Monday, February 04, 2013

Amor Bravío #119 (Uni 114) Mon 2/4/13

Capitulo 119: The Truth, the Whole Truth, 
and Those Who Can't Handle the Truth

Lo del pasado

Flashback of Miriam's awakening during Abe's conversation with Camila.  Daniel remembers the last time he saw Miriam in the hospital, then his wedding day (Camila), then Miriam's return.   Augustina tells Pablo not to go to the cabaña.  Daniel explains to Augustina that he was at La Malquerida due to Don Daniel's Monterde's will, not by his own choice. She – being the snob and hypocrite she is – sarcastically asks also about his having two wives and a baby girl. He explains about Julian's attempt on his life that ended up endangering Miriam. Augustina refuses to believe him [idiota], provoking him to ask the rhetorical question of how could he forget the face [or what he could see of it] of the man who broke into his apartment and tried to kill him and his wife. However, that no longer matters. Augustina – in her standard metiche way – then tells him that if he truly loved “mi hija” he would take his wife and baby back to Chile and never see her again. She seems hell-bent on taking any decision about this out of Camila's hands.

Lo de nuevo

La Malquerida, Corridor:    He refuses to abandon Camila. This recent development is not his fault. Augustina is bloody fortunate that Daniel is the man that he is because she continues to insult him by telling him he is the same as his father. “Always with the justifications and the excuses on the point of his tongue.” [She deserves a slap for this, justified by accusations of hysteria.] Although he is insulted and indicates this, Augustina doesn't stop there, continuing with how he has his blood, his genes, and – worst of all – his mouth and his ability to hoodwink naïve women like Camila. [Look in the mirror, bitch, and remind yourself that Camila is no dummy]. “When are you going to realize that I love Camila?” he asks. She tells him there is only one way to prove it to her, which is to sell his part of the inheritance, leave Mexico forever and not subject Camila to the humiliation of seeing him with another woman. She walks off in a huff, leaving Daniel somewhat aghast at her vitriol.

La Buenaventura, Office:    Mariano is on a business call when Ana enters to talk to him about seeing Pablo. He has to go to Metepec to see his mother, so it isn't convenient at the moment. Bratgirl enters in a strapless dress more suitable for clubbing, offering to escort Ana to La Malquerida. Mariano agrees, as long as they don't wear out their welcome.

Bulls in the pen while Don Vicente sings [¡Salud!]

Miriam's Room:    She talks to baby Àgatha, who is laying on a pillow, talking about how handsome and loving her father is and how she has her grandmother's name. Her theme plays as she talks about the three of them will be together forever. Caridad enters and takes the baby for a nap as Miriam puts the pillow back and talks about how she and Daniel are now together forever. Another anvil moves into position.

Cabaña:   Abe continues explaining what had happened and we get the flashback. The day after giving birth Miriam told him about the attack and how Daniel tried to stop it. Cara de impactada de Abe as Miriam described Julian exactly as Daniel had described him on the night of the attack. Daniel risked his life trying to get the gun away from him when it went off. Back to the present and he explains that in that moment he knew that Daniel had told him the truth and that he had been wrong about him. “You have no idea how guilty I felt” “With your lie you destroyed Daniel's life” is Camila's response. “Mine and Miriam's also.” He says he understands, but Camila corrects him. “No, sir; you don't. Daniel and I were just married and we love each other.” “But he also loves Miriam. My sister is the love of his life.” [Abe, do you really believe that or does it just suit you to believe it now?] “All I can do is offer an apology.”

This does not satisfy Camila any more than it would any of us and straightforward Camila does us proud by telling him that he also needs to tell his sister the truth. As El Diablo listens from his lurking place Abe protests that Miriam was left very delicate – both physically and emotionally – by the coma. She can't handle the truth, which could send her straight into a relapse. El Diablo finally says to Abe that neither Camila nor anyone else there can assume responsibility for that; it's all on him. Abe looks back at him, perhaps with suspicion. He finally says “I know, but when she's stable.” He tells Camila that Miriam and the baby are victims of this situation. She doesn't let him off the hook, reminding him that he provoked the situation. Abe – predictably and not entirely wrongly – blames the assassin. “Julian Hernandez, right?” At Abe's shocked reaction and his next question, she informs him that Julian is dead and that he had worked for El Diablo! Abe stares at him and asks “He was Mexican?  You knew this man?”

