Thursday, December 06, 2012

Amores Verdaderos #21 Thu 12/6/12 Guerito, i hope you didn't forget your bullet proof vest... and Kendra gets rough treatment, one rescue attempt failed, 2nd rescue attempt... tbd

Guillo and Liliana get along great, she is showing him what she is doing with ‘Adelita’, the orchid she is reviving for Dona Victoria.
Beatriz and Cristina are also getting along very well, Cristina offers to make something for dinner to Guillo’s taste, milanesas… hmm yum!! Beatriz says she will try to get a job, Cristina also offers to watch Guillo if Beatriz gets a job.
Beatriz feels bad she has to lie to Cristina about her family matters.

At Barbanera’s, the house without antacid, despite strong objection from Dances with Sunglasses, our dear heroes Guerito and Angel With Hugs take off to attempt a rescue ‘operative’( as Dances WS calls it)…  But as Angel and Guerito leave in Vicky’s SUV, they have one extra cosmonaut … eh… passenger in the SUV in the mission: Dona Victoria… she sneaked out after them.
Even though Dances with Sunglasses gets derailed for several minutes, he finally gets to warn the thugs just in time and they are running out the door like scared rats from the Titanic as Angel with hugs, Guerito and Dona Vicky-sneaky arrive.
Nelson gets really antsy that Vicky disappeared so he and Dances with Sunglasses call Angel and Guerito…  As Nelson is barking at Angel with Hugs that Vicky is gone, Victoria peaks up from the backseat ‘Here I am!!!’, Angel with Hugs and Guerito get concerned… Nelson barges at her ‘What in the hayride are you doing there??!!’, she puts her foot down (figuratively). She is determined to participate in ‘mission rescue Nicky’.
Back at Balvanera castle, Dances with Sunglasses makes a pitch to Nelson that Arriaga is a bad influence on Vicky. Nelson is really anxious that he could lose his wife and daughter… Dances adds ‘also your lover’. Nelson does not like that comment one pickle seed.
At their hiding room in that run down warehouse, the thugs throw Nicky and Kendra (I am SURE Kendra is loving this VIP treatment… NOT!!)  into a dark room and the young thug stays to watch them. Kendra tells Nicky the other guy did not do anything to her, but she tells Nicky she is upset/scared since her own parents don’t have any significant amount of money to offer for her rescue. Nicky tries to reassure her. The thugs keep scaring them that they won’t go free unless the rescue money gets to them.

Anibal gets the paper from the doorman at the apartment building, then … again… runs into his own daughter… Cristina, always the nosy type, asks what he was reading about that he was so focused (article states in title ‘Gene for infidelity discovered’ … LOL!!). He offers to bring the paper back to her when he is done reading the article. Where do you live? # 218.. ah!, you are the new tenant at that place. (Anibal concludes quietly: Cristina is the wife of Arriaga).

So first attempt at rescuing Nicky and Kendra fails thanks to Vicky, who runs after her daughter at hearing her voice and does not allow Angel with Hugs and Guerito to reach them in time. (again, Kendra got a good dose of manhandling/ dragging/roughing… I bet that was not in the ‘deal’ with DwS)

Anyway, the good thing is Nicky got to see that her mother is doing everything possible to get her back alive and well. She was able to see her mother run after them from the back window of the runaway car.

As the hero boys realize they can’t reach the thugs or Nicky and Kendra, …  Vicky’s initial instinct is to blame Angel and Guerito but then comes to her senses… Vicky again faints in Bear with Hugs’ arms.

At the Balv house, Nelson, Dances with Sunglasses and all the staff are really concerned at not knowing what is going on during the rescue attempt. Dances with Sunglasses is doing a good job at convincing Nelson that he was wrong to allow Angel and Guerito to attempt the rescue, Nelson, always the dull dude, offers no argument against and gives in quickly.

