Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Refugio Para el Amor #152 Tue 11/13/12 Well At Least She Didn't Throw It In His Lap!

Sorry to make light of Lorenzo's scalding rebuke by Roselena, but I once covered a much worse story about a domestic dispute back in the early 70's. An angry woman dumped a pan of boiling water on her husband's lap. And my heartless editor wrote the headline “He's Wearing the Hot Pants Now”. So let's face it, Roselena, heinous and hideous as she is, hasn't done anything we can't read about in the paper any day of the week. Alas.

Now let's backtrack a little and see what led up to Rose's red-hot revenge on Lorenzo. However,I counted 43 scene changes tonight so I'm still going to consolidate scenes to avoid mental whiplash.

Patricio's Anvil-Laden Rehab Plans:

Our episode begins with Max talking to Oscar and the physical therapist about arranging to adapt a vehicle so Patricio can drive it. That's one possible way for our dear Pato to perish. But Aldo and Patricio are also researching other rehab clinics all over the world—Russia, China etc. to see if he can reach his goal of walking again. A goal that he has promised Luciana to achieve. This stated with a yearning look her way. A look she gently turns aside. Another way for Pato to come a-cropper. (O please writers, spare our favorite, will you? I'm willing to sacrifice Boris, by the way.)

Speaking of Boris:

Yep, our relentless stalker is lurking in the foyer of the corporativo again, wanting Jana to clarify their relationship. Because he's called and called her cell and she never answered. That's when Jana realizes she's left her cell at home. While putting off Boris, she frantically finds a land line and calls Mati to have Genero bring her the phone. No dice. He's running errands for Mom. Okay, so hide the phone. Roselena overhears the conversation, quickly finds the cellphone after Mati stuffs it in a drawer and makes her nefarious plans.

When Jana later comes home and neither she nor Mati can find the cellphone , Rose coolly listens while they both haplessly lie. See, Mom, the frantic rummaging is because I've lost my blue mascara. And? Well, I'm going out to meet Lulu...to talk about Boris!...and want to give myself a little manita de gato (freshening up) before the date.

 Mom sends Mati off for some other mascara, slips out the door, locks Jana in and leaves to take her place at the café.( I guess if there were a fire, little Jana would have to perish and mom would say “Serves you right!”) These various scenes do give us an interesting insight on the family portraits. The photo of Roselena with her sons is in the main living room. The photo of Max with his daughter is in Jana's bedroom. A photo of the whole family together? If it exists, we haven't seen it. More later.

Oscar Is No Hercule Poirot But He's Trying:

Oscar slips into Nicole's (an act of courage in itself) and on the pretext of talking about Vicki's dear departed dad, slips in a few questions about Pedro Campos. She can't figure out why he's interested, and is further distracted by a text message from Osito requesting a meeting. But we sense that Oscar will somehow follow the Pedro trail and anvils will soon begin to fall. He lamely fibs that Vicky's father promised to introduce him to Campos and he'd really like to meet him now that he's in town. Vicky looks skeptical. The best part of the scene was watching Oscar annoy the bejesus out of her as he nervously fiddled with some manicure contraption.

A Father-Daughter Chat:

Not really the Birds and Bees number, but another round of fatherly advice for sticking to one's own social class, where one shares the same education and social training. Jana assures him that she's not considering marrying Boris OR Lorenzo. Then why lead Lorenzo on? asks Max. And Jana avoids the answer.

Boy, Do These kids Love to Color:

You're all telenovela pros by now so you know the writers love contrasting scenes. Early on, Mateo is hard at work with his crayons drawing a picture of him with his two favorite menfolk—his pal Rodrigo and his beloved Papi, don Chelo. Chelo looks perturbed at his son's growing interest in this high society guy.

Much later, we see Rodrigo and Alexia coloring together when Gala arrives home from her Satanic Strategy Meeting with Roselena and Julie. After brushing off Alexis' kiss (as Roselena once did with Jana's smooch) she tries to inveigle Rod into a forgive me-I was wrong talk, but he'd rather color with his child. Alexis would also love for Mom to join in, but that's rebuffed. Of course.

Is Brigida Growing a Heart? Or Just There to Spread “Chisme”?

