Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Amor Bravío #32 (Uni 27) Tue 9/25/12 Boy chases girl, boy kisses girl, boy loses girl.

La MalQuerida - cemetery
Everyone leaves the Padrecito’s burial in tears.  Daniel swears to avenge his death.  He swears it in memory of his mother.  Amanda tells him Padre was able to communicate through his eyes *QTH?* and  tell her it was someone from the ranch who was sent to kill him.  From this information, Daniel is sure it was Leoncio.  Wow, pretty cool, huh?

Camila, Aggie, and the Kimodos arrive from the funeral.  Aggie and Isadora head to their rooms, leaving Alonsso and Camila alone in the parlor.  He tells her his P.I. will come by to speak to her tomorrow.  He’s hired someone recommended by Dionicio so she’d feel “comfortable”.  HA!  She says she no longer trusts anyone, thanks to him!  He suggests she hire someone to her liking and she responds she doesn’t really care.  He leaves, telling her he’ll come back later to which she replies, “for my part, don’t bother!”  Love it!  Alonssso esta impactado!  Hahahaha. 

Outside, Leoncio is fiddling with a saddle when D’Andres comes up behind him and accosts him.   He tells Leoncio he’s seen what a jerk he is.  Leoncio warns him never to lay a hand on him again.  D’Andres replies that Leoncio better watch himself or he’ll go to the police to tell them Leoncio was the one chasing after the Padre. It was the Padre himself who told him.  Leoncio tells him to stop with the crazy talk and D’Andres reminds him that he, D’Andres, is the one who found the Padre and was alone with him while Camila went for help, implying the Padre talked.  He warns Leoncio he’d better andar con pies the plomo (literally, feet made of lead – but it means to tread cautiously).

Rainy, stormy day
Ruh-roh – Ximena’s on the road!  She calls mom for directions to the ranch.  She explains the airport was closed and she got some vacation time so she decided to drive down to the ranch.  Ximena gets a flat!  Couldn’t happen to a nicer person.  Who other than Alonsso comes to her rescue, suggesting she wait out the storm in his car until the rain subsides and he can change the tire for  her.  *This I gotta see*

Camila decides to go riding in the storm and Daniel warns against this.  She doesn’t heed his warning and takes off on horseback.  Daniel mounts a horse and heads after her.  Eventually, Camila stops and dismounts in a clump of trees.  Daniel rides up, gives her his jacket, and much more!  He kisses her and she kisses him back!  Ay, Caray!  A good long, embracing kiss. She eventually pushes him away and she gets back on her horse despite his warnings about the storm.  She rides off with Daniel following close behind.

Leoncio has come by to talk to Isadora.  He tells her they need to get rid of El Gringo who claims to know he had something to do with Padrecito’s accident and threatened him.  Isadora tells him to chill.  Leoncio doesn’t like it.  Isadora doesn’t think D’Andres will do anything to him – he’s no danger.  As he shuffles away Leoncio says that if El Gringo bothers him, it’s the last thing he’ll do. “Fine”, says Isadora.  After he leaves she gets on the phone to Dionicio. 

La Carretera
Alonso and Ximena toy with each other while introducing themselves.  She suggests he call her Bella, because he says she looks like a Bella Princessa.  She wants to call him Juan but agrees he should have a more sophisticated name, one that fits a man so handsome, with understanding eyes and an enchanting smile (she’s obviously never met the Kimodo Kid).  She suggests Sebastian.  She says she likes an adventure, to hit the road to see where it would lead her.  He asks if she’d like some company on this adventure.  She could be persuaded but not with someone wearing a ring.  He notices she’s very observant.  He tells her not to pay too much attention to the ring.  He only wears it out of habit and really doesn’t even fit him well.  Besides, his marriage is a farce.  There’s no longer anything between him and his wife.  Ximena can’t say how many times she’s heard that before.  He tells her it’s very true in his case.  She’s noticed it’s stopped raining, so how about that tire? He’d be happy to help her out.

Love Gallop
Daniel finally catches up to Camilla but as soon as he dismounts, she gallops away again.

So, Call Me Maybe!
Darn – Alonsso’s done with the tire and we didn’t get to see him actually change it.  Boo!  Anyway, Ximena gives him a peck on the cheek as a reward.  He asks if he can see her again and really, his wife is no problem.  She tells him to call her and writes her number on his hand.