While the devil hasn't quite been caught red-handed, he definitely was caught off-guard. However, he recovers and goes on the offensive by stepping out of the corner in between Camila and Abe and virtually backing her up against the wall. He claims to not understand this and it sounds like she's accusing him! She looks warily at him as he asks “Don't you remember that Alonso also knew Julian?” Abe, to his credit, appears to be returning to Good Cop Mode as he carefully observes this exchange. “Alonso Lascano?” he asks. “Yes,” says El Diablo. “The same man who asked for the death certificate. Surely he is the one who hired him to kill Daniel and his family.” He then turns to Camila to point out that Alonso was looking to get La Malquerida and wouldn't this be the way? “What is clear to me, “ she says, “is that it wasn't only Alonso who wanted La Malquerida. You also wanted it.”

But, Camila, how long ago did I tell you I was also deceived by Alonso!” He spins more BS at her about taking care of La Malquerida for her and her mother “and that's why I married her...” as Abe continues to observe as though he were looking through the one-way window at the 2-7. 

 “I know Daniel tried to sully my reputation but time has passed and he has nothing to make me look guilty,” “No, no,” Camila says, “but give us time to put things in their place.  My uncle always said water always clears up and the truth will come out.”  She gently pushes past him and asks Abe to continue.

Abe continues to say that as soon as he knew that Daniel had told the truth he wanted to tell Miriam, but the doctors told him that he can't upset her. Which was why he invented the story about Daniel being at her side continuously because nothing was more important to Miriam than her husband. “And when do you suppose Miriam will be ready to know the truth?” “I don't know,” he says “Perhaps in a couple of months. It should be up to Daniel and me to tell her.”

Camila holds back tears as she agrees.

Just Outside the Hacienda:  Ana and Bratgirl arrive and Ana greets Dorotea, who is watering the plants in the wall sconces. As Dorotea takes Ana upstairs to Luzma's room, Bratgirl says she'll follow later; Rodolfo comes out of the hacienda and obviously Bratgirl escorted Ana there to cover up seeing him. He is not happy and tells her again he doesn't want to go on with the charade of being her novio because it isn't working. He doesn't love her.   She goes Fatal Attraction on him, saying nobody breaks up with her and he will pay for this. She exits in a huff past Eleuterio, who is amused by this. Rodolfo tells him to stifle himself because this is not funny. [We think Rodolfo should be afraid. Very afraid.  Especially if the incident was more than a Lewinsky.]

La Malquerida, Study:   El Diablo sits in his Big Red Throne in front of the bull mosaic as Abe tells him that if he finds out that he or an associate of his was the one who hired the killer he will never be through with him. Of course, El Diablo tries to get out of this in the time-dishonoured way of blaming the dead (Alonso) for this evil deed. Abe is not letting this one go, asking why he said Alonso asked for the death certificate and not himself. El Diablo claims that Alonso sent him to Chile to find out what had happened to Daniel after the escape, to talk to him (Abe), and to get the death certificate. “How was I to know he hired one of my men to kill anyone?” Abe seems appropriately skeptical, stating this is “muy estraño.” Despite El Diablo's attempt at deflecting the suspicion, Abe hasn't been fooled entirely. 

El Diablo counters with reminding him that he wove a tangled tale for his sister's benefit and needs to tell his sister everything. However, Abe tells him that nothing is more important to him than his sister's health. El Diablo is quick with his forked tongue to tell him that the only thing important to him is his marriage to Augustina and from the day Daniel arrived he has been having to defend himself from Alonso's lies and accusations. It was Alonso who kidnapped Camila and demanded that Daniel hand over the property as ransom. It was he (Alonso) who hired the killer. His word is his bond. [Actually, it will eventually be his noose.]

Luzma & Pablo's Room:   Pablo picks up Ana, pleased to see her. Refugio hugs her and Ana asks when she will be back. She replies that she is there to take care of Luzma. Ana seems pleased to have Luzma for a tia and asks when the baby will be born. Luzma replies that it will be in four months [When did we do that time jump?] and she gets very bored staying in bed. She tells Ana she can visit whenever her dad lets her. Ana is pleased and offers to help Refugio take care of Luzma. [At least another good kid came out of that family.]

