Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #120 Tue 9/25/12 Tonight Most Everybody Is Circling The Drain But Gala And Roselena Sink To New Lows

Most of our characters seemed to be in a holding pattern tonight. Although Roselena is seeing a psychiatrist, she's faking her confessions and tales of guilt-ridden woe, intent on fooling both the doctor and her family that she's honestly trying to get better.

Gala continues her program of intimidation and humiliation of Luciana, seeking her out in the work place in order to cause scenes. “Car-grill” also continues her nightly tantrums with Rodrigo, castigating him for not “darme mi lugar” (giving me my rightful place, respecting me).

Vicky and Aldo have fun hatching plans to divest Max of his money, but as usual, there's more smoke than fire, especially from Aldo's end.

Luciana flees Rodrigo; Rodrigo keeps pursuing.

Pato's patience finally snaps and he tells off his big brother—and admits that yes, he's in love with Luciana himself.

Jana flees Boris; Boris keeps pursuing

Lorenzo pursues Jana . Brigida rats him out.

Magda and Violeta have fought and made up over the Don Aquiles lifelong secret.. Take-home message. Children have no right to judge their parents. (In America, that's all we do, thanks to Freud, but this is not the norm in Latino countries.) Now they're more unified than ever.

Max continues to be in a fury about Linares' plans to have an outside accounting firm audit the corporation. He also continues to seethe at Roselena's demands that he stop his “aventura” and toe the line as a God-fearing, sexually neutered husband.

That's the big picture. Now here are some details:


Pato's dishing out the tough love tonight. When Luciana wails over Gala's continued humiliation of her and wants to flee back to Het Het, Pato puts his foot down.

P- You're stronger that she is, that's what bothers Gala. What's more, you work here and have every right to be here; whereas she does not.

Luci- But she's his wife. I can't stand seeing him with her.

P- You have an obligation to support your dad...and me. I need you at my side.

We have about five close-up minutes of Luciana looking very worried at this last statement. Unlike our Melissa-oblivious Claudio, Luci is picking up on Pato's signals of being madly in love.

L – But I can't stand it; I can't stand her humiliations.

P- You can't leave until you've finished organizing the foundation.

Upshot: Luciana decides to stay. Which makes Claudio and Pato happy. And worries us to death. She's still well within reach of the Rosi-Juli-Gala Axis of Evil.


Meanwhile, Roselena has gracefully arranged herself on a nifty hot pink psychiatrist's couch and is running a little number on the doctor. Purports to be very distressed over how she failed to prevent her dear friend's death. Slips a bit though and grinds her teeth about Aurora haunting her and now her damned daughter Luciana is messing up her tranquil God-fearing picture perfect life as well. When the doctor assures her that she's not responsible for Aurora's death , Roselena quietly grins her Gotcha Smirk. She's sure she can put one over on the good doc, just as she plans to put one over on her family. She's pretending to want to get better when in fact, her only plan is to get closer to Luciana so she can get the baby out of the way. Max has been nervously pacing in the waiting room during all this, texting Vicky and staring bemusedly at a reproduction of the Scream by Edward Munch. But when Roselena exits with her saccharine tale of being helped, he opines that maybe now she can stop her dependence on Padre Honesto. Oh no, the doctor is for my emotional life, the Padre is for my spiritual life. (What spiritual life!? Two bits Roselena's idea of the Golden Rule is “He who has  the gold rules!”) Next!


Vicky and Aldo give us the phrases of the day. She's fretting that Max hasn't followed up on the list of possible rentals she gave him and muses that she needs to “ponerme las pilas” (lit.put in my batteries; fig. get going). Aldo advises her to “no quites el dedo del renglón” (lit. don't take your finger off the line, fig. Don't let up on the pressure). He also boasts a little about scoring a fat check from Max even though she's not making much progress.


Lemon-face Marcial is threatening Ivan trying to get him to divulge Lastre's whereabouts. Ivan doesn't give.


