Monday, September 03, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #105 Mon 9/3/12 Judgment Day Arrives for Roselena Torreslanda!

The Old: CL has just told Luci that she (and her baby) are his sole/universal heirs, which means she will be heir to half the Torreslanda fortune. Luci and her two mamas are beyond impactada at the news.

At the Club, the TLs have finally gotten rid of that bore, Boris, who apparently has his own torturous Sunday evening family meals to go to. Or maybe he just doesn’t want to be a victim of Roselena’s crossfire again. A wise decision. Max issues an invitation to his favorite niece, whom he says he loves and respects, in the most menacing way possible. He loves that she defends her principals, but was hurt by her sitting behind CL, and not her dear uncle, during the trial. Melissa tells her dear uncle that she admires and respects CL, and always believed in his innocence, but she of course believes her uncle to be innocent as well. It was that no good Pedro Campos. But had her tio been guilty, it would have hurt her and her cousins greatly. Max accepts that he is strict, demanding and a bit of a despot (a bit?!!), but NEVER a criminal. (Hah!) He then puts on his sun glasses and looks like a sinister mix between the Godfather and Jack Nicholson.

At the big house, Rosa is micromanaging the dinner and complimenting herself on making Mati take Cordon Bleu cooking classes, so that Mati’s cooking is up to Rosa’s standards. The table is set for eleven people. Oh goodie! More people, more drama!

In Het Het, CL explains to Luci and the ladies the judge’s ruling. Luci is happy for him, but sad for the TL kids. Magda sees the delicious irony in Luci, who once worked as their maid, now having half their fortune. Paz never dreamt Luci’s life would change like this. Luci deserves it, but she’s also walking into a wolves’ den, which scares Paz. She begs CL not to leave the money to Luci if it’s going to put her in danger. They live humbly, but they can go to sleep at peace that those people won’t try to do something to them. CL says with him, they never have to be afraid again. He’ll protect them. CL puts a hand on Paz’s shoulder and takes hold of one of her hands. He says she will always be the mother of his daughter. The two gaze lovingly at their daughter.

In D.F., the vecinidad crew has headed out for a day of picnicking and fun in Xochimilco, and are taking a trajinera (gondola-like boat) ride along the canal. The trajinera is of course named “Refugio.”  Polo has brought his guitar to play, wants to serenade Violeta (he gives her a pretty bouquet of simple flowers), but can’t sing. Lorenzo can’t sing, but nominates Fabian, who has a lovely voice.  Violeta looks coyly at Polo as Fab sings and all the rest join in, and then gives him a big smile. Is she seeing him with different eyes? The song they sing is “Por Mujeres Como Tu” by Pepe Aguilar.
Me estoy acobardando y lo ha notado
y eso no es muy bueno para mi
si quiero retenerla entre mis brazos
sera mejor que no me vea sufrir

Estoy estacionado en los fracasos
y hoy voy a remediar la situacion
sera que siempre he dado demasiado
y en el exceso siempre salgo dañado

Por mujeres como tu, amor
hay hombres como yo
que se pueden morir por dignidad
mordiendo el corazon

Por mujeres como tu, amor
hay hombres como yo
que se pueden perder en el alcohol
por una decepcion

Estoy estacionado en los fracasos
y hoy voy a remediar la situacion
sera que siempre he dado demasiado
y en el exceso siempre salgo dañado

Por mujeres como tu, amor
hay hombres como yo
que se pueden morir por dignidad
mordiendo el corazon

Por mujeres como tu, amor
hay hombres como yo
que se pueden perder en el alcohol
por una decepcion

Por mujeres como tu

The TL family, including Melissa, arrive home to a cold and critical welcome from Rosa. Melissa and Hannah go to bathe off their offending sweat, and Aldo is told by his dear tia that his beard does not suit him and that he needs to shave it.  Aldo accepts this good naturedly with a laugh and an “I love you too Tia.” Rosa then tries to shift her criticism to her sister Connie, who once again tells Rosa her child rearing philosophy—they do their thing, and I do mine (live and let live). Rosa thinks Connie will regret letting her children run wild like little animals. Connie says she counsels and advises, but lets them make their own decisions and face the consequences of their own acts. Rosa pretends Connie isn’t speaking. Connie points out the crap that’s happened as a result of Rosa trying to control Rod’s life. It falls on deaf ears, as usual. 

