Thursday, September 27, 2012

Amor Bravío #33 (Uni 28) Wed 9/26/12 The Plague at Malquerida (and it is not tuberculosis!)

Sorry for the delay folks, but I just got back into town and into wireless range. What did reporters do before the internet?

We begin tonight’s capitulo at Amanda’s Hotel with Natalia and Amanda cleaning up the now deceased Padre’s room. Amanda sees some loose pills on the floor and wonders aloud how they got there. She reasons that Padre was immobile, so he could not have reached for and spilled them. Also, Amanda knows she was busy downstairs with a potential guest (bad guy) and thus did not touch the meds. How did these pills get there? Natalia shivers aloud and says something is amiss and she worries that Amanda could be in danger.

Elsewhere in the fields of Malquerida, Camila is barking orders (vet joke) to Rodolfo to go find Tio Leo. Dandres stands by the wayside and steps in offering to help. Camila, of course, refuses and Dandres chews her out (another vet joke) about her pride. They bullheadedly stomp off towards the bull pens to work to prevent an outbreak of disease among the bulls (ok, last vet joke I will actively point out).

Back at Tio Leo’s den, Tio is stretched out on the bed after slamming back a few drinks. There is a knock at the door, then another and another….Tio Leo growls “VVVVooyyyyy” (much like I have been known to do on a Sunday morning when the church people start knocking). Rodolfo tells him he is needed to help vaccinate the herd. Tio snorts and growls at Rodolfo about ordering him around and Rodolfo clarifies it is La Patrona’s orders, not his. Not to be ordered around, Tio tells him he will respond” cuando se de la gana” (when he feels like it). Sensing Tio Leo is sh**faced, Rodolfo chastises him for “chupando” (sucking) the bottle so early in the day. Not in the mood for constructive criticism, Tio Leo growls some threats at Rodolfo and boots him out.
We move to the more refined and genteel group in the dining room with Isavibora, Al, Agustina and the recently arrived plague, Ximena. They are discussing their outrage that Camila has chosen to stop the bull plague rather than entertain the sister plague. I wonder if she is eradicating the wrong one? Isa and Ximena opine about Camila’s sorry choice of a man career. Ximena wonders how Camila can stand being around animals and manure all day. Que asco! They all fail to see that there is estiercol in the bull pens AND in the dining room… We think she picked the right pile to work with. Agustina points out that Camila is a simple lass, who eschews luxuries and loves nature and animals. Further discussion ensues on the proposed sale of the ranch and Camila’s stubborn refusal to consider doing so because of said love for nature. Al says Camila is necio (pigheaded) and Ximena considers Camila could be the more selfish of the sisters for not considering the well considered advantages of this sale.

Isavibora contributes her two cents worth that Camila doesn’t need to work (yes she can spend her day hanging around with this crowd woo!hoo!) and the observation that the sisters are totally different from one another. Ximena adds, “Let me be clear, we are half sisters!” (until it is time to read the will, of course). She further wonders how such different people, Al and Camila, could have fallen in love with one another. Agustina points to fate, and how that is just how love works! They conveniently omit the pending divorce in this picture of luuvvvv.

Back at Camila’s office, she and Dandres are packing vet supplies into boxes. Phone rings and it is Viv asking after Camila’s well-being. Camila says she is just fine and who wants to know? Viv tells her it was Dandres who was asking about her. Camila glowers over at Dandres and wonders what this could mean and why he persists in her biz.

Back in the dining room, Al and Isa respond to the inquiry about the death of the good Padre with fake grief, explaining he had an accident, and by the way, do you, Ximena have a boyfriend? Ximena demurely denies having one (at least one that is still alive) and there is wonder all around about how such a lovely thing could be all alone. Ximena observes that mom and sis have managed to find luuvvvv and hot guys in this little dusty ranch so maybe she can too. Who knew this was such a swinging place?

Over in the kitchen, Luzma’s girlfriend anxiously waits for her and breathlessly reports that Pablo and Tolentino have been fighting in the town square. Que? Irena (I think that is her name) explains that Tolentino saw Pablo with Bratgirl and, knowing that Luzma is to be married to Pablo, thinks that Pablo is dissing Luzma. The two socked each other back and forth and stuff.