Vi is lamenting that Luci's bio-dad was a great man whereas hers was not. Luciana confides her worries about Gala and Julie harming her baby, after receiving that gruesome doll's head “gift”. Vi vows to help her out with those witches, and Luci promises to try and find work for Vi in el corporativo. But we also learn that Luciana has thrown out the wretched doll's head, so there goes any evidence she might have of evil intent.


It's another blowing smoke dinner at the Torreslanda's. Rosa is spinning the tale that “it's wonderful to talk to the psychiatrist” and implies that she's doing all she can to regain the love and trust of her family. Connie looks excited; Aldo sceptical. Max sardonic. He wonders whether or not she really intends to change. Rosi fires back that she wonders if he really intends to quit catting around with his mistress. One elegantly lifted eyebrow is Maximino's only reply.


Gala and Rod demonstrate classic male/female discussion patterns. Gala pursues and attacks. About time you got home, don't act all bad about my snit with Luciana , I'm the one who's humiliated with you sniffing around her at the office, it's going to harm our baby etc. etc. Rod flees, avoids and stonewalls. He doesn't want to argue. He doesn't want to fight. Luciana is part of the business now so if it bothers you to see her there, don't come to the office. He does offer a feeble “there's always divorce” but Car-Grill vows she'll never let him go—evah!


Polo is joining the taco basket business as third bike (provided as a loan from Claudio) now that the Inferno is being shut down. Paz is proud of her kids because everything they've gotten (Luciana's pottery scholarship and Lorenzo's growing taco business) they've gotten on their own. Just like Galdino taught them “solo se gana con trabajo honrado”. (Anything worthwhile is earned through honorable work )


Boris and Jana meet. He's all pyched thinking she's going to forgive him and they'll start all over. She hems and haws and finally tells him she's not comfortable with the relationship. He can't believe it's ending.


Connie and Roselena's blissful breakfast in the garden is spoiled by Brigida mentioning that Lorenzo has been skulking around the grounds. Rosa goes into paranoia-mode that this damned family will never leave her in peace. As if that weren't enough, she castigates milksop Matilde for hiding the fact that Lorenzo's been around, when the latter knew nothing about it.


Melissa comes in to remind tio Max that her big “professional” exam is day after tomorrow.

Rod's in a construction site meeting when Luci telephones him so Ariche can say good-bye to “mushashon” before heading back to Het Het. Our galan scoots out, pretending it's an important call from one of the engineers, engages in some cute chat with Ariche and then gets back to Luci in time to make sure she doesn't head back to her pueblo because Pato needs her-- and he needs her too!

Final Take-Home Message:

Even when nothing seems to be happening, there's still a message being pounded home each night. And it's this-- The barrio folks know that achievement in life takes honest effort.
Love is earned, not demanded.
Same with success...it requires hard work and honest work. No cutting corners.
The so-called upper crust, in particular Max, Roselena, Gala, Julie and Aldo, always operate with a sense of entitlement.
Entitlement to the love they want, entitlement to the respect they think they deserve, and above all, entitlement to the riches they so clearly crave.
Criminal activity, lies and deceit are alright if needed to get and retain power, money and control over others.

Rod threatens to divorce Gala.
And it looks like Rodrigo and Luciana are getting back together. Be still my heart!


darse su lugar = give somebody respect, give them their “place”
ponerse sus pilas = lit. put in the batteries fig. Get going, get a move-on
no quitar el dedo del renglón = lit. don't take your finger off the line [on the page] fig. Don't let up, keep your foot on the gas
poder decir misa = lit. to celebrate Mass but fig. I don't care what you say....(Ivan telling Marcial he can threaten all he wants, but Ivan doesn't know where Lastre is and can tell him nothing)

Dicho of the Day:

El corazón no se arruga; el cuero es el que evejece.

