Thursday, October 11, 2012

Amor Bravío #42 (Uni 37) Wed 10/10/12 “Yup, She Luuvvs Him (in Between the Murder and Mumsy Mayhem)”

We begin this evenings Capitulo with scenes from the night before: Camila looking longingly after Dandres as he leaves the kitchen for a dip in the lake, Leo Sordido being tormented by the ghosts of murders past as he pulls a gun on them and gulps down some cheap swill, and Rafael and Camila review the email from Daniel proposing to meet Camila face to face after all this time.

Heading over to the Albarran Rancho, the parental units have returned home to their sons and there are greetings and hugs all around. La Duena of Albarran (aka Moms) expresses her concern about Pablo and questions the brothers about him. El Dueno (aka Pops) adds that Pablo has stated that he wants to go abroad to live and presumably study. Mariano, shocked at this news blurts out that he had no idea that “Pablo was so disillusioned at not …” choke and pause……”Que?” El Dueno asks, “Finish that statement” he commands Mariano. Cut. Over at Camila’s office, she proclaims her excitement at finally meeting Daniel after all this time. Rafael dumps a wee bit of water on her parade. Rational Camila sees that Rafael wants her to lower her expectations of the pending meeting. He assures her that her life will change after the meeting and proceeds to what he really wants to talk about.

Viewerville, trust me to save all of us some time and sum up the next few scenes on this topic with the following:

Rafa: You are the best and you are important to me. I know you are married and a good girl. Soon you will not be married and we don’t have to worry about you being a good girl. I am in love with you and what say you? Camila: WTQ? You are really swell. I care a lot about you. Let’s just be friends. You can’t force love. Let’s use me and AlLocoLonso of the best proof of that. Ummm we can still be friends, OK?
Rafa: Damn! I know I look like I am about to cry, but I swear I won’t. This is a major bummer, but keep the option open to call me any time even if it is just booty call (no, he did not say that). Bye for now.

We return to the Rancho Albarran apparently after the bros have explained about Pablo almost marrying lovely Luzma. Pops is not happy about not being told about this and letting Pablo get this far. He vows to enable Pablo to flee the country ASAP, so Pablo doesn’t end up begging Luzma, the social climber (trepadora) to come back. Que horror! Moms is beside herself over how close Pablo came to ruining his life marrying a girl from “the pueblo”. Mariano retorts that distance will do no good in resolving Pablo’s broken heart. He insists on speaking to Pablo to share this worldly wisdom with him.

Sometime after the Rafa / Camila fiasco ends we are transported to AlLocoLonso’s office (now former). He arrives, looks around, and starts in with a serious hissy fit as to where his belongings have disappeared to. Natalia appears to explain, but before she can do this Camila appears. She tells Al that this is the office of El Rancho’s administrator but since he is no longer in said position he can now find his way to the exit. Camila tells him his computer is in his room, the company bank account and credit card are cancelled, and that she is still waiting for him to get back to her on that receipt for three million pesos and a missing tractor. AlLocoLonso, true to his nickname, grabs Camila in a fit of rage, screaming his “no me puedes hacer” indignation. Camila tries to release herself from his Komodo clutch. Suddenly, from afar, we hear a commanding holler for AlLocoLonso to let Camila go and to get lost. Who is this daring and brave rescuer? Our previously mild mannered Agustina! Aggie rescues Camila from Al’s clutches and kicks Al to the curb while she and Camila both agree Al’s worn out his welcome at Malquerida. Camila yanks off her diamond wedding ring and tosses it into oblivion, signaling to all she is done with Al once and for all.

Al, having arrived back in his room, nostrils flaring, picks up and tosses an innocent vase, shattering it into pieces.

Back at the Albarran ranch, Moms and Pops continue to commiserate on how close Pablo came to ruining his young life by marrying that lowly girl from the pueblo. Elsewhere in the house Mariano cheerfully greets the kindly elderly lady, hugs her and calls her, of course, Nana! Viewerville sighs relief that the TN rules have not been broken by forgetting to include a kindly Nana in each TN. They exchange happy hugs and wonder together where Pablo is. Nana threatens to give him a good ear tugging when she sees Pablo (jalon de orejas).

