Friday, September 28, 2012

Abismo de pasión #139 9/27/12: If anyone says she “gave herself” to a man one more time I’m going to scream!

Prologue: Ladies, it's no wonder that the guys treat you like prize pigs when you keep saying things like you "gave yourself" to them. Rant over.

Leftovers: Paloma instructs Gael to tell Elisa he “betrayed” her or Paloma will tell all. Padre, looking dapper in street clothes, tells Carmina what to do with her threats. They quietly threaten each other and take turns glaring. (I would love to see the outtakes from this scene.)

Lo Nuevo: Gael is afraid he’ll lose Elisa over a “stupid mistake”, because he couldn’t control an “animal instinct”. (Dude, shut up now.) Hey, he likes Paloma but she knows darn well he’s never been able to get Elisa out of his head, at least the one sitting on his shoulders. Paloma’s not happy to hear (again) that she is sloppy seconds. She gave herself to him because she loves him, not because of an animal instinct. “Gael if you don’t tell her then I will because I won’t stay silent about this.” (Ha, told you to shut up Gael.)

Elisa, looking like a lady for a change, sips tea and recalls Carmina telling her that Stef left her love shack to Carmina so that Carmina would always have a place. Lucio joins her and they decide to go to Merida in the morning to see if the blue house ever belonged to Stef. Elisa also wants to fight for Augusto’s property since he and Carmina were about to divorce. Lucio says he’ll help but a fight like that is long and exhausting. Elisa doesn’t care because she needs something to fight for and she has a bunch of free time because she never goes to work anyway. I thought we might have a tear-free scene but at the very end Little Elisa’s lip quivers and a big, glycerin tear rolls down her face.

Now we have a short promo for the Aeropuerto Internacional de Chichen Itza. Sabrina is SO glad they have their very own wonderful airport. Doc T and Begona remind her several times she has to change planes in Mexico City. (What? No direct flights from Valladolid to Africa?) Begona is only slightly annoying as the loud farewell music obliterates the dialogue. Doc T reassures Begona that maybe Sabrina needs to find herself and learn to love again. (The patio gives a loud hoot. We start betting drinks on which country in Africa Sabrina will find her husband.)

Meanwhile Chente is over at Hacienda Arango moping because Sabrina hasn’t even made an attempt to say hello to him. That little dude is definitely in his own clueless world. Daddy Gabino bustles in, ignores Chente, and demands to see Alfonsina. Tonia tells him Dam took her to Merida for delicate open heart surgery. She could die.

Cut to Merida where Alfonsina is about to go into delicate open heart surgery. She cries and gasps to Dam that if she dies, IF SHE DIES...she wants him to always keep in mind that Elisa caused her death. (Recapper rolls eyes.) She can’t go into delicate open heart surgery until Dam promises to forgive her for all the crap she has pulled. Plus he has to tell her he loves her. “Of course I love you, you’re my mother and I have to or I’ll go to hell.” Now he has something to ask, he wants Alfie to forgive dad, Stef and Elisa. Ooh, nice one Dam, but Fina just sobs and is saved by the orderlies who wheel her away.

Speaking of sobbing, Paloma’s at the cenote. Sobbing.

Gael is at the church telling God he’s a coward. He doesn’t want to hurt Paloma but he’s afraid of losing Elisa if he tells her the truth. Yawn.

Soon-to-be-Ex-Padre visits the Bishop and admits he broke canon law and blabbed a confessional secret. Bishop fires Lupe but Lupe says nope, he quits. But that law he broke? He’s going to tell another secret of confession and he hopes God forgives him. Bishop says no can do, Lupe will doom his soul. Lupe says he has to tell the secret in order to defeat the evil that rules over his village.

Elisa sees Gael pouting in the plaza. Gael asks Elisa if she’s sad that Dam dumped her. Nope, because she was going to dump him first. Gael wants to know if Elisa is still cool with marrying him. Elisa’s pretty sure that Gael will never forgive her for boinking Dam. She reminds Gael that betrayals can’t be forgotten, especially by overly jealous jerks like him. Gael is really squirming now, he swears he loves her deeply and hey, he can forgive anything, heh. Oh, and since there are no secrets between them he shagged someone a couple of weeks before their wedding. Now about them getting married... “QUE????” demands Elisa, “You were taking me to the altar while hiding that lie? If Dam hadn’t stolen me I’d be married to you and YOUR LIE. And you and YOUR LIE had some nerve giving me a hard time when I got back to La Ermita. You and YOUR LIE don’t love me!” Elisa calls him a coward and demands to know who was the woman.

