Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Abismo de pasión #137 9/25/12: La Ermita: where the women are chattel, the men are MORONS and the children -- well, there are no children.

In which Padre Lupe breaks the seal of the confessional to save Damián's life; we realize that we have underestimated the depth of Alfonsina's malice; Enrique breaks free of Florencia; Dam offers Elisa to Gael as if she were a prize pig; and various people are crippled by guilt over the wrong things while the truly guilty work out their exit strategies; and oh yeah, Gabino still can't get it up.

Lo refrito:
Mad Dog Gael swears he'll kill Damián as soon as he gets out of jail.  And since Lupe unwisely paid his fine before assessing his protegé's state of mind, we know Gael will be out and on the prowl tonight.

In the plaza of La Ermita, Dam has just declared "Mi amor es un dolor que necesito para vivir" (My love is a pain that keeps me alive) -- country-western song, anyone? -- and pulled Elisa to him, horny robot-style. 

Lo nuevo
There's not room in this town for los Arango and los Castañon-Bouvier!
The two are swapping spit when we hear slow. loud. clapping.  It's Mad Dog Alfonsina and she has come to see the show, to admire how demoniacal Elisa is working her evil on Dam just as her ma did on Rosendo.  But surprise, Alfie -- Elisa is mad as habaneros and she's not gonna take it anymore.  Her parents are dead, her life has been endless suffering and it's all Alfie's fault.  And now SHE is going to pay for what she has done!

Elisa turns away and Dam calls after her.  But Alfie trumps Elisa's mad with an almost dead.  "Damián" she croaks just before she collapses.

Mad Dog Gael, still foaming and fulminating, is let loose on the world. The folks around Mad Dog Gael on that night bus from Mérida are probably holding their breath.  He is one scary, crazy-looking dude.

Elisa will be the death of me!
Alfabitch has suffered a heart attack but her engine keeps running on high octane venom, enough to try emotional blackmail on her son.  In a hopeful gesture, Doc Tovar sends Dam for Lupe to administer last rites.  An ambulance is on its way from Mérida.

Elisa is still intoxicated with rage when Dam catches up with her but she sobers up quickly when he tells her his mother is dying (though she isn't really) and they need to find Lupe.  They burst into the sacristy with the news and are surprised by his response:  Alfonsina's heart condition is old hat and her fate is in God's hands.  Lupe has just received a phone call: Gael is an hour away from La Ermita and he's gunning for Damián.  (Or should I say he's rocking for Dam?)  They have to avert a tragedy!

Either Lupe's info was way off or we were spared an hour of hand-wringing and belly-button lint harvesting.  But Mad Dog Gael is waiting at the foot of the church steps when Dam emerges, followed by Lupe and Elisa.

Between a rock and a hard head.
Gael comes out fighting, accusing Dam of robbing his woman.  Dam doesn't seem to be trying to defend himself against Gael's attack.  Gael fights dirty. He kicks viciously at Dam and throws him to the ground.  Then he straddles him and hefts a huge stone in the air.  He is poised to bash in Dam's head when Lupe's anguished cry sounds through the night air: 

"Gael, ¡tu no puedes matar a tu propio hermano!  ¡No lo hagas -- tú también eres hijo de Rosendo Arango! Por tus venas corre la misma sangre."
(You can't kill your own brother!  Don't do it -- you're Rosendo Arango's son too!  You're joined by blood!)

Gael, looking positively Neanderthal, holds the stone aloft, lets out a primal cry and throws the stone ... well past Damián.

"Dios mío" wails Lupe, "I've broken the secrecy of the confessional!"

Damián is uninterested in theological niceties at the moment.  His catechism is more basic:

D:  When did you find out?
L:  I've always known.  It was told to me as a confession.
D:  Why didn't Rosendo Arango recognize Gael as his son?
L:  He never knew.  Your mother paid Ingrid to leave without telling him.  Your mother always knew.

Here Elisa tries to comfort Dam but he dismisses her:  His mother is dying (though she really isn't), he has just learned Gael is his brother, they were prepared to fight to the death for HER.  "You've brought this upon us, Elisa!  I hope you're satisfied!"

[Sounds of outrage are heard from the Patio.  "Did he really say that?" gasps Karen.  "You're dead to me, you prissy-mouthed mama's boy!"]

Gael comes looking for Gabino in the cantina.  He wants to find Ingrid -- she's the only one who can confirm that what Lupe has said is true. 

["What a putz" whispers Sara.  "Lupe doesn't lie."  "Yeah," agrees Blue Lass, but he does equivocate"]

Even hypochondriacs get sick
Apparently the bus from Mérida is faster than the ambulance because Alfie is still cooling her heels in the health center.  She and Dam chat to pass the time:
A:  I'd rather be dead than see you with Elisa!
D:  You knew all along that Gael was my brother.  Lupe spilled the frijoles!