We move to the local lake, where Luzma is sitting on the bank, hugging her legs, staring vacantly into the water. Dandres is next to her and offers her solace. He says he knows she is carrying something inside and tells her he is there with a shoulder to lean on, if, and when she is ready to trust someone. He tells her he understands she does not trust anyone, let alone him, and that he understands this as he has suffered through very dark moments also. He shares his final thoughts with Luzma that everything is impermanent, both good and bad, but that one day she will encounter the light at the end of her path, that she is no exception (Note: PSA Buddhism 101). We finish this scene as the camera pulls out for a widening shot of Luzma leaning and perhaps crying on Dandres’s shoulder.

In between a few of the next scenes we see Dio repeatedly calling Julian, in his circle of five, on cell phone. Ring. Message. Ring. Where are you Julian?

Back at Rancho Albarran, Mariano catches up with Lil Bro and inquires about where he has been. He sympathizes with Pablo and his broken heart. Lil Bro retorts that he is not looking for opinions. Big Bro Mariano advises Lil Bro that if he want to leave the country to start a new career or life, to go for it, but, if he is trying to do it to forget his lost love Luzma, forget about it. It won’t work because Lil Bro isn’t the type of guy to just hit and run. Pablo bemoans his inability to forget Luzma’s kisses, touches and words and the TV screen splits into an image of Luzma in the kitchen dreaming about the very same things.

Luzma is snapped out of splitscreenville as the phone rings. It is Tolentino calling from Padre Jr’s office and he asks for Luzma. Luzma refuses to answer and Piedad tries to call her bluff leaving the receiver open but Luzma wins this hand. Forced to apologize to Tolentino that Luzma cannot answer the phone, he tells Piedad not to worry and leaves a message. Padre, witnessing this, asks Tolentino about Piedad and the family. Tolentino reports Piedad is a very nice and regular church attendee as well as Luzma. However, he reports that Tio Leo Sordido is a nasty guy. Seems Padre Jr is slyly sleuthing.

Back in the Malquerida, Agustina and Camila are sitting together with Agustina soothing Camila and expressing surprise over the recent Al sh@*fit. Camila reports this is biz as usual for Al. Agustina inquires as to whether Al has struck Camila in the past to which Camila denies. Apparently this would have been the line in the sand for Camila (never mind the other crap he pulled, of course). Isa comes in to report that the insurance investigation on the burnt toast house will last a number of weeks more. Alas, she will have no money until then. Camila, desperate to get Al out of the house suggests Isavibora move into Camila’s house in the pueblo. Isa feigns a polite refusal requiring about two more beggings from Camila to finally accept the offer.

In the pueblo apartment of Viv, Rafa, Aaron and Viv have been discussing the coldblooded murder of Julian that Rafa has recently witnessed. Aaron, our TN spiritual leader, expresses dismay at world violence and coldblooded murder. He concludes that his presence as the fake Daniel has been the only thing keeping more bodies from stacking up, mainly Camila’s and Daniel’s. Never far from any discussion or witness of murder, Rafa mentions he talked to Camila about his feelings for her. Viv deduces from his face it did not go as Rafa wished to which he nods sadly. Viv knows the kiss of romance death “let’s just be friends” talk.

Back with AlLocoLonso fresh off his sh@#fit, sulking in his room, Isavibora pays a visit. He tells Mumsy of his fight and how Agustina likely saved him from doing who-knows-what to Camila after she reminded him he’s out as the ranch administrator. Mumsy scolds him for losing his cool warning him that Camila could file an order against Al for being aggressive and that would foil their plans. You can’t lose control of your emotions she advises Al. “If only she would have”… he whines, to which Isa replies “no such thing as would have should have etc.”. She informs Sonny that she has accepted Camila’s offer of a house in town. Al exclaims he cannot move and lose whatever he has at the ranch. Isa, ever wise, tells him that “sometimes you have to lose a battle to win a war” (she is full of these sayings here, among other things). She opens her secret envelope and shows Al the fake Camila will. She tries to explain but her plan goes over Al’s head and Isa has to exasperatedly explain to him that the will is secret, forged and that poor Camila’s days are numbered. Al has the “Que?” face

Back at Dio’s place, Dio is now reporting to Dandres that he has lost touch with Julian. Dio asks for his help in finding him and Dandres, very smartly, feigns ignorance about what Julian and his car look like. Verrrrry smart on his part so Dandres doesn’t tip his hand that he knows who Julian is.