Connie exits, and now it’s time for Max to deal with La Loca. He tells her he invited Oscar to dinner too, since he is basically Rosa’s brother-in-law and one of the family. Rosa scoffs at this. Plus, he’s Max’s right hand man. Max wants to talk to Rosa about Rod (wanting to warn her about the sh!t storm about to come her way), but Rosa doesn’t want to hear it. “Rod, Rod, Rod! Everything is about Rod. We do have other children whose lives we can mess up too, you know! Patricio is our perfect next victim, and Hannah is at a difficult age (i.e. the age when the kids start to realize I’m BSC)!” She leaves the room without getting her warning. Max shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

CL is still trying to get Luci on board with the heir plan. Luci says she doesn’t want to be what they all want and expect her to be. She wants to just be herself- the girl she’s always been. CL is proud of that, but life has made this choice for them and he needs Luci by his side to confront the TLs. Luci is not down for any confrontation, but as a now owner of Corporativo Torreslanda, Luci has to be prepared to fight for their interests. Luci gets stubborn. She’s just a humble country girl who makes her living from her work making ceramics! For now there is a stand-off between her and Papa CL.

Back at Casa TL, Max has closed himself off in the library to call Campos to berate him about his confession. Campos doesn’t see the problem as Max already got what he wanted—CL served 20 years in jail. Max can’t believe Campos has a conscience. Well, obviously he does, but he points out that Max doesn’t. Max reminds him that he works for him, and he gave him a LOT of money to do what he did. Campos points out that he was paid for a job that’s long done. Now he’s a free man, free to do as he wishes. He angrily tells Max not to look for him because he’s thousands of miles away (the caption said he’s in Bogota, Colombia) with a new identity. Max laughs his evil laugh and tells him not to mess with him. He WILL find him, even if it’s under a rock!

Pato is up in his room practicing his improved hand mobility, when Max enters. Pato asks if he’s spoken to Rod, as he sees he missed a lot of calls from him while he was in therapy. Max lies that he hasn’t seen/heard from Rod. Pato doesn’t think that Rod will show his face at dinner after going to see Luci (about the baby). Max looks uncomfortable.

Downstairs, Gala and Julie have arrived and brought all the fun with them. NOT! Gala is bitching, moaning and whining at Rosa that she has no idea where Rod is, he doesn’t pay attention to her, yada, yada, yada. Julie says he still acts like a single man. Gala says Rod treats her like she’s less than nothing. Rosa tells her to get used to it. Bitch, bitch, bitch.

Back in Het Het, they have put the heir subject to rest for a while. Paz and Magda are cooking up something delicious, while Luci and CL make lemonade and Ariche supervises. They speak about the house CL wants to buy—he wants to spend this stage of his life surrounded by peace and the love of all of them.

More bitching from Gala. Then Gala mentions Rod’s once planned escape to Canada. She thinks it may be a good idea for the two of them to go after all. Rosa doesn’t like that idea. (Too far away from her control.) But in this case, she’ll make an exception. She’ll talk to Max about sending Rod away to Canada as soon as possible. She doesn’t see Rod walk in behind her. He’s wearing a red sweater and looks madder than a raging bull.
Rod: Neither you, my father, or anyone is going to decide anything else about my life.
G: Well, well. The man finally decides to grace us with his presence!
Rod gives her the universal “talk to the hand” gesture.
Rod: Not now Gala. I need to talk to you (Rosa).  I want us to go to the library so we can speak ALONE.
Rosa looks like a deer caught in the headlights. She senses the jig is up. Julie also senses trouble is brewing and is looking forward to witnessing it!

In the Library, it’s Judgment Day. Rod says he knows THE TRUTH. Rosa, thinking he’s talking about Luci’s pregnancy, tries her song and dance about hiding it for his own good. Yada, yada, yada. (We’ve heard this crazy speech before.)
Rod: Not one more lie, Mama! Not one more!
Rod recounts the whole baby stealing/giving away/Luci/CL story. Suddenly Rosa has tears in her eyes and tries to play the victim, but Rod’s not falling for it today. We see an almost identical scene to the one we saw many weeks ago when Rod cornered Luci in the library and demanded that she give him a yes or no answer (to a not so simple question). But this time, Viewerville is relishing every moment of it.
Rod: Tell me Mama! Tell me if it’s true! YES OR NO?! (He grabs and shakes her like he did Luci.) Just tell me! Yes or no?!!!

Rosa looks at him defiantly with tears in her eyes, then screws up her mouth into a proud and evil grimace and says, “Yes! I gave away that little girl. I gave away Luciana!” Rod is horrified and devastated to see his mother’s mask completely fall away to reveal the evil witch underneath.

In Het Het, dinner is served! Yum! CL tries to convince them all to call him just plain old Claudio, but Magda points out it’s a sign of respect to call him Licenciado in these parts. CL doesn’t think they’d be disrespecting him. Ariche agrees with him, plus he really likes the name Claudio, almost as much as Ariche.

