Friday, January 18, 2013

Amor Bravío #107 (Uni 102) Thu 1/17/13 Amor del Bueno

Cayetano welcomes Juarez into his office. He won't tell Juarez where Isadora is until he knows why Juarez is looking for her. He refuses to let Juarez "harass" her with more questions about her son's death. Juarez pacifies him, so Cayetano hands over the name of the hotel. The Shrieking Harpy Cayetano Married comes in and shrieks at him, effectively throwing him into the arms of the woman she'd like him to stay away from. Cayetano has had enough of her ear-splitting histrionics and storms out of his office, after telling her she's "colmando la paciencia" (trying my patience).

Dio and Isa come up for air, finally, mostly so she can fish for some jealousy from Dio. He tells her to sleep with whoever she wants to, he doesn't care. "Oh, right. You're only worried about Camila." "Hey, baby, not that we can't have fun!" Isadora's not going to be somebody's FWB, or so she claims for about two seconds, but she caves…right onto his desk she caves.
Pablo tries to talk to Cayetano about what went down at La Malquerida, but Cayetano is no longer thinking with the big head. He refuses to let anyone say anything negative about Isadora in front of him without hearing "her" side first. He doesn't even care that Pablo was right there when the shit went down with the burning and the excavators, because he's convinced Pablo doesn't know the whole story. Ay, Cayetano, you're inching closer to death every second and you don't even know it. Pablo's in shock.

A guard comes to tell Leoncio he's got a visitor. Leoncio is studiously practicing writing his vowels. Another prisoner threatens to visit him and remind him of his niece. Leoncio is startled to see that it's Piedad who came to see him. Hipolito asks if Leoncio is bothered to see him there and Leo thought bubbles that he's in jail because Hipolito must have ratted him out. Hipolito vows to never leave Piedad's side again. Piedad had said she never wanted to see Leo again, but she came to tell him that she's no longer going to be cowed by him, that she and Luzma are living their lives without him, and that Luzma is getting married to Pablo on Saturday. Leoncio goes completely apeshit at this news and has to be restrained by the guards from. He mentally curses Pablo, that damn rich kid. Piedad also tells him that Andres, who he hated so much, turned out to be Daniel Diaz Acosta, Don Daniel's heir, and that he and Camila now own La Malquerida. What's more, Alonso is dead. This strengthens Leoncio's resolve to make sure Isadora gets busted.

Juarez catches up with Isadora at her hotel room. He gives her the option of talking in the hallway or in her room, and she chooses the room.

Cam and Dan go by the parish and meet up with Pade Anselmo, Roman, Ana, and Mariano. Cam thanks Mariano for trying to help them out with the cows. She introduces Daniel to the two kids. Ana's not happy to find out that Daniel is Camila's boyfriend…she has to be stopped before she says anything about wanting Camila to be with her dad. In two seconds, Ana turns into a teenager, declaring she doesn't want to be a vet after all and brushing Camila off when Camila tries to kiss her goodbye.

Juarez tells Isadora that she was accused of offering Rosario a bribe to kill Alonso. She calls Rosario crazy. As to Alonso not being her son, well, isn't a mother the person who raises a child? Not the way you did it, lady! Juarez asks if she's aware that Alonso didn't die of natural causes, but of an overdose of potassium. She feigns shock, then outrage for accusing her after Rosario admitted to doing it. Juarez reminds her that not only did Rosario accuse her of offering the bribe, Alonso accused her of trying to kill him, so even if she didn't do it, he needs to know whether she had the intent to do so.

Padre Anselmo is free next Saturday, so he'll be coming to La Malquerida to marry Daniel and Camila. Daniel noticed that Mariano and his daughter, like Agustina, are not in his fan club. Camila denies that she ever had a thing with Mariano, or considered him a real possibility. Daniel wonders what would have happened if she hadn't forgiven him…would she have gotten together with Mariano. "No, you dope! My heart's taken. By the love of my life. Maybe you know him--you see him in the mirror every day, his name is Daniel Diaz Acosta?" They share a smooch, observed by Mariano and Ana.

Isadora tries to claim that she wanted Alonso alive, even if he was a quadriplegic, that she didn't want to be away from him. "Didn't I beg you to let me see him? How could I have wanted him dead?" She vehemently denies having any intent to kill him. She can't imagine why Alonso and that woman would have concocted such a lie. "Maybe she was jealous of me for having raised him!" Juarez reminds her that faking a birth certificate and raising a child as her own when he wasn't is also a crime. Isa's excuse is that she was a minor, it was Salomon who faked the signature, and she was told Alonso's mother had died in childbirth. *sniff, sniff* "We were all victims of Eleazar!" Juarez presses her, asking if she offered Rosario money or not. Isadora denies it. "And Padre Baldomero? Why did you want him dead?" Isadora says he's being disrespectful and she's going to sue him for defamation of character. Juarez admits he doesn't have any proof…yet…and Isadora throws him out. She throws a little fit, saying she should have killed them all, damnit!

