Thursday, September 20, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #117 Thu 9/20/12 The Truth, It Has A Habit of Revealing Itself... M. Hercule Poirot


Torreslanda Bidness, Luci's Office:

Luci is telling Claudio about the plane Pato has reserved for Paz, Magda, Namaruchi and Ariche. Claudio will get Norma to reserve hotel rooms for them. Claudio calls Paz and hands the phone to Luci. Paz is with Namaruchi and Magda. Luci tells them she would love for all three and Ariche to come to the D.F. since she can't come home just yet. They are thrilled to come and Luci says no bus this time, reserved a corporate jet. They can't wait to come to the D.F., especially Magda, who is just wanting to see her Violetta.

In The Hood, Vio's Apartment:

Vio calls Luci and Luci may not have ratted Vio out to her Mama Magda, but Luci informs Vio that her Mama will be in the D.F. this evening and probably going to her apartment first thing. Vio asks Luci if she told her Mama Magda about Don A. Luci says of course not, but Vio has a scheduling conflict cause she will be seeing Don A this evening too. Ruh Roh! Luci is pithed that Vio hasn't said anything to her Mama Magda, and Mama will throw a fit when she finds out Vio is engaged to Don A. Vio doesn't want to be poor anymore and besides she is meeting Don A shortly and she gets off the phone with Luci.

Torreslanda Bidness, Rod's Office:

Rod is having a meeting with Marcos and Gabe, and who should come in interrrupting and strutting her stuff, anyone?? That's right, its wifey pooh Gagme. She has come to inform him she wants him to come to her gyno appointment with her. She complains he's always working, no time for wife or bebe, in other words, she is trying to embarass poor Rod in front of his friends. Gabe and Marcos are smart though and take their leave, but not before they wish her luck at the gyno, lol. After they go, our Rod tells Gagme, look I'm working, in other words, why did you come here when you know I can't stand you? She really wants him to go with her, and he finally caves.

Club Inferno:

Aldo and Lastra are having a meeting in Lastra's office and they are following Max's instructions, which we still don't know about. Ivan comes into the office to inform Lastra that Vio is here to see him. Lastra leaves the office and Aldo has grabbed Lastra's chair, forcing Ivan to take the one in front of the desk. He says now we are equals  in dress, Ivan.  Ivan is giving Aldo the stink eye to the side, cause he won't look at Aldo.

Torreslanda Bidness, Bank Of Elevators:

Luci and Claudio are leaving the bidness and her arm is lovingly tucked into his. Of course, here comes Rod the Bod and Gagme and she has herself draped over him like a cheap fur. Rod the Bod tells Claudio good afternoon and Claudio answers him the same. Gagme snidely asks Luci if Luci knows yet if she is having a boy or a girl, trying to dig her claws into Luci. Luci totally ignores the bruja and turns to her Papa Claudio and says we'll take the stairs. They go to do just that. Ms Grill Teeth (thanks Daisynjay) said something afterwards I didn't catch, please comment.

Club Inferno:

Vio has come to talk to Lastra telling him she isn't working this evening. Lastra can't beleive it. Is there something more important than working here? Well yeah, Vio says, something that may change her life (oy vey, jus' sayn'). She informs Lastra she will know for sure this evening. Ruh, Roh.

Torreslanda Bidness, Max's Office:

Max gets a text and then his phone rings and it's Conny. Conny tells Max she brought Rosa to the doctor's for the testing. He wants to know the results. Conny informs Max he'll have to ask Rosa bout that cause she wouldn't spill to Conny. Max is perturbed, to say the least.

Club Inferno:

Well, looky here, its Don A with Vio draped all over him like a gangster's moll and she is dressed all in blue. That dress she is wearing is sooo short, it's like I see London, I see France, well you get the drift. They sit themselves down at a table by the slots. Don A calls attention to himself and Vio, and Serena and Polo are looking on. He yells to the Babosas, that would be the clientle of Inferno, that he is marrying Vio and pulls out this huge ring. (Note to Don A- could you have picked out a more tacky ring, jus' sayin'). Now if looks could kill Don A would be dead from Polo's stare. Don A puts that huge, ugly ring on Vio's finger and says Are we gettin' married, or are we getting married! Vio is very impressed with this rock of a ring. Don A calls for his favorite drink, mezcal. (Ed Note: I learned alot during the telenovela Destilando Amor which featured an agave  growing hacienda. The agave was distilled into tequila. A mezcal is not true tequila. It is distilled from the maguey plant, which is a form of agave. Only true tequila is distilled from the agave plant.) Don A informs Vio they are getting married in Het Het, but she tells him she doesn't want to live there, she'd rather stay in the D.F. Vio keeps admiring that tacky ring and Serena is the one bringing the drink, while a disapproving Polo looks on. Don A is lookin' for some sugar (yuck) from Vio but he ends up kissing her head.