After Mumsy and Al talk, Al is outside sanitizing his hands when Ximena happens by. Al reports his bad day with Camila to her. Ximena, upstanding citizen that she is, is indignant that Camila would do such a thing to another fine citizen like Al and swears to give Camila a piece of her mind. But first, she makes Al pinky swear not to leave her (pinky is up for interpretation). He swears unswerving loyalty and proclaims his newly found manliness will never wane now that he has Ximena.

Now that El Malquerida is buttoning down for the night, Camila and Maja are playing with a gigantic bone, and Rodolfo pays Camila a visit to her office to say goodnight. He tells her he likes the changes he is seeing at the ranch, especially his growing friendship with the hardworking Natalia. As he leaves, Ximena flies in on her broom and proceeds to screech and lecture Camila’s regarding her outrageous treatment of her soon-to-be ex and his Mumsy. Camila tells her to butt out, but undaunted, Ximena continues to extol the great characters of Al and Mumsy. In a verbal backhand, Camila explains to Ximena that Al married her for her money only. STILL undaunted, Ximena is not surprised because, she says, that would be the ONLY reason a fine fellow such as Alonso could stand to be married to Camila. She adds that Camila is a block of ice (tempano de hielo, I think), unsupportable, insufferable and impossible to live with that no one would want to live with. With a final verbal cachetada, Ximena says, “No wonder you end up alone and you will finally be left alone like a dog” adding, “oh, excuse me, you already have a dog” (I think that was the idea). Ximena flies back out on her broom, leaving Camila crying and running to her bedroom. She opens the door, tearful, and …. lo and behold she sees someone has decorated her room with stars, hanging from the roof and pasted to the walls. She jumps up onto the bed to read the note, left by Dandres which includes a poem and an I love you. She reads the note again as she lays on her pillow …. and…. …… Dandres appears, their theme song “Divina Tu” plays, candles glow and romance ensues. Viewerville is left to our imaginations after a few glimpses of tattoos and such. Woo hoo, team Dandres exclaims!

Next morning, camera pans in on a sunny morning from an overhead view of El Malquerida and zooms into a fully dressed awaked Camila with Maja sleeping on her bed. She wakes up and asks the dog “fue un sueno?” to which Maja is likely scratching her big furry head “Que?”.
We see, in turn, a fully clothed Dandres at the hostel with Natalia and Amanda explaining what happened to their recent hostel guest, Julian. He assures them that he did not kill Julian out of revenge, but that he and Rafa witnessed it and he will place a call to the local homicide team. Dandres instructs Natalia she must listen carefully to his next instructions to her, but viewerville is not privy to this part of the plan.

Back at CabanaCamila she receives a well timed call from a lawyer’s office about her appointment for filing divorce. After hanging up she exclaims glee at her soon-to-be independence! Last night’s dream could soon be a reality!

Over in Al’s place, Al, soulfully, with reddened eyes, is asking Mumsy when Camila’s last day will be. Isa, sensing an e word (emotion) chides Al that this is no time for emotion. Al worries aloud that perhaps the number of bodies now stacking up will lead someone back to Mumsy and Sonny. Isa redirects him to think about all he stands to gain and to appreciate what a loving Mumsy she is to do this all for little Al. She informs him Camila’s final day is planned for the day of celebration for her late Uncle Daniel Sr. Sure, viewerville says, as we wonder if Isa is the, as yet, unaccounted for Bad Seed all grown up.

In the kitchen, Piedad observes to Tio Leo Sordido that he has a hungover face. He retorts he is merely sleepless (desvelado) after aiming his pistol at ghosts and yelling at disconnected voices in the night. Camila comes whistling into the kitchen asking after Dandres. Piedad informs her he has left the ranch for some reason and offers to leave a message which Camila declines. Camila excuses herself to drive off somewhere. Leo Sordido offers to drive her which thankfully she declines. Is he really seeking opportunity with Camila too? She leaves and Leo grumbles about Dandres and what is the big deal about this guy and viewerville can hardly wait for him to fall onto a bull’s horn somehow, and soon.

