Friday, January 11, 2013

Amor Bravío #102 (Uni 97) Thu 1/10/13 Amor Lento

Tolentino is giving Isdaora what she believes is an airtight alibi.  As her flashback shows, and as I'm sure we all suspected, she went into the church long enough for him to see her, snuck out the back, killed Alonso and Ximena, and got back to the church before he started setting up for Mass.  And all without smudging her lipstick or creasing her eyeshadow.  Damnit!  Juarez apologizes for the inconvenience.  Isadora asks him to keep investigating, though, since she's so upset that her darling boy was murdered.  Isadora leaves while Rosario continues her very bad spying.

Daniel and Camila get to Dionisio's house, but it looks like he's left already.  No guard dogs either.  Daniel calls the house and asks to talk to him, but whoever answers says he left a while ago.  Camila is disappointed.

Irene happily welcomes Luzma to her home.  Pablo asks her for dinner at the hostel, but she declines, not wanting to break Irene's parents' house rules.  Irene suspects they're fighting, though, and Luzma admits she's pissed at him and thinks he's being selfish.  Irene suggests Luzma give her the whole story while they unpack.

Daniel and Camila come back to La Malquerida, all bummed out, and tell Agustina they're going to have to leave.  Not that they won't keep fighting.  Agustina lets them know that Dio left around lunchtime and said he wouldn't be home until late.  Isadora is also out and won't be back until late.  Agustina wants to realize this doesn't bode well, but her beanie is lined with titanium, so she puts the disturbing though out of her mind.  Camila and Daniel know they're off signing their contract, the bastards!

Dio is flirting with Estevez's secretary when Isadora finally shows up, late.  She complains that she was nearly arrested and then her cell phone battery died.  Dio bitches her out and says Estevez is waiting for them in the board room.

Vivi comes home to see the place all decked out with candles and mood lighting.  "At least you get nookie!" Mr. 5ft crows (I was complaining earlier that nothing was going to happen tonight).  Rafa, complete with a dishtowel apron, wine, and glasses welcomes Vivi home.  They toast to her beauty, their love, and their happiness, but Vivi can't stop thinking about how tonight Daniel and Camila will be packing up to move out of La Malquerida.  Rafa explains that this is also a downer for the audience members, who really enjoy those happy Dan/Cam scenes and so, for tonight, they just need to shut all that out and give the audience a show.  And so they do…for about a second and a half before the commercials.

Estevez flirts with Isadora, then apologizes for bringing up Alonso while she's in mourning.  Mourning, schmourning.  Isadora is here to put the screws to Estevez.  He really doesn't like the idea of giving Dio and Isa 51% of the shares, but Isa threatens to withhold La Malquerida and sell it to another developer if he doesn't play along.  Estevez asks to verify that Isadora is the owner of La Malquerida and when she produces the will and Estevez checks the paperwork he got from Becerra's office, he hands over the contracts.  Isa and Dio gloat and smile at each other as Isa signs.

Camila is mourning having to leave.  La Malquerida is what gave her life meaning again when she was so depressed.  She just can't accept this as closure when it's coming about due to theft.  She wasn't happy about her uncle leaving Daniel the ranch in his will, but at least it was his right to do it.  What's happening now, well that's total BS and Camila is not dealing with it well.  Daniel begs her to be calm.  Camila is furious that everyone's fighting over La Malquerida when they haven't worked on it and they don't love it.  Daniel promises they'll fight.  Camila thanks him for that.  She comes back to how they don't care about raising bulls…they don't care about the bulls…they don't care about their history...they just care about their stupid tourist development and making money!  Camila, sweetheart, I hate to break it to you but, I don't really care about the bulls either.  I care about bad guys getting their comeuppance and lots of nookie and the occasional Cristian de la Fuente hygiene PSA.  I mean, I'm sorry about your ranch and all, but if you and Dan give up on La Malquerida and decide to go open a bakery, I'm still going to tune in.  My continued interest in this show has nothing to do with the bulls.  There you have it.