In The Hood, Vio's Apartment:

Luci, Magda, Paz and Ariche have arrived at Vio's apartment. Luci has let them in. Namaruchi is already in the hotel. Marianita and Estelita come down and Marianita is sooo happy to see Ariche, and gives him a big ole hug. They go up to Estelita's apartment while the ladies have a visit. Magda tells Esteltia she has been very worried about her Vio, but she's probably at work and that's why she isn't home. Strange looks pass between Estelita, Paz and Luci. Estelita tells Magda that Vio is not working and Luci finally pipes up and tells Magda that Vio is out with her novio. Ruh, Roh. Magda thinks it is Marcial, Mr. Lemon Sucking Face. Estelita says, au contraire, this man is not Marcial and further more she is marryin' this dude, well you get the pic. Magda is very puzzled by this, she wants to know who this guy is and furthermore, her Vio never told her she was seeing a new guy. Luci informs Magda she doesn't know who this guy is, but Magda is so not buying it. Magda just knows Luci knows and she better spill. Who is the guy, out with it I say. Luci tells Magda very well, but prepare yourself, Ruh Roh. Luci finally tells her it is Don A. Magda is very shocked and has tears in her eyes. Magda keeps saying, no, no, and Paz is trying to take her hand. Poor Magda is having a meltdown. Magda wants to know where Vio is right now. Luci doesn't know. Paz begs Luci, if you know please, for the love of Dios, not really but you get the pic. Luci takes her cell out and calls Vio, but no answer. Paz is trying to calm Magda down. The poor woman is losing it and Paz tells her to be calm, basically serenity now. Magda begs Dios to forgive her for being silent all these years and not telling Vio the truth. It's all her fault. Paz is trying to convince Magda it isn't her fault. Luci is still trying to get ahold of Vio by cell phone.

Club Inferno:

Don A and Vio are cutting a rug, er dancing, on the stage, "Coral" used to sing on. Vio's cell phone is ringing off the hook, but of course due to the noise and Vio being on the dance floor she doesn't hear it. Now I have to say here, Vio can dance, but Don A, not so much. Polo and Ivan are at the bar and Lastra comes in and wants to know how things are going. Ivan informs Lastra that the guy dancing with Vio is her novio. Lastra sees them and laughs and says oh, that Coral and Polo doesn't think it is funny at all.

In The Hood, Back To Vio's Apartment:

Magda and Paz are sitting on the sofa now and Paz has both of Magda's hands in hers, while Magda mutters this is all her fault and Paz keeps saying it isn't. Luci looks on and is so very perturbed and lays it all at Vio's door and says Magda isn't to blame for any of this. Estelita goes upstairs to be with the kids. Magda is yelling about Vio, why, why? Luci is looking at Magda, very worried about her, and Magda tells Luci you just don't understand. Don A is Vio's Papa. Luci is sooo shocked and Paz tells Luci it's true. Magda cries.

Torreslanda Home, Max and Rosa's Den of Iniquity:

Max is wanting to know from Rosa what the doctor said. Why won't she tell him? Well, ole spitefull Rosa tells Max he really doesn't care about her, only his lover. Max finally tells Rosa, that this attitude of hers, is exactly why he has a lover! Max goes on to tell Rosa that she doesn't act like his wife at all. He wants her love, her caresses. Course, Rosa is giving Max the major stink eye. Max tells her she can't get this thru her head. Rosa tells him to stop being RIDICULOUS, can you imagine, pot calling the kettle black, jus' sayin'. Where is that iron skillet, I'd like to bop the both of them. Rosa goes on to tell Max she listened to all his promises all these years! She goes on to tell him as long as she lives he BETTER respect this house and the family! Rosa wants him to break it off with the chippy, not for her mind you, but for the family! Rosa informs Max she hasn't told Hanna bout his foolin' around, she doesn't want to cause Hanna any grief. Rosa turns off her bedside lamp and gives her back to Max. Max gets into bed and sits there with his snarling look.

Torreslanda Home, Conny's Sitting Room:

Conny and Oscar are cuddling up on a love seat. Conny tells Oscar that when the testing with Rosa is all done, she wants to move back to her house. Oscar calls Conny, mi amor and tells her she could live with her novio. Conny tells Oscar that she is very preoccupied with Rosa's condition (Note to Conny: Please Conny take your things and go with Oscar, you will never regret it, jus' sayin'. Let Max handle her, handle her.). Oscar informs Conny she doesn't have to live here. Oscar informs Conny he has a solution, go up to your clothes closet, get your stuff and move in with me! Conny giggles, and Oscar says what do you say? Conny says Oscar, Oscar, Oscar and he is loving the way she says his name, so softly. They do alot of kissing and Oscar says they could be together instead of being alone.