Well, maybe a little of both. She visits Mati, on the pretext of worrying about her. Mati being as old as Methuselah and all. Mati shrugs that off, offers Brigida some carrot cake. Refused, since Brigida isn't a conejo (rabbit) and sees quite well, thank you. So okay. Some favorite cookies are accepted. The cozy mood evaporates when Roselena comes in, snipes at Brigida for not being in Rodrigo's apartment where she belongs, and learns that it's because Julie has visited. Basically to roust Gala out of bed after the latter's all night drunken partying elsewhere. Roselena is outraged. Does Alexis know? No. But as Brigida later tells Mati, Gala is a witch. She treats the little girl badly.

Is Julie Growing a Conscience? Or Just Protecting her Investment?

Ah, you know. It's the latter. In spite of Gala's protests, Julie knows her daughter's magazine isn't enough to support the two of them. SO. GET. A. JOB. snaps Gala. No way. Play out your role, sez Mumsie. Call Rod and apologize.

Gala has a better idea. She'll feign repentance, even weep if necessary, to stave off Roselena's ire at her behavior. But if Rodrigo wants his freedom, he's going to have to pay a very high price.

Mother-daughter duo gets called like naughty schoolgirls to Roselena's Library of Liturgy. After spending an extra-long time sanitizing her hands, Roselena states that in no way is she going to let Gala cavort around town like a cualquiera (slut). Right now Rod is with Luci, checking to see if this child in the orphanage is their son. If he is, their whole game of cards may come tumbling down. Gala tries to fudge that it was just an innocent night of clubbing with Fernanda. Rose informs her that a decent woman doesn't even spend a night out praying the Rosary, much less partying. If only her daughter-in-law were closer to the Church! Nope, the only closeness Gala needs is with Rodrigo. Julie jumps in and adds that Gala's best years (sex wise?) are being wasted with a neglectful husband. Well, too bad, snaps Rose. My part of the deal was to have you marry Rod, separate him from Luciana, and provide a father for your child. Your part of the deal, Gala, was to win his love. If you can't do that, not my problem. (We get to enjoy some exasperated sighs from both Julie and Gala. Gotta find some pleasure where we can, folks.)

The discussion continues, with all concerned obsessing about the possibilities of Rodrigo and Luciana finding their son. Gala and Julie worry about losing the Torreslanda inheritance and being out on the street. Roselena worries about their kidnapping and abandonment of the baby being discovered and them all going to jail. (And we enjoy thinking about that possibility.)

On A Happier Note:

The corporativo architect tells Ofelia he's like to meet her mom and her daughter so he can ask for her hand in marriage. Then he finally gets around to asking Ofelia herself. Patricio overhears and volunteers himself as testigo (witness) for the wedding ceremony. Shy smiles and clasped hands. After four years of going out together. Awwww. (Okay, that's it for romance. At the moment, anyway.)

On A Yuckier Note:

Don Aquiles' gout-inflamed toe is better and he's going to the capital (Mexico City) to tend to some unfinished business. Magda worries that it has something to do with Violeta and asks Luciana to warn her that her feckless dad is on the way.

On A Sadder Note:

Luciana and Rodrigo visit the orphanage and meet with a strange little boy called Pablo. Luciana is moved and yearningly searches his countenance as her own face melts with tenderness. She seems to think his eyes resemble Rodrigo's. The child, though, seems closed off and almost autistic. He touches her cheek clumsily, and later strokes her skirt, equally clumsily. But seems incapable of making eye contact or any kind of real connection. Still, he shows some tepid interest in chocolate , while tossing pebbles out into the courtyard,as she frantically tries to find some common interests.

On the other hand, the next scene shows Mateo squealing with delight over his chocolate ice cream bar which don Chelo buys him. Clearly, la llamada de la sangre is tied in with chocolate in this story. Insidious product placement? Dunno. But thank God it's not Tostachos.

And Now A Little Romance:

If the architect's lame marriage proposal wasn't enough in the amor department, we do get a stolen kiss to tide us over. After Rodrigo brings Luciana back to the office (following the orphanage visit) he promises that she'll be THE FIRST to know about the DNA results. Then, as she turns towards the papers on her desk, he quickly slips around , plants a swift kiss on her mouth (“Sorry, I couldn't help myself!”) and zips out. She pensively touches her lips, still tingling from that brief beso.

And that's it for tingles, readers. Not exactly candlelight and rose petals. But make do. Maybe we'll get lucky in a few more episodes.

