Thursday, November 22, 2012

Amor Bravío #68 (Uni 63) Wed 11/21/12 “Reshuffling Reality at El Rancho 1 and 2”

OK viewerville, as the turkey defrosts and the cranberries cook, I return to the recap duties on Thanksgiving Eve. 

Our Televisa curtain opens to review the previous capitulo's closing moments.  Luzma answers the phone.  Natalia tells her that her prayer to the Virgincita has been answered, Yago is going to take her to see Pablo.  Luzma hangs up and remembers her Catholic manners and thanks the Virgincita for having answered her prayers.   

The scene switches to Mariano on a stroll on the grassy grounds with his darling daughter Ana.   She asks about who is caring for Andres and Mariano explains he has no family close by, so Camila is caring for him.  As she dashes off, Mariano creates a dream family in his mind - Camila and Ana and himself – having come together after Camila realizes her true love is Mariano, not Andres.  They all embrace with a happy fantasy family hug.  Mariano thinks he has beamed his brain back to reality and embarks on a soliloquy.  He declares his love for Camila and that he will continue to make himself available to her and hope that he may be lucky in love with her some day soon.      

At Lic Becerra’s office, Camila arrives to deliver the freshly signed power-of-attorney on behalf of DanJr and in the name of DanSr.    Camila expresses her shock in having recently learned that DanSr is also Ximena’s dad.   Proverb note to viewerville: the proverbial apple may not fall far from the tree but Dan Jr may be proof that another apple from the same tree may fall and roll down the hill waaayyyy far away from the tree.  Back to the story.   Camila thinks through these family configurations:  DanJr could be her cousin, or, Ximena’s half-brother or, both.   Since this takes some mental gymnastics, I will leave this for viewerville to imagine all the possibilities.   At this stage, Camila frets that she urgently needs to get in touch with, as yet, unseen DanJr so she can settle these matters once and for all.  Furthermore, since DanJr has given DanSr the power-of-attorney, DanJrs motives are now questionable;  DanJr has put his financial eggs in dear old dad’s hands to share with him and possibly to exclude her.  Lic Becerra assures her that the letter from her Uncle DanSr instructed DanJr to share El Malquerida with Camila and that everything suggests DanJr is an honorable guy.  Camila, still not convinced, points out that with all of DanJrs legal problems he may not be able to complete the will’s directives.  Lic Becerra says, again, “trust me” the power-of-attorney is nearly impossible to execute without DanJr being present.  He cautions her not to tell anyone else in order to keep the bad guys in the dark about this legal factoid.  Okeedokee, says Camila.  Now what were you going to tell me about Dio?

Cut to Bratgirl on Skype with her displeased mom.  Bratgirl whines that she is fortunate to have avoided being kicked off  the green pastures of Buenaventura and to have received forgiveness from Pablo.   She sets her very pointy jaw firmly and says she will not be leaving these pastures until she gets revenge on all those who kicked her around (hechar la tierra), particularly Yago.  Mom tells her to put a halt to her fantasy of revenge and put her energy into shifting  some pesos from these green pastures to her folks’ bankrupt bank account.  Bratgirl needs to concentrate on getting Pablo away from “that girl”.  “I’m trying” Bratgirl huffs, “Besides she’s an idiot, can’t you tell?”.  More mother daughter talk about swindling and society’s treatment after their cruel turn of fortune.

Outside on the formerly mean dark streets of the pueblo, Dio waits for Rafa – he arrives – and lambasts Rafa with “What type of game is Daniel Diaz Acosta playing?”  He reports to Rafa that DanSr presented himself at El Malquerida – and it turns out that he is also the father of Ximena!    Dio is certain that Rafa knew all about this.

Back at Lic Becerra’s office, Camila quizzes him “What do you mean that my mother’s marriage to Dio is not legal?”  Lic Becerra explains that it is not clear if Dionisio Ferrer is Dio’s legal name or another one of his aliases.  Camila worries aloud that her mother is completely in luuvvvv with ese tipo, what are they to do?  Lic Becerra implores Camila to keep this information quiet until they get all the information – he wants to protect Agustina.   Camila wonders if they can get a private investigator (not knowing she has many many gumshoe wanna-be’s all around her).   She then asks if she can ask a personal question of the good Lic Becerra.  She asks him if he is still in love with Agustina, hopeful that he will be there at her side when Agustina discovers the flimflam man that is her esposo.   Lic Becerra says it has never been a secret he was in love with Agustina at one time, but, his feelings have changed.  He holds her in high esteem and worries and cares for her, but that’s it, punto!  Camila replies that her mom is a good person but has chronic men-picker-problemitis.  Lic Becerra agrees sadly that Agustina will inevitably pass through a painful time.  He says that Javier is child’s play next to Dio (juego de ninos).