Back from commercial break and Camila is still pouty.  She can't bear to have all her uncle's dreams and hard work come to nothing.  Daniel promises if somehow they don't get this ranch back, they'll buy their own ranch and raise their own bulls.  "Dude…you're awesome!"  "Naw, I'm just in love with you!"

Isadora and Dionisio toast and THIS IS NOT THE NOOKIE I WAS LOOKING FOR!  Go about your nefarious business minus the tongue.  Move along.  Dio wants to know how she got Juarez to back off and she tells him about her supposed alibi.  Gloating.  Isa asks how long before they can get rid of the bulls.  She figures they've got to kill them off, but Dio knows the animals are worth a lot and there are outstanding contracts.  "If you don't live up to them, you'll get sued.  Talk to Pablo.  You can't fire him or any of the other workers.  You have to keep them while the ranch is still a ranch.  Until the bulls you've contracted to sell are delivered.  Tell Pablo not to make any new contracts, though."  Dio plans to sell the leftover bulls to the other ranchers in the area.  Isa is impressed and Dio brags about how he's a businessman, baby, so of course he picked up on how the business runs.  They suck face.  Gross!

Piedad comes to Agustina's room to tell her everything is ready.  She also brought up Dio's suitcase.  It's locked or Agustina would have opened it.  She tells Piedad to put it with everything else.  Agustina talks about how much she's going to miss the house and her room.  She only moved into the main bedroom for Dio's sake.  She asks Piedad to take care of the house.  Piedad says she will, and she'll also keep praying for a miracle.  Cause even though Isadora may be the legal owner of La Malquerida, Piedad and everyone else who works there will always think of Agustina as the lady of the house.


Camila goes for a last ride.  She asks "the boys" (bulls) what she's going to do in the mornings without them.  She calls to Don Simon to take care of them for her.

Isadora, in some white pseudo riding pants, swans into the dining room at breakfast.  Agustina won't stay and calls Isa a shameless social climber.  Isa slaps the crap out of her, giving Dio the opportunity to come defend Agustina.  Agustina won't keep her mouth shut, calling Isadora a thief who's going to die alone and unloved.  Like Isadora gives a rat's ass about that.  She tells Dio to get her the hell out of there.  Dionisio tells her they'll go, but she doesn't have to be a bitch about it.  Isa reminds him that when she was busy mourning her son, Agustina couldn't wait to kick her out of there.  Dio declares he's the one who can't stand to be there another minute.  Once Augie's back is turned, he and Isa trade a look.  Isa sits down at the head of the table and screeches for Piedad.  Cause she's classy like that.

Rosario is worried that Isadora turned her in to the cops. She's determined to carry out what Alonso asked, starting with the mystery envelope.

Daniel is a little sad that Camila didn't wake him up to go for that last ride, but she really needed to be alone.  She's glad he's there now, though.  Daniel vows to always be in her life.  Piedad knocks on the door and brings them breakfast.  She and Camila have a teary goodbye.  She asks Piedad to assemble the ranch workers so she can say goodbye.  Piedad tells Camila that Luzma has already left and is living with Irene because she thought working for Isadora would be a betrayal of Camila and Daniel.  Camila chuckles at that, but she never really confirms or denies that she would think so.

Rosario finally comes within spitting distance of Osvaldo's office, but she can't bring herself to go in because he might ask her questions she can't answer.  Instead, she scribbles a note on the envelope and slips it under the door.  Yeah, I knew nothing was going to happen today.

Amanda comes in, worried that Natalia will be late to work.  Natalia says she's quitting anyway.  She finally admits it, so Daniel doesn't rat her out.  "I was working for Dionisio Ferrer."  She explains she was doing it to spy.  Amanda doesn't even let her finish her story and screams at her that he's dangerous.  Natalia pouts that it was all worthless anyway because Isadora got her hands on La Malquerida after all.  Amanda makes her swear not to work for him again.  Natalia uses Amanda withholding her father's name as her excuse for not telling her.  She also says "there's something else you need to know, but I'm not going to tell you."  Amanda can't get that info out of her.  Amanda, rather than just telling Natalia the truth, begs God to protect her.

