Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Amor Bravío #95 (Uni 90) Tue 1/1/13 Prospero Ano Nuevo! Tonight, an ode to Ximena, y con ganas: “Te Odio-o-o-o-o, Te Odio-o-o-o-o”; Tie up your chickens folks, it’s gonna be a bumpy night!

Rosario has figured out that the woman who passes herself off as Alonso’s mother, really isn’t!  Alonso is panicking and hyper-ventilating as he recalls that his biological mother was called Chayo.  Rosario reminds him that Chayo and Rosario are the same – a rose by any other name, etc. Alonso freaks and says just because she’s named Rosario doesn’t mean she can be his mother.  Get me outta here!  She asks if he thinks it couldn’t be possible she is his mother.  He knows his mother was a maid.  Rosario admits yes, a maid who later educated herself and became a nurse.  Alonso finally seems to be getting it and Rosario says it aloud, “I’m the one who gave birth to you!  I am your true madre!” 

La Malquerida
FX ain’t giving up.  He’s talking up Daniel, complaining that Agustina doesn’t want him around but since she’s not the owner she can’t really throw him out.  Daniel suggests FX show some dignity and just leave.  He reminds FX the ranch also doesn’t belong to him (Daniel) and if he recovers it, it will be for Camila.   FX just doesn’t get it.  He’s like a 12 year-old, asking why Agustina gets to stay yet as Daniel’s father, he doesn’t get to stay.  Daniel protests, saying FX is his father only because that’s what it says on his birth certificate.  He reminds FX that he wasn’t even able to differentiate him from Aaron and is only interested in his children when they have something to offer him.  “I have nothing to offer you,” he tells FX.  Now FX has the colossal nerve to say the only reason he was wasn’t around was because Daniel’s mother separated them!  Daniel doesn’t take this lightly and shoots back that the reason his mother kept him away from FX was because he was an aggressive drunk who mistreated her.  FX:  “And why wouldn’t I?   Your mother was stepping out on me (revolcándose) with other men.”  Daniel:  “Don’t speak that way of my mother! I will not allow you to disrespect my mother, not while I’m alive!”  FX:  “It was her fault we were separated!  I couldn’t stay with a woman who was unfaithful, who was revolcando….”  He doesn’t finish because Daniel angrily shuts him up.  He finally just tells him to get his things and scram.  “Pero, hijo,” FX begins to say.  “Hijo, nada,” says Daniel, “I owe you nothing, either materially or emotionally.  I’m grateful you gave me life, but for me, you are a stranger.  You live your life and I’ll live mine.”  FX calls him an ingrate.  Daniel denies this but tells FX he can think what he wants.  Daniel walks away and FX feebly calls after him, “hijo” but knows better than to pursue him. 

Alonso still can’t accept that Rosario is his mother and thinks this may be another one of Hissadora’s plots.  Rosario assures him he’s her son, the same son that was yanked from her 30 years ago.  Alonso still isn’t convinced.  Rosario is doing her best and even tells him Hissadora doesn’t even know who she is.  Hissadora never met her all those years ago and doesn’t realize she’s his mother and will defend him tooth and nail (uñas y dientes).  Alonso tells her Hissadora wants to kill him and Rosario says she knows and tells him about Hissadora’s proposal that Rosario do the dirty deed.  He knew it.  He explains Hissadora doesn’t want him to survive and be able to accuse her.  This way no one will know she’s an assassin and she’ll take over La Malquerida.  He laments that all his life all she’s ever done was use him and destroy him.  All this evil (maldad) inside of him is her fault. He starts to cry again that he wants to get out of there and doesn’t understand why he can’t move.  She explains the accident left him immobilized.  She reaches out to comfort him but he cries out, telling her not to touch him.  She’s frantic and he begins to call for help, “auxilio, auxilio, get me outta heeeeeeeere!”  The doctor walks in as Alonso continues to scream for help and that someone’s trying to kill him.  The doctor sedates him and Alonso continues to scream. 

In the waiting room, Hissadora is pacing when the doctor walks by.  Ever the concerned mother, she asks after son’s condition.   Dr. explains they had to sedate him to avoid a heart attack. The doctor doesn’t know if he’ll get better and hopes this panic attack doesn’t cause a setback.  Hissadora pleads the doc to save him.  After the doc leaves her to consult with his colleagues about Alonso’s treatment, Hissadora thought bubbles:  “Hopefully (ojalá) your heart will explode once and for all!”  She looks into the camera with those evil slits.  Thankfully the camera protected us in Viewerville from her death stare. 

La Malquerida
Scrumptious Rodolfo meets with Camila and they discuss breeding stuff, separating infertile cows from the herd, etc. etc.  We see a cute Camila moment as she walks away and tells him to comb his hair.  He smooths out his hair, “Perdon, pues”  He’s just adorable, I hope we see more of this cutie in other tns  *sigh*

Vivi’s house
Aaron and Rafa discuss Vivi as Rafa packs his suitcase.  Aaron suggests Rafa give her some time to get over what she went through with Bruno.  Rafa wants to give her some distance.  He knows she feels something for her. 

In Vivi’s room, she’s giving it some thought and flashes back to tender moments with Rafa and Aaron.  She speaks to God, saying she doesn’t want either one of them to leave.  She doesn’t know which one she’s in love with.  She asks why her life always has to be so complicated.  (my life should be so complicated)

Buenaventura dining room
Rocio, Cayetan, Yago, and Ileana are having a meal.  Rocio shares that Mariano has advised her that Ruth is doing better even though she’s still in ICU.  Cayetano speaks highly of Mariano and his dedication to Ruth.  He’s behaved as a true Albarran.  Yago picks this moment to stir the pot.  He asks Iliana if she’s told them about her new bf.  Rocio is immediately curious about this great news, assuming of course that she’s seeing one of the local breeders.  Yago explains that he’s not necessarily a breeder although he’s always among the bulls.  Cayetano is intrigued and Yago gives it up that she’s dating the foreman from  La Malquerida, the one that came to beat him up the other day.  Not to be bested, Iliana says Rodolfo came to beat on him because he’s dating that secretary even though he continues to deny it.  Yago says that’s a lie and she only says it because he saw her with that naco.  Oh, yeah?  She pulls out her phone and says she has proof of his romance with Natalia.  She plays a recording of Natalia and Yago making plans to meet on the weekend.  Rocio is not amused, remembering that Yago denied this relationship to Mariano.  “And that’s not all,” says Iliana, “he also asked Natalia to deny it so you wouldn’t find out.”  Yago: “just like you don’t want your parents to find out about your new bf, right?”  Cayetano has heard enough of this squabble.   Yago’s a grown man and can run around with as many women as he’d like; however, he must assume the consequences of his actions.  Yago readily agrees and turns to make a “gotcha” face at Iliana.  She protests that Yago’s only making a fool of Natalia.  Rocio says that’s Natalia’s problem.  Like her grandmother used to say,  “Amarren sus gallinas por que mi gallo anda suelto! (tie up your chickens, cuz my rooster is loose – hahaha) If Natalia allows it, it’s her problem. I don’t think she can think Yago would seriously consider her, right?”  Yago only shrugs.   That’s right Rocio, don’t teach your sons to treat women respectfully.  Cayetano steps in and tells Ileana that she can’t be seen hanging out with that foreman.  He’s gonna have a word with her mother and tell her what’s going on.  The menfolk leave and Rocio turns to Ileana.  She can’t believe it’s possible.  She thought Ileana was more selective, with more class.  No, no, no, it’s incredible, well……and she leaves muttering mostly to herself.  Ileans sulks, knowing her plan to unmask Yago’s affair with Natalia backfired. 