Poor Guadalupe.  (But lucky Rene Casados, way to go for broke!)
He is devastated by what he has had to do.  He weeps, he tears off his clerical collar and drops it to the ground.  He begs God for forgiveness.  He had no choice -- he couldn't allow a murder.

Alfonsina is pretty miffed that Lupe squealed.  And who knows if Ingrid was telling the truth?  Dam has no doubt: he remembers that both he and Gael have the same rare blood type, the same as the late Rosendo's. QED.  Alfie has some splainin' to do!

Don't hug me or I'll start to cry.
Pshaw.  The tough, mad as habaneros Elisa rushes into Lucio's house and announces to him and Lolita that she's going to keep it together.  But have you heard?  Gael and Dam are brothers!  Lupe told them the truth just in time to keep Gael from killing Dam ... ¡por mi culpa! ¡por mi culpa!

Hey, look, Elisa is crying.

The world according to Alfonsina
Ingrid insinuated herself into her life at a time when the Arango marriage was troubled.  This was before Dam was born.  If Rosendo had known Ingrid was pregnant, he would have left Alfie.   So Alfie paid Ingrid to disappear with her brat; but Ingrid double-crossed her and left said brat on the church doorstep where Lupe found him and took him in.  She and Lupe never spoke openly of the matter but she KNEW Gael was Rosendo's bastard son.  And from the way Lupe always pushed the boys to be together, she knew that HE knew.

Dam is appalled by what he is hearing.  He reminds his mother of how badly she has always treated Gael.  She robbed him of the life he deserved.  And now he himself has taken away the woman Gael loves.  The worst thing of all is that Alfonsina knew the story and said nothing.  He will never forgive her for that!

Flor's face lights up when she sees Enrique approach.
She blathers about how terrific Paloma is and how she knows Enrique isn't her baby's father.  No pressure or anything but maybe we could give it another try, you and I ... Enrique cuts off her babbling with a kiss.
[Sighs of disappointment from the Tennessee section of the Patio]

Then he pulls back and says:  I needed to do that to show myself that I no longer feel anything for you.
[The Tennessee girls are smiling again -- gotta take your lumps, Flor!]

How could you?
Alfonsina doesn't give a Tostacho for Lupe's spiritual struggle.  He ruined her life and her son's with his big mouth!  He demurs.  He spoke up to save the life of one brother and to keep the other from becoming a murderer.

Things are tough all over
Orange suffers another disappointment in the sack.  Not another headache, Gabino Mendoza? He has a headache all the time, he tells her.  "Just shoot me in the head, why don't you?" (Because that worked out so well for him before, I guess.)  And it's not just the headaches.  Carmina knew that Gael was Rosendo's son, right?  Well listen to this -- Lupe broke his confessional vow and blabbed so now Gael knows all about his daddy!

Carmina is impactada.  ¡No puede ser!  Because as Gabino shrewdly guesses, if Lupe is airing his dirty confessional laundry, the Rotten Citrus herself is in danger of being hung out to dry.

Gab pulls on his clothes and slips away, leaving behind a fuming, unsatisfied pile of pulp in a fright wig.

Flor joins the "Mea culpa" crowd
She sits on a park bench and thinks about losing Enrique, the only man who ever really loved her.  "Fue mi culpa."

Mad Dog Gael shambles to the door where someone pounds insistently.
Dam wants to talk.  He lets Gael vent about his hatred, his life of misery and poverty and deprivation.  As Gael speaks, he paces through the ruins of the scant furnishings of what was to be his home with Elisa.  "You took everything from me" he says, "from my rightful name to the woman I love."

Here Dam tries to cut in:  I swear ...

But Gael goes on relentlessly:  "Yo reniego del apellido Arango; yo reniego de tu sangre.  ¡Nunca vas a ser mi hermano! (I renounce the name, Arango; I renounce any kinship with you.  You will never be my brother!)

Dam tries again.  He isn't asking Gael to forgive him for the past -- he's asking him to forgive Elisa. 

Gael is confused.  Let Dam forgive her -- he's the one she loves.

But Dam, at his stoopidest, insists that Elisa also loves Gael.  And if Gael forgives her, she'll accept him.  He'll be able to convince her to marry him.  And Dam Stoopid won't stand in their way.  He has taken too many things from Gael already.  Here's what he came to say:

Renuncio a Elisa, renuncio a ella para siempre!"
(I'm giving up Elisa, I am giving her up forever.)

Gael glares suspiciously at his hermano.

[Nerfazos of all types are flying -- flying -- through the Patio!]

Avances:  Dam says adios, Gael asks Padre to put in a good word with Elisa on his behalf and Elisa goes looking for Dam.


Oh my, the nerfazos were flying fast and furious on the patio tonight. The patio crowd was totally out of control. I'm sure I heard Novela Maven leading the catcalls.

Novela Maven, I loved "horny robot-style". That totally describes Damian. You do have a way with words my dear.

Biggest surprise, Enrique's kiss and subsequent rejection of Flor. Way to go Enrique! Aside from her recent tragedies (largely due to her own silly self) she has always gotten what she wanted. At least she had the self-awareness to moan mea culpa.

