Saturday, September 29, 2012

Amor Bravío #35 (Uni 30) Fri 9/28/12 Imposters R Us: Mission Impossible IV Takes Shape

Capítulo 35

El Pasado
When last we parted ways with Camila and her posse, Issssadora had just flopped her ample and aptly, though poorly, camouflaged caboose (ala the latest in desert lizard) on a chair in the office of her defunct hubby’s notary; and she had told him that she planned on counterfeiting a phony will for her DIL and would be the one forging her name on it.  At the same time Daniel was left gawking at Amanda’s new boarder, Hench the Trench, cuz the guy’s huge scorpion tat had given him away as the same dude who’d broken into Dan’s apartment and who’d shot and murdered Miriam, his pregnant wife, consequently starting this whole nightmare that just won’t end.
Lo Del Nuevo
Natalie arrives to find Dan mumbling to himself that he’s going to kill that guy.  “--Who?”  “--That man out there!  He’s the guy who came to kill me and ended up killing my wife and child!”  She tries calming him down and making him see reason. He’s too upset to listen. “—But he’ll try it again!  You heard me!  He destroyed my life and he took from me what I loved most!  He’s going to pay for it with his own life!”  Nat wisely shuts the kitchen window’s shutters near the stairs just as Hench is going up them to find his room.  Nat again warns Dan to take it easy cuz if the guy sees him he’s likely to kill him (and all of them while he’s about it) right then and there!  Nope, he should leave by the back way and not let the man see him. 
Amanda comes back into the kitchen now and says Hench is her new boarder.  Ruh-Roh!  Dan’s heart goes flying into his throat.  Poor Amanda doesn’t understand till Nat explains that this is the gunman who killed Dan’s pregnant wife.  Amanda is drop-jaw impactada.
Back in Saloman’s office, Hisssadora is still giving Sal a piece of her mind, after remembering him helping her old sleaze-bag of a hubby, Eleazar, pass her off “legally” as Alonso’s mother when they all knew the kid was really the son of some slutty servant the old coot (now sterile and/or impotent) had been boinking a while before. “—He had a son from her and married me without telling me.  He tricked me!”  Sal reminds her that infant Al came into her life at such a young age that he’s always considered her his mother.  Issssadora has a hissy fit.  She screams back at Sal at the top of her lungs.  “—Well, I’m not!!!” (Wow. Who knew?)  Saloman, she reminds him, forged her name on the boy’s birth certificate, without her permission, so that the old dude’s bastard son could enter into “respectable social circles”. 
Well, says Sal, if you didn’t want to, why’d you agree to keep quiet?  Isssa, we see in flashbacks, was at least as young as Luzma and had no choice or the old pervert was threatening to punish her family unmercifully. He had her terrorized and cowed [sometida].  (Ya know, ya gotta figure something was already screwy with that marriage—and probably Issssa’s whole family--especially when they can marry her off to a guy old enough to be her grandfather!!)  Hissadora threatens Sal with reporting him to the police, ruining his reputation and his family’s good name (not to mention his eventually having to share a cell with some hardcore criminal in a Mexican prison and a name change from Saloman to Sally).  She gives him the ultimatum of do it or else and it’s safe to assume that Sal doesn’t give Hissadora much static after that.
At the B&B, meanwhile, Amanda sends Nat up to tend to Hench and to see if she can reckon anything about the guy’s plans while she’s at it. 
Hench is on the phone with Dionisio, who wants him to take down an address cuz the guy living there can lead him directly to DDA.  Nat comes in with the towels. She gets a look at the address Hench writes down before excusing herself.  Nat goes back into the kitchen and tells the others what she read.  Daniel has a fit because it’s Rafa’s street.  So, Nat tells the others how that morning Al and Mama wanted her to find out exactly when Rafa and Viv took up residence there in the town, supposedly to check up on what kind of people these friends of DDA’s were after Rafa made a big to-do about knowing DDA.  Dan explains that that was a part of their plans to unmask the villains and agrees to give them reliable [fidedigna=trustworthy] information about the others.  “--It won’t matter because they don’t have anything to hide.” 
Nat tries talking her mother into getting rid of the new boarder somehow.  Amanda refuses and wants to keep the guy there so they can keep an eye on him.  Anyway, she feels guilty, she tells them, because if she hadn’t opened her big mouth to the padre, none of this stuff would have happened. In the meantime, he’s not to come back to the B&B or to be seen around town till they can get to the bottom of things.  It would only make matters worse.  The bad guy leaves his key with Amanda and says he’s got to run an errand.