Gael couldn’t think of anything during the commercial break. Clearly thinking isn’t one of his strong suits. He says the Other Woman doesn’t exist. He only loves Elisa. Elisa snorts and tells him to shut up. Gael sees that contrition and preemptive forgiveness didn’t work so he goes on the offensive. He says Elisa did the same thing he did so they’re even. (Recapper rolls eyes again.) Elisa informs him she gave herself (aaargh!!!) to Damian in an act of love. If Gael went with his animal instincts then she only feels pity for him. Gael doesn’t want to let Elisa go until she forgives him and tells him she loves him.
E: That would be a lie.
G: Dam dumped you. You have nobody.
E: I have myself. I don’t want Dam, or you, or any dam Arango.
And thus Gael is schooled in what not to say to a woman.

Paloma and Flor are in the office not working. They update each other on their rotten love lives and give moral support. Paloma fears she won’t be able to keep her pregnancy a secret much longer.

Carmina drinks alone and recalls Lupe’s words that wherever Carmina plants evil he will plant truth. She smashes her glass on the floor before she remembers she has no servant to clean up.

Begona and Doc T are in an outdoor cafe enjoying some wine and talking about Sabrina’s exciting future. Begona curses Paolo and loudly states if she could she would send someone to kill him, KILL HIM, got that? Doc tells her to stop the crazy talk. She gets all sweet and tries to butter him up, saying that because their kids are so great they did something well together. (Well...together.)

Elisa goes home to Lolita and curses the Arango men. Dam claimed he loved her but boinked Flor. Dam only stole her so he could get to her before Gael did and now that he found out Gael’s his brother he wants to give Elisa back. (I’m actually embarrassed to be reporting this ludicrous dialogue so I’m stopping now.)

Lolita tells Elisa she’s crazy; Dam truly loves her.

Elisa goes off on a rant that Gael, with his smothering jealousy, is worse than Dam. And news flash, Gael claimed he loved her but had hot animal sex with someone else right before the wedding. Dam can stay with his doubts and Gael can stay with his lies because she doesn’t want either of them and she’ll never forgive them!

Paloma shows up and Lolita gives her the 411. Elisa’s pithed because Gael had another woman before the wedding. Paloma asks if Gael told them with whom he cheated. Elisa says no, but he assured Elisa he didn’t care at all about that woman. Not a bit. Not one iota. Lolita pipes up that it must have been one of those crazy, loose chicks who never think about the consequences of their actions. Paloma looks so stricken that even our self-centered Elisa starts to figure out what went down. She says maybe it was a woman who loved Gael so much that she was suffering because Gael was going to marry Elisa instead of her. Does Paloma know the woman? Oh hell yes she does, “I am the woman.”

Lupe arrives at the hospital in Merida. He tells Dam that he’s sticking around La Ermita, not as a priest but as a man with a mission. He wants to stay with his family,  protect those he loves, and gambol under a sky full of anvils that have his name on them. They shut their eyes and pray for Alfonsina as Gabino creeps around the corner.

Paloma says that just as Elisa gave herself to Dam for love, Paloma did the same with Gael. She loves him with all her strength even if he doesn’t deserve it. Paloma couldn’t tell Elisa because she was too ashamed from throwing herself at Gael. Elisa points out it’s Gael’s fault too, but Paloma insists she stupidly thought if she gave herself to Gael completely then he would find a feeling that didn’t exist. But now she realizes he’ll never love her.

Elisa figures that’s why Paloma wants to leave town, but take it from her that’s not the solution. The girls hug and cry. Paloma says she has to leave, no way can she stand being close to Gael.

Meanwhile Lolita has been taking all this in and her hamsters are wheel-running overtime. Paloma rushes out the door and Lolita suggests to Elisa that Paloma hasn’t told them the entire truth. She thinks Paloma is, wait for it, hiding something.

Avances: Elisa slaps Gael. Gael overhears Flor and Enrique and angrily assumes Paloma is expecting a baby by “ese tipo” (Enrique). Gael punches Enrique.