This is quite possibly the best description of Carmina ever: "a fuming, unsatisfied pile of pulp in a fright wig". Yes indeed!

Have our characters been any more stoopid than they were tonight? I think not. Things were much more interesting when the action centered around Ingrid, Gabino and Carmina. Dam's logic (or lack thereof) confused the heck out of me. But whatever, the bigger the blockhead the better the recaps.

Novela Maven, your recaps are always a delight, but I think your descriptions tonight were some of your best ever. Loved the title, loved the recap, love to laugh.

First off, agree with Sylvia's assessment of the description of Carmina..."fuming, unsatisfied pile of pulp in a fright wig". Scary. Powerful. What a way with words!

But here were some other gems:

"as if she were a prize pig" (but the runt of the litter, no?)

"mad as habañeros" (think I'll steal that one)

"Alfonsina's engine keeps running on high octane venom" (great image)

{Damian} "is uninterested in theological niceties"(alas, few people are)

and the cherry on top

"Alfonsina doesn't give a tostacho for Lupe's spiritual struggle" (way to work in the product placement, dear lady!)

All in all, a delicious recrap (thanks Doris) of another stoopid episode. But while I want to brain Damian, Gael and Elisa, I'm excited about the new possibilities for Enrique and Paloma. Way to go writers!

Good work, NovelaMaven.

You'd think that somebody would have figured out the kinship long ago with the rare blood type in common. But wasn't the doc boinking the TangelHo at the time? If so his brain was fried.

The Botox Queen was about as tacky as it gets with her public tirade. If she actually does have a heart condition I hope it finishes her off. Damian certainly was justified in not forgiving her.

But his handing off Elisa to Gael makes no sense at all.

Gabino should be put out of his misery, but it's Ultimas Semanas so we can look forward to that.

I know how the confessional rules operate in TNs, but no way should the Padre have to suffer for this.

I'm on my way out of town again, but let me put in my own vote for, "In a hopeful gesture, Doc Tovar sends Dam for Lupe to administer last rites." So devious, so subtle, so true!

You recappers have been on fire lately! I'm sorry I haven't been able to heap on the kudos in the detail you deserve. Let's put it this way: I've missed quite a few episodes, but I never miss a blog post -- or a single one of the delicious comments. Rock on, Caraymates.

And a shout-out to Cathyx -- my favorite lines from yesterday:

- Paloma arrives and is so glad that she now has an assistant so she can take time off from work guilt free.

- If Elisa were halfway on the ball, she would figure it out. Needless to say, she doesnʼt.

NovelaMaven - thank you for the recap … er … recrap. Yet another episode through which I will FFWD---> and only watch the interesting stuff. And bless your heart, you had to watch this tontería for us!

The idiocy exhibited in last night's episode makes me long for the simplicity of the e.coli bakery and the Hermanos Reyes (all of FELS). Ah, yes, the simple life. AdP on the other hand, is not even a circo that Meh-ía could dream up; it has hit train-wreck status in my books.

My fav-o-rite recap line---'Damián is uninterested in theological niceties at the moment. His catechism is more basic:'
This evoked a loud BwaHahahahaaaaaa! from this viewer / recrap reader.

I am setting up a "Throw Dam, Gael, Alfie & Elisa Under The Bus" table on the pationof Really Low Expectations.

Gabino definitely will be wearing a "third bandana" on his … (ahem)… member. Maybe he needs to shoot that thing. Just sayin' .

"You've brought this upon us, Elisa! I hope you're satisfied!" DamFool is dead to me. What an idiot. !Que imbecile! (and a few other words I will not say out loud)
Right, Elisa, it is aaalllll your fault. Feel free to jump into the cenote while wearing lead hot pants.

I'll have my Lanza Nerfazos equipment handy when I watch my recording of this episode.


Oh good grief. I just now watched... erm ... FFWDed thru this episode over breakfast. No wonder I have acid reflux. Do I really want to improve my Spanish enough to watch this tontería? If not for the Viewerville Support Group a/k/a Caray!Caray!, I would have bailed looong ago.

Abismo de Tontería's level of co-dependency, dysfunction, and all around insanity is truly bizarre. There is no way on earth can DamLisa ever have a normal, healthy relationship. Ever. Jamas.

Gael & Dam would do well to both dump Elisa, go off to a sweat lodge where the men sit in circle and learn to play drums, and work out their Cain & Abel issues with a shrink, after they work through their BitchMother issues.

Alfonsina is Beyond Redemption. Death is the only suitable end for this bruja.

So Dam is disgusted with his mother and will be,,, until after the next commercial break. What else is new?


Oh, and I think I saw a bit of bandana fabric sticking out of Gabs' Fruit of the Looms. ;o)
His abs were the best part of this whole episode.


THE HORROR!!! Oh NM, thank you for having fun with this... well, heck, I don't even know what to call it. I am just numb after watching this episode. Where is Gagme (Refugio fans out there) to give out her best "Stupida".