La Malquerida
The vaqueros run around rustling up some little doggies (that’s cows in cowboy talk) while gorgeous Rodolfo shouts instructions.  Salud?! What the heck, it’s New Year’s day.

Camila seeks out Daniel and he tells her about his conversation with Daddy Dearest.  He really tries to see him as a father but he can’t.  She tells him not to feel guilty about it, they never lived together and besides a father is one who raises you, not the one who fathered you.  Daniel agrees and says he would never be capable of abandoning a son.  He would do everything possible to be with him.  (ok, all you Marian-is-alive theorists, this must be a clue.  I’ve not agreed with you but this is way too much of a clue to ignore, hmmmmm).  Camila agrees but tells him again not to feel bad for FX, everyone reaps what they sow.  Daniel doesn’t want to talk about this anymore and asks about Luzma and Piedad.  Camila tells him they’re still planning to marry although they won’t be able to have the ceremony here.  They both agree it’s best they don’t postpone the wedding.  She tells him she’s off to see Mariano.  He offers to go with her but she says Luzma and Pablo wish to speak with him.  Daniel tells her he’d also like to marry as soon as possible and she says she’d like to be his wife for the rest of her life.  They share a kiss.

Rodolfo and the other field hand (name?) are riding in the back of a hay trailer.  He asks Rodolfo how it went with the Bratgirl.  Rodolfo reminds him Natalia’s the one he’s in love with.  The field hand suggests he stick it out with Bratgirl, saying that one nail pulls out another. 

Rosario looks lovingly at Alonso.  She prays for him to believe that she’s his mother and that she loves him.  She prays for a miracle to bring him back to her side.  Comandante Juarez knocks on the window to get her attention and asks about his condition.  He wants to speak with him about handing over a ranch and asks that she let him know as soon as he’s awake, Alonso will know what he’s talking about.  She’ll let him know when Alonso’s awake. 

La Malquerida
FX is finally leaving!  His bags are packed and the taxi’s waiting.  Dionicio and Agustina have come to see him off.  Agustina can only hope she’ll never see him again.  FX says one never knows, life takes many turns.  Dionicio tells him to scram.  He will never be welcome in this ranch, now or ever.  He hopes it’s clear to him not to return.  FX says that’s what he deserves for plotting with swindlers.  It’s possible he may never see them again but he still has a pending issue with Hissadora.  Dion assures him Hissadora is also not welcome here.  FX takes a step forward but Agustina shoos him away. 

As the taxi drives off,  Osvaldo and Padre Anselmo arrive to see Camila. 

Elsewhere, Daniel and Luzma are strolling through the patio.  She understands that although she understands he may be sad because of the death of his sister, she’d like for him to walk her down the aisle.  Daniel is only too happy to do so.  Luzma loves him as though he were her big brother and he loves her as though she were his little sister.  Padre and Osvaldo show up.  Padre reminds her she and Pablo have to attend the premarital classes.  She invites Osvaldo to the wedding then runs off to go bridal dress shopping with her mom. 

La Hacienda
Agustina cries over Ximena’s photo, wondering how she’ll bear this loss.  Dionicio thinks it might be easier if she were to look for justice.  He thinks she should see to it that the person responsible for Ximena’s death should pay for what he’s done.  Alonso was driving and therefore he was responsible for her death.  He suggests she file a complaint against him.  He’s frustrated at Agustina’s reluctance and sets in to bullying her.  Agustina thought they would say it was an accident.  Dionicio doesn’t think so, of course.  Alonso may be disturbed (perturbado), loco and may have thought it would be better to die than to assume responsibility for his actions, taking Ximena with him.  Dionicio claims Alonso caused her death, doesn’t she see that?  Agustina begins to see what he means.  Yes, yes, Alonso caused her death and must pay.  She won’t be swayed by that loco’s condition.  Alonso must go to jail; not only for Camila’s kidnapping, but also for Ximena’s death.  She assumes Dionicio will accompany her to la delegacion.  He bristles at the suggestion, citing his damaged leg as an excuse.  When she stammers about going alone, he tells her to have Omar drive her and be done with it!  When she wonders if Camila can go with her, he lays into her about not ever wanting to do anything on her own.  She’s a big girl, it isn’t necessary for her to always depend on someone else to help her resolve her problems!  He yells at her, “go alone and that’s it!  Nothing will happen to you!”  Agustina of course gives in.

Doc is checking in on Alonso when he comes to.  He tells Alonso he’s in the hospital and he’s sedated.  He tells him about the accident.  Alonso flashes back to the scene of the accident.  He’s been thrown clear of the car and he sees the car blow up to smithereens.  Back in the present he asks about Ximena and is told she’s died.  He tells the doc he wants to leave and is told he can’t leave.  The doc then gives him the bad news that he will be a quadriplegic for the rest of his sorry days.  Alonso begins to cry, “no, no, por favor no!”

Rosario is verklempt.  Alonso tells them to leave, he wants to be alone.  Doc understands Alonso needs time to process this news but tells him many people have lived satisfactory lives under similar circumstances.  They leave Alonso in tears.  Outside, the doc warns Rosario that she may need to be re-assigned if she can’t maintain her distance from this patient. 

Alonso flashes back to the accident again and, speaking to himself, says, “You’ve destroyed me Isadora.  I hate you.  But don’t claim victory yet.  If it’s the last thing I do, you will get your comeuppance, I swear it!”

A little hottie shows up looking for Mariano.  Pablo shows up and she introduces herself as Maria Elena Arriaga (gf for Yago?  Has to be, cuz Pablo better not even think about cheating on our girl).  She has an appt w/Mariano and is applying for the secretarial job vacated by Natalia. 

Camila’s Cabin
Osvaldo tells Daniel that the papers have come in for him to get his naturalization papers in one week.  Padre Anselmo also has good news:  his sister has located Daniel’s friend Dante in Chile.  He gives Daniel his phone number and says Dante is eager to speak with him as well.  Padre also explains that Teresa was very clear that Daniel not travel to Chile.  She thinks it wise to wait until both his record/file (expediente) and Comandante Farca show up.  Daniel is confused.  Abraham would have only left his job due to something very, very grave.  Something very serious must have happened for this to have occurred.  (Another clue for the Miriam-is-alive theorists). 