Club Inferno:

We are back with Don A and Vio drinking the mezcal. They do a toast with their arms entwined, this is getting grosser by the minute, jus' sayin'. He tells her she is very elegant, please someone, where is that cast iron skillet, I want to bop the two of them too! Don A says he is so very happy and looking forward to many years with Vio. Just wait Don A that anvil is a hangin' jus' sayin'. Vio tells him come on a my house, my house, I'm gonna give you candy. Not really but you get the drift. Don A is very excited bout that, cause we all know where his mind is, anyhoo he asks Serena to bring him a bottle of that mezcal, while he is trying to lay a lip lock on Vio, yuck. Vio avoids that one too, and Don A toasts Het Het. Vio informs Don A she knows Het Het very well, matter of fact she lived there when she was a kid, but he probably doesn't remember her. Now she shocks the crap out of Don A and tells him she is the daughter of, on the count of three Viewerville, Magda!!!!! Don A chokes on his mezcal and is trying hard to breathe, he is in shock and awe!!!!

In The Hood, Back to Vio's Apartment:

Magda explains to Luci she never wanted Vio to know about her Papa. Magda would have preferred that Vio never know him or believe he was dead. Magda was happy, in a way, that Vio went to the capital, that way she was never near that odious man, well you get the drift. Luci, bless her heart, gives Magda a big ole hug and tells her she knows this is difficult but Vio is intelligent and she knows Magda promised herself she'd never tell but it's time now. Magda says Don A ran his mouth to everyone in Het Het how he as marrying some cha cha from the D.F. and little does he know that his novia is his daughter! Luci is still desperately calling Vio on the cell phone, which of course goes unanswered. Magda wants to go to Inferno to see if Vio is there, but Paz talks her out of it. Magda says, ok then, it is time for me to face the music with Vio, and you and Luci need to go and be with Namaruchi, since she is alone in the hotel. At first Paz doesn't want to abandon her best friend, but Magda tells her she wants to be alone when Vio comes and she does some splain'. Magda tells Paz she will pray to Dios for strength. Paz and Luci looked very concerned.

Hotel Suite in the D.F.

Paz and Luci have arrived at the suite and Paz is stunned by the suite. Paz is very concerned about Magda and Luci has her sit on the sofa so they can chat about that. Luci says this is very serious and why didn't Magda tell Vio before now? Luci is tired of all the secrets. Paz says she had one too, regarding Luci, Luci said she also had one, the working at Inferno that one night and not telling Rod the Bod about it. Now she and Gagme are pregnant with Rod the Bod's bebes. And on top of all that, Luci never told Rod the Bod she was pregnant when divorcing him and he didn't find out until he was already married to Gagme. Paz agrees and says carrying all these secrets around caused a lot of regret and pain. Paz is still feeling really bad for having left Magda alone, but Luci says it is best this way. She needs to talk to Vio and Don A alone. Luci says now she and Vio are alike finding out who their Papa's really are.

In The Hood:

Don A and Vio are walking toward her apartment. Don A asks if she is going to tell her Mama Magda that they are now engaged. Vio informs Don A she will tell her Mama, and Don A warns Vio that Magda thinks he is the devil. Vio thinks he isn't a devil, he has proven himself to her, but they both look pretty scared. Don A wants to get married in Het Het and Vio laughs. Vio tells Don A she is going to tell Magda about their plans and calm her down, yeah right. They go upstairs.

In The Hood, Vio's Apartment:

Magda is now calm and sitting on Vio's bed. The apartment is in darkness. Magda has an amulet of some type in each hand. She flashes back to when she was young and Vio was a bebe, how she cuddled and took care of her. Then we get another flashback of Magda giving Vio the blessing at school. Magda is very happy and so is Vio. Now the last flashback is of a teenaged looking Vio, applying lipstick, looking at herself in the mirror, a packed suitcase is on the bed and Magda is looking on from behind Vio, crying. This must have been the time when Vio went to the D.F. Both are hugging and crying. Magda drops both amulets on the floor. (Note to Magda: I wonder if you got these from Sabina The Het Het Bruja, who warned Luci about grief and tears, jus' sayin').

Torreslanda Home, The Dead of Night:

The Torreslanda home is in darkness, seems everyone has gone to bed, or have they? Someone is creeping through the muted blue light. Has the phantasma moved from Het Het to the Torreslanda Home by any chance? We shall see. The Phantasma has moved to the kitchen and has opened the fridge door. Now who could this Phantasma be you ask? Well, could it be Frigid the Rigid, going for a midnight snack, while writing her next pot boiler, could it be Max wanting a glass of milk to help him sleep, could it be Rosa the Horrible, sleep eating (Ed Note- This is a real condition, it seems to be an after effect of some sleeping pills), could it be Mati sleepwalking and preparing meals in her head by osmosis, while peeking in the fridge, or could it be Hanna wanting something a little sweet before she goes to bed, or Aldo wanting that last piece of cake, or Conny wanting a drink of water. Well, I'll tell you who it is. It's Pato, of course, and Mati comes into the kitchen to see him opening that fridge door! She is estatic about that. He can now lift his forearm and has a better range with his hand. Conny comes to join the party and is very happy too. Mati wants to know if he wanted anything out of that fridge. Pato says no, just wanted to see if he could open it himself. He swears both women to secrecy. It's their little secret, they comply with his request.

