Monday, December 31, 2012

Amorcito Corazón Discussion #184-188 Dec. 31-Jan. 4

Hola amigas/os,

Feliz Año Nuevo!  I am traveling again today but will have to recap up later this evening.  All the best, Karen.

Juancho brings the Maris the newspaper’s apology and renouncing their former claims about Lucia, Willy, and the casa hogar.  He also gets to accompany them to see Aldo, yeah.  Baby Aldo looked very pleased to meet Juancho!
Barf proposes she and Knuckles marry so he can get his inheritance.  Knuckles turns her down not a surprise but later relents; I guess the call of money and sex was too strong for the snobby neanderthal.

F5 and Mr. C agree to fight for Zoe’s love while they drive to visit Doris.  Unfortunately she is being transported to the real jail.  I hope we don’t have to endure horrible jail scenes with Doris in peril.

Isa learns that her car had been tampered with and tells Lucia & Zoe.  She also lets Mr. C and F5 know about the tampering.  Lucia and Zoe realize EWM is the culprit.  Isa reports the accident to Gabino at his office as well as their suspecting EWM while Mr. C is there.  No one can find Lu Chong and he later sneaks into the apt to get his things.  EWM kicks him out again.  Thankfully he runs into Isa, Mr. C and Gabino as he leaves the bldg.

Meanwhile EWM seems to be planning another “accident” as she steals more tools from the building handiman/security guard.  Later EWM visits Fer again to give him food; at this point, I fear she poisoned his food b/c she’s acting crazy.

Jorrible decides to kill rIcky; of course his hitmen will perform the deed.  The baddies are about to shoot rIcky but get into an accident which knocks them both out and totals the car.  rIcky is shot and injured but limps away from the car.

Lucia and Willy have a misunderstanding but also give another important info.  He plays her the tape of Horny, which is not important to her.  Seriously, uuugh!  She tells him that rIcky planted the drugs in Fer’s car.

Jorrible acts badly to Beba hopefully ensuring he meets a very bad end.

Zoe appears to have a fever, oh no.

The preview shows Isa, Gabino,and Lu Chong returning to Fer’s apt to accuse EWM. 


Are we really up to more than 180 episodes? How the time flies when you're taking aerobics classes from Willy G and the Chochos. It hasn't even bogged down too much aside from Fer's unbelievable stupidity and his sister's stubborn witch phase. The Marias better hope they inherited their mom's sense.

Julia - yes Willy and his friends have made this TN quite fun. I think I will miss Moncho, Adelita, and Tuqueque the most.

I think we have evidence the younger Maris definitely got their mother's brains as they make most of best decisions on this show.

Thanks Karen,

Yes this has been a fun show -- even if the galan has shown an unbelievable denseness. The threads are swirling -- and things are getting tied up steadily.

The tools that Manuela took from the toolbox are he ones that she hid in the couch. When she didn't find them where she left them she assumed that Luchong had replaced them. She wants to get rid of them so that there are no incriminating fingerprints etc. Personally I'm rooting for a DNA match with blood spots on the cutter.

So Felipe & Cecilio have agreed to fight for Zoe & may the best man win. Hey! No contest there. We all know which one is the best. Now if only the fever is quickly dealt with with no dire consequences for our Zoe.


Happy New Year!!!! I hope everyone rang it in with style last night, or had a peaceful evening.

Thanks so much Karen for the recap. I'm glad that it looks like the law will finally be after Mani. If they look at where Isa's car was parked before Zoe took it, they'll find all the evidence they need with Mani's blood and the brake fluid, even without the tools. But it would be nice if they caught her red handed trying to get rid of the tools.

I'm not liking this fever thing with Zoe. Dude, this is not a hard choice which requires TWO life or death situations to make. Cecilio or Felipe? It's a no-brainer!

Happy News Years! Happy 2013!

FYI: Amorcito Corazon will air today as usual.

I hope everyone had a nice New Year's celebration.

Güera - yes Fer has been incredibly thick-headed and, as Julia noted, Lucia often a bit grumpy.

The Zoe-Cecilio-F5 triangle is so not one. F5 is only remorsefully b/c he was caught and now b/c Zoe is hurt. He has not proved his behavior would change at all if they would get back together. One week into life as normal he'd be cheating again.

