Monday, October 15, 2012

Amorcito Corazón Discussion #129-133 Oct. 15-19

Hola amigas/os

I plan to have something up soon.  Here's the good, the bad, and the ugly thus far.  The good - Juancho and Marisol kissed; the bad - Barf acts like her name; the ugly - she and Knuckles plan to have Juancho beat down again b/c of the kiss.  The ugly also includes everything concerning EWM.

Have to admit I did love Jorrible threatening EWM but on today’s episode Fer blows his stack once he realizes Isa paid him back with Jorge’s money; of course this happens in the office and after Isa has resigned.  She and Jorrible leave with our brainless galan saying its really over.

Cecilio breaks and does lie to Zoe once she comes to the apt.  Before her arrival (looking for her low-life spouse) the two co-padres, really Mr. C, deduce EWM is the source of Fer’s problem(s).

Moncho has it bad for Adelita, poor thing.

A window is broken at Marisol’s school and Juancho is the handyman.  Most of Marisol’s peers have surrounded him and shamelessly flirt with him.  He finally decides to kiss one of the girls and it happens to be Marisol.  She freaks and he chases and they kiss again, yeah.  Barf sees them and breaks it up.  Though he does not reprimand her in front of Marisol (as he should have), he tells Barf to stop interfering b/c they have broken up for good.  She calls Knuckles, learns of his previous beatdown of Juancho and our Manny-in-the-making requests Knuckles harm Juancho again.  This better get thwarted in some way along with Barf’s exposure.  I’m tried of the bad guys always having the upper hand on this show!

Nacho (or the other guy) leads an exercise class; good times!

Marisol confesses to her friend she loves Juancho but for the time being I think she’ll continue with Knuckles (probably b/c of his dad but as she will find out Knuckles doesn’t care about his dad only his money).

F5 tries to explain the ramifications of the lawsuit against Fer and EWM and Isa backs down.  EWM goes to Mr. C and he completely shuts her down; it was great!  He won’t take her case but when she talks to Fer she lies, surprise, and tells her she dropped the suit out of the goodness of her heart. 

Writing under protest – Fer and EWM kiss as he says she’s a great woman.  Ack!  He’s so far gone how long is he going to remain in the dark and on the dark side?  Perhaps once the girls find out they will have to shut down this relationshiop b/c Marisol had a very bad reaction to their suggested relationship.  Oh and there’s more, they go to dinner and she confesses her love.  Wasn’t Isa the love of his life?  Of course they kiss more and Zoe and F5 see them.  Horny interrupts the lovefest to ask when EWM is.  Our couple from Hades makes plans to make their relationship public.

Ironic moment - poor Sarita just tells Isa what a great guy Jorrible is and then we see Jorrible setting up a hit for the guy he gave the fake statue to.

More protest writing – Knuckles calls Jaibo to get Juancho beatdown.  Knuckles shows up at school just when Juancho and Marisol are about to talk.  Jaibo wants rIcky to help him harm Juancho.

Adelita visits with Madre Pilar and she manages not to tell the madre about Willy and Moncho visiting the Casa Hogar.

Yeah the previews prove me right.  Fer and EWM announce they are novios and all the Mari’s freak.


Did you catch what Felipe said to the bartender the other night?

"Some marriages end well; others last forever."

I thought that was pretty funny.

No BL I missed that. He's a funny guy but he has no business in being a monogamous relationship.

!Guau! I didn't know we had a recap for this show. I've had to miss several epis & didn't know how to catch up on what I missed. THANK YOU! I'm so glad I found you.


Ugggh, I hate these episodes with Fer and Manuela. I am so disappointed in Doris.

I am now watching Fernando Colunga in his new novela, and I love it! I've never seen Fernando play such a character and I think it will now be another one that I will watch 3 times. I can't wait until Porque el amor manda comes to US TV. I hope univision puts this one on promptly, but in the evening.

Why did Fer start kissing Manuela? That came out of the blue for me. When he was ill in the clinic he clearly turned her down, telling her he couldn't return her feelings. Now that he's healing, he decides it's time for romance?

Yes Güera we've been recapping this one from the beginning. Hopefully you can go back and find the epis you've missed.

ITA Nellie Fer and Manny is the worst. Doris needs to come clean to Cecilio so he can have evidence of Manny's evil. Colunga's new TN sounds good; I hope we can see it soon.

Again I still haven't seen ads for the new 2pm TN and am very concerned we might go back to two hours! Don't do it Uni!