Back to the SUV, Vicky is nervous, Guerito has lost the signal, surely they turned the cell phone off. Guerito apologizes, Angel seconds that motion, but Vicky tells them not to take it so hard. She knew there was a risk with the attempt.  Commander Robles of the police calls Vicky’s cell, but it is just to tell her the elevator incident seemed to be accidental, not sabotage. Angel with Hugs insists he thought it was intentional. Vicky says that is not important now, have to concentrate on getting my daughter back.

In the woods somewhere, the thugs throw the girls into a dark room in an old cabin.  Then the main thug calls the house again and fakes being mad, Dances follows the lead and insists the money is ready to be given to them. The thug hangs up after telling Dances he will call again with time and place. At that time Vicky arrives with Guerito and Angel with Hugs…   Nelson waves his arms demanding an explanation. Guerito begins to explain that the thugs seemed to have been alerted that they were coming, someone must have… (Dances interrupts him before he can finish saying ‘someone must have hinted them, or at least given them a bad stinch’)… Dances barks at them, Arriaga backs up what Guerito said… But Nelson, having been brain-poached by Dances in advance, gives orders that the only one that will take any action and make decisions from here on will be Salsero.

At their own apt in the building, Anibal is talking business with someone on phone about buying some land. Anibal writes down a phone number on the newspaper. Paula is very distracted when Anibal talks to her, he asks what is the matter, she says he probably won’t listen. When she begins to tell him, he walks away, proving her point that he has never cared about her own business or her family issues. ‘That is the problem with you Anibal, to find out half way, to love half way, to live half way..’… He insists he is putting a good effort in their relationship. And walks away… Paula gets a call from Beatriz. Beatriz needs to meet with her asap.

Anibal brings Cristina the newspaper article (let me guess, the phone number he wrote on it will come into play sometime not too far from now…) . Anibal meets Liliana and thinks she is as pretty as her mother. He acts very friendly with them, unlike how he acted with Paula, his ‘mujer’. Cristina tells Liliana she is impressed with some real good people in the city, including Don Anibal.

At the park, while Guillo plays in the playground, Beatriz meets with her mother Paula. Beatriz tells her she left Leonardo. Yeah, I knew it. How did you? (Paula has to lie) Beatriz tried for years to maintain her family together, but her hopes of that happening faded away with time, along with her love for Leo. Paula guesses correctly that Beatriz does not want Guillo to witness how Leo physically abuses her. Paula extends a handfull of money for Beatriz. Beatriz is not accepting it at first, but Paula says don’t reject it, don’t do like Francisco. Beatriz does not want money from that man. Then has to tell Paula that she is staying with some friends of her brother’s… Paula of course insists that Beatriz should have her own place. (of course, her real motive is that she wants Bea out of that building asap).  Guillo comes to see Paula and tells her about Cristina and Lilly and how much he is enjoying staying with them.

At Balvanera castle, Dances is again on phone with lead thug… Sra Vicky will be the one who will personally bring in the money. Thug is angry, take it or leave it! Then he hangs up without letting them argue against it.  Nelson and Dances are against letting her go take the money alone. Vicky says will do whatever it takes to get her daughter back!! Arriaga and Guerito offer to go with her.

Nelson takes offense at Arriaga telling Vicky he won’t allow her to go alone. Arriaga has to explain he is her bodyguard and her security is at stake.  Dances with Sunglasses tries to argue against going outside the box… but Arriaga insists. Nelson agrees that if Vicky goes alone, the thugs could take her too.  In the end Angel with Hugs and Guerito are able to convince Nelson to let them go with her.

As Angel and Guerito leave, so does Dances through another door…  to call the thugs that Vicky is on the way to turn in the money. The other thug tells the lead, hey, you and I are the only ones who could lose, Salsero and Kendra are not risking anything. What if we kept the whole kit-n-kaboodle for ourselves? … lead thug is tempted.

At the cabin in the woods, the girls are tied up… they are left alone in the room. Nicky tells Kendra she is very afraid. Kendra tries to reassure her.
Guerito, Vicky and Angel with Hugs arrive near the cabin. Batman and Robin … eh… Angel and Guerito get out of the car and let Vicky continue on her own.