Dan leaves the B&B and calls Rafa to meet him at the church.  They’ve got to talk and he can’t do it at the house.
Leoncio sees Pablo walking up the drive and intercepts him.  Sra. Camila isn’t in.  Pablo has to leave a message for her (which, of course, Mr.Tubbs never intends on giving).  “—Tell her…er…Pablo Albarrán came by and needs to talk.”  “—I know exactly who you are.”  Rodolfo is on the veranda and hears Leo lying about Cam not being there right now.  Pablo cuts his losses and heads for home. 
At school, Luzma worries that Pablo and she aren’t getting married the next day because they argued over Tolentino and him fighting.  Irena tells her to get real and then suggests if Luzma wants to make sure, then to go over to his place and apologize.  They walk past Iliana and Yago who are a ways down the main drag.  Illy points her out to Yago and he responds from the male point of reference, somewhere south of the belt buckle but north of the kneecaps.  He likes what he sees.  “—Well she’s definitely not ugly, in fact quite the opposite!  Definitely no naca, either. [Little Bro] has always had good taste.”  Illy sniffs, disgusted.  Yago asks about the wedding.  She tells him to trust her.  “--Somebody will do something to prevent them from getting married.”
Cami comes in for dinner and storms back out again after she learns that D’Andres wasn’t around to help with the remainder of the vaccinations because Augustina “loaned him out” uh-gain to Dio for something or other.  Dio seems to think that because he’s Gussie’s intended, he is entitled to use him or to do whatever else he has a notion to whenever he feels like it, she says.  Everyone there keeps making decisions about the rancho and its personnel without getting her approval first!  She’s not convinced they need security anyway, she adds, especially after what Rafa told them. Mama should hire somebody specifically for security, if that’s what she wants, but leave her employees to her so they can do the job they were hired to do.
The others think she’s overreacting.  Heck the guy’s only a chauffeur, says Lon.  Yeah, says Cami, but he did a good job assisting with the vaccinations and when she needed him again he was sent off for the whole day!  She’s the one running the show there, she reminds them, but everyone seems to be forgetting that little fact.  Would they mind not keeping her out of the loop in the future, huh??  Ximeana tells Al that for her sis to make such a scene over the guy, this is somebody she’s really gotta meet (and try to get her gold-digging claws into)!
At the church, Rafa and Dan discuss no longer being able to be seen with each other and Dan having to stay out of sight now that the murderer is staying in town to spy on Rafa in hopes of being led to DDA. 

Back at the M.Q. again, Rodolfo mentions to Cami that Pablo came looking for her earlier in the day, but that Leoncio told the kid she was gone.  Cam gets pissed and heads off, mumbling to herself, to look for Leo. 
Speaking of Leo, he starts putting the screws to Hisssadora for refusing to pay him what she’d promised.  He tells her he’s been putting 2+2 together (about as high as this pervie ever learned to count) and is thinking she’s the one who finished off the poor padre.  After all, she was gone from the rancho during the time the old guy was given his one-way ticket up to the Pearly Gates.  She tells him to stop with the stupid suppositions, that his anger has him imagining things and to just leave it alone.  Just then up walks Cam and Isssa pretends to finish giving the guy instructions from Al.  Hisssa shows her a mouthful of pearly whites. “—Oh!  Well, hi there, Camila!  I’m just heading into the house.  See you there!”  Cam takes the opportunity to bawl him out for telling Pablo she wasn’t around when she was and “assuming she didn’t want to be bothered.”  She yells at him to go fetch Pablo immediately and bring him back with him. 