Natalia comes to see Dionisio. She gives him a chance to confess, by asking him why he's called her "hija" (daughter) since they met. Dio asks if it bothers her that he does that and Natalia replies that what bothers her is being lied to. So she asks him if he's really her father. [Yes, and they will rule the galaxy together! Or at least the tourist development.] Dionisio laughs off Amanda's story, saying he's never used another name. "Sir. Are you also going to deny that you knew my mother before?" Dio admits her met her in Mexico, many years ago. They saw each other for a while, but he never saw her again. He claims he pretended not to know her out of respect. He was just trying to be a gentleman. Natalia doesn't believe him. Dionisio even goes so far as to swear he was never married to her. "It's possible you're my daughter, but I never knew she'd gotten pregnant." Dionisio suggests they get a DNA test and promises he'll recognize her as his daughter if he finds out she's his daughter. Natalia agrees, just for the sake of knowing, but she doesn't want anyone to know until the results are in. "Be aware that even if you are my daughter, that doesn't mean I married your mother using a false name." Natalia has no reason to believe him [good girl!] and it's her mother's word against his. Dionisio reminds her that he's never lied to her, whereas he has a feeling that her mother has. "She hid your father's identity from you. That's the same as lying, isn't it?" Natalia says she'll confront her mother if she finds out she's his daughter, but otherwise there's no point.

Daniel and Camila go to Juarez to find out what's going on with the investigation of Ximena's death. All he has so far is that the truck that was used to run them off the road was rented by Bruno, who was already dead, so it wasn't him behind the wheel. Juarez is still working on finding out who returned the truck.

Cayetano, that dumbass, has summoned his lawyer. With Yago sitting there in his office, he tells him he wants him to start investigating whether Alonso legally ceded the ranch back to Daniel and Camila, and if not, then he wants him to start working on getting La Malquerida back to Isadora. He gives the guy the name of Isadora's hotel and tells him that he's depositing a lump sum in his account to pay, not only for his services, but for Isadora's expenses as well. He orders the lawyer to open a tab with the hotel so Isa can take full advantage of the hotel's services without paying a penny. Say goodbye to your inheritance, Yago. The lawyer leaves and Yago asks why Cayetano is doing so much for "that woman." Cayetano says it's none of his business and if he has a problem with it "then you have two problems." Yago sucks up to his dad, saying of course he doesn't have a problem. "It's your money, right? I'm behind you 100% dad!" Snotty Screeching Shrew comes in and says she sure as hell isn't! She tries to threaten him, but "You're going to have to choose between her and me!" isn't much of a threat. He physically hustles her out of his office, then looks back at Yago as if he dares him to object. Yago, however, knows what side his bread is buttered on, and he keeps his mouth shut.

Natalia walks back home, wondering who to believe. She knows her mother lied to her and she wonders if she's continuing to lie. But then again, she knows what her mother is like and she wouldn't do that.

Camila et al, are enjoying watching the bullfight. Camila explains that they also watch the cows fight so that they find the best ones to mate to the studs. Daniel brags that he's learned so much from her. He asks the "ganadera" (rancher lady) for permission to go join the boys down in the ring. She gives him permission, calling him "ganador" which is not, as the closed captioning claims, "rancher" but "winner". Rancher would be "ganadero." And boy do I have trying to explain why some of their little flirty jokes are funny…it's just not funny once you explain! He leaves and Camila helps herself to some cheese…which is in no way an acceptable substitute! Down in the ring, Daniel asks permission from the "ganadera" to fight one of the bulls. Hey, why the hell not, you've fought all the other bull in this story *rimshot* Camila gives her "matador" (bullfighter) permission, but then she freaks out a little when she tries to ask him if he's serious and he won't answer her. Daniel is apparently such a badass that he learned how to do this just from watching the other guys. Camila cheers for the bull, but jokingly. They all go off to have some food.

Out on the lawn by the pool…they have a pool?! They can't have a pool! Telenovela law is very strict in prohibiting pools when there are not daily scenes of people lounging by the pool and it requires at least one fight that results in one or both combatants falling into said pool. Even Ximena didn't lounge by the pool! Not that I recall. Ok, anyway…pool, snacky food, Aculco cheese, and Eleuterio wants to toast to the best boss and the best rancher. Camila tosts to the best people. Daniel toasts to Camila. Rafael toasts to employees who like their boss. Vivi says she's earned it. The majority of the decent people on this show are gathered around that table having cheese and alcohol. Party on, dudes.  You've earned it.

