Monday, February 25, 2013

Amor Bravío #133 (Uni 128) Mon 2/25/13

Capitulo 133: Death in the Morning; Depression in the Afternoon

Lo del pasado

Omar goes over the evil plan with his master, who gloats.  Augustina talks to Padre Anselmo, Miriam asks Daniel what is wrong; he declines to answer and she realizes something is wrong.

Lo de nuevo

Hostal de Amanda:    Viviana, Aaron, Amanda, Dante, Teresa, and Padre Anselmo dine together and talk about the sad developments in the romance of Camila and Daniel. Dante gets up from the table to get more coffee and Teresa follows him to the kitchen, asking about next steps. He doesn't see them at this point and wants to return to Chile.  Teresa is not having this.  It's Daniel who has to make a decision. Teresa pushes him, though, saying she refuses to give up on Mariano.

Cabaña:   Camila is crouched in the corner, crying. Luzma enters to comfort her.

La Buenaventura, Ana's Room:  She shows him all the clothes Camila helped her buy, explaining that the accessories are the same as Camila bought for herself. She tells him they had a great time until bumping into Daniel in the mall and when they left Camila was crying.

Miriam's House:   She and Daniel are eating dinner. She had prepared food she used to make before they were married. He offers to clean up and she realizes he is trying to avoid her. She has noticed his sadness and that he doesn't seem to see her in the same way. He tells her he is tired, just wants to take care of her, and she should rest.  Their song plays.  She tells him she loves him and he tells her “Yo tambien,” but we can see that he says this without conviction. Finally she leaves him alone, he starts removing the plates from the table, and stops to think about the latest conversation with the prevaricating doctor and his latest encounter with Camila.

Texting (Camila in bed / Viviana arriving home):  Camila's wedding and engagement rings lie near her as she texts her that she isn't well and just wants to sleep and sleep and sleep. She wants to go away... See you tomorrow. Viviana texts a reply “I don't want to say this, but you have to forget him. You have to remove him from your heart.” Camila texts “How do I do this? He is my heart.” She puts down the phone and lays down in anguish. “Olvidarte Jamas” is heard again as we flies on the wall see both Camila and Daniel in tears.

Corral:  Dark music as Omar and another man climb over fences with the Cooler of Death. They are wearing surgical gloves and masks as they remove vials from the cooler and poison the watering troughs. The string section plays the same near-horror music we've heard before.

La Malquerida Porch: Hipolito, Eleuterio, and Rodolfo hang out. They have guitars and they attempt to sing our theme song. It is evident that Hipolito and Eleuterio want to serenade their novias. Rodolfo teases them a little as they walk off.

Piedad's Bedroom:   Dorotea enters in her nightdress to see if she is awake. The dogs are barking and she is concerned. Piedad runs to the window and sees them. Eleuterio makes two attempts at the last line to which Hipolito says “Que bonito” [obviously a clue as to what's coming next on the network].  The ladies go out to meet them.

Master Bedroom:  Augustina lies in bed having flasbacks about when Camila told her that El Diablo isn't who he says he is, about when he would not come up to bed with her, and when he threw her out of the car. She remembers his statement about her capacity to annoy him and even Francisco Javier's comment about what intimate friends El Diablo seems to be with Hissadora. Finally, she remembers what Amanda told her at Camila and Daniel's wedding. She turns to look at El Diablo and thinks “I have to be certain about you. As I said to Padre Anselmo, I have to know who you really are.”

The Following Morning

Fields:  Rodolfo and Eleuterio ride out and see the dead bulls. Another vaquero rides toward them to confirm this. Rodolfo turns around to ride back for more help, saying “This can't be. Why are they dead?”

Town, near the park:  Camila sits on a park bench; Daniel arrives in answer to her call. A sad song plays as she returns the rings to him, saying that she had hoped he would return hers to her when he was free. Now she sees that this is unlikely. She says goodbye to him and he looks up in shock... and also looks as though he has aged ten years in that moment. She gets up to leave. He touches her face, telling her “No te vayas” but she doesn't want to prolong the pain. She finally walks away to her car, leaving him to sit on the bench in pain.