On his way back to the rancho, Dan gets a call from Aaron introducing himself and letting him know that he will help Rafa and him with their plan to catch the bad guys by pretending to be the fugitive heir.  Yes, Vivi has explained what’s been happening.  The lives they’re leading are 180° opposite.  “—Well, it’s not the life I wanted or asked for.”  “—That’s why I want to help you.”   Dan’s very grateful for what he’s doing, he says. Aaron says, forget it. “—Hoy por mi, mañana por ti. [I might need you to do the same for me sometime.]  Tell Rafa that Daniel Diaz Acosta will arrive there tomorrow.”  Viv checks in with Dan afterwards before he clicks off. “Mission accomplished.”  She will be calling Rafa next and giving him the 411. Dan clicks off and breathes a sigh of relief. 
Meanwhile, Gussie gets ready for her first sales dinner meeting (undoubtedly as a naïve and unsuspecting pitch-person for one of Dio’s pyramid retirement schemes).

Issssa takes a minute to chat with Al about Leo’s little suppositions and probable threats.  She’s going to have to think of something to keep his mouth shut a bit longer.  Al reminds her there’s no money left for that now.  Yeah, but not to worry, something will come to mind.  She leaves as he squirts breath freshener into his mouth.  (Ugggggh!  Just the thought of that guy’s tongue anywhere near my tonsils makes me ill!!!)
At the same time Luzma follows Irena’s advice and goes looking for Pablo at La Buenaventura.  She runs into Mariano who is thrilled to meet her.  She’s there to clear up some bad vibes.  Mariano says he’ll be happy to know she is there looking for him cuz he went to the M.Q. to look for her earlier but didn’t have a chance to speak with her.  He gives her some mush about a true love like theirs comes rarely and ought to be cherished.  She heads off to the back forty to find Pablo and they coo at one another like a couple of turtle doves.  Yep, the wedding is still on.  Tío Leo shows up at the front gates now looking for Pablo. 