Amanda is frantic because Natalia hasn't come home yet. Daniel promises to call the cops if she doesn't come home soon. Camila says the came over to help calm Natalia down. Natalia comes home and Amanda is relieved. Daniel and Camila ask to talk to her, but Natalia asks them to respect her wishes not to talk to anyone right now. Daniel agrees, but asks her to please call when she's ready to talk. She goes upstairs. Camila agrees they have to respect her request for time and just pray to God she gets over it soon.

Luzma is all dressed and ready to get hitched. She's worried about her belly showing, but they assure her it's not. Luzma and Camila squee about having such awesome men. Piedad is happy for them and their men. Luzma and Camila commiserate about having to throw their weddings together so fast, but they're giddy about having gotten it done. Luzma will be back from her honeymoon in a week, just when Camila is getting married herself. Piedad is thrilled there are no more "malqueridas" left on the ranch. Luzma thanks Camila for always being there for her and Camila says Luzma has always been there for her too. "You and Pablo are going to be very happy!" In her excitement, Luzma bends down to hug Camila and Camila reminds her not to squish the baby. Luzma has a present for Piedad…the dress from the store! Woo hoo! Hipolito is going to plotz! Piedad gives Luzma her blessing.

Pablo is getting dressed by Mariano and Yago. Yago leaves the honeymoon details on top of his suitcase. Pablo was hoping to see the monarch butterflies in Valle Bravo, but that's a winter thing. Mariano is happy to see him being so responsible, but he's going to deposit some money in his account. Yago sounds like he's going to inadvertently talk Pablo out of the wedding by pointing out what a HUGE RESPONSIBILITY he's taking on, but Pablo shuts him down. As Yago throws Pablo the truck keys, he makes a crack about the "improvements" he's made to the truck that Pablo better not complain about.

At the church, Pade Anselmo is being dressed by Tolentino. He's having no luck finding another girl to distract him. Padre Anselmo says he's got something that's going to occupy Tolentino so he won't fret about finding a girl or getting married or anything…there's a new government program to help recent high school grads who want to go on to college. They've created a new "digital" university so kids like Tolentino who don't have access to a university can still get online and get a college degree. And Public Administration just happens to be one of the degree programs offered, so Tolentino is thrilled. He says if it wasn't for the wedding, he'd be down at the assistance center signing up right now!

Isadora and Cayetano are waiting for the lawyer to show up for a meeting. She continues stroking his…ego…while they wait. I'm not even paying any attention to the two of them until he reminds her she had something she wanted to give him. Isa says she had to leave it behind at La Malquerida. The lawyer shows up and he says the news isn't good. The cession was legal. Becerra wrote it up and Alonso was in his right mind when he put his fingerprint to it. There's no medical evidence to suggest he wasn't in his right mind, though Isadora SO tried to go there, and he even called in two witnesses to uphold it. Isadora is just soooo sad to be left out in the street. The lawyer has delivered all the bad news he has, so he leaves. Isa pretends to be brave and determined. She suggests she might have to leave the area, so Cayetano offers to keep taking care of her needs. Isa does just enough protesting before she gives in, then dismisses him so he won't be late to his son's wedding. To his credit, he does leave at that point…not before getting a kiss on the lips from Isadora. Gross! She writhes in fury once he's gone.

Tomorrow: Pablo and Luzma's wedding; lots of aroused jealousy; Isadora threatens to drop a bomb.


Finally, the wedding! The "week" before the wedding feels like it's lasted a month. Let's have some fun already!

RL update: The next chorus piece we're working on is Estevez' Cantata Criolla, based on Torrealba's poem Florentino y el Diablo. Finally, something I won't have to struggle to understand or pronounce! Though, given that it's poetry, there's still a lot of symbolism and imagery that's going over my head. If anyone can point me to some good resources--articles, commentary, books--on Torrealba's poem or any other works that have made reference to it, I'd appreciate that. I tried reading Gallegos' novel, Dona Barbara, but had such a tough time slogging through it. When we looked through the lyrics for the Cantata Criolla this week, it put me in mind of the novel. Sure enough Gallegos makes some references to Torrealba's poem, so I'm definitely going to make another attempt to slog through the novel.

Good stuff, Kat, and break a leg.

I was crossing my fingers through that scene with Cayetonto's lawyer worrying about whether the document had to be notarized before Alonso's death to be legal. Apparently not; big relief.

Why did Piedad think it necessary to visit Leoncerdo? What sense did that make? Was it only to gloat? Not that the additional incentive for him to rat out Hissadora isn't welcome.

We need to count the episodes from here on toward Camila and Daniel's wedding. If it's more than seven episodes I might start feeling a bit stabby.

