Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Amor Bravío #21 (Uni 16) Tue 9/4/12 Driving Miss Camila

Viviana’s Place
Camila recounts finding “El Vato” swimming in his skivvies.  Viviana tells her she may as well face it.  Camila’s more attracted to him than she’d care to admit. 

Alonsssso’s Attack

Alonsso’s just getting started with la ramera when he passes out.  He doesn’t pass “GO”, but she collects her $200.  Well, maybe not but she does clean out his wallet.  HAHAHA.  To her credit, she does tell the front desk on the way out that the dude in 210 is out cold.  The front desk clerk finds Alonsso sprawled on the floor.  He instructs the front desk to call La Cruz Roja lest he die on their watch.  He checks his wallet for ID and sees that he’s been cleaned out.  He calls the Malquerida office and speaks to Natalia, telling her Alonsso’s in trouble. 

Rancho Malquerida – Hacienda

Agustina, El Diablo, and Isadora are chatting over coffee.  Aggie tells Isadora she’s sure to need her help in this venture.  She feels it would be easier for Isadora since she’s more wordly.  Pshaw!  Says El Diablo.  Aggie’s intelligence and common touch is what attracted him to her to begin with.  Each of them will be able to make use of their connections:  Isadora with hers in the city, Aggie with hers in the pueblo.

Natalia comes running in just then and tells them about Alonsso being found and that he’s on the way to the hospital via ambulance.

Meanwhile, we see the paramedics working on Alonsso.  Apparently the hotel clerk blabbed because one tells the other about the prostitute fleeing just before Alonsso was found.  They proceed to juice up the paddles.

Rancho Malquerda – Hacienda
Padre speaks with Leoncio, saying he hasn’t seen him in church lately.  Could it be Leoncio’s conscience is bothering him?  Nothing of the kind, says Leoncio, his conscience is clean.  He then speaks cryptically, asking if Padre is referring to “what happaened”.  Well, he’s repentant.  That’s what Padre’s referring to, right?  We must repent for our sins?  Leoncio agrees to be there on Sunday.

Padre now asks for Alonsso.  Natalia overhears and tells him how Alonsso was taken by ambulance in Metepec.  Aggie and Isadora are en route but she’s still trying to locate Camila.  Padre sure hopes it isn’t anything serious and asks Natalia to keep him informed.  He turns to leave but not before wagging a finger at Leoncio and then asks Natalia to help him with something. 

Vivi’s Place
D’Andres is still waiting outside for Camila when Rafael comes running up.  He mistakenly calls him “Daniel” but luckily no one is around to hear him.  He agrees to be more careful.  D’andres explains he’s her as Camila’s chauffeur.  Rafael sees how quickly D’Andres is moving on up but only hopes all his logros (achievements) done’t won’t end up harming Camila until he has proof.  “That was our agreement, right”, says D’Andres.  Camila and Viv walk out just then and Rafael breaks the news to Camila about Alonsso:  hes’ at La Cruz Roja in Metepec!

Rancho Malquerida – Alonso’s office
Natalia and Padre are in Alonso’s office.  He’s asked her to figure out which files Don Daniel was viewing the day he died.  They’re both in agreement it must have been something very seious for him to change his will.  Natalia also says Don Daniel wen straight to Licencido Becerra’s office right after looking at those files. 

Natalia reviews Alonso’s laptop (why doesn’t he ever use a password?)  She discovers that all the records prior to the week after Don Dan’s death have been erased.  The only one with access to those documents is…. BUM BUM BUMMMM!!!!  ALONSO!

La Cruz Roja
Agustina, Isadora, and Dionicio arrive with Camila, Viviana, and Rafael close behind.  Camila wonders what could have possible happened to him and why was he in Metepec?  Dion has confirmed that the doctor is with him now and that they’re saying he’s had a heart attack.  Camila can’t believe that’s possible at his age. 

Rancho Malquerida – Hacienda
Leoncio is hitting the bottle while everyone’s away and Piedad catches him.  She tells him he has no right to do this just because everyone’s out.  She tries to grab the bottle but he pulls it back.  She’s worried he’ll get her in trouble because she’s responsible for everything that happens in the house.  “A lot of good that will do you”, says Leoncio.   He wonders if she knows why they’re surveying the rancho and informs her they’re planning to sell it before the new patron arrives.  Piedad refuses to believe Camila would ever do that.  Those bulls and this ranch are everything to her.  Her counters that she’s the one who brought the surveyors.  That’s how rich folk are; they only look after their own.  Piedad angrily yanks the bottle from his hands, saying Camila wouldn’t sell this ranch for all the gold in the world. 