Alonso thinks of Ximena: “The last thing I wanted was to cause your death.  No, no, no, no.  I can’t believe you’re no longer here.”  (He flashes back to their first meeting in the rain, their flirtatious meetings)  “I should have listened to you when you insisted that we leave and give ourselves a chance.  I know I never would have loved you as I loved Camila but you were very special in my life.  You made me feel like a man again.  You know what that meant to me.  How I wish I could feel that heat/passion again in my body.  It will never happen again.  Ximena, I miss you.  I loved you, I swear I loved you.  In my own way, but I did love you.  Forgive me for having ruined your life as well, Ximena.”  Te odio-o-o-o-o!!!

Somewhere in Mexico…..
Iliana’s mother is Skyping with her dear daughter.  “How is it possible you’re out fooling around with a foreman when you should be trapping one of the Albarran brothers!  What’s wrong with you, Ileana!”  Ileana responds it’s all in her plan.  She’d never even look at that naco.  Mumsy  exclaims her jaw dropped when Cayatetano told her!  Ileana explains the foreman is in love with the secretary with which Yago is playing footsies.  She and the foreman are only trying to make her jealous so she’ll leave Yago and then Ileana will pounce (on Yago).  Ileana is determined not to leave that ranch without marrying an Albarran.  Mom thinks she might just have to give it up and come and live with them in their current [financial] circumstances.   She wonders if Yago even likes her cuz we all know what happened with Pablo.  Ileana knows all too well.  It irks her that he preferred that gata to her.  Yago’s not too bad even though she doesn’t think highly of him.  She’s sure she can change him and make him fall in love with her. Mom tells her to be careful and reminds her that playing around with love is like playing with fire.  She doesn’t want to see her hurt.  Ileana is positive everything will turn out perfectly.

Elsewhere at Buenaventura, Pablo is showing Maria Elena around and explains they’ll be working with each other very closely with regards to La Malquerida (watch it, Pablo) but Mariano will explain everything to her. 

Camila comes by to visit Mariano.  Ana has been bugging him about her “surprise”.  Mariano reminds her he had said it was possible there might be a surprise but unfortunately it didn’t turn out that way..  Ana insists he at least tell her what it was all about.  Refugio comes in to tell him about the visitor.  Ana finally leaves cuz she’s not getting her surprise.  Camila explains she came to tell him about Pablo’s wedding this Saturday at the church.  She further explains why it can’t take place at La Malquerida because of Ximena’s demise, yada, yada, yada.   She’s sorry she couldn’t offer La MQ as promised and he’s sorry he can’t offer Buenaventura because his mother wouldn’t allow it.  He comes up with the great idea of having it at Amanda’s Hostal.  Camila heartily agrees and offers to pick up the cost of the food.  They agree to work together on it and shake hands.  He holds on a split second too long and there is a very brief uncomfortable feeling between them.  Camila assumes his parents won’t be at the wedding but Mariano says they’ll make the best of it.

Ah, now we find out why Pablo is at Buenaventura.  He’s come to ask his parents for his certificate of Baptism for the wedding this Saturday (ay, ay, ay, Pablo).  Rocio starts ranting she doesn’t agree and Pablo tells her to get over it.  He hopes they’ll change their mind and attend.  He asks for the certificate again and Rocio says she doesn’t have it.  Pablo challenges her to just say she doesn’t want to give it to him.  He’s greeted with silence.  Fine, he realizes he made a mistake to come asking for it.  He’ll just ask the parish priest for a copy (that’s what he should’ve done to begin with – oh wait! Is there something in that certificate she doesn’t want anyone to see? Hmmmmmm).  Pablo gives up and leaves.  Rocio looks to the heavens asking how many times she’s pleaded that this wedding not take place.  Cayetano suggests that no matter what they do, Pablo will not change his mind.  Therefore, he thinks they have no choice but to just give him the Baptismal Certificate. Rocio thinks he’s crazy.  Cayetano: “I’d be crazy if I were to lose my son forever.”  He leaves and she calls after him but he ignores her. 

Camila is saying goodbye to Mariano but can’t leave until he tells her about the surprise Ana was expecting.  Mariano doesn’t want to say but she insists.  Like a fool, he proceeds to tell her that the surprise was going to be that he was intending to begin a relationship with her, Camila, and that if it worked out he would ask her to marry him and thus form a family and maybe in the future add to their family.  (Where is your dignity, man?)  A very uncomfortable Camila just stares, obviously not knowing how to respond to this.  Ay, Mariano.  


Tried to watch w/o my girlfriend tonight. I can only figure so much out even with the (Spanish) subtitles. Thanks much to you and all the other bloggers. Incredible dedication.
Now that I have gotten into the show a bit (my first TN) I am also beginning to understand at least some of the humor you add to the basic plot summary.

Anon 2:39: you picked a good one for your first TN.

Feliz ano nuevo a todos! I have been a lurker for quite a while, but since this TN is TAN BUENO and it's a new year, I resolve to come out of hiding and join the CARAY CARAY comunidad!

So it seems like una nueva etapa has begun and it looks to be a doozy! I gotta say I was surprised that Makes-Me-Illy outed Yago with the cell phone recording, but I loved it! Too bad it fell flat -- what is up with Cayetano and Rocio?! These two are seriously living in another epoca! Props to the writers though. I like that they didn't show us Illy making the recording, just like they didn't show us Mariano taping Alonso and Xi. I appreciate it when they don't bonk us over the head with every piece of evidence, at least for the little intrigues like these. Plus, since I find myself screaming "Why aren't you recording this for proof?!" it's nice to know that this is obvious to the writers too.

Smiley McNice Nice (i.e. the new girl coming in to work as secretary) seriously has me freaked out! The way Pablo was looking at her has me panicking just a teeny bit. He's getting married in a couple days, so I guess it doesn't matter because there isn't enough time for there to be a possibility of anything there (or at least there better not be), but this TN keeps surprising me, and since Tio Cerdo wants to break out of prison and some random silent guy helped him out, I guess I'll just wait and worry...

I'm in the Miriam is still alive camp, so the reference to Dan always being there for a child + wondering where Ab went to + having the number to call his friend + Dan wanting to marry Cami lo antes posible + there being a bunch of eppys left etc...= crap on a stick in my book. Although I'm surprised that lady Lic. hasn't discovered this yet if it is in fact true. Some have suggested that maybe Miriam's in a coma and/or Ab has DanJrJr. with him abroad or something and I"m willing to buy into any of those theories.