Sylvia, this had me sputtering in my coffee: "her hamsters are wheel-running overtime" had me laughing appreciatively as did "it's no wonder that the guys treat you like prize pigs when you keep saying things like you "gave yourself" to them".

This was simply wonderful! There were so many other great lines I will leave them so other appreciative commenters can post as well.

I did a lot of eye rolling at these tangled, immature, mismatched relationships. Just when I'm SURE Paloma finally at long last understands Gael does not love her, she goes back for yet more rejection! Unbelievable.

I want Alfonsina to survive so she can feel the flames of all the hurt and pain she has caused.

I love the Padre (errr, ex-Padre) and Carmina scenes. I am hoping Horacio will reappear to save him as we know he isn't long for this world. I belive in the sanctity of the confessional but there should be extenuating circumstances - "Bishop says no can do, Lupe will doom his soul" doesn't fly with me.

Does anyone know Paolo is dead? Does anyone care??

Thanks again Sylvia, this was a wonderful way to start the day.

Happy Friday all!


Capn Sylvia - Great recap, a fun, snarky read and much better than the episode itself. Too many lines to copy & paste as my LOL moments.

And thus Gael is schooled in what not to say to a woman.
I sincerely doubt he figgered that'n out.

...and gambol under a sky full of anvils that have his name on them.

Elisa haz a sad.
Dam haz a sad.
Gael haz a sad.
Paloma haz a bun in the oven.
Padre Lupe haz an anvil over his head.
Carmeany haz a gun.
Viewerville haz a headache.

Memo to Elisa---What about YOUR LIE to Dam, that you 'gave yourself to Gael'?

Shut. Up. Gael.

And the plot plods forward. . .


Thanks so much Sylvia. Perfect amount of snark eyerolls. We were right there with ya.

I really couldn't care less about the romantic entanglements of all the stupid younguns anymore. The most interesting part of the episode for me was Elisa looking like she's FINALLY going to get working on clearing Stefi's name and getting back her dad's/mom's house and land from Carmina. Let's get that plot point moving please.


Thank you, Capt'n for a another recap that was more entertaining than the show. You had me snorting from the headline.

"Paloma and Flor are in the office not working."
Heeeheeeheee. I keep wondering what Flo is typing.

Meanwhile . . .
"Doc T reassures Begona that maybe Sabrina needs to find herself and learn to love again."

Once again, in calm, measured tones, Doc T says something that is totally and completely batsh*t crazy.


Did you say the heart surgery would be delicate? Lol, so funny. This is my first day off in 3 weeks and I am so glad it fell on a Sylvia recap day.

Favorite line..".Florencia and Paloma are in the office not working."

Just great, as was your confession that you were embarrassed to even be reporting on this stoopid dialogue.

Will be mostly absent today as our computer is down again and I'm temporarily perched at the library. But have fun. This is such a great line. And keep those eyes rolling Sylvia.

Such a terrific recap. I keep saying this to every recapper but it's true. I love your senses of humors and writing styles. I wish there really was a patio that we all sat around and discussed the shows. We switch tables depending on what happens, we have different drinks but never get too drunk, and make fun of all the characters. That would be so entertaining.

Now Gael will be jealous of Enrique again. I can't take the constant back and forth anymore.

SYlvia! you rock!
...he’s never been able to get Elisa out of his head, at least the one sitting on his shoulders.

i can't stop myself from laughing.

and some more comments on more fav lines..
Clearly thinking isn’t one of his strong suits. (esp in the previews for tonight, since Enrique was OFFERING TO GIVE HIS SURNAME to Paloma’s baby… why would he have to OFFER that if he was the actual daddy?? DUH!!)

And thus Gael is schooled in what not to say to a woman.
(well he has had his foot in his mouth for most of the last few weeks, he needs to get his avocados out of his mouth and locked where they belong)

She smashes her glass on the floor before she remembers she has no servant to clean up.
(Maybe this is why Augie never cared for her, she can’t cook, she won’t clean, all she has time for is to scheme against the people he loves)

their kids are so great they did something well together. (Well...together.) (I am speechless, that is perfect!)

Lolita has been taking all this in and her hamsters are wheel-running overtime. (certainly not any of the yung’ns have been able to make her swallow their lies)

He wants to stay with his family, protect those he loves, and gambol under a sky full of anvils that have his name on them. (indeed!)