At Barbanera house, we have a funny scene in kitchen where Polita is scared praying to her virgin to keep her guerito alive. Jean Marie is afraid too, and so is Mon.

The thugs have the girls in the car… lead thug comes toward Vicky… while the other thug points his gun at the girls.  Guerito is behind a tree, in position to turn someone into swiss cheese… Vicky asks to see her daughter before turning in the money. Lead thug orders Vicky to throw the bag his way.  After he confirms it is full of pesos, Vicky asks him to fulfill his side of the deal… he says he will take the girls for a ride before turning them in, to make sure she did not bring her wingmen… Angel goes into action, grabbing lead thug from behind. Nicky, who will not be denied her part of the action, gets out of the car and before the other thug can do anything, Arriaga urges her to run hard, she gets to Vicky… but the other thug points his gun and shoots at them… we see Guerito jumping in… too bad he forgot his bullet proof vest at home… or did he? We see smoke bouncing back from his leather jacket, maybe he did wear a vest… otherwise he must have failed his bodyguard save-your-own-skin 101 course. If he did take a bullet for Vicky and Nicky, Nicky BETTER change her attitude toward him.

Stay tuned… tomorrow… same bat-time, same bat-channel, same bat-heroes with guns and hugs…


Martaivett, thanks for the great recap. Actually it looks like Guzmancito gets hit with the bullet, but we'll find out tomorrow.

Hopefully, this incident will transform Nicki from the obnoxious, narcissistic, self-absorbed, spoiled brat that she has been into an empathic human being who notices that there are other people on the planet, and that they are not particularly there to make her happy.

Marta- wonderful recap. Loved your name for Guzmancito. I too hope he isn't shot, and I too hope he remembered his vest.

I hated the fact that Dances with Sunglasses is telling Nelson that Ms Vikki and the Angel are lovers, as if. Nelson is an idiot. Putting Dances in charge of the security. I think Angel is way suspicious of him as is Guzmancito.

Chrissie and Lili are getting close to Anibal despite everything that Paula has done to stop it. Can't wait for Candelaria to show up now.

Polita almost gave the kidnap away by telling Felipe. Good thing that Tomasina was there to stop it. Loving Jean Marie.

Can't wait for tomorrow to see what condition Guzmancito is in and if anyone else got hurt during this hostage exchange.

Anon 11:44 I so agree with you about Nikki, I hope she changes for the better too.

Thanks Martha. I pray that Guzmancito is indeed wearing a vest. yes I do agree that Nikki is very spoiled rich (ParisHilton like)but I like her. she is very funny and endearing. I think she is only in denial that someone like her is having an attraction for her bodyguard. But she call him Gorilla which I think is her term of endearment for him.I hope she redeems herself next episode.
I was thinking does someone think it could be possible that Adriana's daughter could be the hateful Kendra? There is nobody around to pin it to. Annibal would be dismayed to find out Nikki, Lili and Kendra are his grandaughters.

Marta, what a way to start the day! Your recap was excellent - loved your batman references and you made this great fun: "bodyguard save-your-own-skin 101 course", "brain poached" and "one extra cosmonaut" were a few of my favorites.

Kendra is certainly getting shaken and stirred. And not a whit of sympathy from me. Both abductors always play baddies - the older one was a gypsy in CS...

Rulli's Guzmancito is doing an excellent job of conveying a quiet, believable guilt and pain. EY, our angel here on earth is Vikki's rock.

As others have said I'm enjoying Christina more every day. Madelaine, it will be interesting to see Anibal's and Candelaria's first encounter...

I'm also hoping Guzmancito wore a vest. Having both bodyguards shot so soon into this does not bode well.

Vida2, interesting thought about Kendra being Adriana's daughter. Was any mention made of when she had her baby? Adriana seems too young to be a mother to someone of Kendra's age, but that would certainly be an interesting plot twist!

Anon, I think Nikki will have to change after this experience. But, to what extent remains to be seen. I still think there will be some taming of the shrew left to do. :)

I'm loving this and am glad so many others are too.

