Friday, October 19, 2012

Abismo de pasión #150 10/18/12: when serpents bargain for the right to squirm

Como dijo Marta: At la quinta… Carmina is making holes on the floor pacing around. Gabino gets a 34mm migraine from watching her and listening to her shouting. Carmina is getting paranoic that Horacio is alive and can tell all to the police. Gabino knows well if Horacio sings, they both can end up in jail… Gabino grunts in pain… Carmina tells him they have to find a solution..(continue working on the casualty list, what else??)
Lolita is crying a river at Lucio’s… Horacio comes around her and tells her ‘I did not do it, Lolita. I did not kill Padre Loopy’.

Lo Nuevo:  Lolita begs Horacio not to hurt her. Her words wound him. He’s not capable of harming her. She doesn’t believe anything he says and lists his recent crimes, escaping from the police, faking his death, etc. “Hey, I did it all for you!” he swears, “To protect you.”  She demands how could he have stabbed Padre Lupe in the back? How did that protect her?

Out in the plaza Braulio runs into Elisa and expresses his concern that the murderer Horacio has surfaced. He’s worried for Lolita. Elisa’s not so sure he’s the guy that killed Lupe. If he was the murderer why would he show up at Alfonsina’s with blood on his hands? Braulio’s got a theory or two but Elisa makes the “Hmmmmmm” face with her pointy chin in her hand. She’s not convinced. Nor does she seem at all concerned about Lolita. Meh, it’s not about her yet.

Lolita, demonstaring an astounding lack of understanding of how to deal with an escaped convict and possible murderer, accuses Horacio of also killing Don Augusto.  Horacio snorts that she’s got to trust him. Lolita grabs the phone to call the police, Horacio smacks her upside the head in desperation, and then apologizes to his unconscious love.

Elisa reassures Braulio that Horacio is incapable of harming Lolita. (LOL!!! That girl’s boots are too tight.) Braulio says “excuuuuuuze me,” but he doesn’t agree and he’s not going to rest until Horacio is found. Lucio arrives and reassures them that Lolita is fine; she’s home whipping up a batch of Tostachos and Pollo de Knorr Suiza.

Lolita’s still sleeping it off when Brau and Lucio rush into the house. Brau finally revives her and swears he’ll get that bastard, that criminal. Lolita must have had a bit of brain damage because all of a sudden she no longer believes Horacio killed Lupe. He swore he didn’t and even cried about so hey, that proves he must be innocent. Lucio says they should give him the benefit of the doubt and try to find him to get at the truth. He might be a thief but that doesn’t mean he’d take the life of another person.

Braulio says what if Padre isn’t the only person who perished at Horacio’s hand? Lolita and Lucio ask him if he knows something they don’t know. Did Horacio kill another person? Who? Brau wants to find Horacio himself, to bring Horacio to them to make him confess before he turns him into the police. (Que? That sounds like a stupid plan.)

Elisa encounters Dam in the cemetery and tells him he should leave, she doesn’t want any more unpleasant scenes that might give his mommy a heart attack. He doesn’t seem concerned, no doubt thinking “What heart?” They talk about how much Lupe was loved and will be missed. Elisa wants to look Horacio in the eyes and ask him if he killed her father because she's that stupid to think such a thing would work. Dam thinks this is the perfect time to talk about Them. He looks white hot but his romantic timing is still way off.

Horsey alert! Braulio rides around the countryside, looking hunkalicious on his horse, searching for Horacio. He recalls his prior conversation with a jailed Horacio when he asked if Horacio was somehow responsible for the fire that killed Blanca. (Thank you Braulio, because I was really trying to recall why you suspected Horacio.) Horacio told Brau that Gabino “made him do something terrible.”  Braulio is sure that Gabino Mendoza is hiding Horacio and no doubt has something to do with Lupe’s death.

Filler scene with Elisa arriving home and Lolita and Lucio giving her the 411 on the Horacio sighting. Lolita says the smack upside the head didn’t hurt her nearly as much as the blow to her heart. She pragmatically ponders her current marital status.

Alfonsina goes to Horacio’s hut but it’s empty. Where is he?

Horacio busts into la Casa Azul which is also empty. He spies a Tequila bottle, checks his watch, and confirms it's happy hour. He tells the bottle he’s not leaving town without Mi Lolita. He needs to convince her he didn’t kill Padre. Nor is he going back to jail.

