Monday, December 03, 2012

Amorcito Corazón Discussion #164-168 Dec. 3-7

Horny sweeps in on her broom to blame Fer for Manny’s mental illness and call Isa names.  Madre Bruja then goes the psychiatric hospital where her bruja hija resides.  She doesn’t believe the doctor when he tells Horny her daughter is loca, And even more wretched, she tells EWM, while the latter pretends she’s asleep, how she’s a loser for being obsessed with Fer and he’s with Isa.  After this touching mother-daughter interlude, Manny feels her mother is a traitor as well so if she has her way the body count in this TN could be huge.

The Maris and Doris visit the casa hogar so the former can give their tia gifts for the ceremony that may or may not take place (depending on how long the writers want to continue to torture us).  Of course, Barf shows up during this happy interlude and makes empty statements about her sorrow.  Adding to the horror, Juancho shows up after promising Lala he will convince Barf to marry him.  Barf continues on her mission to keep the Marisol and Juancho apart.  She threatens he will never see her fake baby if he keeps mooning over Marisol.

Good part (kind of) – Willy, Nacho, and Chicho arrive to give stranded Moncho supplies in his quest for Adelita.  It seems the boys are at the same rest-stop/eatery that Adelita is now working (b/c her wallet got stolen).  If the writers have Moncho miss one another while she pays her debt I’ll be disappointed.  Doggone it, they just miss one another at the bathroom; let’s see if the writers continue this bad habit of keeping all couples apart. 

Knuckles shows up (please expose him and end the plot) and Marisol tells him how sad she is about seeing Juancho and Barf.  He later calls Barf to find out why she and Juancho are not marrying; he doesn’t realize Barf will throw him under a bus once he give her that car.

Sarita is not happy about Zoe moving into Mr. C.’s apt and won’t speak to Isa or Fer.

Madre Bruja comes by Fer’s house to harass him and tells Marisol he’s with his amante.  Marisol is happy, MB tries to slap her as Fer walks in.

Lucia is off take her vows and runs into Willy.  Oh my she starts kissing him and our episode ends.


OK. Still catching up. Is Isa so stupid to believe that she became so loopy and so out of it because of a few sips of wine?! She really doubts that Jorrible drugged her? What a dope!

It bugs me that the only person talking sense about this loveless marriage for a baby thing is Barf, the Lying Liar Who Lies. All the rest of them (Lala, Willy, Juancho, Lucia, Padre) are all crazy. But are we to believe this is the righ thing to do, just because all the good people believe it, and the only person calling b.s. on it is a bad person? I don't get what message the writers are trying to send.

But then on the other side of the morality scale, we have the heroine, Isa, sleeping with the galan before he gets a divorce. I think Sarita is being too much of a buttinsky, but I see her point. I wouldn't trust Fer to actually get a divorce until I saw the signed papers-- signed by him AND Mani.

Vivi ITA regarding this baby mess and the confusion on what the writers are really trying to do here. Even if it isn't the ruse that it is, the "marriage" is doomed b/c of TN laws that make it impossible for anyone to love someone other than their first one true love. It's just maddening to see Lala try to force Barf to do this and equally galling to have to support Barf b/c she is a lying liar who lies (I love that phrase!). The only way to rationalize this silliness is that Barf has brought this on herself and could stop it immediately if she would confess to her lie. But our dear writers seem to want Barf to get away with almost every bad thing she does so we can't hold out hope for her confession nor anyone discovering her lie (though Jasmine seems to realize Barf is another Mayela so there is a bit of hope there).

And yes Sarita is being a buttinsky however, Fer is so ridiculous and Isa so stupid, if Sarita doesn't take a stand, who knows where those two bozos would end up. I just can't believe Isa doesn't know that she's been drugged.

Hey, Fer, know how you could prove that your intentions are honorable and you really mean it when you say you are getting a divorce? BY GETTING DIVORCED. Sarita does seem to be too black-and-white about certain things, but I'm with her on this one. Isa is "the other woman" as long as Fer is still married.

I don't get what they're trying to say with all the "good" people trying to force a marriage, either. Everyone would lose in that situation, including the poor (nonexistant) child. Making things worse is not a solution.

Haven't seen today's show yet...please tell me they all visit the Wizard and get some brains.