La Buenaventura. 
Yago and Mariano return to the Hacienda, meeting up with Pablo and BratGirl.  They announce their livestock has tuberculosis and will need to vaccinate the herd to avoid an epidemic.  They give Pablo instructions as they all head inside. 

La Malquerida  
Daniel runs into Luzma looking for Camila.  Camila is at the chapel praying and crying, saying that after Luis, she never wanted to feel this again.  She flashes back to The Kiss.  She had prayed that God not allow someone else to come into her life again.  How can she get him out of her life? 

Meanwhile, a shirtless Daniel (yowsa!) is in his room having his own flashback of The Kiss.  We’re interrupted -- I mean he’s interrupted, by Aggie looking for Camila.  She instructs him to be on the lookout for her and tell her that Ximena is on her way.

In a Café somewhere in town
Alonsso meets with Dionicio, who is surprised to see him so chipper.  Alonssso agrees he expected a disgusting day, but then the sun came out.  He has his own flashback of flirting with Ximena.  When he snaps out of it, Dionicio explains he’s been able to arrange a few months delay on the construction of the tourist expansion of La Malquerida but he urgently needs Isadora to transfer some funds to the account noted on a paper that he hands Alonsso.  Alonsso explains she’s already given Leoncio some of that 3 million pesos and he’s not sure Leoncio will be satisfied with that.  Dionicio could care less what they do with that field hand.  In fact, it would be fine by him if Alonsso wants to kill Leoncio; but Leoncio cannot get the money they need to save their skins.  Alonssso wonders if Dionicio can put in some of his own money.  Dionicio angrily points out that he’s already put in much more than his share.  Dionicio feels that Alonssso will have to resolve this due to his ineptitude in handling things at the ranch.

Daniel anxiously waits for Camila.  He finally calls Viviana who hasn’t heard from her either. 

Inside, Ximena has arrived!  Aggie is beside herself.  Ximena is impressed with how big the place is.  Aggie begins to explain about the inheritance issue but Ximena doesn’t let her finish.  Instead, she tells Aggie she should have insisted that her “enamorado” Don Daniel also include her in his will.  Before Aggie can respond to this, Isadora makes an appearance and Aggie introduces them.   Isadora fawns all over her, complimenting her bag and saying she’s so not like her sister.  Ximena basically says, “You can say that again!”  Isadora wants to know what she meant by saying Don Daniel was Aggie’s “enamorado”.  Aggie tells her to pay her no never mind and pulls Ximena out of the room before she says anything else. 

Camila finally rides up and Daniel wonders why she would put her life at risk in this way.  They begin to bicker, she wondering why she should explain her whereabouts and he wondering why she felt safer riding out in the rain than staying with him.  She finally tells him she doesn’t want to see him.  He explains he went looking for her because Aggie wanted her to know Ximena was on her way.  She dismisses him and turns away but he’s not about to let her go that easily.  He chases her and grabs her by the shoulders saying they need to talk.  She doesn’t think so.  He thinks they do, about what happened under the tree.  They stare intently into each other’s eyes.   “Nothing happened,” she says. “Yes it did,” he says.  “A kiss happened.  And for me that kiss was magical.  And what I felt….you felt it too.  You can’t deny it.”  “How arrogant (soberbio),” she says, “For me, that didn’t mean anything.”  “You can say whatever you want,” he says as he caresses her face, “but your eyes don’t lie.  I know that you wanted that kiss, too.”  “You are sooo wrong,” she says.  She reminds him of his position at this ranch and then asks him never to come near her again.  She walks away, leaving him standing there all cute, and stuff.   Ay Papi!

Camila goes inside and prepares for a bath (I’d say a cold shower would be more appropriate)  She pulls off her jacket and realizes it’s his.  She smells it and flashes back to The Kiss before she drapes it over a chair. 

El Pueblo
Tolontino and Irene are taking a walk around town when they come upon Pablo walking with BratGirl, Ileana (hiss,boo).  Tolontino confronts him saying he won’t allow anyone to make a fool of Luzma.  Pablo has no idea who Tolontino is but Tolontino tells him he cares very much for Luzma and won’t leave until he agrees to leave Luzma alone.  Pablo of course says the only one who’s going to leave Luzma alone is Tolontino! Ooo!  Tolontino pushes Pablo who throws a punch!  Full on scuffle begins and they end up on the ground while Irene screeches for them to stop.  BratGirl just calmly watches on. 