Cabaña: Camila sits alone at the desk; Viviana and Rafael arrive. Camila starts to cry as she tells them what happened.

La Malquerida, Study:   After what looks like an awkward pause, Daniel enters, telling Abe they have a lot to talk about. El Diablo exits with feigned politeness, closing the door behind him. Daniel locks it, then grabs Abe by the lapels and rips him a new one. “This is all your fault!” and names Abe's crimes. Abe acknowledges that he was wrong and he's sorry, but that the doctors warned him that Miriam could die. That did not justify putting Daniel in prison. Further, if he hadn't told him Miriam was dead he would not have had to escape to come to a foreign country and then try to find proof he could throw in his face. Abe accuses him of marrying very fast after Miriam's “death.” Daniel tells him he is the last person with the right to make that reproach. He thought he was a widower who had lost his wife and his child. He had every right in the world to restart his life at Camila's side. “But you are still married to my sister.” “Do you think I don't know that, Imbécil? And the worst of it is that for Miriam nothing has changed. To her it is all the same while everything is now different. Imbécil.” He lets Abe know that his “mistakes” have hurt everyone.  He insists he tell him all the lies he's invented since.

Kitchen: Rodolfo, Hipolito, and Eleuterio sit at the table, laughing as Dorotea serves them lemonade. Piedad enters and tells Eleuterio to get all of Daniel's things out of the cabaña to bring them to the room near Señora Augustina's; it's Señora Augustina's orders. Eleuterio heads toward the door and there are questions. Eleuterio should have his mouth washed out with soap for commenting that could it be that Daniel couldn't satisfy Camila either? Rodolfo tells him not to talk nonsense by comparing Daniel to Alonso. Piedad then says she'll tell them but they had better not gossip, then explains the situation. Eleuterio looks both surprised and embarrassed. [There will definitely be some talk later about Augustina's presumption when they all find out that neither Daniel nor Camila requested that this be done and Camila fights with Augustina about it.]

La Malquerida, Study: We get another flashback as Abe explains to Daniel that when Miriam woke up from the coma the first thing she did was ask for him. He had to lie to her and say that he had been at her side the whole time, but had to go to Mexico about the inheritance. He left a few days ago. He doesn't yet know about the baby. “I want to see him” she told him. “You don't have his phone number?” Abe lied again, saying that Daniel forgot to give him contact information. At her disappointment he promised to find him. “Understand that I couldn't tell her the truth after the doctor explained her condition to me.” Daniel isn't satisfied with this explanation; he points out that Abe's lie was also to protect himself. Another recitation of Abe's desire to be honest with Miriam and the doctor telling him not to. “So why didn't you come clean with Dante and Teresa? Why did you avoid them so it looked like you fell off the face of the earth?” is the essence of Daniel's next question. He had taken a leave of absence from the police force to take care of Miriam. He could not locate Daniel. But when people from Mexico started looking for him he realized that Daniel could be alive and that he would be the best medicine for Miriam, so he found the ranch's phone number. Daniel is still suspicious. [Abe does sound sincere, but as far as most of us are concerned the jury is still out.  In view of this situation we need more evidence.]

Cabaña: Viviana states – very sensibly – that they all know that sooner or later the truth will out. Therefore the best thing would be to get a psychiatrist to prepare Miriam for it. Rafael agrees. Camila points out that Daniel would have to agree. Viviana also points out that Daniel would have to decide whom to stay with. Not out of pity or any other wrong reason. Camila repeats Abe's statement that Miriam and the baby are the biggest victims of the situation. Rafael points out that Camila and Daniel are the biggest victim of Alonso, Hissadora, and El Diablo. Camila points out that she is healthy and strong while Miriam was shot with a bullet meant for Daniel... but Viviana points out that she (Camila) has the right to fight for love. The best weapon is the truth.