Way across the lands at Rancho Albarran, Pablo comes to the table, being scolded by Pop Albarran (who has established himself as a major crank) about rudely avoiding the mealtime with company. Pablo apologizes and Bratgirl and her family excuse him and glow over how nice he has been to Bratgirl during her parents’ absence. Pop Albarran drops the conversation bombshell by telling Pablo to choose whatever place he wants to go to study abroad, that cost is no issue. Cara impactadas by Bratgirl and family who will need a new plan for Bratgirl.

Back at Malquerida dining room we have the fine upstanding Ximena complaining about Camila’s unthinkably rude act of tossing Al and Isa out of the house. Agustina explains it is necessary and Ximena chides her for defending Camila. Ever discrete Ximena blurts out that Camila is saying that Al married her for money which shocks Agustina. Isa, jaw muscles tightening, states that this is, of course, not true, that Al married Camila for lllluvvv and that it now appears Cami is the one that did not do so in turn.

It is now raining and we move to the scene in a little shelter where Dandres is waiting for Camila to show up for the big reveal.

Camila is back at the ranch stepping into the jeep while removing another flower that has been strategically placed on her car seat. Sigh. Rodolfo, with Maja in tow, runs up to the jeep to report that they have discovered a body. It seems Maja was sniffing around (olfatear) and found it. Say, maybe Maja will be the one to solve everything? Leo Sordido is sitting maliciously observing this new development in the background. Camila orders Leo Sordido to get the workers and goes to call the police. Together, Rodolfo, Camila and Maja run to the spot on the ranch where they see the exposed head of Julian’s buried body. Action ensues, workers running to the scene, and Camila calling the police and telling all the guests in the house that a dead body has been found. The police tell Camila they have already received an anonymous call about a dead body leaving Camila to wonder who placed this call.

Meanwhile, a stood up Dandres calls Rafa to tell him Camila is a no-show. He asks Rafa to call the ranch. Rafa does and Agustina tells him that Camila is talking to the police and that they found someone dead at the ranch. Rafa calls back to Dandres and tells him to stay put because something is up at the ranch. Rafa grabs his coat and rushes out the door.

At the ranch, Camila tells the police she recognizes the body as the guy who was following her and her friends a few nights earlier. The police roll the gurney over to the now growing crowd of ranch people, open the body bag and ask if anyone knows this guy. Piedad gasps and clutches her stomach which viewerville expects because she recognizes her long lost baby daddy’s brother. She then looks over at Leo Sordido, draws in her response, and claims she only reacted because she has never seen a dead body before. Viewerville knows there is an unspoken communication between Leo Sordido and Piedad that she better keep quiet about what she knows. Natalia, however, speaks up, and says she knows who this man is and the screen freezes the scene with her face.

Avances: Dio ponders Julian’s not so lovely dead cuerpo. Camila and Dandres ponder their very much alive and lovely mutual cuerpos.


Thanks for starting this Mena.

I wish I could have a dream like Camila did. Wowsie.

Augustina grew some balls Tonite!!!!
Loved how she threw Nasty Alonso out of the Office & came to Camilla's Rescue!

If it were up to me I'd haul his pitiyful A$$ outta Malquerda onto the dirt road where poor Padre Baldermo met his fate! (MINUS THE BLACK JEEP OF COURSE)

Hope Ximena & Isadora follow shortly!!!!

Yeah, Cami's dream had the US censors working overtime. Think I might have to look around the web for the full length Televisa version. Anyone find it, let me know. :)

Was It me or did anyone else see Julian's eye squint and breathing chest move while buried under the pie of sawdust?

I was terrified he wasn't dead and just unconscious ~ well glad that wasn't the case!

*pile* of saw dust

Leo is such a lurker nobody even questions why he is lurking and eavesdropping.

Obviously Piedad is scared of him as she didn't hesitate to side with him in the Julian investigation.

Loved the dream too! It sure out Camila in a good mood.

What a huge dog bone!

Amor - I saw that! Seems TNs don't worry much about 2nd takes.

@CATHYX & VIVI ~ yes they did chop that love scene to pieces ~ Even the music was discombobulated!

They sure did a number on that love scene but they also cut a good scene where Camila arrives at the dining room all happy and singing where everyone was surprised by her sudden happiness then she gave the house keys to Isa....

Renata- Why would they cut that scene also? They weren't short on time last night, were they?