Camila says goodbye to the ranch workers.  Daniel explains that they can't take anyone with them, but they have every right to quit or keep working there, whatever suits them.  Rodolfo explains that most of them will stay because they need work and they love the place.  Camila says they have to take care of themselves.  "Think of yourselves.  We'll be fine."  Rodolfo brought Camila some flowers from the whole gang.  Everyone starts lining up to say their goodbyes.  Rodolfo pulls Daniel aside and offers to keep him informed of the goings-on.  As everyone goes back to work in slow-mo, Daniel hugs Camila.

Juarez's assistant (?) wonders why he didn't question Isadora about Padre Baldy.  Juarez totally thinks she did it, but until he has some proof, he doesn't want her to be on her guard about that.  His secretary brings in the exhumation order for Padre Baldy.

Everything's packed in the truck, but Camila remembers something else she needs to do.  She hands Maja's leash to Agustina and takes Daniel back into the house.  Dio looks on suspiciously as Piedad tells Agustina that she'll always be the boss to them.

Camila wants to take the painting of Don Daniel since she gave it to him.  She remembers blindfolding him and leading him into his office blindfolded to see it.  Don Daniel loves the painting.  Camila explains that her idea was to give him something that really showed him the way she saw him.  Daniel takes the painting down from the wall as Isadora comes in and tells them to leave the painting there.  Cause it's hers, all hers!

Tomorrow: probably another big load of nothing as they continue to tease us about Isadora finally getting busted for something.  As if!


It's Bluebeard's Briefcase, I tell ya! Open that sucker and you'll never be free of Dio!

At least the rest of tonight wasn't as much of a snoozer as this episode! The premiere of a new work that combined the symphony, a vocal soloist, and electronica. My left and right brain hemispheres are both satisfied! Then, The Planets, complete with hi-def NASA footage. Thankfully we got to see most of it at rehearsal the other night, cause we sang from backstage!

Well, that's quite enough Thursday for me...see y'all in the morning!

5ft - You made a slow episode fun. And that's no bull!

I agree that Camila and Daniel would be eminently watchable at that bakery. I was actually thinking what a relief it would be to get out of MQ. The name itself is ominous. However, Camila is a vet and a ranch gal and Daniel is apparently committed to the life for her.

A small thing, but does anyone else feel like Daniel is constantly pawing at Camila. His affection feels cloying, or something. She's a dynamo and his long arms all around her seem constraining. This is completely independent of their romantic scenes, by the way, which are great.

Vivi - Natalia back to yellow.

So Juarez is no dummy. He's certainly got a lot of work to do with the combination of Dio and Isadora. I was hoping, by the way, that Agustina would slug her back, but ever-the-gentleman Dio came into the room to "settle" the dispute.

Good work, Kat.

Dionisio did that on purpose; he has to appear the gentleman to Augustina. This will ultimately cause a rift between her and Camila.

There will be payback in the end because Hissadora's current behavior over sitting at the table and particularly over the portrait is pure petty meanness. It's beyond her greed, which is easier to understand. Makes you wonder what kind of a hallway bully she was as a teen. She has no class.

I am officially done with Cayetano over her. It's good that he has accepted Pablo's plans for his life but his upcoming dalliance with Hissadora will potentially put his own life on the line.

If they get La Malquerida back there is nothing to prevent Daniel from starting a computer-related business to grow their fortune.

Thanks for the recap. I rely on you guys to get the details.

If I understood one detail correctly, I thought it interesting that the ranch name was not mentioned in the will. So much for "stupid Alonzo" if this is the case. It seems as if he may have been thinking ahead, leaving an opening for a codicil or whatever an addendum to to the will would be called that gives the ranch to Camila. That is my prediction for the contents of the envelope.
I wonder how long it will be before it is found since Osvaldo is recuperating.


Thanks for the recap. I'm not sure I understand why you think this episode was slow. After all, we got to see the SUV go over the cliff complete with fireball. How much more excitement do you need?

Thanks also for noting that Rosario was worried Izzy had blabbed to the cops. I completely missed that.

Someone must have put that NASA-type footage together as a Holst package, I went to the "same" concert last month. Our womens' chorus was offstage as well. Even for the ritual recognition of the various orchestral sections only their musical director popped out for the applause.