Lit. the heart doesn't wrinkle. It's the hide that grows old.
Fig. Even though the body ages, the heart stays young.
Or, no fool like an old fool.
{don Aquiles is back in HetHet licking his wounds. But will he finally grow up and form a family with Magda. Or is he a hopeless case?}


Short and sweet and just right Judy. Wonderful recap.

There was a lot of circling tonight, but I really enjoyed Pato giving both Luci and Rod tough love and telling it like it is.

Loved you comments about Rosa's golden rule, and about children in the U.S. doing nothing BUT judging their parents all the time. LOL! So true.

Great Recap, Judy, you should write a syndicated column!
Loved, "...and toe the line as a God-fearing, sexually neutered husband"...a classic!
Thanks for the dichos, I love how you put the literal and figurative meanings.
And I love the way your recaps have a little theme running through them.
And you are right; the poor people are having a whole lot more fun than the rich people who are perfectly miserable.

Judy- I just love your recaps and your insight into this TN. Wonderful.

I can't beleive Gagme, I had to laugh when she was going off on Luci and Luci got right in her face. Like how Rod went off on Gagme too, its about time, she has been getting away with too much already. What Gagme doesn't get is this makes Gagme look bad, not Luci at all. I am tired of Gagme and Rod fighting too. Instead of messing with his man cave, I think our Rod the Bod ought to put a futon in there that folds out to a bed, and sleep in there with the door locked. This way he avoids Gagme all together or he should just move out. The only reason he stays I think is his unborn bebe. No telling what Gagme would do.

Wow, was Pato on fire tonight. Love how he told Rod off and told him exactly how he feels about Luci. And he let his feeling for Luci fully show when he was telling her, he needs her. Wonder what she will eventually tell Pato. She will have to have a long talk with him.

Loved Ariche talking to Rod. He is so good with kids, I think he will make a very good Papa, no matter the relationships with both bebe mamas.

Judy, you are so right about the Het Het families. They have worked for everything they ever got. I think Hanna and Melissa will be hard workers too, we already know Pato is and Rod too. Rosa and Max though, feel they are entitled as does Aldo. I notice Conny is not acting entitled either. Max must have rubbed off on Aldo.

Speaking of Rosa, I know she was pulling that on the psychiatrist, but was the Doctora buying it? It kinda looked like she didn't. Who knew Rosa could be such an accomplished liar, bearing false witness in other words. I think eventually Rosa will mess up and Doctura Hauser will see right thru her.

I wonder about Vicky and Aldo. I like them together, but they will never pull the wool over Max's eyes I think. I think Max is on to them.

OT: I was watching Hoy this afternoon and they showed the advances for today's recap. The actor that plays Aldo was on there too. They were all cheering when Rod was telling Gagme off and saying it was about time, lol. They booed Rosa big time and rolled their eyes. lol.

Oh, Boris and Hanna, please don't let them get back together. I hate them as a couple and Boris is more like Gagme with the Rod stalker thrown in. He needs to go.

What was Lorenzo thinking? That scene was funny with poor Aldo trying to breach the castle defenses, lol. and boinking Frigid. She is a pill. I thought it was funny when she told Rosa she wasn't a gossip (as if, listening at doors, selling info, jus' sayin') and getting Mati in trouble. Why does Mati enable Rosa and take her abuse. I'd be packing my bags, if I were Mati, and finding another job where the family appreciated me. I know, I know, Pato, Rod and Hanna, even Max and Conny, even Aldo so appreciate Mati. Where is the manicomio for that Rosa already!

Oh, sorry about the typo. I meant Lorenzo trying to breach the castle walls, lol. Must have Aldo on the brain.

So Boris gets the boot and Rosa keeps riding the bitch broomstick. Couldn't believe how she even lied to the doctor. Talk about someone who has no intention of admitting she is sick and needs help. I don't think the good doc bought her act for one minuet. Rosa tends to go off and can't control herself and she is sure to do it with the doc sooner or later. Had to laugh at Max musing over The Scream. I so often feel like that watching the blonde brujas plan, scheme and preen.