La Cruz Roja
Camila worries over how long it’s taking.  She just wants to know what’s going on.  Agustina thinks Alonso’s been under a lot of stress, what with Don Daniel’s death, their marriage, and running the ranch.  She thinks they should pamper Alonso when he’s released from the hospital.  She leaves to get some air;  Rafael gets a call and also walks away. Viviana uses this opportunity to warn Camila not to sacrifice herself over this heart attack.  She suggests this may just be a pretext for him to avoid getting help.  Camila disagrees.  Vivi doesn’t want Camila to forget about the “woman” who’s alive inside.

Agustina finds D’Andres in the hospital corridor.  She freaks out when she thinks he’s there due to the injuries she caused when she ran him over.  He puts her mind at ease and informs her he’s now employed at La Malquerida, working under Leoncio.  She’s pleased to hear this until she learns he’s shoveling bull dung.  She’ll see to it that he remains as the chauffeur for her and for her daughter.

Hospital Cafeteria
Isadora and Dionicio discuss Alonssso’s condition.  Dion makes a bad joke, saying this will make it easier for him to win over Agustina.  Isadora doesn’t appreciate his little joke.  Well, he’s not finished.  He also says he would find it much easier to kiss Camila than the mother.  *EEEEEEWWWWW*  This gets her scales up! He feels she’s been very sensitive lately.  She tells him not to forget he’s in the presence of a lady.  *really, where?* She finds his humor in very poor taste.  He wonders if s he’ll feel the same way when Agustina convinces Camila to sell.  Isadora just wants to be done with this.  Dion has decided they can’t wait around for the Chilean authorities to declare Daniel Acosta dead.  They’ll just have to do it themselves.  He declares that within one week, he will deliver Daniel’s death certificate to Camila, even it’s a fake.  No matter what, Malquerida must be theirs by the end of the month.

Waiting Room
Agustina walks back in with D’Andres telling him not to say anything about his new position to Camila.  He asks Camila if there’s anything he can bring her and she asks him to get Piedad to put together a suitcase with a change of clothes for her.

Doctor brings everyone up to date on Alonso’s condition.  I do mean everyone:  Rafa, Viv, Agustina, Dion, Isadora, Agustina, D’Andres, and Camila.  Alonso’s had a heart attack and is still in intensive care but should be upgraded soon.  Camila wants to know more about what happened and Isadora chimes in about how healthy her son is.  She doesn’t understand how this could happen.  The Doctor reluctantly says Alonsso was found in a hotel room.  Camila wonders what he was going in a hotel at this hour.  Doctor suggest she ask Alonso.  He goes on to inform everyone that Alonso had a substance known as Sildenafil (aka Viagra), a substance used for E.D.  He goes on and on about this medication should only be used under a doctor’s care.  Apparently Alonso had some type of undiagnosed anomaly and if he had been under a doctor’s care, this could have been prevented.   Camila wonders if Alonso was at the hotel alone.  The Doctor tells her and everyone that the paramedics said Alonso with there with a woman!

Camila demands to know who this woman is.  Doctor can’t say and he’s sorry to be the one to tell her all this but he can’t lie and keep the truth from her.  Camila understands and thanks him, saying it’s important to know the truth.  Dion stands there, barely containing his anger.  Isadora asks about Alonso.  The Doctor says he should stay in the hospital a few days for observation. 

Dinoicio puts his two centavos in, agreeing this is what’s most important.  As for everything else, well it will be resolve one way or another. 

Doc will allow them to vist but it will have to be brief.  Alonso mustn’t be agitated.

Isadora suggests Camila be the first to see him.  Camila:  I have no desire to see him!  This has been humiliating enough without having to face him.  For what?  Isadora:  You must see my son.  He’s your husband.  Camila:  He was the first to forget that.  Isadora:  Surely there is some justification for him to have been in that place.  Camila:  EXCUUUSE ME!!!  There are some things that no justification and this is one of them.  Your son was in a hotel with a woman who could be his lover, or his woman du jour.  I’m not interested. 

Viviana seems to be willing Camila to go on.

Dionicio is fuming – you can almost see the smoke coming out of his ears.

D’Andres can only roll his eyes.  LOL!