The images themselves are awesome. And I didn't think they detracted from the music at all, but I didn't see the relation between the actual planets and Holst's evocation of their Astrological, rather than Astronomical, essence. Did the title pieces for your presentation include a shot of some statue of the god in question? For my next multi-media Holst spectacular, I'll take a montage of images from artistic representations of the gods and myths associated with the planets rather than of the planets themselves.

Why does Dio still "need" Augustina?

She is no longer part of any plan to get the ranch, right? I don't see why he would believe remaining married to her mother gets him closer to bed with his stepdaughter?

Is it possibly worth waking up next to Augustina just to stay generally involved in Cami's life? Augustina can't be bringing in much working capital for him from her friends' retirement savings these days; we haven't heard about that in ages. I don't think my lack of comprehension on this has much to do with my lack of comprehension of Spanish.

Chris in Florida


Kat, thanks for the great recap. For me the slower episode often give us great opportunities to try to anticipate where the writers are going next. Since this TN is not typical, it makes the guessing a real challenge. Continue to enjoy your singing.

TL - Perhaps my enjoyment of CdfL makes me bias but Dan's constantly touching Cam does not me ;)

UA - ITA, Isa's is being very petty and it will come back to bite her. I'm wondering how long she'll be in control as the writers know that she & Dio want to sell/trash/develop MQ ASAP. My guess is that Al's other will is soon to pop up.

Cindy - I hope Os's secretary is working every day and will have someone take the mysterious envelop to him; hopefully it won't take that long.

Chris - its not your lack of comprehension b/c Dio's delusion is hard to follow. On the one hand, he thinks he has that must juice to make Cam fall for him in spite his marriage and her relationship with Dan. On the other hand, by keeping Gussy he can then threaten Cam if she doesn't willingly become his.

Dionisio can't make any excuses to be near Camila without being married to Augustina. There is also the issue of appearances. He hasn't been married to her very long and it might look suspicious if they were to divorce now. Hissadora -- as intelligent as she is -- forgot that.

However, there has already been one close call for Augustina to find out about his involvement with Hissadora, so that will have to be paid off eventually.

Gracias all! I have a terrible feeling that stupid envelope is going to float around, unopened, with lots of envelope-open-interruptus for weeks, driving me crazy, until someone finally opens it late on a Friday and our final shot is a cara de impactada. Then on the following Monday, it will be a good 20 minutes before we get back to the envelope, another 20 of someone making frantic calls, and just the start of a big announcement as the Monday cliffhanger. Cause that's how they like to play these things. Makes me want to kick someone in the shin!

Chris-Yep, this was the footage the guys in Houston put together a few years ago. A lot of planet shots, nothing about the deities. The women of the chorus were in stealth mode last night. We were completely hamming it up, getting to be backstage and unseen. Everyone was in all black, quiet shoes, making silly faces...then all business for the couple of minutes we sang...then we bowed to the audience during the applause, since they couldn't see us :) I was a little sad to not be onstage for that, but I dawdled backstage a bit before heading downstairs to our warm-up room and when I got there I could hear over the monitors that the audience was still applauding :)

Kat, I loved the way you took this lemon of an episode and made delicious lemonade! You helped clear up some things I didn't understand and also kept me laughing all the way through, starting with "Agustina wants to realize this doesn't bode well, but her beanie is lined with titanium." I especially enjoyed "Camila, sweetheart, I hate to break it to you but, I don't really care about the bulls either" and your assurance that you'd still watch even if Cam and Dan opened a bakery. I can see it now: Panadaría Bravía. I also loved your comment about the fate of the envelope Rosario left for Becerra.

I wonder what the other thing is that Natalia said her mother needed to know. Please please please, not another pregnancy!

Glad to see that Juarez has more active brain cells than most TN police.

Again, muchas gracias, Kat. I don't know how you manage your singing and acting career AND produce marvellous recaps week after week, but I'm most grateful that you do!

Quick note before I start getting ready for work. Did anyone else notice Cam was wearing a red string on her left wrist?

