Friday, October 12, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #62 10/11/12: The Three Faces of Eva

Mimi, Eva, and Eugenia are in Mimi's bedroom looking at old pictures Mimi has collected from Eugenia's acting career.  They make Eugenia happy.  Eugenia gets up to find the bathroom, gets confused, and winds up in Eva's room where there are several pictures on the wall of Juan Carlos' transformation into Eva.  Eugenia is shocked and upset.  "Eva doesn't exist, Juan Carlos deceived me, Juan Carlos is Eva," she realizes.  She shouts to Eva that she want to leave now.  Eva asks if something is wrong and Eugenia replies "Appearances deceive and one never knows who is truly behind the mask."  Eva doesn't understand her meaning.

Angelica wants Santiago to take her out to one of them there fancy restaurants where he used to take stuck-up Patricia [you know, where the waiters aren't on skates].   Maybe they will wind up in one of those society magazines.  Santi is tired (and broke) but Angelica wins him over.  At the restaurant, Angelica is reading aloud from the menu and making faces and gagging at the pretentious entrees.  Santi looks around, embarrassed by his wife's lack of class.  Lower your voice, he tells her.  Two friends of Santi's approach their table, and Santi jumps up and stands blocking their view of the table (and Angelica).  After they leave Angelica is hurt and asks why he didn't introduce her to his friends.  Friends?  I barely know them, he replies. 

Lucia is with Helena and going through an entire box of tissues over Renato.  Eventually she tires of her own misery and asks about Pluto.  Shhh, Helena tells her, she doesn't want Lalo to overhear about Pluto's feelings of love, but she confesses she is thinking about him more than before.  She also admits to comparing him to JC.  Lucia asks who comes out ahead, and Helena says "The one thing clear to me is that I've lost confidence in men." 

At Marcela and Fernando's house the kids are getting ready for bed and Marcela urges Ferni, "You agreed we are going to talk to the kids about sexuality.  You with Jennifer, me with Kevin."  Ferni balks as usual at anything remotely sounding like work, so Marcela says OK, I'll talk to Jennifer and you to Kevin.  "Don't say any of the stupid things your father said to you," she tells him. 

Jennifer tells her mother she's not hiding anything, but don't tell dad about the condom she found.  Jen tells Marcela that her boyfriend Dani is a dear and he doesn't pressure her to do anything.  Marcela says that Jennifer is worth much, that a boyfriend should treat her with the respect she deserves and he should have patience for what she needs.  The boys are also having their heart-to-heart.  Kevin wants to know if it's OK to have two or more girlfriends at the same time, and Fernando wets himself with excitement at the idea his son could be a stud.  Kevin confesses to being in love.  Ferni asks if it's a girl in school or his music class, and Kevin says no, she's a woman.  Ferni asks to see a picture and Kevin pulls up Candy Sweet's web site.  What do you think, he asks.  "What do I think!?  What's wrong with you?" Ferni yells.  Kevin protests that his dad introduced them, and Ferni yells, don't throw the fault on me!  When your mother finds out the result will be the ducks are shooting the shotguns (los patos les tiran a las escopetas).  Kevin grabs his father's tie and shakes him, making him promise not to tell his mother about Candy.   Marcela walks in and wants to know what's going on.  "Nothing, really," they both reply.  In bed later, both Marcela and Fernando deny that anything important came up in their talks.

Later, Lucia has thankfully gone home [did I say that?] and Helena is sitting on her bed pressing JC's ring to her lips and crying.  Silvia sits down with her and Helena shows her the ring explaining how Eugenia gave it to her.  Silvia acknowledges that Helena loved him like nobody before, but she can't continue to suffer so much over someone who has died.  She deserves to be happy.  Helena wants to trust that time will take away the pain.  Silvia talks about not being a good example because of what Helena saw happen with her father, but for both of them the point has come where one has to decide to leave the damage behind, even if it takes a lot of work.  They both wonder how Mad Dad is doing, but Helena nixes the idea of calling him.  Lidia's mother has seen him from far off and he seems well.

Speaking of Bastardo, his home is a disaster, piled high with dishes and dirty clothes [apparently he doesn't know how to clean.  really?  with a fussy job like being a tailor].  He grumbles, "Esto no puede seguir asi," and goes to call Silvia but hangs up saying that he'd rather die than beg a woman, much less Silvia.  Viewerville is OK with that.

Helena tells Lalo that even though his father is far away it's OK if he wants to write to him.  She tells him not to make up stories to his friends about his dad.  Lalo asks her if she likes Pluto.  Helena is a bit taken aback and asks why.  "Because I like Pluto for you."