Across the way again, Lonso and Ximeana (the reason behind all that useless spritzing of Listerine) are taking a post prandial stroll through the gardens.  She says she’s heard Cam wants a divorce.  He says yeah, but he won’t agree to it because of course he is so totally in luhhhhhhv with her.  Al, says Xi, how could you love a woman who talks to you like a dog?  “--She treats to you the same way she does Maja. (Only Maja doesn’t growl like Al does, though.)  Besides, the two of you aren’t having sex.”  He pshaws at that and says that’s only temporary and they’ll be back at it soon enough.  She guffaws and smirks.   “—Even you don’t believe that, Alonso!” (Hey, this is Bella he’s talking to here.)  She tells him it’s got to be the money thing with him.  He might as well wait to divorce till she inherits the ranch and then take advantage of the situation and demand his half of it (and that should be enough for Ximeana to glom onto once he’s single again and she can hook him). He laughs nervously and jokes that she’s dreaming up horror movie scenarios in her head.  Nope, I’m not, she smiles back at him. “—If it’s any consolation, if I were in your situation, Id’ do exactly the same.”  Well, if she were married to somebody who was inheriting lots of money   she’d sure as heck not leave until she made darned sure she got to take her a fair portion of that pile o’ pesos with her!   In fact, she’ll help him fight that divorce. Why? Cuz she likes him and abhors her sister.
Gussie’s dinner meeting starts.  Cami’s there listening and takes a moment to ask Issssa what she and Leoncio were discussing.  “—Just clarifying orders from Alonso, like I said.”  Gussie’s dinner meeting is turning into a success.  Two sales.  Cami tells her mama how proud she is of her and gives her hugs.  Isssa coos and gushes.
Illy comes with the message for Pablo that there’s some old dude looking for him at the front gate from the M.Q.   Ruh-Roh!  Luzma panics.  Could he be looking for her?  Pablo heads off to the main drive.  Illy fakes friendship and makes nice with Luzma.  She’s really not Luzma’s enemy, really she isn’t….. 
Tío Leo it is, telling Pablo he’s there to take him to see Sra. Camila now.  Pablo tells him to tell her his problem’s been resolved and he’ll see her tomorrow.  “—At the rancho?”  No, Pablo says, but she knows where.  Leo silently curses and thinks  to himself that she’s been invited and is going then, the female pimp [alcahueta=procuress]!!”  Leo leaves.  Pablo calls Luzma on Illy’s cell to tell her nothing to worry about.  He was there for something else.  The wedding is still on.
D’Andres walks into Cami’s cabaña (without knocking, natch) and takes her by surprise. He heard she was looking for him.  She tells him to make sure he advises her any time he’s going off property.   He apologizes and says with everyone giving him orders he doesn’t know whose to follow first.  She explains, primarily it’s her mother, but she’s also involved since she runs the place.  Ok.  But what did she need him for?  Nothing now, she says curtly (all the while trying to act like she was too involved with paperwork to stop long enough to gaze into his deep brown, lash-laden eyes knowing she’d get hopelessly lost in them—just like the rest of us with 20-20 vision and an appreciation of the “finer” things in life would).   “--I did need you to help with the rest of the vaccinations, but we’re all through.”  He smiles with just a hint of a well-placed dimple.  “—So I didn’t do so badly, then, huh?”   “—You can go now.”  He stands there, expectantly.  She repeats herself and tells him she doesn’t need him anymore today.  He takes a few paces forward, leans over, and whispers in her ear that he, on the other hand, needs her more each day.  She gets up and their faces are kissin’ close.  He takes her by the shoulders. She tells him again, a little less forcibly this time, to go on home.  He ignores her. Believe me, he tells her, staring into her eyes, this took me by surprise also.  I never, ever thought this would happen. 
Unflappable, Cami asks him what he means by “this”.  She doesn’t get it.  (Really?  What does it matter?) He caresses her cheek, then her hair.  She stares coolly at him.  The woman seems made of stone.  (What’s with her?  Is that thing in her chest where her heart’s supposed to be just a lump of ice?  Good Lord!  He’s duded up in a charro outfit that matches the brown of his eyes, stuffed into pants that embrace his assets to the utmost. ¡Ay, yi, yi!  Most of Viewerville would have ripped off his tie, popped his shirt buttons loose and having worked that tight-fitting jacket off those big, buff muscular biceps of his, immediately gone for the ones on that enhancing pantsing by now.)  Ice Queen doesn’t flinch an inch, but (we note) she doesn’t take her eyes off his either.  He continues, answering her in a voice so low she has to lean forward to hear. “--There are things we can’t deny; things we haven’t the words for, things we simply feel, things that seize control of [apoderarse=seize, take possession of] one. That.”  He tells her good night and leaves.  She stands motionless till he’s out the door then begins to shake herself out of her trance. She repeats a mantra of sorts to herself: I don’t feel a thing, I don’t want to; I don’t feel a thing, I don’t want to…..

Dan walks down the stairs and through the yard, mumbling to himself.  “—Camila!  Camila!  Who does understand you?”
The next day is Luzma’s birthday and her mother and Tio Leo wake her up with a huge birthday cake and “Las Mañanitas”.  Leo gives her a watch.  He has to ruin things by reminding her that just because she's of age doesn't mean she can do just whatever she wants.  (He's thinking about the phonecall telling him there's a rich guy taking advantage of her, even wanting to marry her.)
Across the way at Pablo’s, Mariano and Yago give him his wedding present: tickets to the beach for his honeymoon.

Cami finds out from Leo that Alonso never gave him money to buy a new tractor, only a few pesos to buy a part to fix the old one with.  This does not make Cami a happy camposina.
In another part of the rancho, Luzma and D’Andres are taking it easy and kibitzing.  She’s invited him to her wedding and wants to make sure he’s coming.  He tells her only if La Patrona lets him.  Up walks La Patrona, aka Cam, and gives him “permission”.  Luzma suggests that he will drive her there so they can go together.  Suits Cami, tho’ she seems a bit uncomfortable with the idea.  He smiles down at her in anticipation and she smiles up through her lashes at him. Let her finish a couple of things and she’ll be ready.
A bit later, while Luzma is waiting outside the gates of the property for her ride to Irena’s, she’s kidnapped and chloroformed by a pair of striped pants and ankle boots. And, from the looks of those sixties’ striped retread threads and dirty old shit-kickers, Viewerville suspects it’s gotta be tubby Tío Leo who was given an “anonymous” heads-up to the wedding by Bratgirl.

