Helena tells Pluto that it's too soon for him to accompany Lalito to a school function, which he offered to do. "Too soon for what?" Pluto asks, and Helena tells him that what happened with Juan she doesn't want happening again. He looks hurt.
Eva is at the front desk at GI talking down Fernando to Marcela and the Evalettes over the recent car incident. Because Cindy is short, twice Eva calls out for her over her head as though she doesn't see her. From the hallway Rebeca is scrutinizing Eva's every move. Eva sees this and asks Rebeca, "Why are you looking at me so much? Do I have monkeys on my face or what?"
In Rebeca's office, Renato comes in with some papers and attempts to flirt her up. She strokes his face and tells him that with her he doesn't have to pretend to be something that he's not. He says he doesn't understand her and asks what she means. She shakes her head and he leaves. Angelica calls to complain about Santiago being broke, all the while twirling a fancy umbrella over her head (what? does it rain inside their apartment? is there too much sun in there?). Angelica wants Rebeca's help. Rebeca cannot offer her a job, but she has an idea. Rebeca is laying a trap to tell for sure if Juan Carlos is masquerading as Eva, and she gives Angelica a list of items to bring to GI. Angelica shows up at GI with a suitcase full of clothes.
In their office, Santiago is complaining to Fernando about Paty having ruined him, and that Angelica doesn't like to work. Ferni tells him, you know women hate us.
Mimi and Eva are in Eva's office. Mimi is sad about being let go from GI but she understands why. She laments that Adriano never notices her, he wants Eva. Eva tries to console her by saying that Eva is a copy of Mimi. Mimi says that now she can help JC prove his innocence by helping from outside GI; today she will go visit Eugenia. They cheer themselves up by dancing and singing the "life is the color of roses" song, and Eva throws flowers in the air. They give each other a look of regret, acknowledging that they're only pretending.
Fernando and Marcela are arguing about the car and Ferni refuses to drive it. He says he'll drive the old one that he bought with HIS money "as the boss of the family that I am, or was." Marcela tells him as you wish, and drives off. Ferni's old car proceeds to bellow steam out from under the hood (even though he can't start it) and Ferni curses his luck, saying that even the car is in solidarity with his flaca. At home, the kids are helping set out dinner and ask Marcela where dad is. She tells them, "You know how your father is a little difficult sometimes." (a little? sometimes?) Ferni shows up later grumbling about the car, and Kevin cheerfully tells him that it's good then that they have a new car. Ferni suppresses his stressed out fake smile.
Rebeca asks a favor of Eva. Eva, who can never say a simple yes or no to anything, goes off on several tangents, finally pontificating about rehiring the hundred women fired by the deceased Juan Carlos. Rebeca reminds her it's only 98 because 2 have been rehired. Eva gets on her soapbox about women united while Rebeca struggles not to roll her eyes. She tells Eva her friend is down on her luck and is selling lingerie in the privacy of the women's room there at GI. They enter the ladies room and there's a variety of sexy (and skimpy) clothing being tossed around, and Eva notes that these are for a young woman, starting to point at Rebeca but then slights her to point to an Evalette instead. Rebeca coaxes her to try something on, but Eva refuses as the widow that she is. So Rebeca gets the other women to try things on while Eva begins to squirm.

Pluto tells Helena that he loves Lalo as his own, and does she think he would hurt him? Helena says, not intentionally, but things happen. Pluto needs to know if Helena is ready to forget JC, and more than that, he needs to know if she loves Pluto. Helena pauses, and Pluto tells her it's not a difficult question and he doesn't understand why she can't answer. Helena says she is learning to love him more each day, and she is sure she'll come to love him as he deserves. But she needs more time. (dude. she's just not that into you.)