Metepec Hotel, Rocio's Room: She insists to Mariano that she is entitled to more than Cayetano is offering in the divorce settlement. She was, after all, at his side to build up the prestige of the ranch. Mariano isn't buying this, as its status was established by his abuelo. He states that Hissadora agreed to assume the title of the property only for six months. Rocio is no fool about this information, telling him not to be naïve; Hissadora is after Cayetano's dinero. Mariano is a little naïve himself here, saying that his father isn't a fool. The allowance Cayetano is offering along with the house in Mexico City is more than enough for Rocio to live comfortably on and in the appropriate style for the rest of her life. She goes on about being robbed of her family.  “Can't you accept once and for all that this is the consequence of your actions?” He tells her that if she doesn't accept this and it goes to court, the lawyer said she will be left with nothing.

Bulls in the field while Don Vicente sings [¡Salud!]

Just Outside the Hacienda: Pablo and Ana look for Bratgirl; Rodolfo tells him that she left a while ago. Rodolfo explains they broke up. Ana is clearly curious about this, but no further information is forthcoming. She doesn't want to go back to La Buenaventura alone; Pablo tells her he will bring her home whenever she wants. She goes off (presumably back to Luzma) while Rodolfo explains to Pablo that he loves Natalia and this all started as a game to make her jealous. Pablo waxes philosophical as the banda music plays, saying that he hopes that soon Natalia will love Rodolfo.

Phone Conversation (El Diablo at LMQ/Hissadora at the hotel): He tells her that Miriam and the baby are at La Malquerida. The virus has been sent for while the separation of Camila and Daniel has begun and they will have to end their relationship. Daniel will return to Chile and Camila will have to sell the ranch. Then she will be his. Hissadora says “So that was the call that changed your life” and asks if this is what he expects. Of course. She comments on her place in his life and he tells her that she will always have an important place in his life. He is amused as he says “More than important, woman!  With the future husband you're going to have you're going to need me more than ever!” Diablolical laugh with minor key dissonant leitmotif, ending in a timpanic flourish.

La Malquerida, Study: Daniel points out the irony that Abe had gotten the perfect revenge. Abe desperately tells him that Miriam was on the point of death, but Daniel is not willing to deal with more lies. They will tell Miriam the entire truth, including Abe's abusive actions. Abe tells him to go ahead and do it, but if anything happens to Miriam it will be his fault. If Miriam dies Daniel will have to look his daughter in the eye someday and tell her that he killed her mother.

La Buenaventura, Parlour: Teresa arrives with a basket and a fancy tote bag. A maid tells her that Mariano is not there at the moment. She hands the items to her and takes out her cell phone.

La Malquerida, Study: Daniel refuses to be blackmailed like this. “I won't play your game.” Abe suggests that he talk to the doctor, but Daniel is not willing to trust him or anyone he mentions. Abe insists he isn't lying, but Daniel asks “What do you call the story you've been telling Miriam all along?” He has really had it with Abe. He tells him he's not going along with this. Abe insists that Miriam can't be told that Daniel forgot her and married another woman.  Daniel isn't standing for this.  He says he will get a doctor he can trust to help and he will tell Miriam the entire truth. Abe begs him to listen, but Daniel points out that he didn't do that for him back in the day. He insists that he will tell Miriam the entire truth and when that happens Abe will have to beg her forgiveness for the mess he created. He finishes by calling him “desgraciado” before he exits.

Phone Call (Mariano in Metepec / Teresa at LBV): His cell phone rings as he gets off the elevator. She tells him she brought him a basket of the cookies she used to make when they were engaged, and a gift for Ana. She wants to see him. They agree on 3PM the next day in Zocalo so they can be alone. Mariano looks somewhat pleased.  [He clearly doesn't know what has just happened at La Malquerida.]

Cabaña:   Camila seems to have cried it all out. Daniel arrives and asks to be left alone with Camila. Rafael and Viviana say their goodbyes and depart. A sad love song as Camila cries again; she and Daniel embrace.

Outside:  Viviana and Rafael head to their car and he recalls what a loving couple Daniel and Miriam were. Viviana points out that she has nothing against Miriam but she is part of the past and Daniel is now the great love of Camila, her friend. Rafael comments that Miriam is a good person and that he wouldn't want to be in Daniel's shoes. Viviana mentions the documentation about the arrest and Rafael declares “Elementary” by concluding that Abe expunged the records when he realized he had made a mistake. He should pay for that. They agree to inform Teresa about this. Viviana points out that she hopes Camila and Daniel stay together and that Miriam finds happiness elsewhere.