Meanwhile, Camila walks into the ranch office and asks Larcenous Lon what he spent the 3 million pesos she gave him for fixing up the rancho for.  He tries to pass off the same rubbish about personnel, parts, and a tractor.  She tells him she’d like to see the invoices.  He tries to guilt her into backing off by screaming loudly and accusing her of not respecting or trusting him. Why the invoices?  “—It’s lies.  All lies.  You didn’t buy a tractor or anything!!”  “—How dare you accuse me!”  “—Hey, it’s my money, or the ranch’s, or whatever you care to call it--and I want to see what you did with it!  In fact, you know what, Alonso?  I don’t want you as administrator of la Malquerida any longer.  Just pick up your things and clear out of here!”  Cara de you-just-try-n-make-me-you-b!tch de defiant Alonso.


Jardinera--It was a good episode. We'll wait while you make it better!!

Jardinera, ditto on the above remarks! The time and effort you put into providing such great weekend entertainment cannot be taken for granted.

Meanwhile, for general discussion among ourselves, there were several conversations that I didn't understand. I need clarification on the discussion between D'Andres and Amanda after descovering the newest guest is a killer. What is the strategy they discussed? When Natalia took towels to the room was that part of the strategy discussed? Is D'Andres going to continue living at the inn?


I think D'Andres is supposed to lay low, like not at the inn, while Amanda and Natalia keep the enemy close (a la Godfather).

D'Andres doesn't live at the Inn. When he became a chofer, he moved to Malquerida.

Amanda was just talking D'Andres into not just going out there and trying to kill him. She told him to think with a cool head and plan his next move. Natalia went up to give the guy some towels. I think that she sent her only because she knew the guy needed them and Amanda wanted to cool Dan down at that moment.

I laughed when Dan threw that teacup. It was suppose to be in anger but he basically lobbed it, so it didn't look like it was in anger.

I think we should not get too attached to Aaron. I'm worried for his safety. Don't think his meditative skills are going to be much use against all these bad guys: Dionisio, Isadora, the assassin at Amanda's, Bruno. Leoncio if he's sober. Stay in Chiapas, Aaron!


My Goodness. Did you all get a load of Isadora's pants? They do her no justice. In fact, I bought a pair of pants almost exactly like them at Goodwill last year for Halloween. I went dressed as a young Cher.

La Señora de Montero (Cupcake from LQNPA) can hide Aaron at La Hacienda del Fuerte. ;-)

A great episode-can't wait to read the recap. Hissadora has an interesting backstory.

I wonder if the moment Sleazar brought toddler Alonso home to his 15/16 year old wife Isadora, if that's the moment she became a Kimodo Dragon. I think he mentioned her family sold her to him? Alonso wasn't a newborn when he brought him to Isadora and as I've mentioned, she looked no older than 15/16 so there's probably only a 14 year age difference between Alonso & Isadora.

@Anon207: I just watched that scene again and nothing was said outright about Hissadora having been sold to Sleazar. However, in the flashback, he did threaten her family if she said that Alonso wasn't hers so we can assume that some kind of deal had been made.

Anon 207, I got the gist of that scene about baby Alonzo and young mom Isadora, but didn't know if my interpretation was correct that she isn't his birth mother??
IMHO I'll bet that Aaron will experience some close calls but think he will survive merely because he was brought into the scheme by D'Andres. That wouldn't be too cool if the protagonist made a decision that sacrificed an innocent person, just saying....

Foxy--It turns out Isadragon is not Junior's biological mother.

D'andres already feels guilty about being responsible for the Padre's death, so to also be responsible for Aaron's death would be too much for such a great galan, IMHO.