Still not sure QuiQui and Flor are finished. Otherwise, what's the point of having her stick around? But they do not to stop drinking the water in this town and leave soon.

As for the fearsome foursome, dang that Pal is already preggers because honestly, these four shouldn't procreate. Just stop the genetic pool right here, right now.

My stars, I've seen TN's take bad turns, but this one takes the cake.

I think we should have a Kiddie Table on the patio, and make the Loathsome Foursome sit there in tiny chairs while the rest of us enjoy our cocktails.

Thank you NM for taking one for the team. This episode had me slapping my head in amazement many times.

I would like to thank you for the many snarky lines that had me chuckling, but this one in particular really tickled me for some reason: "The folks around Mad Dog Gael on that night bus from Mérida are probably holding their breath. He is one scary, crazy-looking dude."

Moments that left my mouth hanging open and/or scratching my head:
1) Padre Loopy telling Gael he can't kill Dam because he's his brother. Because if her weren't his brother, it would be perfectly fine to bash his head in with a rock?
2) Dam blaming Elisa for tearing him and Gael apart and causing Gael to nearly kill him!
3) Elisa accepting that it's her fault.
4) Gael blaming Dam for their parents being horrible, slutty, secret keepers, and "stealing" his birthright.
5) Dam "giving" Elisa back to Gael.

These people need major therapy.

NM thanks for this great recap of utter garbage. The episode itself was shocking in the irrational demonstrations of stupidity that abounded in this episode.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the Dam-Gael convo about Elisa was similar to trading baseball cards. Daisynjay said it- these idiots should NEVER procreate and in one instance its too late. Hopefully the child will get recessive genes from those on the family tree with a brain.

Vivi- ITA w/your list.

Hilarious, NovelaMaven. As I've said before, I love your work. My favorite line:

" Alfonsina doesn't give a Tostacho for Lupe's spiritual struggle."

and thanks for reminding me:

""Even hypochondriacs get sick"

Well, thank goodness that the boys are brothers or Gael would be a killer. Thanks for saying what I was thinking last night, Vivi:

"Padre Loopy telling Gael he can't kill Dam because he's his brother. Because if he weren't his brother, it would be perfectly fine to bash his head in with a rock?"

May I remind you all that there it is not really very significant that Damián, Gael, and Rosendo all have the same AB blood type. Depending on the blood types of Ingrid and Alfonsina (neither of whom could have had type O) both Damián and Gael could have been any type but O.

For a minute there I thought that Padre Lupe might beat his sister to the Pearly Gates.

How generous and self-sacrificing of Dam to offer Elisa to Gael, "Here, brother, would you like the rest of this?"



Novela Maven, your recap was hilarious. I loved your descriptions of Carmina the most. Rotten Citrus and Unsatisfied pile of pulp in a fright wig. Ha!

When you break this down, it really is Elisa's fault. She never should have agreed to marry Gael. Everyone knew she didn't really love him, she never even passionately kissed him. She lead him on and made him believe that she did, all because she didn't want to be alone. She even hurt Paloma in the process after swearing to her that she didn't have feelings for Gael. So yeah Elisa, it is all your fault.

I'm with the Tennessee ladies in being glad that Enrique won't end up with Flo. I hope he talks Paloma into getting back to marrying him. But there is that persistent TN rule that states that the father of the baby always ends up with the mother unless he dies. So that means that Gael look alike becomes his old self again, or he dies.

Alfie's fake dying, like the fake baby. She's pathetic.

Carmina is real nervous now that Padre has broken the pledge of the confessional. He might as well speak up since he's not going to be a priest anymore. Speak Padre, Speak!

Thanks for the recap!

@Vivi: I totally agree with the things that had you scratching your head. I was scratching mine too.

@cathyx: I agree that it IS Elisa's fault for the Dam/Gael hatefest. I still think Elisa shouldn't have kept her lie going about "giving herself" to Gael first.

On another hand, I am happy to see Flor change her ways. Too bad Enrique doesn't see it yet.

"How generous and self-sacrificing of Dam to offer Elisa to Gael, "Here, brother, would you like the rest of this?""

OMG - Carlos, just perfection.

I now need to go get water since I choked on my lunch.

What we learned last night:

Gael is older than Damian.

What I'm scared for as of last night:

Carmina offing Lupe, b/c she was looking crazed as Gabino told her he broke confessional and Lupe walking around saying he was excommunicated and condemned.

Hi folks,

Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad some of you got a chuckle or two out of the recap (or should I say "recrap"?)

I can't argue with any of your objections to the utter stupidity of the plot and the weird decisions our characters make from one episode to the next. And yet ...

... I'm hooked. I look forward to this show and when I'm going to be away, I make sure my tv records it for later viewing. Ok. There. I've said it.

The writing, looked at line by line or scene by scene, is always at least workmanlike, and often quite good, sometimes even eloquent.