Thanks for filling in the details, 5ft! When they talk, talk, talk like last night, I get lost.
I don't see how you can keep up recapping when you are so busy. Good luck on your new endeavor.


Great job as always, Kat! You helped me be aware of details my poor Spanish had missed, and at the same time you had me chuckling all the way through. Some of my faves: "Cayetano is no longer thinking with the big head," "In two seconds, Ana turns into a teenager," "[Rocio] tries to threaten him, but "You're going to have to choose between her and me!" isn't much of a threat," and "[Isadora] continues stroking his…ego…while they wait."

I was surprised and pleased when Cayetonto's lawyer announces that the cession was legal. I guess that leaves a living Miriam as the next (last?) huge obstacle confronting Dan and Cam. Though probably not the next nasty plot development. There's Hissadora's revelation about Rocio's affair with Don Dan (though I really don't care one way or another, having relatively little sympathy for Snotty Screeching Shrew, and only a tiny bit more for Cayetonto). And I'm still fearing that Leoncerdo will escape and make life miserable for characters I do care about. I do wish Piedad hadn't told him about all the good fortune coming to people he wants to hurt (for starters, Luzma, Pablo, Piedad, and Daniel).

Yay! It's finally wedding day #1! Kat, you always seem to get the calm days, but at least this was a very happy episode, made even better with your great humor.

Considering Pablo and Luzma's wedding day will likely last a few episodes, I don't think Dan and Cam's wedding will be in exactly 7 episodes, even if they have no unexpected problems. But they may accelerate and jump a few days like they did this episode, who knows!

What was happening in the bull ring was not a bull fight. It was the "la tienta"-- the selection of the young females (vacas bravias) who will bear the fighting bulls. I found a site that says this about the tienta: "La tienta es el proceso más importante de la cría de toros, puede fortalecer o acabar una ganadería. En un tentadero se evalúan aspectos como la bravura, la clase y la nobleza de las reses." There's a video about the process:

I guess since the last time Leon saw Luzma she was crying and breaking down in the sentencing, Piedad wanted to rub in his face that he was not able to break her and ruin her and Pablo’s happiness. It sure did drive Leon crazy to also see that Piedad has a man by her side.

Cayetonto continues his downward slide into Isa’s clutches. I was glad to hear that Al and Chayo managed to rustle up some witnesses for the signing of the secession of the ranch. Whew! Give it up Isa.

I was glad that Nat told Dio to his face that she had no reason to believe him. But I was very unhappy with her when she started questioning herself about who to believe. Good grief! Amanda trying to protect her by telling her as a little girl that her papa was dead and had been a good man, is quite different than Amanda making up some story about Dio once being her husband under another name, all to hide that she supposedly just had a fling with him and got knocked up?! Por favor Natalia! Does that sound like Amanda at all?


5ft. Latina - Great recap! I was cracking up :) Love this line: " isn't a mother the person who raises a child? Not the way you did it, lady! " TRUTH.

UA& Juanita - I was wondering that to about Piedad and worried about her telling Leocerdo about everyone, but I forgive her because it seems like it's part of her healing process from his years of abuse. It's nice to see her confronting her demons (Gussie should take lessons for what awaits her). And I second "In two seconds, Ana turns into a teenager" as a fave - that was cold, Ana, cold!

I don't feel too bad for Caye or Rocio, but I feel awful for Pablo. I wonder if the crap will hit the fan after he and Luzma have left for their honeymoon.

Geez, how old was Isa when her parents married her off? I thought at least she was 18. LC's only 10 years older than FM in real life, so Isa being a minor (plus Al being such a worrywort) makes the casting more reasonable to me now.

I actually wasn't expecting Dio to deny being Nat's dad. I can't wait to see how this all goes down! Will Nat find the blindfold, or will proof come from some unexpected place because this TN is actually really good at throwing interesting curves. Also surprised that Isa turned el comandante onto the sleazy notario. Um, won't he take her down with him?

Loved the avances! So cute when Dan gives Luzma away! ::tear::


Vivi- thanks for the info on the tienta! I had no idea what was going on in that scene so that helped a lot.

I agree with the Nat reaction. I was afraid she wasn't even going to question Dio's version and was going to explode all over Amanda with that garbage. I was talking about it with a friend who doesn't watch TNs and she said "yeah, but a woman telling her daughter that her father is dead when he's not, and then refusing to tell her who he is for weeks and then telling her he's some kind of criminal/murderer probably doesn't sound like her mom either." I had to admit, she had a point. Hopefully, she'll realize that Dio's motives for lying are way more serious that any supposed motives Amanada might have about su honra.