Down the dirt road at the Albarran ranch, Pablo drives up with Bratgirl to the bull pen where his two brothers have isolated the infected bull. “Where have you been, mi rey?”, Yago snaps at Pablo. Bratgirl and Pablo explain about the fight in town with Tolentino which further annoys the older brothers who lecture him on his misplaced priorities, blah blah blah …..You know, I said this before, Pablo always looks pretty dapper with the fitted pants and vest. I wonder how he does that?

Back in the dining room, Ximena bemoans Camila’s absence due to her preoccupation with saving the source of money for El Rancho, and then a light bulb goes off over her head. If sis cannot show me around, maybe Al can? “Why, Ximena, how imprudent of you to ask? Al is such a busy fellow.” Isa seizes the opportunity with a “why not?” Al says if Ximena is patient, he promises to finish up all his illegal and unethical business for the day and he will then be free to show her around. Ximena promises to use the free time wisely to put on some simpler garb.

Camila has arrived at the bull pens with Dandres right behind offering his help. Take it Camila!

We flash back to Ximena’s room with her cell phone ringing. It is her shoplifting partner, Herminia calling. Ximena, talking at her cell phone, says sorry, no one will be answering and dumps it into a glass of water…..Gurgle…Zap. She then launches into her soliloquy about how she sees what she likes, and when she sees what she likes, no one, but no one can stop her. She refers to AlLocoLonso, of course. You see, there is always someone for each of us in this world.

Somewhere in the back fields of Malquerida, Leo is staggering around on his way to the bull pens. Al asks him where he is going? Leo reports he is helping Camila with bull business for the day. Al takes this opportunity to tell Leo that he is getting a pay cut because they had to outsource the hit job. Leo explains it was God’s will that the Padre didn’t die, not his fault (novel excuse to give the boss) and that furthermore, he has regrets for having tried to do this. Well, Al explains, this is win-win for you, take less money, and have no regrets because you didn’t kill the Padre after all. Leo takes this change in payment plan surprisingly well.

The cameras flash us back to Ximena’s room with scenes of her primping and kissing herself in the mirror. Further split screens start up (weird transition) and we see Camila working at the bull pens with Rudolfo and Dandres. Scenes flash of the following: Dandres gloving up, Dandres gloved up, Dandres drawing blood while checking out Camila, and the poor bulls being poked with the booster vaccines and blood sucked for sample testing. Happy glances ensue. Leo shows up in time to be asked about his whereabouts by Camila and reminded that she, Camila is his boss. It seems this will be one of several days work and Dandres tells Camila to count on him to help. Camila can be seen in a tight shot looking him up and down with a vague smile on her face.

In another field at Malquerida Dio and Al talk about their nefarious plans. Al tells Dio he explained to Leo that he was getting a pay cut and that Leo was not happy. Dio is looking for Dandres and Al tells him he is helping Camila save the bulls from the plague. Dio has a light bulb moment thinking that a plague could be the best thing that happened to the ranch as the death of the herd would force Camila to sell the ranch. Al has had enough work at the office and excuses himself to see Dio’s stepdaughter Ximena.

Dio slimes over to the bull pens and inquires of Dandres about the rumor of how Padre was injured. Chismes travel fast, says Dandres. He explains that Padre mentioned Leo’s name when he was in the truck just after the accident and before being transported to the hospital. We think Dandres is planting this story to agitate the bad guys. Dandres says he doesn’t really care if Leo did it or was sent to do it. Dandres says that his dispute with Leo was to have Leo leave him alone. We think Dandres has to be careful not to tip his hand that he actually cares that Leo had a hand in Padre’s demise.

Time out to return to the living room with the drips (not the fountain). Al and Ximena, now free to talk alone assure each other that their previous meeting and exchanging of numbers and bad names with one another is secret and safe. Ximena assures Al that she believes life is to be enjoyed, suggesting she has no qualms of “enjoying” her brother-in-law’s attentions. Al sh**grins and returns comment that the pair of them have the same philosophy on life. They skip off together, Al Ximena, and the hand sanitizer.