Wow - Horny is such an ugly person! She taunts her daughter for lying in bed while her husband hangs out with his amante, she blames Fer for EWM's mental problems, and when the doc tells her that EWM is seeing her dead sister and sees her as a rival, Horny's main issue is to bully EWM to silence on their "big secret".

Yes, I don't mind Sarita being a buttinsky on this one, because her daughter is pathetic. Fer is the kind of guy who avoids unpleasantness, so he won't bother to get a divorce unless he has to.

The recap is up.

Julia - unfortunately I cannot report that anyone got a brain this episode. ITA that Sarita's reaction is understandable b/c her daughter IS the other woman. And her silly daughter seems perfectly content with going along with this. So Fer can have the harem you mentioned last week.

Audrey - I was horrified at what Horny said to EWM and I don't like Manny one bit. And then her desire to keep "seeing Sofia" their secret. I hope Horny has to pay some consequences for this completely irrational and more importantly irresponsible behavior. Why Horny doesn't see that EWM could harm (as in KILL) her nietas or her; she has to have an inkling that if EWM killed Sofia, she could be next. She's kind of like crazy Rosa from Refugio in wanting to keep up appearances no matter what.

Thanks so much for the recap Karen!

I think EWM made it VERY clear that mommy dearest will be her victim. The sentence was pronounced today.

The guys, as silly as they are, never fail to delight and today was one of the very best.

Yes, it was ridiculous pulling that missing each other stunt. They are just teasing us, but jeez louise, why keep prolonging ALL the couples!!!!!!

Yes Audrey Willy and the boys are delightful and give us reasons to watch the TN since the writers really seem to not want to show any successful romance.

Since Televisa enjoys revising old TNs, for this one I would shorten the number of episodes and have at least one couple together at all times. And as you noted, the missing stunt is a repeat of the plot in this TN.

Poor Marisol and Juancho have been apart almost the entire TN due to Barf and Knuckles and aside from the limited mental capacity of each, they most deserve to be together. Thankfully Moncho and Adelita is more recent but who knows how long they will be kept apart. And b/c of Mr. C's really bad choices, he and Zoe won't be together until the end either. [I have to admit the excuses F5 keeps making allow me to have little sadness if he were to end up on EWM's death list. Why doesn't he admit he should NEVER get married and end the farce.] Now Willy/Lucia, for his sake I want to see him happy and our hapless leads, meh.

Beba and Idrogo! They deserve to be happy. The only thing keeping them apart is his immense caseload. He needs to find some proof, get a few baddies thrown in the slammer, and have more time to snuggle with Beba (and console her after he throws her son in the slammer).

I also want Doris and Poncho to be happy, and I want Suzy to find someone nice. The leads, super-meh. They're too stupid to care about.

Thanks Karen for the recap.

Sarita is prett funny with her silent treatment. She is right this time -- if way to old fashioned in her views all those other times.

Dumb plot device (second time around) of having Moncho & Adelita miss each other at the bus stop after she gets robbed -- just like Marisol did when they used this device the first time.

Just what did happen to Sofia? Horty's mention of the secret that she & Manuela share has something to do with Sofia's "fall" O'm sure.

Cecilio & Felipe were pretty funny together. Too bad
Cecilio didn't just take Zoe in & stay with her. I know, I know. Thirty eight episodes too soon.


Julia - Yes Beba and Gabino need to be happy and that could happen now except for her super delinquent son. She'll need his strong shoulders to cry on when she finds out what a jerk her son is.

And Suzy needs a good guy too but who can we set her up with? The only guy in her age-range is Gabino's partner. The only thing keeping Doris and Poncho apart is the lie, which they both need to come clean on before Gabino susses them out.

Güera - We haven't really heard/seen what really happened to Sofia. But all the info points to Horny being aware of EWM's illness and potential killing of her sister and in the name of appearances she covered it all up and sent EWM away.

I hope Sarita's silence campaign works but Isa will probably just ignore her and get caught up in being in love with Fer.

The separation of Zoe and F5 has been the cruelest of all. They have been soul-mate from week one and never been together.


Karen, just stopping by to read your recap although I'm not watching this.