I also liked the teenager line. LOL! Camila looked so sad when Ana rejected her, especially after they had just greeted each other so warmly. Even Muñeca ran to Cami and started jumping all over her to be greeted too. It struck me that although Dan seems to be pulled into every plot point, he has not been part of the Ana-Roman-Muñeca universe, so they had never met him. And Camila has never told Dan about the TWO times Mariano declared his love. Not like he needs to be told to know that. He can tell, as he said this episode. Mariano looked like a dejected puppy as he held Muñeca and watched Cam and Dan smooch. So sad.

When the paternity shit hits the fan I hope Pablo and Luzma are already on their honeymoon. I can't see this happening on their wedding day and even if it did I don't think Cayetonto would be so foolish as to explode over it in public.

However, should we expect that he will have a major fit at home, disown Pablo, throw Rocio to the wolves, and then expect Mariano's and Iago's support in these actions? It looks like Hissadora is setting this up. However, we can predict the outcome of that: Mariano will support Pablo and Iago will kiss up to his father in the hopes that he will inherit all of La Buenaventura.

So...has Gussie met her anvils by simply being married to the abusive El Diablo or will there be more to come.

I can't stand this character because of the way she has treated both daughters. I don't buy the theory that Gussie behaves this way because of the time frame in which she was raised, grew up, etc. The woman has characters flaws that cannot be explained alone by the cultural time in which she was raised.

Camila treats her mother with respect and love each and every time, but the same cannot be said for Agustina.

I cannot wait for the unmasking of her wretched husband. She needs to feel the hurt and pain her stupidity has caused other people around her.

You are a very talented writer, Ms. 5ft Latina!!

Issy's family could have married her off as young as 14. She went into black widow mode when Al was pretty young so she only put up with the geezer for a few years. Didn't look like he was in condition to cause her much grief except by continuing to stand in the way of her enjoyment of his fortune.
Surprising she didn't unburden herself of Al sooner.

There will be payback for Augustina's actions. She also displays a very real flaw in how she had Ximena's number when she was alive but now makes a good girl of her after death, the latter to Camila's detriment. Don't ask how I know that.

Under the heading of All Things Considered, once El Diablo is out of her life she should not consider getting involved with any other man. Maybe Camila should get a power of attorney over her.

Anon, Hissadora looked about 16 or 17 in the flashback about the beginning of her marriage. I don't recall seeing little Alonso in the flashback where she murdered Eleazar, so we don't know how old he was then.

As to why she didn't murder Alonso sooner, I hope we hear her say something about that. However, I think she was looking to somehow make him useful to her as long as she was stuck with him. Not to mention that she is sufficiently intelligent to realize that if he were to die so soon after his father someone might add two and two and get Murder.

Anon 10:51 - No, I think there's still the insurance fraud situation to fall on her head.

The only time I think I've ever wanted to punch Gussie was when she said she'd choose Dio over Cami. I was like "I'm sorry, what?!" Other than that, the woman doesn't inspire hatred in me, just pity. She really doesn't get her daughter. I think she respects Cami's intelligence and is proud that she's smart and accomplished, but doesn't respect her passion, independence or her authority in the face of any man (except maybe Dan, because of her stubborn, unjustified resentment) because she doesn't have any of those qualities. It's just sad to me, especially since Cami's the only one she has left.

Maybe Hissy draws the line at killing kids?

Thank you for your comments re Gussie, Urban Anthropologist.

In one of Al's flashbacks, both little Al and Isa are in all black, as if after Old Man Lazcano's funeral, and she's yelling at him. He's played by the same actor in all the other little boy Al scenes. So he was probably around 7, give or take, when his dad died. In the flashback Isa had about Lazcano making her accept being Al's mom and handing her baby Al, she looks like a 15-16 year old girl. It's not the same actress we see in the later flashbacks of when Al is a boy (she would have been 20 or early 20s by then).

I imagine she shipped him off to school at some point when he was older? Or figured he's be useful to work to support her when he was older?

UA - But don't all moms do that when a child dies? Even she admitted to herself that she could barely remember any good memories of Xi, she just couldn't bring herself to admit that to other people.

Thanks 5Ft, great job as always. I wish I could help you on the poem, I never even heard of it before.

I was surprised that Dion lied about knowing he was Nat's father or that he was married to Amanda. But I suppose he doesn't want anyone to know about his aliases. And if Nat decides to believe him over her mother, I will shoot her.

As much as I can't stand Rocio, she has every right to be upset by Cayetonto's behavior. And that look he had on his face at the end when Isa turned her face to kiss him on the lips was hilarious. He's such a fool. I want to see Rocio kicked out, and Isa as the patrona. That will be hilarious.