Back to Dio and Dandres. Dio tells Dandres to keep his eye on Leo. Then he gives Dandres his new orders. He shows him a picture of the supposed Daniel Diaz Acosta, tells him to memorize it and informs him that the person in the photo is a killer and dangerous. Dio inquires if Dandres has a gun and upon hearing no, assures Dandres that Dio will get him one and pay for target practice. The purpose, of course, would be to kill “Daniel” on sight in order to “protect” Agustina and Camila from this guy. Dio assures Dandres he will be within his rights to kill this guy as it would be self defense. Viewerville remembers that “Daniel” is Rafa’s brother, in reality and we hope that dear brother doesn’t haplessly decide to pay a visit to this town.

In the middle of a few of these scenes, we are treated to scenes of Ximena and Al strolling through El Rancho with one another. The scenes can be summarized by the following: gee, the ranch is big ($!!), gee, the ranch smells icky sometimes, gee, we have the hots for each other and gee, I have lint on me and need hand sanitizer. Trust me on this one.

As Dio and Dandres finish their conversation, Camila strolls up. Dio slimes all over her about wanting to get to know her as she is such an interesting and intelligent woman, etc. Camila looks at him skeptically and tells him there is lots of time for that but that she is busy now. Dio is so slimily obvious, echhh. After Dio leaves, Camila asks Dandres what they were talking about. Dandres plays coy saying that he doesn’t want to be indiscreet, but that Dio came to warn him about the potential dangerous “Daniel” who may be lurking around wanting to kill them all. Camila says if he shows up for Dandres to tell her, not Dio, please. Dandres is relieved to know that Camila does not have the same assumption that “Daniel” is a killer. Camila pulls rank on Dandres again by reminding him to refer to her as Ud.

Dio slimes back over to the living room and gives flowers to Agustina for herself and Ximena. Agustina is mesmerized and slips into the kitchen to arrange them and to serve cake and coffee to the genteel crowd of creeps. Isavibora slides over to Dio and clucks “poor thing” about how Agustina is a sucker for Dio. She reminds him of the dicho “del plato de la boca le cae la sopa” which seems to mean that Agustina is “eating from Dio’s hand” with all his slimy talk. Dio and Isa assure each other that the plans are under control.

It is now the end of a long day and Camila and Dandres and Rodolfo are in Camila’s office preparing to ship off the blood samples. Rodolfo excuses himself and Dandres points out to Camila that he was finally able to be helpful to which she finally agrees he is able (habil). I would personally advise Camila to reinstruct Dandres on his phlebotomy skills, i.e. no checking out mujeres while pointing a needle. He excuses himself and Camila sits down and sighs a BIG sigh. Lots of tension seems to be giving her a headache.

In the living room, Agustina has returned with a gift of a hand knitted muffler (bufanda) for Dio while Isa rolls her eyes. The pair gush about how lovely it is, and how many goodies Agustina has for him (estuche de monerias – she says this somewhere in here) and how the scarf makes Dio even more handsome than before. Isa brings up the news that Agustina has planned a party for all her friends in order to assist Dio in selling them retirement real estate. She is ready to be the boss (llevar la batuta) Viewerville frowns at this as it looks like a sucker sale. Agustina says she wants Dio to be proud of her.

Ximena and Al bounce into the room laughing. Dio gushes over Ximena about how she is beautiful like her mother. Ximena says if she knew there were all these great hot guys, she’d have come to El Rancho sooner. Isa finds her slobbering a refreshing example of Ximena’s honesty. Takes one to know one.

We cut into a night scene in the woods with Luzma lecturing Pablo on fighting and his jealousy over Tolentino. The pair of them go on about how Bratgirl and Tolentino, respectively are just acquaintances and that jealously is unwarranted. Luzma huffs off with a “get over yourself or we are through” to Pablo. Was this scene really needed?

Back with the genteel creeps and now we have Isavibora in the kitchen with Leo and Piedad. Piedad excuses herself and Tio Leo confronts Isa on not having fired Dandres. Isa assures him she has Dandres under her control but that she cannot have him fired so that he doesn’t blab his suspicions. “Trust me”, she says to which Leo returns he trusts no one. Furthermore, he adds he wasn’t happy about the salary cut and that they gave him a dirty deal (jugar chueco). Viewerville knows that Leo picked the wrong family member to complain about this to. Leo had his chance with Al earlier but let it go. Oh well! Isa assures him she will find a way to compensate him, as necessary. If she means what we think we mean, wow, Isa gets down and dirty!