A Car's Horn Drowns Out The Call of the Blood:

I really felt like water-boarding the writers tonight. After that depressing orphanage visit, they later show us Luciana and Claudio driving along the road and passing little Mateo, still hawking his newspapers and dragging around the magician's table. Claudio points him out and Luci strains to see him. But he has his head buried in the sack of papers and is also partly hidden by the table. She'd like to get out and meet him, but the car behind them honks impatiently. Claudio says she'll have a chance to meet him tomorrow. But she keeps leaning out the window, desperately trying to get a glimpse of the little guy. Good Lord! Could the writers be any crueler? This scene bothered me even more than the Roselena/Lorenzo coffee beat-down.

And Now The Flaming Finale:

All throughout our crazy quilt of scenes tonight, the writers have been slowly leading Lorenzo along like a lamb to the slaughter. We first see him nervously deciding on his outfit. He's choosing a freshly purchased or dry-cleaned dark blazer. Fabio thinks his sheepskin lined jacket would be better. The casual look, y'know. And he'll lend it, only because Lorenzo is such a good friend. But finally they go back to the blazer as the best choice. More elegant, concludes Fabio. Call me crazy, Lor adds, but I have a hunch Jana is going to be Señora Jacinto , mark my words.

Then he fidgets endlessly, wondering why Jana hasn't called him back to confirm their date. Dude, relax! counsels Fabio. She's got stuff to do as well. Lorenzo decides to get busy working as a way to make the time pass faster.

Finally, on his way to the rendezvous, Lorenzo stops and buys some fresh, fragrant flowers from a street vendor. Checks his reflection in a window. Then we see him nervously arranging the tiny bouquet in a vase on the café table. Shifting the glasses and cutlery around just so, and anxiously anticipating the arrival of his lady love.

But instead, it's Roselena.

Who coolly sits down, sanitizes the table with one of her antibiotic tissues and accuses Lorenzo of trying to pull a fast one on her. No no, he protests. YESSS, she answers. More table swabbing. The waitress offers freshly baked pastries. Rose is not an habituée of the place (she wouldn't deign to frequent it) so she accepts what Lorenzo orders in the way of baked goods. But she does know that she wants some very, very hot coffee. Boiling hot, in fact.

(Anybody feeling sick yet?) Well, Lorenzo is. He's breathing rapidly and so nervously overheated that he takes off his jacket. In the meantime, Roselena continues to coolly stir her scalding coffee. And when he sits down, flings it at his chest. As he gasps in surprise and pain, she proffers a fake perdoname, leans down and hisses that he'd better never come near her daughter again, and makes her escape.

As he continues to writhe in agony, the camera focuses on another woman in the café who witnessed the attack, and looks on with sympathy.

And there we end for tonight.

Dicho of the Day:

Dios aprieta, pero no ahorca.

Lit. God squeezes your neck just tight enough to not asphyxiate you.
Fig. God never gives you more than you can handle.     or
God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb.

So we'll trust that this painful setback will not deep-six Lorenzo and Jana's romance, and by the end, they'll be happily together.


encantador = charming (what Claudio said about Mateo)
mujer recatada = demure, modest, reserved woman (what Gala has no intention of being)
hirviendo = boiling
hiriente = wounding, hurtful
darle alas = encourage him, get his hopes up (lit. to give him wings) What Max is warning Jana NOT to do with Lorenzo
manita de gato = a little touch-up, freshening of make-up
paleta = popsicle, ice cream bar, lollipop
pelota = ball, a toy Pablito likes, in addition to chocolate
encubrimiento = covering up, being an accessory (what Julie will be if Gala and Roselena are found out)
dar por sentado = to assume
dar carpetazo = close the file on the incident
ir de juerga = go out on the town (Julie, chastising Gala)
lo poner a tiro = load it up with all the necessary alterations (physical therapist, talking about what they'd do to fix up the "camioneta" for Pato to drive)
no te apures = don't worry
un lecho de rosas = a bed of roses (Roselena complaining that her life isn't easy)


A crestfallen Luciana learns that Pablito is not her son.

Gala's involvement in the baby's disappearance is about to be discovered. As she frantically looks for little Rodrigo's hospital bracelet, we see Brigida holding it, while muttering “He who laughs last, laughs best”.