Gabino swaggers into Casa Castañon and announces he searched the entire pueblo except for the most obvious location and Horacio was nowhere to be found. Car tells Gab it’s his fault because “Who sends a criminal to jail instead of killing him? Dumbass!”  (Honey badger!!)  She wants to sell the quinta and split, pronto, before the idiot Horacio sinks them.

Gabino asks her for a loan to he can buy a partnership into the Arango ProCe. He’s going to become a shareholder and if she knows what’s good for her she’ll stick around.

Lolita is resting and Elisa tells Lucio about Lupe’s last words to HER. He told Damian and HER that their love is what will eradicate all the evil. Lucio sighs and reflects that poor Dam lost his uncle at a terrible time, “Just when he’s on the verge of losing the procesadora,” he adds slyly.

Gabino tells Ojitos that yes he IS going to be ProCe partner. It’s all arranged. Carmina tells him Fina will never accept him as a partner, is he nuts? He says he knows what he’s doing, the ProCe is failing and who better to keep it up? He slithers up to Carmina and says they will have the greatest ProCe in the region. They will squash her niece, isn’t that what she wants? Nope, she wants to destroy Elisa, so OK, she’ll front him the loan with a ten percent interest. He gripes about that detail and she says fine, go to a bank. She’s got him by the habaneros and he agrees to her terms. But she’s not done yet, not one cent until he takes care of her Horacio problem.  Another shot of Tequila?

We know it’s the next day because the population is no longer in white. Everyone is in black, for mourning I guess. Elisa has summoned a surprised Dam to the cafe. She says she was thinking about their previous conversation. “Cool, you’re giving us another chance,” he suggests hopefully. Nope, it’s all business, she is ready to be the major investor in his ProCe. Cara de impactada de Dam as the “Beef, it’s what’s for dinner” theme carries us into the commercial break.

Dam says thanks but he doesn’t need her help. She says it’s not a favor, it just business. He doesn’t think she’s got the money. True, but she can pay with shares in her own company. Think about it, if they join they could have the most important ProCe in the state. He accepts. Elisa wonders doesn’t he have to check with mommy first? Nope, he’s the one who makes the decisions.  “Socios”, and they shake hands. OK kids, see how quickly you can agree when you speak like adults and don’t tell each other a bunch of lies?

Gabino pays Alfonsina a little visit. He offers his sincere condolences for her brother. “Sincerity is a word you don’t know,” she sneers, “I didn’t see you at the burial or the wake.” Gabino squirms. He says he feels responsible for bringing that dam Horacio into their lives. He hopes this doesn’t affect their agreement regarding his partnership in the ProCe. He’s got the money all arranged. She gives him the bank account number where he can make the deposit. She doesn’t trust him until she sees ALL the money in her account. He does his weird little subservient hand thingie and leaves.

Elisa has two requests. One is that she doesn’t want Dam’s mommy interfering in her dealings with the business. He promises. Two, their relationship is pure business  and will not be personal. No can do he says. One day she will be his wife. “Never gonna happen,” she says. Just then Piteous Paloma and Grumpy Gael enter and join their “friends”. Elisa announces (for Gael’s benefit) that she and Dam are novios again. Paloma simpers at Mach One,” Muy bien!” Dam looks surprised, then sarcastic, and stupid ass Gael glares.

Dam plays along, I’m not sure if it’s for Elisa’s benefit or to pith off Gael. They probably both work for him. He doesn’t understand why Gael is so surprised and he manages to lay a wet one on Elisa and invite her to dinner, all for show of course, lol! “You two want to join us?” (You go Dam!) Paloma blathers on about Wuv, Twue Wuv, they would love to come, while Gael steams. How could they do this while his Papa, Dam’s tío is barely cold in the grave? Dam says Lupe would want them to continue living. Elisa, fed up with Gael’s blustering, takes her leave. Dam grabs her hand and follows.

Once outside Dam calls Elisa on her hypocrisy. She explains about trying to discourage Gael. Makes sense, says Dam, so...dinner at 8:00? Just to celebrate our, ahem, partnership. (Am I feeling well? Because I actually liked their interaction in this scene. Someone slap me so I can snap out of it.)

Gab, his shirt having come magically unbuttoned between Fina’s office and the front porch, amuses himself by torturing Atonia. He slimes her and says he’s the only one who can save the ProCe. She says DAM is the only one who can save the ProCe and demands Gab leave her and HER Chente en paz.

Over at El Yucateco the new machines are breaking and neither Braulio or Lucio can figure out why.  Sneaky Chente’s eyes twinkle in delight when two more machines break down. Loser.