Kind of like the idea of Vi going to work at the company. Once Val and Fernanda get one look at her Gabe and Marcos will be put on the same short leash ad Rod. And I'd love to see Gagme try one of her snotty attacks on Luci with Vi there, Now that would be a cat fight worth seeing.

Pretty tense scene with the two brothers while Pato gives Rod what for. I wonder how much further it would have gone if Jana hadn't skipped in blabbing about how mama went to the shrink and things will soon be all better. Our resident Pollyanna is in for a shock.

Frankly I don't like the idea of Rod and Luci getting together right now. He needs to get the damn divorce and then make his move. With the situation existing between him and Gagme he has no right to force himself back into Luci's life and it is too dangerous. Hey we have two months to go and that means they can't get together and be happy and I don't want him raining more trouble down on her head. And I know that Paz would not be happy.

Good Morning all. Thanks VIVI,and I agree-- the one bombshell of the evening was Pato being upfront and strong...with both Luciana and Rodrigo. He was the Man tonight, paralyzed or no, he really had the chops this episode.

EMARIE...thanks. I never wrote a syndicted column but I was a reporter many years ago and loved doing feature stories, preliminary hearings, traffic court and even zoning board hearings. If you want to see Real Passion, go to a zoning board on the Main Line when people feel their property values are being threatened.

MADS...thanks as well. The doctora looked very sceptical. And of course at this point she's just trying to get a feel for Roselena's problem. What bothered me in the scene was she was standing BEHIND the couch and couldn't see Rose's expressions...especially that crafty smile.

DECIE GIRL....Never fear. The previews may have made my heart go pitty-pat, but I'm sure Rod and Luci won't get together yet either. However the irony is that they have never been apart. They are as completely linked and in love as ever. The divorce didn't change a thing except their ability to be together in a loving passionate relationship. What a waste!

Wonderful insight Judy. This TN is so good at doing just what you have pointed out, but without hitting us over the head with it. I may move in--I could join the accounting department after CL and Pato take over ( hope hope)

I'm with everyone else. THe Grill Teeth tirades are getting old. Rod should walk in with a taped reply. Hit the button, put it in her face and leave. It's the same argument, the same tantrum...what doesn't she get that she's getting Nowhere by being that way.

Now, my hero Pato--bless him. Everyone's voice of reason. He was on fire last night and who can blame him? I mean, we're tired of the antics, imagine how he feels being in the middle of it (haha)? Interesting how Rod gets all huffy at him about Luce, and then uses Pato to keep Luce around. But I'm not a fan of having the married galan still trying to hold on to the heroine and make the moves...ditch the shrew first. I find it disrespectful to Luce, just me.

Damn, Lemon Sucker was back. Did this actor know someone to get this role because he is just awful! If I was a criminal I would have laughed too--sorry excuse for an interrogating cop. Get him off our screens.

I'm not feeling warm and fuzzy about Boris--he will not go gentle into that good night. I worry for Lorenzo, well and Janna for that matter. Wish she could go to Het Het for the summer or something...that Melissa siting was rather funny. Little reminder she still existed and has a test? Okey doke.

Rosa Rosa--if that doctor is worth her salt, she'll pick up on Rosa's manipulations. As for the family-- If they would think about it, one visit doesn't transform someone over night and her "excitement" just rings false...but a lot of wishful thinkers sitting in that room.


Judy: I suspected as much! I knew you had to be a writer. Thank you for writing for us.

And I am in full sympathy with property owners. Yeah, those meetings can get wild, i am sure writing about zoning board meetings was good training for TN coverage! LOL

Thanks DAISYNJAY...we are of one accord about the actor playing Marcial. His exaggerated enunciation was so in evidence last night. I can't bear to watch him. He's reading lines but he's not acting.

Another puzzle is the lady playing Estellita. She only has one tone to her voice. A strange choice as an actress. However, since the character, as written, is endearing, I've adjusted somewhat to her poor delivery.