I too could have killed the writers for not letting Luci meet her son. Try as she might she wasn't feeling "the call of the blood" with Pablito who is a little strange. I had hoped that when Rod went to get his paper he would have Luci with him and the meet would happen. Nuts to the traffic but wasn't Rod able to pull off to the side the other day when he first showed LRod to Claudio?

Rosa at her vicious best, locking Jana up and throwing coffee on Lorenzo. All I can say it her day is coming and it won't be soon enough for me. I was actually surprised that she didn't tell Lor that Jana had sent her to tell him not to bother her again. My second thought that was she would have just let him sit there thinking Jana wasn't interested.

I don't think I've ever seen a man as uncomfortable in a beauty salon as Oscar. That was good for a couple of laughs in an episode that didn't have many.

It is interesting to see how much Julie reveals herself to be just as ruthless as Rosa in running her child's life. Gagme would have split from Rod long ago without Mommie Dearest hanging on to that money train.

Judy- wonderfully, beautifully written recap. Loved the whole thing, including the dichoes. Ah. Poor Luci, not getting to see her son. I don't think Mateo was in the same place as he was the other day when Claudio and Rod came upon him, but I too wish there had been some way for Luci to see Mateo. I really think she would have felt the call of the blood. I could just slap the writers for this too.

Have I ever said, how much I hate la loca. Really , to lock your grown daughter in her room like she is ten years old, acting like a crazy person in a coffee shop by throwing boiling coffee on someone and then just leaving. I wish he had called the popos and charged her with assault. But knowing Lorenzo he won't do it. I hope he tells Jana exactly what happened, and as I have been saying, Jana needs to move out STAT!!!!!!

Oscar is so funny when he is searching for info. That thing he was playing with is a finger or toe seperator when your nails are done. Usually for the toes, so they dont' touch each other and dry quicker. I just know, don't ask me how. I am a factoid sponge, always have been and it sticks in my brain and pops out, jus' sayin'.

So now I am really wondering if Don A actually made an investment in the continuous curves car wash. That would be interesting.

I think Frigid really has a heart for little Alexia and really hates the way that Gagme treats her. I really can't wait for the anvils to hit those three bitches. There plans are so stupid and if I hear "domestica" come out of their mouths one more time I will hurl my nerf ball at the tv. Mr Mads is tired of hearing Ya Basta!!!!! lol. Maybe if Rod made a settlement with Gagme she would go and never come back. We know she doesn't like Alexia, much less love her. She is just a money machine for her and CQ.

Good stuff.

Is anyone else thinking that Gala is getting tired of the game she's playing? I think she's impatient for victory and might overreach herself. Personally I think she is going to make a very serious mistake shortly.

Frigida may be overreaching over the hospital bracelet. Gala hasn't committed murder yet but Frigida might be her victim.

Roselena is reminding me more and more of the Mother Superior in The Magdalene Sisters.

Manicomio NOW!

Judy- What a story to start this recap off with! I share your editor's black humor, because I laughed out loud at the title he chose, and I also laughed at your title for this episode.

Poor Lorenzo! He really should bring charges against Rosa, but he likely won't. *Sigh* She will be free to continue her reign of terror.

I agree that Pablito totally lacks the spark we have seen in Mateo and Alexia. Did someone drug this poor kid? Did the director tell him to be subdued, or did they purposely choose a dull child actor for this role?

Oscar has a few clues now about who Max really is. I think Max's downfall is coming soon.


Goodness what a recap!

And thank goodness they didn't move this story along any further than the usual Luci is sad, Rod is stuck with Gagme, Gagme says domestica one more time, Rosa loca gets to act like a rich, crazy woman, Hanna wears shorts to work and forgets her cell phone, drag out the poor kid from the orphanage, and Mateo sells newspapers.

If they drag this story out any longer, Mateo will be an old man with a newspaper empire and everybody else will have died from old age.

Oy vey, Anon at 12:33. You could have saved Judy a lot of time and effort if you had substituted for her tonight. It couldn't get any more succinct than that.

Judy--I always love reading your recaps. I couldn't wait. I'll be back tomorrow with more words of wisdom, haha.


Glad to see I wasn't the only one frustrated with the episode, well writers, last night. Love your recap Judy that blended the scenes of certain characters. They really were jumping around last night.