Amiga, I love the names "Horny", "Barf", "Knuckles". I see there is a "fake baby" plot which seems to becoming the norm.

Seems like fun!


Diana - so nice to see you! I hope to get over to AV after classes are over as EY and SR are so handsome and its fun to see them as action heroes.

Yeah the fake baby/false pregnancy scam is often used in TN and this one has used many cliques. Julia came up with Barf and I can't remember who to credit for the other names but they're so appropriate.

Karen- wonderful weekly recaps. I try to watch this one, cause I like Willy :) but sometimes I don't get to watch.

Manny needs to be locked up foreva. Why would Horny, is that her Mama, want to let her out. Save the Maria's and Fer and Isa from her loca butt.

I like Moncho and Adelita. They are so cute, and also like Cecilio and Zoe. Her hubby should take a flyin' leap. I like how Cecilio went to lamaze classes with her. Too sweet. She ought to dump the hubby already!

About what happened to Sofia - I think we once got a hint that it involved a fall down some stairs and maybe it was at Horny's place. Idrogo is still looking into it.

Madelaine - its so great to see you here! I'm trying to get over to AB soon; I loved your song reference from Friday!

Willy is great in this and the main reason to watch.

Yes Horny is Manny's mother but she is too concerned with appearances to be real about how crazy her child is.

Audrey - Though it hasn't been stated outright, the info points to Manny pushing Sofia to her death down the steps. The cover-up, which in both real life and TNs is almost always the downfall of those who try, is why Gabino won't let the case rest. And I am sure he will realize what has happened.

Lucia kissed Willy! Well, NOW how's she going to convince him she's over him? Can this silly plotline please wrap up so they can get together? I'm tired of crabby Lucia.

I loved the face Marisol made when Barf said she wanted to be friends again. My other favorite part was FFFFF and Cecilio in bed.

Horny is the worst mother ever. All this stupid concern about keeping up appearances, at the risk of everyone's safety, including her own. Meanwhile, she's the one who tried to hire herself a manwhore. I wish word of that would get out when she's trying to lecture people about morals!

Julia - I think we are all tried of grumpy Lucia. She's too much in denial in spite of the kiss. And it would be great if Horny's gigolo incident became public knowledge.


Lucia stops kissing Willy and returns to denial.

Horny realizes all her nieta's are happy about their father being w/Isa. She continues to be the worse mother/abuela ever by asking the younger Maris if they will accompany their father to the manicomo - unbelievable.

Sarita continues her silent treatment of Isa. Isa calls Zoe and finds out she's at Mr. C.'s place w/o Mr. C. She goes through his stuff and finds letters he has written to her. Though a total breach of privacy, if those letters don't have her running in Mr. C.'s arms I don't know what will. Oh, no. She tries confess her love but noble Mr. C. won't take his bff's wife. Zoe laments she chose the wrong guy.

Doris announces she is going to move with Poncho and the Maris protest.

Willy goes to talk to his evil sister. She continues the lie and allows her brother to waste a good deal of time on nice sentiments that mean nothing to her. After he has left, Barf basically guarantee's her place in Hades, at least in the TN world, b/c she states she must make her decisions for herself not her family.

Moncho arrives in Adelita's town. Since we know she's stuck at that rest-stop/eatery we have to wonder how long it will be until she gets there? Oh no, when he goes to get a room the innkeeper seems like a ghost. It looks like a creepy, painful way to keep Moncho away from Adelita. Boo.

Moncho is in the haunted hotel. And the eatery guy's mom seems to be convincing Adelita to stay and work there.

Mr. C. and F5 continue their sleep-over but the former leaves because the latter is snoring loudly.

The Maris plaster Isa car w/post-it notes. The last time I remember that happening in a TN (MEPS) it was a creepy guy stalking a married woman. This one was definitely cute not icky.

Manny continues to not take her meds and have chats with Sofia. Continuing in uber witch mode, Horny gets a judicial order to release her loca hija to her care and, of course she tells Fer. Perhaps everyone's hopes can be answered and Manny will kill her mother. The chauffeur picks up EWM from the sanatorium; while driving home, she throws her meds out the window. Horny deserves all the crazy she gets but we know that Fer and his family are the ones who will suffer as the previews show EWM making an uninvited appearance at Fer's house during their party for Doris.