"Paloma and Flor are in the office not working."
Heeeheeeheee. I keep wondering what Flo is typing.
(My guess is the La Ermita phonebook, re-typing it every day…)


Diana, I am sure Paolo is dead based on Begonas loud threat that she would have him KILLED if she could. I was only surprised that the La Ermita chief of police wasn't sitting at the next table eavesdropping. I think I know where this Paolo dead thing is going.

Vivi, yes Elisa is finally trying to clear Stef's name. Funny how she is doing this now that she is supposedly a business owner with a greenhouse to run. Why didn't Elisa try when she had no job and had plenty of time on her hands? I'm going to stop asking. It's logical questions like this that make me crazy. I think if Elisa and Lucio are able to discover that Stef's name was never on the blue house deed then maybe her little pea brain will start putting two and two together. Maybe. Unless she gets sidetracked yet again.

JudyB, I hope you are able to sort out your computer problems. What a pain.

Marta, very good point about Enrique offering his surname. Once again Gael reacts emotionally without thinking at all. I'm with cathy, his constant back and forth is making me dizzy.

Doris, last night's episode kind of did give me a headache. Was it just me or did there seem to be an excess of truly ridiculous conversation? People did blather on, explaining themselves over and over without really clarifying anything. Except for Paloma's admission to Elisa. Wow, she almost got the whole truth out.

What we learned last night:

Paloma learned Gael thinks of her as insignificant, just a warm body to release his animal instincts with.

Elisa learned Gael cheated on her FIRST, and he considers the woman he cheated with to be an insignificant warm body to release his animal instincts with.

Elisa learned Paloma is the insignificant warm body Gael released his animal instincts with.

I can't feel sorry for Paloma. She presented herself to Gael like a Scooby Snack, she can't get mad when she's treated like a Scooby Snack.

Finally Elisa is rubbing her 2 brain cells together and going to research the property transfers to see if Estefania ever owned the Blue House of Shame. If what Carmina says is true, there should be a record of Rosendo buying the house, putting it in Estefania's name and then a property transfer from Estefania to Carmina. Quite frankly, it's something Alfonsina should have investigated. I don't know how it is in Mexico but property transfers in the US are public record.

Also, TEAM ENRIQUE. Enrique needs to punch Gael's lights out tonight.

I want to sit on the patio at the Cathyx table where we wish there really was a patio.

Sylvia, I also got a kick out of your "speaking of sobbing..." line. No need to elaborate on that oft-repeated scene.

I am still a little bit confused about Horacio. Just where does Lolita think he is right now?

R la O

anon, LOVE both your synonyms of Paloma in Gael's lower half brain...
insignificant warm body to release his animal instincts with.
Scooby Snack...

if it looks like a Scooby Snack, smells like a Scooby Snack, feels like a Scooby Snack, then it MUST BE a Scooby Snack...

Lolita was informed by the police that Horacio was in a shoot-out with police and died in a fire.

Sylvia, you are a master at ironic humor, loved this: "Oh, and since there are no secrets between them he shagged someone a couple of weeks before their wedding. Now about them getting married..." And, "Speaking of sobbing, Paloma’s at the cenote. Sobbing." Wonderful! Wonderful!

Vivi, yes! You make a good point, rather than wait for the well deserved (?) bodas from these romantic "entanglements" let's wait for the unveiling of an appropriate TOMBSTONE for Estefania, at this point that sounds like our only viable reward for our months of loyal viewership of this Abismo. Of course, if we knew that the ceremony of a tombstone would be our reward, we might have chosen another novel!

Even though this is the second stoopidest novela of all time, El Tal winning first, I'm still getting a big kick out of it each night. It is an addictive mess isn't it! I always wonder what other countries think of the US due to our programming, however now I'm a little concerned about Mexico.

I guess Alfie was asking for forgiveness for the fake boda that Flor forced on her, I didn't hear her take much responsibility....her heart is far from the right place for redemption still! If I treated my son's novia now wife like Alfie does Elisa, I'd be spending Mother's Day alone at The Olive Garden!!!

I am annoyed with most of these characters, but for some reason Paloma bubbles to the top. As Daisy has pointed out, her behavior is just such a very BAD example for young women everywhere! And I see oblivious sanctimony on her tear stained face as she confronts Gael time after time, oh brother!

