Monday, December 17, 2012

Amores Verdaderos #27 Mon 12/17/12 Someone Has a Dirty Imagination, or Beware of the Dream Sequences

*After their fight on phone Mr. Hulk looks puzzled and he wonders about what he is going to do with Christina’s pathological jealousy.

* At Arriaga’s Beatriz is sitting in the kitchen and she’s crying over a cute old family photo of her, Guillo and Leonardo. Mrs. Hulk, who has just switched back into normal human mode, comes into the room and gives her some emotional support. Bea is worried to death for Guillo’s well being and she’s afraid that the divorce will damage the little boy who’s still hoping for the reconciliation of his parents.

* At the weekend house Victoria serves a delicious looking dessert up to Arriaga. The Angel is deeply impressed by her kindness and he says she’s a woman full of surprises… But his smile turns into horror the very moment he tastes the first bit of the cake and now he tries his best not to spit it out. This scene is too funny for words and I think Christina won this round.

* Kendra, who’s in her comfortable, casual at home outfit (7 inches stiletto shoes and the shortest silk robe from the Golddigger’s Store) informs Dances with Sunglasses about what happened at the police station: Nikki has an excellent memory, Espanto’s picture is at every airport, and that poor fellow Archie is dead. She’s very amused at the irony of his death: after he’d stolen their money he became victim of murder and robbery. However, she’s still worried that the police may arrest Espanto and he will tell them all. Their little chat is interrupted by Casanova who is finally dressed up and ready to go home. Kendho gives him a farewell hug and kiss which obviously makes Salsero’s blood boil. *Viewerville: Oh God, he’s so hot. No, Nelson, we are NOT talking about YOU!*

* When Aníbal arrives back to their luxurious condo, Paula pulls a jealous fit about Christina: did you visit her again? Where did you meet her? You are way too familiar with each other! To shut her mouth up, Annie breaks his “no word about our families” rule and tells her about Nikki’s kidnap. Imagine this, his little princess was in mortal danger! If it wasn’t for her bodyguard, that Guzmán, she would be dead now, but that young fellow stood right in the way of that bullet. Suddenly Paula turns pale.

* In the meantime the cops catch Espanto at the airport.

* Back to Paula who’s shaken by the thought that her son may be dead and she’s very relieved when she learns about the bulletproof vest he was wearing that night.

* At the Balvanera’s Jean Marie notices that Guzmáncito is in low spirits so he tries to cheer him up. You are bothered by Miss Nikki, aren’t you? Now tell everything to Uncle Jean Marie. Frankie admits that the girl makes his head boil, and this is the moment when Dances with Sunglasses shows up out of the blue and gives his two cents on the situation: he would’ve never guessed that an intelligent guy like Guzmán would fall for a capricious girl like Nikki and it seems that his head isn’t the only body part that is boiling because of her. Francisco goes into full rage mode and grabs him yelling “shut up, shut up!” Salsero isn’t impressed… because he’s is that cool. *Yeah, I’m afraid I became a Salsero fangirl.*

* In the meantime Nikki is in the bathroom thinking about Guzmán’s rejection. She will never forgive him for that humiliation.

* After the furious Guzmán leaves the kitchen, Jean Marie tells Salsero that it seems he finally met his match (because nobody puts Frankie in the corner, you know)… and the grumpy dancer will look awful without teeth.

* While Liliana is praying for her mother and father to the Virgencita, the aforementioned mom is sitting in the bedroom and she’s torturing herself with a vivid and extremely cheap porn scene featuring Ms. Vicky and José Ángel. *Viewerville: well, Nicandro Díaz, thanks for throwing us a bone…*

* But in reality the night in the romantic house is much more innocent: while Arriaga is sleeping on the couch like a huge baby, Victoria is wondering about their connection. This guy could’ve died that day and now she realized how important he became for her.

* Oh noes, bare chested Nelson alert! He puts his shirt into the laundry bin and he’s preparing to go to bed when Tomasina asks him about Victoria. So he didn’t catch up with her? Well, there were some problems with the business, said Casanova, but Tomasina, who has a great bullshit radar, notices again that Nelson couldn’t be more indifferent about his wifey pooh.

* Good morning. Paula is still anxious about what happened to Frankie and Aníbal is still puzzled at her reaction. The doorbell rings, it’s the anxious Chrissie who needs to talk about José Ángel and Victoria with someone. Oh God, oh God, she’s never been jealous before, but now she’s going mad about the mere thought of those two spending the night together. She can’t talk about this with Liliana because she always sides with her dad, and besides, she has enough problems already: she’s very worried for their friend, Beatriz, who has bu… bulu… bulimia. Oh noes, I don’t envy Paula now, first Guzmán’s accident, now Bea’s (imaginary) sickness.