Vivi - I do really hope EWM gets caught but I fear (based on past TNs) it may be too early for that. Or she'll be caught now and escape to hold hostages later.

ITA and don't like the Zoe situation either. Why two life/death incidences for Zoe? Is that what is needed for her to make the obvious choice for a spouse? Please writers don't drag this out any longer.

Today’s Recap Part 1:
- Since Mani has already had enough time to get rid of the tools, she is not worried when Idrogo comes to the door with Isa and Lu Chong to accuse her of the attempt on Isa’s life. The tool box where Lu Chung returned the tools is of course empty. Mani doesn’t allow a further search.
- Later, when the cops return with a search warrant to search the rest of the house, Mani has had time to put one of Fer’s expensive watches in Lu Chong’s bag. She accuses him of theft and Luc Chong is carted off in handcuffs. I get really ticked off, but luckily Idrogo only pretended to go along with Mani and lets Lu Chong free once outside the building. He gets Lu’s uncle’s number where he can be reached later for his testimony. Lu’s uncle runs a Chinese food restaurant, apparently.
- Zoe’s fever is being caused by internal hemorrhaging and she has septicemia. After hours in the operating room to stop the hemorrhaging, the doc tells everyone that the next 48 hours are critical and no one can visit Zoe since they might contaminate her with their germs.
- The writers decide to continue with two storylines that need to end already—the separation of Willy and Lucia, and the separation of Juancho and Marisol.
- After growing brain cells the last many episodes, dumping knuckles, and growing closer with Juancho, including a sweet kiss on the cheek this episode, Marisol once again turns stupid. Lala comes to the Casa Hogar with baby sweaters that she knitted for Barf. Marisol is the only one there and Lala starts waxing poetic about a child needing a father, how her kids turned out bad because they didn’t have a dad, and that’s why Barf and Juancho HAVE to get married. Blah, blah, blah. Barf returns and is unmoved by this argument or by the cute baby sweaters. She tells Lala off, who becomes a puddle of tears. This of course has the expected effect on Marisol. She decides to dump Juancho, AGAIN, and to return to Knuckles, AGAIN! (Why she HAS to return to Knuckles just because she is dumping Juancho is a mystery to me.)
-Barf is not pleased with this, and calls Marisol an idiot (I agree with her). But she still doesn’t come clean about not being pregnant, which would end all of this madness. Juancho is understandably upset by Marisol’s decision and tries to explain to Marisol and all the vecinidad folks that he can be a good and very present father, WITHOUT being married to a woman he doesn’t love and who doesn’t love him. No one else seems to understand this logic, except all of us in Viewerville. Knuckles is of course very happy about Marisol’s idiotic decision.


Recap Part 2:
- The Little Maris and the Casa Hogar ladies see “Amanda” kissing some guy and tell Willy. They feel bad for him since his new girl is cheating on him, and his ex-girl has a new guy. Willy pretends to be upset and rushes out as if he’s going to confront Amanda, but gets distracted by weeping Lala instead. Hopefully, he’ll use Amanda’s “cheating” to invent a fake breakup.
- One of Jorrible’s henchmen manages to call him before kicking the bucket and tells him about the accident. Jorrible decides to drive by the accident to make sure Rikcy is dead. The traffic cop tells him that everyone inside the car died. This pleases Jorrible, but he doesn’t realize that Ricky managed to escape.
- Ricky drags his injured self to a cabin in the woods. He calls Willy and asks him to come help him. Willy does the right thing. He tells Lala about the drugs and that he is going to turn Ricky in. She cries many more tears and prays. Willy calls Lucia who gets Cecilio to call the cops in charge of Fer’s case. They get in touch with Willy about Ricky’s location, but Willy insists on being part of the operation and getting the opportunity to speak with Ricky first. He wants to convince Ricky to turn himself in without incident.
- The previews show that Ricky does NOT want to turn himself in quietly. He holds a gun to Willy’s head!


Vivi, thanks for the update.

I love your new photo!

Rosemary Primera


Vivi thanks so much for your recap and I love your new pic.

Anon 2:07 pm - thanks for the scheduling reminder.

The writers making Lala hold onto this fantasy of making Barf marry Juancho and Marisol's continual returns to Knuckles are a very bad plot contrivances. I guess the ultimate goal is to force Barf and Knuckles to be revealed but this can't be soon enough. At least Willy and Lucia did have some time together, poor Marisol and Juancho have never been together for more than a week.