Honestly, there was some of the episode I was totally Meh about. I think we might be getting too much dragging filler for being so close to the end. The lack of real focus on Pato, just people raising high hopes, well, it isn't boding well for my sweetheart. "O please writers, spare our favorite, will you? I'm willing to sacrifice Boris, by the way.)" Couldn't agree more!!!

I have to say, being put out on the street is too good for The Champagne Queen and her spawn. To be honest, I think if Rod had offered to give those two a huge settlement if he could get a divorce and have full custody, they would have ran with it. Opportunity lost there....but this is a TN. We need the drama.

My heart was actually breaking for little Pablo. There is a sadness, distance there. We know he's not going to be their son, but dang, someone love this little boy and give him a home please.

As for JaLor - this should just tick them both off, act like adults and tell RE to go fly a kite. Jana needs to move out & Lor should fight twice as hard to not lose Janna. Max needs to shut up--didn't he start from scratch too? What a snob-no matter how nicely he tries to say it.

I haven't read the recap, i am sure it is great, Judy... will read after my morning walk.

but had to say... why oh why did Lorenzo take his jacket off AFTER RosaE asked for the coffee extra hot /boiling?? didn't he have a hint that RE is not really into him? that she was planning something?? poor man... i agree with daisynjay, he and Janah should be more determined than ever to be together... dont even tell RE to go fly a kite... don't tell her at all. she is not part of the marriage. marriage is between three, two people and God.

I too think Mateo has that 'no se que' spark that Pablito doesn't have... Pablito shows the sadness of having lived in a shelter/orphanage all his life... good acting on the kid, actually.
Mateo has enjoyed a lively growing up, even when he has been taken away from his mother and father... I really want Chelo and Dona Chuy to stay in his life...


Good Morning Support Group. I see we're all at the hand-wringing stage where the tension and the dragged out frustration is making us crazy. Guess that's just where the writers want us to be....but oh my.

DECIE GIRL...Interesting comment about how Julie is as ruthless as Roselena about running her child's life. Absolutely right. Gala is nothing more than a bargaining chip in Julie's quest for luxury and boundless financial gain.

MADS...Love your factoid brain. Wish I had one. I laboriously plug in facts but they just keep moving on. To a place I can't access! I'll have to rely on you!

UA...So you think Gala might kill Brigida over the hospital bracelet? Wow. That was a possibility I hadn't considered. We'll have to wait and see.

VIVI...Glad you enjoyed Uncle Ben's (that was his moniker) wicked sense of humor. He was a crusty old school editor, always puffing on a noxious stogie, and appeared like a malevolent Santa Claus. Same build but instead of twinkling blue eyes, he had shrewd, world-weary brown ones.

And I too wondered if the director told the young child actor to be subdued and "absent", or if that was his natural demeanor.

ANON 12:33. Love your sense of humor. We desperately need it at this point. Yep, I could have saved myself lots of time and trouble if I'd used your mini recap. And it would have been perfectly accurate and informative.

ANITA...Will enjoy reading your words of wisdom later on today.

DAISYNJAY...Yes, we were definitely dealing with some filler last night. And that will continue I'm sure. Another way of building the tension and frustration until we're just about to explode for the grand finale. They know how to push our buttons and pull our strings, these writers!

SUPERMARTA...Enjoy your morning walk, Energizer Bunny. I'm sure the weather is glorious in Florida. Actually, it hasn't been too bad in Ohio lately.

So glad I checked back - my comment seems not to have posted...

Judy, I have to agree yes, at least she didn't throw it in his lap! Still it was "red-hot revenge". The coffee was not the only thing hot and percolating, the recap was as well. Simmered to perfection.

I have to start at the end though -the vocabulary and dicho were extraordinary. "Dios aprieta, pero no ahorca" can be applied to so much and so many in this storyline, particularly Luci.

"annoy the bejesus", "satanic strategy" and "library of liturgy" were some of my favorites. Of course, "nefarious", one of my all time favorites never fails to delight.

From hot to cold. Alexis may have melted some of the ice around Brigida's heart. She seems to truly care about the little girl although if tells the truth, I think it will be more to punish Gala than to find the stolen child. If she truly cared about Mateo, she would have said something immediately.

The scene at the orphanage was horrid. Poor Luci! This storyline must come to an end and soon. ITA Vivi, Pablito had no personality but I think that might have been done on purpose...