The actors are all competent; some are much better than competent though we might argue about who belongs in which category.

I love the setting.

The costuming is bizarre, even by telenovela standards.

But the big problem is the vision thing. The story lurches first in one direction and then in another. It makes us uncomfortable because we are looking for dramatic logic and, by this point, resolution; and we aren't finding either one.

Yes, the Pit takes place in a macho world where the Madonna/Whore dichotomy still festers and wounds. Earlier it danced (rather nastily) around themes of incest. Who knows where it is heading now?

Those of us who started out in Fresno know that El Tal set the bar for crap. But honestly, for all its shortcomings, I don't think the Pit comes close to El Tal is crapitude. Seriously...

Too bad Padre Loopy has de-priested himself. He needs to perform an exorcism and get rid of the murderous, mindless demon possessing Gael's body. Maybe his replacement can do it; I hope he arrives soon. If not, perhaps Sor Adelita would be willing to take a field trip from Amorcito Corazón to do the honors, or at least Padre should send Dam to a Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

I loved Padre's total lack of urgency when he was summoned:
Elisa: PADRE! AlfaWitch is DYING! You have to go to the centro de salud RIGHT NOW!
Padre: Yeah, okay. Say, you look upset. What's going on with you? Want to chat about it for awhile?

Loopy and Alfi certainly have the same tendency for drama. I wonder what their childhood was like.

Can Dam even hear himself? "Hey, Gael, now that I've taken Elisa for a test ride, I've realized she's no great prize pony. But she's still good enough for YOU! Here, take the old nag! We'll go and get the brand on her rump changed to your mark."

Thanks for the recap. A masterpiece as always.

Enrique doesn't have any reason to trust Flor. She went behind Damian's back to lock lips with him, lied to everyone in town about being pregnant for 6 months and was conspiring to steal his sister's baby. How does he know she really loves him or just needs a life line after being dumped from the Arango camp?

NM, just got to read your title and first paragraph and i am struggling to keep my lunch in from all the laughing... now have to gather myself to keep on reading.. you rock!

Alfie trumps Elisa's mad with an almost dead.
i take it you play bridge or spades... been a while, my boss taught me to play bridge when i was single... years and years ago.

Gael, looking positively Neanderthal, holds the stone aloft, lets out a primal cry and throws the stone ... well past Damián.

Damián is uninterested in theological niceties at the moment. His catechism is more basic:

Dios Mio! have mercy! Dying ROFLOL!!! NM, you are going to carry a casualty list soon if you keep this up... 'those who died of laughter from my recaps'

NM, love your inserts about the reactions from the patio members... makes us patio members feel like we are part of the show/action... whether we want to be or not.

some more of my favs...
His mother is dying (though she really isn't)…

Hey, look, Elisa is crying.
The world according to Alfonsina
Carmina is impactada. ¡No puede ser! Because as Gabino shrewdly guesses, if Lupe is airing his dirty confessional laundry, the Rotten Citrus herself is in danger of being hung out to dry.

INDEED!!! Talk about instant paranoia!!

Flor joins the "Mea culpa" crowd

[Nerfazos of all types are flying -- flying -- through the Patio!]

Yeah some of those look like the rock that was aimed at Dam’s head… maybe it should have made it there…



"NM, you are going to carry a casualty list soon if you keep this up... 'those who died of laughter from my recaps' "

Ay no!!!! No por mi culpa! Bwahahahaha!

(Though it WOULD BE great to show up on one of Anon207's lists. That would be the CarayCaray equivalent of being an answer to a New York Times Sunday Crossword puzzle clue.)

BTW, I don't play bridge, I just steal metaphors from the game:)

NM, you totally took one for the team in this one..
totally agree with Vivi and others on the 'forecast' of the rest of the lives of the four 'ex-amigos'...
vivi, totally agree on the things that scratch our heads...
Carlos... 'here, want the rest of this? ' Brilliant!!

i will join the Pato of EVEN LOWER expectations... maybe the best thing that could happen to this town is to have an epidemic in which EVERYONE dies so the gene pool dies as well... there are not small children and no young people worthy of saving, so not much lost.


My stars, I've seen TN's take bad turns, but this one takes the cake.
well, i have to go back all the way to "La Mentira" '98 to think of a telenovela that was great and then suddenly took a turn for the worse.

as bad as this one has taken a turn, that is.

agree on the brilliant description of Carmina and all the rest of the quoted lines...

Finest Novela Maven:

Your recap offering was truly superb, beginning with the first paragraph..."Dam offers Elisa to Gael as if she were a prize pig..." I LOL at that image. Now that he has given Elisa back to Gael they will probably fight over who had sex with her first. GAWD. What an abysmal showing on the part of the brothers Arango. The idea is so antediluvian it almost makes me wish that the whole lot of these man-thugs had been washed away in the great flood.

I was surprised at Tacher, though. I had no idea he had that kind of rage to bring to the acting party. Nice, Mark. You scared the crap out of me while you were on the bus back to L'Ermita. Mad Dog Gael is right, Maven.