Cabaña:   Over the sound of the sad near-a capella love song Camila and Daniel embrace and speak of their loves for Miriam and Luis and each other and Camila tells him he will have to decide between her and Miriam.


El Diablo and his stupid wife declare war on the situation at hand.


Urban- I'm always so happy that you get these up right after the show ends. Great recap of a very sad episode.

I love that Camila didn't let Dio off the hook in that conversation with Abe. It was interesting how Dio tried to intimidate Cami with his size by boxing her in, and then seeing how she basically intimidated him back and made her way out of it. The thing she said her uncle always said after Dio claimed he had nothing to do with the crimes, is that the water always clears up-- the truth will always out. Indeed. Once again the theme of our tn.

Also, what Dio said to Isa is that the virus (to contaminate the bulls) is on the way. So in addition to being abandoned by Dan, Camila will be ruined financially when her bulls die, and she will have no choice but to turn to Dio and sell him the ranch. Bwahahaha!

Was that a hint of a crush I detected when Ana perked up upon hearing Rodolfo and Iliana broke up? I think Eleuterio thought so, as he couldn't stifle a giggle. Poor Rod. A crazy stalker girl (by the way, the dress was dark blue denim, so she didn't stray from her signature color); an 11 year old with a crush on him; and the girl he loves doesn't know he's alive.

Vivi and Rafa were great with their advice, and Camila really needed her amigos, especially after the emotional blackmail Abe had just tried on her. I was also happy that Dan didn't fall for the emotional blackmail, but he's still planning on waiting till the docs give the go ahead to tell Miriam the truth. How long might that be? If it's months like Abe said, I do not see Camila putting up with the situation for that long.

I had to laugh when Gussy called Cami naive. LOL! Pot, meet kettle. Plus, she is SOOOO wrong.


Thank you Urban! Thank you for such a fast recap! I think that this will be more interesting if Camila is NOT pregnant. With pregnancies abounding, and a hija for Daniel, it would be interesting to see her emotions, knowing that Miriam, and the adopted sisters (assuming Nat is embarazada tambien,) have borne or will bear children, wanted or not.

Loved the Dan/Cam embrace. He may be confused, but not about his love for Camila.

Anita, thanks for your comment yesterday regarding my theory on Dan not "cheating."

Thank you, Urban A. I always love your recaps, and this was a particularly difficult episode.

The fact that Augustina continues to speak and act for Camila, who she sees as naive, is beyond ridiculous.

Cudos to Camila for standing up to Abe and Dio, and to Dan for not wavering in his love for Camila when confronted by Augustina, as well as laying the blame on Abe for this whole mess, where it should be.

I'm with Viviana that Cami should fight for her love, but it's not going to be easy.

I thought it was gracious of Cami to take the time to first tell Dan that she was happy for him that his daughter and Miriam were alive, despite the pain it was also causing her.

UA - thanks for your recap. There was so much going on and you captured it well.

I was happy that poor shell-shocked Dan had the opportunity to give Abe a piece of his mind. He had to endure Miriam not knowing anything and Gussy being foolish.

I hope we don't have to wait months to tell Miriam the truth and I also hope that we can come to some resolution where she can live and Dan/Cam stay together. At this point I'm like Dan in that I wouldn't trust what Abe is saying as it does benefit him and Dan needs to be bring in another doctor.

What continues to disturb me about Gussy is that more often than not she makes the wrong decision in important situations. Yes being human can lead to that but her desire to cling to her worldview at the expense of her daughter was really awful. One of the things this TN has done really well is demonstrate how "good" people can make poor decisions that have terrible repercussions.

Gracias Urban - always so prompt and detailed with the recaps

Dio sure was jumping out of his skin when he realized that Cam had known all along about Julian; he tried to put all the blames on Al -- but Cam knew better and didn't let out that she now knows that Al is also a victim of Dio and Isa.

Augustonta continues to show no redeeming qualities--I hope Cam rips her a new one tomorrow.

I wanted Dan to break Abe's nose or jaw or something -- sometimes Dan is too civilized for his own good. Loved the verbal lashing on Abe.

Miriam is building a happy family on quick sands ...