5ft, I love that your husband watches with you. Even if mine understood spanish, he never would be caught dead watching. And I was thinking the same thing about the envelop. It gets tossed in a stack of other papers and doesn't get noticed for a couple of weeks.

I don't mind yet how much Dan touches Cam, but I can see me eventually getting tired of it too. Mostly because I wish he were touching me instead,lol. But I don't like to see people displaying their affection publicly when it's over the top. I really don't like to see people doing heavy kissing. A peck here and there is ok, but seeing a couple really going at it makes me uncomfortable and I wish they would go somewhere private.

I with many that Amanda should just tell Natalia the truth about Dion.

Isa not letting Cam take the picture is proof positive (not that they needed it) of Isa being involved in stealing Malquerida.

Thanks for the great recap, Kat.

when Rosie slipped the envelope under the door, part of it was sticking out. I hope no one gets curious and pulls it out, especially since it seems as though he might still be under surveillance. More so since Nat is quitting her job working for Dio. I hope Os' secy gets the mail quickly and opens the envelope.



great recap 5ft!

i thought rafa and vivi's besos were getting muy caliente and then yeah, cut to commercials. boooooo!
on the other hand, i'm super tired of the dio/iso kissing-- they feint and jab and bite each other like fighting cocks. yeah we get it, they're going to eat each other alive sooner or later. but it's gross to see over and over.

so pablo and luz aren't married yet, but i like the way the couples are more or less set now, rather than waiting til the end when our characters finally realize with whom they belong, and have the opportunity to be together (unless you're waiting with bated breath for Dio/Iso to be able to be together openly -barf!).

that got me thinking, the difference between this and other novela's i've watched is that the MQ seems to be our protagonista, bounced around from person to person, and we will be ready for the grand finale when she (MQ) is finally back in the arms of Camilla and Daniel. either that or maybe MQ can marry BA and have little ranch babies with names like Friend Zone, Unrequited, Makeup Sex and Third Base.

-mai tai


Great recap Kat. Thanks. Loved your backstage story.

Here's hoping Marguerita is not on a leave of absence while Os is recuperating.

Please, Nat, don't be pregnant.

That song was playing while Dan and Cam were packing in the cabin.



Ann: I thought it looked like it was sticking out then I noticed what it was looked like a different color than the envelope and might have been part of the door/stoop. Wishful thinking on my part? My TV is awfully small, so I can miss the details.

Just thought of something else. Does anyone else think the Isa took an awful risk using the church as an alibi? Anyone could have walked in while she was gone--including Tolentino and the Padre. All it would take is for Tolentino to say something to someone about being a witness and them saying "Oh I was in the church as such and such a time and she wasn't there."

Kat- You made a set-up episode fun. I hope that you get an exciting episode next week. You did get Isa slapping Gussy. I wish it had turned into an all our brawl, like the one Cami and Xi had. Now, wouldn't that have been fun to watch?! :)

ITA with you all that Isa is being petty. That just shows how greedy she is. She can't be content knowing she got what she wanted-- MQ. She has to find other ways of robbing people of their dignity-- treating Gussy, Cami and the workers like crap.

Mai Tai- Great theory about MQ being our protagonista, bouncing from hand to hand. I'm hoping this change of owners won't last long though. MQ, like Cami, is a loyal gal. Now, let's get that damned envelope to Osvaldo! Chayo is driving me crazy.

I'm no bull fan, but I get how ranchers and farmers feel about their land, fields, and livestock. It's a passion and a way of life-- an extension of themselves. I felt Cami's frustration and sadness was appropriate. (In Abismo, I never got the feeling that Elisa really cared all that much, although she sure did whine and cry about it a lot.)

Uhmm...Dan can touch Cami (or me) all he wants. It's fine by me! LOL! I did think it was sweet the way he wiped away her tears and kissed her forehead. He was getting a bit clingy (I think more protective) when he asked why she didn't wake him up to go riding with her, but I thought he handled it well when she said she wanted to be alone.

UA: That smack definitely was genuine. Gussie got under Isa’s skin—if only for a moment.

When Isa was sitting at the table yelling for Piedad, I was shouting at her “enjoy it while you can, it won’t last long.”