Master Bedroom:   As El Diablo reads the newspaper in bed, Augustina puts on her makeup and talks about her concern about legalizing their marriage in Mexico. He tells her they don't need to do anything because their marriage is valid as though they had been married in Mexico, then asks why this is concerning her. She answers that she wasn't sure how these things worked.  He has all the relevant documents and asks why she's asking. She replies she just wants to see them. He announces he is going to bathe, then gets up and exits to the bathroom. As soon as he is out of the room she thinks about how all they did was sign documents and that no fingerprints were taken.  She finally picks up his wallet from the nightstand and removes something that looks like a credit card, thinking about the fingerprints.

Phone Call (Camila in her SUV / Mariano in hospital waiting room): A depressed Camila enters her SUV to the sound of “Solo Pido” when Mariano calls her. He is concerned about her. She tells him she and Daniel are finished. He wants to see her but she tells him she is alright; he should stay there with his mother.

La Malquerida, Study:  Augustina xeroxes the card.

Hostal:   Amanda makes her disapproval of El Diablo's gifts known to Natalia. She doesn't get why Amanda disapproves of this or of her marrying Iagho. Aaron sits at a table with a book in hand, but he is clearly listening. Amanda and Natalia sit down and continue the conversation. Amanda tries to get her to understand that El Diablo is a clever man who is trying to seduce her affection out of her with his gifts. Think about what Daniel found out about him. Natalia tells her she is not a fool [In which case she definitely has fooled us]; that El Diablo just wants a father/daughter relationship with her and she has the right to that. Amanda is afraid where this will end up and that Natalia will end up deceived. Natalia tells her that this is the happiest time in her life and please not to spoil it. Amanda looks as though she knows she has hit the brick wall when Iagho arrives, pretending to be the doting fiancé. They exit to go to their honeymoon house. When they are out the door Aaron acknowledges Amanda's concern. She talks about El Diablo seeming to lay the world at Natalia's feet and how she fears losing her to that, even after raising her with love.

La Malquerida, Master Bedroom Suite:  As he combs his hair in front of the bathroom mirror El Diablo thinks about how with Daniel gone, the ranch falling into ruin, and the world ending around her Camila will turn to him as her advisor, protector, and.... we don't need to reiterate the rest. [Mephistopheles, with all your powers you can't lose enough weight to compete with Daniel? It is your blind arrogance that you refuse to see this.] As he laughs Augustina enters the adjacent bedroom and nervously returns the card to his wallet. However, when he asks whether breakfast is ready she tells him she has to get her purse, but the wallet falls to the floor when she tries to return it to the nightstand. She exits the room before he emerges from the bathroom, thinking how it is time to close the chapter entitled Augustina, who would wish herself dead if she knew of his plans for Camila. He goes to the nightstand and finds his wallet on the floor. Next to it is his driver's license. He frowns slightly, but doesn't appear to think much about it.  He then picks up the phone and calls Amanda, asking for Natalia. We don't hear her but she tells him that Natalia left with Iagho to show him the house. He seems pleased, telling her he will call later, thanks.

Corridor:  Suspense music with the wind section and bass strings active underscores Augustina taking the xerox out of her blouse and adding something to it. She puts those into her handbag and exits.

Hostal:    Aaron seems to be advising Amanda to back off her objections and trust that Natalia will – with time and observation – see what El Diablo is really about. She – and we – hope he is right.

La Malquerida, Study:    Pablo shows Mayelin the bullfight schedule and explains the information archive on the computer. Rodolfo enters, looking for Camila. He tells Pablo that he found two dead bulls in corral #6, two scheduled for a corrida. He doesn't understand what happened because all was well the night before. [How the hell did that virus work this quickly? Those bulls weigh more than half a ton each.] Before they can discuss the next step we hear El Diablo, whom we know is pretending to have overheard this. Augustina remembers a previous problem, but Rodolfo says this is more serious because two bulls are dead. Augustina is sure that Camila can handle this; El Diablo comments that she is an excellent veterinarian. Everyone leaves to go about their business, Mayelin last. El Diablo looks quizzically at her, asking who she is. She tells him her name, but looks a little creeped out. She excuses herself and exits, leaving El Diablo alone in the study with his an expression that may reflect thoughts of a future plan. [Desgraciado. May your Karmageddon be cruel and infinite.]