It's perplexing why Marisoloopy would ever go back to Knuckles. She has never even liked him much. Even if there were NO other guys in the world, he shouldn't be in the running.

Darn! I'm two days behind now. For some reason Monday's episode is not yet available on Hulu+.

Thanks for all the recaps so far!

Julia - I chalked Mariloopy's attitude up to the writers. As you noted, she has never really liked him and would hate him if she knew of a tenth of the things he's done to her an Juancho. It's the writers fault and possible extensions that have given us these bad plots. I think its also the bad TN rule of no one can be single, if you are young, you have to be with someone, anyone as being single is not an option.

Audrey - Sorry to hear about the hulu problem. I hope you get the watch the episodes soon though you'll want to FF through some parts of today's episode [specifically Lala's guilt trip on Marisol, Barf and Marisol's fake argument about her fake pregnancy, and Marisilly's return to Knuckles].

Regarding our crazy, witch [I shudder to think what unfortunate expletive she was using towards Lu Chong], it doesn't seem like the good guys checked Isa's parking spot for blood and car emissions. The writers need to lock her up with a quickness.

Do we know what the total number of capitulos for this is? I haven't looked it up. I'm curious to know just how much longer they can torture some of these storylines, like Juancho-Barf-Marisol-Knuckles, before we start having resolutions. I'm just glad that Isa and Fer aren't fighting anymore. It's a good thing he's in jail, otherwise they probably would be fighting about some stupid thing he did or didn't do. :)

Karen- It doesn't seem smart of the cops to not check the place where the car was parked before the accident-- which surely was where it was tampered with. They'd have all the proof they need if they took a look and took samples of the blood and brake fluid trail.

Vivi, I think it is 206 episodes. So that should be about three weeks more of torture.

I was proud of Willy Boy for having the good sense to turn Ricky in to the law inspite of his mother's guilt trip.

Rosemary Primera


Oh yes, Vivi, the new photo is beautiful. Thanks everyone for this recap. I went off to a New Year's Day party & forgot to set the VCR. You saved me again.


Thanks for the Tue recap Vivi. Great pic, I might add to the chorus.

I was hoping that today it would ocurr to Det. Gabino to check the garage floor--surely he has to put 1 and 2 together and not get zero when
1) she's the most likely culprit, if Long Chuy is to be believed--blood, cut hand, bloody tools...come on, think.

2) Zoe gets in the car drives a ways and crashes because someone cut the brake line...come on, think.

Can any one explain how it was that way out in the hinterland, with Willy all wired up, the Police officer could talk to him, Willy could hear him, but Ricky couldn't? There were several opportunities for Willy to have punched Ricky where he was injured and got him to drop the gun (maybe). It was funny to see the popos looking for their keys.

Oh, and how deluded Mr. Slimey Knuckles is. He thought he could substitute one bride for the other as easy as that? At least Marisososo didn't look as though she was quite into him for marriage purposes. Interesting that she is pushing Juancho into a loveless marriage (baby or not) while she most likely wouldn't marry Knuckles if she doesn't love him, no matter how persuasive he makes his case. But he's going to try.

Hurry up, Fernando, get out of jail and save your oldest daughter from herself.

Did we really see Zoe flatline? I thought I still saw some breath. They can't be that cruel to us. And WHEN are they going to get any closer to figuring out how many months gestation went on. That was a huge baby--but since we in Viewerville are used to being presented with 10 lb. preemies, who knows if this is really Cecilio's child. Seems to me Zoe would have realized her periods stopped before she and F5 got together (not foolproof, I know, but it's normal).

Vivi--are you doing the honors again for today's recap?

Anita- I haven't seen today's episode today yet. So Zoe flatlined? Good grief! What are the writers doing?

Vivi & RP - yes the number of episodes is 206 and from my calculations we should end on January 30th. So there are quite a few weeks for us to suffer with prolonged separations.

Güera - I hope you had a nice time at your New Year's party.

Anita - I just got in and have a conference call at 9 pm. Vivi, if you can do a recap great but if not I completely understand.


As Anita noted the po-po weren't able to find anything on EWM (and we have month to go) and she sits thinking how stupid everyone is compared to her. Yawn.

