the possibility of a return to jail if he can't prove his case against Max is because it would be slander.The same thing applies to any comments that would imply that the prior judge had acted wrongly. Claudio would be slandering the man.

In this country we don't think twice about saying anything we want to about someone. In many other parts of the world saying something about someone else with no proof is slander and it is taken very seriously. I think that is particularly true in Latin countries where one's name, reputation and honor are taken seriously. So Claudio has to walk a fine line and have plenty of proof or Max would have the right to sue him for slander and he be back in the carcel.

i can see clearly the slandering countersuit potential on Max's side.
But the one who wanted to know the name of the judge that had called for the trial 20 yrs ago was the judge himself. Claudio did not bring the former judge into this hearing/trial. the judge did. Claudio did not mean to use the former judge's name or reputation at all. Claudio does not want to point the flaws in the original proceedings. They have made it clear that they are aware that not all the evidence available now was available back then so he did not mean to put a spotlight on the former judge. he just wants to clear his name now that there is more evidence available. SO I don't see it as a direct finger pointing from claudio toward the retired judge.


You're right about the judge thing but in a way i think the current judge just wants to make sure that the line isn't crossed. In any event from my perspective it really doesn't matter who the judge was but some judges like to have all the T's crossed and the I's dotted. I think Oscar and max think he is on their side but may be and hopefully will be in for a nasty surprise.


I don't hate the Dimbass i just think he is a brainless fool. I also agree that Luci was too quick to file for the divorce but on the other hand at the great reveal Rod told her it was all over and he didn't want anything to do with her so she might just have figured why drag it out with a guy who won't listen to you. Up this point most of Luci's decisions have been based on other people. She was so naive when she married Rod she never even thought he might want to live in the DF and that her whole life would change. Now that it has she is still clinging to what her life had been and one she desperately wishes it still was.


So agree that Luci gets things done and doesn't sit around wallowing in tears and self pity. Initially going to Het Het was the right thing to do to begin to heal but if this story is to make any progress she has to make the choice of going back to the DF and face down Rosa. She is allowing her perfectly understandable fear of the woman run her life.

@Decie Girl...right you are, something will have to bring Luciana back to the Distrito Federal in order to keep the drama cooking. I'm sure the writers will come up with something soon.

normally i don't like extremes, but i agree. Luci needs to come back with a renewed confidence and an 'in your face' attitude, especially toward Rosa Elena and even toward Rodrigo. He needs to get a RUDE RUDE awakening, not only for how wrong he was but for the attitude he took and still is taking toward Luci and Claudio without proof or justification.

DecieGirl-so in Latin American countries slander is a criminal offense, as opposed to a civil offense (in the US)?


Emarie- I just saw some info that says there was just new legistlation at the end of the year in Mexico to decriminalize libel/slander in Mexico. Here is a bit of info I found:

"Since 2007, defamation, libel, and slander are no longer federal criminal offenses. However, at the state level, criminal defamation laws continue to be excessively restrictive and tend to undermine freedom of expression.In most Mexican states, defamation, libel, and slander are still punishable by prison sentences of up to four years...El Salvador is the only other country in Latin America that has eliminated defamation as a criminal offense."

Another bit of interesting info:
"Over 40 percent of prisoners in Mexico have never been convicted of a crime. Rather, they are held in pretrial detention, often waiting years for trial."

This 40% held in prison without a trial for years is the reason why all of our tn characters are always so in a panick to get their loved ones out of the local jail before the end of three days the local cops hold them before they are sent off to the big prison.

Yikes your research but how frightening to live in a country with those kind of laws. Once again, very grateful to be here with our liberty and our protection.

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