Modesto has come to pick up Eugenia and boy does he look cranky.  He warned Eva to leave his woman in peace.  Eva gets all up in his business, "What do you know of what dona Eugenia needs?"  Eva throws his second family in his face while Mimi tries to calm things down.  Eva calls Modesto a hypocrite and a liar with double standards.  Modesto hopes he never sees Eva again in his lifetime.  "Oh, look at how I'm trembling." mocks Eva.  To Mimi, JC confides that something is not right with the way Eugenia left.

Santiago and Angelica are fighting on the street now.  She wants to know why she hasn't met anyone important to him.  He dissembles about them having few things in common, and then admits his parents are prejudiced and wanted another type of woman for him.  "Another type of woman?" she demands, "Well, what type of woman am I?"  Eventually they make up to wake up in a drunken stupor where Santi is very late for work.  Angelica tells him not to make noise and he bangs a gong.

In the light of day Helena decides to move past her memories of JC, although she still doesn't think him guilty of robbing her project.  Silvia asks well, who then?  And she advises her daughter the best thing is just to move forward.  Helena tells Silvia she's the most marvelous mother in the world.

At a restaurant Onesimo brings Pluto the fake copy he arranged of Antonia's thesis.  He asks for a roll and then stuffs a bunch in his bag [the guy eats in every scene].  Again Pluto lectures him not to be a pig.  If he didn't eat breakfast then have a burrito outside.  Don't chew and make noise.  sigh, the crosses Pluto has to bear.

Eugenia is looking at pictures of her son and crying, saying to the maid Chepina that all men are the same, cheaters and liars, beginning with your husband.  And now her son says he's on a trip far away and he's been here all along, playing a cruel joke.

Everyone is at the big colorful table as Helena explains about an upcoming event with the people of Playa Majagua.  Rebeca interrupts to say there isn't time for her to prepare and Pluto regrets to inform her she's not invited.  Rebeca accuses Helena of this being her idea, but Adriano explains that it's his.  The people of Playa Majagua are simple and Rebeca's protocols aren't appropriate for them.  Because Eva is absent, Pluto takes a dig at her- now that she has shares in the business she has more important things to do than to be with us working.

Eva tracks down Modesto's second family at the hotel and asks to speak with them.  The mother's name is Carmen and the daughter with the strange headbands is Claudia.  Carmen is suspicious of Eva's interest in them and sends the daughter off on an errand.  Eva wants to offer support because surely this is all Modesto's fault.  But Carmen admits to sharing the responsibility, that she was Modesto's secretary and knew he was married, that even when she moved far away they continued to see each other.  Eva acknowledges that it takes two to tango.  Carmen wants Modesto to give his name to her younger child, it's the least he can do.  Eva is impactada, you mean you have another child?  Yes, a son, and that's why it's urgent Carmen speaks to Modesto.  Carmen has to leave to catch her bus home, but she takes Eva's number and will call her in a few days.


Thank you for the recap, Bill.

Two faces of Eva? Perhaps the third is the one that only Mimi sees, the one with the hair and face of Eva who speaks and carries himself as Juane. The one who has the most accurate understanding of the other two.


Later, Lucia has thankfully gone home [did I say that?]

How funny Ithabill. And I'm with you. Lucia is just too much.

Sounds like this was another eventful episode. And you added pictures! Great computer skills my friend.

Thanks for a great recap. I'll look forward to watching it later on today.

I'm surprised at Eugenia's reaction and conclusion that her son is making fun of her. She's his mother, for crying out loud. Shouldn't she assume there is a reason Juan is in hiding?

Oh, and thanks Ithabill! Nice touch with the added graphics.

Great recap, Ithabill!

I googled the duck saying, and found that it means "the ducks are shooting the shotguns," another way of saying that the natural order of things is reversed. Ha!

Sorry that Eugenia took the Eva revelation in the wrong way. Darn. I wonder what Modesto's mistress has to say to Eva? We'll have to wait for many episodes to find out, I guess.

Mil in NC

Thanks, Paula. I was looking for a way to make it "three faces." So I changed it! And thanks for the link to your web site about telenovelas and Spanish. I'll explore it this weekend when I have more time. But it already brings me to a language question I've had for a long time. About the most frequently used word on TN's... ya. It means now or already, and in the negative it means no more or no longer. But it gets used in many other contexts- sometimes even as an expletive. My inference is that it sometimes seems to mean basta, like they're saying Enough! or Stop! or sometimes even Quiet! And sometimes it seems to mean yes, but am I thinking that because it looks like the word yes?