Mati and Frigida set the table and give each other a hard time. Frigida bitches about having to do all this extra work for a big family dinner, on what should be their day off. For once, I agree with her. Mati apparently thinks they’re slaves and there to serve their masters’ whims any time. Connie arrives to break up the bickering and they all wonder if Rod is coming. Frigida corrects herself from calling Rod Joven, as he is now a married, with a baby on the way, Señor. Connie goes out to torture herself by accompanying Julie and Gala in the living room.

In the Library, the confrontation continues. Rod explains about seeing Luci about their baby. Rosa assumes Luci wants money from him to support the baby (she seems to forget that Luci and her papa have their own money, plus half of theirs). Rod yells at her that it’s HIS CHILD, plus Luci didn’t ask for a cent. The baby will be a Torreslanda-Linares. Rosa grabs on to the name Linares like a rabid dog and starts spitting it out over and over again. This name has brought about her biggest tragedies.  Then she really starts to lose it, tossing things off tables, and yelling about Paz and Galdino deceiving her since she gave them money to take Luci and NEVER return! For a second Rod looks like he’ll fall for these theatrics, but then he grabs Rosa’s arm, spins her around to face him, and tells her not to blame Paz for her sins/errors. She’s the only cause of all this pain! Rosa tries to justify herself by saying she never forgot what she did. Aurora has haunted her dreams all these years, just waiting for the opportunity to trap her. She learned to live with her fear and that fear had turned into her companion, who was always there at her side. Rod bends down to her ear, and asks if she felt fear when she just abandoned that baby to its luck. “I don’t remember the last time that nothing tormented me.” The day that Luci crossed that threshold was the day she knew was the beginning of the end. “You also ended my life, Mama.” Rod begins to cry. 
Rod: By separating me from Luci, you ripped my life apart, Mama.
Rosa: What can I tell you Rod? In wars, there are always victims. And this was a battle between Aurora and me. It hurts me that you have been a victim.
Rod: And Luciana? You know what? Never in my life have I felt such shame. Such pain and regret for the harm we did to her. Why Mama? Why did you do it?
Rosa: There is no “why”, but instead a “for what?” To avenge myself of Aurora Linares. That woman who said she was my friend, my sister, got involved with your father! They were lovers!
Rod: Do you really believe that Mother?
Rosa: Yes! That adulteress slept with your father. She wanted to steal away the love of my husband!
Rod: Is this true, Mama, or is it another one of your lies?!!
Rosa swears it’s the truth, but Rod brings her back to the real point. That baby was innocent and didn't deserve what Rosa did. Doesn’t she have a soul?
Rosa: You’re my son, and I love you. But you are not my judge or my executioner (verdugo).  A child does not have the right to judge his parents.
Rod: Well, you committed an offense (delito), Mama. A CRIME! (crimen)
Rosa: Are you going to denounce me to the police so that they take me to prison?  (Goes to grab the phone and shoves it at Rod.) Call the police! Call them now! Call Luciana, Paz, Claudio Linares…the DEVIL himself! So that they can be witnesses and can be assured that I’m condemned for life!
Rod: (Grabs phone from her hand.) I would never do that, Mama! (Why not???!!!) But tell me, aren’t you repentant (arrepentirse) for what you did?!
Rosa: No! I’m not repentant about anything! If I once again had a child of Aurora Linares in my arms, I would again give it away. (She gives him a defiant, cold, dead eyed look.)
Rod is even more horrified than before to see how truly evil his mother is.

In the living room, Oscar arrives to save Connie from having to entertain Julia and Gala alone. He showers her with kisses and compliments, much to Julie’s displeasure. Gala bitches some more about Rod, who arrived alone, without her. She will have to have a serious talk with his mommy about this. Knowing that Rod is over the age of 12, Oscar wonders what Rosa’s got to do with it. Pato joins in to remind Gala that she and Rod need to resolve their own problems, without a third party, as a marriage is a “casa de dos” (house of two)—casados.

The vecinidad gang arrives at the picnic table site. The boys tease and encourage Polo in his quest for Vio’s heart. Stupid Vio tells the girls she doesn’t want to hurt Polo since she doesn’t return his feelings.  She still loves Marcial. Idiot! Marianita wants them to bring Ariche the next time he’s in town. Ofelia frets about being able to take time off to do such things if she begins working in a rich family’s house. We know from Mati and Frigida that time off is not easy to come by.

In Het Het, Ariche shows off the piggy bank he’s made and painted for the baby to Claudio. The ladies suggest he also paint the baby’s name on it. Luci isn’t yet sure what the name will be since she doesn’t know the sex. Ariche is certain it has to be Rodrigo, like their Mushashon. Luci looks thoughtful.