"Between a rock and hard head," was another brilliant headline in the recap. I have to wonder if Tacher sort of got something out of that very loong scene where he was sitting on Zepeda's abdomen.

And DamIdiotic's venomous statement to Elisa, "You've brought this upon us, Elisa! I hope you're satisfied!" left me really shocked. I am right there sitting with Karen on the Patio shaking my head. yet another male telenovela galan has past my point of redemption.

Now I do not wish to create the impression that Elisa has any business wasting good oxygen, either. With every sob she inhales air that could be well used on another less victimized and stupid sentient being. god forbid that she fake-marry Gael yet again out of guilt or whatever.

But I think you caught perhaps the most important scene of the evening with this,
"Carmina is impactada. ¡No puede ser! Because as Gabino shrewdly guesses, if Lupe is airing his dirty confessional laundry, the Rotten Citrus herself is in danger of being hung out to dry."

Man oh man is Lupe in trouble now.It looks like Augusto's shotgun could get another workout from Agent Orange and she won't be shooting blanks. These two already hav egreat chemistry and bad blood. Arghh. I hope she doesn't kill Guadalupe! I LOVE Rene Casados, plus I want to see the Pope pardon him for breaking the confessional seal.

Thanks again, NM, for providing a biting and brilliant rendering of the events of last night's capitulo. I loved reading—and re-reading—this recap.

With appreciation from our ardent fan,

Elna June


NM, The last line should read "YOUR ardent fan." I should never let my fingers do the walking without proofing first. Grins.


I'm not a catholic or even a religious sort, but if Alfonsina were to give Lupe dispensation for the betrayal, since it was her confession that gave him the info in the first place, would the church let him off?

Was I the only one surprised to learn that Rosendo had no idea that Gael was his son? I thought that he had been supporting Gael all those years.

I cracked up at Carmina when she found out that Lupe had broken the secret of the confessional. "Say what? Oh no he didn't!"

Don't forget that he already threatened her with doing that very thing.

Padre Lupe has been moved to the top of my list of expendables, nudging out Alfonsina.


Carlos- I think the writers purposely kept things vague about whether Rosendo knew or not that Gael was his son. In the early episodes, when he was alove, Rosendo was giving Padre money to help support Gael and put him through school. The vibe between the men was not one of, "Hey, thenks for taking care of my bastard son." Instead it was, "Hey, I think it's great that you're raising this orphan. Let me help you out, out of the goodness of my own heart."

The writers chose not to make Rosie a complete bastard, and now we know he didn't purposely cut Gael out.

Sorry for the typos- alive, not alove, thanks, not thenks. You get what I mean!

Elna June, as always you are much too kind. I hope you will be no less ardent when you read that I have softened towards little E of late in her new, spunky persona.

There she is raking in profits from El Yucateco and instead of spending them on herself, she re-invests them to grow the business. Clearly she is buying her outfits from the children's clearance rack at AbisMart.

She never lied to Gael. He knew Elisa was in love with Dam. He just hoped to win her over.

And remember that Paloma had renounced Gael (WE know she was just talking out loud, but remember that Elisa is a bear of little brain.) Essentially, Paloma was following the custom in La Ermita whereby one person GIVES another person to a third party:

Arguably, Lolita GAVE Braulio to Toña; Paloma GAVE Gael to Elisa; now Dam wants to GIVE Elisa to Gael.


Carlos, I was also surprised to learn that Rosendo didn't know about Gael. Had it really been Alfonsina supporting Gael all those years or was there a disconnect in story continuity? Oh, just read Vivi's comment. I guess it makes sense that Rosendo would be the kind of guy to help support an orphan. Makes me wonder if there are any other little Rosendo/as running around.

Novela Maven, I think Anon207 might go a little wild with your theme of characters GIVING people to others. Didn't Paloma also GIVE Enrique to Flor? Once again you are spot-on in your observations.

It always makes me nervous when Padre makes a crucifix with his arms. ITA he is now at the top of the expendable list. Drat.

Essentially, Paloma was following the custom in La Ermita whereby one person GIVES another person to a third party:

Arguably, Lolita GAVE Braulio to Toña; Paloma GAVE Gael to Elisa; now Dam wants to GIVE Elisa to Gael.

you can't stop cracking us up, can you?? another brilliant line with your signature perfect wording.

Cathyx, The confessional secret exposes Alfonsina's malice but it may have involved Ingrid's confession, at least in part. So even if Alfonsina let Lupe off the hook, he'd still have to answer to the church for what he did.

Say -- Maybe Lupe could stay on in La Ermita as a spiritual advisor, teacher and interpreter of church doctrine, directly responsible to and paid by the congregation -- a sort of Padre Rabbi. :)

Oh yes, Sylvia, how could I forget about Paloma GIVING Enrique to Flor!