Can they take of the mouth bandage already? It serves no purpose. How is Leon eating? Does he have feeding tube installed in his stomach?

I think Isa was very young when she got married, perhaps 14. I don't know why I think this, but I seem to remember it from an episode.

Interesting that the truck that pushed Al over the ledge was in Bruno's name. Can't Juarez go to the rental and ask if a woman actually picked it up? We didn't get any info about this when it was happening. Maybe Bruno was using it prior, but then how did Isa get it?


Cathyx- Remember, Isa was actually speaking to Bruno, separately from Ximena. Remember she called him about following her instructions about putting Camin in the bull corral, something Xi knew nothing about. Bruno probably rented the truck under her instructions, because I think she always planned to push Xi and Al off the road. As far as returning the car, couldn't she have just parked it near the rental agency and ran, or called anonymously and had them pick it up somewhere?

How did Isa know that Al and Xi would stop in front of the cliff to talk?

cathyx - I've been wondering about the mouth bandage too and I'm thinking maybe it's just to help the actor remember not to open his mouth (thereby giving viewerville a glimpse of his tongue) and to clue any latecoming viewers into the fact that there's a reason he can't talk. I can't think of any other reasons.

Yeah, I didn't think it would be that hard to get info about who returned the truck either, just a phone call maybe.


She could have planned to shove them off the road and into the path of a truck/tree/clff/anything, like Leon did to Padre B.

It's too bad they kept these details a secret, because they are important to the story.

Isa did tell Al to stop at a specific spot. I didn't get a good look at it to see if it was also near a cliff. Al only started driving again when Dan called and said they already had Camila. Then Al panicked because he knew Isa must be up to something. And she was...

I think w/o a tongue, you would slobber.

I am wondering whether they used two different actresses to represent the young Hissadora. Perhaps one in her teens for the scene where her husband handed her baby Alonso and one in her 20s in the scene where she murdered Eleazar and the one where she chews Alonso out for not winning the race.

HelleShelle, I don't know whether all mothers do that. I suspect they canonize the dead child, but most probably don't do it at the expense of the surviving (and responsible) child.

Sherlock Juarez has lots of information to put together. When he finds out about Hissadora offering 3 million pesos to Leoncerdo to kill the padre he can get supoenas for bank records. If Rosario ever said or says anything about an envelope of cash he can find that out, too.

Anon- You're right! It is to sop up the slobber.

I thought the Albarran men looked very handsome in their finery. Finally Pablo was out of that vest. Even Yago looked fetching. And Mariano is looking waaaay better now that he shaves and it looks like he may have lost a couple of pounds with his illness.

Urban- Yes. They used two actresss for young and younger Isa.

I think Juarez should bring in extra help. He has a LOT of info he has to dig for and find on Isa and Dio. I do like how calm he is about everything though. He doesn't fall for anyone's bs. Just the facts, m'am.

Cathyx- Pablo has been out of his vest ever since he started working at MQ. We haven't seen him in a vest in a long time. I agree the Alberran boys looked very nice and it was good to see them together and united.

I just rewatched the scene with Natalia and El Diablo and I am wondering if he is planning on messing with the DNA test. He can benefit from either result:

1. He can work at winning Natalia away from Amanda (He is sufficiently overconfident to think he can do that) after a positive result OR

2. He can avoid 18 years of back child support with a negative result and try to prove Amanda crazy at the same time.

Iago looked a little uncomfortable after Cayetonto's meeting with the lawyer.

Does anyone else think that the actor playing that lawyer is wearing a bald cap?

UA - ITA about Dio and the DNA test. If Nat is smart (and that is a big if) she'll see to the test herself and not just blindly believe whatever 'results' Dio may arrange.

I'm back from the wilderness - a week without tv, cell phone coverage, DSL or Amor Bravio. I have a lot of catching up to do!

Really enjoyed the recap, 5ft. Latina. Thank you!

Once again Kat, thanks. Have you Googled "Florentino y el Diablo"? There are a lot of entries including some on YouTube.

I would think that El Diablo would be in big trouble for bigamy if he were married to Amanda and neither of them ever got a divorce. Just another reason to lie to Nat.

That old fool deserves someone like Isa. I bet after the "kiss" he ran down to the local tienda for a very large supply of little blue pills.

Rosemary Primera


I was home making snickerdoodles and I was thinking about how Isa plans to get Buenaventura. We already know how she will get Cayetonto, and could even marry him, but surely he wouldn't will it to her if he dies. There was talk in the comments about introducing a virus to the herd, and she could do that to the Buenaventura herd, or try to contaminate the ground somehow and make it inhabitable for cattle.Leaving the only thing left to do but sell it to developers. But I still can't see Cayetano making her the heir to the ranch.