Anyway, still haven't found the scene, but while looking around, I happened upon some travel videos our blog amiga from Mexico, Jarocha pointed out a while back when Teresa was on. Alan Estrada (Aaron) does these low budget travel videos/shows called AXM. He travels all over the world, and sometimes he takes his bff Fernanda Castillo (Vivi) with him. They are a very cute travel pair, and it's cool to see the actors as their real life selves. It explains some of the great chemistry on screen.

Here are Fernanda and Alan in L.A. and the Getty Center:

Thanks, Mena. And, thanks, Vivi for info about our other Vivi and Aaron. They, along with Rafa, are three of the most likable TN figures I've seen for quite a while.

I admire SN for her acting but also appreciate her handling of Maja. She's one big dog (big bone for a big dog?) and some actors might be a bit shy about tussling with her.

Yes, Agustina did well last night.
And Leo, the lurker, with his bandana and sarape - whatever the weather. He's a very creepy figure, well played by the actor.

I hated it when Piedad got the evil eye from Leo when she started to pass out seeming to see Fid. once more! I thought that Piedad looked so pretty in the wedding scene from yesterday, reminding me of her as the young Azusena, one of my all time favorite characters in the much-revered 1993 CS.

Viví, I've emailed a link

Thanks Renata.

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Under pressure from Julian, D'Andres really had intentions of presenting and revealing his true identity to Cami. I'm so relieved that it didn't happen. Cami would feel deceived not only by her "cousin" but by the 2 people she considered best friends who kept D'Andres' secret. from her.
It's no secret that the relationship is going to work out in the end, (thanks to the good guys plan), but getting there is going to be very exciting. I can hardly wait for Aaron's next move becaue as long as Aaron's out front, Dan has to remain in the background until the time is right!!.

PS: Posted hastily. Muchos errores! Had to delete and edit ;-).

Just watched the Getty Center vid. Too funny!!

*wishing I could trade places with Camila*

That is all.

Mena--We wait with baited breath.

Anon207--I'd want to wake up with Daniel after a starry, starry night.

Maja was the real star last night. She was cooperative (as long as she had her bone). How great was it that she was the one who discovered the body.

Julian's face looked a little too clean, hair in place and skin too pink for having been buried overnight. But I'll give it to them. He probably didn't enjoy having to be covered with dirt while he was filmed. He looked a little more like a dead man when they unzipped the body bag.

That Hissadora, so she can talk Alonssso into letting her do away with Camila, just like that? No protestations? He just wanted to know when her last day on earth was going to be! I thought he was still so obsessed with her and didn't really care a fig about the millones the rancho could bring as long as he had a job and could live there with her. Now THAT'S a controlling mama--she and Roselena must have trained at the same school.

Agustina showed some kind of guts, and I'm pleased. It was a tender scene that followed her throwing Alonso out. That was her daughter being assaulted. She dissolves into wimpy, handwringing, rooster-pecked mode around Dio.

When Camila took off her wedding rings and flung them across the room, she's finally acknowledging that it's over, ended, finito with Alonso--and it had nothing to do with her feelings for El Guapo.


Foxy--what you said, "Cami would feel deceived not only by her 'cousin' but by the 2 people she considered best friends who kept D'Andres' secret from her," is going to be true at any point.

The longer he waits, the harder she's going to take it. It's a big risk for him. Since more and more people are learning his real identity, the danger of her hearing from anyone else but him will really be devastating.

Do you all think that the stars on the ceiling and the letter were part of the dream? Or did you think that she fell asleep after reading the letter and then dreamed? It seems a bit unclear.

Cathy- The stars were real. They were there the next morning.

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Please excuse all my deletes, My fingers keep hitting the wrong keys and I don't notice all the mistakes until after I hit the send button.

Anyway, I agree that the longer D'Andres' stays in disguise, the greater the potential of proving devastating to a relationship with Cami when revealed. On the other hand, for me there hasn't been enough "ground work" for a confession. What I'm hoping for and praying for is that "the plan" devised by the good guys will be executed in such a way that D'Andres will come out smelling like a rose in Cami's .eyes.

Oh well, I can dream can't I:-)

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All readers and lurkers, Here it is... the formatting for BBerry is a little wonky, so apologies. Format looks ok to me otherwise. Let me know otherwise!