Stalker Knuckles runs to the casa hogar to switch brides and when Barf finds him there she is none to happy. I hope he finds out how serious Barf is about money. I also hope the writers are pushing Barf to the point of crazy that she will expose both her evils deeds as well as Knuckles.

Mr. C explains the suspicions everyone has regarding EWM and Isa's car to Fer and the latter has the epiphany that EWM is bad news. I guess late is better than never, oh dear.

Most of the episode involved the Willy trying to get rIcky to confess about the drugs and go to the hospital. Again as Anita noted, Willy could have taken the gun from rIcky quite a few times during their interaction so it feels a bit like filler. And how did rIcky not hear the po-po talking to Willy?

Also rIcky's regret is similar to F5's to me. They both feel bad b/c they got caught but give them a second chance and I'm willing to bet they both will return to their old ways.

Part two

Why are there no snipers willing to take Willy out? rIcky manages to disarm the 10 policemen with the threat of killing his brother. If anyone has kidnapping on their bingo card, you are in luck! This section ends with rIcky pistol whipping and shooting Willy. Boo, writers, boo. Thankfully two older men with two very cute donkeys find Willy at night so I guess he'll be hospital bound by tomorrow.

Thankfully Marisilly turns down Knuckles' marriage proposal but of course this begs the question of why she is still going out with this guy.

For some reason Lucia takes Lala to the police station to wait for rIcky and Willy. Poor Lala even admits her son is capable of anything so do we really think this will end well?

The doctor tells F5 Zoe's life is in God's hands. F5 arranges for the baby to be brought to Zoe, she responds, and then flatlines. Seriously, writers.

Good news gang, we're in the Ultimos Capitulos!!

Thanks for the recap Karen. Finally watched the episode and thought all the same things you and Anita did. Considering how many times they are bringing Zoe to death's door, and the fact that they keep trying to show Felipe in a sensitive light, I am getting very worried about her outcome. They might decide to "punish" Felipe by killing Zoe and leaving Felipe to be the single dad to a little girl. Felipe might deserve that kind of end, but Cecilio sure doesn't! And neither does Zoe or the baby.

Oh Vivi you are so good at guessing and I fear you may be right. Two near death experiences may end in a real death for a beloved and somewhat crazy character. Her death would be so horrible for Zoe, the baby, Mr. C, and the audience. And this forced redemption of F5 is not pleasant either. Oh, please writers don't go down this really bad path.


Thanks for the recap.

They cannot get rid of Zoe - that innocent child does not deserve to be raised by that idiot F5.

I hope the police are doing some real investigating and not just what the writers let us see.

Poor Willy Boy has been injured again by his brother. How many times do we need to see Zoe and Willy in the hospital?

Hopefully Ricky will die from his wound but not before he outs Jorrible.

I hope Det. Gabino is there to catch Bebe when she finds out about her good for nothing son. I bet deep down, she already knows.

For a TN that started out as fun it has really turned dark.

Rosemary Primera


RP - ITA about Zoe and the baby. I want Mr. C and Zoe to find love and raise their child.

And yes poor Willy has been in the hospital too many times. And the recent turn with Zoe and near death experiences have been distressing as well. Poor Beba does know her son is wretched. TN comedies do have an unfortunate tendency to become very dark.

I too hope for Zoe & Cecilio & baby makes three in a happy ending -- but I fear that it may be Cecilio and Felipe raising the baby. At least Cecilio would be a good parent. I will hate it, hate it, hate it if the let this flatline be real.

Willy was hearing the police through an earpiece so the cop's voice was not as loud as it appeared to us -- Still...

I can't wait for Ricky to catch up with Jorrible. But at least in the midst of the standoff Ricky did clear Doris. Too bad that this isn't the cop who's investigating the stolen baby episode.


I'm hoping for a happy outcome for Zoe, the baby, and Cecilio too. I couldn't care less about Felipe. His tears the last episodes have not moved me.

Güera - ITA that at least rIcky did clear Doris now if he will only say something in front of the police and I hope he takes Jorrible down!

Vivi - I find the emphasis on F5's pain disturbing b/c only if he were like Horny or EWM would he not be moved by Zoe's situation. Any human being with normal feeling would be very upset about Zoe. But remorse does not equal repentance and a demonstration of him really turning from his womanizing is essential before believing this character actually changed. Like you I feel his tears are too little too late.