Speaking of the devil, aforementioned  louse-spouse-of-the-year Dio has Rafa on the defensive and Rafa claims that DanJr did not contact his father.  Rafa reports that it was, in fact, the reverse, that DanSr just showed up!  Dio accuses Rafa of contacting DanJr, but Rafa tells him he has only communicated by email to tell him DanSr was looking for him because he was terminally ill and wanted to make amends with his long lost son.  Rafa plays with Dio’s mind and adds that it is sure strange that DanSr knew where Rafa lived, hmmmm?   Dio looks pensive.

Televisa takes us to a forest far, far away from the formerly mean streets of el pueblo.  LeoSordido is being accompanied by two of Dio’s henchman to his new  “retreat”.  They tell him that this is where he will live until Dio can get him even farther away across the border.   LeoSordido asks about food and water.  They hold up the bags and LeoSordido yells, no “Water!”, which apparently means tequila in Leo’s world.   They give him the estas loco look and tell him not to even think of escaping.  No problema, says LeoSordido, “I don’t want to end up in jail, buuuttt, if I do, I will need to talk and that would be very inconvenient for el patron!”  They bid him farewell and he tells them not to forget the tequila.  “Borracho!”, the henchmen retort.  Leo sneer at  them, “Princessas!”  Henchman 1,  alone with the Henchman 2,  instructs Henchman 2 to keep LeoSordido thinking he is alone at his retreat but to keep him under surveillance from afar so he doesn’t escape.

We return to El Hospital del Pueblo with Yago, in cafeteria with Luzma, instructing her to stay put until someone comes for her to take her to Pablo.   Sweet Luzma thanks him and says she will pay him back for this –  “aw shucks”, Yago declines  – she says no, she will find a way.  Yago states that he only cares about his brother’s happiness and that she is his happiness and Pablo is, in turn, Luzma’s aforementioned happiness.   Yago leaves her waiting breathlessly.

Over in Pablo’s room, Refugio is consoling an irritated Pablo.  He complains that the ‘rents are treating him like a child and that he wants to live his own life.  Refugio tries to tell him his ‘rents mean well and want the best for him, etc.  Yago comes in and sends Refugio to the cafeteria for Pablo’s “surprise”.

We leave the hospital and return to Dio at his office, on the phone, demanding that  “no joke,  Isa is to come over immediately”.  Omar has the unfortunate timing to enter and ask if there is a problem, to which Dio snaps, “No, thousands of problems!”  Doorbell rings and despite instructions to be left alone, the house staff usher in …. el policia!  They are looking for LeoSordido and have a tip he may be hiding out there.

The phone rings at Al and Ximena’s love nest.  Ximena answers and it is Agustina, complaining about the time it took for Ximena to answer the phone and she doesn’t approve of her living with her “lover” but, lucky for Ximena that is not what she called about this time.  Mom is calling to tell her that, “Tu crees?”  Ximena’s dad has presented himself at the ranch.  Not just that, but as fate would have it, aforementioned dad is also dad to Daniel Diaz Acosta!  Ximena’s eyes light up with peso signs with this news while Al, listening to snippets of this phone conversation not far away starts to sniff pesos himself.

Back at Dio’s, he tells them they got bad information, that people like to gossip and you just cannot trust them. They ask if Dio knows LeoSordido and he rep-lies, “Sure, he is the former lead ranchhand at his wife’s place.  He tells the police to look around with Omar’s help.  Dio rep-lies again, that he is a “good citizen” who is glad to help the authorities with a sh#@eating grin.

Ximena lingers with her phone and poses with same aforementioned  sh#@eating grin.   Agustina is irritated and wants to know why Ximena is taking the news so lightly to which Ximena retorts that clearly DanJr should know he has a lovely sister with whom he can share his soon-to-be-cashed-in-peso-fortune.   Agustina-Self-Justina cannot understand how Ximena can think about millions of pesos at a time like this.  Ximena, caring not one iota about mom’s opinion presses her for where she might find Daddy-Got-Bucks.   Ximena has BigAl’s (for a change) attention.  After hanging up, she tells Al that surprise! surprise! she is DanJr’s half sister.  Al speaking with aforementioned peso signs in his eyes advises Ximena not to tell anyone about this.  She dances out the door and leaves Al standing with dreams of all these pesos dancing in his head.