And to those of you who insist on speculating about Lupe's place on the "Expendables" list --

I have my fingers in my ears and I am singing "Las Mañanitas" as loudly as I can. (Thank God Mr. Maven isn't home.)

To continue with the gifting, some time back didn't Damián give Flor to Enrique only to reclaim her when she turned up pregnant?


Padre Rabbi...I LOVE IT!! (I'm shouting because NM's got her fingers in her ears.)

I want Padre to stick around in any capacity. He's just about the only one in town who can make those crazy kids see sense. Padre and Ramona, sometimes Lucio, occasionally Lolita although she also is a terrible Elisa Enabler.


Carlos, "didn't Damián give Flor to Enrique only to reclaim her when she turned up pregnant?", that's Damian for you. He can't make up his mind.

And... actually this is the second time that Damián has given Elisa to Gael.


I would say the denizens of La Ermita should win the award for recyling, or should we call it re-gifting. Whatever, the mottoe must be "Don't want it, pass it on". That goes for homes, businesses, wedding dresses, guns, and gals.


Best NM line: Dam offers Elisa to Gael as if she were a prize pig. Hilarious!!!

Best line in the show: when Elisa didn't want to tell Lolita and Lucio what happened "porque no quiero llorar". LOL

Best comment: Doris' "no wonder I have acid reflux."

Lupe can go with Sabrina to Africa. Or better yet, leave the church, find a good woman and get married.


"...better yet, leave the church, find a good woman and get married.

Lupe and Carmina are already far and away the most interesting couple in this TN. They have fantastic chemistry, she is able to confide even her darkest secrets with him, and they've already been a cute couple on La Madrastra.


You mean like yin and yang?

Heeee Heeeee. Thanks for the recap.

This village has way too many idiots.

More screen time for the villains, please.

As Gabby walked out of Carmina's bedroom, did he mumble, "Now you're the one with the headache?"

Here are my two fervent hopes:
1) Paloma inherits Gael's half of the Arango fortune for her child AND Gabino's hacienda, where she forms a she-pack with Flo & Elisa, who dedicate their lives to torturing Alfonsina.

2) Enrique and his dad find true love in the arms of deserving women.

My biggest fear:
A defrocked Padre Lupe -- suddenly forced to wear street clothes -- takes his wardrobe cues from Damian and Gael & starts wearing plaid.


"My biggest fear:
A defrocked Padre Lupe -- suddenly forced to wear street clothes -- takes his wardrobe cues from Damian and Gael & starts wearing plaid."

Could be worse. You know what they say: Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid.


Hello hospital with hubby who has had a hip replacement..... yet I have manage to commandeer the TV to watch our Abismo of Stupidity amid all the clamor around "the bad call." Now that is an addiction!

Cynderella, Cathyx and NM the best recraps ever! Thanks.

Of course I could be wrong, but hasn't Alfie crossed the final expendability test? Is SHE the one who will fall under the Mexican hot pepper truck trying to save the baby that we KNOW Elisa is expecting, thereby redeeming herself as the galan's Madre must do? La Ermita will never be big enough for the Dam Stoopid Arango, Jr family, someone ( Alfonsina) has to go!

The best comments ever today, wish I could fully participate.

i know what you mean Sandy, when my mother was in hospital recently, i kept watching the tv while the nurse was tending to my mother... praying your husband gets better soon... maybe we can send our ALL_POWERFUL DrT his way.

Hi Sandy,

Nice to see you around. Hoping Mr. Sandy in TN makes a rapid and uncomplicated recovery.

Oh man, the bad call -- I was SO upset. I had originally included a reference to it in my recap ("We got jobbed!") but then wasn't sure the Patio folks were that into it. :)

Take care!

OMG. I leave the house for hours to shop for a dishwasher, and I have missed the best party in weeks! The comments here are a riot! A veritable scream!!!

marta said --- "... maybe the best thing that could happen to this town is to have an epidemic in which EVERYONE dies so the gene pool dies as well..."

"Padre Rabbi" --- I love it!

daisynjay - your 'regifting' comment has me guffawing.

and … PadLupe defrocked and wearing plaid? Valgame Dios! LOL

Sandy in TN - Abismo of Stupidity is perfect. I hope your hubby will be okay.


Ha ha Marta....lots of pretty nurses here for Dr. T, but not sure any are his murderers I'm sure....

Doris my husband is great! I'll be sure to use the loving examples of "through thick and thin" in our Abismo as I help in his home recovery!

NM, I spent an entire day in the hospital family waiting room watching re-runs of "the call" Just glad I'm not on Twitter!

NM, hilarious recap! Maybe it's the headline, but your recaps always pull me in. There were some excellent comments as well. So glad to catch the latest drama from La Ermita, especially when the news is delivered with total zingertude.
La Paloma

Finally got where I'm going and caught up on today's comments. I totally agree with NM about Alternate Fresno "setting the bar for crap."

But it does get more and more fun on the patio as the quality of the writing sinks and sinks...when do we start playing in the fountain?