How interesting you noted that there is no photo of the entire TL family as well as the various grouping of members in photos and where they are displayed. You have such a keen eye for detail Judy.

A Mateo sighting is on tonight's agenda (I say hopefully).


Hi DIANA...Loved your comment that Alexis may have melted some of the ice around Brigida's heart. Truly an achievement! Brigida is still a very ambivalent character...a lot of sour along with a bit more sweetness now. But when you think about it, she's one of the characters who has evolved the most in this story-- going from absolutely horrid to halfway human. Thanks for all those kind words, amiga...you make us recappers feel very appreciated.

JudyB, about your vocab line...
encantador = charming (what Claudio said about Pablito)
didn't Claudio tell Luciana that about Mateo, not Pablito?

also, when Jorge was talking about fixing up the car for Patricio, i think what he meant was to put 'the works' on the car for Patricio, to make it 'loaded', meaning about features on the car.

Thanks so much JudyB. That was a frustrating episode - especially the obvious ploy of Jana forgetting her cellphone on her nightstand.

So, you weren't working for the famous Ben Bradlee, were you? Just my "editor with stogie" mental image from All the President's Men.

The previews implied Gala was in a tizzy looking for that infant bracelet. Now why would she be looking for it after 5 years?

I understand the points they are making with Gala's ramerawear wardrobe, but I am so sick of her glowing radioactive shoes!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Whomever said Rodrigo cold have paid Gala off years ago, was right on the money (pun!). Rosa would have done everything in her power to prevent it, but a "real man" version of Rod would have prevailed with a single-minded focus. As soon as he saw clearly that Gala could care less about Alexia, that was a real option for Rod. But for half the TN plots to work, they have to make the galan spineless and immaturely self-centered. I really hated the "stolen kiss". Luci had already left because Rod was back in stalker mode, and here he is at it again. It's such a turnoff to me.


Judy thanks for your recap. Like the other commenters, I find the near misses are very frustrating.

It is unfortunate that Lor want press charges against La Loca. We know she is bad but I was shocked she did that. Whereas locking Jana in her room seems right up her alley.


I so totally agree with you about Rod and the stolen kiss. It was completely out of line and makes me continue to dislike him. Over and above the fact that he is a married man, Luci has told him countless times, she isn't comfortable with his pushing at her. She constantly reminds him she won't be the "other" and that he is married but all he thinks about is himself. I despised his counterpart in the prior version but Rod tops him many times over. He has no respect for Luci and her wishes. He doesn't deserve her and hasn't evolved one bit since the beginning.

Claudio was talking to Luci about Mateo not Pablito. I also thought he said he was an orphan which isn't true since he told them about his father Chelo who was right there. Then again I may have misheard.

I keep wondering what will force Fridgida to reveal the bracelet. Will she overhear the B's plotting a murder, worrying about having thrown a baby in the trash, will she be threatened with losing her job or will Gagme go over the line in her mistreatment of Alexia and Fridgida realize the truth is the only way to get the child away from danger.

I had to laugh at the junior executive going to work in shorts. Come on guys that kind of thing is so stupid it galls me especially in a novela that has tried to avoid all of the sterotypes. The other women in the building wear uniforms but Jana swans in looking like she is competing in a beauty pagent. I don't think so.

Thanks MARTA and DECIE GIRL. I will fix those goofs in the vocabulary list.

AUDREY...Nope, my editor was not THE Ben but wouldn't that have been fun!

KAREN...I think our patience is going to be very sorely tried in the coming weeks. As I recall, every single telenovela I've watched has become absolutely unbearable in the final stages. So by the grand finale, you just want it to be OVER. (A little like "labor", come to think of it.)



You are right about how they seem reluctant to start clearing things up near the end of a TN and then seem to have one of those "Oh S**t" moments where they realize time is running out and then we get an overload. This one has been better than most and we are getting bits and pieces but I really want each bombshell to have it's own day and the punishment for another. Fingers crossed that they won't fall into TN drag it out hell. At least in this one we didn't have weeks and weeks in the middle with nothing going on but rehashing.


Good point in that we were spared a long sagging middle. The pacing has been reasonable in this one, even though we're all still outraged by the 5 year separation of Luciana and her child. Pluses and minuses.

Great recap JudyB---I agree, Bridida started out as the hated Frigida but has evolved, thanks to the little princess. Who knew that she actually had/has a heart? I think that her life is in danger because of that bracelet---the brujas are pure evil, or will be before the show is over.