Along with all the others, I am on Team Maja. What a star! She is probably smarter than a few of the characters in the TN. Namely Alonso.... what a dope face on him when Isa had to explain the fake will to him. Hahaha. I also saw the blinks and winks on the Julian character when he was buried. I was thinking he was put in some kind of a box that was below the dirt because I think the weight of the dirt would be too much for him.

The dream scene had a very cute and sweet ending....

Thanks, Mena. Well worth the wait.

“Elsewhere in the house Mariano cheerfully greets the kindly elderly lady, hugs her and calls her, of course, Nana! Viewerville sighs relief that the TN rules have not been broken by forgetting to include a kindly Nana in each TN." YAY!!! Now here’s hoping she doesn’t end up like Benita in STuD (I can’t believe I just wrote that!!!)

Only watched the last 15 minutes of the show last night, so got the skinny on this scene from Flaco: I’m glad Luz let Dan close to her, physically. Some rape victims recoil from any male being near them, let alone touching them. And kudos to certain members of the Scooby Gang for knowing something more is going on with Luz than just changing her mind about Pablo, and not pushing her to reveal what it is--giving her space, but also giving her the great advice to seek out someone she can confide in.

Some fav lines:

“Leo grumbles about Dandres and what is the big deal about this guy and viewerville can hardly wait for him to fall onto a bull’s horn somehow, and soon.”

“Say, maybe Maja will be the one to solve everything? “



Thanks for giving us a fabulous recap. That scene at the end was filled with so much tension and stuff going on under the surface-- especially between Piedad and Leon. Can't wait to see what happens next!

Not only did Dan fill her ceiling and wall with night stars, he filled her room with sun flowers. There was a vase on her dresser, and when the camera pans out to the rest of the room we see he's filled the room with many more. Plus she still has the rose and the yellow flower he gave her in the glass at her bedside. Now he's given her a lilly too. He is keeping his promise to find the flower she likes by giving her a different type each day. It takes a certain kind of man to remember all these little details in the middle of murder and mayhem. :)

Renata- I also found a youtube video with the whole scene. Someone is uploading clips of just Cami-Dan moments. I try to avert my eyes from the videos of the future on the sidebar. Anyway, the sequence from last night starts at min 4:00. It seems the the US cesors were opposed to Camila's bare back and her being on top of Dan. But there is nothing dirty about the scene. Not even any flash of boobs or butts.

Mena--It *was* worth the wait. Yummmm. I love Maja/er Daniel, no, Maja, no, Daniel. What the hay, I love them both.

What Ximena did to Camila was inexcusable. I have a feeling there is an age difference between them and they were never close half-sisters. Besides, Ximena's personality would rub anyone like Camila the wrong way--she's not *that* kind of party girl.

Among all the terrifically quotable quotes, I especially liked your avance: Dio ponders Julian’s not so lovely dead cuerpo. Camila and Dandres ponder their very much alive and lovely mutual cuerpos.

cathyx--Vivi is right, of course. When Cami woke up she still had the note in her hands. Does anyone need a translation? It was a lovely billet-doux.

When did our galan have time to decorate the ceiling all by himself and find enough flower vases. Even with scotch tape, it's not that easy. I guess I can answer my own question when I think of candles appearing magically to fill a room as a prelude to romance. But still, how did he know Camila wouldn't return before he was finished. We know he missed his date with her at the abandoned hut and Rafa told him not to show his face at the ranch.

Thanks for the clarification on the different flowers. I get it now why each one is different. Also know now why D'Andres picked the sunflowers to decorate the room. Those are the flowers she dropped in the restaurant when they first laid eyes on each other and the first electric handshake happened.

When Camila first walked into her bedroom and saw the stars and the flowers, she didn't have to be told who had done it, because of the sunflowers. Also, because D'Andres is the only one who has been bold enough to enter her bedroom without permission. So it wouldn't have been Mariano, Rafael or Alonso. The note was icing on the cake.


Trav Lady--About the two Majas. Someone said early on that Maja was SN own dog. When we realized there were two of them, we really don't know if they are both hers.

Si Si Nanette--I don't think Cuando Me Enamoro had a nanny, but the older cook at La Bonita was the wise, loving, nanny type. And Renata had her aunt Conny who was especially fond of her.

Anita: Wasn't the cook in CME Mati and Lazaro's nana? Or just an old friend of the family?