Yeah Zoe's "flatline" was just a false alarm but the writers are still trying to push F5 as an ideal father fantasy.

Thanks for the heads up Karen Whew! I'm watching my recording now. I am tired of Felipe's tears because I just don't care about his feelings for Zoe. He's had way too many chances already.

In addition to Zoe surviving but remaining in grave condition, other things that happened on Thursday were -
Barf tricks Knuckles into taking her into his apt where she snatches his Dad's will.

Unlike Alonso (from AB) realistic head injury, Willy's head is wrapped rather ridiculously though I must admit there is no real for Daniel Arenas to cut those handsome locks of his for a fake injury. Willy also gives a statement which should help in getting Fer released.

Poncho places his spy equipment and a camera on Jorrible's computer.

Jaibo keeps having flash backs to his former life and confesses to the nuns his concerns. They all pray. I must admit reformed and repentant Jaibo, unlike fake weepy F5, is quite compelling.

We all have to live through the scene I requested the writers not subject us to - Doris gets harassed by most of the inmates in jail. After she is shaken up, one of the toughies comes to her rescue and later become her friend/protector.

At least Moncho appreciated Willy tricking Horny into a confession. Our episode ends with Willy confronting Horny and Margarita with the tape that he has copied.

rIcky limped around the whole episode which was quite annoying. We just need him to confess what he knows but his call to Jorrible made the latter have a heart attack.

Ridiculous conversation between EWM and Isa where they keep threatening and insulting one another. Hurray, an officer watched the whole conversation.

Vivi - you know I agree about F5 and his tears. I hope the writers are trying to create a situation where there is none as F5 has been given way too many chances to be with Zoe again. I wish they would throw us a real bone for Zoe and Mr. C.

Karen, thanks mucho!

Susie was so cute helping play spy. The rest of the episode to was filler as far as I am concerned. Although it was fun to watch Jorrible when Ricky called.

How many weddings will be have before this ends? There will be Fer and Isa, Poncho and Doris, Adelita and Moncho, Willy and Lucia, are they any other waiting in the wings?

Rosemary Primera

RP--Re how many weddings...don't forget Knuckles and Barf, Zoe and Cecilio. Juancho and Marisonotready will at least become novios.

How could we forget Bebba and Idrogo????? They make a great pair and they both deserve some happiness. Bebba needs someone after breaking up with her best friend Horny.

Please bring back Minerva, maybe she and Lu Chon can start a nanny Chinese-comida tipica catering business together. BTW, I think LC speaks perfectly good Spanish. There must be something wrong with EWM's hearing.

Hasn't she been acting normal these days? We'd better watch out for another explosion. She's due.

Karen--thank you for the highlights. I was STILL waiting for someone to go check the car garage.

RIcky is planning a vengeance against Jorrible. Did he really go to a clinic to get looked at? He seemed to be carrying out a bag of some-kind-or-other prescriptions. Shouldn't the popos have put out an APB on him? The first places to be alerted are hospitals and clinics. They know he's wounded. WHY do we always have to do the thinking for the writers.

Jorrible just sat there saying nothing infront of Ponchos spying equipment just to prolong OUR agony.

Do NOT understand why Fer can't be released on his own recognizance or post bail. He has no priors, has family, roots in the community, a job. SERIOUSLY.

Could not STAND watching EWM telling Isa that the prosecutor is a friend of the family so that's why she gets in to see HER hubby.

I couldn't believe I was pulling for Jaibo since he's been the most violent of all the characters. The nuns are funny.

The instant I saw Willy in the headband, I thought of Alonso. But then Alonso wasn't going to be seen again in this tn, so he probably went on vacation to let his hair grow back. Willy looked silly because we all know he just got knocked on the head. They could have put a big band-aid on it and Lucia would still make a fuss over him (when she sees him, that is).

Anita- I cracked up at Willy's head wrap, especially because I had just brought it up on AB. But I think this time the writer/director intended it to be funny-- even making Willy's hair stand up above the wrap. LOL! I prefer this to the unintentionally funny bandaging we often seen.

I thought that Ricky actually shot Willy as he lay on the ground after the blow on the head & when he was found he seemed to have a crease on the temple as if he had been shot.