A Judge's Chambers in the Bahamas:  Hissadora and Cayetonto are married – in English – as Hissadora thoughtbubbles her gloating in Spanish. “I took him, I took him! He's a brilliant businessman and a great breeder of bulls, but only a man in the end. The desire I woke up in him got me here, as Señora Albarrán. No doubt, is that not so? I'm too intelligent, too perfect...” Both are dressed in white; her dress is a little shorter than appropriate for a woman of her age. The actor playing the judge screws up a word in the ceremony, but declares them husband and wife to the applause of two witness couples obviously staying at the same resort. After the nuptial kiss one of the women hands a velvet case to Cayetonto who presents it to Hissadora. Predictably it's a necklace and earrings and she gushes over them, obviously relishing her first victory. [I have better cubic zirconias than these. Just an observation.]

Miriam's House:   Dante is at the table and she pours coffee for him, telling him he is always welcome. She starts talking about how Daniel has changed. She senses there are secrets he can't – or doesn't want to – tell her. He was sad to leave La Malquerida and has been distant ever since. She asks for Dante's opinion and as he hesitates to say anything on this, Daniel enters. She starts to talk about Dante's visit, but is distracted by the crying baby, who has been ill at ease all morning. She exits to tend to her and Dante asks Daniel what happened. He tells Dante that he and Camila are finished. He needs something to keep his mind occupied so as not to go mad. Dante is sorry about this, suggesting that work is the best medicine. Daniel points out that he doesn't have a job and he's been attempting for a while to crack the password to Alonso's e-mail. He needs to do this ASAP but can't concentrate on it. “Olvidarte Jamas” is heard in the background.

Viviana's Place:    She tells Camila that while she knew she had no luck in love she wasn't ready to throw in the towel on her life. Camila recounts her mala suerte: Luis dying a couple of days before their wedding, the greed and fraud that was Alonso, and the loss of Daniel. She feels deceived. Before Daniel she wasn't alive. They separated but the love is still there. Viviana tells her she has to somehow start over. Camila asks how. What will she focus on for that? [Why isn't Pablo calling her about the dead bulls?] We hear “Olvidarte Jamas” again as she talks about recovering from Luis, hating Alonso for what he did, then what does she do now? She can't hate Daniel and can't stop loving him.  When she renounced Alonso she didn't feel empty, but she does now.  Viviana tells her she has to, because as long as Miriam lives, she doesn't have a chance. Camila's cell phone rings, but she doesn't answer. Viviana goes on about how Camila's life can't stop and spouts the work ethic again, which only frustrates Camila, who says “What would that be?” The cell rings again and she tosses it. Viviana picks it up and notices that it's urgent. Camila doesn't want to talk to anyone but Viviana answers. It's Pablo and she passes the phone to Camila. Pablo tells Camila that two bulls are dead and she needs to come back. It takes her two seconds to digest this, but she gets up and tells them she'll be right there. Viviana takes her car keys, telling her she will drive them. They exit.

Osvaldo Becerra's Office:  He opens the door to Augustina, surprised to see her. She tells him she doesn't have much time and implores him to keep this conversation confidential as she hands him the xerox of El Diablo's driver's license, both sides. Apparently a fingerprint is required on the back of the card. Osvaldo is surprised and asks what made her change her mind. She hands him the remains of the burned passport.


Camila despairs while El Diablo gloats; Miriam suspects that something major is amiss.


Thanks so much Urban!

Yay Gussy! But she is the WORST spy ever. She is going to get herself caught with all that nervous jittering.

I think with what's happening with the bulls, Camila won't have much time to think about her breakup with Dan anymore. She wanted a purpose and she has it. She's going to have to fight for the life of her ranch! She needs to beat this thing because I hate seeing Dio gloat and get all delusional about his chances with her.

That was such a creepy leering look Dio gave Mayalen-- like how he looks at Camila. Yuck!

One correction-- The serenade was happening the same time as the poisoning of the bulls, not the next morning. It's important because the guys tease that the dogs were all barking because of their bad singing, and Dorotea went into Peidad's room because she was freaked out by the dogs barking. The audience knows the dogs are barking because of the intruders in the corral.

Eleuterio has a nice voice. I wonder if he's a singer? Hipolito didn't sound bad either. But poor Rodolfo was not meant to be a singer, but he sure looked pretty holding the music sheet up for the other two. :)

Thank you so much I have missed my Amore Bravio and this is a great recap ( I kinda wish there was subtitles but my spanish is only so good )

I love that you call Isadora Hissadora!