Thanks Karen - wow, that was fast!

One other detail I remember from what happened to Sofia. An item was removed from the scene, I don't remember what, maybe an item of personal jewelry that Sofia always wore, and I think we've been shown Manny has it. Idrogo is on to that detail and asked, but Manny and Horny deny knowing anything about it.

Audrey the jewelry item was a bracelet and its has an interesting history. Jaibo and rIcky stole it when they robbed Horny and then Jaibo sold it to Knuckles. We are waiting for him to give it to Marisol (its been a long time) and hopefully the exposure of Knuckles and Barf.

Rats-a-roni. I accidentally deleted the episode before I could watch it. I wish I had seen Moncho in the haunted hotel!

Jazmin is the smartest of all the casa hogar ladies. I wish anyone would listen to her. Why is anyone believing Barf about the fake baby when they know that she lies and that she has been snoozling with someone other than Juancho?

The haunted hotel was hilarious. I couldn't stop giggling. That actor has been in quite a few tns. He's a great character actor.

I was glad Zoe read the letters, while horrified that she would invade Cecelio's privacy like that. It's not like they were lying around. They were in his closet, in a box, at the BOTTOM of the box. Jeez Zoe!

Julia - I think you can see the episode on for free. If not check out univision.

If anyone figures out Barf is a lying liar who lies, it will be Jazmin.

Vivi - I too really enjoy the actor who plays Moncho. I'm glad eventually get the girl of his dreams and so happy its not Barf.

They're dragging out this hide-n-seek between Moncho & Adelita way too much. Today their paths (nearly) cross at the church in her home town --but Moncho limps away unblissfully aware that Adelita is walking behind him. Please!

Adelita has to get back to the DF so she can reveal the nature of the secret promise that Lucia made to God.

Is Horty finally getting a clue about how dangerous Manuela is? She clobbered the maid & showed up at Fer's house as if nothing happened. She was creepy looking. Great acting job. And everyone else gingerly trying to avoid upsetting Manuela was also well played.



Oops. That's unblissfully UNaware.

Güera - Thanks for the recap and ITA the writers are completely dragging the Moncho/Adelita reunion out.

And based on the previews, yesterday Horny had to bring the doctor to Fer's because EWM showed up there, there is more beanie busting stuff happening. The doc now feels that EWM has to stay at Fer's house. Wasn't this the same doc who told Fer EWM couldn't be treated at his home b/c she is dangerous? I feel this nonsense is b/c of having too many episodes w/lots of sloppy writing.

We should start developing what we want to happen as I am sure it will be better than what we'll be seeing until we reach the end.

I can't believe anyone would suggest it's best for Manuela to stay at Fer's place. I hope Doris and the baby leave STAT and the Marias also go live elsewhere. Really I dislike any storyline where a doctor tells someone they have to basically derail their entire life to keep a crazy or sick person "calm". Ugh. Put them in the hospital where they need to be and treat their mental issues, and let everyone else live in peace and safety! On the other hand, how can I get myself declared a special case so everyone around me will have to cater to my every whim to keep me calm?

I hope Moncho and Adelita find each other tonight. In such a small town, I would hope it wouldn't take very long. Shouldn't he go around telling every shopkeeper and such who he's looking for? Or post signs? I think I've seen that blonde actress play this exact same lusty lady trying to get her hooks into a nervous young guy role in another show.

OH! Zoe left a note at Cecilio's signed from his stupid suicida. Any bets on Flippy finding that?

Well, this TN is stuck on stupid, AGAIN. Can't they find something new to entertain us with?

Fer needs to find a new doctor/manicomio for LaLoca and lock up her mother while they are at it. I bet Horny knows about LaLoca killing her sister and is afraid someone is going to find out. She almost had a stroke when she saw Gabino at the doctor's office.

Did they deliberately cut Aldo's hair to make him a mini-Jaibo?

I really like goofy Moncho. I hope he an Adelita find each other soon. They can cuddle in the bus all the way home.

Zoe needs to get a divorce, she and every one around her knows she made a huge mistake with F5.

I understand Sarita after the Gimmie episode. No wonder she doesn't want Isa around Fer. It will be interesting to see how she reacts when she discovers Jorrible is a criminal?