Speaking of Mushashon, he’s still learning more about his mama than he ever has in the library. He says she’s sick/not right (estas mal). “You’ve done a lot of harm Mama, and I can’t permit this family to be sustained by a base of lies!” Rod gives her an ultimatum. Either she tells his siblings the truth, or he will! He turns to do just that, but Rosa says she will tell them the WHOLE TRUTH.

Everyone has moved to the dining room, and even Padre Honesto has arrived. Everyone looks happy and relaxed, except for Julie and Gala, who look bitchy, as usual. Rod walks in looking determined, and not in the least bit happy or relaxed. Gala greets him with a bitchy comment. He ignores her, walks over to Hannah and his cousin Melissa and gives them meaningful, heartfelt kisses. He tells the Padre he’s glad he came (because the sh!t’s about to hit the fan). Max looks worried because he knows what’s coming. The others also can sense the rising tension.

Back to a family that’s actually functional, CL is telling Luci how much more he misses her now that he knows that she’s alive when he’s away from her (than when he thought she had died). He feels a need to be near her and share every moment with her to make up for lost time. It saddens him to have to go back that evening, but next time he’ll stay longer. He asks Luci to consider coming to D.F. with him. The moment has come to face the Torreslandas! Tomorrow he meets with them to agree on how to divide the company and the assets. He wants Luci with him when that happens. Luci refuses. She doesn’t want to go and she doesn’t want to see the TLs. CL asks her to take a walk with him to discuss it. Ariche comes too, and Paz and Magda share worried looks after they leave.

The waiting continues in the dining room. Rod prevents Max from going to get Rosa. We then see her making her way slowly past the staircase through the living room and to the dining room. She’s bawling like a five year old, who knows she’s about to be punished for doing a very bad thing. Then she stops, wipes her tears away, and puts her best game face on before facing the entire family. She asks them to excuse her lateness, since she’s always on them for being late. She is at one end of the dining room, and Rod is all the way at the other end. The camera pans back and forth between the two and along the concerned/confused (and hungry, in the case of Aldo) faces of the family and servants. Rosa says she needs to speak to all of them (servants included) before the dinner is served. Max tries to delay the inevitable till after dinner, but Rod, with arms sternly crossed, says the best moment is NOW. Pato asks his mama what she wants to tell them.
Rosa: That I’m a sinner. I have sinned against God. I have sinned against you all. I committed the worst sin that a human being can commit. I committed the act of betrayal (traición). I betrayed the last wishes of a dying woman (moribunda) who put her newborn baby girl into my arms. And instead of caring for her, instead of loving her like one of you, my children, I gave her away. I abandoned that little girl without caring about what would become of her. That little girl that I gave away is Luciana.

Shocked faces around most of the table. Hannah immediately goes to Rod, crying, and hugs him. Connie looks happy that the truth is out. Padre looks grim. Max looks like he can’t believe that the last semblance of a happy/normal family life is about to come to a grinding halt in the Torreslanda home. Julie and Gala are enjoying the show as much as we in Viewerville are.

Tomorrow: CL tries to convince Luci to come to D.F. telling her the TL family will never return to what it once was. The moment of confession continues for Rosa, and Max is forcing her to tell ALL of the truth. 


Didn't get home from the beach until 9pm and was so worried that storms might have messed up my scheduled recording while I was away. Whew! It was there, and it was quite an episode. It was so nice to see Rosa have to face the music, for once. Now I have to go watch Friday's episode. I hope everyone had a great weekend!

Vivi--Marvelous, wonderful, great as always recap. So glad Rod confronted the la loca mama, finally, finally, and he didn't cave. Yay! He is so redeemed in my eyes. Unless he does something drastic again, he is undead to me! Loved how he wouldn't back down and made his mama tell all. I hope she tells all to the family and not how this "suffering" made her do it. Loved how Hanna and Melissa cried, and Pato too.

Why did they black out Pedro Campos? I wonder if we will ever see what he looks like. I wonder what Max is going to do about him?

That Champagne Queen and Gala, ugh. I loved how Conny told Frigid to get her some champagne lol. Gala loves to push Rosa buttons. Love how Rod the Bod put the kibosh on the Canada idea. That was really good. She can't push him around anymore, neither his loca mama or Gagme.

Loved what Conny said about her children. Let them live and learn, instead of being on a short lease with lots of you can't do that. Conny so has it right.