Kat loved the recap. Loved this line: “Hey, why the hell not, you've fought all the other bull in this story *rimshot*”

Rocio really needs to rethink her strategy. Surely by now she realizes yelling and demanding are not getting what she wants.

I really didn’t see the point of Piedad and Hipolito going to the jail to see Leo.

Liked the realistic response from Ana when she found out that Dan and Cam were novios.

.”"Didn't I beg you to let me see him? “—maybe so you could kill him? This is not the best argument that you didn’t want him dead.

Was so hoping that Nat would run into Rodolfo after she left Dio’s. That would have been a great opportunity for him to start winning her back. He definitely would have taken the time to comfort her. Unlike her skunk of a “boyfriend”.

Cayetano is a jerk. I get that Rocio is a shrew, but to disrespect her like that in front of her son was unforgiveable.

Kudos to Nat for remembering what her mother is like. I was so afraid that she would forget the relationship she had with her mother all these years because of the lie about her father.

“Even Ximena didn't lounge by the pool! Not that I recall. “—I was thinking the same thing!!! I remember in STuD that Ivana turned up poolside at Jose Miguel’s ranch and we hadn’t seen any evidence that there was a pool until then.

What was up with the editing. It was very abrupt—almost as if they didn’t bother with continuity when they edited this ep together.

Now on to everyone else’s comments.


Vivi: "Good grief! Amanda trying to protect her by telling her as a little girl that her papa was dead and had been a good man, is quite different than Amanda making up some story about Dio once being her husband under another name, all to hide that she supposedly just had a fling with him and got knocked up?! Por favor Natalia! Does that sound like Amanda at all?”—this was exactly what I was thinking, but couldn’t find the words to say it. You said it perfectly.

HS: I didn’t expect Dio to deny Nat either. “"yeah, but a woman telling her daughter that her father is dead when he's not, and then refusing to tell her who he is for weeks and then telling her he's some kind of criminal/murderer probably doesn't sound like her mom either." –your friend does have a point.

Wondering how Isa thinks she’ll get La B. There are a lot of obstacles in her way.

The avances look like the wedding went off without a hitch?


Thanks Kat for your great recap. You are just so good at being thorough but funny. I too loved the line about the 2 second arrival of teenager Ana.

Gosh, I just can't believe all the Gussy hatred out there. It really has me shaking my head.

I giggled over Hissadora's hissssy fit ......"I should have killed them all! All of them!"

I love Pablo but I have been so turned off by his greased up hair in recent episodes. It's common enough on short hair in TNs, but on long hair? Double yuck, disgusting.


Doesn't Isa remind anyone for Roberta of CME? When she's always calling everyone estupido?

5ft - Thanks. Couldn't stop laughing at your rundown of Cayetonto's boneheaded moves.

Ana's disapproval of Daniel being Camila's novio and his polite reaction to a little girl who look like she wanted to kick him in the shin was a hoot. Maybe when Ana meets Teresa with her dad, she'll want to be a lawyer. :D


Cathyx - I'm also scratching my head on Isa and BV. Other people have mentioned that even if Caye took Rocio and Pablo out of the will, there's still Mariano, Yago and even Ana left to inherit. It's gonna look very suspicious if she piles them all into a car and shoves it off of a cliff too...

Barbara - I'm also a lil surprised abt the level of Hissy hatred, but I've fallen asleep mid-episode before, so I think I'm just missing some key moments. Like cathyx was saying that after Xi died, Gussie forgot Xi's screwed up ways to Cami's detriment, but I may have ff'd through the parts where this really affected Cami.

Cathyx - That's true, the only time I've seen one child held up in death in a way that really damaged the surviving child was in Mi Pecado. Rosario was awful!

This is great (as always), Kat. Lots of funny lines and I especially liked this:

"So she asks him if he's really her father. Yes, and they will rule the galaxy together!..."

Though it seems very unlikely, it'd be so much fun if they'd try just that. Lots of episodes left and I really haven't invested all that much into her emotionally.

I'm guessing that little Ana's sense of fashion is about to change...drastically.


Oh, I forgot to mention Isadora's observation to Dio regarding her attraction to Cayetano that it's a lot easier for an old man to die than a young one. So true.


Rosario made the first Toxic Mothers list. Augustina isn't even in her league, but it's still wrong to castigate the surviving child for not preventing what happened to a dead one or in any way to make her feel guilty for just being alive.

As for Hissadora's plan, she is planning to marry Cayetano and somehow get him to disinherit his sons and granddaughter. As soon as he does that she will kill him, probably with a slow poison or with something like purple foxglove (see Carlota in ENDA).

She has no idea that all three of Cayetano's sons are intelligent and could figure her out with adequate exposure to her.