Doc T tells Enrique that Begona probably made the right decision in leaving. As for him, it’s probably for the best that he remain alone for now. Enrique doesn’t agree and he has someone in mind, Carolina Meraz. Doc T laughs and says forget it, they already got off on the wrong foot.

Elisa is at work! OMG, did you guys hear that?, she is actually at work! Not working actually, but AT work. Lucio is bummed because a bunch of the machines are breaking and they don’t know why. He says they need to replace some to continue production but they are very expensive. And now with the purchase of the quinta they are spending a lot of money. Uh oh, is Elisa going to cry? Lucio says all this breakage is very odd, he hopes it’s not on purpose.

Elisa tells Lucio she proposed a partnership with Dam and she hopes she doesn’t regret it. She wants Lucio to see the lawyer to set up the contract. Lucio asks if she’s doing it because she loves Dam and wants to help him? Um yep, but mostly because she wants to see Alfonsina’s face when she finds out Elisa is the new partner and dueña of the ProCe. (Yay! I’m liking this improved, non-bawling Elisa.)

Dam gets home and Fina reports that the police have no word of Horacio. Dam supposes that someone in town must have helped Horacio, what does mommy think?  Fina thinks Dam shouldn’t leave her alone in case Horacio returns. Dam says don’t worry, he fired the previous inept security guards and he’s going to hire some new inept vigilantes. Mom begs him not to leave her alone. Sorry mom, but the ProCe is having problems. She says she’s working on the problem. Dam is curious and concerned.

Fina says pretty soon she’ll have plenty of money to pour into the business but she doesn’t want to tell from where. He gets mad and reminds her HE is the boss. She gets mad and reminds him it is a FAMILY business. Hmmph, enough of this, he’s off to take a bath. “Otra vez vas a dejarme sola”, she gripes.(Once again you leave me alone.) He says he needs a life outside of these four walls. He won’t lie, he’s going out with Elisa and one day she’ll walk through the door as his wife.

“The day that happens,” she warns the empty room,” is the day I make her life a living hell.”

Avances: Elisa and Damian kiss. Gael ain’t happy. Yawn.


Dear Sylvia,

I am very drowsy and less than articulate at the moment but I couldn't turn in without telling you how much I adore your e.e. cummings title. I can't tell you why it is so fitting, it just is.

And of course I love the recap itself. I will count the ways a few hours from now. But let me respond to your cry for help right now:

" (Am I feeling well? Because I actually liked their interaction in this scene. Someone slap me so I can snap out of it.)"

Me too! I love their post-funeral high jinks, the Rock Hudson/Doris Day vibes. (No need for slaps, though. Really. We've had more than enough of them in the past 150 episodes.)

Sweet dreams.

Gracias amiga. I have not thought of e.e. cummings in years. Nor was he ever one of my favorites. But lo after all these years that line just popped into my head. From where? Who can tell. I was surprised.

Sweet dreams...

Sylvia: Another Friday. Another outstanding recap. What a wonderful way to end the week amiga.

Lolita, demonstaring an astounding lack of understanding of how to deal with an escaped convict and possible murderer, and She’s got him by the habaneros were just a few of my favorite lines.

Color me cynical but I suspect whacking Lolita (in the face no less) with the phone may not have been Horacio's best, most persuasive course of action.

Braulio rightly suspects Horacio is responsible for Blanca's death, but let's hope his (and others) search for the truth does not neglect Carmina and Gabino as viable suspects.

NovelaMaven, ITA with you and Sylvia that Dam and Elisa showed more spark and sizzle than ever.

“The day that happens,” she warns the empty room,” is the day I make her life a living hell.” Hmmmm. How exactly is that different from what she's done every single day of Elisa's life to date?

And Chente. That ungrateful, hateful bad seed. Here's hoping his father takes a trip to hell and brings his demon spawn with him. I was holding out hope for his redemption but that malevolent glee was too much for me.

Happy Friday all!


Cap'n Sylvia - Thank you for the recap. No time to thoroughly digest it, and Ill watch my recording later today.

WTH ... Horacio tells Lolita he won't ever hurt her, them smacks her unconscious, she wakes up believing he is innocent of murder? QTH? Fluffy & crew are back from their lunch break.

"He(Lupe) told Damian and HER(Elisa) that their love is what will eradicate all the evil."
Spare me. I want more horsey scenes.


Thanks, Sylvia! Another great recap! My favorite line:

"Horacio...spies a Tequila bottle, checks his watch, and confirms its happy hour."