Rod and Gagme's Apartment of Lost Souls:

Rod is fast asleep on the sofa and Gagme tiptoes in and gets that shit eating grin on her grilly mouth and starts with the ow's and ah's loud enough to wake Rod es Mio up. Poor Rod is plum tuckered out from avoiding her witchiness, er working hard all day, and he gets up and asks what's wrong. Same pain as before, her gut is wrenching and Rod es Mio wants to take her to the hospital or see a doctor. (Note to Rod the Bod: please dude, make her go and catch her in her lies). She just wants Rod es Mio to help her. So he tucks her back into bed, while she is owing away and she doesn't want no doctor, no emergency room trip, nothin' but Rod es Mio to stay with her. The pain is now easing , she says. So Rod kneels by the bed, holding that dirty rotten hand of hers, and while he has his head bent, grins so wide, her grill is showin' and when he looks up fakes the pain again. He is left holding that skanky hand.

In The Hood Vio's Apartment:

A mother's love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no awe, no pity, it dares all things and crushes down remorsely all that stands in it's path. Agatha Christie

Don A and Vio have finally arrived at the apartment. Don A is trying to cop a feel here, yuck, when Magda comes out of Vio's room like an avenging angel and flicks on the lights. She grabs Vio out of Don A's grasp. Vio is shocked! Magda steps in front of Vio, like Boudica the Celtic Warrior Queen to protect her. Don A tells Magda, hey that's my future wife, couldn't you just gag, where is that cast iron skillet I say. Magda tells Don A to let her go. Don A thinks Magda is crazy, she's lost all her marbles. Don A informs Magda he is marrying Vio whether she likes it or not! Magda has some news for him to put the kibosh on that. Magda tells Don A of course this girl is yours, she is your, say it with me Viewerville, YOUR DAUGHTER!!!!!!! Vio of course is shocked, but not as much as Don A is. The only thing Vio can think to say is QUE???? and Mama???? Magda cries and nods her head, while Vio and Don A just look at each other. Don A is so shocked, that for once he can't say a word. All I have to say is POR FIN this secret is OUT!!!!!


The takedown at Club Inferno begins.

Luci receives some kind of horrid gift from Gagme what you say? Tune in manana to find out!


Awesome Madeleine, thanks!

I think Aldo was telling Ivan they were "equals" - igual also means equivalent or identical - because they were wearing the same clothes, LOL! They both had a purple shirt and gray jacket. Ivan already knows Aldo is his superior as Aldo is related to the boss.

I agree - por fin the secret is out.

I was amazed that Vio could dance at all. Those shoes!!!! All she could do was wriggle around and slide her feet with those platform heels on. The shoes in these TNs kill me, but I think Vio's might have hit a record tonight. That actress sure knows how to project sensuality and, um, apparent fecundity - she could pose for a fertility doll.

Magda as Boudica the Celtic Warrior Queen? Wow - what a reference! I only happen to know it from reading too many English historical romances, LOL!

What a reveal! Great job bringing it to us Mads!

I really felt Magda's pain. I loved the tender flashbacks of her and Vio. I wondered what the amulets meant too-- one of gray stone and the other of black stone. I wondered if maybe Vio had one and she had the other? Anyone know what it could mean? So glad the truth is out. Tomorrow we get to see the fallout, which will not be pretty.

Loved the scene with Oscar and Connie! They don't give us enough of those two. So wish Connie had agreed to Oscar's suggestion to get her things now and take them to his place.

Yay! Pato continues to make progess each day. It's funny how he swears everyone to secrecy. Now it's just Rosa, Max and Hannah in the house who haven't see his new advancements (oh and Frigida too, but she doesn't count). Max and Hannah will be as over the moon as everyone else.

What Gala said at the elevator: "Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda." Although you dress the monkey in silk, it's still a monkey. Meaning, you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Or, you can take the girl out of Het Het, but you can't take the Het Het out of the girl. We all know who REALLY has class out of the two women though.

Connie told Max that Rosa's doctor wants to talk to Max and wouldn't tell her what the diagnosis is.

Aldo made the crack about he and Ivan being the same because they were dressed exactly the same. LOL!


Audrey- We were writing at the same time. Love your comments about Vio. Yes in deed. The actress is quite bodacious. Even when playing a "good girl", it's hard to hide all that sexual energy. She was a favorite of the men in MEPS when she played the maid Gardenia, who annoyed the stew out of the women.

Clarification-- She was a favorite of the male viewers/commenters of MEPS, and it was the female viewers/commenters who wanted to stuff a sock in her mouth.

Thank you Vivi and Audrey for what Aldo said to Ivan, lol. I fixed it in the text.

Audrey-I saw a program on PBS about Bodica a couple of years ago, and just the way that Magda was standing, protecting her girl reminded me of that.

Vivi- thank you for what Gagme said at the elevator. She is a cynical one and we all know as you said that Luci has way more class than Gagme anyday. I too love Oscar and Connie, I too wish we could see more of them.