Really liked that picnic with the boat with Vio and friends. So sweet and loved Fabian's voice. Thanks also for the song lyrics Vivi. I really like Pepe Aguilar. Loved his music from Destilando Amor too. Your right, I really wish Vio would wake up and see Polo instead of Marcial. Polo is sooo much better for Vio.

Is there no end to Max's creepiness? I was worried about Melissa when he was talking to her. He looked so creepy when he put those sunglasses back on. It was almost like a foil to hide his evil eyes.

Now I'm really worried for Claudio. Since he wants to make Luci his sole heir, this is very troubling. Those Torreslandas, Max and the la loca, especially are dangerous. I hope Claudio watches his back and Luci's too. I don't trust Max and Rosa for anything. And I don't blame Luci for not wanting to confront the TL's. They have treated her so badly in the past. Luci is so not into revenge, she just wants to be left in peace. Maybe at some point she will be able to handle it. I think it will be awhile before that happens. Loved Ariche here too, so cute.

Oh, I meant Conny asked Frigid to get the Champagne Queen some champagne lol.

I'm not so worried about Claudio ad i used to be. He has changed his will, his wishes have been made known. Rod knows that Luci is a Linares and with any luck the rest of the family will know tomorrow.

I can understand Luci's reluctance to return to the DF and face down basically Rosa but she has all kinds of support and shouldn't let one woman so dominate her life.

Noticed Gage slinging back the wine while waiting for the fireworks.

La Loca really clings on to her madness. No one on planet earth believes there was anything between Max and Aurora but she won't let it go. She keeps saying the woman stole the love of her husband while conveniently forgetting how she gives him the cold shoulder every time she can. He tried to warn her that the shit storm was coming but she couldn't be bothered to listen.

I too wondered why it was necessary to block out Campos' face? Is he going to come back and play a part in the story. That scene reminded me of way too many let's extend the novela by adding some character out of left field.

I was actually surprised that Rosa kept the servants in the room when she made her confession. Since she considers them beneath her it seemed out of character and in any case Mati know the whole story.

Vivi thanks for your recap and the lyrics were an added bonus. Glad you had a nice time at the beach.

The more I see of Rosa whenever she is confronted by that inconvenient thing called the truth, she proves she is a willful, evil woman. Where does illness come into the equation unless illness = evil? And using UA's comment from Friday, Max believes he is the sane one in the marriage when we all know he is NOT sane.

Watching Rod ignore Gala was fun. And the expression around the table during the confrontation/reveal were priceless.

Add me to the list of intrigued by the secrecy of Campos. Maybe he'll come back and mess with Max or Max will finally cross the line and kill someone.

Please Vio, open your eyes and see Polo, who is worlds ahead of the lemon-faced guy.

so, just wondering... when you said "bitch bitch bitch" were you referring to what Julie, Gala and Crazy Eyes were doing or to the fact all three of them were present and accounted for?

haha... : )

great recap, thanks so much!

Chispa- Clever lady. I was indeed referring to both.

Absolutely Fabulous Vivi!! What a delicious episode(that goes for the food too.)You added such great details, complete with song lyrics. ( And if Vi doesn't open her eyes and drop the Lemon Sucker, I give up on her.)

Love how the writers of this TN like to compare the two "groups". In Het Het, even their disagreements are done with love and listening to each other.

Then we have the mansion from Hell. Hats off to Laura F. She was just all over the place with her emotions and facial expressions--going beautifully between Rosa's tries at manipulation of those around her, to just the plain loca evil she is. Max's explanation that her crazy wrong ideas about Aurora and jealousy have just taken her over. She's right, she lived with it every day to the point that it has driven her crazy. Add that to her obsessive need to control everyone and everything to be the way she wants it--she's just lost.

I hope this doesn't turn into a pity fest for her though by the usual parties, and trying to make everyone feel sorry for Rosa. She was WRONG, and needs to understand that from those she loves. Somehow I think she lives to destroy another day.

I think we will be getting a visit from the new and improved Campos. After 20 years, maybe he's gone thru enough of a change that Max won't recognize him?? Or will Max know him, and have to keep his identity under wraps because Campos blackmails him. Don't think we've seen the last of him.

Lots to look forward to this week.

Great recap, Vivi. Loved many parts:

Very good description of Max; "a sinister mix" of "the Godfather and Jack Nicholson"!

Rosa is "micromanaging" the dinner.

Loved "We do have other children whose lives we can mess up too, you know! Patricio is our perfect next victim, and Hannah is at a difficult age…”

My favorite, “Rod gives her the universal “talk to the hand” gesture.” Thought the same thing myself.

