Monday, November 19, 2012

Amorcito Corazón Discussion #154-158 Nov. 19-23

Things seem to be looking at bit better for the good guys but the road is by no means smooth.  Warning – Towards the end of the episode Fer kisses EWM too many times and for too long, blech!   

Horny and her business associate let Fer and EWM know that they have given their shares in the company to Jorrible.  EWM calls her mother a traitor and later Horny tells her witchy daughter she should leave to as this mess is her fault. 
Adelita explains to Sor Pilar why she left and even though the man she loves does not love her, she desires to live a normal life.  Lucia claims she will go through with her vows, whatever.

Fer is furious about Jorrible being the new boss and goes to his boys, who tell him there is nothing they can do b/c the transaction is legal.

Willy seemed like he was recovering well but had a crisis at the hospital.  I thought it was b/c of his one kidney as Sylvia noted last week but it seems TN medical logic is working here and Willy’s new aliment affects his brain, oh no!

When Jorrible brings in Isa as his right hand, EWM has a melt down.  Jorrible and Isa require that she leave since he has the power and EWM is unstable.  Fer can do nothing but look dumb.  Isa assures Fer she is there to help him but Fer still thinks Jorrible is up to no good; the one thing Fer did get right today.

Jorrible takes a phone call from Smith near Suzy’s desk so she may have overheard his request for cash.

Preview – Doris shows up with the baby and EWM threatens her.


They threw us a couple of bones this time. Loved it!

Thanks, Karen, for getting this up & getting us started.

I'm with you about the Fer/EWM kissing. Blech!. Fer seemed not only to distrust Jorge -- but Isa also. He seems to think that she's out for vengeance. I guess that's why he seemed at the end to be turning toward his evil wife. She plays him like a violin. Hortensia advised EWM to make Fer's home life wonderful and peaceful as a contrast to the chaos at the office. That's how she got Fer in the first place -- by seeming to be so supportive in his time of trouble. Blech! Blech! and Double Blech!

I hope Susy starts to put things together.

Poor Willy! Maybe Lucia will have to make another deal with God to save another life. If so I hope this deal is smarter than the last one.


I was so delighted to see Manny fired, especially after her meltdown. And all Fer could say was he no longer had the authority to keep her on staff, LOL! Mommy dearest really pulled the rug out from under her, didn't she. Sorry, daughter, I sold my shares so you no longer have a leg to stand on LOL! We'll see how long Manny is able to make Fer's home a "refuge" - yeah, right. Fer is going to have hell at home and hell at work.

Doris is such an idiot - she thinks Manny is going to let her horn into the family with Fer's fake baby? LOL!

Why does Cecilio put up with F5's total lack of intention to be faithful to Zoe? Is it because of the child Zoe is expecting? I can't believe how much he protects F5. Zoe doesn't deserve that.

Ah, so Lucia lied so readily just because Adelita wanted to be the one to tell Sor Pilar? That was handled very poorly, especially considering Sor Pilar would find out soon and clearly Adelita had nothing to hide. Methinks Lucia lies a bit too automatically.

It was an exciting episode!

Thank you for posting this, Karen.

I still hate Jorrible, but I did enjoy watching him fire Manuela. Doy, Manwitch, even when you aren't actively causing problems you don't do any work. Why would anyone keep you on?

I was wishing Isa would point out that maybe if she hadn't gotten such a terrible reference, she would have another job and she wouldn't be back at the constructora! Backfiring bitchiness serves Mani right.

Why oh why does Fer keep "trying" with EWM? He KNOWS he can't stand her. The Marias hate her. She's unstable. She's mean to everyone he cares about and they all tell him how nasty she is. What does he think is going to change?

I agree Lucia seems to have forgotten how to be honest. She didn't need to hide anything about Adelita. She could have just told Sor Controlling to talk to Adelita about Adelita's plans.

Güera - yes Fer continues to demonstrate not having a brain. He has married the malicious woman not Isa. I hope Willy recovers quickly.

Audrey - EWM getting fired was the best part of the episode. ITA I am very sad that Mr. C. keeps up F5 lying and cheating front. F5 needs to be caught and gone like yesterday. Lucia could have handled the Adelita situation much better but it seems her way to deal with unpleasant things is to lie.