Did you notice that when Dam took Elisa up on her offer, he smiled and said, "Acepto" -- and she smiled back and said, "¿Aceptas?" Cutey-cute. (I also loved "so we having dinner, not tonight or ever, ok pick you up at 8." I really think they sent the monkeys on vacation!)

What am I saying? Said monkeys are over at Amorcito, which has the DUMBEST GALAN EVER. And it takes a lot to top Pedro la Piedra from El Tal.

Blessings upon thee Sylvia--I couldn't stay awake through all this and after reading your wonderful recap, I just did a quick gander this morning of what I missed. Doesn't seem like it was much more than the same old, same old.

I laugh at Dam trying to be Mr. Manager. Could have sworn he was supposed to be helping run things up to now anyway. Love how these young 'uns come and go as the leaders of their companies. hate to say it, but at the heyday of that place, Gab at least showed up every day. Everybody hated him, but he kinda, sorta did keep the place humming along with about ironic.

Braulio cuts a fine figure of a hero ( Dam - notice how someone should look on a horsey? Just sayin'). Nice that someone is working with a full deck and I understand why he suspects Horacio. We know better, but he's trying to put pieces togther which is more than anyone else is trying to do.

I wish Chente would crawl back to his wormhole. Will this young 'un (He's no kid) get an anvil? Lord help us, if he gets redeemed, better be a great reason why because he's about as worthless as they come.

Some light moments with the fearsome foursome, but the jealous Gael is getting old. He can fume all he wants, but tone it down buster. I use to love you dearly, but you have noone to blame really but yourself for said bun in oven and being hooked up with Pathetic. I think I may arrange a play date with him and Rod over at Refugio and they can commiserate about their marriage situations and get his mopey face off our screen for awhile.

"I use to love you dearly, but you have noone to blame really but yourself for said bun in oven and being hooked up with Pathetic"

No! We learned it was FLORENCIA's fault Gael cheated on Elisa and knocked up Paloma.

I think Chente's punishment will be to not have the love and care of Braulio. Because he's going to realize Gabino couldn't care less about him and he's going to go running back to Braulio and experience a "Teresa" moment.

I wouldn't be surprised if Tonia gave Chente the back as well.

Karmageddon Poll

As with the one for LQNPA this will be posted daily until five episodes before the finale date. You need a Google account and a unique identity to vote so there will be no stuffing of the ballot boxes. You can change your vote any time up till the last day. There are multiple options per villain as a disfigured villain can also go mad or end up in prison.

This is a simplified poll and will have no further elements added.

Carmina, the TangelHo
Death (choose one of the following)
-- Accident
-- Suicide
-- Murder
-- Natural Causes

Gabino, the Sleazebag
Death (choose one of the following)
-- Accident
-- Suicide
-- Murder
-- Natural Causes

Horacio, the Unfortunate
Death (choose one of the following)
-- Accident
-- Suicide
-- Murder
-- Natural Causes

Alfonsina, the Botox Queen
Death (choose one of the following)
-- Accident
-- Suicide
-- Murder
-- Natural Causes

Chente, Sleazebag Jr.
Death (choose one of the following)
-- Accident
-- Suicide
-- Murder
-- Natural Causes

Florencia, the Trust Fund Brat
Moves Away

BeGoneYa, the Trash Talker
Reconciliation with the doc
Death (choose one of the following)
-- Accident
-- Suicide
-- Murder
-- Natural Causes

Does anyone remember whether Horacio is left-handed? Is there nobody in La Ermita who can determine that the killer was right-handed and was standing in front of Padre Lupe during the stabbing? This boggles the mind.

Alfonsina's punishment is to have Elisa as a daughter in law, and her only grandchildren have Castanon Bouvier blood running through them.

Okay, now I've had a chance to savor this delicious recap. A few favorite morsels:

"He doesn't seem concerned, no doubt thinking "What heart?""

"She pragmatically ponders her current marital status."

"He spies a Tequila bottle, checks his watch, and confirms it's happy hour."

"...he searches the entire pueblo except the most obvious location."

Sylvia, you make it look so easy that I am lulled into forgetting, at times, what an extraordinary job you do here. Every Dam time! Muchísimas gracias!

My comcast wigged out last night and was mostly a black screen. Have I mentioned lately how much I hate comcast? So I really need this recap.

Sylvia, this show is so idiotic, I have no more words. Thank goodness you do and I can read them. Great job.