Back at the dining room table Camila eventually shows up famished and grabs some cake and tells Ximena she will give her a tour of the ranch tomorrow. Ximena returns, no worries, your enchanting husband already did that and that it is a swell ranch ($!!). Camila excuses herself, grabs the cookies (see what I remember) and excuses herself. Indiscrete Al explains Camila is sleeping in the cabana and Ximena’s chisme radar is off and running. Ximena actually has viewerville fooled that she is concerned about problems with the happy couple, Camila and Al, until Agustina starts to explain. We see Ximena’s sh**grin start up and we all slap ourselves awake again.

Final scenes have Al washing the phone number off his arm and checking out his crow’s feet in the mirror. Ximena can be seen back in her room with her (dirty) feet on the couch seemingly making her plan for una movida. Dandres tells Viv and Rafael that he has been given the order to kill “Daniel”.

Avances: We see Rafael hinting to Camila that he may know Daniel Diaz Acosta.


Mena--Perfect title for what is going to be a super recap.

The eyes had it for me last night. Even though they were in a public place, working hard at a dangerous job, Cam & Dan had time to look at each other without Cam shooting daggers. And, she liked what she saw. She's softening.

D'Andres gave her some great lines about staying close to her mother and a ti--then she corrects him...Ud, Ud. Si Senora. Loved it. Did you see Dan's face when Dio was throwing his garbage at Cam? Priceless.

I'm surprised Alonso is shedding his Komodo Dragon, Jr. skin for something more appealing. Anyone for a change in name for him?

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Yes Anita I saw Dan's face during Dio's BS. It was hilarious! CdlF has some great facial expressions whether he's disgusted or smoldering.

Alonso is still creepy to me so he's still a dragon.

I realize I'm a bit late in asking, but what does Komodo mean? Is that some type of dragon? I hesitated to ask because I knew it wasn't something good since it stuck for both Alonzo and his coniving mother.

So Dion wants Dan to kill the guy in the picture, aka, Rafa's brother. I never understood why they didn't just use an anonymous person for the picture of Dan. And how do you locate someone based solely on a picture?

Foxy--We got Alonso's number right away. The label Komodo Dragon (he's actually a Junior, we decided) was thanks to UrbanA. If you want to get to know Alonso intimately, go to the Recaps and read the Amor Bravio Extra from Sept. 20th, where we picked out comments describing Alonso. The picture will be very clear.

cathyx - we wondered the same thing. OTH, where would the story be without a connection to one of our already existing characters. Besides, Dio knows that if Daniel is alive, he's going to try to make it to Mexico and find the ranch. Dio knows Daniel knows about the inheritance and from Alonso (Lic. Becerro had called Dan), that he was offered a job at La Malquerida, so Dan knows where to head.

Refreshing to see intelligence among the good characters: Amanda and Natalia immediately suspecting the Father was murdered.


I still think Rafa will be the one to out Dan and not Natalia.

Natalia seems to grasp how dangerous the situation is, so I think she'll keep her mouth shut.

Rafa is still shouting DANIEL!

With Julian on the scene, this will not end well.

Mena - thanks for the laughs. Appreciate all the detail.

Trying to figure out Ximena's game. Truly attracted to Alonso? Wants to stick it to Camila? Just bored? But she's right about the hot guys around La Malquerida. Wait till she gets a load of Dandres, Rafael, Rodolfo, and the brothers.

I love your vet jokes. We need to keep them going throughout this TN.

I also love: “Let me be clear, we are half sisters!” (until it is time to read the will, of course).

And this: Al says if Ximena is patient, he promises to finish up all his illegal and unethical business for the day and he will then be free to show her around.

I see no problem with Ximena going after Alonso. Camila doesn't want him anyway. They will actually make a great pair. So I'm wondering where this is going. Will Ximena get Alonso to like her, and then she sets her eyes on Dan and then go after him instead? Making Alonso jealous and hate Dan? And Make Camila jealous too? Inquiring minds want to know.