Loved too how Pato is making so much progress, but I don't know why he is keeping it secret, except maybe to slap someone, ya think? :).

Where's my punching bag??? Ow, Madeleine, you so succintly and calmly got all the facts down from this crazy episode. I, on the other hand, might have passed for someone who could give Rosa a run for her money as I kept yelling and commenting at the TV.

Thank Goodness for the wonderful Pato moment and the lovely Connie/Oscar breather. ( So aptly followed after Max and Irma, I mean Rosa, were done going their nightly three rounds.(For the love of all that is sane Connie--pack those Bags!!!!)

For the rest of the epidoes, way tooooo much Don A. I mean I can't take the man on most days, but watching him salivating all over Vio, and her sliming herself all over him, knowing they were father and daughter...yeah, my eyes needed a good warm rinse tonight. (And that ring didn't make it better- lord what a tacky hunk of whatever. Vio needs a punch thinking that was the least bit tasteful. Probably wasn't even real...Ha!)

Only good thing was that, as this TN is want to do, the secret came out and we don't have to watch anymore sliming and salivating. Love that about these writers. Magda was heart-breaking.

Grill teeth was her usual disgusting self, and tomorrow, I guess we get to see her start entering the realm of the truly "all screws have come loose." I think her hero must be Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction--there better not be a dead bunny in that box Luce is opening.


Watching Dam and Elisa over on Abismo during their short-lived "honeymoon" getaway tonight, made me long to see it done right and watch my recording of the episodes when Rod and Luci had their honeymoon and their romantic love-making and romance. I kept those two episodes on my dvr and refuse to erase them. I give these writers credit for giving us some good memories of this couple before breaking them up.

Madeleine - I particularly enjoyed your list of speculations regarding the possible midnight fridge visitors, LOL! Seriously - sleep eating as a pill side effect? Wow! (Hubby said those sleeping pills must contain THC LOL!)

That was so cute in the TN making us wonder WHO could be visiting the fridge in the dark? And what a clever and delightful surprise that it was Pato trying out his progress.

It was particularly profound when Pato said he didn't want anything, it had just been SO LONG since he had been able to open the fridge. I got a bit teary. It made me think of my nephew and how young guys are always in and out of the fridge, eating something. It's such a guy thing to do, and one of the little things that Pato has missed being able to do.

Mads thanks so much for the recap and another one of your Poirot quotes!

I too am glad this horrible plot is over. It was just unwatchable - the sliming and near kisses.

Continue to love Pato and psyched about his progress.

Anita - thanks for your recap yesterday.

Gagme had better be careful with her woe is me and my bebe act. She is like the boy crying wolf. I am increasingly thinking she is never going to have that poor baby.

The Don A and Vi (gag me scenes) shudder. Tacky ring, tacky clothes and some of the worse :dancing" ever. Am mighty glad that sorry line has reached its hideous conclusion. I am curious to see how the great reveal is going to shake out. i couldn't tell if Vi's horror was because her sugar daddy dream was over or that the odious Don A was her father. As for him I want him to get on the horse he rode in on and go away.

I do wish Rod would literally gag Game with her snotty remarks at the elevator and it pithed me off that he said nothing to her about her inaccurate and nasty comment. He is such a gutless coward.

Rosa needs to get off her high horse fast or she is in for a huge fall. Her sanctimonious behavior gets on my last nerve and I wonder how on earth Max can not only stand it but continue to put up with it.

Trouble at Inferno a coming which might up the body count and a mystery gift for Luci. Any bets that it is dead thing, a doll with it's head cut off or some nasty critter. All standard TN gifts.

Thanks Madelaine! I agree with you and Vivi, that we all know who the REAL classy girl was at the elevator.

Also agree with Vivi on the Pato scene at the fridge with Mati... we all take so many things we do for granted that when we can't it is a big letdown... so i am so glad to watch him celebrate the little progress milestones... it makes all the difference...

will read the full recap and comment more in the morning.

You really have outdone yourself with this recap, wow, loved it. Your timing with the suspense, your metaphors, so funny.
What an episode. Even my husband was watching with me, we just cracked up when Don A. let out that long low pitched Oh! at the end like some disappointed bull.


Madelaine: This was a masterful recap. Your phrases are just plain fun: "who should come in interrupting and strutting her stuff, anyone??" and your Hercule and Agatha quotes were perfection. I appreciate your captions and the way you tell a story is sublime.

Well, the truth is definitely out there now and amazingly, there were no real breaches that shouldn't be able to be overcome for Vio and Don A to establish some sort of new relationship. Poor Magda. Her stifled tears and agonized stare conveyed far more pain than copious amounts of tears could ever do. "Note to Magda: I wonder if you got these from Sabina The Het Het Bruja, who warned Luci about grief and tears, jus' sayin')." Good point!

Vivi: "Watching Dam and Elisa over on Abismo during their short-lived "honeymoon" getaway tonight, made me long to see it done right and watch my recording of the episodes when Rod and Luci had their honeymoon and their romantic love-making and romance." Oh my heavens, good for you and so well said! What a bust Dam and Elisa were and how splendid Rod and Luci were.

daisy, like you I was relieved to see a few light moments and Audrey, Vio's shoes were indeed eye popping.