Audrey I wish the writers had given us better logic. We are supposed to believe that because Isa "really" dumped him (since he's being a fool about Manny) he did want almost all galans do, love the one you are with.

I also wonder if EWM is drugging her mother to decrease her resistance to her dating Fer?

Thanks for the recap of what sounds like an awful episode Karen. I haven't watched it yet. No I know where to fast forward. These writers need to throw us a bone and get at least one of these relationships on track again. Jeez!

Gag. I shouldn't have eaten dinner before watching that nauseating scene of Fer and Manwitch slurping. He really is the biggest idiot. How long does it take for this poison to be gone?

I think the director was taking a nap, or maybe some of Fer's poison. How is it that Juancho was so angry at Barf, but then in the later scene when Knuckles and Barf interrupted his afterschool chat with Marisol, he was standing there in the background smiling at Barf while Knuckles wreaked his manipulation of Marisol.

Very disappointed in Cecilio for lying to Zoe. I agree, we need someone to be happy. At least the gym scene was fun (even if Nacho and Willy G were using the aerobics to get the ladies to shake their cabooses and chests).

Thanks for posting and summarizing!

Thanks Karen. It made me sick when Cecilio lied to Zoe. Doesn't he know a real friend wouldn't ask him to lie like that? When will he become sick of Felipe's immaturity? He is just enabling the lying. Hmmmph. Rant over.

Go back to two hours? Noooooo!

Terrific recap; you got all the high points. Thanks again.

P.S. More gym scenes puhleaze! They are hilarious and much needed.

Vivi & Julia - yes the writers should give us a break. No relationships are on track and the bad guys seems to be winning. Or the good guys are acting dumb (see Fer and Juancho). Ack

Syvlia - yes, more guy scenes. Willy is one of the best things about this TN. And frankly, Lucia slaps him so often I want him to find someone else.


Money wins out and rIcky agree to harm Juancho with Jaibo. Boo I still hope they are unsuccessful.

Moncho continues to try to hid his infatuation with Adelita from Willy.

Horny seems to be depressed. EWM invites her to the big announcement dinner.

Fer continues to be an idiot. He's all on board with the witch being his novio and invites Lucia to the dinner.

Isa thinks she has found a job but her future employer asks for a recommendation from EWM. I don't have to tell you how that went.

But we get another conversation with EWM and her deceased sister with a mirror. The sister again states the obvious that EWM is wicked. This causes crazy to break the mirror.

Juancho tells Barf they can't even be friends. Now we just have to hope the plan she and Knuckles have to Juancho beat up will fail.

Moncho give the boys at the gym good news and the finances.

rIcky comes home to "find" Juancho. He is going to "defend" Barf as an excuse to harm our boy.

Fer chats w/F5 about the problem with his poisoning. Of course, Fer does not want to pursue who is the culprit.

rIcky starts beating down Juancho but Adelita and ll save him; Adelita hits rIcky with a bag leaving him bloody. The loser returns home and Jaibo mocks him. I'm hoping these two kill one another off soon.

Jorrible's thugs actually kill the man demanding compensation for the status debacle.

The big announcement happens and the girls and Lucia lose it. Lucia lets her have it verbally and Horny is not pleased. She slaps her! Horny forbids the witch to marry Fer.

Doris continues to sit on her hands but Poncho returns and they'll visit one another tomorrow!

Thanks Karen. I thought there were at least two scenes that made this episode worth watching, 1) the misunderstood conversation between Moncho and Adelita (so cute!!) and 2) when Adelita whacked Ricky and knocked him out. I forget what she went to the store for but it sure must have been heavy, lol!

Karen, I like your idea for Ricky and Jaibo. Brilliant! It would solve so many problems.

Thanks Karen,

Ditto what Sylvia said. The conversation in the cafe when Adelita & Moncho misunderstood everything that was said was adorable. she is very cute.

I loved it when Adelita bloodied Ricky.

Good for the girls thinking that Fer & Manuela "juntos" is Yech!

I''m enjoying the mirror scenes. Previous flashbacks of Fer & Sofia left me cold. I couldn't help but see Manuela when it was supposed to be Sofia. But these conversations with the mirror are showing the differences clearly -- and the actress is doing a good job of showing that.


Sylvia and Güera - ITA that Moncho's misunderstanding with Adelita was cute. I hope she realizes what a great guy Monch is.

And Adelita making rIcky a bloody mess was great.