I so agree with the frustration of everybody about Ricky linping all over town & doing nothing about Jorrible except a phone call. I also wondered how he managed to get any care at a clinic without any police notification. Do the cops actually know that Ricky is wounded?

Ditto on Susi. She was really cute.


Ai ai ai -- you all have been doing yeomen's work keeping up with this merry-go-round! I've been reading the recaps even though I haven't had time until this week to try to catch up on episodes. Of course a lot of it at this point does seem to be filler -- I can't believe we spent ten minutes yesterday looking up Jorge's nostrils. Do we really believe he can go that long without plotting something???

RP - Anita has a good list of couples to be. I want Juancho with Marisol and Bebe w/Gabino sooner rather than later. And I too love Susie.

Anita - great couple list and ITA about being bored w/rIcky and Jorrible taking up too much screen time.

Vivi - I knew you would get a kick of Willy's bandage. ITA it was done to look ridiculous and its consistent w/the fun of Willy's character.

Güera - rIcky hit Willy and the latter was bleeding on his head before the shot.

Blue Lass - so nice to see you and your hilarious pic! Yes it was insane that the baddies had so much screen time w/little comeuppance. Hopefully Jorrible will plot something stupid soon b/c as you noted he's always plotting.

I hope they find someone for Susie, too! Maybe she'll just meet some kooky guy at the final party, like Adoración on Familia.

Viernes part one

Willy confronts Horny with the tape but I'm not sure what the final outcome was as I don't think he was looking for money. He leaves the tape & recorder w/her but he has a copy. If someone could let us know about this, I would appreciate it.

EWM comes to visit Fer and he plays nice long enough to grab her and demand she confess to the damage on Isa's car. She lies as usual but he has the guards come to take her away; yes Virgina the end is near! Unfortunately she threatens he'll regret his treatment of her which means his daughters are in REAL danger.

Willy makes his declaration with F5 and Mr. C present but for some reason this still can't get Fer released. ITA w/Anita this is an unfortunate and badly written plot device that not only keeps Isa and Fer apart as well as him away from his children w/his craze spouse on the loose.

Barf continues her martial plans and completely has Knuckles in a bad situation.

The younger Maris plan a surprise party for Marisol.

Willy finally tells Mr. C about Horny's confession; he needed to tell someone who can really use the confession to help the goodies and discredit the baddies.

BL - ITA w/getting a guy for Susie!

Viernes part two

Tuqueuque gets a scholarship to the US but, unfortunately, Moncho is not thrilled about this idea. He proceeds to act very badly about this good news.

Barf at the hair dresser planning her boda. It's hilarious b/c its so wrong meanwhile Knuckles cancels the meeting w/this attorney and threatens to turn the tables on Barf.

The younger Maris request to get assistance from their abuela. We know this will be horrible b/c Horny will tell them about Fer being in jail. And she almost does but Marisol arrives in time to stop her. There will be some fireworks on Monday.

The doc tells F5 "his" baby doesn't need an incubator any more. Our hopes are that someone realizes the child isn't F5's soon. Perhaps having to be with the child alone will force F5 to realize he should NEVER be a parent.

Karen--ISTA with you on the F5 baby thing. I was so sure the doc was going to tell him that this was a full-term baby, which should have put F5's thinking cap on. He's the one that needs to count backwards. But he'll blow a gasket because he's been so sure Ceci & Zoe have been doing it behind his back all this time.

Can't wait until he has to be up every three-four hours for feedings.

I'm willing to bet a few that he's going to rope Isa and Sarita to take care of hija while he goes out to partaay?

About the recording. I guessed that he wants a civil suit and win some money, but not for him personally. He will most likely graciously give it to the Casa. After all, they are looking for a new place in the barrio. Maybe they can reach a settlement and Horny provides enough money for a new place.

Thank goodness, Marisolistatoday got there in time to keep Horny from telling the little girls where papi was. I don't think they'd freak out so much at the news as that they kept it from them (sound like Camila Monterde anyone?)

Loved Fer's touseled hair and his getting really, really angry at EWM. There was a little spark of the old Santiago Diaz Herrera (Montecristo) to him there. EWM was not going quietly, though. I noticed that she left the food outside the bars. Wonder if he'll even taste it.