EMARIE...I was fresh out of graduate school when I started and oh my, what a learning curve! Being harassed by angry folks who resented reporters at criminal hearings, seeing the outrageous fibs and hysterics folks would pull to try and get out of traffic tickets, getting to know police officers, some of whom were as tender-hearted as social workers, others as cynical and jaded as could be. It was a marvelous experience and in many ways much more educational than my privileged liberal arts formation.

I am watching the episodes only in Spanish, I just want to know if anyone else got this, because I may have heard it wrong:

Did Magda decide to move in with Paz and let Luci have her house for pottery classes?

How can the phrase, "sí, como no. " mean, "yes, of course?" (What Max said when Oscar told him to 'cambia la cara".

Did Paz advise Lorenzo to not get a loan from Aldo? Good advice.

And did Pato say to Rod that he is incapable of protecting Luci from Gala?

And what is with that wall around the house? With a moat with no water?

1) Yes. Magda is moving in with Paz and Luci's Foundation will rent her house from her to be the workshop (taller) for the women.
2) "si, como no" is like saying, "sure, why not" which is the same as "yeah, sure!" There is a bit of a sarcastic tone. You got the meaning right.
3)Luci is the one who advised Lor not to take any money/loans/help from Aldo, and Paz agree. Yes, it's good advice.
4) Yes, I do believe that's one of the things Pato said to Rod during his tough love session. More like Rod has been incapable of protecting her (so far). Which is true.
5) I have no idea what's up with the set up of that house and its surrounding wall. It almost looked like it was an alleyway with a short wall at the top of which was the TL lawn. Not very secure. I wonder how thieves haven't busted in already?

Thanks Vivi. I wrote a nice long answer, basically the same as yours, and couldn't post it for some reason.

Thanks, Vivi, for the answers.
I have wondered about the house, very strange design, looks from the front like it is constructed out of cement blocks; and that yard looks totally disconnected from that house. The inside of the house doesn't go with the outside.

Thanks for your recap Judy. I so enjoy your circling the drain reference.

I think we've talk about this in the past but your "Main Line" is in PA (close to Philly) no?

ITA w/you about Estella but I can't listen her (mute or FF).

Really enjoyed Pato's tough love. Speaking of him, are there other TNs where the supposed #2 guy should really be the galan?

Thanks KAREN. Yes, the Main Line is outside of Philly. Lots of interesting artists and writers live in that area so writing feature stories was another unexpected pleasure.

On No #2 being No#1...for a while, in Abismo, we all thought Gael should be the main guy. Now we loathe both Damian and Gael and like no #3 Enrique the best!

For the rest, Vivi can probably answer that. She has a phenomenal telenovela memory whereas mine is more like a great big slush pile.

Judy - the Main Line does have characters.

On Abismo, though Dam is a dunce, I couldn't get behind Gael even before his transformation into little Satan. Quiqui has been the best!

Daisynjay - you aren't the only one who thinks Rod is disrespecting Luci. Like Decie Girl said, his actions will only continue to harm Luci but he's too selfish to see it.

KAREN...the odd thing was, in the beginning, Enrique was a little snot who looked down on Gael at least and wasn't liked by any of our foursome. But he has morphed into a very likable, even noble character, and I still adore the good doc in spite of his penchant for abysmal women.

I don't think that Rod is acting any worse than other Galan #1s. They are usually pretty stupid about a lot of things, but have some redeeming qualities, like Rod. They eventually learn the hard way from their mistakes to win back the girl.

Galan #2s usually look like a better option, at least for a while. But they are also usually pushy, stalkerish, jealous and obtuse (thinking they have a chance with the girl, being resentful of Galan #1, and being upset that the girl "refuses" to fall for them). This usually eventually pushes them out of the running and annoys the heck out of the audience.

Pato has none of these usual Galan #2 faults. He knows Luci loves Rod, and has accepted it. He's accepted that his only role in her life is that of a friend and "brother." He doesn't spend all his time thinking about her and plotting how he can be close to her, although he does enjoy the time he can spend with her. He doesn't put his own interests above Galan #1's, although he will tell Rod when he is being an idiot/wrong.