Your description of Alonso and Ximena's tour of the ranch is hilarious.

It looks like Camila gives Dion a look that says 'this is weird' whenever Dion makes the moves on her. I think she is sort of on to him but obviously doesn't get why he is acting that way.

So the avances look interesting, can't wait til tomorrow.

Good stuff, Mena.

Camila is still feeling guilty about how she responds to Andres, who has to tell Rafael to remember to call him that.

Per a post from yesterday, in the unlikely event that Andres/Daniel is Camila's cousin, they would be legally permitted to marry in Mexico and in about half the US states. It wouldn't even be emotionally incestuous because they didn't grow up together. The only impediment is Miriam still being alive.

Thanks Mena for clarifying several conversations that were not very clear to me. Also, I had forgotten that Alonzo had written Ximena's number on his arm. So I was puzzled when I saw him wash something off. Thanks for pointing that out. Even though the 2 protagonists are having minor problems with each other, we all know that in true novela fashion, "they aint seen nothing yet". I feel especially bad for D'Andres. The worse is yet to come.
Thanks Anita for your response to my inquiry about komono dragons. I also Googled "what is a komodo dragon"? I got this: Komodo dragons are named as such because even though they don't have wings, their dragon-ish body makes them take on the appearance of a dragon. Komodo comes from the island they originate from. Yep, now I see why Alonzo and his mom earned the name.

Brava--a great Bravio. Mena, we hit the jackpot with you. What a fantastic recap. This is more entertaining than the episode (with the exception of watching all of D'andres' moves on Camila).

I think the dicho “del plato a la boca le cae la sopa," or the wonderful English 'there's many a slip 'twixt the cup and the lip.' Your interpretation is spot on, but it can also be a warning to Dio that he may be juggling too many balls [not a vet joke] in the air or the best laid plans of mice and men can often go astray. Ni modo.

The whole recap was a GREAT. My fav lines, though:
the recently arrived plague, Ximena

...chosen to stop the bull plague rather than entertain the sister plague

We think [Cam] picked the right pile [of bulls**t] to work with

[Al] promises to finish up all his illegal and unethical business for the day and he will then be free to show her around

Time out to return to the living room with the drips (not the fountain)

gee, the ranch is big ($!!), gee, the ranch smells icky sometimes, gee, we have the hots for each other and gee, I have lint on me and need hand sanitizer.

I could go on and on, but I should give other a chance at digging into Mena's gold mine.

Hey Mena! Lots of tail wags and paws up for your recap and animal/vet jokes.


Worth waiting for, even though I missed most of the episode again. When you were "vetted" for this role, they sure picked on who could dish up the "sh**t" with a laugh.



LOL! (Tooooo funny!)

I hope Agustina ends up choking Dionisio with that scarf.

Mena: This was fantastically funny! Snark dripping from everywhere! I especially liked:

• Not in the mood for constructive criticism, Tio Leo growls

• and the recently arrived plague, Ximena

• They all fail to see that there is estiercol in the bull pens AND in the dining room…

• Camila doesn’t need to work (yes she can spend her day hanging around with this crowd woo!hoo!)

• Leo that he is getting a pay cut because they had to outsource the hit job.

• checking out his crow’s feet in the mirror

I missed Dan's expression re: Dio. Shucks. Terrific title and you nailed it with Ximeana!



Great job. Thanks for the funny lines and helping us relive some great moments.

Our villains are certainly villainous and our daffy Augustina truly daffy and therefore dangerous. But Dio, Isa and Augustina are also pretty comical; I feel like they are winking at the camera as they act out their parts. Ximina and Leo are something else. No humor there.

I'm needing to make a flow chart to follow the twists and turns of who knows what. Juicy plotting.

Great recap! I need to be careful of reading these things over morning coffee. Laughing endangers my computer. It already survived one coffee bath this week.

I am liking the guy who plays Alonso. When he is in slime mode, you can hardly stand to look at him. He makes you feel like you have centipedes crawling all over you. When he is in Ximena-hotty mode, he is not bad on the eyes.
And Cesar is a great Die(vil).


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