The mirror scenes are good because at least someone is plaguing EWM on the stunts she pulls (as most of the other characters are too dumb to realize what is up). And you are actually seeing the difference b/t the two women. Naturally it also makes you continue to question Fer's sanity.

I am wondering if Manny will try to harm her mother because Horny will NEVER let her marry Fer.

Karen, I like the mirror scenes very much too. Fabiola is doing a fab job. I suspect Manny will harm anyone who gets in her way, family members included. Heck, she practically killed her niece to advance her cause.

Thanks, Karen!

I enjoyed watching tiny timid nun-in-training Adelita take down the big bad thug rIcky so much I rewound and watched it a few times. So satisfying. Poor Juancho. How many times does he have to get beat up? That was painful.

Fer is such a MORON. I know he's poisoned, but come on. If someone was trying to harm you, dude, taking the meds is NOT enough! What makes you think they won't try again, some other way?

Loved how everyone reacted to Fer and Mani's "happy" news. Those girls are TICKED. I was glad they were smart enough to realize Tia had been using them, and that they find the relationship as gross as it is. And for once Horny and I agree about something.

Thanks Karen for the mini recap. I watch this off and on and caught it yesterday with EWM talking to herself in the mirror. That woman is seriously wacked. I can't believe Fer now wants to persue something with her. I hope his girls stop him.

Loved the gym scenes too with Willy, so cute.

Oh, they are not going to be showing Amorcito for two hours. I checked my schedule and Monday starts with Cuidado con el Angel.

They're showing Cuidado again? I might actually watch a little of that if I ever have time. It was good in the beginning before it went completely off the rails.

Moncho and Adelita are so cute. I wonder what will happen with this misunderstanding. He thinks they're meeting at a cafe, and she thinks she's supposed to deliver two cakes to the gym.

Maybe Lucia can focus her rage on Manwitch now and give Willy a break.

Madelaine, thanks for the update. Thank goodness Amorcito's not going back to two hours. Sheesh.

It's too bad Isa didn't specify a person to call as a job reference. Fer would have said nice things about her. Why has no one thought to install cameras and get proof of Mani's shenanigans? Maybe Poncho will do it now that he's back. Does he still work at the constructora?


Sylvia - yes EWM tried to kill her niece so what's killing her mom. But I was disappointed with how easily Horny caved today.

Julia - Too bad you and Horny only had a moment of agreement for Tuesday's episode. And yes Fer is an amazing idiot. Unfortunately I don't think Lucia will stop slapping Willy and she's too jealous of Adelita to admit it.

Madelaine - thanks for info on Cuidado. I was very concerned Uni was going to pull the 2 hour thing on us.


Wednesday summary:

Isa found out why she didn't get the job and she is furious.

Lala refused to tell Willy where to find rIcky, but she went herself to see him and found him with Jaibo. So she knows he is back to his life of crime, and she disowned him and told Willy and Barf their brother won't be back.

Zoe and Infielipe blah blah same old he's a skunk. They tried to get some action going in la cama but then FFFFF was afraid of hurting the baby so no go.

Manwitch showed up at breakfast time to play happy family and drive the kids to school. The three Marias abruptly decided to take the bus and walked right out, do not pass go, do not finish breakfast, do not brush teeth. They did have a sweet chat with Sarita on the sidewalk.

Doris is thrilled Poncho is back and she's trying to get him to help her with the blackmail baby buying scheme again. She still doesn't understand that if she doesn't put an end to this nonsense, the blackmail will continue her whole life and no amount of money will ever be enough. Just confess to Fer! And then hook up with Poncho already!

Willy hugged Adelita to thank her for saving Juancho. She's been swoony ever since. Moncho took the opportunity to hug her, too, but she remains kind of oblivious to him. She still thinks she's supposed to deliver cakes to the gym, and he still thinks they're going to meet up at a cafe.

Moncho overheard Barf on the phone sweet-talking Knuckles (although he doesn't know who she was talking to) just minutes after she was pleading with Juancho to take her back and swearing her love to him (which Juancho was having none of).

Thanks, Karen & Julia! Once again, I will try to get caught up this weekend. It actually works out pretty well, because I always have a lot of Spanish homework, and interspersing it with TN episodes keeps me sharp. ;}

Can't wait to see Poncho again!

Oh, side note on Isa: the woman told her what the reference at the constructora said about her (terrible employee, takes tons of time off whenever she wants, etc.) but not who said it, so there's a possibility she may blame Fer.

Thanks so much Julia! so glad the Marias had the good sense to reject this "relationship." And Fer is an idiot. His asking how Isa reacted to his new girlfriend was disgusting. His acting about as stupid as our leads over on Abismo.