Now really, how many shocked faces could there be?
Pato knew, Oscar knew, Connie knew, Melissa knew, Max knew, Rod knew, Mati knew; probably Brigida, OK, Julie, and Gala may not have known but they don’t care, Hannah is about the only one who this was news. Aldo, also. Rosa had not much to lose to reveal this "secret". But she isn't repentant, she'd do it again in a second.

I do wonder where they are going with the Claudio's inheritance. I do hope he's not being written out of the story any time soon!

Emari- Pato did not know. He only knew about Luci's baby. But yes, most know. Even Gala and Julie. Frigida, Aldo, Pato, and Hannah are learning it for the first time. The others are just shocked Rosa's admitting it.

I am wondering if having this secret out that Rosa will calm down a little.

Vivi, hope you had a wonderful time at the beach - you deserve it.

Perfect title. The recap was excellent and chock full of details. "...that bore Boris", "go to bathe off their offending sweat", "Rosa pretends Connie isn't speaking" (I actually laughed out loud) and "back to a family that's actually functioning" were only a few of my favorite lines.

Luci was demonlike in her voiced hatred of anyone Linares. Rod looked stunned and skewered to the marrow. And poor Hannah looked like her heart would break after Rosa's forced confession.

Madelaine, I'm thinking perhaps Pedro Campos will be revealed before the end. I don't think Max will find him. Pedro will reveal himself in his own way, in his own time. Karen, I suspect Pedro's timing will be impeccable and he will appear to foil whatever revenge plan Max cooks up (speculation not spoiler).

And Max is reminding me of Gollum more with each passing days. The bulging eyes, the shrieking, the histronics...Ack.

Vivi, thanks again for the marvelous recap.



Good one, Vivi. I always love getting episodes like this.

What I don't think will shock anyone is Rosa's lack of repentance. This public display of her crazy should push someone to the P word and the M word, but... that would interfere with Rosa's interference, which is the cornerstone of this tale.

Campos probably had plastic surgery since the crime, but that doesn't mean Max can't make trouble for him.

Does anyone else think that the Torreslanda mansion could go down in flames near the end?

Vivi! stellar recap. Loved the comparisons of Rod to a bull ready for the fight with red outfit and all!... Totally loved how both Oscar and Pato rebutted to Gala about 'asking Rosa to speak to Rodrigo so he will treat her right'... GMAB!!! Pato is so right, I need to remember that analogy of the word 'casados' with 'casa de dos'... good one!
Also LOVED how Rod gave her the hand gesture. as time passes it is easier and easier for Rod to totally block Gala's yelling (he can't stop her from yelling, but by now it should be clear to her that neither her nor his mother have any control over him or over what he does or doesn't do)...
Not sure if I like that Claudio is all but forcing Luci to come back to the city with him to face the TL's... What she wants to do is forget the TL's as a whole, why drop her right back in the middle of that lion's cage? even if Claudio stuck around to protect her... If Luci's return to the city means she will be at the TL offices things will get mighty interesting. At least by now Oscar will also be solidly standing on Luci's ship and will help Rod protect her, or at least will not be so willing to do 'as Max says' if it is anything against Luci. Even Pato will make it to the office more often if he knows she will be around, to protect her as well.


Triple awesome recap - absolutely fabulous; you are a true perfectionist and imagine that you are a super conscientious dynamo on your job as well.

Not really watching this novela full strength but figured this episode would be worth the while. I loved the parallel structure with the comparison of the three
meals - from casual and cozy on the boat to formal and frigid at the TL house and everything in between.

Whenever anyone in a novela says that he will protect a person,
I see red flags immediately.

This has probably been covered earlier but I missed it. How far is it to Het Het and how does one get there? only by car? is there some kind of landing strip?

If Luciana becomes a big time executive, I would love to see her in a business suit and heels with a different hair style. Her simple, down home look is a bit too back woods for me.

I am not ready to forgive Rod
for his treatment of Luci.
the ink on his marriage license hadn't even dried when he broke all of his promises to her; when a guy (or gal) marries, they leave their parents and cleave to the spouse if it's true love - plain and simple.

Thanks, Vivi for the song lyrics;
I had made a note to look them up.
I want to learn them. I too love the music Of PA --and loved your tremendously detailed recap.

All the best! (I enjoy all comments.)

Tremendous recap!

Leave Luci alone. She is just fine the way she is. And, I agree with her leave me out of it approach.

The less the Tl's the better off she is.

As satisfying as it was to see Rosa loca have to do a tell all they still didn't lay a glove on her. She would do it again with a different child. The entire family has to witness a confrontation like Rod and Rosa before they will fully understand that Rosa loca is totally nuts from envy of Aurora. I guess Aurora is her Borealis.

