Friday, January 11, 2013

Por ella soy Eva #123 1/11/13: Failure, Thy Name Is Modesto.

The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
Bears spit in the woods.
Water is wet.
The snowplow pushes the snow towards the wrong side of the street.
Death and taxes.
You get the idea.

Modesto disappoints.
The guy is going to have to buy his own ugly necktie next Father's Day, is all I'm saying.

Alternate title: Genie's Big Adventure

Daniel ridicules Claudia for worrying about Eugenia, but agrees to go get her and bring her home. He complains that Claudia's turning out to be a real drag. She's not the mischievous little minx he thought she was.

Eva rushes off to Helena's place, hoping to get all the juicy details about the breakup with Pluti. Helena doesn't tell Eva about the rotten things Pluti did; she only admits that she didn't love him. She adds that this doesn't necessarily mean she's going to give JC another chance.

Chepina worries that Eugenia isn't home yet and isn't answering her phone. Claudia carelessly suggests that Eugenia turned off her phone for the audition. WHAT?? Chepina asks how Claudia knows about the audition. (Chepina suspiciously notes that Claudia was out when Eugenia got the call!) Chepina wants to call Modesto. Claudia says nahhhh, why worry him?

Daniel goes to the shelter where he left Eugenia, but she's already left, so he tells Claudia he's done with this caper. He insults her some more and blows her off. (Will this diminish her interest in him, or did she inherit her mother's love for useless jerks?)

At a bar, Pluto tells Onesimo about the breakup. He blames it all on the kid. He predicts that Helena will come crawling back to him, begging his forgiveness, when she realizes that she's nothing without a man and can't find a better one than him. Then he insults Onesimo and tells him to get lost so that he can finish drinking in solitude. He makes Onesimo pay for his own drinks, too. Pluto grinds his teeth in frustration. He'd better hope Onesimo isn't terribly offended.

Marcela finds Kevin writing some serious mush about Claudia. She's muy surprised to hear that Eugenia is Claudia's stepmother. She's even more surprised to hear that she's Claudia's wicked stepmother. She always seemed so nice! And to think that Modesto had additional children outside his marriage! Marcela reminds herself and Kevin that it's none of their business. She says it's nice that Kevin likes this girl, but asks him to dial back the enthusiasm a little and slow down. He's too young to get quite so hung up on a girl. His inexperience could get him hurt.

Chepina really wants to call Modesto about Eugenia. Claudia says he'll just get mad; Eugenia's probably out with that husky woman friend of hers. Chepina agrees and calls Eva. Even if they're not together, maybe Eva will know where she is.

So Chepina calls Eva, and Eva tells Helena. Eva rushes off to Eugenia's house. Helena wants to call Juan to let him know his mother's missing!

Dogbert wants to rent a room from Mimi. (Did he buy his jacket at the Televisa Thrift Shop for Recycled Props? Can the pear robe be far away?) Mimi looks as though she's trying to decide whether she should rent him a room for some princely sum, or just punch him in the nuts. He gives her some sob story about how he'll find a nice comfy bench to sleep on at the bus station. I can't tell whether he's making a serious attempt to guilt her, or just trying to be cute; either way, Mimi relents.

At Eugenia's house, Eva questioning Claudia and Chepina. All Chepina remembers is that the chauffeur was very young. Claudia says she was out. Then she hesitates and adds, "but...." She is interrupted by Eva's phone... actually Juan's phone, Helena's calling... so Eva goes into another room to take the call. (Again, seriously, YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE EVERY CALL RIGHT AWAY!! Claudia was just about to say something!) Juan promises Helena he'll be right there so they can look for Eugenia together. Eva excuses herself to Chepina and Claudia, and - hey, I see a wall full of clocks behind Eva. Does anyone remember Dr. Cuckoo from Familia?

Eva goes home to change her clothes and let Mimi know what's going on and give Dogbert some dirty looks.

Claudia summons Luis Renato for help. At first, he thinks they should let Modesto take care of it. Then Claudia admits that this is her own fault: a joke gone wrong.

Juan and Helena are wandering around, looking for Eugenia. She wasn't at the theater she disappeared to last time. Helena wants to call Eva to compare notes on the search so far. Fortunately, Juan's own phone rings. His mom is calling! Well, not really - but it's her phone. Someone at the shelter found it and is calling to let Juan know that she was there and she left it behind and might be in trouble. Juan and Helena hurry over there. The woman at the shelter tells them what she knows, which isn't much. But Juan knows his mother couldn't have gotten very far without her purse or any taxi fare, so she's probably still nearby.

Claudia tells her brother about the joke. She hates Eugenia! She's so smug ever since Mom died!!