BL - I want to start taking Spanish classes but don't have the time yet.

The beginning of today seemed like an exercise in allowing the bad guys to win.

Isa loses her potential new job b/c of EWM lying recommendation.

Barf sees Juancho and Marisol kissing and tell the Madre. Bad things happen but at least Marisol is able to tell the Madre she wasn't just kissing any guy, it was Juancho.

Mr. C and F5 also as not thrilled about our new couple. And estupido Fer dismisses his friends concern. The longer he stays stupid the harder it will be for me to care for him when he realizes he's been a fool.

Yeah good guy relief. Beba's bf shows up but its to question her murdering son. She acts why she hasn't seen him and he assures her its b/c of work not another woman.

Isa looks so uncomfortable when she's kissing Jorrible I wish she would stop the lie.

Oh something different. Barf gets caught in her lie on Marisol and Juancho by the Madre. The girls get into a fight in front of her (Mari slaps Barf) and their parents are called in. In a fun TN move of course neither of the parents can come to the school but Lucia and Willy stand-in for the parents. Madre returns to her evil former self and expels Marisol and suspends Barf for a week. Barf is really treacherous and we viewers need her comeuppance to happen now.

Brief fun moment - Poncho and Doris have lunch!

Gabino questions Jorrible about his dead client. Since he's guilty he lies to the po-po and his mother. And poor Beba thinks Gabino came on the pretext of questioning her son.

Unfortunately we end on a down note w/Lucia consoling Marisol. Juancho says he's sorry with Willy by his side. Nunwitch states that all Willy's people are bad news and stay away from Mari (and she says so to). Just when a good couple had almost gotten together, boo, writers boo.

i am so glad that UNI is scheduling another show at 2. The thought of going back to 2 hrs was horrible.

It is really hard to believe Fer. How could he so quickly fall for Manuela? Granted she created quite a scenario but still.

Poor Juancho. Most of the people on this show deserve the trouble they're having. They have set up the obstacles that they are encountering or they are clinging to their own version of the facts. But Juancho -- he just keeps trying to live his life & he keeps getting dumped on & pounded on.


Wow, thanks for all the recaps Karen!!!

Cecilio asked Fer if he got together with Manuela "por despecho" - out of spite. Fer looked so guilty I guess that's the real answer.

I suppose now that Manny thinks she's "won" she'll get even more bent out of shape when things don't go her way. Otherwise blind Fer has already been looking at her a little strange when she rags on the girls and insists that he force his daughters to behave a certain way.

Still - how long can they drag this out? I shudder to think!

Güera, yes Juancho has been dumped on and as you note through no fault of his own unlike our unfortunate leads.

Audrey thanks for the specifics about what Fer's friends were telling him. His look of guilt doesn't surprise me because he was too anxious to hear that Isa's reaction to him and Manny being novios.

I do shudder when I think of how long they could drag the Fer/EWM relationship out. Though I'm thinking the girls resistance will make EWM snap and try to harm them.

Julia - great call on Isa being able to blame Fer for the rec. I laughed when things went in that direction.

Me too, I laughed when Isa jumped to the conclusion that it must have been Fer. Those two! (Isa and Fer) are so bad about jumping to conclusions. Fer has done the same to Isa. Most annoying pathetic couple!

Yes, when Cecilio brought up the "por despecho" theory, Fer also said something that indicated his fury at Isa over being with Jorge. And I suppose Isa is with Jorge por despecho as well.

Yes, I think they are setting us up for long battles of wills between Manny and her nieces, with hapless Fer caught in the middle. Without a clue, he won't be able to protect his daughters - who have already been put in major harm's way by insane Manny. Fer does seem to be getting the hint of a clue now though - that Manny's attitude towards the girls is immature and too controlling.

I loved that the girls jumped to the conclusion that Manny was just using them all this time. Makes them savvy to Manny's obvious manipulation tactics which Fer is so blind to. Good hint in the avances that Marisol calls out Manny as being a perfectly good suspect in the poisoning case. I guess this means the girls learn about the poisoning after all? After foolish Fer tries to sweep it under the rug? [Completely ignoring that his daughters could be in danger!]

Karen, I hope you get a chance to take some classes! This is my first in many years, and it's been interesting. My reading and writing skills have improved substantially, because I don't normally do much of either, but I think my speaking and listening have actually degraded. Fortunately, I'll be able to patch all that up with further telenovela therapy. ;}

Thanks, Karen!