La Malquerida
Camila and D’Andres song plays as she returns his jacket while he’s working on the Jeep.  He asks if she no longer needs it.  She coldly responds that she doesn’t need or want anything coming from him.  She starts to walk away but he holds her back.  He repeats that The Kiss and what happened between them was, for him, magical.  “Don’t start with that,” she says.  She won’t allow him, or anyone, to take advantage of her (que me ven la cara).  He tells her he’s not trying to take advantage of her. She’s not buying it, asking why he’s being this way.  She’s not going to let him fool her.  Does he really think she’s that naïve (ingenua)?  He assures her that what he feels for her is real.  Well, she believes that what he wants is to win over the Dueña of the Ranch, get some special considerations, maybe a raise in pay.  Well, that ain’t gonna happen.  He asks if she thinks so little of herself.  Her money, her position, the fact that she’s the owner of this ranch, means nothing to him.  In truth, what’s important to him is her.  She tries to walk away again but he grabs her by the arm and looks into her eyes.  “Your eyes don’t lie,” he says, “and neither do mine.”  She stares into his eyes but finally pulls away, saying “No me vuelvas a tutear.”  (never speak to me in the familiar form of “tu” again)  She straightens up her collar and huffily walks away.  Again, he’s left standing there.  All cute, and stuff.  Ay Papi!!

Inside, Camila finds her sister Ximena enjoying a chat with Isadora and Aggie.  Ximena is impressed with everything Camila now owns.  Camila informs her that she owns none of this.  Ximena notes that Camila doesn’t seem to be herself.  Aggie explains about the death of the Padre.  Ximana (who is definitely a good match for Kimono Kid) says funerals and all that mourning stuff just bores her.  In answer to Aggie’s question, she doesn’t know how long she’ll be staying.  Maybe a few days, maybe more, but don’t start pressuring her.  Ugh, she’s so rude.  Aggie’s explains she’s just so happy to see her and Camila welcomes her to stay for as long as she wants.  Kimodo Kid makes his entrance!  Isadora introduces them and Ximena gets a sly smile on her face.  Kimodo Kid can only wince, as he always does when confronted with a sticky situation.  Camila confirms that this specimen is indeed her husband.  Ximena makes a big show of hugging her brother-in-law and wonders why Camila had never told her she had such a handsome husband.  (eeewww).  She continues to hug him and Alonssso smiles uncomfortably.

Back in El Pueblo – oh yeah?  You and what army?
Oh yeah, that fight between Pablo and Tolontino.  They exchange more insults as some pueblerinos pull them apart.  Pablo assures him he will marry Luzma no matter who objects.  Tolontino says, “We’ll see about that.”  Pablo responds by warning him that if he ever comes near Luzma, he’ll break his face!  Irene finally manages to pull Tolontino away. 

Malquerida Hacienda
Ximena and Alonsso have finally separated.  They make small talk.  Alonssso says she’s so “bella”.  Ximena responds by saying he reminds her so much of a friend named “Sebastian”.  Aggie insists Ximena must have seen at least a picture of Alonssso since she sent her pictures from the wedding.  Ximena swears she never received the package (which, I’m sure Ximena never bothered to open—I think they showed her getting the package and not opening it).  She goes on to say how lucky Camila is to have such a handsome husband.  Ugh. Camila mentions how she would have liked to have Ximena at her wedding.  The sisters begin to bicker over why she didn’t come to the wedding.  Ximena tries to get the upper hand by saying she thought Camila would welcome her more warmly.  Camila insists she’s happy to see her but has to admit it hurt that Ximena couldn’t be there for more significant events.  Ximena responds by playing the victim, saying she’ll leave before she’s run out of the ranch.  She declares she’s going back to Monterrey immediately. 

La Buenaventura
Yago and Mariano are at the corrals.  Yago had hoped Pablo would’ve arrived already with the vaccines because he’s run out.  Mariano says the only thing left to do now is to warn the other ranches, especially the adjoining ones like La Malquerida.  He’ll call Camila Monterde.