Isadora continues to plead with Camila to show some compassion and understanding.  But our heroine is having none of it.  She shouts at Isadora:  Alonso is out of danger now and nothing is going to happen to him.  All I want now is to get out of here!  She looks at the Peanut Gallery and the all quickly rise in  unison:  Rafael, Agustina, and Vivian.  Rafa goes for the car. 

Dion offers to take her to the ranch and suggests he and Agustina can keep her company.  Camila suggests he and Agustina can stay there at the hospital with Isadora, who must need their company.  She storms out with Viv. 

Isadora stands here with fury oozing out of every pore and with see bulls running (Salud!), as if to say her rage is as strong as a bull’s. 

Alonso’s room
He’s happy to see his mommy.  She clearly doesn’t feel the same and says so.  She tells him the whole world knows he was in a hotel de paso (?) with a woman , that he took pills that are used “pasa eso”, and that he almost died as a result of that.  He’s an imbecile!  Why did he lie to her about having solved his little problem?  (pun intended)  And then he goes and takes this medication not knowing he had a blocked artery!

He wants to talk to Camila.  He’s sure she’ll understand.  Mama mocks him, “Oh yeah?  The little woman just left and wants nothing to do with you!  She obviously feels humiliated and expuesta (exposed).  He asks her to stop insulting him.  He only did all this to resolve things with Camila.  Isadora:  Well, instead of resolving things, you’ve only made it worse!  I can only hope this mistake can be reversed, but I doubt it!

Waiting Room
Agustina feels badly for Camila.  Dionicio can only agree.  It’s inconceivable to him that Alonso would do this.  He never would have expected this of Alonso.  Dion is really shoveling his BS now.  He’s a very faithful man.  He doesn’t understand how a man in love can’t be faithful.  Besides Alonso is recently married – and to a wonderful woman like Camila.  Agustina’s so happy Dion’s not like Alonso *exuse me while I get sick* or like the majority of men who are unfaithful.  Oh, he understands.  He believes when you stop loving someone, honesty is best.  There’s no need to lie or cheat.  Agustina puts her head on his shoulder and sighs, “If only men realized how much damage they cause.”  AAAAAGHHH!!!!

Pity Party at Viv’s!
Viviana invites Camila in for tequila.  She tells Rafael to leave them alone for some girl talk.  Rafael and A’Andres are left alone for some “man” talk.  Rafa defends Camila.  D’Andres must realize what a good woman she is and all she’s gone through at the hands of Alonso.  Rafa suddenly realizes  D’Andres must have known about their problem in the bedroom.  D’Andres can only say she hasn’t been very knind to him.  Rafa can’t believe D’Andres would dare compare her to Alonso.  He warns him not to allow his pain to overcome his true self.  D’Andres declines Rafa’s invitation to join him at home. 

Inside, Viv wanrs Camila not to drink too much.  Camila is humiliated and feels so stupid.  Viv is sure the woman with Alonso was a prostitute and that he used the meds as a way to solve his problem.  Camila is angry he didn’t get help and tried to get it the easy way.  In the end, Camila doesn’t feel it’s necessary to prolong the inevitable.  She will ask Alonso for a divorce as soon as he’s out of the hospital.

Padre tells D’Andres he’s on his side and believes him.  He tells how Don Daniel was convinced Daniel was his son even though Agatha never told him of Daniel’s existence.  Don Dan had planned to get a DNA test.  He had his doubts but he discovered something that caused him to change his will.  The Padre doesn’t know what that could be. 

Isadora tells Aggie she’s mortified at Alonso’s behavior.  Aggie tells her it’s not her fault.  She offers to bring Isadora a change of clothes as she assumes she’ll want to stay by her son’s side.  Isadora obviously wasn’t planning to stay but agrees that would be best.

Padre and D’Andres talk about Don Daniel’s investigation.  Padre tells him about a letter Don Daniel left for him.  He doesn’t know what’s in the letter but he’s sure he speaks of his love for Agatha.  He has it but it’s locked away and he doesn’t have the key at the moment.  D’Andres now asks Padre for a letter of recommendation in order to find work.  He needs a letter from someone in another region so.  This conversation got very confusing for me but Padre did say he didn’t feel good about it and felt it would be like lying. 

Isadora knows Alonso made a mistake but she’s sure he loves CAmila.  Agustina can only wonder what kind of love that can be.  She and Dionicio finally leave and Isadora is left behind, clearly agitated.

Padre agrees to provide a letter for D’Andres from someone he trusts.  D’Andres wants to know who else knew about Don Dan’s relationship with Agatha.  Padre tells him about Amanda who remained Agatha’s friend.