When Cecilio and FFFFF asked Fer if he was actually in love with Manwily, he looked abashed and said no, but she's, well, there. Even in his poison-addled state he seemed embarrassed by saying it out loud and realizing what weaksauce it is. Gah. I will say, though, Fer may be the stupidest galán EVER, but at least the writers gave him a reason, unlike in some shows. Although he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed before, at least his further decline is explained.

Poor Juancho. He did not deserve to be fired, but his boss seems like kind of a jerk and now he can go work at the gym. The only thing he's done wrong, really, was agreeing to date Barf, but even if he hadn't I don't think it would have made any difference. She would still have kept pestering him and treated him like her property, and probably had him beat up all the same.

I love the reaction of the Marias to their traitorous tía. I wonder if she even has any intention of living happily ever after as a family, or if she thinks once she's snagged Fer she'll talk him into sending them off to boarding school. Marilechuga needs to talk some sense into her dim daddy. I am worried about what Mani will do to the girls, though.

Well, since Marisol is expelled, maybe she should spend her spare time until she gets into a new school training at a certain gym with an appealing new employee...

My WV is dropME. What is blogger trying to tell me?

Wow, Friday's episode was quite exciting! Marisol really faced down Manny and stated the obvious - that it could have been Manny who did the poisoning. Ricky caught lil sis inflagrate.

Julia and Karen, thank you for the Wed and Thur recaps. I had to laugh when Manuela was playing solitaire at her work computer. Oh yeah, she's working SO hard.

I just finished Thursday's episode and now Audrey has me intrigued about Friday's. I might not be able to wait until tomorrow to watch it.

Yep Audrey, Friday was good. Clearly the Mari-girls are on Isa's side.

Oh, and Felipe shocked Zoe (and no doubt subsequently pithed her off) when he inferred she had to ASK HIS PERMISSION to work. Troglodyte. Cecilio's looking better and better. Not that he ever looked bad and in fact he has always been my favorite. Are we absolutely sure it's Felipe's kid and not Cecilio's? I've lost track of the timeline.

Sylvia, I'm hoping that Zoe accidentally or deliberately miscounted as well...maybe we'll find out FFFFF is shooting blanks, which would be a blessing for everyone.

OK, I am watching this week's episodes in reverse order. Just watched Friday's, which was good. Now I'm in the middle of Thursday's. Loved Marisol pointing out that Mani could be the poisoner.

I am frustrated by how blind Fer is continuing to be about Mani. I don't like Isa dating Jorible, but at least she doesn't have every single person in her life telling her he's a bad person and she shouldn't date him, like Fer has everyone he knows pointing out Mani is a crazy, stalker, user. I also continue to be tired of Fer just standing there and saying nothing each time Mani goes off on a rant about Isa and Sarita poisoning him. Marisol said exactly what he should have said.

I am glad that he didn't come down too hard on Marisol about the kiss. I do wish she would just dump Knuckles already. That was quite a nice kiss with Juancho. Why wouldn't she want more of that? *sigh*

Felipe flipping because Zoe didn't get his persmission to more nail in his coffin.

I know I'm kind of out of touch, coz I've been married since God was in short pants, but *are* there really women like F5's tootsie? Who are crazy for sex all the time, don't care AT ALL that the guy has a beautiful, young, pregnant wife, and never ask to be more than a diversion? I could almost see it if Felipe had some mad skills, but somehow I doubt that.

Yeah, yeah, I know: beanie, beanie, where is the beanie? I'm sure I left it around here somewhere...

Ditto about Friday's episode. It had a lot going on.

Go Marisol! She had the guts to put it to Manuela -- but does that put her in the crosshairs. What will Manuela plan for her? Remember when Manuela first arrived and she immediately tried to get Marisol sent off to boarding school? Maybe a redux --or worse.

I was afraid for a while that Zoe was actually going to stay with Fer -- but he sure is racking up the reasons to dump him. "When did you ASK MY PERMISSION?" Oh he is so asking for the ax.

What will happen now that Ricky & Barbara know about each other? Hmmm.

And didn't Moncho look cute as he went off to meet Adelita? Too bad he's in for another disappointment. He's adorable.


Looks like Barf and reIcky are in a Mexican Standoff LOL! (Sorry, bad joke) but really, neither can out the other.

Moncho looked fab, and I loved his moves. The guys at the gym are a riot!

Ooo - exciting ending and avances too - but better wait for the recap!