Adelita tries to get Moncho to see what an opportunity it is for Twocakes to study abroad and to stop thinking about how it will affect him. Well, I know that in England, families send their sons away to boarding school at a very early age, but those kids come home summers. This doesn't sound like it. I'm with Monch, I'd be suspiscious. By the time he returns after college, he won't really be part of the family (Eduardo/Franco anyone?)

Where in the world is RIcky? Was he MIA today? I'm kinda glad and wish this etapa were over. He needs to confess and go back to jail. He'll get better health care there.


I'm with Moncho. A chance to study in the US may be good -- but to be away from his family and allowed one visit a year. I don't think so!

I had a funny feeling as today's episode unfolded. Everyone seems to be expressing anger at Hortensia. Is she about to meet her maker (maybe at the hands of EWM) and someone like Willy or Lucia or even Marisol come under suspicion? Plausible at all?

The Felipe & the baby thing is going to be interesting.


Anita - thanks for the info on Willy and Horny. I didn't realize Moncho and Tuqueque would only have one visit a year; that's bad. And I'm with you on rIcky. Just confess, spring Doris, and finger Jorrible so we can end this story.

Güera - Great point about Horny's possible imminent death though I'm tried of our visits to the police station that don't end with convictions.


Thanks Anita and Karen for the rundown on today's episode.

Adelita and Moncho were very cute this episode. I wanted to dry Moncho's tears. He's so cute.

Here's what I understood about the scholarship. The 10 or so students who were in the room are finalists, based on their academics. There is only one scholarship available, however, and so there will be further tests, etc. to determine the winner. The scholarship is for boarding school and then university in the U.S., with only one visit from the family per year.

Given that Touqueque is only EIGHT years old, I'm in total agreement with Moncho that this is crazy and I wouldn't trust these people with my little kid either. Why only once per year? U.S. schools have more than one holiday per year! Something isn't right. But even if it's on the up and up, I wouldn't trust any program with the emotional health of my child that thought it was healthy for an 8 year old to only see their family once per year!

And the deal with the tape Willy made is that Cecilio said it's not valid unless Willy has a witness that can testify that it's real. Otherwise, Horty's lawyers can say it was manipulated. That's why Willy is pressuring Margarita the maid to testify on his behalf, but she's too scared about losing her job.

I am looking forward to seeing Mr. Mom (Felipe) fall flat on his face trying to care for the baby. I bet the first person he calls will be Cecilio, who will be amazing at caring for the baby. I so wish the doc had said something like, "the baby is so healthy that I'm sure she didn't gestate for just 7 months...more like 8-9." But alas, he didn't say that.

Yes, Vivi, I was so sure that the doctor was going to say something like that to Felipe. We are all out here in viewerland hoping that the baby is really Cecilio's -- but maybe we're all thinking wishfully.

My tape cut off about a minute too soon so I wasn't sure if Horty actually got the opportunity to tell the Maris that Daddy is in jail. I'm grateful to you recappers & commentators for clearing that up for me. I couldn't believe Horty's dismissive attitude on the phone that the girls have a right to know what kind of a man they have for a father. How can such a morally bankrupt woman dare pass judgement on others?


Thanks to Karen, Anita and Vivi for making this mess crystal clear.

I have one comment to make about The Litte Turk and the scholarship business. Didn't he just have a kidney transplant? There is no way a child of mine would go off to foreign country to study at such a young age and with such medical issues and to top it off, I would only be able to visit once a year. What in the world are the writer smokin'?

Karma is a bitch and just waiting to bite Horny on her skinny little rump! It doesn't take much thought to figure out where EMW got her evil gene.

Rosemary Primera


ITA, RP! Sending a kid with a donated kidney overseas and not allowing his parents to visit? It's beanie beanie beanie time...

Vivi - Thanks so much for filling in the details for Friday. The more I learn about Tuqueque's becca, the more questionable it sounds, though the men representing the money didn't seem shady.

Güera - I hope the writers are building things up for Horny to have a grand humiliation. Her pride will be her downfall and Marisol has seen first hand some very bad aspects of her abuela. I am also hoping for a wonderful melt-down/exposure of Barb and Knuckles.

RP & BL - This scholarship has really become beanie time and I don't understand why. It's like they needed to give Moncho and Adelita a bit more grief before their wedding.


Karen- You hit on it. The Tuqueque situation is being created because the writers refuse to have even one couple be totally happy, so Moncho and Adelita are paying the price.

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