Absolutely hysterical comments today to go with the fabulous recap. Whether I watch the 9 pm show or not, I will always stick with this crew. You all are the greatest.

Sandy, best wishes for a speedy recovery for the hubby. Keep rubbing guacamole on his hip and he'll be up and about in no time.

"Dead men don't wear plaid"...snort!

No show could be as bad as El Tal and I defy any telenovela to try. Just try it you posers!!!!

Sandy, so sorry to hear about hubs but I'm glad he's doing well with his bionic hip.

"So glad to catch the latest drama from La Ermita, especially when the news is delivered with total zingertude."

La Paloma, this is definitely the new standard to which I shall aspire! Total zingertude, dude!

JudyB, 9pm isn't 9pm without you -- time zones notwithstanding. And who knows, maybe one day there will be a show worth watching in this slot. We can dream, right?


Sending my best wishes to Mr. Sandy for a completely successful hip replacement. May he run and play with your grandchildren, without pain!

Kind Regards,



I can understand your defection from the Elisa-is-too-stoopid-for-words Table. Lately she IS showing signs of a double digit IQ. Still, I haven't fallen for Little E. Not yet. Let me see her dump both Gael and Damian for their musical chairs attitude toward women. THEN I will consider joining you at her table on the Patio.

I remain, however, your ardent fan, despite your slight lapse into sentimentality over Little E.

Also, I so appreciate your confession re: the Pit. I, too, am dead-hooked. The setting is so wonderful and the acting continues to be first rate, if, occasionally over the top. It is, after all, a telenovela. The ensemble cast is awfully good together, with the four weakest actors being the leads, IMHO. Not that they are BAD mind, they just have a very high bar to clear with the likes of Blanca Guerra, Sabine, and Castillo around.

There is no doubt that El Tal remains by far the worst TN. It was set in a stupid place, the direction was non-existent, and most of the acting was just plain painful to watch. I thought that Rafael Novoa was the most sulky, pissy, withholding galan I have ever seen. I thought he was dreadful to Soto. Of course it was fun watching Ponce and Diaz play siblings when they were clearly hitting the sack off the screen.

I'm with Judy. The bsst part of El Tal and Abismo has been this wonderful group. You guys are the best.


Thank you Vivi and all for all the hilarious take on this episode. I enjoyed most especially the scene between Damian and Elisa. Here was Elisa stark raving mad at Alfie that she could almost kill her but when Damian told her that he did not come for her but instead was looking for Padre Lupe because his mom was dying,on a 180 degrees turn around, Elisa suddenly went frantically to help him look for Padre Lupe. I thought this was very funny and I think Elisa(AB) could do funny roles.No more tears and pitiful TNs.
I too was upset about Damian giving her up like a pet or toy. If I were her, I would leave these brothers all together.

Hi to All,

I am always amazed at how well the recraps are done and so quickly. Thank you for that.

I have a question to all. I have watched about 5 or 6 telenovelas and have never seen so many characters killed off.

My son and I have counted at least 7 in this novela. Like maybe the writers think they are too nice and boring or just can't figure what to do with the character and just murder them off.

So I was wondering if anyone else has noticed so many deaths in one novela.

I agree that Padre is probably next on the hit list. (I really did expect him to switch to plaid...but instead put a nice black scarf with a sparkle pin at his neck instead.)

Keep up the good work all you brainy recrappers!

Love it.

Peace to all, Tiempe.

The website "NovelasySeries" only has up to chapter 135 posted.

Now that the show is in its final stages, does this mean that this website will no longer be showing all of the chapters?

Thank you so much for any information you can pass on!


I believe that there are 161 capitulos scheduled for Abismo. As long as there are episodes, we recappers will be recapping.

It is so great to hear from new readers. Please join us often and comment.

Elna June (EJ)



Yes, a lot of us have shuddered at the high mortality rate in La Ermita. Clearly, it's a very dangerous place to be. :)

Not all novelas are as murderous, as you've noticed.

The "comic" novelas may include some pretty brutal stuff but not nearly as many deaths as Abismo.

Then there are the more realistic melodramas like "Para volver a amar" that also have a much lower body count.

But there is a type of melodrama that pits extreme evil -- the devil in the flesh -- against good. And this type of novela usually comes with a frighteningly high body count.

It's a strange kind of form, when you think about it: on one level it's a fairytale romance and we all expect something approaching a happy ending for at least a few of the characters; but on another level, it's more like a tragedy in the classical sense where everyone dies in the end, including (especially!) the good guys. (The telenovela version of tragedy doesn't go quite that far, but it comes pretty close.)

By the way, I'm sorry but I still had to put my fingers in my ears when you talked about Lupe being the next victim. Noooooooooooooo!!!!
Anon, to add to what Elna June just wrote, I'm pretty sure NovelasySeries will keep updating the videos on their site but there's usually a delay from the date the episode is aired and the date it shows up on the website. (Too bad. Telemundo does a much better job of keeping their site up to date.)

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