Rod is going to regret this showdown with Mama cause' she is totally into payback.

Boy Vivi, you outdid yourself on this one. Beautifully written from start to finish, complete with picture and song lyrics as well. Just outstanding.

My favorite, like Emarie's was your description of Max as a sinister mix of the Godfather and Jack Nicholson.
And of course your noting of Rod's red sweater making him look like an angry bull.

Roselena was absolutely chilling in this one. The strength of her hate and malice makes her "confession" totally free of any real reprentance and regret. It's clear that if she has an opportunity to hurt Luciana again, she WILL. That's what really frightened me about last night. There is simply no end to her ill will and desire to hurt.

Awesome episode. Even more awesome recap. Thanks Vivi.

It occurred to me that Roselena is more likely to commit murder than Max. She is far more cold-blooded than he is.

Thanks everyone. Taking a break from meetings to check in. I agree that what is so scary is that it's clear Rosa would still stop at nothing to destroy Luci, because in doing so she is getting revenge on Aurora. Rod should see this and know that Luci and his baby are in real danger.

The confession is fascinating to watch, but without real regret, we know Rosa will be back to her old delusional bossy evil self in no time. Only jail or death will stop her, but the only people willing to put her behind bars are CL and Magda, and maybe Melissa and Paz (although that would be tricky legally for Paz as she was part of the crime). The rest of the family refuse to take that step and will close ranks to protect Rosa from any legal consequences. And Luci, who cares too much about the TL kids is the only thing standing in the way of CL pressing charges and Rosa being thrown in jail. I hope she has a change of heart about this when she sees how dangerous Rosa is, but I doubt it.

I also doubt it.

One also can wonder whether Max would have called in the Nice Young Men In Their Clean White Coats to get her if he had witnessed the scene in the library. He can't be unaware that her mental state could be dangerous to himself, his business, and their social position at the same time.

Which would explain why they don't entertain outside the family.

I don't like Aldo, but I love how he handled Rosa's presumptuous criticism of him.

Pato is the voice of reason in this family, but he has no authority to have Rosa committed.

Actually Julie and Gagme did know the truth, they did some research and figured it out and Julie even mentioned it to Rosa. Only Pato, Jana and Aldo were clueless.

I agree that Claudio has to talk Luci into facing down the TL's with him. Like it or not she is going to inherit a fortune and she needs to learn how to deal with it. Unfortunately for her she and to a degree Paz have built Rosa into a super monster and if she doesn't face the woman down she will live the rest of her life in fear.

We've reached the point in the novela which always happens with me when the heroine begins to get on my nerves. Luci's constant saying that she just wants to stay in her pueblo with her peeps and spend her time pot painting is annoying. She is going to have a baby, the child of a wealthy and powerful family. The child has a right to the kind of life Luci was denied. Does she really think it is okay to raise a child in a area where there is no work and the young people all have to leave. She has to think for both of them and that means like it or not she has to put on her big girl panties and go to the DF. Het Het is and always will be there for her spiritual refuge but she needs to listen to Claudio and see the bigger picture.

I'm wondering how long it will be as Rosa'a confession continues before she throws Max under the bus and blames him for all of it because he was an adulterer. He was careful not to do it when Rod confronted him, only telling the story and adding that Rosa was sick. He always protects her.

I couldn't believe my ears when Rosa told Max they had other children she had to protect. this from the woman who once went to Pato's room to rant at him for not eating and never even noticed he was running a fever. Conny who knows what it is to be a real mother picked up on it right away. Rosa is a mother in name only.

Yep, Decie Girl. Only Frigida, Aldo, Pato and Hannah were in the dark.

Luci not wanting to jump right into the viper's nest makes perfect sense to me. It's self preservation, something I find most heroines in tns lack. Especially while she's pregnant, it makes sense that her instinct is to protect herself and her baby. It agree that she needs to learn to manage all that money and she needs to stop leatting fear of Rosa negatively affect her life. I don't think she should stop fearing Rosa, because that would be stupid. Rosa is dangerous, and Luci should never let her guard down with her.

But there are many years yet before Luci has to worry about educating her child, and I'm sure there are perfectly good schools in the state of Chihuahua, without having to go live all the way in D.F. Plus, I'm not convinced that Luci won't make her own fortune, without having to touch TL money, with her pottery, for which she can remain in Het Het. The real issue is being able to take over the biz from CL and allowing her child to have a relationship its father. That's the only part of her life that needs to involve D.F. and the TLs.

As for Luci getting a more sophisticated look-- I like her current look, but sure, why not? But please, do NOT let it involve towering high heels and cleavage. That would not be true to character (and frankly I'm tired of that look), and Luci would hate it. She barely managed the stuff she wore when she and Rod were married and working on their Church wedding.