* Guzmán shows Lili around the Balvanera’s private gym and they get into an educational conversation about eating disorders, especially bulimia. Nikki accidentally hears their chat which makes her believe they are talking about HER problem. She goes batshit furious and screams at Guzmán: you vermin, I trusted you, you traitor, you’re dead now! She tries to slap him but he stops her and tells her to back off, she’s not allowed to slap him again, and no, he won’t quit his job. She bitches a little bit about him and the filthy farmer girl and then she leaves with a “please Guzmán, do me a favor, get on the Titanic and sink” goodbye. In the meantime the furious Liliana is in the winter garden and she’s complaining about the stupid skinny brat to Polita. She can’t stand how she treats Francisco and if she ever tries to mess with her, she’ll punch her!

* Nelson has the strangest morning: the uncombed and agitated Cristina runs into the kitchen and tells him that she wants to talk with her husband. But he is in the weekend house with Vicky, and they haven’t returned yet, says the Husband of the Year. And you haven’t spent the night with them, have you? No, he hasn’t. Chrissie gets even more excited and she explains Nelson that José Ángel + Victoria in a faraway romantic house is not oookay! Not at all! Doesn’t he find the situation shady? Because he should! Nelson tries to calm her down by telling her that it’s Arriaga’s job to be with Vicky 24/7 and there’s nothing wrong with that. * Big Angel and wifey pooh finally arrive at the hacienda Balvanera. Vicky is constantly worrying about José Ángel’s well being, after all, he just had a serious accident, he’d better rest today to recover his strength. But the big baby insists that he’s completamete bien, and to prove her that he doesn’t feel week at all, he picks her up and brings the laughing woman into the kitchen.

* Yes. Yes, that’s what happens. Impactado faces everywhere.

* Nelson immediately reconsiders his option about V+A and Chrissie explodes with anger. Nihilson and Vicky go back to their bedroom where she tries to explain him what happened, but Arriaga’s accident and rescue sound too fantastic for him, especially the part about Victoria overcoming her fear of water. In the meantime the same conversation is happening in the kitchen where Christina won’t believe that a tree fell on her husband. To prove he’s saying the truth, the Angel tears down his shirt *Viewerville: yesss, we deserved it after so many half nude Nelson scenes* and shows her the bruises on his back. Okay, now she believes you, but she still doesn’t like the way Vicky looks at him.

* Tomasina, Polita and Jean Marie are in the workroom and they are dying to know what’s happening between Mr. and Mrs. Hulk. * Kendra is working out with her good old fit ball when Salserito drops in and starts bitching about Nelson. Just the usual jealous stuff, you know. Kendho’s lines, DWS’s lines. He actually thinks she’ll never get Casanova, because get real, Victoria is a decent lady while Kendra is just a whore… But if she is so sure about herself, please don’t forget to invite him to her wedding, he’d love to see that.

* Finally Vicky manages to convince Nelson that she would never cheat on him and the couple reconciles. In the kitchen Chrissie apologizes to José Ángel and they tell each other how much they are in love again. Hot kisses. Lili enters the room and she’s very happy to see her parents there. The Arriagas hug each other and Viewerville is overflown with cuteness.

* Guzmán meets Nikki by the swimming pool and tells her that he’ll spill the beans about her bulimia to her parents. Uh-oh, Oookay gets frightened and to prevent the scandal she pulls her usual cute little puppy act: she knows he wants to help with her and that’s why he told everything to that Tatiana/Catalina/whatever girl, and yeah, she overreacted it, but let’s forget what happened and become friends, okay? But no, Guzmán isn’t interested in becoming her friend. His only job is to protect her, nothing more. Pwned.


The director or the producer must have a thing for the classic porns from the 80’s, first Kendho and Nelson, now Angel and Vicky.

Aribeth, so agree with you about the producer or director about the porn, lol. Also what a great pic of Chrissie, she looks positively chilling! Can't wait for your always fab recap.

Did anyone notice that when the cops arrested the kidnapper Espanto at the airport, they left behind his carry-on bag (possibly containing the ransom money) at the ticket counter. Or, did Salsero already take back the ransom money when he previously caught up with Espanto?

Aribeth, as Madelaine already noted, what a great pic of Chris! She is NOT a woman to be trifled with.

I thought the Angel/Vicky dream scene was straight out of Rosemary Rogers. Too funny...

But. Please. It is the holidays. Must we continue to be subjected to Nelson's grizzly chest? Ack.

Gobluefan, good question. I thought Salsero took Espanto's money at his shack where he beat him into unconsciousness.

Can't wait for the recap Airbeth!


Poor Chris. Her active imagination will continue to torture her. However, we are told to trust our instincts which are often right on the money. Even though Big Angel and Miss Vikki are not acting out Chris's images right now, they are becoming more and more attracted to each other and Chris is picking up those hot vibes. I feel sorry for the three of them. I hope karma sticks nel-SONE in a tiny shack with Slutty McSluterson.