Renato cannot believe his ears. He explains very clearly to Claudia that, like it or not, Eugenia is their father's wife, and they and their mother were Modesto's "casa chica." They're not his family. So what if he's giving them his name now... after all this time. It doesn't make up for all the years they had to live in the shadows while Modesto bragged about his favorite, Juan Carlos. This is all Modesto's fault, not Eugenia's. And speak of the devil, heeeeeere's Daddy now! He greets Renato: "What the hell are you doing in my house." Heartwarming.

Eugenia is drifting around, confused, quoting from Hamlet, Richard III, As You Like It, and other Shakespearean hits. She runs into a bum who tries to steal the rings right off of her hand. Juan and Helena show up at this moment. So do the police. The day is saved! Juan tells the police this woman is his mother. They want her to go to the station and give a statement, but Eugenia is obviously not well, and the police agree she should go to the hospital... but they're going to drive them over there. Will Juan's identity be revealed?

In short, no.

And Renato doesn't reveal Claudia's secret. He tells Modesto he's here because she was upset about Eugenia's disappearance. "More upset than you, apparently," he adds snidely. Modesto says that Eugenia's wandered off before, but JC always helped him look for her. ("Helped"? As I recall, Modesto did nothing. If only he were aware of the irony.) Renato is so. very. sick. of hearing all about this mysterious sainted half-brother of his that Modesto is always saying such great things about. (Again, irony: maybe Modesto should have said more of those nice things to JC's face.) I keep hoping Renato will launch into a full-blown rant, but Chepina interrupts: Helena and Eva have called to say that Eugenia's safe at the hospital.

Zero time has passed... not even a commercial break... but Eugenia is already tucked into a bed, snoozing peacefully, and the doctor is telling Juan she'll be fine. As she sleeps, Juan tells her she'll be back to her acting career soon and people will be throwing flowers again.

Helena tells Juan she tried to call Eva with an update, but she's not answering. Juan thinks she'll call soon. :-) Helena asks, "Why doesn't your father know you're alive?" "Because when I told him about the fraud, he turned his back on me. And you wouldn't believe what else I've found out about him!" But he doesn't have time to tell Helena the rest (about his father's other family). He has to go before his father shows up.

Mimi and Dogbert have also been helping in the search for Eugenia: they've been asking around at the police station. Juan calls to let them know she's been found, and to ask Mimi to keep Dogbert away from the rooming-house for a while so he can change back into Eva. Mimi gets Dogbert to take her to a taco cart for dinner. He wants to hear all about this guy she's so stuck on. Mimi says he's FFF - feo, fuerte, and formal.

Juan worries that he's going to get his two phones mixed up one of these days and blow his cover. (Does the sun rise in the east?)

Modesto gets to the hospital and asks the doctor what's the name of the person who brought Eugenia here. Eva arrives before the doctor can answer. Modesto blames Eva for all of this because she encouraged Eugenia to, you know, have a life and stuff. (Remember, nothing is EVER Modesto's fault.) Eva chews him out for being so clueless about his wife and all the years he was betraying her with Carmen.

Now Saint Modesto is scolding the doctor because it's all his fault, too. "What kind of doctor are you?" Why'd he release her from the hospital the last time if she wasn't all better? (Of course Modesto would have been just as happy to let her rot there.) The doctor says he's as surprised as anyone - she seemed to be doing very well on her new meds. He'll do a full evaluation in the morning.

Then the doctor asks Eva who found Eugenia. Eva gives a vague answer - "some friends and me - I, woman." She doesn't know what she was doing at the homeless shelter. She promises to come back and see Eugenia first thing tomorrow, whether Modesto likes it or not.

At the Caballero home, Renato is upset with Claudia for thinking that none of this matters now that Eugenia's been found. She insists it'll be fine and no big deal. Sure, she's having a nervous breakdown, but at least she's not dead like Mom! Doesn't she realize how serious this could have been? "You're just like your father," he accuses. Claudia is afraid Renato will tell Modesto what she did. He says he won't have to. Sooner or later, someone's going to figure out that she's the one who tricked Eugenia.

Next time:
Rebeca tells Angelica she has proof of Pluto's misdeeds (or is that an old scene?)
Helena answers the doorbell and finds a flaming bag of dog poop... no, wait - it's Plutarco!


By coincidence and not by design, I missed most of Renato's scenes, which is unfortunate because I could tell that he was saying some good stuff to Claudia and to Modesto. I'll fill that stuff in later this weekend.

Julie~~~~~ This is wonderful and you haven't missed much.