Rosemary Primera


Julia - Your idea about getting yourself declared special so people will wait on you hand & foot is great. I think we all would like a situation where being pampered was the doctor's orders.

Yes, that blonde has played that same character in another TN but forget which one.

Thanks for the info and Zoe. Yes I think F5 will find it so it can delay Zoe getting together with Mr. C. There may be a slight possibility of F5 stepping aside but that would require a personality transplant (like Vicente from Cuidado).

RP - ITA w/you about where this TN is now. It's all just filler and bad filler for most of the plots until the end. Why can't we have one couple together? It feels like the poor characters are just circling around the drain.

Holding Pattern - unfortunately this may be the title for most episodes for several weeks.

Adelita and Moncho miss one another AGAIN. This time at her house. He gets attacked by bugs and so is bitten all over and then is visited by the creepy inn-keeper ghost.

Medical incompetence continues with the doc ordering EWM to stay at Fer's. What is galling about this is that Horny was the one that got her out of the looney bin; she should have to put up with her. And then she called her poor maid stupid after EWM hit her on the head. She's such a witch.

Unfortunately idiot Fer does not protest enough how EWM may/will harm his children so he explains to them how their insane tia will be staying. As some of the few characters in the TN with brains, they are concerned (to say the least). While I am happy Doris and Poncho are staying/moving-in for the sake of the girls, this situation is horrible and ridiculous.

Willy and the boys are getting drunk - always amusing - b/c of Lucia.

Jazmin did see Barf w/a lot of money and she questioned her about it.

Zoe returns to Isa's and Sarita speaks only to her.

Ay yay yay! Doesn't seem that there is any reason to watch my recordings for the last few days. No rays of sunshine at all.

You could watch for Willy G's arm exercises in the gym :). And Moncho's always entertaining even when things aren't going well for him. Skip Manuela/Horny/Fer unless you like being aggravated.

I agree - watch for Moncho's cute parts and, um, yeah!, the Willy pull-ups were quite inspiring!

Thanks Güerra and Karen for the recaps!

Me too - how ridiculous that Horny has "custody" yet Manny has to stay at Fers where the girls are exposed to a very dangerous woman. Ridiculous!!!!!!

Vivi - follow Julia & Audrey's advice and FF through most watching Willy and Moncho.

You have such an excellent memory perhaps you can tell us who the blonde woman is? She's trying to mac on our Moncho

Julia - Moncho is entertaining. Poor thing got bitten and spooked today.

Audrey - LOL, Willy's inspiring pull-ups.

I took your advice. I giggled uncontrollably through the ghost innkeeper scenes. I know they are silly, but I can't help it. Moncho's reactions are just hilarious. The blonde lady was one of the nuns in "Al Diablo con los Guapos'. I think she’s also been in a bunch of other things.

Yay! Lucia looks like she’s about crack. At least we know she won’t be taking those vows.

This storyline of having a dangerous crazy lady living in a house with three kids and a little baby, all of whom she resents, is just insane! The doc is negligent; Horny seems willing to sacrifice her grandchildren for her own freedom; and Fer is just STUPID! The kids and Isa had to remind him how dangerous Mani is, yet he brushes it under the rug and charges Poncho and Doris with having to take care of this nutcase. If he cared about his son, he would send Doris and the baby to live with Poncho, no ifs, ands or buts about it. Then he would send the girls and Isa to live with Isa’s dad far away on the finca. Anything to get them away from crazy Mani-comio who hates them all and feels they are stealing HIS love away from her.

By the way, is Lu Chong getting any additional pay for all the extra people he now has to cook and clean for?


Vivi - thanks for the reference for the blonde actress and glad you enjoyed the silly parts; they are good.

Unfortunately I don't think Lu is getting a pay increase. And unless we get a new crop of good writers, like AB, I am concerned we will be stuck w/the inane Fer plot.

Vivi, I remember the blond as being very good in TN. She played two parts that of Sor. Catalina and her identical sister Macarena. Her name is Sheyla Tadeo. She is a singer as well as an actress.

Rosemary Primera


I remembered she was in Guapos, but couldn't remember if it was as Macarena that she did that whole vampy bit (though the character was very much like that) or another show where it was exactly the same thing.