Karen, wasn't Pato amazing? That smile lights up the room. His determination, his love and his character are everything anyone could ever want. How could anyone not love him?

Thanks again Madelaine. This was superb.


Speaking of the elevator scene, why didn't Dumbass give Gagme a what-for regarding the phone call she made to Luce the night before?? I don't recall he ever let out some appropriate righteous indignation about that> Would have been the perfect place to do it too " By the way, didn't you have something to say to Luce about last night's phone call"--Kill two birds: humiliated her and also let her know he knew what she did. Color me appalled.

Daisynjay- I thought about that too. But if he mentioned it, Gala would know that either Luci called him or he called Luci and it would likely create more drama. But I agree that he did not give her near enough grief for her antics the night before or her rude comment at the elevator. Maybe he's tired of fighting? always spice up your recaps with such interesting quotes and comparisons. Love anything from dear ol' Hercule Poirot, and I see I need to widen and deepen my cultural awareness with your reference to Bodica the Celtic Warrior Queen. But how perfect! Magda is such a scrapper. One of my favorite characters.

The actress playing Violeta was certainly steaming up the screen last night. I'm sure all of the male viewers were howling at the moon. As Vivi mentioned, over at MEPS, the guys loved her and the women carped endlessly. She IS quite a dish.

Loved the creepy approach to the fridge like we were in the midst of some deep dark skullduggery--and then it was only our beloved Pato testing a new, hard-won skill. Everything about his story and the way it is played raises this telenovela above the rest. Awesome. As was your recap, MADS. Thank you.

Thank you Madeleine for a recap that is, as yours always are, such fun to tongue-in-cheek with the commentary.

I am struck by how much Rod emulates Max in marriage. His idea ... show up and keep the trappings of a tense and unsatisfying marriage going because it's expected for and by the family. A big difference, of course, is that Max and Rosa had a greater bond to begin with. As Audrey reminded us ... I'd forgotten all about the scene ... Max pushed Rod into the marriage as much as Rosa did. Rod would have to assert himself to more than just Gala to get out of it, and he isn't yet able to stand up to his family. He's the good first son (though mad at Rosa) and a classic case of someone who doesn't act from his own feelings and perceptions, then they explode out of him inappropriately.

Our two pregnant ladies have, in their early stages, experienced so much shock and rage that it's a real wonder that nothing has happened to the babies. Also, I'm ready for one of them to look a little pregnant. Jeez ...

Aquiles and Vio. This can go all kinds of places. My sweet, romantic view is that Don Aquiles finds a new reason to be proud and puffed up and showers Vio with all the things she wants ... and even Magda. Aquiles and Magda will no doubt have some kind of emotional scene that should result in at least detente between them ... or more. Nah! Or Aquiles may turn on a dime from the lascivious suitor to the pueblo padre and demand that his daughter act with dignity and respect, stop wearing those trampy clothes, working at Nferno, etc. Typical of him to want to rule on the situation when he doesn't deserve to. Still, there's the possibility for redemption of Don A and the little family unit, even with this most cringe-worthy start to it.


Good morning y'all. What an epi it was last night. I am just very happy that the Don A and Vio slimy storyline is over. Thank goodness.

Daisynjay-You weren't the only one yelling at the tv. I was too and commenting, lol. I am just glad that the secret came out before anything else came about.

Vivi- yes, I too loved the honeymoon of Rod the Bod and Luci. It was so romantic and wonderful. It was the best I've seen in a TN yet.

Audrey- beleive it or not, sleep eating and sleep driving can be side effects of certain sleeping pills. I think sometimes that the cure is worse than the ailment.

Decie Girl- I too wish Rod would gag Gagme. She needs to shut up already. I am surprised he held her hand last night with all the fake owing she was doing. But really I think it is concern for the bebe and not for her.

Emarie- My hubby watches with me too. He loves Luci, hates Gagme and especially Rosa, he can't stand her, lol. He yells at Don A worse than I do, lol. The thinks Rod is dumb too.

Diana- Thank you so much. I too agonized with Magda. The poor woman, I really thought she would go down to Inferno. What a scene that would have been. I am glad Paz talked her out of it.

Daisynjay and Vivi- Yeah I can't figure out why Rod didn't give Gagme a hard time, especially after what she said at the elevator. She is so rude and no class to boot. I can't wait until she gets some kind of comeuppance and I hope it's really good.

Judy- I love Hercule Poirot. He is my favorite hero of fiction. Whenever I can, I like to use his quotes. I really like Agatha Christie his creator too. She had a mind like a steel trap. I always wondered what it would have been like if she could have written a TN. Wouldn't that have been amazing?