La Malquerida – Hacienda
Camila tells Ximena she would never run her out of the ranch.  Aggie tries to make peace between the sisters.  Camila just can’t understand how Ximena has never shown any interest in her sister’s life or her mother’s.  Now Alonsssso tries to play the peacemaker, saying they need to show Ximena she’s welcome.  Ximena preens as Aggie pleads with the sisters to make peace, saying she’s so happy they’re both here.  Isadora chimes in, saying that as a mother nothing is better than having the entire family together.  Alonssso tells Ximena that Camila is indeed very happy to see her.  Camila and Ximena apologize to each other.  They’re just about to head into the dining room for dinner when Camila gets the call from Mariano telling her about the outbreak of tuberculosis at his ranch.  Camila says she’ll start pulling blood samples immediately and offers her help in any way she can.  Mariano thanks her and hopes they’ll meet soon.  She announces to those present about the crisis.  Isadora doesn’t understand the urgency.  Camila explains it’s very serious and immediate action must be taken at the first onset of the infection.  So vaccinations must begin immediately.  She excuses herself.  Alonssso objects somewhat but Camila leaves anyway.  Ximena objects to being pushed aside this way.  Isadora agrees, saying she could have delegated this to her ranch hands.  Alonssso agrees but says it’s now up to them to show Ximena their hospitality. 

Isadora pulls  Alonsso aside before heading into the dining room.    She wants to talk to him about Leoncio and D’Andres.

Hostal Amanda
Natalia and Amanda are making up the Padre’s bed when Amanda finds his pills on the floor.  Amanda knows she never dropped them and the Padre couldn’t get to them, they were on the nightstand.  They’re both bewildered as to how they ended up on the floor. Hmmmmmm  Natalia reflects on how this all happened to the Padre for helping Daniel.  She worries something may happen to Amanda as well.  Amanda tells her not to worry but they both need to be very cautious (cautelosa).   She can’t abandon Daniel just as she’s sure Agatha wouldn’t have abandoned Natalia in a time of need.  Natalia understands but thinks they have to be very careful and take precautions.  Amanda agrees and had thought to talk to the new priest for advice.  However, since the Padre’s assassins are still out there, it may be best to remain silent. 

La Malquerida – Hacienda
Alonsso tells Isadora not to worry about the Leoncio/D’Andres situation.  He’ll take care of it (uh, right).  He hands her the paper with Dionicio’s account on it for the transference of funds.  Isadora explains she won’t be able to transfer the full 3 million pesos because she already pulled out what she paid Leoncio.  That, and well, um, for the repairs to her house!  QTH? Says Alonsso.  What, she needed the money.  She’ll deposit 2.5 million for Dionicio.  He can talk to the other “investors” and they’ll have to adjust to the new budget (presupuesto).  As for Leoncio, they’ll just have to delay him.

Rancho La Malquerida
Rodolfo, D’Andres, and Camila are on their way to vaccinate the bulls.  Rodolfo explains the process to D’Andres.  Even though they’ve already been vaccinated, they’ll need to show they’ve given them a booster shot to get the certificates necessary to sell the bulls out to stud.  D’Andres offers his help in vaccinating the stock.  Camila objects, saying he doesn’t know how to do this.  D’Andres insists he can learn.  He doesn’t understand why Camila doesn’t set aside her pride and let him help her save the livestock.  And our episode ends with this awkward moment. 


Alonsssso's attractiveness level DID go up 110% when he was with Ximena. Somehow I don't think lil Alonssso will have any problems with Ximena.

OMG!! I just loved The Kiss!! I know it's too early for Camila and Daniel to totally fall for each other, but still, that was one smoldering smooch!

Alonssso and Ximena definitely deserve each other. They both think they're above everyone else when really they're both thieving, conniving, scoundrels. This is gonna be good. He was so smooth when he met her by the road. Wonder if he'll be able to deliver in the bedroom? hmmmmmm

I know it's a telenovela so these things don't resolve so quickly, but Camila is irritating me to no end with her rejection of D'Andres/Daniel, especially stooping so low as to say he better mind his place as a ranch employee!


Ay mi! THE KISS! I don't know how Cami managed to break away. Thank you Paquita for allowing us to relive it (as Dan and Cami will be sure to do for many episodes to come).

Anon 9:17- I understand the annoyance, but to be fair, one doesn't go around kissing one's boss and accosting her. That's a no no in any employee handbook.