To paraphrase what Vickie wrote of Jose Angel in her novel, "Cris entered like a hurricane." Maybe an upshot for Vickie will be that Nill-Son stops taking her for granted.

Hola, recap is up.

If Salsero now has the ransom money, why haven't he and Kendra skipped out of town and proceed to spend it?

Thanks for the recap Aribeth--and the great photos. Oh boy, hopefully tonight we get to see what happens with the lipstick on NILL-son's collar. I agree with someone who posted yesterday who said that since it's the holidays, we should be spared from having to see his disgusting chest one more time. I don't want a hairy, Merry Christmas. I prefer the hairless, indigenous look of Angel's chest which brings Joy To The World!

Aribeth, You are TOO FUNNY !

My favorite is your new term for Nelson,namely NIHILSON, which I presume you are referring to the original Latin meaning of Nihil - meaning NOTHING. This is how I shall refer to him from now own - how very clever of you !

I see that you do go for the handsome guys. I agree that Salsero is muy guapo.

I must have fast forwarded too much; I missed the part about the cake, so I need to go back and review.

Thanks for your hard work, ingenious twists and innuendos.

Aribeth - Terrific recap. Last night's episode was a blast and you filled me in on stuff I missed, like JA hiding that Vickie’s baking was terrible. Some of my favorites: “No, Nelson, we are NOT talking about YOU!” “...because nobody puts Frankie in the corner, you know." Love the photos, especially the impactadas.

So funny when Nill-Son gave Cris a glass a water at her request. Now you know he isn't use to serving anyone.

I'm still saying Salsero is way to cool to want KendraHo. Loved when he told her to invite him to the wedding.

Great job! Did they perhaps replace the cake scene with the Baileys scene here in the US?

Aribeth---Great recap, worth waiting for---so cleaver and cute.

Loved the shortest silk robe from the Goldiggers Store. LOL

Oh noes, bare chested Nelson alert!
Another LOL.

Gobluefan from OH---Yes I noticed that the police left the bag there. I wondered what he had in there. Will the person that picks up the bag have won the lottery?

anonymous 4:55---hairless Joy To The World, so funny.

Lipstick on your collar told a tale on you. Vikki's going to bive it to him good tonight---can't wait
the gringo


All in all a very comical episode. The romance novel almost porn scene was a scream. Thanks to Aribeth and the funny recappers for making all this snarky enjoyment possible.


I don't watch this, but had to do a doubletake at the picture. Sure looks like Roma Downey from Kissed by an Angel.

Aribeth, thanks so very much for this wonderful, fab, funny recap. Loved the photos too, and the impacada ones especially. Chrissie really went off, I didn't expect her to go straight to Nell-son. I too liked the glass of water he gave her. Too bad Angel carried Ms Vikki into that kitchen, they could have avoided all that grief.

Nikki is getting on my last nerve. I really wish she would grow up and stop treating Lili like she's dirt. I feel so sorry for Guzmancito and the way she treats him.

Loved the Dances with Sunglasses fight with Guzmancito and you are so right Aribeth, Frankie will not be put in the corner, lol.

Yeah they did show a Bailey's scene here in the States, instead of the cake scene which would have been just as funny :)

Loved your comment about Golddigger's Store too , lol.

I too wonder what was in Espanto's luggage. Salsero did get the rest of the money when he beat up Espanto, so what did ole Dances do with all that money? Kendho sure didn't get her cut, she is still witching about that.

Thanks for the comments!

Wait, is it impossible that they showed a different scene? I never heard about that. (They chop off love scenes, but that's a different story.)

But now I see the CCs and what the actors say are not the same. What happens in your version, again? I saw you were talking about Baileys but I thought you were referring to the Baileys cake.

Aribeth: Your recap and pictures were awesome! This was fabulous. "the Golddiggers store", "Salsero isn’t impressed… because he’s is that cool", and "because nobody puts Frankie in the corner, you know" made me laugh out loud.

Am so enjoying the playfulness and closeness (still appropriate at this point) between Angel and Vicki. I may be wrong but Chrissie strikes me as not having much of a sense of humor. Although I can't blame her for her jealousy, she needs to lighten up.

Aribeth, you brought this episode to life through your amazing shots and recap. Thanks so much.



Aribeth - Thank you for the recap. I was "watching" but not really, between trying to get some deadline sewing done and wrapping Xmas gifts. Apparently I was focused on that and not my recording.

I am so over Nikki giving Liliana a hard time. Puh-leeze.

Nicandro Díaz was producer of MEPS and STuD. One of those had a porn scene with leading lady & Fernando Colunga, took place at a country home, the whole thing was hot, steamy. LOL Maybe Diaz is fine-tuning his ... erm ... skillz.

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