Viv’s House and various other quick scenes
Whooooweee, Camila is very drunk.  D’Andres has to practically carry her out to the car.

Meanwhile, Luzma is looking for Pablo, who is looking for her and calls the cabin, leaving a voicemail with Camila.  He also tries the Hacienda and leaves a message with Agustina asking her to have Camila call him.

Uh-oh, Leoncio is looking ofr Luzma – in her room!  Piedad comes in and wonders what he’s doing in Luzma’s room.  All he does is criticize Piedad for not keeping Luzma in line.  He manhandles her and threatens that if Luzma ends up preggers, they’ll both have to leave.

The girl visiting at Pablo’s (forget her name) invites him to watch a movie with her.  Of course, she’s scantily dressed.  They playfully fight over the popcorn.  Luzma has gone to his house searching for him and sees the horseplay through the window.  She’s sad.  Aww   sad face.

Driving Miss Camila
D’Andres drives Camila home.  She’s very, very drunk and starts to ramble about unfaithful men.  The start to talk about who is more unfaithful, men or women.  It comes up that he’s “someone’s” bf.  He stops the car and turns to her.  He’s not sure where she got the idea but he assures her he only flirts with someone he’s truly interested in.  He asks if she’d consider anyone else now that her husband’s been unfaithful.  She tells him she does things the right way.  First, she’ll divorce her husband, then she’ll step out with another man, but no before.  He asks if she’s sure………….
Oh, and by the way, he’s within kissing distance…!


I apologize up front for any typos. It was getting really late and I didn't have time to proof read.

Muchas gracias, Paquita, for the great recap. Loved your humor, starting with "He doesn’t pass “GO”, but she collects her $200."

I'm not sure about "hotel de paso," but I think it may refer to a place where they rent rooms for, um, very short stays.

Great stuff, Paquita. My faves:

He doesn’t pass “GO”, but she collects her $200. Well, maybe not but she does clean out his wallet.

This gets her scales up!

Oh, and by the way, he’s within kissing distance…!

What made me angry was how the doctor spilled all the frijoles in front of a whole bunch of people who have no right to know it. That information was for Camila and nobody else. Does this reflect actual behavior in Mexico?

Iliana is Bratgirl's name. She is a waste of space and probably a placeholder until we have to begin dealing with Ximena.

Paquita - Love the title. Let me chime in how "He doesn’t pass “GO”, but she collects her $200" had me ROFL. Terrific recap.

No experience with Mexican medical system, but my guess is that no real doc in Mexico would spill the frijoles like this in front of all. If there is no doc oath of confidentiality, then at least a male doc would follow the Man Code of not giving up a cheating bro. But I did so enjoy the scene.

Paquita thanks for your recap. I too loved your Monopoly moment as well as your translation of Daniel and Cami. He was not only within kissing distance but also lowered his voice and was looking at her very intently. Wow, it will be interesting to see if Cami can hold onto her principles.

While the doctor was completely out of line, it made for a great scene and at least didn't cause the immediate delay in Camila's divorce plan. I thought Aloser would be able to play sick and worm his way back or at least postpone things. But now with this mess, it just push her into Daniel's arms.

Someone mentioned s/he thought true vengeance was not in Daniel's nature and I want to agree. I think his seduction plan will trap him. I really don't want to go through insane galan syndrome a la CME's Jero.

Before I can read the recap or comments, I must comment on how hysterically funny that hospital scene was with the doctor telling everyone about Alonso, the erectile disfunction pill, the hotel room in the middle of the afternoon, and the hooker. The doctors on TN's have no problem announcing to any and all what is happening to a patient. Confidentiality goes out the window.

Paquita: Loved your recap.

Poor Alonso can't catch a break. Now the whole world knows about his problem - it might even make the evening news.

Camila is not the traditional pushover new bride. She knows her own mind and knows she has to get rid of that germ. It's a good thing she declines to drive. That little quirk allows us some quality time with Daniel the man.

Paquita- Fabulous recap!

I know what the doc did was inappropriate, but I SO loved watching him tell EVERYONE Al's biz and all the reactions on everyone's faces, including Dan's eyeroll. LOL!

Not sure how Al can hang on to Camila now.

I am so glad Rafa is around to keep Dan on a short leash. I think he'll make sure he doesn't go off the rails with this revenge plan. Unlike Jero's BFF, Carlos, in CME, Rafa is in love with Cami and has an interest in her not being hurt.