So Horacio really said that he would never hurt Lola, and then he knocks her out? I wish I could have seen that to believe it. Just one of many examples proving that monkeys really do write this show.

Ok, now a few things I noticed about last night's episode:

After the velorio is over ...

The only two people who seem changed by Lupe's death are Elisa and Dam, perhaps because they heard Lupe's last words and have taken them to heart. Dam is both more playful and less susceptible to his ma's attempts at emotional blackmail. And Elisa has softened her silly stance. She is open to love. (Sigh + Snort).

Alfie has slipped back into her hard botox shell. Being not quite as literary as Sylvia, I would have entitled this episode: "I'll make their lives a living hell!"

Alfie is planning to swindle Gabino (and Carmina) out of a huge amount of money. This is likely to make the Blue-eyed demons testy.

Lucio and Elisa suspect industrial sabotage so maybe stoopid Chente can be stopped before too many habaneros are hurt.

Lucio looks disappointed when Elisa admits that she is investing in the Pro-Ce Arango at least in part to stick it to Alfonsina.

And finally, despite all the lies he told when he first showed up in La Ermita, HORACIO ISN'T A LIAR. Lying doesn't come easily to him and especially now, in his post-Lolita phase, when he has vowed to be a good person. And he simply CANNOT look anyone in the eye and sustain a lie. Lolita intuits that. That's why she kind of believes him.

[Compare him to Gabino, Carmina and Alfonsina: How can you tell they are lying? Their mouths are moving.]

Ditto to all the comments NovelaMaven, Diana and Blue Lass mentioned. And above all kudos for coming up with these witty lines instead of fuming endlessly about what a boring filler episode it was. Out of all those lines, the absolute winner for me was:
"he checks his watch and confirms it's happy hour". That is so great! And so Sylvia!

Hanging my head in shame that tho' I read a few e.e. commings poems in my flaming youth, I certainly didn't remember that line. But again kudos... recap was smart, literary and wickedly funny you m'dear.

Good morning all and thank you for your comments. Yes, it felt like a filler episode and if I were not recapping I surely would have dozed off.

The serpents I had in mind are most certainly Carmina and Gabino. As Novela Maven says, just wait until Alfonsina tricks them out of their money. Carmina's head is going to explode. After all Alfie's trickery will Gabino demand a contract? Doubtful but I guess we'll see. So I guess Alfonsina is a serpent too.

Interesting that both Damian and Alfonsina are bargaining to save the ProCe, seemingly at cross-purposes, except that Alfie has no intention of letting Gabino run the company.

Recently it seems as if Elisa is making Alfonsina's life a living hell, and she's doing it without even trying.

I wonder who will catch Chente sabotaging the machines?

NM, "How can you tell they are lying? Their mouths are moving." Snort! Reminder to self, set hot tea down before reading comments.

"I wonder who will catch Chente sabotaging the machines?"

Braulio? I hope.

Sylvia thanks for the wonderful recap of such poor material! And as NM said no need for slapping, Dam and Elisa were more engaging last night than they have been this whole TN.

Add me to the list with our kind-hearted Diana that if worthless Chente gets redeemed now I'll be very vex. I like the ending Anon207 has for him - his parents disown him.

BL - thanks for saying what I had not wanted to bring myself to say over on the AC thread; move over Gall and meet Fernanado Lobo.

And Vivi - from yesterday, you are not the only one who thinks Gall is still acting like a first class jerk.

In addition to yawing at the previews, I want the monkeys to pay me to watch Gall refusing to admit his responsibility and being jealous of Dam & Elisa.


Sylvia- Wonderful job as always, with the dreck we've been given.

I have to agree with you that it was nice to see a bit of sizzle and spark with Dam and Elisa as they were being playful.

I was as suprised as Lucio that Elisa said she's not investing in the Arando Proce because of her love for Dam, but instead for the enjoyment of seeing Alfie's face. Ha! Unlike Lucio, I was cheering her on.

When all the habanero masher machines (very technical term) broke down, all I could think was, hey everybody, put your nice white outfits back on, throw those peppers into a wooden vat, hop in and start dancing! Of course, unlike grapes, habaneros would really cause some crazy blisters.

Agree with Anon207: Worthless, useless Chente should be shunned and disowned. His life would be a huge flail and he would deserve every miserable minute of it.

Another Anon

Oh yeah Cap'n, another great recap. I love the little things you "point" out: "her pointy chin in her hands", "Meh, it's not about her yet", Gabino's shirt magically unbuttoned, and he slimes her!