Across the land at the Albarran house, Mariano and Ana prepare to go see Pablo and about what to take him.  Adorable Ana conveniently runs off to get her sweater allowing Rocio to tell Mariano that she and their father have arranged to send Pablo off to study in a land far far away from our humble servant girl, Luzma.  Mariano rails against the plan telling Rocio to stop her manipulations or Pablo will  go far far away from our snobby classist lady, Rocio.

At El Hospital del Pueblo, it is time for Pablo’s surprise!  Who should wander in behind Refugio, but ….Luzma! … much to Pablo’s  happy surprise.   Yago and Refugio take leave of Luzma and Pablo.   The pair of them gleefully greet one another and Luzma expresses how she feared she was going to lose Pablo.  Pablo reassures her that this will never happen. They proclaim their love and that nothing will ever separate the two of them again.  Luzma swears she will fight anyone who tries to keep them apart – Go Girl! - and wants to be with Pablo forever.  Pablo declares that when he leaves the hospital there will be no time to waste and that he and Luzma are to be married.  Outside the lovebird reunion, Yago has redeemed himself in Refugio’s eyes.  She and Yago share mutual satisfaction that Pablo and Luzma have found their way back to one another.  Luzma beckons them back into the room, forgiveness prevails and the two brothers are reunited in trust again.  Refugio’s comment that love will prevail is proven to be true as Pablo and Luzma announce they are to be married very soon.

Our episode writers decide that we have had just enough joy and love and we must return to the topic du jour – DanSrs sudden appearance.  We return to  Rafa speaking to Lic. Becerra.  They wonder why DanSr is in town.  Meanwhile we see Camila exhausted after her day of revelations as she reports to Viv that no one less than Dan Sr showed up at the ranch, he came with a power-of-attorney, he is also the father of Ximena, she read the revealing letter from Tio Dan (a good guy Dan in case you have lost track with all the Dans we report on), and Dio is a fraud…..

Not to be relieved of the drama yet, viewerville is taken to Dio’s place.  Isavibora shows up wanting to know what is sooooo urgent.  Dio approaches her and …. Grabs her by the neck!....He snarls that she is doing things behind his back.  Now that she has pulled a fast one with DanSr showing up, she has created a major roadblock in their plans. He tells her that DanSr turns out to be none other than Ximena’s father as well!  Isa’s stupidity will cost them – big time!

Speaking of the devilette, Ximena shows up at the hostel asking Amanda for Francisco Javier.  Amanda recognizes her and Ximena says, “Yes, I am the sister of Camila”.   She then coyly asks for the aforementioned fellow, ie her father.  Que!  Amanda cannot believe this revelation and Ximena repeats that she is Ximena Diaz Santos for emphasis.  Amanda, still reeling, phones upstairs for him and tells him he is wanted downstairs by his daughter!  His enthusiasm is underwhelming and he tries to dodge coming downstairs but it is too late.  “Ya voy!”

Back at Dio’s he continues to yell at Isa.  She swears she did not know the relationship between Ximena and DanSr.  She says that DanSr told her that he was married before and had abandoned his family before he was with Agatha, but  she paid no attention to this.  “Por dios!”  she complains as she rubs her nearly broken neck.   Dio suggests she should have done her homework and done a better job of checking his past (Note to Dio:   Isa doesn’t do background checks on the kind of people she hires – failed checks would serve as a job recommendation for her purposes! ).  Thinking on her feet – and to save her neck - Isa suggests that they use Ximena’s relationship with DanSr to their advantage just like Ximena thinks she is using them.

At the hospital, Camila worries to Viv that DanJr has cancelled every appointment with her thus far.  She returns to the idea that Dan may not want to follow through on the will’s orders.   Camila tells Viv she should see this character, Francisco Javier – geez! - and that they cannot get rid of him.  She wonders if she can kick Isa and Al out of the house in the formerly mean streets of El Pueblo and wait until Andres recovers and live together there.   Viv recommends against this plan.  She advises Camila to stay at the ranch until DanJr gets there.  Viv adds that bequeathing the ranch to Camila and Dan was what her Tio wanted.   She insists that Camila needs to stand her ground and fight for it – Go Girl!  Camila agrees, yes indeedee.

At the hostel, our devilette, Ximena sarcastically introduces herself to dear old dad.  She insists that the least that DanSr can do for running out on her is to introduce her to her long lost brother.  DanSr reluctantly agrees.