I’ve been watching Vivi and Rafa be best friends for so long that it’s kind of weird seeing them kiss.


UA: OK, good point, he can't just dump her right now. But I doubt Dio thinks that Cam would come to him if he were still with mama, or if he were to break mama's heart by divorcing her or treating her so badly that she left him.
I rather fear he will pursue a more Issadoran means of clearing the path and offer his consolation in Cam's time of grief.
Could the mock gallantry with Isadora after the slap be part of a plan to shore up his supposed affection for Augustina before the next "accident"?
Still no idea how he plans to convince Cam that Dan's been filling her head with lies about his murderous ways.
Chris in Florida

PS: is there a link to a howto for the technologically limited on setting up a name here?


Of course the slap was genuine; it's El Diablo's defense of Augustina that's fake.

Chris in Florida, under choose an identity, pick name, and type it in.

That envelop was definitely visible under the door. Hopefully it doesn't mean anything.

When Cami smiled when Piedad said Luzma had moved out, out of loyalty to Cami, I thought it was sort of a "that's my girl!" smile. But I don't think Cami feels that everyone else is being disloyal by staying. But Cami would have reacted the same way as Luzma, and I think that smile was her realizing that. She did promise Piedad to speak to Luzma about moving back.

UA: I was afraid that the slap was just another act on Isa's part. I was glad to see that Gussie got in a little dig that caused her to lose control.

It seems to me that everytime Dio is speaking to or around Gussie, she kind of bows her head.

Thanks Kat ITA "Tomorrow: probably another big load of nothing as they continue to tease us about Isadora finally getting busted for something."

I missed the point of why Dan and Cami was going to meet with Dio after talking to Nat. Surely they didn't think they could talk him out of going to the meeting? So what did they hope to accomplish.

Among other things, Isa has control issues. Why on earth would she want the picture of Don Daniel. I'll be disappointed with Dan if he puts the back on the wall without a fight. Now that she owns the whole ranch would she really take Dan to court over a picture? Someone needs to stand up to her before she outsmarts and owns the entire town (including Cayetano's ranch).


Thanks, Kat, for a great recap!

I take back what I said the other day about this TN's police chief. He's no fool, and his instincts re: Isa and the Padre are right on.

Love Vivi and Rafa together!

The whole envelope thing and Rosario is tiresome. Let's get going with this already!

Foxy- They intended to follow Dio to the meeting with Isa and Estevez, since they have no idea where Estevez's office is or what company he works for/owns.

Thanks 5 Ft! Thanks for a hilarious read. I agree that this capitulo was slowww. I thought that about the Wednesday capitulo and recap too. I had to work a little harder to keep the interest up!

Note to CathyX: My husband watches along with me sometimes too. He used to groan about the TNs, but since they are over the top in characterizations and relatively fast moving, he can sit and watch them now with some level of amusement and interest both. He knows the phrases largete! and sueltame! and thinks that Isa is hilarious when she plays up being in mourning. We both have glanced at AmVerd, but he laughed hysterically after the first scene when Yanez used his "martial arts" skills to fight off some kidnappers! That is one TN we won't be watching. Too bad, in one way, because the bulemia topic is significant and I was wondering how it would be treated.

I think Isa is evil and greedy enough to cut Dion out of the deal eventually.

Mena, the type of TN that Amores Verdaderos is, is exactly what my husband hates about TNs. He thinks they are all like that one and can't understand why I would want to watch any of them.

Cathyx- Eventually? Uhm...she already tried to kill him. I think we can expect another double cross/backstab from her pretty soon. During that scene the other day when she was on the upper balcony of MQ, she was thought bubbling that all of this is "MINE, MINE, MINE". At the same time Dio was behind her and his thoughts were about "WE". The idiot still thinks Isa plays team sports.

Mena: The bulemic storyline in AV--does that concern the pretty blond girl who looks awfully thin in the scenes I see (at the end before AB comes on)? I think she's the lead.

Nanette- Yes, that's her-- one of two protagonistas in AV, the other is her mother. Her character has the eating disorder. The already thin actress lost weight for the role. AV is a silly, fun ride, not to be taken seriously at all, but it's enjoyable.