Carol- I too like Don A and want to see him redeemed. I couldn't stand him as this TN began and what he pulled on Luci, but little by little I have started liking him. I didn't like the fact he slimed all over Vio either. I too am hoping, now that he knows Vio is his daughter, he will do something really good for Magda and Vio. I don't think that they will be a family per se, but I hope there is a detente like you say.

Awesome recap!

At first I thought the scene inside TL home was that Max was going to the fridge to get some poison for Rosa loca. Then it was Rosa turning into some sort of cat animal and was on the prowl. But alas, it was Pato raiding the fridge for tiny pieces of grilled steak topped with grated cheddar cheese, chopped tomatoes, lettuce, onions and cilantro.

Well, even with all of Violeta's ass-ettes she seems spot on with her love don't exit meme...look at the losers she has attracted so far. Too bad she can't see the forest for the trees.

Magda scene was most excellent. However, as TN's would tell us she was supposed to clutch her bosom, stumble backwards, and appear to swoon. What, pray tell, is wrong with this actress?

Rod stays dead to me.

Anon 10:54- I'm kinda giving Rod a pass right now. Between his bitchy/witchy wife and his loca Mama the poor guy is out of it. This is no excuse for him, but I think he has a huge amount of crap on his plate right now, he really doesn't know how to deal with. His saving grace to me is his kindness to Luci and not forgiving his crazy mama. If he forgave his mama he would be dead to me again. Loved your recipe for what Pato might have eaten, lol, the only thing missing would have been a tortilla. lol.

OT kind of. This TN ends in Mexico this Sunday. This TN is so popular there, for an afternoon TN, they are showing the finale on a Sunday down there. It will be a two hour finale. This happened with Destilando Amor too, it was so popular they showed the finale on a Sunday too. This TN has 165 epi's so we still have some way to go here.

Great recap Madeline, you guys are a lifesaver and soooo appreciated.

Seems like everyone liked the late night kitchen scene last night---me too. loved it. Maybe Pato will be able to walk by the end of the tn.

Decie Girl---Yes, Rod should have put Grill-Teeth in her place after her elevator comment. What's wrong with him? It seems like he is getting better but then???
the gringo


Madelaine--it's only the middle of the day and you have garnered in all the praise you deserve for a great honorific recap--including some fast-paced dancing, refrigerator lore, historical and literary references. You are forcing us to expand our horizons way beyond Spanish. OK, back to Refugio.

What can I say that hasn't been said. The most moving scene for me was Pato opening the refrigerator door and all its symbolism. Thanks, Vivi, for your insightful comment. We don't know what we have until we lose it--an that goes for Rod and Luci, too. Sorry, but for me, his stupidness deserves all the suffering he's going through right now. It's the bebes that don't deserve the stress.

Luci has now recogned that her pride in keeping that secret about her pregnancy from Rodrigo has ruined any legal reconciliation between them and she's not going to engage in any dalliance with him in spite of their being bound by their baby.

Oscar and Conny should get on with their plans. I agree, I'd like to see more of them. Harry G. is a funny guy as well as superhero (in Eva Luna and La Verdad Oculta).

Poor Max (NOT). Their marriage is stone cold. I wondered for awhile why he even bothered to sleep in the same bed, let alone the same room with RE, but I'm sure that it's at RE insistence for appearances sake--but could the bed be any bigger than the one they have? You could fit a Mack truck in between them and there'd still be room.

What is Vio going to do now? Is she going to go back to the Nferno, HetHet, Lemon-Pucker face? She and Magda have some major repairs to make in their relationship. I don't think either of them are going to go easy on each other.


Unfortunately Rod has learned one lesson very well from Dad - to stand aside and look helpless when your wife acts like an insane bruja in public.

LOL - I see Carol already made this point!

Very true, Audrey.

Anita, your comment on Luci reminded me of her heart wrenching self-reflection on the hgh cost she's paying for the secrets she kept from Rod. I tend to think of her mostly as a saint but did her part toward the communication that DIDN'T happen. It was such an honest moment, and my favorite scene from last night.

I also appreciated Luci admitting her part in all of this mess, but I will never put her on the same level as Rod in the blame game. No one forced him to marry Gala and he can't blame Luci for that or for him sleeping with Gala out of spite. Luci was actually going to tell him about the baby, until she found out he was married with a baby on the way with Gala. Her fault was she took too long to tell him-- long enough for him to get someone esle pregnant (still, not her fault). But I understood her needing time away from him and taking, what 2 weeks, maybe less, from the time she found out she was pregnant to the time she finally decided to tell him. Once again, not a lot of time. He should have kept his willy in his pants.

Gringo- I wanted to come up with something funny for that fridge scene, cause this whole epi was an edge of your seat thing, will Magda tell or not and will Vio and Don A do something they will regret for the rest of their lives. It was sort of a tension easer.

Anita-thank you amiga. Sometimes when I do these recaps something in the epi reminds me of a historical reference, I don't know why, so I try to use it. I agree about the non marriage bed of Rosa and Max. You could fit a Mack Truck thru there it is so big,lol.