I can't wait for the confrontation between Jana and La Loca tonight. For her own good, Jana must stand up to her. She's not a child anymore---GO JANA!!!

Lorenzo's a good guy, he didn't deserve that, although it could have been worse.

WOW!!! It's getting good, things are starting to happen. Will Luciana find out the truth about Mateo tonight? maybe.
the gringo

Idea everyone---Didn't Jana study architecture at a university in Italy? She could design a new restaurant for Lorenzo---these two could go far together.
the gringo

Hey GRINGO...I doubt if Luciana will find out the truth about Mateo tonight although that would be great. Alas, I fear they're going to draw that mystery out until close to the end. (not a spoiler, and actually I'm lousy at predictions)

But maybe she'll get to meet him and start to form a relationship with the little fella--like Rodrigo is doing. That would comfort my heart a little bit.

This 5-year separation of mother and child is just killing me! (It's just a story; it's just a story.)

And at least Rodrigo had the comfort and consolation of living all this time with his little daughter. (But It's just a story! It's just a story!)


Missed your second comment. Great idea! Yessss...Jana designs a new restaurant for Lorenzo. People flock to it. Fabulous success for him and for all the hard-working barrio folks he employs. Now there's a story line I can really enjoy.

My gut is telling me that Gala will probably die in an accident, meaning that Rod will be free but Gala escapes the Karmageddon she deserves. Viewers will end up disappointed.

I want to see her, Julie, and Roselena in the sister prison of Oz.

I loved Gagme & CCQ being summoned then Gagme being read the riot act by Rosa. Not that it'll make a hill of beans with Gagme. But just watching her squirm a bit was worth it.

And CCQ laying into Gagme was good. But like it's going to do a bit a of good. Gagme is going to do what Gagme wants to do.

Rosa is the pot calling the kettle black by saying a decent woman wouldn't be saying the rosary all night. Excuse me Rosa..if you had the chance you'd live 24/7 in your mini-chapel in the house.

And while I'm on the Rosa rant: nice job locking your over-21 year old daughter in her room. Odds are you now have just caused her to leave your nest. If not Jana should run and live at Melissa's..like yesterday!

I felt so sorry for Lorenzo. I don't think it'll deter him from seeing Jana. Ole Max is just having the typical Daddy fear that all Dad's do with their only daughters (I should know..I'm the only girl in my family).

Vicki will mention Oscar's visit to Campos. Wonder what Campos is up to??? hhhmmm....

High five to Rod for that quick unsuspecting smooth on Luci. Well played Rod...well played.

Hope Fridiga has that bracelet hidden in a safe place in the penthouse dungeon.



Gosh, I'll be so relieved to have Gala gone, I won't mind how she's dispatched. She's such a waste of oxygen in so many ways.


I too hope that Brigida has the bracelet safely hidden. I don't want her to die and I DO want her to reveal the truth. Sooner rather than later.

So you're the only daughter, eh? Well, I was one of two, and Dad worried equally--and plenty!-- about both of us. But I imagine there was extra pressure on you.

Good experience tho' to live with a bunch of brothers. I only had one, but it taught me a lot about how people relate differently.

(O please writers, spare our favorite, will you? I'm willing to sacrifice Boris, by the way.)
The best part of the scene was watching Oscar annoy the bejesus out of her as he nervously fiddled with some manicure contraption. (btw, that was a foam toe separator)

she tries to inveigle Rod into a forgive me-I was wrong talk, but he'd rather color with his child.

Mother-daughter duo gets called like naughty schoolgirls to Roselena's Library of Liturgy.

Luciana is moved and yearningly searches his countenance as her own face melts with tenderness. (Somewhere in there she went as far as saying ‘hijo’ which I thought this boy might misinterpret as thinking Luci and Rod are already set on adopting him… btw, nice analogy, he did look autistic, I should know, I have a partial aut daughter myself)

la llamada de la sangre is tied in with chocolate in this story. Insidious product placement? Dunno. But thank God it's not Tostachos.

And Now The Flaming Finale:
writers have been slowly leading Lorenzo along like a lamb to the slaughter.
(Anybody feeling sick yet?) Well, Lorenzo is.

And a final note…
Dios aprieta, pero no ahorca.