I think it's sad that Alonso was the only one with any good memories of Xi (and even those were iffy). Seems like she only made a positive impact on his life by "curing" him. Even so, I was a bit surprised that Camila seemed so...ok the night of her sister's burial. I get that the woman tried to have her kidnapped (as far as she knows), but I would've thought she would spend the night licking those wounds and trying to remember the good times. Instead it was more like she had a hard day at work. But eh, maybe that's just me.

Ay! Lic Berrera watch your back! Now that Dio knows your involved with Amanda trying to escape, your days may be very numbered!

And since I realize I'm eating up a lot of commenting space for a newcomer, I will just say I love this blog and this TN and I hope I haven't made you all so sick of me with my first post that I can't ever come back because I can't eait to be a part of this discussion!

I should clarify: I meant it seems like Alonso's the only one whose life Xi positively impacted. Everyone else she touched, she seemed to only bring pain. (obvi, I'm sure Augustina and Camila have good of her somewhere in there minds, I'm just speaking of what we know of her.

And I meant I can't Wait to be a part of this discussion, not Eait (sorry, I'm excited and it's late)

Welcome Anon 2:39 and HellaShelle! How wonderful to hear new voices in the new year. Please comment more often.

Great job as always Paquita. Thanks for pointing out the Miriam foreshadowing. I’m in the Miriam and the baby are alive camp.

HellaShelle- I think Xi’s death has been hard on Cami. She has choked back on tears when speaking about it with Pablo and Luzma, and even with Mariano. But I would be incredulous if she were worked up with the same kind of grief as when Luis and Don Daniel died. Xi was her sister, mostly in name/fact. Other than that, Xi treated Cami as the enemy. I wouldn’t be a puddle of tears either.

Poor Iliana got slapped in the face with a double standard. Poor girl didn’t know that in Casa Albarran, it’s 1950. As ridiculously chauvinistic as it was, I got a big chuckle out of the chicken/rooster saying. Mainly because in my head I heard it as “tie up your hens, because my cock is loose!” The word so well describes both Yago’s attitude and his driving force. ;-) It’s amazing Mariano and Pablo turned out to be such gentlemen with this attitude floating around their house.

Speaking of the other Albarran boys, I did not like that little chippie who’s applying to be the new secretary. She was eying up our Pablo! Did you see the way she abruptly turned when they walked into the office, so that Pablo nearly ran into her and was face to face with her? And those red high heels? Is it wrong that I immediately thought of her as a bitch? LOL! Pablo and Luzma don’t need any more grief in their relationship. And what can I say about Mariano. He’s taking this truth-saying a little too far, no? This situation is as awkward as the one Vivi had with the brothers the other day. “Yeah, even though you have NEVER given me any indication that you see me as more than a friend, I sort of promised the kids that I would ask you to be my girl, then marry you, form a family with you, adopt Roman, pop out some babies, adopt some dogs, a cat, some bunnies, maybe even some fish…” Oh boy!

Can I say again how hot Dan looks in black! Especially when he is angrily giving his father the boot, then next tenderly accepting walking Luzma down the aisle. Ay Papi!


Oh, and I thought Flavio Medina did a fabulous job this episode, with no body movement, as Alonso started to understand his condition and what had happened. However, neither Chayo nor the doctor mentioned that the cops were waiting to throw him in jail as soon as he is ready to leave the hospital. I appreciated that Flavio accepted getting his head shaved so that we could see the stitches where Al’s head had cracked open, rather than a mummy wrapped head of full hair, or the more ridiculous small bandage sitting ON TOP of a mass of hair, was we often see in tns.

Great job, Paquita. Good way to start the New Year. Did I ever mention that I hate the month of January?

Now is certainly not the time to tell Alonssso that he is looking at prison time for his "crimes." His body will be prison enough, since it won't allow him to actually do anything or even to wield authority over anyone else. He is probably fortunate to be able to breathe on his own.

But it has to be insanely difficult to have all one's mental faculties intact while the body is inert.

Love that saying about the chickens and the rooster.

Ileana needs a job but what is she even qualified to do?

Gracias Paquita! Wow, this show is moving right along now that we've reached the turning point. Good riddance to FX. Gotta say the acting is superior in this show. Every little exchange carries such nuance and helps flesh out these roles. Lotsa hints and alarming premonitions this episode.

The double standard over at Rocio and Cayetano's place. Whoah! They spelled it out in capital letters without even wincing. And both sides play at this game. Rocio is complicit in her own demise.

I didn't notice that the new hire was anything other than bouncy & enthusiastic about her new job, trying to make a good impression. Looked to me like Pablo was the one making eyes at her. Hands off, kiddo! But, as has already been mentioned, this looks like doom on the horizon.

Welcome to Anon 2:39 and HellaShelle! Happy New Year to all


Thank you Paquita, another great recap. So much to discuss on this one.

As Rafa was packing, his pants were all the same brown ones that he wears. What's wrong with blue jeans?

If there is anything on Pablo's baptismal certificate, then it would come out no matter who he marries, so I can't imagine that Don Daniel is mentioned on it.

Vivi, is she a chippie? lol. I thought the writers wanted us to be nervous that she may interfere with Pablo and Luzma, but I think she's really going to interfere with Yago and Natalia. Yago and chippie haven't met yet, but I can see him getting that glow when he meets her.

Why didn't FX tell Dan all he knows. I was mad when he got in the cab without telling. But he did threaten Dion that he may not have seen the last of him, so maybe he will. I am so with you Vivi, Dan looked so so so good in black and with some anger. Yummy.

I also agree that Flavio did a great job acting, with the addition of cutting his hair short. It was more realistic that way too. I'm back in the camp of feeling really sorry for him. He's been dealt a bad hand in this life. Now that they are bringing up his weak heart, I can see Isa coming in to visit him and getting him riled up to cause a heart attack. I just hope he can fulfill his wish to have revenge on her first.

I really can't see how Ileana is going to get an Albaran man. The only way I can see is to drug one of them, sleep with him, and get pregnant.

When the new secre met Pablo, there was music, an extended shot of their handshake, and meaningful smiles. I picked up on that right away and felt dread.

Add me to the list of admirers of Dan in Black.

Seriously, why would Mariano even go there? I can only think of one reason: plot device. But he is so un-hot, I just don't even want to see any plot with him, especially with Cami after seeing her with Dan. Mariano isn't going to compare well.

HallaShelle, what is the new etapa we are starting? Was the old one not knowing who Dan was, and now that's settled? Is the new one the legal battle for the ranch? Is it the Chile angle, whatever that may bring?

Thanks recappers and commenters.


cathyx - yes, you're right Chippie fits much better in with Yago than Pablo (thank God). I can def see him actually, finally falling in love with her...and then having Illeana ruin it. Ooh, karma! I just don't want any more Pablo/Luzma problems to come from her arrival in the meantime.