Amanda sent Natalia with the towels to calm her down, too. She stepped up to the plate and got some good information for Dan.


If I recall correctly, from the flashback at Shady Lawyer's office, Mrs. Kimodo remembered being a young girl when her MUCH MUCH MUCH older husband came in with toddler Alonso and told Isadora that Alonso was now her son. When Isadora protested, Older Husband (his name is Eleazar but I'm gonna call him SLEAZAR):

a) told her he was old & couldn't have any more kids (um, but you just produced Lil Alonso)

b) told her she was the registered mother of Alonso

c) threatened her family if she didn't go along with it.

Sleazar got Shady Lawyer to fake Isadora's signature on Alonso's registration (or approve the faked signature) so Isadora Dragon threatened Shady Lawyer with exposure if he didn't go along with drawing up/notarizing Camila's fake will.

The fact that Isadora is drawing up fake wills for Camila means Camila's AND Alonso's lives are in danger.

And since nothing was said of Alonso's birth mom being dead I wonder if she will pop up at some point?

I'm assuming Isadora was sold to Sleazar (or snatched by Sleazar) because she was MUCH MUCH MUCH younger than her husband...she looked underage in the flashback...and I can't imagine such a young girl willingly going off to marry such an old man.

This novela is very entertaining. The complications are certainly building.

I had to laugh that baby Alonso looks so much like older Alonso -- small and thin. And, yes, Isadora's pants were something to behold. Love the Cher look-alike Halloween angle, Cathyx.

The last scene, where Luzmari is taken by someone who looks to be Leo, was frightening. It will be interesting to see just how many lives are touched by that one. The scene before with the birthday watch certainly prepared us for what was the come.

You can't miss any dialogue in this novela (thank goodness for the DVR). The twists and turns are what is making the novela fun. That, and the fact that every act of evil is matched by some good plotting or action on the part of the good guys. For example, score one for Camila and Daniel if Camila follows through and throws Alonso out!

Renee Strickler looked pretty good last night. Megawatt smile. Loved the scene where he welcomed Luzmari to the family, making the last scene all the more disturbing.

I am guessing that Hissadora's parents sold her to Eleazar in exchange for an exit out of financial troubles. I think Alonssso is the child of a servant who was sexually used by Eleazar; I have no opinion yet about whether she is still alive.

If so, let's hope it's not Amanda.

I look forward to the recap and must admit I hated the scene w/Luzma's kidnapping. While the real villains in this are evil, there is a subtle "mustache whirling" element to Isa and Dio, though they are lethal. Whereas, the tio who needs to die now preying on his niece, whom he has been very creepy towards in a pedophile way was too real for me.

I was hoping the kids would get married and then driven apart.

Hope those of you who think Daniel getting Aaron killed is not going to happen. I just don't think him turning up will turn out well.

Yes Isa seemed to be a nice girl who turned bad through horrible circumstances; ITA Anon207, that guy was ancient compared to her.

So looking forward to the recap Jardinera. We learned a lot this episode.

Isa's backstory is fascinating. No wonder she has so much hate in her heart towards Alonso. I hope we get more flashbacks.

I also hope that since Dan already has the Padre's death on his conscience, he won't have to have Aaron's as well.

Poor Luzma! Both she and Vivi have dangerous stalkers in their lives and I worry for them both. Ugh!

Jardinera, your recap was the best. Totally loved your play by play of the scene between Camilla and D'Andres. I agree that most of female Viewerville would be unable to maintain Camila's outward resolve in such close proximity to D'Andres hot hombreness.

Cathyx, ITA that Hissadora's lizardskin pants did not flatter. She looked like she had just eaten a rodent the size of Alonso's head.

So Tio Leo had to save up to buy Luzma a watch with a red plastic wristband. Oh please....

Kept hoping the writers were playing with us, making us dread something would happen to Luzma but then all would be OK. Guess not.


Great work, Jardinera. My favorite line: Issssadora had just flopped her ample and aptly, though poorly, camouflaged caboose (ala the latest in desert lizard) on a chair in the office of her defunct hubby’s notary .

