Thursday, November 22, 2012

Por ella soy Eva #89 11/22/12: She Wonders How It Ever Got This Crazy; She Thinks About a Boy She Knew Was Cool

Happy Thanksgiving to todos!

At his house Pluto is putting the moves hot and heavy on Helena, and the doorbell begins to ring insistently just as he finally has Helena where he wants her.  Helena prompts Pluto to answer and it's Eva!  With a message from dearly departed Antonia (when in truth she's on a fact-finding mission).  Eva sees Helena on the couch rearranging her clothes and Eva looks upset.  Helena tries to explain to Eva what it is she just walked in on, but Eva tells her she doesn't have to explain anything.  She knows perfectly well what they were doing.  Helena persists but Pluto is angry and says Eva is right- they don't owe her an explanation.  Eva gives Antonia's "message" which came to her in a dream: Antonia will be watching Plutarco from the sky every moment.  Helena tells Eva, "We'll talk tomorrow."  "What for?" replies Eva.

Renato is in a bathroom stall while Mutt and Jeff are talking about him at the sinks.  Renato is very depressed to discover that Santiago and Fernando had no real intentions of being his friend and are only trying to find out for Adriano if he's gay.  In the club Lucia shows up and Renato grabs her and shoves his tongue down her throat to show off in front of Santi, Angelica, Ferni, and Marcela.  She's a little shocked, but pleased.

After Eva leaves, Pluto tries to recapture the romantic moment to which he worked so hard to get Helena but Helena says it's better that she go.  Pluto tries to talk her into staying.  Helena tells Pluto he's attractive, intelligent, mature, sensible [yeah, that's what every guy wants to hear], has a shiny silver suit, etc. but she needs more time before she becomes intimate with him.  She says that if things don't work there's no point forcing them.  He asks her to tell him the truth- does she not want to make love to him because she's still in love with JC?  She tells him no [liar].  She leaves and Pluto curses Eva [he's closer than he knows].

In the club the women are talking among themselves and the men are talking.  Marcela is talking about career opportunities but Lucia wants to be married and take care of the home.  Angelica says that if Santi wants a servant he can pay for one.  She then confesses to the two of them her new career- bikini model!  Marcela and Lucia look uncomfortable.  Elsewhere in the club the men are talking.  Mutt and Jeff are ribbing Renato about Lucia, and he tells them he has something going on with Rebeca, which impresses the crap out of them.

While walking home Helena daydreams of her time with Juan Carlos.  He, upset at the evening's unpleasant turn of events, calls Helena but doesn't say anything on the phone.  Helena, without thinking, asks if it is him and he hangs up.  Helena is very upset and thinks she is going crazy.  She is frustrated at not being able to get JC out of her head, and at home she goes looking for the engagement ring he had put aside for her.  She can't find it and becomes very agitated.  She searches frantically through the house for it.  Lalito pops up with it and she scolds him severely for going through her things without her permission.  He is shocked to see Helena scold him like that and Silvia tries to calm her.  Helena realizes her error and begs Lalo's forgiveness.  She puts him to bed and promises some alone time with him.

Modesto [egoista] asks Eugenia if she is continuing with the absurd idea of returning to acting.  She says that he never respected her career.  She asks Chepina about setting out her clothes for tomorrow, while Claudia eavesdrops.

Helena confesses to Silvia that she cannot forget Juan Carlos- he is in her heart, her head, her skin, her soul.  She explains to Silvia about the phone call and then losing it with Lalo.  Silvia tells her that it's easier to love a ghost because we can make them perfect in our minds.  Helena feels the only way to move on is to get away for a while.  She is taking Lalo to Playa Majahua for a few days to be far from everything.

JC tells Mimi that he has decided to tell Helena the whole truth, and after he will hand himself over to the police in order to reopen the fraud case.  [he is wearing a t-shirt and we can see tattoos inside Camil's right forearm, which explains Eva's long sleeves.]  Mimi thinks he's being rash, and instead comes up with the idea of him going to New York to prove someone else opened the fraudulent account in his name.

Next morning Eva goes to Helena's office and finds Lucia at Helena's desk.  Lucia is weird about where Helena is [well, let's face it, Lucia is weird about almost everything] and Eva calls her a liar.  Lucia says that since Eva is Helena's SECOND best friend, she tells her that she went to Playa Majahua.  No, not with Pluto but with another man!  "Que, Que, What?" Eva asks.  Haha, with Lalito, Lucia tells her.  Renato comes in and kisses Lucia while Eva looks on skeptically.  In the hallway Renato stops Eva, and Eva asks him if Lucia knows about his sexual orientation.  Renato denies being gay.  Eva tells him she not judging, but the most important thing is to be honest and take care of a woman's heart.