TN4ever - I think the new etapa is bringing the couples to the forefront. One of the things I have LOVED about this TN is that the main issue to start wasn't just poor girl and rich guy fall in love and rich guys evil mom opposes with the help of rich ex/current/always assumed girlfriend. I love that that the love triangles were present, but different, and not the main driving force behind the characters. But now in this new chapter, I think it will be about keeping the couples together (or getting the right people together--ahem, paging Natalia...).

Ditto on the kudos for Flavio Medina. Very well done! He really made that sense of pain and disbelief real to me. I agree that he's been dealt a rotten hand and given that he's quad rather than paraplegic, I don't think the writers are planning to have him recover. I was worried that his state would make him so bitter and angry that he would make trouble in terms of signing the MQ over to Cami, but since his hatred of Hissadora must now be beyond comprehension, I guess it won't be a prob.

*Did Pablo's bow thingie change between leaving the kids with PA and going to the sentencing of He who shall not be named? (that may be an eppy back, I watched them back to back last night)

Side note: I find this TN interesting in the way it's discussed adoption and parenting. I love that they've included a "good character" who can't have kids, but made it clear that that's not the end of her possibilities for a family or romance. I love that even they've made "parenting" key in upbringing rather than just have your tendency toward evil/good dictated by your DNA. And I LOVE that there are so many facets to all of the characters! They've really made it a point that character is a spectrum which I appreciate. For a second, they actually had me rooting for Alonso and Jimena to just get away and start over. Unfortunately, they're greed ran too deep, they'd never have been happy without millions. Still, I wanted that insecure little girl abandoned by her father and inferior to her sister and that little boy abused and confused by his "mother" to find some happiness...

And thanks for the welcomes!

Thanks, Paquita for the great recap.

Welcome HellaShelle and Anon 2:39: Please comment often. HS: Love your sprinkling of Spanish in your comments.

Liked Dan and Luz’s scene together.

Did not like that Pablo and New Girl have chemistry.

Cayetano and Rocio: Seriously?!!!!!

Now Ileana is out to get Iago. AND her mother is saying don’t get hurt. Since when does she care about anything but the money she’s pimping her daughter out for?

Cathyx: I was thinking the same thing re: New Girl and Iago. I can’t believe he will not make moves on her. HellaShelle: I love your idea of Iago actually falling in love and his past coming back to bite him.

HellaShelle: “Still, I wanted that insecure little girl abandoned by her father and inferior to her sister and that little boy abused and confused by his "mother" to find some happiness...”—you describe them beautifully.



Paquita, thank you for the great recap and thanks to all have posted great insightful comments.

Welcome to Anon 2:39 and HellaShelle.

I LOL at Rocio dicho! She has all of her roosters on the prowl including her husband. Was it her own fault about Don Daniel? What is she going to do about Cayetano and Isa? When is she going to figure out that she cannot control her sons' emotions?

Did Cayetano send the new Chippie to the rancho to distract Pablo? He did say he was not going to lose his son!

I hope Al gets over his anger long enough to tell all to the comandante.

Rosemary Primera


HellaShelle- ITA that you described Al and Xi beautifully.

Off Topic: RG, who sometimes comments on Caray, did a Best of 2012/Worst of 2012 List for the tns and tn actors we saw this year on all the US Spanish networks. Some of our faves from Televisa/Uni (AB, LQNPA, Refugio) and Telemundo (Flor Salvage, Mariposa, Escobar) make the best of list, and the worst of list is amusing:

Paquito, what a great recap to start the the new year. Thanks.

My favorite line was one of Isadora’s evil thoughts: Hissadora thought bubbles: “Hopefully (ojalá) your heart will explode once and for all!”
With that in mind, I’m very concerned that the Doc told Chayo that she may have to be re-assigned if she can’t maintain her distance from this patient. I’m sure Isa could sweet talk a replacement nurse into “pulling the plug”.

Lots of great comments, my favorites:
Vivi: Xi was her sister mostly in name/fact. Other than that, Xi treated Cami as the enemy. I wouldn’t be a puddle of tears either.

Vivi: And what can I say about Mariano. He’s taking this truth-saying a little too far, no? (Amen)!

TN4ever: “but he is so unhot” (Mariano). Nice guy but ….

LXV: I didn't notice that the new hire was anything other than bouncy & enthusiastic about her new job, trying to make a good impression. Looked to me like Pablo was the one making eyes at her. (I noticed the same thing. Let’s call a spade a spade).

Finally, I have a couple of questions.

1) Does Dionicio know that Alonso did not cause Xi’s death? (I don’t remember what Isa told him).

2) I’m not sure why can’t the Luz-Pablo wedding can’t be at La Malquerida because of “Ximena’s demise”. Is it because the entire ranch is

How does Augustina function?

Alarms went up at the arrival of Maria Elena.

I don't think we've seen the last of FX.

Alonso needs to tell all right now to Rosario, to Juarez to anyone before Isadora gets him. And in his immobile state, he can't escape.

Silly of Iliana's mom warning her not to get hurt in love when she is pimping her daughter out for the highest Albarran bidder. Maybe if she sold that leather sofa & cut out the Skype she'd have a little extra money.


Dante doesn't know where Abraham is either. He told Teresa that he's been trying to get a hold of him so he can pay his respects to Miriam but Abraham dropped off the face of the earth.

My last line of my comment should read, "Is it because the entire ranch is in mourning"?

Darn robot, Stop it!!!

Foxy- Cami told Pablo and Luzma that in respect of her mother being in mourning, they couldn't do the wedding party at the ranch. I think if it were just her, she'd have it anyway.

Dio accused Isa of killing Xi and trying to kill Al-- when he held her neck at medical instrument point. She didn't admit it, but she didn't deny it either. It was pretty obvious that she did it, and I'm sure it's what Dio assumes.

Here is RG's description of Amor Bravio which is #3 on the Best Of 2012 List:

3) AMOR BRAVÍO (Televisa, currently airing at 10 p.m. ET on Univision) The US airing of this novela is only near the halfway point, but even if the production falls apart from here on, that would not negate the enjoyable ride thus far. The Byzantine plots and counterplots for ownership of a ranch called La Malquerida enacted by a refreshingly proactive group of protagonists against a host of antagonists who, to add to the fun, alternately collaborate and backstab each other. The goodies (Silvia Navarro, Cristián de la Fuente, Fernanda Castillo, Alex Sirvent, Alan Estrada) have a convivial, loosey-goosey chemistry amongst themselves that is enormously appealing; and the baddies are a formidable love-to-hate group headed by veterans César Évora in prime Mephistophelean mode and Leticia Calderón as a bleached viper and deadliest of the bunch; with Laura Carmine as the heroine’s amusingly materialistic bad egg sister; and my favorite, Flavio Medina in a wired performance, a mass of psychological hang-ups stemming from his relationship with his domineering mother, Medina manages to be first repulsive, then piteous – there’s a Gollum quality to him. To appropriate something James Agee once wrote describing Mel Tormé – he reminds me of something in a jar.