Oh Vivi, oh Vivi! I am so glad this rip snorting great episode fell into your supremely capable hands. The acting was all high key and enthralling and your insightful telling was deep and satisfying.

I am worried about Luci for not only what Rosa might do but for what Gagme Gala and her Grifter of the Year mother may think up to eliminate the competition for Rodrigo. I also wonder if Rosa will go the brain tumor route to get sympathy from her tender, indulgent family.


Cheryl- I meant to say welcome back the other day! I agree that Gala and Julie are just as dangerous and as much of a threat to Luci as Rosa, and Luci knows this. With those three b/witches loose, I am very fearful for the health of Luci and her baby.

I would worry about Luci with the three witches but she has loads of people who will go to the mat to protect her, Paz, Magda and the barrio folk, Pato, Oscar to an extent, Rod, Claudio for sure,. Even Max would try to protect her because he likes her, she is Aurora's daughter but mostly to protect Rosa from doing anything else criminal and insane.

Vivi I forgot that Luci would want her baby to have a relationship with Rod now that he knows about it. I also think she wouldn't want to cut the baby out of Jana and Pato's lives. I agree about a make over with tight short skirts, cleavage and come F me shoes. those are best left to Gagme. There is a happy meeting ground between the extremes we see now, she could go the Melissa route which is a little artsy and still ladylike and classy. Only time will tell.

Vivi--Viva Vivi! Gracias, amiga. You are our super multi-tasker, even fitting a week at the beach into your busy schedule. This was a marvelous episode to recap, hard as it was to catch all the dialog.

And yes, Julie and Gagme were figuring things out with their trip to the cemetery office.

Decie Girl--You are our voice of reason for Refugio refugees.

Rosa has no real maternal feelings. To her, the family represents prestige and social position--especially having engendered two males (remember the picture frame of her and her two sons, but no Jana). Traditional values are followed religiously, as is religion.

The members of the family are her possessions, like her furniture and knicknacks. She goes to great lengths to preserve them intact, clean them, dust them, admire them, keep track of them, letting no harm come to them.

I'm going to speculate that she and Max were very much a team in the early days of their marriage (so much has been hinted at) growing the business, but I think with the arrival of Rodrigo & Patricio, her attention turned toward running an uber-respectable household that her up-and-coming empresario husband would need.

(P.S. The reason we don't see them entertain outside the home may be more the writers fault for not giving them opportunities with other people. The story is so intense that it just can't accommodate any more people or "frivolous" gatherings. They did have that shindig at the beginning of Refugio where Luci arrived dressed up and stole Rodrigo's whole heart. And then there was Gagme's failed civil wedding which was another big bash.)

However, Max slipped out of her control. She was no longer part of Max business life, so her imagination took control. Then Rodrigo started to slip out of her control.

Setting the sin/crime she committed with baby Luci aside, the outcome would have been different if Rodrigo had gone ahead and married an "approved" bride--one Rosa thought she could control. But for Rodrigo to have publicly humiliated her choosing not to marry Gala and chosen the one Amor Prohibido sent her teetering over the edge of sanity.

Vivi - terrific recap. Fun catching up with the Torreslandas.

So glad Rod found out about all so early in Luci's pregnancy. His mother's a loca, but Rod needs to focus on what "he's" going to do to fix things. I want to see how he'll protect Luci and the baby from the three b/witches.

RE: a Makeover -

definitely not towering high heels and cleavage; I was thinking along the lines of a designer business suit with conservative but fashionable shoes with hair pulled back and possibly up a little higher.

Forgot to mention, I like the comment about casa-dos. Is that the true origin?

Also loved the Godfather/Jack Nicholson remark.

Thanks, Vivi! Excellent episode. I continue to be impressed by the acting--and you know, I never feel that way about TNs.

You hit it on the head with the Jack Nicholson and Godfather reference.

Yay for Luci sticking to her guns and not letting wealth change her. Did anyone else think that CL and Paz have the beginnings of something brewing??

I keep wishing that Luci would take Claudio up on his offer of helping her. She is in a position now to help Lorenzo and the gang in the DF. She could set up Lor and Fab in their business, encourage Lor to go back to school- otherwise he has zero chsnce with Jana. As a member of the TL team, much to Rosa's horror, she could insist on her own office and bring Ofelia in as an assistant. The girl doesn't want to work in Infierno, worries about money and doesn't want to be a servant, plus which she speaks English. I'd really love to see what Rosa would call the nacos, succeed in business and with their humility and charm wowing everyone they meet.

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