Was it my TV or were they using a different type of camera last night?

R la O, we're at PT and the therapists are so pleased with my healing guac paste that they are going to use it on all their patients. We can sell it through Passionmart, we'll make a fortune! Thanks for the reminder!


We are definitely sinking into the labyrinth of El-Tal-itude. My favorite line from today: "Gael couldn’t think of anything during the commercial break." HAHAHAHAHAHA.

I'm with you on Alfie. She really doesn't take any responsibility for anything she has done.
But the character that bugs me the most is Damian. He keeps forgiving his mother who has systematically destroyed his happiness his entire life. How dare she blame Elisa for what her parents have done. Elisa has no responsibility for that, but she's getting all the repercussions for it. Damstoopid gives Elisa to Gael after kidnapping her and saying that he will never let her go. And he's done that about 4 times? He believes what proven liars tell him after he knows they are proven liars. The more I write about him, the more I hate him,lol.


Most excellent, Sylvia. I agree with all that this is the second stupidest novela, after ElTal.

Here's my take. There is a tight Circle of Idiocy. Paloma loves Gael, who loves Elisa, who loves Damian, who (used to love) Florencia, who loves Enrique, who loves Paloma, who loves Gael...... Now, all we need to do is step up to the circle and bop one of the Stoopids with a skillet (I vote Elisa) and they all will fall like dominoes. Preferably into the cenote. No objections if Enrique gracefully steps aside, since he is a bit less stoopid than the rest.

Thanks Anon 207. I guess I misread my CCs when I thought they'd told Lolita he had escaped, but they found him and were taking him back to prison. Looks like I was WAY off!

Sandy, I love the idea of selling our Holey Guacamole and Hip Replacement Balm at the Passionmart.

At least El Talisman-oh-man had some comic relief. When she wasn't sobbing, Paloma's bug eyes while talking to Gael were just too freaky.

So funny! Reading this recap erased the considerable annoyance this TN inspires. So easily clever, the observations reveal AdP to be a comedy after all. The actors have to be on some kind of medication that blocks how preposterous these plots are. Otherwise I can't see how they control the need to laugh while acting these lines.

Lolita told Elisa as she came in smoking mad... 'pareces habanero recien mortajeteado'

'mortaja' = shroud, cigarette paper

so mortajeteado must be = stte of either flattened and rolled or ground in some way

Damian should let his evil mama die in her delicate open heart surgery (what's delicate about it is that she doesn't HAVE a heart...maybe they'll try to install one but her body will reject it) and then he should spend the rest of the series lounging silently by the pool at the hacienda.

Did notPadre forget to ask the bishop for someone to do an exorcism on Gael? Is that the sort of thing Ramona's magic herbs could handle?

I still don't see why there's any confessional seal on Carmina's secrets. Especially the one she just blurted out to former Padre Loopy, without waiting for him to say anything about it being a confession or privileged information, especially considering she is neither the slightest bit penitent nor a Catholic.

Thanks, Sylvia. I agree with everything you said, and especially your opening line about prize pigs. It makes me cringe whenever characters say that. Now in the finale when everyone's paired up I'll be imagining the men parading their prizes around the village square on leashes, with blue and red fair ribbons on their collars.

Blue and Emilia...
you two made the chuckle of my lunch hour...

... the labyrinth of El-Tal-itude.

... a tight Circle of Idiocy.
(bump one domino off and they all fall off).. ITA to bump Enrique to save him from this huge mess of bad genes...

Love your circle of Idiocy. It really does make a complete circle, doesn't it?

Yes patio mates, who is the most irritating Abismo character of them all? It is either Damian or Paloma for me, Dam poring over his mean mother or Paloma's righteous confrontations with either Gael or his evil twin Gael dos. I'll have to ponder it for awhile.

Oh my, aren't we cranky today? Well not me -- I'm still chuckling over the fabulous string of zingers our Cap'n has disguised as a recap:

"IF SHE DIES ... always keep in mind that Elisa caused her death." (The recapper may have rolled her eyes but this viewer HOWLED with laughter. Poor Mr. Maven was alarmed.)

The repetition of the words "delicate open heart surgery" -- it must be that the AlfaBitch's heart is so very, very small. (Maybe they should bring in a small animal veterinarian to do the procedure, someone who normally works on gerbils and chihuahuas).