The young Hisssadora didn't look underage in general, but it was creepy that she ended up married to someone five years younger than God. I could almost not fault her if she killed him, but he looked old enough to have died of natural causes say five years later. I hope we find out soon.

Poor Luzma, but I don't think she's dead. Leoncio is just as creepy as Eleazar if not more so, as Luzma is his niece.

Jardinera, I wholeheartedly agree with the viewers who said "your recap is the best" and "great work". There were too many favorite lines for me to choose just one. Love the way you described the scene between D"Andre and the pretending ice queen. In fact, you "nailed" all the scenes. Thanks a bunch.

Jardinera - fabulous and funny. Especially loved your take on Camila's resistance to D'Andres.

Doesn't seem to be much reason for the good guys to keep Camila in the dark now. I wish they'd tell her. She's in more danger not knowing.

Hisssadora's flashback blew me away. I'm wondering if she also used a pillow on the nasty ancient husband her family forced on her.

UrbanA: Tks! It took me forever to figure out the placement and phrasing, believe it or not! LOL! Riberajoe has a point!

Barb/Foxy/Niecie: Thanks! Describing those kinds of first or second encounter scenes can be a lot of fun, especially if they're choreographed right--or NOT! LOL!

Niecie: we were tracking about Hisssadora's asphixiating pillow prowess .....

Jardinera, it's obvious from your description of the scene with Dan and Cam in the office that you have read many a romance novel. It was hilarious and perfect. You expressed all the thoughts that I had.

Jardinera, your recaps are always worth waiting for, but this one was especially terrific. I can't imagine how you come up with so many wonderful lines. I loved your account of Camila and Dandres, and also shorter gems such as "(Wow. Who knew?)," "a name change from Saloman to Sally," and "he responds from the male point of reference, somewhere south of the belt buckle but north of the kneecaps."

I guess that Leoncio (who, as you said, can't put together more than 2+2) is the obvious suspect in Luzma's kidnapping, but somehow the feet (which were just about all we saw of her assailant) seemed too narrow and fine for a fat oaf like Leoncio. But who else could Bratgirl have found so quickly? I guess it had to be him.

Traveling Lady, I too thought that Rene Strickler looked much better last night than in earlier episodios. I had been disappointed by how badly he seemed to have gone to seed since "Piel de Otoño," but that smile last night was splendid.

BTW, I missed an episode earlier this week and have just managed to catch up. So belated thanks to Mena and Kat for the great Wed. and Thurs. recaps.

Jardinera- Your riff on Cami resisting D'Andres in the cabana was perfect and hilarious, as was the rest of your recap. It was so worth the wait.

I can't wait to see how Alonso gets out of this mess with Camila. He's going to have to bring his whole evil team together to think of a plan to convince Cami to keep his scrawny butt on the ranch. Then they'll have to think of a way to get their hands on the inheritance before Cami divorces him. They don't have much time.

ITA that in the initial scenes with Rene S. his looks were under parr; I believe it was because he was wearing that popular 3-day stubble. Because much of his is grayed now, he looked a bit too grizzled to make it work. I believe with the money he makes, if he's thinning on top he could allow for a few hair plugs to put things right again. (Yeah, I know it's a bitch getting old cuz I been there and done that, so I have a right to put my two centavos' worth out there for him and his manager to chew over.) Otherwise, I have always been extremely partial to blonde men with light eyes, and he fits the bill to perfection. My initial thought was who is this Ana of his and will she be forgotten the moment he comes face to face with charming Camila--or is Ana really a pseudonym for Andy?

Cathyx/ViviDC/Juanita: LOL! (wink, wink!)

Thanks so much for the entertaining recap and the details of the conversations. A gem of a recap.

Jardinera654, I'm keeping my eye on Mariano too. I can't believe that they're going to waste an attractive male of that age (played by a talented and charismatic actor) on a permanent off-screen relationship. Or even on a stable, problem-free on-screen relationship if they bring Ana into the picture. The camera lingers on Mariano long enough to make it clear he's going to be some kind of more serious player in the story.