So funny to hear a scene in English. My first thought was, What language are they speaking? And then, Was the judge the same actor who played the American cattleman in LQNPA? I can't see how it would be so hard to find a native English speaker for such a brief role. A Bahamian maybe, but an American would be close enough.

Vivi, glad you caught that look, too. I am still trying to figure out why Cesar Evora's villains have to be so sexually creepy. My gut tells me we will see him leer and gloat for most of the remainder of the series, perhaps up to the moment of his Karmageddon.

Agree that Gussie is a terrible spy and is likely to trip up before Becerra gets confirmation of the fingerprints.

Jorge Gallegos (Eleuterio) should definitely take voice instruction; he's got a good tenor voice. He's in La Mujer de Vendeval, which has Ariadne Diaz and Jose Ron. Pity Rodolfo can't sing; he looks so good in the clothes. I can't wait to hear Jorge Salinas in the next novela. I know he can sing, but ranchera music is the 2nd biggest challenge in voice (after opera) and requires incredible lung power.

Patricia, you can't get subs on CC3? It needs the remote from your TV set. I have never used subs because I don't want to get lazy with my Spanish. I just joined a Spanish-speaking Meetup so I can get some conversation practice. "Hissadora" came about early in the series when we decided that she is the human equivalent of a Komodo dragon.

Aleta, I looked up the actor who played the American cattleman in LQNPA and this series isn't on his resume. I don't think it's the same man because that actor looks rather vicious every time I see him and the judge looked rather benign. I agree, though, that there should be someone on Televisa's payroll who can speak native-sounding English for verisimilitude.

Thanks for the recap UA. I was actually glad to see bulls poisoned, so we can see Cam doing something different than weeping. I muted a lot of her last night. Same with Myriam.

I do so need a victory on the good guys part.


I feel worse for the bulls now than if they were in the corrida, where they have a fighting chance. This is particularly horrible in view of the fact that Camila possesses a pardoned bull.

Admittedly, crying gets on my last nerve. It's something I rarely do myself and in novelas it bothers me when it impedes my ability to understand the actor.

UA - Loved your recap of this pivotal episode and your last comment. I am hoping that all of Camila's crying, which is sympathetic and heart-wrenching but tiresome, is a kind of prelude for a jump into action that defeats Dio's evil once more. I fear that it will be another opportunity to strengthen the bond with Mariano.

I thought that Vivi gave Camila some very good advice. I love this novela but we are in such beanie-tightening territory with Miriam's illness, that a strong voice of reason is much appreciated!

Eleuterio did very nicely and the guitars sounded good. That was a sweet little scene, even if it might have prevented our valiant trio of ranch watchers from hearing the commotion out in the fields.

Thank you UA. The wedding scene where the guy was speaking English cracked me up. When he's supposed to say 'Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife', he said, 'Do you take this woman to be your alleged wedded wife'. I howled. Do none of the writers know English?

I kept wishing the guys would go out and investigate why the dogs were barking so much. And then catch someone.

Aggie might be our savior yet.

Dan, get on the Alonso investigation pronto!

Daniel should at least clue Miriam in on what El Diablo is really up to. I hope it doesn't take him too long to figure out that he is behind the virus, especially when they find out what specific virus it is.

UA - Thanks for the recap. Your reading of the scene where Dio says Gussy will die when she realizes what he has in store for Cam was important to me as I thought he said he was going to kill her. Since we are close to the end, he could do that and poor Gussy might die.

Though the serenade was cute, it was sad because of the bulls. I guess hindsight will have to be 20/20 when the boys realize that the dogs were pitching a fit for a reason. And yes Eleuterio has a nice voice.

Vivi - yes Dio gave Mayalen an extremely icky look. His delusions know no bounds; there are too many good looking men in this TN for him to think women young enough to be his daughter (or older than that) would want him.

Cathyx - I was howling w/you about the wedding. Televisa should have a native English speaker on payroll.

Whoa, an action-packed episodio! Thanks UA. You were in top form: "Natalia tells her she is not a fool [In which case she definitely has fooled us]"

I agree that DioMephisto has some serious self-image delusions about his appeal to young ladies. Cami already looks tiny compared to slender Dan. I don't think I could bear a scene between her and that corpulent caveman.