Augustina functions in a dream world. Wait until she finds out that her husband really is the Big Bad Wolf... scratch that; I still say he is The Devil.

I noticed that the folks at made the Mephistopheles reference, too. Do they read us, I wonder?


Vivi, what a spot on description of the show. But only #3? Who are the first and second? This is by far the best TN I've ever seen, even a better show in general than I've seen in a long time, American or Latin.

Cathyx- #1 was Flor Salvage on Telemundo. I didn't watch, but it got great comments each night on the Telemundo Caray feed. #2 was one I enjoyed and recapped, Un Refugio Para el Amor. Yay! AB isn't finished yet, so I think it would have been difficult for them to put it higher on the list.

I agree about Mariano's description as 'Unhot'.
And I agree about January. Ditto February.
Did anyone notice how big Muñeca has gotten?

Vivi, how would you compare Un Refugio Para el Amor with Amor Bravio? I assume you've watched Un Refugio.

This comment has been removed by the author.

Cathyx: I noticed the puppy had gotten bigger. I wonder how much time has past. If puppies are anything like kittens, they are small for awhile, then seem to have a growth spurt almost overnight and look quite a bit bigger.

Great recap, Paquita. I very much appreciated your translating the dicho, and I loved some of your comments, such as "Thankfully the camera protected us in Viewerville from [Isadora's] death stare" and "She asks why her life always has to be so complicated. (my life should be so complicated)"

Paquita, I too wondered whether Pablo's baptismal certificate had some incriminating info, but I decided that was highly unlikely. Rocio would NEVER have admitted that Pablo's father was anyone other than Cayetano, so Don Dan's name would NOT have appeared anywhere.

Like several others, I too was uncomfortable watching the new little chippie and Pablo together. But it would be so completely out of character for Pablo to fall for her at this point. Yago, on the other hand.... That would be a way to get Natalia back with Rodolfo without having Ileana wind up with Yago. She doesn't deserve to wind up with *anyone*, IMHO. Of course, I'm not sure that Yago deserves to wind up with anyone either, but....

I think my worst moments watching last night's episode were in the godawful scene between Mariano and Camila. Arrgh!! Paquita, I totally agree with your comment: "(Where is your dignity, man?)" Putting this scene together with the increasing possibility that Miriam and the baby may still be alive.... I think/hope the writers are playing with us, but....

Oh well, welcome, Anon 2:39 and HellaShelle. You've picked a fascinating TN to start with.

Cathyx- I recapped Refugio, so I know it well. AB and Refugio are very different types of tns/stories. Refugio is a VERY traditional story. If you read the synopsis you'd probably pass it up because it seems like the typical Cinderella, poor girl falls for rich boy, kind of story. But it was the way it was executed that was extraordinary. It was so well done-- such a tight script, great acting and cast, and some nice reveals.

But I love complex stories, and AB provides that. I enjoy seeing protagonists use their brains, and seeing the good guys work together. I also love SN's protagonists-- they are smart and fun. And I have the hots for CdlF/Dan-- way more so than I did for Gabe Soto in Refugio (his galan got on my nerves many times, but I still liked him). I think AB is going to win out for me, but Refugio has a special place in my heart for sure.

Off Topic:

thanks Vivi in DC for the link to

I've been reading RG's reviews in the recent months, and thus far, I agree with almost all of what he/she's written. Especially "Worst Telenovelas of the Year," and choice lead actors both from La Mariposa.

I would watch Las Detectivas y El Victor w/ Gregorio Pernía on MundoFox, but it doesn't air with English captions.

Paquita - Thanks. Love the title (tie up your chickens...). "Thankfully the camera protected us in Viewerville from her death stare" – lol.

I am going to love Hissadora swatting away Rocio. Couldn't believe I actually felt a little sorry for Bratgirl.

ITA on Flavio's performance.

Vivi - Fab new photo!

Thanks Niecie. New year, new photo.

If Miriam is still alive we could end up with a nasty surprise, like in the finale of La Esposa Virgen. I do hope they don't do that to us again.

Thanks to Paquita for another great recap and welcome to Anon 2:39 and HellaShelle!

It may be my crappy Spanish, but I thought Ileana’s mom warned her that playing with love was like playing with fire. So it isn’t necessarily that she is worried her daughter will get hurt, but that the situation could explode and not give her the result she is looking for. She could end up with everybody still in love with whomever they want, and everybody mad at her, and nobody in love with her. That’s is what I think (and hope) will happen.

FX didn’t have much of a chance of making nice with Dan, but he really blew it when he started bad mouthing his mom. Really, who’s going to want to listen to that?

So if Dante wanted to pay his respects to Miriam, he must think that she is dead. If he sold her the life insurance, wouldn’t he know if it had been paid or not? Since Dan had disappeared, I don’t know what would happen, but maybe someone from the insurance company would be trying to find him or make sure he is dead before they paid the money to the next of kin. If someone claimed the benefits, he would have seen a death certificate (or at least that’s how it works in this country). And if he thought she was dead and no one claimed the benefits, that would be really weird even for a rich family because it's a lot of money. In any case, it seems Dante would know for sure if Miriam was dead.

Mariano would be much better off if he kept his mouth shut and gave that necklace he bought for Camila to Ana for her ‘surprise’ and be done with it. I agree he is not ‘hot’ but I do think his maturity and stability would be very desirable in a husband. Daniel sure is fun to look at *fans self* but to me he is more fling material than husband material. But then, no one is ever going to make a TN out of my life. :) If Miriam does come back and Camila turns to Marino for comfort once again, the fact that Mariano has made his intentions clear to Camila may become significant. It would certainly up the ante for her to know that he wants to marry her.

As for Rocio and Caye and hens and roosters, I think their attitude is still pretty commonplace among Mexicans today. Of course, there is a huge spectrum of attitudes and I don’t mean to over generalize, but a lot of Mexicans do have very traditional attitudes towards gender roles. It’s a different culture. Not better, not worse, just different.

¡Prospero Año Nuevo á todos!


Thank you Paquita. This was one of those inter-regium episodes before the real sh*t hits the fan--but not one of UA's lovely ones, of course. They are setting us up for the coming coup. You did a masterful job entertaining us with your little twists and turns of phrasing. I liked all of the ones already mentioned.

The new etapa--someone mentioned awhile back that this is the end of the original novela on which this part is based--happy ending for DanyCam. Now the writers are writing the next sturm und drang with another happy (we hope) ending.

I just want to see these folks married (LuzMa/Pablo, Camila/Dan) and then let the chips fall where they may and then sort out the complications later.

Osvaldo ALSO told Dan that Dante told Teresa that he wasn't able to contact Miriam's parents either. Dan thought that was very strange, too.

Welcome HellaShelle--Mas, mas, mas por favor. We so crave new voices to add to our mix. And to you, too, Anon2:39.