I am also loving Padre actively doing detective work to figure things out. But I did not like that he had to go find the key to open the drawer with the letter. Just makes me think something will happen to the letter before Dan gets his hands on it.

Paquita: thanks for a great recap. I'm an "early to bed" type so I record and watch the following day. So, I have the pleasure of reading the recaps before seeing the episodes.

I too loved the ..."did not pass go" and that Isa got 'her scales up" snarks. "Bratgirl" is so perfect for Iliana that we really don't need to use her real name anymore.

Can anyone translate "el vato"? My very best dictionary has "vate" but no vato. I've taken it in context to maybe mean "vagabondo'? Is it maybe short for another noun?

LoriLoo- Vato is like dude. It's Mexican slang. So when Vivi and Cami say "el vato", they are saying the dude/the guy.

¡Gracias Vivi! A mi me gusta aprender palabras nuevas.

I finally had a moment to read the recap and well done Paquita. I didn't get the request for a recommendation from the Padre either. Not sure where he's going with that. And if the Padre wants to remain on the up and up, where would he get one from someone not from there?

I love the 'Bratgirl' nickname, that's exactly what she is. There's usually one in every TN.

I think a kiss is in order for our main couple. Except if that happens, she probably won't remember it in the morning.

PdelB, Thanks for the fast pasteup of the recap. Sheeesh, I hope I can keep up like the pair of you, you and UA tonight.

LL and Vivi, I didn't expect to hear vato in this novela. I guess it is used in Mexico commonly too, eh? It is pretty commonly used as street language here in the states where I live. It is seen by Mexicanos here as an Spanglish slang and kind of "hoodlumish". I never really heard it in Mexico... Instead I hear words like cuate or chavo. Thanks for the expanded vocab lesson.

NIece in MD... love that line about the Man Code. LOL.

I was laughing so hard when the doc announced it in front of everyone. It was a serious breach of confideniality, but I think the writers were just having fun with it. The other thing that was hilarious was after Isavibora tells Agustina how much Al loves Camila and when Agustina tells Isavibora he has a funny way of showing it... Funny stuff!


Thank you for the recap! My DVR failed to record the episode last night so I'm grateful. It sounds like I missed a good episode too. I loved the Monopoly reference! I also think any kiss won't be remembered by Camilla, but D'andres surely will remember!!!

I wonder the doc just didn't get on the hospital PA system and be done with it.

Thanks Paquita for a great, funny recap.

Is the actor who plays Bratgirl's mother the same one who played Carlos' snobby mother on CME?


Great recap, Paquita.

I cracked up at the Doc's tell-it-like-it-is-ethics-be-damned style. He was probably having a busy day and didn't have time for the niceties. There have been times that I would have loved to lay things all out like that.

Speaking of confidentiality, I can see no reason in the world for Padre not to reveal who Daniel is. He recognized him before he ever uttered a word about confidentiality. I will, however, be disappointed if he helps him get a bogus reference letter.

I was surprised that Viagra triggered Alonso's infarct. That is very unlikely. I suppose it could have triggered a hypotensive episode resulting in reduced perfusion of the blocked artery, especially if he took too much... but who cares?

However, I don't want him killed... so far he has been the most entertaining character.

Does Sylvia Navarro remind anyone else here of Lauren Bacall?



Robey, yes, Bratgirl's mom is the same actress as Carlos' mom on CME.



What a fine recap. I loved this episode and you captured it perfectly here on paper.

I hope they move the divorce process along smartly. The idea of Alonso with Camila makes my skin crawl.

Like so many others, I loved the scene with the indiscreet Dr. telling the Heavens and everyone that Alonso had a heart attack from using Viagra. What a scream!

Finally, I love your title, Driving Miss Camila". Brilliant. Would someone remind me just why Camila and Agusta need a driver?

Carlos, now that you mention it, Silvia does remind me a bit of Lauren Bacall. Not the same bodytype, of course—Bacall was a clothes hanger and Sylvia has a curvy buy unenhanced body—but something about her strength and, maybe her nose. Hmmm. Now I have to look at some photos of LB to be sure.

Thanks again Paquita.



EJ Sonoma (my neighbor): Cami is still afraid to drive because of her accident and Auggie doesn't see very well behind the wheel and therefore does not want to drive.