Querida Enemiga remains the only tn I've seen where Galan #2 won the girl in the end.

JudyB - Fine recap. Thanks much for the vocab and dichos.

Loved Luci giving it right back to Gala and Pato laying it on the line with Rod.

Rod is selfish trying to hold onto Luci before he's untied from Gala, but Pato and CL are selfish too. Both these good guys want Luci to stay cause they love her and want her close. I get that they don’t grasp the physical danger that the three witches pose cause they can’t fathom this level of evil. But they should get that being pregnant by the love of your life and seeing him everyday at work while he’s having a baby with another is too much emotionally. At this point, now that Luci’s been introduced to the company and knows the basics, they could set her up to work remotely from Het Het.

Nice analysis of Galan 1 and 2 behavior VIVI. Well said. You really elucidated what usually makes a no. 2 annoying...and which is not the case with our dear Pato.

Thanks NIECIE...you make a good point about Pato and Claudio being selfish as well. Even without the ugly confrontations with Gala, you're right, Luciana suffers in each encounter with Rod.

Plus, I'm sure those clean clear blue skies of the north are a lot healthier for her baby than the smog-ridden atmosphere of Mexico City.

Vivi, I loved that about QE. Maybe because there are so many remakes always being done that writers stick with the same tired plots, but never understood why more don't try the "who will she/he pick" to keep viewers hanging on.

I agree Pato is certainly not a character I could ever see the writers deciding to turn into someone suddenly nasty just to serve plot purposes. Only hope I have is that don't use the other tired plot line that if Galan #2 stays good and true, he will die a tragic death so the two leads can get together. I will SOOOO not be happy. And I have hope that since they are taking the realistic approach to Pato's recovery that they won't do that.

Judy - yes, Quiqui didn't start out too great and grown into a very nice character.

Vivi - thanks for your analysis of galans. Pato's not being crazy like most second Galans does make him unique in TNs and I know that's why many of us so enjoying him and want to see him happy. As for Rod, he may not be as bad as other galans but there is something about his obtuseness that annoys me to no end.

Niecie - Good call on others being selfish besides Rod.

To an extent yes both Claudio and Pato are selfish in wanting Luci to spend more time in the DF. It is understandable for CL since he just found his daughter and is trying to get to know her but he is also willing to spend time in Het Het going so far as to buy a house they can all live in. Pato doesn't have much choice as long as he is confined to a wheelchair. However if either one of them or both of them knew about the doll incident they would have Luci on the next flight out of Dodge. She is safe in Het Het because there is no way either on their broomsticks or by corporate jet that the bujas would ever go out there to cause mischief.

Rod is and remains a spoiled I want what I want brat. He is so Rosa's child. He refuses to listen when Luci tells him to back off, when Gagme screeches, when Pato lays it on the line. I think both CL and Paz need to double team him and tell him that he is to leave Luci alone to have her baby in peace and if he wants to be back in her life GET RID OF GAGME.

Thank you JudyB. I don't ever want to forget to say thank you as you re-cappers are great.

Yes Decie Girl---there is a battle looming if Vi goes to work at the Torreslanda Corporation. Val and Fernanda will have a fit when their novio's notice her. That could get interesting.

Grill-teeth Gagme is moving into a darker, much darker phase. I can see an attemped murder in the near future. PLEASE NO!
The other day I was thinking how devastating, almost beyond words, it would be for a woman to be left at the altar on her wedding day. With another woman involved, I can see where humilation would lead to hate and if hate were allowed to grow, that hate could easily grow into murder. Murder, a terrible crime but the jilted woman would feel justified by her actions.
I despise the Gagme character but I can see where this story is heading.----And No, [Pato was right] Rod will not be able to protect Luciana. I think he under estimates Gala and is not smart enough to see it coming.