Plus, Dan knows Cami is lying to get him off her back. She told him half her reasons- she doesn't want to be taken advantage of and made a fool of again, like with Alonso. She doesn't trust D'Andres.

The other reason she only admitted to God. She never thought any man would make her feel what Luis made her feel. D'Andres has done that, and she feels guilty about it.

OMG! Primos besos. Shame on U2.

So, why didn't Dionisio go to the Padre's funeral to smooze Camila...

Well, will Alonso's "willy" stay in neutral with X meana..

Didn't figure that Alonso would know how to change a tire...

And, Daniel can ride a horse..

Read your luscious recap later.

Vivi in DC: I see you point...points actually...regarding Camila's rejection, but it's still annoying, jeje. Guess I'm more of an in-the-moment kind of gal than Camila.

That kiss was hot!

I suppose after 3 years of living next door to each other Mariano & Camila never met?


Paquita thanks so much for the recap. Our couple finally kissed but several obstacles remain in the way.

Cami needs to get her divorce but I think her guilt about Daniel replacing Luis will be a bigger hang up for her. And I understand why Dan doesn't think he needs a DNA test. He and his mom were very close and though she might not have confessed having an affair, she hopefully would have told Dan if his father wasn't his father.

Alonso & Ximena - ITA Paquita w/your description of them and how they deserve each other.

I haven't read the recap or watched the show yet, but I just wanted to say that I love the title.

Fabuloso recap, Paquita. Muchisimas gracias!

Terrific recap, Paquita. I loved your remarks and your detailed account of some key scenes whose significance I missed thanks to my feeble Spanish. Needless to say, I also am very grateful for your calling attention to some Spanish phrases that went right by me.

By the way, I don't know why, but this recap isn't showing up on the page I always go to to find the recaps: And though it seemed to show up in my RSS feeds in Google Reader, when I clicked on the link, I was told the page was not there. I then went to the main Caray site to find it.

Great work, Paquita.

Whether Alonssso's equipment works with Ximeana or not Ximeana will try to make that Camila's fault. I also wouldn't put it past her to come on to Daniel and to Dionisio, just to further one-up both her sister and her mother.

Hissadora won't like her for very long if that happens.

I finally watched the show and read the recap. You are such a good recapper. I love it when you wrote She walks away, leaving him standing there all cute, and stuff. Ay Papi!
And when Camila did it too, Again, he’s left standing there. All cute, and stuff. Ay Papi!! I think we need more intimate moments between those two. I love it that Dan won't take her denials and gives it right back to her. You go guy.

Whenever I see Ximena, I think of her as Bratwoman. And Iliana can still be Bratgirl.

No revealing scenes in the avances. I can't wait til the next episode.


Paquita - great recap. Appreciate the vocab.

Camila, you're smelling his wet leather. Resistance is futile.
I actually thought Camila would slap him, afterwards. But she ran off instead.

Surprised Daniel confronted Leoncio about the padre. Not exactly an undercover move.

No idea if Alonso would be successful with Ximena, but she's got a lot in common with Hisssadora. Don’t think she’d think twice about throwing mom and sis over the cliff.


Hissadora looked like she had met a younger version of herself, and she liked it. Ximena will fit right in with that family.

You know they had to make that kiss extra good, extra sensual. They are going to be replaying it for many episodes to come. At until they do it again.

Hissadora might like Ximeana at first but with women as selfish as Hissadora that never lasts long. They will be at each other's throats fairly soon.

Paquita, Thanks for your recap, clever as usual.. sorry I have been away from the recap response button AND preempted from blogging for a few weeks now! In fact, thanks to ALL the recappers for continued cleverness. My TN critic's eye is catching some moments that are bugging me...First, if the tourist project is a big secret, why does Dio have a large architect's model of it in his office for anyone who visits to see? Is this office hidden somewhere? Second, at the funeral, I think the wardrobers were busy collecting bead bracelets for this and another TN. At the rosary for Padre, Isa was wearing a black lace top with the white straps from her undergarments falling down her arms showing underneath the black lace shirt. Fashion miss for our fashion maven. Also, half the crowd was dressed for the occasion and the other half came in El Rancho work clothes (Pablo always seems to be dressed well btw). Sheesh! Finally, Vivi's back story is hard to buy. Her character was established as a very individualistic and independent woman. After Bruno shows up and shakes her up so dramatically it was hard to settle with her character. Guess we will see how she goes.