"I'm actually embarrassed to be repeating this ludicrous dialogue." (No you're not, you know when you are being given a gift -- one that has nothing to do with coitarche, mind you -- and you are having a blast!)

Tonight I'd like to see Mad Dog Gael captured in a net before he can hurt that nice boy Quique.


Some of you may remember that Sabrina was torn between medicine and cosmetology way back when. Maybe she will join an order dedicated to healing and they will train her in medicine. Doctora Hermana Sabrina. Hey, it could happen.

Diana, the mention of Paolo was no accident -- he's due to turn up, dead or alive, pretty soon.

Like Vivi, I'm delighted that little E is pursuing a concrete lead re the ownership of the Blue House of Shame. Now there's something solid we can use for Carmina's cement shoes.

Emilia, I do love your devilish ring-around-the-rosy; and I appreciate your giving Enrique a pass.

Sylvia, I know others have already said it but it is so perfect, I have to quote this line again:

"And so Gael is schooled in what not to say to a woman."

I will also give Quique a pass as his curls are just so darn cute. I want to twirl them with my fingers.

Thanks, Sylvia. I've been enjoying your recaps for such a long time yet they are always fresh and entertaining.

Watching the leftovers I noticed that when Padre Lupe confronted Carmina in the street he left his hat on the entire time, glaring menacingly from beneath the brim. Rude. OK, I'm sure it was blazing hot out there in the street and the sun must have been very bright so he left the hat on. But then, as soon as he began to walk away, he removed his hat and carried it in his hand as he walked on down the street. Weird.

And what was with the black bandana he had cinched up tightly around his neck? Double weird.

We at the Alfonsina table are very worried. Remember, she has been trying to tell us all along that her health is fragile. Will she die blaming Elisa and her parents for all her misfortune? Does anyone care?


I think as soon as the surgeon cuts into Alfi, she will gush bile all over and flood the O.R. It's been building up for decades.

Begona probably pushed Sabrina into cosmetology, telling her cutting people and stuff is no profession for a princesa like Sabrina.

Perhaps we'll see Doctora Tovar return to La Ermita.


I too lingered over Lupe's new look -- black hat replaces white, black neckerchief replaces white clerical collar, black suit (and gangster-black shirt) replace black soutane. This ex-padre is ready to rumble, ready to put his own salvation on the line to save the people he loves. What a guy!


Great (if revolting) image of Alfonsina's explosion of bile. I hope the team is using universal precautions and their faces are well-shielded.

My money, however, is on a clinically-dead light in the tunnel vision, Alfie in white pjs who finally GETS IT. Will it be too late? Meh. Who cares? :)

.'the Tight Circle of Idiocy. . . . Now, all we need to do is step up to the circle and bop one of the Stoopids with a skillet (I vote Elisa) and they all will fall like dominoes.'
Emilia - BwaHahahahaaaaa!!!!! The Circle of Idiocy is genius!

Paloma is the most annoying character in my book with her bad fake hair. That long curly stuff is a wig and I cannot stand it. It always looks greasy. Well…. I feel better now, having gotten that off my mind. LOL

Carlos - PadLupe's had is probably a hardhat. He needs that when he's near Carmina. Lupe's black neckerchief covers his non-tanned (neck) line from his old priest collar.

I still think Begonia and Doc Tovar will reunite.


Doris and Emilia:

"Now, all we need to do is step up to the circle and bop one of the Stoopids with a skillet..."

Technically that would be a clear sartenazo and if successfully delivered, would earn you 100 points and a round of tequila for everyone on the patio.

Lanza sartenazos! Woot! Woot!
I'll take my tequila in the Marguerita, please. ;-)

Friends, thank you all for your delightful comments today. I have really enjoyed savoring every clever word.

Sandy, "an addictive mess", well put amiga.

Novela Maven, yes I was having a blast. Guilty as charged, bwahahaha! We all know the dumber these shows get the more fun they are to mock.

Emilia is the queen of sartenazos, I say give her the skillet and let her rip.

Carlos, I didn't even notice Lupe and his hat. I just thought he looked great in street clothes. I think he was allowed to wear his hat while conversing with Carmina because it made him look more threatening. Speaking of Lupe, this show has taken a decided turn toward the horror genre with Lupe obsessing about the "evil taking over his village".

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