Does anyone know what Lorenzo said to Frigida when she caught him?
the gringo

Gringo- If I remember correctly, Lor called Frigida senora, and she corrected him and said senorita. Then Lor smartmouthed back that maybe that's her problem. Basically, if she had a man, she wouldn't be so bitter. It was a laugh out loud moment.

Marcos and Gabe already met Vio. The night Luciana, Rod, Gabe, Marcos, Lorenzo, Fabian, and Vio and Marcial went to Garibaldi Plaza for mariachi music, and Vio and Rod sang. Of course, at the time Vio had a boyfriend. Now she's a free woman...

OMG, what an episode.

Because the Torreslanda boys haven't seen their mother at her worst through the majority of their lives I don't think they understand her level of evil. They are in for a very big shock very soon.

I hope that psychiatrist catches on to Roselena's game, which means she has to be a lot smarter than the priest.

Is it too soon to discuss the Karmageddons of these characters?


True the guys did meet Vi but their girl friends did not. Since they ape everything Gagme does they are sure to feel threatened and gasp since she is also lower class and friend of Luci's they won't be happy. On the other hand it may be a non starter if Vi doesn't show up at the biz.

Hi GRINGO. Thanks for your appreciation...helps keep us recappers going.

Glad you asked about what Lorenzo said and that Vivi was on line to tell you...it was a cute exchange. Brigida always corrects to señorita (along with using the verb "inferir" and there's a character on Eva that also keeps correcting to señorita but she's a lot prettier and sexier than poor Brigida.

UA...it's never too soon to discuss Karmageddons for these characters. Do you want to set up a chart? You're good at that.

I'll work on that one. Do we know how many more episodes there are?

Urban- 165 episodes total. 45 to go!

What's left to resolve?

-Rosa has to be revealed for the evil liar that she is to everyone.
-Rod has to resolve his Gala problem.
-The Axis of Evil (thanks Judy) has to be busted, broken up, and defeated.
-Max has to be revealed to be the evil fraud/cheater/money launderer that he is to everyone (framing CL and Inferno).
-Both babies have to be born.
-Both Pato and Melissa have to get over their love for the Linares, and find others to love.
-Lor and Hannah have to get together and have a happily ever after.
-Magda, Aquiles and Vio need to make peace with each other.
-Connie and Oscar need their happily ever after.
-Aldo and Vicky need to grow up and get out of Max's long shadow.
-The vecinidad gang all need to get good jobs/be successful in their biz ventures.
-The income generation project for the North needs to be a success.
-Luci and Rod need to get back together and have a happily ever after.

Is that enough to fill 45 episodes?

Love your list VIVI...that should make for 45 chock-full episodes indeed!

Wow Judy, wonderful recap. I am with Emarie, you should write a syndicated column. Your comment about US kids judging their parents was spot on. Must be all the love we give them. Lorenza diagnosed Brigeda's problem correctly. Had me in stitches. Your running themes are great. I guess it's the same the world over. The rich always feel entitled but the poor have more fun with less. Just love your insight on this TN, it is the only one I have time for. "Sexually neutered husband" where do you get these thoughts from? Love it!!!


Thanks Olive. You're certainly making me feel very appreciated.

I really became aware of the cultural differences with friends from other countries...European, Middle Eastern and Latino. They NEVER criticize their parents, whereas we tend to analyze ours to death and usually find something to blame in our moms, or if not,then our dads.. Not really very helpful.

This telenovela is the only one I have time for at night either. But sometimes I can catch recordings of the others during odd times of the day. I'm certainly liking Refugio the best though.

Judy, this was amazing. I was out yesterday and I read this the minute I came in this morning. Not only was your recap marvelous (and vocabulary and dicho too), but your thoughts on love, entitlement, judgement were on point and insightful (as always. So many wonderful lines but "she castigates milksop Matilde for hiding the fact that Lorenzo's been around" was one of my favorites.

An outstanding read. Thank you for the thought and care you give each and every word. They are evident at every turn.


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