Hi. I've been unable to watch the novelas or stop by here. However, I thought I saw a promo for a new novela, and I thought I caught a glimpse of Eduardo Yanez. Am I right ? If so, I may get hooked again. Also, I happened on an old novela starring TBLMOE when he was very young.

Nanette- She was their madrina (god mother)

Si Si Nanette--Lazaro and Matilde would not have had a nanny. I think she *was* a relative, aunt or great aunt, or just a friend of their family. Don't know, I put her down in my compilation of personajes as Manuela, she gives out consejos and calories.

Oh I just remembered!!! There WAS a nanny on CME--she just didn't last very long. It was Manuela's anorexic granddaughter, Alison (who got together with Anibal).

Vivi, our walking encyclopedia of tn history is absolutely correct.

Censorship is insulting. I wish we all had slingboxes.

Augustina surprised me last night; I never expected her to stand up to Komodo Jr., but I guess she had to see the face he hides from her for thst to happen.

I was so proud of Agustina. The other day when she said she didn't want to be forced to choose between Dio and Cami, I was worried. But now it seems that when push comes to shove (literally) she comes to Cami's rescue.

Vivi--Thank you sooooo much for the link to Alan Estrada's videos.

Not only are they all imminently watchable, but his Spanish diction is clear and you can understand him--even if you can't get everything, the travelogues are entertaining and educational. I just watched the ones on Seville, Granada and Cordoba, which is little changed from 20 years ago when I was last there.

He has a web page, too, but not all the videos show up there, although they are on Youtube. Would NOT have recognized our Viviana. The Getty video was really cute.

Thanks so much for the recap!! I loved this line:

"However, he reports that Tio Leo Sordido is a nasty guy. Seems Padre Jr is slyly sleuthing."

I'm going to have to see that link for the full scene. Thanks for providing it here.

Has anyone else noticed that they started dressing Natalia as more of a young woman? When she first started, she had a headband and no makeup. Now she is made up and has a more mature hairstyle. I suppose that this is supposed to mark her transition to love and a real relationship.

I hope that once the reveal occurs that Camila doesn't take a long time to get over the deception.

Did anybody else notice that when Alonso and X were about to kiss, he was "eating" her hand? Ugh.

Finally, I too cheered for Camila's mamita!

Back on US soil so that I can see the show at the same time as everyone here!

Thanks again!


That last one was mine ... I hit return before I typed my full name. Looking forward to tonight's episode!

Anita: All I can say is thank goodness we have Vivi.

susanlyn--About TBLMOE--was it Maria Mercedes? He's about 26 but he plays a young barrio thug (good-hearted one) and drops English-isms in his Mexican accent. Real cute.

It may have been Nunca te Olividare. I caught a bit on it on tv and had to look it up. The lead girl is very blond.

Unlike our Vivi in real life. I never would have recognized her with her real hair. The videos are great though! Fun to watch and practice listening to.


Mena: Thanks for a great recap with a very nice smattering of wit and snark. Here are just a few I note, but the whole recap was full....

calling Julian, in his circle of five,

"Seems Padre Jr is slyly sleuthing."

"she is full of these sayings here, among other things..."

"He swears unswerving loyalty and proclaims his newly found manliness will never wane now that he has Ximena."

I myself am still wondering if "it" was real or just Imaginex.....However, that love letter was real enough!

ViviDC: thanks for the link! Verrrrrrry nice.


Susanlynn: I think it's Amores Verdaderos. Can't tell for sure because the print font is too funky, sort of like Blogger's word

I agree that Alan's travel vids are great (and he and Fernanda are very cute together). He's very good at it. I'm a big fan of travel guide shows-- Rick Steves (who I met in an airport once!), Rudy Maxa, No Reservations, Globe Trekker.

Mena - Thanks for the great recap. And thanks to Anita for info about Maja. I missed the fact that Maja 1 or 2 or both belong to SN. Interesting!

Mena, thanks for the delightful recap. I loved your succinct account of The Talk between Rafa and Camila. Also enjoyed MANY lines, some of which others have already mentioned. Among those I don't recall seeing in the comments: "Luzma is snapped out of splitscreenville," "PSA Buddhism 101," and "pinky is up for interpretation."

Vivi in DC thank you SO much...I mean SO much for that link!!!!!

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