Excellent title even though I didn't even recognize it as e.e. cummings'. It just popped into your head for some unknown reason? Think amiga! It was Padre Lupe making his rounds to Ramona, Sylvia, and now let's hope Carmina. oooooooooooh (said in Halloween voice).

cathyx - Comcast can be so frustrating. I missed the whole Braulio / Lolita lovey-dovey boinky-woinky scene. Did he undo her braids? In my version, he did.


Thanks for the recap! This had to be one of my favorite episodes so far! Very entertaining!

I think I'm gonna like watching Damlisa's little game play out over the next couple episodes. Looks like tonight's episode will be just as entertaining!

BL, I agree about how Dam didn't take Elisa's "No pienso cenar contigo" for an answer. At first I thought the CCs were wrong when she said that. I thought she left out the "No" part haha

I too was surprised when Elisa told Lucio that she just wants to get back at Alfie.

Can't wait to see tonight's episode when Gael rubs salt in his own wound.

Not that I wish ill on Lolita, but I would like to see Chente witness Gabino about to take revenge on Lolita for Horacio ratting them (Gab and Orange) out, Chente rescuing Lolita and then turning on Gabino and making a tearful apology about the machines and for being such a punk.

Yet another excellent recap, Sylvia. My favorite lines:

"She’s not convinced. Nor does she seem at all concerned about Lolita. Meh, it’s not about her yet."

"He spies a Tequila bottle, checks his watch, and confirms it's happy hour."

"That girl’s boots are too tight"

You have such a way with words.

Once again I thought the honey badger pair were a real hoot.

It'll be interesting to see if the tech people recognize the sabotage of the pepper mashers. If not then little Chente may have actually acquired a skill. Though I doubt that it's a popular opinion, I fully expect redemption for this little weasel.

Two hours and 23 minutes until Happy Hour here.



Sylvia - I also LOL'd on "Elisa is not working actually but AT work".

Ojitos as a term of endearment? Didn't he mean to call her Ojitos de Insecto?

Has Chente, that little, been calling Braulio "Braulio" for awhile or is he just calling him that at work?

Who remembers the circumstances of Antonia's night with Gab? Would it have been considered rape? We know he was persistent, but was he forceful?


Rosemary la O,

As I remember it, Toni was a more than willing and enthusiastic participant... however, Gab plied her with alcohol and promised marriage.

Rape? I think there are those who would call it that.


I think Chente's been calling Braulio "Braulio" since he started calling Gab "Papá." The little spider.

Sylvia thanks for this recap as always. Now why do I have this feeling all along that you recappers are all literary mavens/journalists.I have been reading quotes and name drops such as ee cummings, etc. I encounter words such as sangfroid, angst, schadenfreude, screaming mimis and what nots. As for me, I'm just a reader and lover of literary works ever since in high school. So I guess this is why your recaps are all beautifully done.

Could it be that the grief of Lolita is partly fear and guilt of her going to bed with Braulio and her new dilemma that her Horatio is still alive? I also enjoy the playful stance of Damian and Elisa. I like the way Damian is acting like a sly and naughty little boy and Elisa is oozing happiness of the possibility that they could soon reunite.

Blue - "the little spider". My tarantula, Sebastian, resents being compared to Chente.

But surely yours is a BIG spider, R la O. Did you name him after Rullí?

Hello everyone. I actually worked today, oh the pain of it all, which is why I haven't checked in all day. But I got home, poured myself a copa for happy hour, and have had a grand time reading everyone's comments.

R la O, I just noticed last night that Chente was calling Braulio by his name. Weird kid. Carlos, you are sweet to hope for redemption for him. I'm thinking he will either DIE or go to jail. If Braulio catches him sabotaging the machines I hope he doesn't let the little snot off.

R la O, I love tarantulas. Do you have one as a pet? I saw one hiking yesterday evening and I got very excited about it because I rarely see them. Are they nocturnal?

vida2, yes I think Lolita is concerned about sleeping with Braulio while still married. Like she doesn't have enough to worry about already.

"I love tarantulas. Do you have one as a pet? I saw one hiking yesterday evening..."

Ooh Sylvia, was he toting one of those little Eddie Bauer ArachnidPacks?


No, he wasn't wearing anything!

You KNOW that if Braulio catches Chente with his dirty little hand in the habaneros, he will not only forgive him, he will TAKE THE FALL FOR HIM. Because around La E, the "good" people just don't know when to stop being "good."

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