Thanks again Marta! Happy Friday all...


marta - Thank you for the recap!

That scene where Viki popped up in the back of the SUV with the Rescue Rangers was very funny. "Here I am!" LOL

Who knew that the bodyguards had SWAT Team jackets as part of their uniform allowance? They looked a little bit like bullet-proof Members Only jackets to me. Just sayin'...

How nice that Anibal's DNA via Cristina/Liliana is still attracted to Paula's DNA via Bea/Gui, and that Ani and Cris have "La Llamada de la Sangre". ~rolls eyes~ because that would never happen in real life. Oh, wait, this is exactly why I like telenovelas!

MEMO TO PAULA: Dearie, get over yourself. Right now. Anibal does not care about you or your life. You are his concubine and nothing more, probably less.

"Stay tuned… tomorrow… same bat-time, same bat-channel, same bat-heroes with guns and hugs…"

Vida2 - your idea that Kendra might be Adriana's daughter would be oh-so-delicious if that ends up being true. I like it!

Marta, loved the recap.

Don't you think Kendra is a bit too old to be Adriana's daughter?

Those Salsero's sunglasses are getting to me. I can't stand them on him. They're oh so dark!!

Even if Guzmancito got shot, I'm sure he will be OK. I'm sure he and Nikki will have a thing going
especially after the way she was dreaming of him.



Great work Marta! This was another fun episode. I also laughed when Vicky popped up in the back seat. LOL! Poor JA and Guzman. I don't think she's to blame for messing up the 1st rescue attempt though. In fact, I was glad she went running after the car because: 1) I thought it was stupid how JA and Guzman were shooting willy-nilly at the car- they could have shot Nicki!; and 2) It was good for Nicki to see that he mom loves her so much that she would come and try to rescue her herself.

I also think that Nicki will mellow out somewhat after this experience, but now totally. A LOT of her bratty behavior is a defense mechanism to mask her insecurities about herself. Those insecurities won't go away because of this experience, and neither will all of the bratty/bitchy behavior. I at least hope that she stops accusing Vicki of not loving her, and stops acting like she doesn't need Guzman protecting her.


totally agree that Having both bodyguards shot so soon into this does not bode well.
yeah, within 21 eps is pretty quick.

Vivi, totally agree that Nicky won't clean up completely, she will keep some of the low self-esteem which will retain at least some of her bratty, bitchy behavior, but she will probably start behaving differently when alone with Guerito... she will trust him more from here on, esp if he did indeed take a bullet for her and her mom. Also agree on it being good for her to have seen her mother make such an effort to get her free.

IF any of the bodyguards are shot, it would have to be a minor wound. After all, there are 999+ episodes left, right? None of the kidnappers will be killed because The Official Telenovela Rules require that the galán(s) never kill anyone.

I could see Guzmán having a non-mortal wound, and Nikki showing some concern and warmth toward him. IF that happens, she'll probably go back to her old ways once he's recuperated. Just my guess, which never comes true. LOL


Thanks for this nifty recap, Marta. From the very first episode this show has reminded me of the old Batman TV show... it just needs the graphics: POW...ZAP...BAM.

Count me among those (probably a very small number) who don't want to see Nikki change... well, feed her... but don't change her sassy bratitude... OK?



Wonderful recap! Muchísimas gracias. Loved the "Sneaky Vicky" comment. This thing about wearing the sunglasses in the house at almost all times is ridiculous - unless it were at doctor's orders after surgery --- Anibal also wears dark glasses, but his appear to be tinted that could change in different lights.

Francisco G. has a cute nose. I really liked him in Mi Pecado, the loving father and devoted but cheated upon husband. He had gray in his hair then. I'd like to see more of his face sin lentes.

It seems that Paula made her bed many years ago and is now having trouble sleeping in it. Anibal will stick to his original agreement. It works well for him.

Many thanks again, Marta


Thank you for the recap, Marta!