In Puerto Rico we have another version, Dios aprieta pero no ahoga (as in does not choke/drown instead of does not hang/strangle,but it basically means the same thing)

about how i want to see Gala and/or Julie in the end (granted i want RE to sit at her 'family dinners' all alone, maybe only with (or without her only loyal companions Max and/or Mati)

Julie keeps bragging that she has that 'IT' to attract men, so her finale has to have to do with her body having suffered some transformation/crippling that takes that 'gift' of hers away...

Gala, same type of deal, she loves her looks, and she hates feeling 'sick'... she can't even stand the idea of breastfeeding just because of how that would change her body (yes it does, usually, but it is well worth the price), so her finale, if she is not dead, will need to have to do with her health/body also... something that will devastate her self-esteem and make her be on the other side, with people talking and having pity on her instead of her undermining everyone around her.

sorry forgot to put a heading that those are my favorite lines from JudyB's recap.

Marta in the prior version among other things Gala ended up with a big scar on her face. I wouldn't be averse to that happening to her here as well.

Judy - I too hope that Luci has a chance to meet Mateo and form a friendship with him like Rod has before he is ripped away from the only people he loves in the world. Actually my dream scene tonight would be a devastated Luci leaving with Rod after finding out Pablito is not hers and having Rod introduce her to Mateo. The little guy falls in love with a real mother figure and they bond. Then a couple of days from now the truth can come out and it won't have such a horrendous impact on the innocent little guy.

I know we are all looking forward to a lot that is to come and that we have waited for. Luci finally reuniting with her baby is sure to be a total sobfest. I am also dying to see what happens when Max finds out what Rosa did to his grandson. He was horrified when he found out what she did to Luci but this is a million times worse and it's his flesh and blood. He is sure to be livid and I hope he washes his hands of her preferably with that anti bacterial junk she constantly uses. i also want to see how the other chief enablers react. Even Mati will have a hard slog to find a way to justify what her nina has done. Conny shouldn't be surprised but she will be. I mean who on earth could believe her own sister would throw a baby in the trash to die much less her own grandson.


Thanks for all those shout-outs to the lines. And it's easy to see how "ahoga" could be substituted for
"ahorca". Sounds similar and the meaning of the proverb is still the same.

Wicked lady..you have nailed exactly what would devastate both Gala and Julie. The loss of their source of pride and vanity-- their attractiveness.

And I've never understood the fear about breastfeeding. It didn't make any change in my appearance. And was the sweetest and most meaningful time.


"He [Max] is sure to be livid and I
hope he washes his hands of her preferably with that anti bacterial junk she constantly uses."

Now THAT is funny. Couldn't happen to a more deserving gal.

Great comments everyone. I love all the suggestions for how the 3 Bs should end. No punishment would be too harsh for me.

Decie Girl- In Spanish, even if one parent is living, they'll make the point of saying the child is orphaned of his mother or father-- e.g. "El es huerfano de madre." So Mateo is orphaned of his mother, although he has a father.


Thanks for that language lesson. For me, that's the best part of this blog, and we're lucky to have you, Anita and Marta to help us out when we stumble.

And their use of "orphaned" when just one parent is gone sure shows you the supreme importance of family in Hispanic culture!


Thanks, that's good to know. Too bad i didn't hear the rest of what Claudio said. I was too busy hoping they would pull off the road and meet Mateo face to face. Learn somthing every day.

thanks Judy. Great recap. Well, I was shocked by Rosaelena's behavior. The goodness in my heart made me wonder that gee, she wants her coffee really hot never 11imagining the evil deed she would do next with that boiling coffee!!It's true good thing she didnt throw it on his lap. Why is Julie so greedy about Rodrigo's wealth, he has other siblings to share it with and beside it's only 50 per cent of the entire empire. luciana has more than him.

Greetings VIDA2. How nice that you couldn't foresee the evil that Roselena planned. I'm afraid I'm so jaundiced by these telenovelas (and real life crime) that I saw it coming from a mile away.

As for Julie's greed-- Well, Luciana may have more, but Julie's only shot at money is thru Rodrigo thru Gala. The Torreslanda fortune, even a part of it, must seem enormous to her since she doesn't work at all and I presume is living off investments from old lovers or something.

Love your recaps, Judy, your timing in your writing is perfect. Sorry I am posting this so late.

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