At Dio’s, he wants to know what kind of game DanJr is playing.  He calls fake Dan (really Aaron) and leaves a message.  Isa, having recovered her tracheal tube laughs and asks Dio if he really thinks that Dan will tell him his plans? 

Back with worrying Camila, Viv suggest that Camila have Rafa write an email to Dan to tell him how Camila is feeling (Really? With imminent murder, embezzlement, and paternity claims festering on all fronts, Camila should write an email to tell him how she feels?!!).    Camila mentions that, by the way, she found Rafa’s computer in Dandres’ room.  Viv tap dances adeptly and suggests that this is how Rafa gathers his information for his books, he just lends his laptops out.    Graciously excusing viewerville from this inane conversation, the doctor interrupts the two to tell Camila that Dandres is awake. 

Down the hospital hall, sweet little Ana and Dadsy visit Pablo to give him a gift.  They exchange cutenesses and hugs, Ana goes off for ice cream, and Mariano and Pablo talk of love reunited and complain about their meddling ‘rents.  Ffffff…

Camila, thrilled, visits Dandres.  Happy I love you’s and smoochies are exchanged and Dandres passes out with exhaustion from all this commotion (not really, but we need to transition Camila out of his room finally).  Amanda arrives at the hospital to change the guard with Camila.   She assures Camila she will care for Dandres knowing how much Camila cares for him.  Camila gives her a grateful hug and excuses herself for one more visit to Pablo’s room.  

At Pablo’s room, Camila greets all, congratulates Pablo on his recovery and the soon-to-be conflict ridden nuptials between Luzma and Pablo and meets sweet little Ana for the first time.  They exchange introductions and Camila agrees to have Ana visit her and talk about being a veterinarian and how to pick dogs.  Camila tells Ana she will introduce her to Maja, everyone’s favorite pooch.   Kisses for all.

We finish the episode at El Malquerida.  Agustina waits in the living room for Dio – recently returned from his neck wringing session- and scolds him for not staying by her side when the ex showed up.  Dio exasperated, tells her that that is exactly why he left.  He had better things to do – neck wringing -  and is not interested   in the problems of her past.  Agustina stands there, deflated, again.  Dio sits down and hollers -  Piedad!.  It seems all this neck wringing worked up his appetite.

 Happy Thanksgiving Holiday to those in viewerville to all those celebrating.  Happy Thursday to those in viewerville who are simply passing another grand day.


All Caray friends and families... hope you enjoy the recap on a fine day to give thanks.


Happy Thanksgiving preparations and feasting and thank you for this good and snarky recap!

The train is chugging along toward Camila's estrangement from Daniel and temporary shelter in the arms of Mariano and Ana. Wish it weren't that way, but as someone (Anita?) observed, the TN laws pretty much mandate it and events are trending in that direction.

On a lighter note, I loved Amanada's face when Ximena showed up at the hostal. The way that she recovered from her surprise that Ximena is the half-sister of Daniel, turning to her old-fashioned phone to call her scoundrel/guest, was priceless. If Francisco/Javier were smart he would get out of town.

Speaking of which, looks like Dio will take care of Leo through a slow and painful process. I wouldn't put my money squarely on Dio in this one, as the even-more-evil Leo seems to have multiple lives.

Previews of Ximena, Francisco and the dragon and son arriving at the ranch were too much. What a horrible group!

Hope that however everyone is spending the day it's a peaceful and enjoyable one. Looks like our novela is on tonight and tomorrow night.


Happy Thanksgiving to you, Mena. I have two friends to visit today and it will be a long one.

Since Camila mentioned Maja I hope we'll see her again soon. I'd also like for her to get a mate for this darling dog, whom Ana will flip out over.

This is all going to be so horrible when Camila finds out all the secrets. Rafael and Vivi are going to suffer for that, too.

And please, let's not have a repeat of Dr Tatas in this story.

Happy Thanksgiving Caraymates!

Mena- Thank you for the superb recap. Everything is being heaped onto Cami all at once it seems. Well, at least when the Dan-Andres secret comes out, she will already have some of the facts. Dan is going to wake up and find he has a little sister he never knew about. And Xi is no prize. Did not like the previews of of ALL of Cami's enemies moving into the ranch. Good grief!

Loved Luzma and Pablo declaring their love. Good job Yago.