Dan truly loves Cam -- that embrace OMG -- one can sense that Cam was the only solace he had for this long day.

There's no reason for Miriam to be killed off; for one, who's to say that Miriam will want to stay married to Daniel when she finds out that "her Daniel" is no longer hers. And two, people get divorced and still care for their children ...


UA--Couldn't wait to read the recap. I wanted to be sure I interpreted everything correctly (even though I heard it all). Thank you. Great coverage to an even more painful episode than Friday's.

Also thank you Vivi clearing up the virus thing. Now I remember that it was one of his plans to ruin the rancho...until Miriam showed up.

One thing that may be important in how Abe acts in the future--Abe really grilled Dionisio about the death certificate and who ordered it. He had a couple of fleeting second thoughts on how it would look if anyone found out the two of them had already been working together (aliado) and that Abe had lied about it being Al that ordered the death certificate. El Diablo threatens to expose him to everyone if he has the temerity to come out with the truth.

Dio feels quite smug, because he thinks he has all the bases covered and his hands are clean.

I'm as angry as Daniel and Camila at Abe, but I have a feeling that the good cop in Abe will continue to investigate. I hope the bad cop in him won't withhold evidence for fear of Dio compromising his reputation or for coercing Dan to stay with Miriam so she can be happy (he's said his sister's happines is his #1 priority).

Another revealing part about the embrace: Dan and Cam now sharec all feelings, even those that are uncomfortable. They needed each other's love as well as the friendship in that moment. It was poignant that they were wiping each other's tears away.

Thanks, UA, for another prompt and very helpful recap.

Agustina's chutzpah knows no bounds. First, she orders Daniel to go back to Chile with Miriam and their daughter, and now she orders that his things be removed from the cabaña and brought to the room where Miriam is, near Agustina's. Guess Agustina is hoping to listen through the wall.

So the cattle virus plan is back on again. Does Dionisio really think that this will help him win Camila??? If, as Dio hopes, Dan goes back to Chile with Miriam and the cattle all die, I would imagine that Camila would more likely want to get as far away as possible and try to forget. (Fortunately, I don't think any of this is likely to happen...I'm just surprised that Dio thinks killing off the cattle will help him win Camila. I guess this is just more proof that when it comes to Camila, he has lost his grip on reality.)

The avances were fleeting but interesting. They seemed to show Miriam seeing a fight between Dan and Abe. They also seemed to show someone in the background in a scene with Camila and Dan. I wish I could identify who that person is.

I'm on the west coast and am watching the episode right now.... all I can say so far is Auggie is tan tan tan tonta, and a witch with a "B"; le odio a Dio, and gracias a dios que Abram is not trusting Dio. Commercials are almost over.

And I rarely get a chance to comment early. I also have my copa de vino and will tomo con todos los saludes!


I'm very happy to see Daniel giving Abram the what-for but he needs to do it OUTSIDE the hacienda and away from Dios ears and manipulations. Just saying...

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Yo creo que vamos a tener una semana muy impactada!

Great recap UA and thanks for the early post. I am now watching The Twilight Zone!

-very good point, abe. dan REALLY moved on so fast from his "grieving" & already married another girl...

yeah, who is HE to judge, right guys? that's ur argument? he's a cop. not a perfectly good cop, but fair enough & his actions ARE justified. c'mon! he was looking out for his sis! just like gussie is doing for cami: she's looking out for her daughter (just blindfully, at this point).

as for dan...he had EVERY right to move on & have a happy life, right? WRONG. (jk, i just had to say that) yeah, he does, but so soon? it makes me question his "love" for her. (and by "her" i mean both his ex & current "wife"). like, u were SO in love with this woman & then a few months pass...& oh! another woman u fall "in love" with who u supposedly hated at what da - i'mma just stop now 'cuz i'm going crazy & now i'm confused. :/

Shouldn't Luzma be showing at 5 months?


I wish Dan had grabbed and shoved Gussie too. I can't take much more of her. It is time for her to get what she deserves. I am predicting she will one day see inside the briefcase like Amanda did.