Julia - add me to the list of those still hating Jorrible. I await his unveiling but will be very sad for Beba. And Fer's bi-polar decisions about Manny are painful. She just needs to be exposed for the extrememly demented and frightening witch she is but that will probably take another 30 to 40 episodes.

Suzy tells Isa what she over-heard Jorrible talking about (money). Our idiot protagonista tells Jorrible, who promptly calls Suzy into the conference room to dress her down in front of Isa. [Note Isa this is a clue as to how your new novio really acts.]

At the start of the episode things look bleak for Willy but thankfully by the end he will probably go home. However, Jaibo is now out to get him over the drugs.

The Maris go out w/Knuckles for lunch. His credit cards have been cancelled so they have to all wash dishes at the restaurant. Knuckles later yells at the lawyer and is mad b/c Marisol will not marry him now. He does have a willing bride in Barf but will that happy union happen?

Doris calls Fer about his son. Doris arrives with the baby and tries to continue the ruse. As Audrey noted, it is unfortunate she thought EWM would go along quietly with this new development first and foremost b/c the baby will take attention away from her. When Lucia arrives, Doris and Poncho become Manny's new victims; Lucia says the baby looks like Mayela's baby and tells all the child was kidnapped. I hate to see bad things happen to Doris and Poncho but we all know this nonsense must end.

Beba learns about Jorrible's involvement w/Fer's company and is not happy. She actually asks him where he got the money to invest in the company and he gives her a lie we didn't get to hear about.

Previews - Jorrible and Fer almost come to blows over the Isa.

Thanks again Karen.

I was so disappointed in Lucia. I thought that she would be sort of blackmailed into spending time with Willy in order to give him the will to live -- but no -- Adelita gets he points. Willy is so going to turn to her in his hurt over Lucia's rejection. I just hope Moncho begins to get under Adelita's skin soon and she can appreciate his wonderfulness. She is the only one who knows what the promise is that Lucia feels obliged to keep. I expect that eventually she will bring Willy & Lucia together.

I wish that they would allow one of the fractured couples to get together soon. They did give us Doris & Poncho. How about getting Cecilio & Zoe together soon???? We know that Fer/Isa, Willy/Lucia and Marisol/Juancho have to agonize for 40 more episodes or so. But how about some happiness?? Beba/Gabino??


Hahaha, Knuckles was humiliated. He'll definitely be wanting to get married ASAP, and I don't think Marisol will go for it. It would take some extreme reason...not that such a thing would be out of the ordinary in a telenovela. But, she already broke up with him, she wants to go to college and all, doesn't seem to be one of those people who's in a hurry to get hitched, as far as we know they have not been intimate so she won't find herself pregnant (I really wish she had talked to someone about what happened the time she THOUGHT they had had sex), etc. Barf's a much easier target.

The little Marias are hilarious. I loved the conversation about what to name the baby.

I want Doris and Poncho to be happy, but I'm sick of the lie. They didn't need to lie to get the baby; Mayela was willingly going to let Doris adopt him. It could have been done legally and openly. She only lied to keep up the ruse with Fer and his family, and she should have ended that a long time ago.

Thanks so much Karen! I'm in the middle of waching yesterday's episode. I can't believe Isa threw Susy under the bus, just like Fer did to Marisol when he told Mani what she said. These two idiots were made for each other!

I was glad to see Zoe starting to have doubts about having chosen to marry Felipe and not choosing Cecilio. Now, she needs to hire a P.I. and get real proof of Felipe's infidelity so that he won't keep treating her like she's a crazy jealous person.

Oy vey, Marisol is a real chip off the old blockhead. WHY would she agree to be Knuckles's novia again? She doesn't like him. He's done nothing to endear himself. He made her uncomfortable with his talk of marriage and kids ASAP. He is unattractive in every way. Can't she learn from Fer's mistakes?

Manuela hovering over the crib was like an evil witch in a fairy tale. The kingdom is going to sleep for a hundred years or something. Couldn't hurt them.

I did like Moncho and Adelita, of course, and also Isa standing up to Jorrible. And Jaibo wrecked and might die, and Idrogo is breathing down rIcky's neck, oh happy day.

Güera - yes its disappointing Lucia keeps going down a path she must know in her heart is not right. While she hasn't been as silly as her brother, the way they deal with love is similar.