I could stand to hear more of Eleuterio's singing. Both guys had sweet voices until Rodolfo chimed in. (You don't suppose they had him sing off-key on purpose?). But he sure is nice to look at. A beautiful scene in the midst of all this angst, unfortunately as was pointed out, it served to distract the forces of good from a vicious assault by the forces of evil.

@UA: "[How the hell did that virus work this quickly? Those bulls weigh more than half a ton each.]" Two words: Beanie Time! —Agnes


Thanks , UA, well done.

Now that's a VIRUS...put it in the water overnight and dead cows by morning...Yikes!



I guess the other two needed to sing better than Rodolfo in order to compensate?

Cesar Evora needs to get back to his idea weight. The extra peso is a waste of a great face.

Here's hoping no bulls were harmed in the making of this week's episodes.

Well...maybe the virus was the bovine version of Ebola...who knows, but it was a stretch to see dead bulls in less than 24 hours.

Thank you, UA, for another dazzling recap. Agree with the other people here who have encouraged you to write. Just write about what you know and I suspect you know a lot!

Vivi in DC, you have told me in the past (in direct response to some of my comments) that you feel that Dio is foiled and does not always seem to be getting ahead. I so wish I could see it that way. It was hard to look at it that way last night for sure. Such a bum bum bummer episode for me.

Yes, I know the Justice League will prevail and the evil twins will pay, but I think we lost some of the tit for tat between the Evil Twins and the Justice League a long time ago. I miss that part.

I can take Cam's crying over Miriam's whining about her lack of intimate relations.

As for Dan, I'm really kind of stumped as to how I "see" him or feel about him. He's a blank to me right now. I guess we will have to wait and see.

Thank you again.


Fatima, I think Dan is a blank to himself right now.

LXV,you've got a good point there.


No doubt that Camila and Daniel are not in a good place right now. Considering that they managed to keep ahead of the evildoers for most of the story I am concerned that we will go farther downhill before the end than is normal, just so we flies on the wall can feel a greater sense of justice when El Diablo and Hissadora meet their Karmageddons.

Which I hope are hugely humiliating.

UA, I agree. Like you, I just had a huge sense of things going even more downhill than we expected.

Karen, Agustina is not one of my faves. She's a bit of a blockhead, but I sure hope her anvil is not death.


Maybe they need to get that guy who played "Steve" on Manana es Para Siempre to do English speaking parts?

Cindy L said "I was actually glad to see bulls poisoned, so we can see Cam doing something different than weeping".

Wow Cindy, I think that's a hugh price to pay for the bulls as well as everyone else whose livlihood depends on the ranch.


Fatima- I stick by what I said before. Up to now, the bad guy's plans have mainly been foiled. But Urban is right. Now that we're in the final stretch, the bad guys will likely have some major victories, as the good guys get lost in their personal dramas. This will make the end even sweeter when the good guys finally take the bad guys down. But I would say it's wise to brace yourself for more smugness and gloating from Dio (ooh, how I want to punch his face!) and Isa.

I have yet to see a tn have actors, who are supposed to be Gringos, that actually speak English well or with no accent. Never ever. They have lots of actors who are dead on imitating a Gringo speaking Spanish (like Esteve in MEPS), but even he sounded suspiciously Mexcican when he spoke English. You would think there would be plenty of Gringos wandering around Mexico who they could pull in for these random scenes, but alas, no.

Thanks UA. Excellent as always. You mentioned Regency romances yesterday. I love them. Just last year I reread all of Georgette Heyer’s Regencies. Love her books.

Thanks to everyone who commented on the list. I noticed that though it barely squeaked by, there were more HPs than LPs. I’m anticipating that changing.

I have to say that lately I’ve been feeling like I wish this TN was over. Maybe it’s because the bad guys are going to be winning for a while. I think, though, it’s because the writer’s need to tighten up the timeline—even if it means fewer eps. Over two weeks of the Cam/Dan breakup that only happens in a few days TN time, was just too much for me.

Now some comments before I read everyone else’s.

Why on earth didn’t someone go out and see what those dogs were barking about? I think Rodolfo made some comment about the serenaders causing them to bark, but they were barking before they even started.

I’m wondering when Gussie is going to ask herself why Dio married her.