Eva's eyes are popping out of her head as she watches the scantily clad women model Angelica's lingerie. Rebeca watches her closely, and asks, "What's wrong? You're sweating." Rebeca gets the other women to encourage Eva to try something on while Eva grits her teeth. She is not of the age to show off her body, she tells them. Rebeca asks Eva if she has some horrible scar... and looking down at Eva's crotch asks, "or something more?" Eva pretends to cry and rushes out of the bathroom. Rebeca is not buying it and follows her. Eva accuses Rebeca of trying to humiliate her in front of the other women. Rebeca goes to fix Eva's hair and Eva brushes her off. "Why are you so nervous when someone goes to touch you?" Rebeca asks, "What are you hiding?" Eva sees Adriano and untangles herself from Rebeca.
Santiago finds Angelica in Rebeca's office and asks her, "What's wrong with you?" He is angry about her selling clothes at his place of work, and she tells him he should be thanking her because she's trying to help him. It's her manner of supporting the cause. Rebeca says to take it outside and throws them both out of the office. They make up in the hallway.
Adriano invites Eva out to dinner but no, she is going to see Helena. Eva brings up JC and Adriano gets mad and says there's nothing more to find out about the fraud. He doesn't understand why she is so interested in this matter. Eva starts to say, "If I show you something..." and Adriano looks down at her breasts. "No! Not that!" she tells him, and while looking heavenward she starts a discourse about that poor one in the clouds of cotton... No wait, I'm confused she says. That's Antonia. The point is that Eva is interested in only one thing. Justice! And clearing the name of GI. Adriano says the matter is over and puckers up for a besito. Eva tells him to close his eyes and then pushes his face into a vending machine. Rebeca is watching this whole scene with a confused expression.
Juan calls Mimi to say that Eva is going to Helena's, and Mimi warns him not to pressure her, better to find the proof of his innocence. Eva goes to the bank where the embezzled money went, but cannot get any information from the banker. She then goes to Helena's apartment, stopping dead in her tracks to find Pluto hugging Lalo. "How lucky of me that I can't come to this house without finding other visitors?" she says sarcastically. Pluto kisses Helena goodbye and Eva startles to see it. Eva proceeds to make fun of their "romance" by pretending to play a little violin, and she fishes for an account of JC's appearance to Helena in the hospital. Lalo overhears and Helena is annoyed. Helena yanks Eva into the living room and says she never again wants to hear JC's name mentioned in this house. JC not only left a wound in her life but also in Lalo's. He promised to be a father to Lalo. Eva asks if Helena loves Pluto and Helena, tired of her interference, throws her out of the house. Helena wonders to herself, "What's wrong with that woman?"
Onesimo brings Pluto the analysis of the food and wine from the night Helena was poisoned, but the results are negative. Pluto says that surely that witch Rebeca used something that can't be detected, and Onesimo asks "How do you dare to suspect Rebeca?" Renato brings in a report on the construction for Playa Majagua. Onesimo asks why wasn't he given the assignment to investigate this matter, and Plutarco surprises Onesimo by admitting that he is behind Fitsa construction- it doesn't exist anywhere else. Pluto brags that Fitsa will inflate its prices using poor materials, and drive GI into the ground so that Pluto can buy the remaining shares at a rock bottom price. When asked about Helena, Pluto tells Onesimo that women think they can grow 'professionally,' but that can only be to a certain point. Helena will have to console herself with Pluto's love.
Helena tells Lucia she can't help comparing what she feels now to what she felt with Juan. But she's sure that sooner or later she's going to love Pluto like he deserves (well, that's already happening).
Eugenia is telling her doctor that the 'reporter' was a fake who was only interested in asking about her son. Mimi shows up and Eugenia is excited to see her, but when face to face Eugenia gives her a stony look. "My son has caused me grave problems and you have been his accomplice," she accuses. Eugenia says Juan didn't trust her to tell her he is still alive and that he's passing himself off as Eva. Mimi admits that this is true and begs Eugenia to take JC/Eva's call so that he can explain.
Avances: Rebeca accuses Eva of really being Juan Carlos.
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