Vivi, good point. Maybe when that happens, Dion will give away just enough info on her (point the investigators in the right direction) to nail her.

Nanette, Yes that is her, the VERY thin actress. I don't know if this storyline is connected to a public health education research project, but it would be a good one.


This comment has been removed by the author.

Thanks Vivi for clarifying why Cami and Dan wanted to catch up with Dio. However, even if they had caught up with him I don't know how they would have stopped the (legal) proceedings.

I was disappointed that Chayo slipped the envelope under the door. I hope that one of the good guys find it before one of Dio's henchmen or Isa luck upon it. Something tells me that Isa is going to own that ranch for many episodes, or at least long enough to screw things up for the ranch hands and God forbid, the bulls.

I don't think they necessarily felt they could stop it. But it would have been helpful to have proof that Dio and Isa are working together and to know who the developers are who are partnering with them. Right now they have no proof that Dio and Isa are a team, and they are in the dark about these mysterious developers.

The one person who could prove their alliance is Francisco (not that anyone would believe him). Wonder where the nearest watering hole is because that's where anyone is likely to find him.

Great recap, Kat. Very funny.

Up till now Rafa has seemed almost refreshingly shy in his courtship of Vivi so I was surprised when I saw all those candles. Isn't that the Mexican way of announcing:





OMG! Carlos, I can barely type. I am laughing so hard. :)

Indeed, Rafa was NOT wasting any time.

Gracias, Carlos; I needed that laugh.

Anyone else want to bet that Augustina won't get any from now on?

Up until yesterday Dan had no solid proof that Isa and Dio were the true partners; everything was supposition and especially after Dio's award winning performance in asking Isa to give back the ranch to Cam -- they needed some concrete proof -- catching them in action with Estevez was the best way ---

I agree with whoever said that Dan clawing at Cam is a bit much, but what mostly annoys me most is Cam going on and on about loosing LMQ and the unfairness of it all -- I get it the first time but for the last 3 episodes her dialogue is a bit redundant ...

Isa was always low class; now everyone is finally seing her without her mask on ...

Dio is just delusional period-- I've always dislike these type of characters -- ie Maripaz in LFDD was majorly delusional in her hotness-- Dio believes that his god's gift to women and that Camilla (once Dan is out) will fall all over him and if she doesn't; he'll use her mother to make her succomb -- there's still the issue of the fraudulent life insurance that he's having Augustonta pedelling to her rich friends---


Mena and 5ft - Just catching up, back thanks for the recaps. You've made great snark out of these slower episodes.

Hate seeing Rosario so timid. After euthanizing Al as he wished, I expected her to be tougher.

Rosario is the birth mother who didn't want to give him up in the first place. She couldn't be expected to be tougher about this.

What would help would be if she confessed to Padre Anselmo, then to Becerra, and have Becerra do what he needs to do to straighten out the actual ownership of the ranch.

Carlos- Haha about the SEX ALERT. Hopefully romantic Mexicans must keep a fire extinguisher nearby.

MaiTai- Loved your analysis of MQ as protanginista. I feel sorry for her since she's the Only Place In All of Mexico Where a Tourist Resort Could Go. The bad guys don't have a very good real estate team. Surely it would have been cheaper (but admittedly much more boring) to pick another site.

Would candles be enough for LB to impress MQ or would he need a forest fire to set the mood for creating ranchettes?


Kelly- There is that path lined with trees between the two ranches. They would sort of look like candles if they were all set alight...

Vivi- Love it! So romantic.


5ft., just dropping in to catch one of your wonderful recaps. Loved your mini-essay on the lack of bulls and think it's worthy of a sidebar.

"Camila, sweetheart, I hate to break it to you but, I don't really care about the bulls either. I care about bad guys getting their comeuppance and lots of nookie and the occasional Cristian de la Fuente hygiene PSA. I mean, I'm sorry about your ranch and all, but if you and Dan give up on La Malquerida and decide to go open a bakery, I'm still going to tune in. My continued interest in this show has nothing to do with the bulls. There you have it."

La Paloma

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