And yes the writers need to throw us more bones. Adelita seemed to be moving closer to Moncho last week but her love for Willy is strong. I hope the writers use your scenario with Adelita being the one who brings Willy and Lucia together hopefully after she falls madly in love with Moncho.

Julia - Knuckles' kitchen nightmare was great! I'm hoping his greed will make him marry Barf soon.

The Marias were also hilarious when they shut down any conversation about EWM having a child; they told their father no more children.

Vivi - why do TNs make the main protagonists have so few brain cells? And then we know they'll procreate and unless the kids get real brains from regressive family genes they are doomed.

What makes F5 so awful to me is his manipulation of Zoe and trying to make her think she's just crazy. We know she can be high strung but she literally walked in on her husband being unfaithful. I hope this TN isn't going to be ironic and have this happen to her again.


Julia just saw your post and thanks for recapping Wednesday. Audrey mentioned one of the limitations of this TN is that the writers just repeat plots to keep the couple apart and she's right. So now Knuckles is back for no good reason aside from the dreaded "I can't be alone"/I'll date my true love's mortal enemy scenario AGAIN. Boo, writers, boo!

Ha ha, yes, it was hilarious when Manwitch talked about having children and the Marias instantly told their dad absolutely no way; close the factory!

Cute that Juancho found out about Moncho's crush on Adelita and now he's finding ways to help them be alone together.

I don't like Lala pushing Juancho and Barf into marriage. How is making a bad situation worse the right thing to do?

Ahoy All, I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. Thank you to the recappers and commenters for all the helpful information. Did a lot happen this week or did it just seem like it because I watched all four episodes in one day?

Karen, I agree that things are looking a bit better for the good guys, a theme that seemed to continue through the week.

My heart almost stopped when Evil Manuela picked up that poor baby and started pinching and squeezing it. Doris, please, stop this charade NOW! I admit I enjoyed how Poncho is dispatching with Ricky. What Poncho lacks in finesse he makes up for in determination. I hope everything turns out OK for him since he's basically got an angry bear in his back seat.

Possibly my favorite scene of the week, when the Maris used Evil Tia for their tarket in soccer practice. Gotta hand it to Fabiola for taking all those head and upper body shots. That was great stuff.

Writers, please more scenes with Moncho taking aerobics classes. That guy is a scream.

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.

Sylvia thanks for giving us Friday's recap. ITA the Maris were great using football as an excuse to bonk their evil tia. And EWM baby-handling was horrible. Doris needs to stop this foolishness NOW. Finally Moncho in most moving manuevers is hilarious.

Most of the rest of the episode was more of Isa lines/Fer lines w/Fer taking the wimp's way out of dealing w/his horrible wife. And Isa thought Fer was about to be shot by a guy in the parking lot who turned out to be an auditor, whoops.

Gabino has Jaibo's phone and hopefully sometime soon the thugs will be in jail.


Thanks everyone for the summaries & comment all week. There were lots of hopeful bits of movement. The writers fooled me with Jorge's phone call followed by the guy with his hand in his pocket. I also thought that he was about to pull a gun on Fer. But, of course, it was a tape recorder. The guy was a reporter -- part of Jorge's Public Relations plan I guess.

I agree with all of you that the best scenes fro Friday were the Maris targeting Manuela with the soccer ball and Poncho trying to dispatch with the unconscious Ricky. Poncho is a good comic actor -- not to mention cute as the dickens.

Moncho is so cute -- but he better start taking Juancho's lessons to heart if he doesn't want to lose the girl. They were so cute in the aerobics class.

So I guess Jorge's plan is to intimidate the son of the poor dead foreman to implicate his father in the fraud. But --- if the story is taht he was paid to use the inferior materials, who is supposed to have paid him???

Güera - While I'm not sure who would be paying off the foreman but the larger issue may be his dishonesty. If Jorrible can manufacture that, he'll try to dodge that important detail. Hopefully this will be the start of his downfall as he's messing with a very young man.

Friday's episode was full of great physical comedy. I loved all of it: Poncho hauling rIcky away, the Marias pummeling Manwitch with the soccer ball (her own stupid fault she can't learn to guard her head with her arms at least, if she can't catch or dodge it!), and most especially Moncho in aerobics class. And how cute was Adelita, wearing Moncho's pants hitched up nearly to her armpits?

Fer continues living in the abismo of stupidity. I wish Isa had just asked him why he's still married to the witch if he wants to get back together with Isa.

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