Urban- Do you think the Dr. Tatas in this will be Mariano (in fact Dr. Tatas was named Marina...)? Or do you think Dan will hook up with someone after Cami kicks him to the curb for his lies?

I thought Dio was going to pop a blood vessle, as angry as he was at Isa and the whole FX situation. I'm surprised he didn't choke Isa even more.

One calrification: Isa said the detective only told her about FX abandoning Agatha and child. She didn't find out anything about him having a family after that. His marriage to Agatha was before his marriage to Agustina, not the other way around.

Thanks Mena, mucho action today.

One thing to remember, we are fairly certain that Dan and Cam have a reason to be split up that has nothing to do with being angry from lies. Many of us think that Miriam is still alive. If that's true, then that will separate our lovers. Even with them still loving each other.

Cathyx- Yes, the Miriam question is still looming. But remember, there is never just one breakup. The writers are probably saving that gigantic anvil. We have to deal with the lies anvil first.

Many thanks, Mena, for this delightful recap. I loved so many of your comments, starting with your proverb note to viewerville. I wonder what kind of specialist Agustina should consult for her "chronic men-picker-problemitis" that repeatedly results in her marrying "louse-spouse-of-the-year." And speaking of louse-spouse, I enjoyed your observing that "all this neck wringing worked up [Dio's] appetite."

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

Mena - Terrific recap. Thanks for fitting Caray into your holiday. Some of my favorites: "Daddy-Got-Bucks," "rep-lies," and "Graciously excusing viewerville from this inane conversation..."

Lic. Becerra was such a gentleman in how he responded when Camila asked if he was still in love with her mother. He could've easily said "now that I've come to realize she's a blithering idiot, no way."

Enjoyed the meet-up between Ximena and dear ole dad. I believe of the two, she was quicker on the draw to show no sentimentality.

Can't imagine what would prevent Luzma and Pablo from getting married this time, but it seems to soon for them to get successfully hitched.

I hope that Ximena does not connect the dots based on the birthmarks that both she and Andres share. It's not to much thinking to move Andres from spy to the real Daniel. Isadora is smart enough to make the connection but she doesn't know about that small detail. Happy thanksgiving to all, and we do have much to be thankful for.

Thanks for the great recap Mena.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Yola - I think the class snobbery thing will keep Xi from realizing Dan is her real half-brother. Now if Isa had the info she would figure it out in seconds.

I am hoping Luzma and Pablo get married and we don't get another non-wedding. Hopefully Bratgirl will go away; I know its not going to happen but its my fantasy. She's not that bright and everyone knows she's awful. The only way to stay is to do the fake pregnancy ploy (a guess).

Saw the last two minutes and the avances of last night's ep. I'm so digusted by the avances, I'm not sure I want to watch tonight's ep.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I'm going to try and get to last night's ep, recap and comments later today.


Mena, et al. As she said, Happy Thanksgiving or across the rest of the world a Happy Thursday. The bird is almost done and I had a few minutes to read the recap. Kudos (no relationship to komodo, of course). It's a great read.

Poor deluded Mariano.

I loved your description of Dan being the apple that rolled down the hill.

Camila took off her thinking cap. Why doesn't she wonder why it's Becerra that Daniel got in touch with and not Rafa. Does she know Becerra's cover story on how he got Dan's letter? I can't remember.

I'd rather not talk about Bratgirl, but she's not off the pantalla yet.

"...formerly mean streets." I wonder, though.

"[Xi is the] sister with whom he can share his soon-to-be-cashed-in-peso-fortune." Develitte, in deed, but she is also sooo deluded.

Poor Camila, she certainly is burdened by the cares of life, none of which is her doing--I would point at Gussy and say she started it all--or Don Daniel maybe (see Vivi's educated conjecture in the comment portion of episode #67).

Vivi--glad you made that clarification. The family ties are complicated enough as it is.

Glad to see Hissy get into trouble--especially after that face-sucking kiss they gave each other before.

Who's going to bet on El Cerdo staying put in the woods with no tequila.

So, we have two candidates for the Dr. Tatas personaje--Teresa with Dan and Mariano with Cam. Dang--let's try to get Dan and Teresa together first.


Had the inlaws over for Thanksgiving, and they are now gone. What were we saying?

Nanette, I didn't watch the episode because I had too much to do today, so I didn't watch the avances. Is it that bad?

There was some hand porn between Bacerra and Amanda. I hope they don't show more than that, just sayin'.

Rosemary, where have you been?

Cathyx: just those annoying characters I don't like doing annoying things. Ugh!

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