Thanks, Mil! I didn't think to google it. I knew I had it wrong- I'll change it.

¡Ya! as an interjection = Enough already!

Bill, two? three? Mostly I was just being a smart-aleck! And I do enjoy your inventive titles.

You're right. "Ya" is tricky. It seems like it can almost serve as an emphatic as well. But notice that the spoken English use of "already" sometimes extends into that territory as well, in the non-time, frustration usage of, "Enough already!" or, "So I'll take you to the stupid dance already!" Check out the Word Reference listing. It's quite an eye-opener.

WR is far and away my favorite for digging into a deeper understanding of a word. Also for less-commen definitions of a common word, and usage in idioms. And the forums are a goldmine! e.g. you wonder about the difference between andar and caminar? Look up either word in WR, and look at the bottom of the page for "Forum discussions." You'll see links to three different posts that discuss the question. If you are actively pursuing better Spanish, make friends with the Word Reference site.

About studying por telenovelas. When I started watching Fea, I'd been taking Spanish classes at the adult school, and I understood almost nothing in the show. I quit the classes because I was learning more from the show. I used the study steps described on my web page. Within 18 months I was recapping without CCs (though with a lot of replays), and I could catch nearly everything that was said. Study via TNs works! Of course, my obsession with Fea helped too.

I was sad Eugenia misread JC's intentions and didn't give him a chance to explain. JC has an entire range of mountains to climb before he can reclaim his job, his family, and Helena.

Thanks for the recap and the photos, Bill. Good workk!K

La Paloma

Great recap Itabill -- and visuals too. Kudos.

I too was sad that Eugenia reacted as she did -- and that she left without JC knowing what was up.

Interesting interaction between Eva & Modesto's other family. That will be interesting to watch.

One of my favorite moments? Rebecca being dissed and left behind on the upcoming business trip.

Two hours again tonight?


Bill-thanks for this awesome recap, You Rock!! I too wonder how Eugenia is going to handle this. If she tells anyone they will think she is having a crazy turn. I think maybe Juan should have trusted her, spilled the frijoles and gotten her help. We will have to see.

Santi is so hopeless and Angelica is a bit of a tart. Maybe he can be Professor Higgins to her Eliza Doolittle or he can divorce her butt and eventually hook up with Lucia.

So I wonder what is going to happen with the Renato/Carmen/Claudia storyline. I wonder if JC will figure out Renato is his half brother. In a way, I think Renato wants to be Juan and have all the things Juan had. I really wonder what Renato is willing to do to get those things.

Wow. Thanks, Guera. I went and looked and yes, has the show listed from 8 to 10.

Smart aleck or not, Paula, I really was looking for a way to say three faces and couldn't think of a way to justify it. And thank you for the web site- something else for this weekend's investigation. There are frequently words in the show that are not in my dictionary (often they're insults). I usually guess that's because they're Mexican slang. But I still want to know what they are. I also was taking Spanish in adult classes for 2 years at the local university, but I stopped this semester because I've gotten good enough to follow a telenovela and didn't seem to be making progress with understanding conversation in class. I'll definitely check out your study steps.


Great recap, and thanks for adding the images, particularly that one of Kevi, Marci and Fer. That is a really great tight shot of the three of them and Marci's look is priceless. Kevin actually looks a lot like Fer in the side profile shot of them. I'm glad Fer has to deal with the fall-out of having taken Kevin to a prostitute.

I was also quite happy to see Bastardo living in his own filth. I don't appreciate the close up shots of his face with the sappy music, as if I'm supposed to feel something for him (other than loathing).

It seems that both JC's little siblings have been eager to know things about him. The young girl really wanted to hear what Eva had to say about JC. I am sure that Renato will eventually snap out of his jealousy and resentment of JC once Eva has a good talk to him. This show seems to be about redemption for all (although Pluti, Bastardo, and Modesto aren't on my redemption list right now). What a nice gift for JC to go from only child, to big brother of two. However, it sucks to be his mama. No wonder she's so depressed!

Renato has already agreed to spy on Helena for Pluto. I think he's turning to the dark side.

And since Renato (assuming he's Modesto's son) is Modesto's primary heir with Juan dead, I think somewhere in this series he will try to make sure Juan never comes back.

When Modesto got in Eva's face, didn't he say, "I never want to see you again as long as I live"? In TNs, villians always summon their own fate onto their heads. I wonder if it means that Modesto will be dead before Juan is revealed.


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