Paquita--You have a terrific turn of phrase that injects so much humor into an otherwise serious situation. Thank you for the dialog, too. I couldn't hear what D'andres was saying to Camila in the car because he left the engine running (I think his engine was running, too). Can't wait to see what he does with this lucious paquete emborrachada tonight--although I think he's too much of a gentleman to take advantage of Camila at this stage. His attraction is only at the starting gate and his mind is still on vengeance--or justice as he's promised Rafa.

I also wondered why the paramedics said something about a prostituta. Now I know, just chisme-ing among themselves.

Like everyone else I enjoyed the group announcement in the hospital waiting room. It wasn't only Alonssso's folks there, there were others there, too. Where are the Het Het chisme queens when you need them.

Leoncio is so creepy I have to shut my eyes whenever he appears. I'm sure his only role is to help extend the episodes, unless what he repented for has something to do with Agatha or Don Daniel, since it apparently was a long time ago.

Alonssslow was not so slow deleting archived e-mails. Here's where we need D'andres' computer skills to recover them. I hope Padre gets the key back from his acolyte soon so D' can read the letter.

And yes, Padre didn't really want to ask someone to fake a letter of recommendation for Dan--it would be lying, but Dan is so charming and persuasive it's hard to refuse him. He convinced Padre it's only a back-up since he's already working at La Malquerida, he doesn't need one. I think Padre realizes that what he and Natalia did was borderline, too. Can Padre confess to himself and absolve himself (haha).


Elna June, it's not so much a physical resemblance, but the vivacity, humor, and playfulness as well as what seems to be superior acting skills... elevating those around them.


She does have a hint of Becall about her; ask me when she finally wears some more sophisticated clothes.

No, we won't lose Alonssso for a long time yet. The writers can get too much mileage out of his little problem.

BTW--I couldn't find Vato in my dictionary, but I did find Bato. Their definition is a ninny, a simpleton, a rustic.

I think our two girls are going to use the term as an endearment for Dan, while they are trying to figure him out because that's the last thing anyone would really consider him.

He sure looks good in his "uniform," he has excellent manners and good conversational (i.e. seductive) techniques that you don't learn en el campo eating frijoles for breakfast.

Emphasis on little, UA :):)? I wonder what kind of teasing the actor got as he acted out his part.

Thanks for the chuckles. Gotta make sure not to be drinking my coffee when I read recaps here.

I sure wish it were on earlier. I doze off every time. I wish I could sleep through the teenage love story. No such luck. If there was a Cam/Dan kiss, I slept through it instead. At least I didn't miss the swim scene on that night.


Camila needs a driver because ever since that accident that killed her newlywed husband, she's been afraid to drive. Agustina doesn't need a driver, she was driving when she hit Daniel. So maybe she should have one anyway.

Carlos and EJ: I see a bit of LB in her too and even in her voice... not as deep as LB's but deeper than other women.

I also think SN's acting skills have improved quite a bit since CME. I thought at times she was just too much over the top.

Yes; emphasis on "little." Maybe we'll get some backstory indicating that the first girl he tried to boink laughed at his shortcomings... or maybe other boys did in the locker room.

Cindy--There was no touching of the lips kissing; but it was as close as they could get without kissing!

Thank you, Paquita, and all the recappers this week. I'm behind on commenting, just catching up on watching, but appreciate you all very much.

I, too, am really enjoying Padre the detective and loving chemistry between Camila and Daniel. Rafa sure does have an important role in speaking sense to Daniel. I hope that the pacing and strong acting continues.

Hi, LoriLoo! So nice to see you!

Carlos, I know what you mean about Silvia just raising the game of all those around her—like Bacall. Good call.


When I first came across the word "vato" I put it into the Babylon Pro dictionary on my computadora, and it came up with the following, for which it cites Wikipedia:

Vato may refer to:
* Mexican slang for "man" or "dude".
* Vato (song), a song by Snoop Dogg.
* Vato (name), is also a Georgian name.

Paquita: Fun title for sure. Your snark about the hooker getting her dough had me LOL and I loved that last sentence for your ending! Terrific recap---thanks!

Juanita--I'll accept the narrow Mexican definition. It sounds better than Cassel's dictionary.

Reading these comments made me smile and I needed that after a long stressful wee. Thank you guys.I was laughing at the comment on how everyone now knows about Alonso's Problem haha. Even everyone in town so it seems because Agatha knew too. I wonder is that what happens when people live in a small town??

If I heard correctly, there will be no Amor Bravío episode tonight (Thursday, Sept. 6). It looks as if that time will be pre-empted by the Democratic convention. I think the 10 pm time slot is when Obama will speak.

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