Fernando receives a phone call and then brings a check to Rebeca [I'm sorry, I still don't understand what the two of them are doing, although I know it's wrong in some way].  He is concerned it's not more and she tells him to be patient.  He leaves and she tears up the check.  He then tells Marcela he has gotten his bonus, and he proceeds to rattle off all the new clothes he's going to buy with it.  She cautions him to pay the bills he's already got, and he becomes angry with her for deflating his excitement.  He returns to his desk to do his imitation of working.

Helena and Lalito arrive in Playa Majahua and get a big reception from the people at the hotel.  Pluto is upset that he keeps calling Helena and getting her mailbox.  Rebeca comes into Pluto's office and they trade insults.

Eugenia enters her bedroom to find her clothes shredded on her bed.

Mimi is helping JC to make preparations to enter New York illegally, but not through Arizona [I believe this is a slam on the state's profiling law], to get proof that he is not the one who opened the account where the stolen 3 million dollars got deposited.  He turns to the camera, and we see snakeskin boots, a cowboy hat, a big gut, and mustache and sideburns.  Juan Perez is ready for the Big Apple!


Thanks for doing this recap on Thanksgiving, Ithabill and Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
I love/hate how Lucia can't keep a secret and winds up telling Eva that Helena went to the beach wi Lailo. Pluty should have felt like crap after Helena tells him "all the things a guy wants to hear." We'll put, Ithabill, I had a nice little chuckle on that one, I hope Helena continues to torture "Cheezdic...." Errr, I mean, Pluty, until she finds out what he's really up to and then she really drops him hard and for good!

Bill thanks so much for the wonderful recap and on Thanksgiving too. Happy Thanksgiving to you. Loved how Helena left. I didn't like that she yelled at Lalo like that though. She was really freaking out about that ring, it does really mean alot to her. Hmmm, she is soooo not over JC.

Mimi is really very good at what she does, Juan Perez is born. This will be interesting. I really hope he finds something out about this fraudulent bank account.

Renato is sad but kinda funny too, but don't like him using Lucia. I think he ought to take Eva's advice. There are more tolerant people now at G.I. then there have ever been.

I hope this little trip with Helena and Lalito resolves some issues for her, but I still don't want her with Pluti it is way too soon, and I don't like how Silvia pushes her toward Pluti all the time. I too want Helena to find something bad about Pluti to stop her from making a huge mistake.

Poor Eugenia. I hope she gets Claudia out of that house. The girl is too much already, and we just know who shredded Genie's clothes.

I don't know what is up with Rebe and Fern either. He hasn't done anything for her yet, but she will be looking for him to do something I am sure down the line that will get him in all kinds of trouble, not a spoiler, just a guess.

So we have Eva Maria, Juan Carlos, Juan Perron, and now, Juan Perez! He is his mother's son. I just wish she would forgive him and help him out. He really needs another ally.

Ithabill - Thanks so much for taking the time to do a recap on Thanksgiving Day. Great title. Love the shot of Eva in mid-kick.

Claudia is well overdue for a slap. She needs to get OUT of there, but Eugenia can't seem to do it alone. I like the maid; wish Eugenia would confide more in her.

Lucia's desperate now but I fear she's going to get even worse when she finds out Renato is gay.

I think I'm going to enjoy Juan Perez, but he needs bushy eyebrows or something cause he still looks too much like JC to me.

Thank you for doing a recap on Thanksgiving. I am disappointed in Renato leading Lucia on for his own purposes. Too bad Juan Perez can't swing by Playa Majahua before heading to Nueva York. It is time tht Helena knows that JC is still alive. She won't be able to put Plutarco off forever and sadly seems ready to "settle" for less than what she had with JC.


Above and beyond, Ithabill, giving us such a recap on Thanksgiving.

I still don't think Renato is really gay. I'm probably wrong -- and Eva sure thinks I am -- but that email only proves that Renato's stalker is gay. I still think that he has the hots for Rebecca. That confession that Lucia is all right but that the one that turns him on it Rebecca sounded more true than just a cover story. He was pretty drunk by that point. I think that Renato's professed lust for Rebecca (real or imagined is the reason that Santi was trying to talk Lucia down off her cloud.

What a nasty piece of business that Claudia is. That wicked grin when she was eavesdropping let us know she was going to do something to that interview outfit. She needs to go.

I so hoped that JC was going to make an appearance in Playa Majuahua. Maybe at least while she's there Helena will remember that the photo in Pluti's bedroom was taken when she was there with Juan & not with Pluti. Get suspicious, Girl!

It'll be fun to watch the escapades of Juan Perez.


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