HS: "It's gonna look very suspicious if she piles them all into a car and shoves it off of a cliff too..."--I was thinking special dinner party with Isa absent.

Carlos: "I'm guessing that little Ana's sense of fashion is about to change...drastically."--funny!!!

Agree that Isa has major obstacles to getting BV, but to her megalomaniac way of thinking, they are just small bumps in the road. She'll break up Rocio and Cayetano, twisting it so that the Tonto feels it justified and even imperative in protecting his "real" sons' inheritance, thus eliminating Rocio and Pablo from the will. He will be rewarded with a major dose of potassium right before a night of Isapassion(eww, gross) and she'll introduce some kind of poison to the food served after the funeral, making sure she gets a small dose of it herself (just enough to put her in the hospital but not to kill her, while Mariano, Iago and Ana ingest a lethal dose.) Caye's will would leave everything to his sons and granddaughter and lastly, to his new "wife" almost as an afterthought. She's sly enough to see to all this. Just sayin' :-)

IMO, Gala on Refugio is the all-time "estupido/a" champ!

Iago should think twice about siding with his father when it comes to Isa. He doesn't know that puts a target right on his back! Isa: "scram, little bug, you're in my way" as she flicks him off the screen with her long, forked Komodo tongue!

Anon 4:36 - ...I'm kind of scared of you right now ;)

So I guess Yago will be the thorn in Isa's side? Or Ana? Caye can drop Rocio and Pablo like stones, and Isa can convince him that any support Mariano gives her means he's betrayed Caye. But Yago will jump onto any life raft at hand, so I'm sure he'll behind Daddy Warbucks, no problem. Ana's more difficult, because none of this is her fault.

Crap! I was just thinking what if whoever speculated that Nat could get preggers was right and Isa draws parallels between Yago and Pablo (falling for "the lower class") and tries to use that as a selling point with Caye for him to drop Yago? That ywould run her and Yago afoul of Dio though...

UA - "it's still wrong to castigate the surviving child for not preventing what happened to a dead one or in any way to make her feel guilty for just being alive." - HOW DID I MISS THIS?! can someone tell me what eppy this is because I have to go back and find it. I cannot believe I missed Gussie saying that! I toatlly get the hatred now.

It was a couple of weeks ago in the episodes after the "accident" and I don't think it was more than one or two incidents. Despite the fact that she couldn't think of a single positive memory of Ximeana.

HellaShelIe, I don't remember any comment with that particular implication either. It is certainly possible I could have missed it though.

Thanks 5ft. Great to be back.. Finally caught up with my dvr. Please include me with the Gussie haters. Right from the beginning, I so dislike this Metiche character and I keep calling her names such as stupid, tonta, snotty, whatever!! I couldn't wait till she falls flat on her face upon discovering about the true Dionisio. But I am afraid she will still be so true to her character even if Dionisio were already caught trying to abuse Camilla. She will still be so completely blind about this. It's all about her. Now why does she vehemently dislike Daniel, isn't it because she was forsaken by 2 men in her life, Don Daniel and her previous husband the father of Daniel who both chose Agatha instead of her?"hell hath no fury..."

Kat, thanks for a really enjoyable recap.
Although I always keep a pen and paper handy to jot down a puzzling word or phrase while watching the novela. I seldom look anything up while I’m watching. Unfortunately that often means that a word/phrase I’ve noted is meaningless out of context. Such was the case with the phrase “No te agachas”. When I looked that up I got “incliner or bajar alguna parte del cuerpo y, en especial la cabeza”. That didn’t make sense to me until I saw your:
“In her excitement, Luzma bends down to hug Camila and Camila reminds her not to squish the baby.” Muchos gracias for clarifying that.

Vida2, you may have hit on something that may be pertinent later. Aggie has had two men she loved in her life leave her for Agatha, who is Dan's mother. Maybe that's why she has such a problem with Dan. Good job making that connection.

Francisco Javier was married to Agatha before Augustina; Daniel is older than Ximena would be.

Not that this matters much. All that proves is that these two women had the same bad husband and each had one of the Monterde men.

I don't know if anyone is still out there but I must defend Rosario of Mi Pecado: yes, she was a bad mother and pretty much hated her daughter (Maite Peroni - don't remember the character's name). But it turned out that her daughter was also her SISTER because her father had raped her. Even her daughter forgave her after learning that. Plus Rosario was so conflicted that she committed suicide by drowning herself.


I commented at the time that Rosario did Lucrezia a favor by doing that because she would never stop blaming Julian for Cesar's death. This would have forced Lucrezia to choose between her mother and her husband and while most women in her place would have had no problem making that choice, TN law didn't yet allow a young woman to disown her mother.

Which might have also done Rosario a favor.

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