I’m hoping Teresa talks Dante into staying so they can have time to fall in love with each other.

I thought the color of the jewels Caye gave Isa were perfect for her.

I’ve been where Cam was last night—sobbing in the corner of the room from heartbreak. I’m not one of these who can work to forget. I can barely manage to focus on anything when something like that happens. I know other people can, though.

“Though” seems to be my word for the day.


Vivi: I thought it looked like Dio was leering at her. Ewww!! What a freakjob.

I’m wondering if Dio will take Gussie down by turning her into the Feds rather than kill her. He underestimates her. She’s not the brightest one of the bunch, it takes her awhile to get it, but she isn’t entirely stupid either.

Of course Dio underestimates everybody. I was wondering last night how he ever got as far as he has since he doesn’t actually see the person he’s dealing with, just his version of that person.

UA : “Here's hoping no bulls were harmed in the making of this week's episodes.”---I was talking to Flaco about that yesterday. I don’t know what the Mexican laws are about filming with animals.


Gracias UA, great recap.

I don't mind Camila's tears, she has plenty of reason, I feel like crying myself.

Isn't the reason for having the dogs, so that they can alert you to intruders? I just hope that not all the bulls are thirsty. Muy triste, I feel like crying some more.

Nanette- So true that Dio underestimates everyone, and overestimates himself.

He underestimated Camila’s strength, and multiple times has been shocked by her deciding to do things her own way (wanting to share the inheritance with her cousin Dan; searching for Dan on her own; refusing go along with the suggestions to cut Dan out of the will; divorcing and kicking out Al; finding her own manager for the ranch, not Dio; and having a relationship with the chauffer and making her relationship public). I am sure how she deals with this crisis will be similar to how she’s dealt with these other issue. She will not accept Dio’s help nor his advice.

Dio has underestimated Dan’s love for Camila. He thought that just by bringing Miriam back into his life, Dan would dump Camila and run off to Chile. Instead Dan stuck around and refused to give up Camila. So now he’s invented a grave illness for Miriam, thinking this will do the trick. Although it did achieve Cam and Dan breaking up, Dan still isn’t booking the next flight to Chile, I notice. He’s looking for reasons to stick around and be near Cam.

And of course Dio underestimates the intelligence of almost everyone, Gussy more than anyone else. I will get great pleasure if it turns out to be Gussy who ends up bringing him down.


Vivi: I would love it if Gussie brought Dio down. That would make me very very happy.

There is a nice full page ad for Univision in Sunday's NYTimes. It says "America has spoken. Univision beats NBC in the February sweeps and is now one of the top 4 networks in the U.S."

Yay us!

Univision & ABC have some kind of deal.

I haven’t read the recap yet, just the comments and I must say that Cami’s tears don’t bother me nearly as much as the “reason” for her tears (The Dan-Marian thing). I’m a big cry baby myself, always have been and truthfully speaking, I don’t find it a bad thing. The difference with me is that I’m not going to cry over and over, day in and day out about the same thing. “There’s nothing I can do, or I don’t know what to do” are not in my vocabulary.

I’ve had enough of Dio, not matter how sweet his final punishment is going to be. I wish I could FF> through his many schemes. Let’s see, he just got finished beating the crap out of Yago (for all the wrong reasons), He’s wrapping Nat around his paternal finger, he’s stringing Gussy along, he’s poisoning the bulls and I’m sure I’m leaving something something. For me, his character has gone beyond what I find entertaining.


… Which is exactly why I have a problem with Dio’s villainy – the only thing he manages to accomplish thus far is lying his way out of a paper bag and involving Gussie through her neck with the life insurance scam. He hasn’t been very effective as a bad guy unlike Isadora who so far had put 3 people 6 feet under and 1 jailed and unable to communicate and catch the big daddy Albarran in the process.

Dio just creeps me out with his leering and his snickering about “quiero poseerte, Camilla”. What a douche! His underestimation of everyone’s strength and ingenuity has been and will continue to be his downfall. He never anticipates the justice league next steps; which as far as evildoer goes is a big negative – He’s just not clever enough.

LMQ boys should be ashamed of themselves for not checking on the dogs barking.

Miriam continues to build her happy family on quick sands; when will she see the light?

I agree with everyone else, Camilla stop crying!