I finally joined the Miriam-is-still-alive side when Dan told Cam he couldn't understand a father abondoning his child like FX did and he certainly wouldn't. Another reason I want these two married toute de suite--and Camila pregnant.

Kudos to Sr. Medina. He is a terribly believable anguished soul now. HS, your *Side Note* does indeed explain mucho very satisfactorily. oh and haha lol--"crap on a stick." Tasty?

As to Rocio and her Gallos. It was ok for her pet gallo, Pablo, to play with that chacha Luzma on the rancho next door--it was another thing to marry her. It's clear that her class distinctions are so strong that the servant class is more than second class citizens--caveat emptor--they get what they deserve (all except for nana, of course--we can all be selective in our prejudices). Remember her raction to LuzMa's rape? ROCIO: Didn't care because Luzma is worthless to her...what's the big fuss b/c Luzma is a nobody.

That said, I loved Iago's smirk and double smirk when he got a free pass to pester Natalia.

Cathyx--Rafa isn't the only one who has a uniform style of dressing. It makes it easy when you don't have to think too long either about what to put on in the morning or when shopping for new chinos. He looks just like what he is--a writer who doesn't care too much what he looks like. But, our charro-wearing Chileno? Ufff. Sometimes I think he's wearing too many layers, but in the last few episodes it was nice to see him in just a shirt, unbuttoned a few down.

Mariano is holding on to false hope. He hasn't seen DanyCam canoodling comfortably and easily with each other to back out gracefully. Maybe he feels that his status still gives him a chance and holds himself above for always being hecho and derecho with Camila. I thought Camila took her hand away pretty quickly. Awkward moment none the less.

The baptismal certificate has to be a red herring--or just a reason for Pablo to try to talk to his parents and let them know things were going to proceed whether they liked it or not and inviting them to the wedding. A baptismal registry in the church is public record, so Rocio would on no account have put anyone else's name down. Besides, didn't she tell Refugio that her pregnancy with Pablo is what brought her and Cayetano back together?

I'm waiting to see what Hissy does with Cayetano. Whatever, Rocio so deserves it, although not so much Cayetano himself. I want him to feel like a fool.

Yep, FX is going to try to scam Hissy and he's so not in her league.

Just waiting for tonight...Maybe it is only early January, but the sun starts setting later and later, yay!!

Carolina--good point about the insurance. Dante of all people would know the terms. Since Dan was the beneficiary, maybe that is what is holding off the pay out. They're not sure he's dead and are still looking for him. Maybe he's mystified because he hasn't been able to reach Abe nor her parents--who would most probably be the next, next of kin. We have to wait until Dan and Dante talk to get the rest of the skinny.

I don't know why they made such a big deal about the baptismal cert, either. Maybe it's just for the reasons you mentioned and Caye decides to hand deliver it over at the MalQ and he visits with Isa again - though she's been at the hospital ever since the accident.

Thanks Paquita. I really enjoyed this recap. I'm grieving for Alonso right now. He certainly doesn't deserve this.

Gee, you guys sure are already tough on new girl although I must admit saying to myself, "Just what we need right now," when she showed up last night.



I wonder if Miriam (if she's still alive) Abraham, and her parents are hiding out because they think that the person who shot her would attempt to do it again if he found her. Maybe they think there's another reason why he tried to kill her. I can't remember if Dan suspected it had to do with his inheritance when he was talking with Abraham while he was in jail.

Thanks Paquita. I too think that the interaction betweeen the new secretary and Pablo is a distraction meant to throw us off. As one person commented, it would be out of character for Pablo to stray as evidenced by his conversation with his parents, he is fully committed to Luz. I'm guessing that Natalia is the one who will soon "see the light" as Yago chases the newbie and ignores Nat, (remember when he tried to go after Vivi?).

I miss Xi, she was a treat just like Alonso, adding a bit of pizzaz. It's fittingly dramatic that she brought his "body" to life, which he literally lost (lower body) with her death.


Ooh Cathyx I like that theory! It would make sense if Miriam woke up, told Ab the truth and he was like "we better get out of here!" And also "um those guys killed Daniel too! (because I certainly didn't have him illegally arrested, pushing him to flee and never be heard from again...)" Especially since Miriam and/or the baby would have been Daniel's next of kin.

Good point about Dante, Carolina, I had forgotten he was the one who sold Miriam the life insurance. Hmm, I still feel like she's alive though, but you're right Dante should know and if he's trying to pay his respects, I don't get how that would work unless Abe faked her death and fled pseudo-witness protection style.

I miss Xi too, though I despirsed her when she made Cami doubt herself, she was a very useful (though insanely cruel) mirror. I might be in the minority, but when she and Camila came to blows, I thought the only point she made was when she said Camila broke rules she expected others to keep. I thought that was what would make her rethink her stance on Dan's lying. Plus, I wanted her to cry about that on Dan's shoulder just so he could lay her down and show her that only a crazy person would think all she had to offer was money and she would melt icecaps in an instant (yup, I dig when CdF takes off his shirt, yes indeed I do!). Plus again, I really wanted Camila to be able to shove the other crap Xi dished out back in her face and rub it in. HARD. I didn't want her to die, I wanted her to know she was W-R-O-N-G

HellaShelle- Yeah. Xi should have strolled by Cami's cabin bedroom window every now and then, and she would have seen that Cami and Dan were more than capable of melting icecaps. Dan certainly can't get enough of Cami. He never did get that follow-up night of hot lovin he begged for the morning after he proposed. At least they haven't shown them doing anything more than canoodling and cuddling since the kidnapping/Xi's death.

If there is any truth to my possibility, then they probably made Dante believe that Miriam died and left him in the dark about everything so as to protect themselves from the bad guy. It's like they went into a witness protection program.

Vivi, you voyeur you. Maybe the writers think we don't need to see every time they do it, lol.

For those who never saw Labios Rojos, the movie starring Jorge Salinas and Silvia Navarro, it's complete on YouTube. It's a cute romantic comedy (with a lot of explicit jokes and talk about sex) about a guy going through a midlife crisis (JS), which results in him not being able to perform with his wife (SN). The results are much more amusing than what happened with Cami and Al.

Here's the link, but if you just want a quick look at a fun scene, I recommend the scene which starts at Min 28:50 when the wife decides the solution is to spice things up:


Cathyx- The writers are wrong. LOL!

Vivi--They have indeed been doing more than canoodling. You missed the scene in the cabana in the morning where Dan is getting dressed, the bed behind him is all messed up and Cam is on the phone learning that Al is paralyzed.

Ah, I guess I was laser focused on Dan in that scene and didn't notice the bed. OK. I'll use my imagination then. I guess it's pretty unlikely that those two would share a bed and not do anything. :)

Maybe we'll get to see Lobocito and Aggie together again.

Carlos: I think New Girl looks like she's a sweet person, it's just that Pablo was kind of flustered around her and they had a little chemistry going on. Don't want the TN to go down that road. I have nothing against New Girl and hope that Iago does fall in love with her and she with him. He isn't so horribly horrible that he can't be put on the future redemption list.