I made me laugh out loud when Nelson said "If anything happens I could lose my wife and daughter" and Salsero added "and your lover". Nelson did not like it all when Salsero said that. I am surprised that he didn't yell at Salsero for talking to him like that.

I sure hope that Guzamn was wearing a bullet proof vest. I don't want to see him shot. We'll have wait and see what happens tonight. I am so looking forward to the episode tonight.


I meant to say "It made me laugh" in my comment above. Sorry for the typo.

Marta - Terrific recap. You captured all the verve of the show. Love "Angel With Hugs."

I laughed too at Salsero saying "and your amante." Nelson’s look was priceless. Another funny was Vickie fainting (again!); I howled when Angel and Guzman each grabbed a leg to haul her off.

I liked seeing Nikki channel her spoiled, stubborn traits to flirt with the thug and grab the gun yesterday. Her willfulness is what got her through this. She may change toward her mother, but I think she'll be her old bratty self with Lili, and probably Guzman too once he recovers.

I like to think Angel and Guzman were aiming low to blow out the tires, and not trying to take out the thugs seated next to the women.

Even without the "call of the blood," I can see Cristina and Lili being impressed with Anibel. That voice, that thick shock of silver hair, he's accomplished and powerful but not a snob. Cristina chatted him up just like folks do who live in a small town and he actually followed up and brought the paper to her place later, rather than blowing her off. I'm thinking maybe it's not his fault about Adriana's baby.


Muchas gracias Marta for the recap.

Just to let everyone know, Brownsville just announced t Mr. Amigo 2012-13 .... and get ready for this ... it's EDUARDOOOOOO YANEZ!


Jody, so nice to see your post!

Shour I be ashamed to admit I had not heard of Mr. Amigo/Charro Days? Just googled it and my the pictures are dreamy.

I learn something new here daily.


Super Marta strikes again---another super recap. Thanks.

Stay tuned...tomorrow...same bat time, same bat channel, same bat heroes with guns and hugs...
Doris said it first but I loved it too.

Anon 11:44---I agree that Nikki will be transformed after this but I'm kinda with Carlos who said---"don't change her sassy bratitude OK!

Diana---Taming of the shrew. LOL

Vivi---Yes Nikki's mother let her daughter see her so Nikki knows that she cares but she also hindered a chase with her hysterics.

Question---Is Christina going to loose her Jose Angel to Vicitoria? I've been thinking this for a while.

Sunglasses in the house--I laugh too but I think that it's just Salsero's way of giving the appearence of looking like a tough bodyguard.
the gringo


sorry but i have to admit, i heard in despierta america this morning that EY won that award, but have no clue at all what that is for... don't tell me he is nice to the press, i dont think so per the news clips i have seen of his interaction with the

here is a link to a news article on it.
ooohhh i like that white outfit picture... and the first one in hat.

Gringo: Regarding your question: is Christina going to loose her Jose Angel to Victoria?

The opening credits do make it appear that way.

While I do know a piece of what happens, I won't spoil anything except to say I'm watching this storyline very carefully. Of course that means keeping an even closer eye on EY which delights me no end.

Gringo, I do like Christina very much, although I also like Vikki. Both very different but both charming in their own right. It will be interesting to see how this is resolved.


Great news about Mr. Amigo and Brownsville! -- I too had never heard of the award.

Would someone please tell me the name of the opening song? I want to locate and learn the lyrics.

GRINGO - re the sun glasses, either the directors really think
the glasses give a tough guy look, or the directors want the character of Salsero to appear to think the glasses make him look tough; it's a little confusing.

Love watching this TN and reading all of your comments

Floridia - The name of the theme song is called "No Me Compares" by Alejandro Sanz.

love salsero's line tonight...
'estas espantado, Espanto??'
(stte of are you scared, scarecrow??)

Hey y'all Friday's recap will be up sometime on Saturday. Sorry for the delay.

Thank you for the recap, Marta, I laughed out loud many times when I was reading it!
Angel with Hugs: I like it! :)

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