I have faith in Danny boy; he’ll find his way out of those dark paths.

Urban, as always love the recap … BTW I’ll read anything you write; I love your style.



OT: Watched the first episode of “Corazon Indomable” last night—has potential--but I just don’t like the rural poor girl rich boy drama --anyway, Rene is the bomb as the bad guy – don’t like Mariano not.a.smidge; however, him playing a badass is more attractive than the guy who is the eternal super understanding; do gooder, and never gets the girl!


Foxy- Unfortunately, he didn't beat the crap out of Yago, just scared the crap (and pee) out of him. :)

I also don't mind the tears. I'm not a huge crier, but I have had those periods in my life when something is so painful that I've had MANY private cries about it, and even a few with friends. You go through it, and you get through it. Cam was first crying about the uncertainty of the situation with Dan and Miriam. And now she's crying because the decision has been made, and she's trying to accept the end of her relationship and her marriage. That's huge! This situation is worse than a divorce, because in a divorce usually the love has already died or been diminished by troubles (like with Al). One has to grieve for the loss of the relationship/marriage and all the hopes and expectations you pinned on it and your spouse. She and Dan made all these plans for their future together, and the next day God said, “Just kidding!”

I have no doubt that now that the ranch is in crisis, Cam be focuses her energy on that and won’t have as much time to think about the end of her marriage to the man she still loves deeply. But, I’m not going to begrudge her if she sheds a tear every now and then.


LXV, I am carrying forward my last comment after Jardinara's recap because you might not have seen it. It relates to your comment about Padre A being hard on Rocio...... see below.....

LXV - I thought of your comment today when I came across a study presented at a professional conference recently. It turns out that stroke survivors show a higher risk of suicidal thoughts than heart attack survivors and cancer patients. I suppose there are additional factors in this study (as in any study), but since you mentioned it was the nurse in you that thought that Padre needed more compassion and better counseling skills in talking to Rocio I thought I would add some research to support your intuition! Bien hecho!

I kind of thought she had it coming, but I have since rethought my hasty reaction.

For Rodolfo fans:


Even if all the cattle haven't died they will certainly have to be destroyed. A virus that deadly has to be stopped from spreading. Does anyone remember that awful scene from Hud where a huge hole was excavated and the entire herd was herded into it and then shot?

I don't see how any of the MQ stock can be spared even if the virus is quickly diagnosed. I'm really dreading the next couple of episodes.


Thank you Mena, A timely comment and I appreciate your research. I did not know any statistics in this regard, but my understanding of stroke is that in many cases, its effects are poorly understood in terms of prognosis. And sometimes completely sentient victims are trapped inside bodies that are unable to respond and communicate. Or there may be weird disconnects between understanding and verbalization, if speech is even possible. The psychological implications of stroke are huge. I don't see anyone showing real understanding towards Rocio as a person in trouble. I'm hoping Luzma will have enough compassion to effect some real change with her, although she's sure to be rebuffed in her attempts.

LXV - You are welcome - I agree, hopefully both Luzma's wisdom and kindness will illuminate Rocio's snobbery. Nothing like a chronic illness to put the idea that we are fully independent beings.

I was surprised that Agustina actually made it to Osvaldo's office with that incriminating evidence. Good job, lady.



Bummed that Rodolfo and NG's first meeting was under such circumstances.

My father died of a stroke and we were "glad". If he had survived his life would have been torture for him. That's been almost 20 years ago and it seems like only yesterday and forever ago--all at the same time. Miss him like mad. What a great, funny, wonderful man he was. Sorry. Not often I get to talk about him.

Nanette- I raise my mug of tea to your dad. He sounds like he was a great man, and I can hear your great love for him in your words.

Carlos, I never saw that film and I thank you for the warning. I hope somebody out there in cyberspace maintains a website where people like me can find out if there are animal deaths in movies so we can avoid them.

One more word to Camila: Insurance.

When is somebody going to figure out how this happened?

UA: Avoid the classic movie Stagecoach. Horses maimed and killed during filming.

Vivi: My father was one of those people that everybody loved. He was funny, intelligent, good natured. My sister and brother mostly take after my mother in looks and I mostly take after my father. I'm named after him. Thank you for raising a mug of tea to him. He's appreciating it, I'm sure.