It made no sense that Moncho was in Adelita's casita so long, long enough to miss her outside. The place was tiny and much of the roof was missing; it was pretty easy to see that she wasn't staying there.

I nearly screamed when Isa and the Marias and EVERYONE was telling Fer that it wasn't safe to have Mani-comio (good one) there and she needed to go back to the hospital, and he was all "derp, no, she's staying, and so are all of you". Are they planning to all stay awake all night to keep her from hurting them? Also, no one checks her mouth after they give her the pills to make sure she's swallowed them. Isn't that standard protocol with mental patients?

Macaria does indeed play a nasty brujamama. Remember her on Gancho al Corazon. But she does speak her lines clearly.

Viewer Pleasure and Extreme Displeasure o Viernes (I apologize in advance as I grouped these by topic not in order of the episode.)

VP: Moncho moment - He has fled his hotel and slept outside blondie house. He's cuddling the dog as he sleeps but when he wakes up he's afraid of the dog again.

Lucia - doesn't take her vows her vows. And Gabino and Beba show up at the ceremony and are quite a fetching pair. Ok, while this is bad for Doris and Poncho and I loved that Gabino snatched a hair from Aldo.

While we still dislike her, we get another EWM and Lu interaction w/dancing!! Margarita arrives and dances too. If all of Manny's scenes were this, perhaps several weeks of the adventures w/la loca won't be that bad.

These start off bad but end well or at least promising: Adelita actually sees Moncho at the market but lying Blondie has said she and Moncho are engaged. Of course Adelita thinks its true and runs off with Moncho in hot pursuit. While they argue he runs into a pole. If he gets amnesia, I'll scream. Thankfully Moncho does not get amnesia. Adelita remembers when Willy got knocked out and she kissed him. She kisses Moncho, hurray, and he kisses back, hurray.

Lucia confesses her love for Willy and he REJECTS her. Though sad, she's been quite horrible to him and I can understand his acting out at this moment. Of course his mother and crew are very angry about this. She goes to church to pray about the horrible turn of events and her tio comes by. In another shocker for those of us who have seen priest give some of the worst advice EVER (in this one its the Barf and Juancho marriage), he tells her Willy was tired of fighting for her love and now she'll have to fight for him.

ED - Horny bullying Margarita (her maid) and demanding she continue to serve her loca hija. I don't know why Margarita doesn't quit as she has been injured and may be in the future.

Poor Lu Chong is left to watch la loca and he looks terrified at the prospect.

Barf gets her new car from Knuckles. She leaves the car at a garage but the guy looked dubious. If he skips town with her car, I'm am so OK with that.

Next week or at least Monday looks promising. Lucia shows up at the gym looking at bit vampish and Moncho has returned to town!! I don't think Willy can resist Lucia throwing herself at him for long.

Karen, thanks for getting this up so fast! I missed the last half so this really helped me keep up.

It made me crazy that Doris had the baby turned in wrong direction in the car seat.

So Gabino is hot on the trail of the stolen baby. I wish Doris would just fess up. The courts would probably let her keep the baby.

Sor. Grumpy wasn't happy at all when Luci said she wouldn't take her final vows, LOL.

Rosemary Primera


RP - Thank you for mentioning the baby seat b/c I kept wondering what was wrong w/that picture; I didn't realize what was off.

Yes Sor Grumpy was quite unhappy, LOL!

Wow - thanks for the recap already Karen!

Yay - at least Moncho and Adelita are together (for an instant) and Moncho knows that Adelita love him. I'm sure we in for several more farces in P* (whatever that town is - what DID they do to the poor church!)

I so did not expect the stony response from Willy. Wow - what an about face. Yes, Lucia deserves to have to work to repair the relationship - but dang! We are seeing an amazing performance from the Willy actor.

I also loved Mani dancing with the Luchon. That was hilarious!!!!

Audrey - yes Daniel Arenas has been giving a wonderful performance in this TN. Though others thought his character was very boring in Teresa (I didn't think he was bad but his character was weak and not that dimensional), I don't think anyone could have guessed he would be so much fun as a gigolo from the 'hood. He and his crew have been the best thing about this TN!

Manny y Lu Chong's dance sequences are great. I hope the writers go for silly and instead of having threaten everyone with death, have her realize that she needs to dance w/Lu as treatment.