Thank you as always, UA. You are the best.
Sue 455- I was wondering about Luzma too.
I'm glad that Daniel ripped Abe a new one. I can remember being so upset about Abe's pompous attitude when Daniel was in jail. I just don't buy Abe's story. He is not telling it all.
Ewww- the visual of either Cayetano or Dioniso as romantic partners is upsetting to my stomach, but we know that Hissadora has a cast iron stomach.


Vivi, I wasn't sure about the virus thing. I thought he was speaking metaphorically, since he ran that into a sentence about the arrival of Miriam and what (he thinks) that has done to Camila and Daniel. I will correct that.

Netgirl, You make a valid point, as was said yesterday about the number of pregnancies already in this story. It's time for an alternative situation.

Marta, I completely agree.

Karen, I was relieved also that Daniel is keeping his cool in this situation. He could have lost his temper with Gussie and done much worse to Abe, but knows that this would not be productive.

Renata, I have a theory about Miriam, but will post that separately.

Anita, The reason I posted those photos of Abe and El Diablo is to look for evidence that Abe has come to his senses and will become once again the honest cop he was in the opening episode. I have no idea how many episodes this actor is in altogether, but here's hoping he's around long enough to observe El Diablo more closely. Where are those phone records?

Juanita, I hope Camila rips her mother a new one over this. This is where I expect to hear the cliche line "No es tu asunto!" I also agree that the virus scheme is unlikely because that would require a disloyal employee among the ranks. Not to mention a virus the cattle weren't vaccinated against.

LoriLoo, El Diablo may be smart, but here's hoping Abe is smarter and does what he is trained to do. The photos I posted show that possibility.

Sue455, I think she is starting to, based on how she looked to me.

Cindy, no way would Dan do that although I think Gussie deserves it.

Tabletajefa, I think Abe is realizing he was wrong, but to redeem himself he will need to help solve the real crimes that are now taking place. If he can do that maybe he will be rewarded with a novia. I vote for the nurse, since her name is Caridad.

Sue455- You know, I would ask the same question about Luzma showing had it not been for a recent experience with a cousin. I went to a family wedding in September where one of my cousins was the matron of honor. We all commented on how she was skinnier than ever. She was wearing a slip dress, so it wasn't clingy, but there also wasn't much material to hide behind either. But we all kept going on and on about how thin she was. During the holidays we heard that she would be having a baby in January. She was 5 months pregnant at the wedding when we all kept mentioning how thin she was! She just didn't want to upstage her sister, the bride, by announcing it to everyone. She had a healthy, full term boy last month. I'm still shocked. In any case, another lessons to me that every body, and every pregnancy, is different. We haven't really seen Luzma stading up in a long time anyway.

Anon, you deserve your own reply because I removed your first post.

That was not because of your opinion of the characters -- which you are entitled to express politely -- but because you told us to do something that is anatomically impossible. This is not permitted here and I will remove any future posts that violate this rule.

My theory about Miriam is that she has a an unrevealed, possibly undetected, chronic disease that will take her out.

The fall through the glass dance floor sent her to the hospital unconscious despite their being no visible injury. There was blood in the water but it wasn't hers. There was a break-through bleeding incident shortly after her pregnancy test was positive. The coma is something else.

Speculation, not spoiler: The doctor Daniel finds will detect something chronic and say that she hasn't long. Dan will insist she stay in Mexico and will somehow manage to avoid having relations with her until she dies, blessing his future union with Camila. Abe will stay in Mexico to be near the baby, who will be his only blood relative, provided he doesn't face major Internal Affairs issues in Chile.

UA - Thanks for the recap, screen shots and last, interesting observation/prediction.

The scenes between Abraham and Daniel were very well done, with CDLF especially strong. Good opportunity for the actor to show his skills.

So Ana is coming daily now to help care for Luzma. Cute and another interesting way in which this novela has played with the relationships between the haciendas and their people. If La Malquerida is really the love object and prize in this novela, La Buenaaventura is its shadow and counterpart.

I was thinking about a few things.

Agustina's rant: Technically, her own husband also has two wives and a daughter.

Dan's anger: Friends from Mexico tell me that calling someone "ibecil" is akin to cursing them out. I was told to never use that word because it's much stronger in Spanish than in English ... it's not just thrown around casually.