Marta and Audrey- I too think Rod is being dumb right now, for not chewing out the Gagme but the guy is trying to hold it together. I think he will blow sooner or later.

Vivi-amiga you made me laugh so hard with the willy comment. I think I may have to steal that for sometime in the future, lol.

Madelaine - terrific recap.

Kudos to the actress playing Magda. Don A's face didn't look shocked like I expected. Maybe he's thinking Magda is lying to keep him from Vio. He's so self-centered. Is it possible he's forgotten about his fling with Magda?

Loved the scene with Pato in the kitchen.

I'm wondering if all Gala's hatred and faking is making a mala onda for her baby and maybe she/he will be in danger.

Neice in MD- I so agree with you about Magda. I really like all these actors in this TN. I hope they all get awards cause they sure are bringing their A game, and the writers here are fab. This is the best TN I've ever seen so far.

As far as Gagme's bebe goes, I hope the bebe will be ok. I don't care what happens to Gagme but I'm hoping the bebe is ok. I wonder who will take care of the bebe after it is born? I can't see Gagme as a warm, loving mother, can y'all?

Gagme has made no bones about it, her brat will be taken care of by nurses and nannies. It is/was nothing more than a means to an end for her. Let's face it she has those self same maternal genes as Julie that is to say zero.

Rod is a cowardly moron letting Gagme walk all over him and insult Luci. I particularly hated the silk purse out of a pigs ear comment. I wish they would have one of those big fancy bashes or announcements (wasn't there some talk of changing the company name) and have Luci show up and knock the socks off of everyone including the press and leave Gagme in her too tight, too short too much boob show on the sidelines.

Loved the Pato/Conny/Mati scene in the kitchen. He is slowly but surely making progress. it's funny how we all love him but on other places where this show is discussed and spoilers run rampant a lot of people hate him, think he is too good and too sweet and boring. Takes all kinds I guess.

There are some Team Don A folks here, I'm so not one of them, who see redemption for him. I really don't. I don't believe that finding out he had a daughter whose mother he has treated like dirt for years is going to somehow turn a bully and thief into a teddy bear. I could see some kind of civil relationship developing but a loving family is unrealistic

The writers have done a good job of keeping things real (or at least as much as possible in TNLand so I'm going to be watching this closely to see how they handle it. In any event Don A now has to go back to Het Het after making an idiot out of himself, bragging about the hot chica he was going to marry and have no wife but a daughter. Those Gossip Girls are going to have a field day and i do feel sorry for Magda when then get their tongues flapping about her.

Great work.

The idea that a boy will automatically inherit the bulk of a fortune is antiquated and Gagme should know that. Luci's baby will not be a "bastardo" as she and Rod were legally married at the moment of conception and Gala need to get over herself.

Count me in on the opinion that Rod didn't call her out on the nasty phone call for all the above reasons and for the possibility that he knows by now that this will do no good.

Decie Girl- I am afraid you are right about Gagme and the bebe as far as who is going to take care of it. It's a shame, it isn't the bebe's fault. I have seen the same thing about Pato on other sites as you have. I'm not liking what they are saying, I just love the character of Pato.

Urban- so agree with you about the "bastardo" moniker they keep giving Luci's bebe and you are right about the antiquated inheritance thingy.

Loved your recap, Mads. You are quite the story teller.

I'm glad Pato is beginning to gain mobility. I do wonder who puts him to bed and who got him back into his wheelchair in the middle of the night so he could check out the fridge. Where's that beanie? Think I'll be like NovelaMaven - throw out the beanie and just believe it ALL!

Vio looked like she wanted to gag when she found out Don A is her father. She may be 'ripe' but I really like her.

thanks for the recap madeleine!

glad vio and donA's marriage storyline is done with. talk about needing therapy. did love how magda pulled vio away and stood between her and donA with her arms open in a protective stance. totally cool, but almost don't want to see the fallout on today's episode. all I see is lots of tears and plenty of ugliness.

totally agree vivi about how profound it was when pato said why he wanted to open the fridge. how can anyone not love pato??

uggghhh gagme! could not stand her little comment at the elevators. hate how these tn villainess think they're so classy but go ahead and act with all the tackiness that they accuse the heroine of possessing. her hate is really tiring, talk about toxic.



I'm avoiding those sites like the plague. A while back i saw something that we have yet to see that annoyed me the first time it happened in a prior version and the other day someone dropped something that hopefully is not a spoiler but did make me laugh. In any event the Pato haters also don't care for V=Brandon Peniche and think he is too green. I completely disagree but to each his own.

Emilia-thank you so much. I too like Vio, even though lately I haven't liked her attitude. I think this may be her reality check.

Decie Girl- I avoid them too like the plaque. I didn't see any spoilers but I did see the remarks about the Pato character/actor. I think the actor is wonderful and should be cast as a galan. He would be a great one, not all the ladies like buff and brawn :).

jlk- You are so right, Gagme is very toxic. I am hoping that this trait is not passed on to her bebe.I really hope there is a recessive nice gene and the bebe is a sweet little angel :).

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