Loved how JC and Helena saved Eugenia from that thug and glad that JC didn't have to go to the station. I hope that doc does a blood test on Eugenia to find out what those pills are that Claudia substitued for Eugenia's pills.

Love how Eva really gave it to Modesto, who never wants to hear he is a putz, and I wish his face would freeze like that, he looks like a prune, lol.

Claudia is like Modesto, it is always someone else's fault and glad Renato told her so. Renato really is a good guy.

Daniel needs an anvil. Like yesterday. I don't want him anywhere near Jennifer.

I remember Doc Cuckoo Clock, lol. Too funny and that wall did look like his office.

Julie~~~ Also loved your titles the main one and alternate : )

Julie, this is one of my favorite recaps. "Did she (Claudia) inherit her mothers love for useless jerks?" Great question..y muy entertaining overall!

It was great to see Juan and Helena working together. It was a serious and personal matter but its looking like Eugenia will be 'ok.'. Of course Helena wanted to kiss him on the cheek when she said goodbye at the hospital , but she had just broken up with PLuty only hours I'll give her some slack for not doing so.

I agree with Mad that as we get to know Renato, he's showing some ethical values...I hope this translates to the office where he sometimes bugs me for being overly ambitious at times. We'll see. We know he is on to Rebe and doesn't appear to want any part of her nonsense. But his ambition may be subject to manipulation by PLuty.

Yes...please check out Eugenia's blood or something to figure out that it was her meds and please get her back on her road to recovery. Juan needs and loves her, but she is also a voice of honesty and reason.

The bedside scene where Juan told her that she would be back on stage again and he cried, made me cry. I'm in love with this guy! Gertie

Gertie, I believe you've been infected by the Camil bug. Speaking from experience, I can tell you that, like diabetes, the condition is lifelong. He really can deliver, can't he? If you ever get the chance to see Los Exitosos Perez, there is a scene in the final weeks that IMHO shows off his skills better than anything I've seen him in.


Pear robe, oh pear robe, wherefore art thou? Do you really think we may see it again?


This is a great recap, Julie. It's hard to see how Modesto can disappoint because it's hard to believe anyone expects anything from him. The guy always looks like he just ate some rotten fruit. Eugenia has his number. Unfortunately she's married to him. He told Renato he's not permitted in his house. One of my favorite anvils will be seeing Modesto discover that his favored son has been dressing as a woman for months. Renato won't look so bad then.

I have notices that Dagoberto's clothes are rather striking. At one point I thought to myself, oh, I want that shirt. Out of curiosity I followed Julie's link to the pear robe story. OMG, Vivi you are so funny. I think I laughed through the entire thing. I loved your captions for all the photos of the pear robe and it "a-pear-ance." I will now be on the lookout for it. It can be my Holy Grail.

Julie- This recap was fabulous, and thanks for the shout out to the Pear Robe Project!

Now that Bastardo is broken and dumped, I am focusing all my ire on Modesto. Oooh, I just want to deck him! I love that Renato pointed out how Claudio is behaving just like their disappointing sperm donor, and that this lousy situation is HIS fault, not Eugenia's. I just wish he would get over his resentment of JC, but everything in time, I guess. I want him to rat out Claudia and tell everyone what she did to Eugenia.


Julie thank you for the recap. I loved your free form poem at the start and filling in us newcomers to the "pear robe." They both were too funny. I absolutely loved Renato in this episode for being the only measure of reality at Eugenia's house while she is away. It was so good to hear him lay the fault for everything at Modesto's feet. Mimi has confessed that her heart belongs to Adriano so I will hope that Dagoberto's stay will be short. After everything, I still have hope that Claudia will be rehabilitated and that she with Renato will become a daughter and another son for Eugenia. I am probably way off in "la la landia" on that one.


I don't think you are in la-la-landia, Jarifa. Renato's resentment stems from a very legitimate pain. However, once he hears Juan's side of the story - that Modesto was just as much of a jerk to Juan as he was to Renato - I think they will be able to bond.

Claudia, on the other hand, is probably the only person left in this story who can still be disappointed by Modesto. She's still clinging to the fantasy that she'd have had a happy family life if only she'd grown up with Modesto at home. But she'll soon be rid of that delusion as well. She'll need him, and he won't be there. Or he'll be there, but only because Eugenia or Juan or someone else forces him to take action.

Excellent, Julie.

Way back in the begining wasn't JC more like Modesto; a clueles womanizer, and all around useless man? Albeit much better looking, but Modesto's son indeed. Are we more forgiving of JC because he is so handsome? I hope for growth and change in all the men. Like I've said before, this is my first TN so I don't know what to expect, but it is so much fun to watch and to share with all of you.