I'm looking forward to seeing some more subplots open up, and perhaps new characters as well. Meanwhile I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they're not going to go too dark with Leoncio's kidnapping of Luzma.

Could it be Tolentino that kidnapped Luzma in a misguided attempt to "save her" from the ricachon who is "certainly just using her to amuse himself?"

I was wondering if it was Bruno who kidnapped her. He's already shown his pervert side.

I don't think Bruno went anywhere near La Malquerida. He's stalking Viviana.

Ay de mi, Jardinera.....This is a masterpiece worthy of submission for a Pulitzer Prize. Too bad our sidebar isn't any bigger, I'd have to beg Melinama to put the whole darn thing there. Whew, you had me breathing hard along with Dan & Cam.

I think we're getting closer to seeing D'andres shirtless again, or hoping, anywho.

Hissyfit should stay out of desert lizard-skin print pants. She could be accidentally taken for a real one and shot.

I dislike the way she talks down to everyone except Dionisio as if she were talking down to a three-year old. She does it to Gussia all the time, although everything aside, she comes across as a three-year old most times.

I think there's going to be another bodus interruptus, but this one isn't going to be funny or fun.


Thanks so much for the recap Jardinera. Like the others, I loved your play-by-play w/Cam & Dan. She has some resolve and we're supposed to believe its b/c she wants to do things the right way. Most TN heroines have good intentions like these but get caught up in the moment with their one true love. Knowing the obstacles the demon trio is about to put up to prevent the divorce, she probably won't be able to keep her resolve.

Al is a fool to "trust" Ximena to help him b/c she's out for herself just as he is.

If icky uncle didn't kidnap Luzma, I will be very happy.

Thanks Jardinera for the recap... especially since the story line is adding so many new details. I like the music themes for the various characters. Anyone know who sings these various tunes?

I want to know who sings the song when ximena and Alonso are together on screen. Ty if anyone knows.

Yola: Nice to see you here. Thanks!

Kris: all I can say about the music is that at you can look up the telenovela and see the cast and credits, including music. That is as close as I can come because I don't listen to Spanish language music stations. The music is generally a popular song playing on the radio that lots of folks hear, so it can be frustrating unless you're up do date with latin pop culture.

Thanks, Jardinera, for a funny, smart recap. Many great lines and images (Isadora's "ample" behind in those pants is definitely with me forever).

I find it interesting how the main theme music and the secondary themes become catchier as the novela wears on. Or maybe it's just me. I started off feeling okay about the Vicente Fernandez Amor Bravio song; now I love it and enjoy hearing it during the breaks. Felt the same way about the LQNPA music.

Novela themes might be a good weekend discussion board, if UA is taking suggestions. No need to post the actual music (not trying to make more work for our creative weekend poster), just to see what people remember fondly.

Traveling Lady, thanks for the idea and I think that novela music is a very interesting subject. I'm encouraging everyone to think of their favorite opening music and any good incidentals and find links for that discussion.

I personally love the Vicente Fernandez song in this series and I'm sad that he's retiring this year.

OT: Colunga is working on a new TN with Blanca Soto.


For anyone interested, two additional songs in this TN are the following:

Te Odio, Sofi Mayen (Al and Ximena theme - seems apropos)
Divina Tu, Carlos Macias (Camila and Dan's song)

I personally like both of these songs and have been pleased that the TNs keep featuring newer musicians in addition to the standards. Good recent examples for me were De Mi Camila (Teresa) and Corre by Jesse and Joy (La Que No Podia Amar). Looking forward to the various songs that bloggers come up with this weekend.

Robey--I watched the clip on Sal y Pimienta of TBLMOE (FC) in Chicago. He still owns the label, but folks, Cristian de la Fuente is climbing fast, IMHO.

Anita: My friend told me about FC, that's probably where he got his info. He didn't know who his co-star was, but I did a little research and found out it is Blanca Soto.

Anon6:04: Interesting theory on who kidnapped Luzma. I slo-moed the DVR on Leo and it does look like he was wearing striped pants and brown boots, though.


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