Lala threatening to commit "Willycidio" was very funny.

Thanks, Karen. This was fun -- nice to see some plot movement.

The scenes in P.... were silly -- but at least the kiss happened --even if Moncho had to get another bonk on the head. It was cute when he pretended to be still knocked out until he heard Adelita declare her love & plant that "mouth to mouth" on him.

Yes! My second favorite moment was the dance scene with Manny, Ly Chong and Margarita. (And ditto to whoever suggested that this poor maid can't possibly need this job this badly.)

Loved the smooth way in which Gabino handled his meeting with Doris Montiel and the way he snagged the DNA evidence off the baby's head. Can't be long now until they wrap up that stolen baby storyline.

I loved the way that everyone except Sor Grumpy was elated when Lucia walked away from taking her vows. -- And Tio Padre was great -- praying for Willy to appear in time to stop Lucia and then giving her some good down to earth advice about winning Willy back. For a moment I was afraid that Lucia was going to waffle one more time when she went to the chapel to pray and assumed that God was punishing her for breaking her promise. But she realized that an uncommitted nun is no gift to God. Yeah!


Yay, good episode. Finally Moncho and Adelita are together.

I'm glad Willy didn't take Lucia back immediately, although I'm sure he will eventually. She has been really awful to him, and she needs to realize how much pain she has caused him and put some effort into making things better.

The situation with Mani-comio is just beyond, although the dancing is always fun. Not surprised Horny would shove her off on other people and blame them for what goes wrong when she herself is the one who broke la loca out of the madhouse, but Fer and the rest of the family? How did they really think it was okay to leave Lu Chong in charge of her? Fer had better give him hazard pay at least. Meanwhile Horny gets a massage because SHE's stressed out; sheesh.

Güera - yes it was nice to have some plot development and the good guys being on the winning side of things.

Happy Moncho got to hear that Adelita loves him as he does her. The look on Sor Pilar (Grumpy) face when Lucia walked away was priceless. And Gabino was quite the smooth operator.

Julia ITA w/you regarding horrible Horny. Her narcissism is incredible. I hope she has a good comeuppance as she has been the cause of a lot of bad things.

Yeah, Julie, I forgot that the reason Horny sent Margarita to watch Manuela was so that she could get a massage. Sheesh! Fer & the rest of the family had a good reason - almost an obligation. But Horny needed a Massage???? And she's whining because dealing with her daughter's problems has messed up her plans to go get a face lift.


Gosh, I wish Horny would do something that's actually against the law so that we'd be guaranteed she'd end up in jail at the end of this tn. Just imagine the kind of "massage" she'd get in prison...

Just thought I'd inject here that Sheyla also played a saucy nurse in "Rafaela" with Scarlet Ortiz and Jorge Poza... she is so much fun in that one!

I'm happy to see the role reversal for Lucia and Willy too! It will be fun to watch her try to win him back :)

I really only watch for Willy/Lucia and Moncho/Adelita and Zoe/Cecilio these days... the rest gets FFed.


Karen - I loved your opening line about Horny sweeping in on her broom - perfect!

Hmmmm - so Idrogo got a sample of the baby's hair - wow! I missed a few details Friday because I'm getting ready for a party on Sunday.

Among other things, we're celebrating 100 butterflies in our yard - that 100 different butterfly species have visited our backyard butterfly garden since we started keeping track almost 2.5 years ago. Number 101 visited today!

Not only was that baby carrier facing the wrong way in the car, the seat and the baby weren't even strapped in! Doris wasn't wearing her seat belt, either! It was very agitating. Tell us again how much you care about this kid, Doris.

Vivi - Technically solicitation is illegal but the gigolo seems to have vanished but the bottom line is Horny needs to go to prison.

Another Amy - nice to see you. Is this your first post here? Regardless, welcome and thanks for the info. Yes the couples you mentioned are must-see, others not so much.

Audrey - wow, a butterfly garden. That sounds awesome. I can imagine you must seen some beautiful butterflies. Do you have pics you could share with the group?

Julia- LOL and spot on observation about the disaster in the back seat w/Doris and Aldo. Unfortunately she is going to have Gabino on her mischief very soon.


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