Sue in Florida

Sue, I don't think we're more forgiving of JC because he is handsome. If that were the case, we'd forgive Pluto too.

We're forgiving JC because he's grown, learned, and evolved. Ever since the day things went wrong for him and he realized how his actions could really hurt others, he took responsibility, began paying for his mistakes, and strove to become a better person.

On the other hand, Modesto's world is falling in on all sides around him. He does his best to ignore his problems. When he can't, he blames other people.

Now that his "other family" is in town with him, he no longer has an excuse to flee to Puebla when the going gets rough. He is going to have to face the music.

(I've got an idea for a new sitcom: An Odd Couple revival starring Modesto and Bastardo. Maybe the two of them would be more fun if they were annoying one another.)

Julie, what a great recap! Also liked the wardrobe shoutout to the snakeskin on Fernando Escadon's FELS wardrobe (I think it was Fernando?) Anyway, it not only had snake skins, but snake heads on the shoulders.

JC made me cry as well with his speech to Eugenia.

Renato has potential to bond with JC. Loved your idea of Bastardo and Modesto together in a sequel. Modesto is so useless that Bastardo can boss him around and manage their cleaning routines. Renato can check on them once a week to see if they have starved to death or killed each other.

I really thought Helena was going to give JC a kiss before they parted. Sigh.

La Paloma

To add to Sue and Julie's most excellent comments about why we are more forgiving of Juan Carlos, Juan fell deeply in love with a beautiful,, charismatic , smart single mom and saw how she carried herself thru life against all odds. Then he watched as a bunch of jerks almost destroyed her using the same misogynistic tactics that he used many times in his life.

But I theorize that Juan had a spark of compassion in him that he got from Eugenia when he was a little boy. Remember the lasagna scene where he cooked for Helena, Lalo, and Silvia and it was really, really good? Modesto and PLuty are not capable of way and no how! My theory is that thanks to Eugenia, Juan was a redeemable man. (And yes, I've been 'Infected by the Camil bug!) Gertie

Stellar recap, Julie! Thanks so much!

Ithabill, I myself have been on a long-term, el Dorado-esque quest for the pear robe for quite some time. Someday, someday...

Sue, we are not more forgiving of JC because he's handsome. We are more forgiving because he has great legs. Hope that clears things up.

Hee hee hee!

I just watched Thursday night's episode and something caught my attention. Claudia asked Daniel how he knew where to find a homeless shelter. He said, "I know lots of things."

Kinda makes me wonder again about his background.

.....and the way he flutters those eyelashes. Gertie

Thank you for the recap Julie.

Yes Juan Carlos was pretty useless back in the day. But all his conquests noted that he treated them well, unlike Fanticola. And remember that Jacque Bluedress told how he helped her without asking for nookie in return.

Julie, I like your idea for a new sitcom, but I'd like to change the name: The Odio Couple.

THE ODIO COUPLE! OMG! You guys are too much.

Brilliant, Paula!

I added some stuff to the recap. The most important things are:

- Claudia mentions Eugenia's audition to Chepina; Chepina wonders how Claudia knew about it, since she wasn't there when Eugenia got the call.

- I had mischaracterized the Renato scenes somewhat. Renato doesn't debate Modesto's uselessness with Claudia... not as such... but he does point out to her that they've only ever been Modesto's #2 family and that's certainly not Eugenia's fault.

- Dogbert and Mimi do help in the search for Eugenia (somehow I missed that entirely the other night). Mimi lets Dogbert take her to the taco stand not because she's warming up to him, but to keep him out of the way while Juan goes home to change into Eva.

What a hoot you all are. It's a treat to check in on Sunday evening and share your wit. I especially like the new sitcom title "The Odio Couple" LOL And the reasons we forgive Juan for all his past failings.... I agree with all of you but I especially liked Blue Lass' s suggestion that it's because he has such good legs.


Bluee Lass & Güera, you could be right. Do you know that PESE is the only TN where you see Camil's calves? In all his other TN roles, if he's not in long pants they shoot from the knees up, or he's standing behind a coffee table or some such. There is one VERY brief glimpse of his calves in Tontas, but they cut away very quickly. It's because, although he has great eyes, lips, and smiles, he has really, really silly calves for a man. But as a woman's legs, they're stunning. Eva could've given Betty Grable a run for her money!


Paula, thanks for the calf-trivia! There's not much this group doesn't know, I must say. ;}

Thank you, Julie. Excelent recap.
Hmm the pear robe, I can't stop laughing.
Modesto never has time for anyone or anything!
I love the Odio couple discussion. You all are the best!!

We can throw in Fernando as the unemployed, mooching neighbor...

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