Nanette, thanks for sharing about your dad. I think it's easy to forget that strokes can be fatal. Sometimes it seems like a mercy not to have to suffer the terrible after effects. but it's never easy to lose a parent, especially a young one.

LXV: My dad wasn't too young by most standards--69. But considering that his brothers and sisters live/d into their 80s and 90s, he should have had a good 20-25 more years with us.


Geez, Why are typos impossible to avoid in comments?

What I meant to say earlier, was .. Nothing like a chronic illness to put the idea that we are fully independent beings in question ...

Nannette - I know exactly what you mean that a family "is glad" when a loved one passes on and is relieved from their suffering...I just went throught that this year.

At the risk of being tedious re: research, it turns out that physicians more often than not do not choose many extra interventions to survive when faced with a poor prognosis. Seems that the caregivers decide that sometimes there may be limits to technology being able to add to one's quality of life.

When Alonso asked Rosario to euthanize him, I guess he opted out of a future dependence on technology to stay alive. So sad, even for a TN character!


Geez, Why are typos impossible to avoid in comments?

What I meant to say earlier, was .. Nothing like a chronic illness to put the idea that we are fully independent beings in question ...

Nannette - I know exactly what you mean that a family "is glad" when a loved one passes on and is relieved from their suffering...I just went throught that this year.

At the risk of being tedious re: research, it turns out that physicians more often than not do not choose many extra interventions to survive when faced with a poor prognosis. Seems that the caregivers decide that sometimes there may be limits to technology being able to add to one's quality of life.

When Alonso asked Rosario to euthanize him, I guess he opted out of a future dependence on technology to stay alive. So sad, even for a TN character!


Speaking of Rosario, wonder if we will hear from her again?

Ever since Teresa spoke to Camila about "darle alas a" (encouraging) Mariano, she seems to notice how his "concern" can sometimes seem pushy and she's gently rebuffed his offers of support, sometimes without seeming to realize that she's doing it. Even under her present circumstances, her subconscious seems to be working just fine.

Why was New Girl sitting ON THE ARM of Pablo's chair as they looked at the laptop? That was soooo inappropriate. She should have stood next to him or pulled up a chair or he could have stood up and let her sit. That was a definite no-no, but I don't even think Pablo noticed!

UGH! Dio's leer at NG was disgusting!

I believe the line that the judge marrying Caye and Isa flubbed - where he was meant to say 'legitimate' he said 'legit' and it came out sounding like 'alleged' - was possibly a translation error.

I thought that what Dio said sotto voce to Gussie was that if she KNEW what he had in store for HER (Gussie) she would prefer to be dead. What could it be? What would Gussie consider to be worse than death?

Oh, sorry Anon 6:08 is me (I?), Soyyo

Variopinta: I've been thinking about Rosario lately, too.

Soyyo: Now that you mention it, I thought the same thing about Pablo and NG, but I guess it didn't register for me because Rodolfo burst in and I was wondering if there would be a split second "look" between the two. Of course, considering what R. was doing there, it's not important right now. That's an interesting observation about Cam, too.

Soyyo, you are correct. Dio said if Gussy knew what he had in store for HER, not Cami.


UA—I just had a big "Du-u-u-h" moment. "Death in the Morning"???? I just got the Hemingway reference. thank you for your literary genius. —Agnes

I will add my comments although honestly when I comment this late, all my sentiments have already been expressed. I love how even if it comes from multiple other commenters, somebody out there in the universe (more specifically, Viewerville) has the same thoughts I do! Plus, the other perspectives give insight and food for thought, or are just plain interesting to see how somebody else thinks even if I disagree.

Anyway, I also heard "legit" from the justice of the peace, but with the accent on "lej" instead of "it." Add me to the list of so tired of the Cam/Dan split. I feel for them and all, but this is entertainment (supposed to be) and it's just getting boring for me. ITA about Miriam being annoying. Her nickname could be Pollyanna. Granted that is from past posts, not this one. Finally, I really enjoyed the singing, too. I thought Eleuterio was better but that Hipolito was also good.

Thank you recappers!


Is anyone else having issues with Blogger today?

OMG, someone else reads Georgette Heyer! I have read her books for years. I have owned every one of her books for since I was in high school.

Hoping no more bulls die tonight but also a beginning to an end of the breakup.


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