Cathyx- Please, NOOOOOO!!!!

Vivi, someone had to throw some cold water on you. That's all I was doing.

"Something in a jar" is a great description of Alonso. Creepy but pitiful at the same time. I'm really liking this actor more and more over the last few episodes. It's a shame he and Ximena couldn't escape. They were good together. I think we mourn her the same way that Camila doea, as "what could have been" rather than what was. So much potential there, gone.

I may check out the new "Quien eres tu" just to see Ximena again. I miss Bruno (Julian Gil) too.



Cathyx- Thanks amiga. I needed that. I didn't want it...but I needed it. I'll try to have pure thoughts the rest of the evening...until Daniel appears on my screen at 10pm.

Nanette, from the first time we met him, I've not cared for Yago. What I fear may happen is that Yago will fall hard for New Girl dumping Natalia who of course by then will be pregnant.

Of course if this happens we can probably count on Dionysio to take care of Yago in his own special way.


Dante would have to have done a payout at this point, but wouldn't he have wanted to be present at the funeral? Abraham would have a lot of tracks to cover if he is concealing the non-death we're expecting.

Maybe it is a Witness Protection Program or maybe Abraham has realized by now that he has screwed up. It's also possible that Dante was out of town when the payout would have happened?

Or did both payouts happen because Daniel is presumed dead and Abraham -- as Miriam's next of kin -- took the money and ran?

UA--A lot of possibilities in play. We do know that Dante was "on vacation" when everything went down in Chile and didn't return until AFTER Dan had escaped. This had to have taken place at least over a few weeks, no?

Didn't Dante see somebody, was it Abe? that it wasn't Dan but Miriam that bought the policy?

Of course maybe the writers didn't google insurance policy payouts in cases of possible shooting deaths where there is no body and all the next of kin has disappeared.

Carlos, surely you aren't asking these same writers who had to do the LuzMa rape and aftermath with having to give us another unwanted pregnancy or abandoned mother-to-be? Not Natalia. But she's so convinced Iago is in love with her she's not worried about the consequences of unprotected sex on a tablecloth in the park the first time. P.S. Don't all tn protagonistas that get pregnant, get pregnant the first time (as in Dr. Tatas?--she wasn't really an antagonista, merely una protagonista inconveniente).

"she's not worried about the consequences of unprotected sex on a tablecloth in the park the first time..."


It sounds so romantic when you put it that way.


Paquita: Great read! I was too tired to catch half of what I was trying to see and thanks for getting down all the details I "slept" through!!

I would think that Dante and his company would need some proof of Miriam's death before any payout happened. They would also need some proof that Dan was dead before that payout would go to anyone else. Since we know that at least there was no death certificate for Dan, then no payout can happen, regardless of whether or not Miriam is dead, or Abraham managed to come up with a fake death certificate for her.

Anita- Yes. When Dante returned he told Abe about Miriam taking out the insurance policy without Dan knowing. Abe still chose to think the worst of Dan.

Though I didn't much like Abe either, I can't imagine him being involved in some sort of fraud. I do however think that Miriam (and Danny Jr. for that matter) are still alive. OK, I guess in that case he's technically guilty of a fraud by telling Daniel that she had died, but I can't see him doing insurance fraud. Wasn't their family wealthy already?


Carlos: I don't particularly care for Iago, either. When I wrote that about his falling in love with NG and her falling with him, I kind of had a twinge of guilt for wanting her to be part of his life. He is rather a skunk, isn't he? He's just not evil, so can be redeemed by TN rules. Hope your Nat being pregnant storyline is way off base.

This comment has been removed by the author.

So, if Miriam is allive, where does that leave Daniel, emotionally speaking?

Anita, I'm with you. I think Nat has enough to her story what with figuring out that she really does like Rudolfo, Yago's una idiota, and her dad's the devil! At most, a pregnancy scare to demonstrate that Yago's a jerk but please no more sad pregnancies.

Carlos, yes they were wealthy. Apparently, he at least had his own class issues with that in terms of Miriam marrying not-so-wealthy Dan. I don't think he would've committed insurance fraud for the money, but I'm wondering how things like life insurance work out with witness protection. Thinking about it though, if they were in witness protection then why would they break it if there was no investigation into who tried to kill Miriam? Do they still think it was Dan who escaped and that's why? But if so, wouldn't she have cleared that up?

UA - I'd say very least for a many episodes.

Urban- Dan will be somewhere up sh*t creek emotionally, if Miriam is alive. Which is also where Camila and Miriam will be.

Anita said, "Of course maybe the writers didn't google insurance policy payouts in cases of possible shooting deaths where there is no body and all the next of kin has disappeared." LOL!!

ITA with Vivi, a death cert is going to be required before an insurance company is going to part with a million dollars. I know that is how it works in this country and it sure seems like it would work that way in Chile or anywhere else.

So Dante would know if Miriam was really dead and someone had tried to get the insurance money, as would normally happen if someone died. He wouldn't necessarily know if she were alive and hiding or whatever the heck is going on. He seems to think she is dead, but wouldn't he be wondering why no one has wanted the insurance money?

I thought Abe abused his position in the police department to fake the murder charge and false imprisonment of Daniel. When Teresa couldn't find any records of the arrest and Abe wasn't at work, I thought maybe it was because he had been found out and was in hot water and had been suspended or something.

There is a whole lot of funny business going on in Chile. I like Teresa and am looking forward to seeing what she has found out and what Dan and Dante talk about when they get in touch.

UA- Great question. I can't even hazard a guess on what the writers would do in this case. Which way will they take Dan? How emotionally conflicted he would be. If it turns out that she's alive, this will be more exciting than the bad guys fighting of Malquerida.

UA, I think you have hit the nail on the head, there. With 75 or so episodes to go, it would seem we have time to find out.

I don't think Abe would try to claim the insurance money. Their family is rich. If Dante only heard Miriam was dead from Abe, then Abe dropped off the face of the Earth without providing a death certificate to the insurance company or even checking on the insurance policy, and Dan was MIA with no death certificate, would the company even try to figure out if/how/to whom to distribute the funds? They wouldn't want to part with their money. Dante would be asking questions for his own curiosity, but the company might not care if no one is trying to claim money from them.

I think rich people would still claim a million dollars if they were entitled to it because that is a big chunk of money, but if Abe knows that Miriam is not dead, then he would not try to claim it under false pretext.

Even though I brought it up, I am starting to think the insurance money could be a red herring. The only value that I see would be that Dante could confirm Miriam was dead if someone had tried to get the insurance money and presented a death certificate or he could raise questions about her being dead if no one had tried to get the money since that would be weird.

Sorry I'm posting so late but wanted to tell Paquita your recap was great. Enjoyed your commentary too.

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