Thanks for the recap, it cleared up several things that either I had not understood or had misinterpreted.

Vivi and Anon, I agree with both of your comments. Even knowing the reason for Cami's words and reactions, I still find myself getting a bit annoyed until she gives in. Earlier in the novela, I felt this same annoyance with D'Andres when he didn't trust Cami and had devised a plan to break her heart. I remember how my feelings of support used to switch back and forth when my 2 kids used to argue. I loved them both but always wanted to swat the one who was prolonging making up and moving on. I knew it was going to happen eventually but because I loved them both, sooner was better than later for me.
PS: Just think, if Cami was always cooperative with him, we wouldn't get to see all those manly grabs.


One more comment about the cousin thing.... a while back there was a TN that dealt with two cousins who were seeing each other, Perro Amor. It was scandalous when everyone found out, but this affair was fairly central to the storyline throughout the TN. Th female cousin (Maritza Rodriguez) was the villain and the male protagonist (Carlos Ponce) was the story's galan. Go figure!

After the love scenes that we've witnessed between D'Andres and Cami, there's no way the writers would let them be kissing cousins. I want to believe that D"Andre is Don Daniel's son. So if there is a relationship there, my guess is that Ximena and D'Andres are cousins (since Ximena and Cami are half sisters).

Mena, our comments must've crossed in the mail. When I wrote that there's no way the writers would let our two love birds be kissing cousins, your comment hadn't posted yet. After reading your comment, I'll change my "no way" to "I hope not". Because I'm so fond of both of them, it would seem almost like incest.

Ximena is not related to Don Daniel, and therefore has no chance of being related to Daniel. Don Daniel's brother was Camila's dad. Agustina married some other loser after Don Daniel's brother died, and that loser was Ximena's dad.

With all the little complaints we may have with this TN, at least we haven't had to put our beanies on to make things be believable. So far, everything is realistic in a crazy story kind of way, and I'm very glad about that. I hope it stays this way. If it does, it will be the first TN that I've ever watched that was.

If we want to jokingly speculate about parentage, maybe Alonso will turn out to be related to Ximena. That would be just his luck, the one woman he can perform with, and she turns out to be his half sister.

Sigh. Paquita, thank you for letting me relive all the juicy moments in my head--from our galan in black throwing dirt on Padre's coffin and swearing vengeance for his death, confronting Leoncio (grruuufff macho stuff), jumping on the horse to chase after Camila, to that tender, passionate kiss and all the post kiss in-your-face talk. Ok, that's all--and they can replay those scenes again for them until the next kiss.

The only thing I thought not done quite right was how un-wet they both were when they got under the tree--someone just sprinkled them a bit and the rain storm took place only infront of the camera. Not enough to require a beanie.

Great recap! Thank you so much. I was teaching my ESL class last night and missed all the good stuff. Hopefully I recorded it and can FF to those scenes.


Cathyx: Eww! But it would serve them right. What if Kimodo-pup and Belladona's father was the same man and the mothers were treated the same way?

Paquita/Juanita: I put in the story label for you so now the recap should be visible on the feed.

Paquita: Delish, adept recap of last night's most sensual mating! Now THAT'S my kind of lip-lock!! ¡Ai papi! is right!!! Dan's persistence is pretty darned smoldering also! My screen started sending up smoke signals.....

Thanks for another fun ride!


I just wanted to chime in about how much I liked the "all cute and stuff" parts. :)

Great recap - especially the scene by the jeep. Closed captioning did not get the translation you provided and your explanation gives it a whole new meaning.

Been lurking here for a few weeks and love the humor you add. Hissadora - too funny. Ximena disgusts me and I'll be doing a lot of fast forwarding thru her scenes. My nickname for her is 'Homena. I understand how some could see Alonso as more attractive but he got even creepier to me. Ewww....


"Paquita/Juanita: I put in the story label for you so now the recap should be visible on the feed."
Many thanks, Jardinera! Yes, that did the trick. The recap now shows up where I expected it to, and it also is visible through my RSS feed.

[I'm hoping the 3rd time is the charm--I've been unsuccessful twice so far proving that I'm not a robot. Perhaps I am a robot--so what?? Can't robots enjoy telenovelas? :-)

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