"but does that put her in the crosshairs", that's just what I thought. I hope Marisol has wised up a bit and can manage to avoid Manuela's double-crossing. Manuela is crazy enough that I think it would be quite easy to mess with her head...if only all the characters knew what we know, lol!

Moncho = adorable! I was hoping the Moncho/Adelita mix up would happen Friday. Guess we'll have to wait until Monday.

Though many of you have mentioned what happened on Friday, here's a bit more....

Though he's been a jerk leading up to their talk, Fer actually returns however briefly, to his former self when dealing w/Marisol. Her expulsion is punishment enough and he even encourages her to break up w/Knuckles. She does admit she's in love w/Juancho, it was a great kiss as Vivi noted.

Tragically she doesn't take her father's advice and allows Knuckles to continue to manipulate her. Boo!

The younger Maris confront the Madre about expelling their sister; its a short but great scene. They learn why she was expelled but say it in front of Knuckles.

rIcky finds out Barf is really a lying skank ho. Another great scene b/c rIcky is trying to kill Knuckles during his brief visit for money w/Jaibo. Unfortunately its probably too early for either one of them to really turn on the other but maybe we'll all be surprised.

During Manny's latest rant and accusations about Fer's poisoning, Marisol does say it could be you. Like others have posted, I too am concerned about Marisol & her sisters b/c we all know what EWM is capable of.

Moncho gets dressed up for his "date" w/Adelita. Though his buddies playfully mock him, he's pretty snappy. I just worry he'll get hurt again; thankfully he's over Barf. He filled his mom in on the mess Barf is. His mother feels sorry for Lala b/c all her kids are a mess. Moncho reminds her Willy is a good egg (this may have happened on Thur)

F5 continues to demonstrate how no one should EVER marry him; see the ask permission comment in other posts. BL regardless of when you were married, to say what F5 said to Zoe is primitive in the 21st century.

The paternity is supposedly a closed issue and the poor child is F5's. Perhaps the writers will have Zoe find out she counted wrong when she and Mr. C. finally get together.

And Fer continues to be, as Blue Lass noted on the Abismo thread, the dumbest galan ever; see Vivi's rant on his willfully ignoring EVERYONE around him about his relationship w/EWM.

Our final scene is both stomach churning and intriguing. Sickening b/c Fer/EWM are in a lip lock in her bedroom w/him apologizing to her (when she was the one who yelling at Lucia, Isa, and Marisol). The fun part was EWM saw Fer kissing her sister in the mirror. She hated it and the preview has Fer calling her Sofia. Excellent!

Oh, I found this and must share. It's one of Juancho's earlier pleas to Marisol from last week courtesy of LEad from Telenovela World: "I'm dying of love for you... or maybe I never stopped loving you. That's the truth. I just want you to know if one day you want to give me another chance...even if it's 100 years from now...I'll be there waiting for you. And if you come looking for me I hope it's to tell me you love me as much as I love you."

Everyone together here's our encouragement to Marisol: leave Knuckles and go to the guy whose kisses melt your heart and says things like his statement above. And watch out for your tia.

Ai ai ai -- now I have to hurry and catch up to see what Fer said to Zoe on Friday. Thanks, Karen!


Jajá. Willy called Mauricio "ol' beaver face." Snort.

Thanks, Karen!

Moncho was a highlight in a good episode. Laugh all you want, boys, he looked HOT. He's got the moves, too. Eventually that's going to get him somewhere.

Loved the indignant, determined look on Marifer's little face when they stormed into Madre's office. She is such a cutie. Not at all insufferable like some child characters ahemTemoahem. And I was glad she spilled to Knuckles. Obviously Marisol was about to dump him, then couldn't when he heard his dad died, but Marifer did her a favor. He isn't worth her compassion.

Fer is still beyond stupid, but at least he didn't screw up with Marisol again. Madre really did go too far. Kissing a guy in the corridor is an impardonable sin? Get a grip, Madre. I think she just hates the whole Lobo family. I liked how Fer zoomed out of her office without waiting for Manuela.

The one plot point that wasn't covered: Doris and Poncho are trying to come up with money, so they went through some boxes of Poncho's old stuff looking for things to sell. He has an antique religious sculpture thing that was his grandmother's, and they're going to ask Jorrible about its value.

Poncho looked adorable in his kiddie winter hat.

Poncho looks adorable anyway, but the lion hat was cute.

Thanks for sharing the Doris-Poncho going to Isa for Jorrible's help, Julia.

Yes Poncho's hat was great!

BL - Love the t-shirt!

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