The town: Does Abe realize that Dan and Cam married in public so he wants an entire town to keep it a secret? Keeping Miriam in the house will be interesting because he wants everyone in that big ranch to pretend that Dan doesn't love Cam. Are Dan and Cam going to hold a staff meeting?

Moving on: People handle emotions differently and when some people actively decide to move on, there's no going back to the old emotion. Some people move on faster than others. Dan moved on after about a year. He went through all of the stages of grief, including the anger, and he moved past acceptance to next steps. He loved Miriam fiercely, but when she was "dead" and as he healed, he filled that "wife" space with Camila. I suspect that there's little to no room for Miriam. There may be room in the "friend and caring" space, and he has room in the "child" space for his daughter.

It's rather ironic that the people who live at La Buenaventura are now headed for such emotional carnage while there is actually a lot of love at La Malquerida that has weathered many storms.

Netgirl, Good point about moving on. Abe may be very naive about this because it hasn't happened to him. One can't expect a bereaved person to mourn forever.

Tabletajefa, forgot to mention this before but I completely agree about Hissadora's cast-iron stomach.

Also noted that Vivi and Rafa are calling Teresa about this latest development in the situation.

Great point about a whole town keeping quiet being impossible. I'm sure the psychiatrist will point this out.

A word of warning to all: IMDb has the episode titles, some of which are major spoilers.

UA, loved your screen shots with the recap. You captured the perfect pictures for those moments.

I,too, am glad Dan didn't let Abe off the hook for everything he's done. In the typical TN, he would have, and I would be banging my head against the wall.

I was surprised by the return of the virus. I thought that would go by the wayside once Isa got BN. I underestimated their greed.

Where is Osvaldo and those phone records. Hurry up!


netgirl, I really liked your point about Agustina's husband being like Daniel in that both have two wives and a daughter. How delightfully ironic that she berates Daniel for this!

cathyx, you're right that in a typical TN, Dan would have let Abe off the hook. That's one of the things I love about Amor Bravío--it's not a typical TN.

For that reason, I'm hoping the writers come up with a better end for Miriam than either getting Dan back or dying after giving him her blessing.

So when Piedad & Co. swing by the cabana to pack up Daniel's things, does Augustonta think that Camila will be like "Move all Dan's stuff to the box to the left?"

No, Camila will be like QTH? and will ream Augustina out, which will give Gussy another chance to rag on Daniel and proclaim her I TOLD YOU SOs.

And to throw Francisco in Daniel's face? She might as well call her daughter Ximena the same scum as Franciso, since she thinks Daniel is scum b/c he came from Francisco.

I hope they are both there when Piedad and Eleuterio show up. This is more than enough reason for Camila and Daniel to put the devil and his wife off the ranch.

They should not have allowed them to move back in the first place.

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Urban, what a wonderful, wonderful recap. I really enjoyed it. I so agree with Karen's assessment of Gussie, and 'how "good" people can make poor decisions that have terrible repercussions." I also liked Myo's view that Daniel's only solace was in the embrace with Camilla. This is a well-written and acted TN. Silvia's performance is as real as it can get.

Tks so much UA, fantastic as always.

Hmmm, Ileana----Rodolfo better hide any bunnies he might have. Her attraction to Rodolfo doesn't make sense, he doesn't have the resources that mama is expecting.

They are planning on keeping Miriam locked up?????

Hope Abe shows his cop skills, he may be able to get in my good graces a teeny bit.

Love this novela.

Camila told Auggie to stay out of this mess & let her & Daniel handle it, & what does she do, immediately stick her nose in, telling Dan to take wife & baby & go back to Chile & have Piedad move his clothes. I sure hope Camila is there when they come to move his stuff. I just hope she doesn't think Dan requested it.

Forgot to say love the pics, Urban A. They really capture Abe's mental dilemna.

I also do not think it as too soon for Dan to fall in love with Camila. They say that those who have happy marriages seek to find another partner when a spouse passes away, and that's what Daniel thought had happened, thanks to Abe....who just might be able to redeem himself if he sticks it to El Diablo.

Thanks for a great recap, UA.

I think that the theme for this TN is that lying to protect someone you love has consequences. (That’s a bit more specific than some have been saying.) Almost all the major conflicts have centered on this point.

I noticed when Dan was talking to Abraham, he was almost parroting lines that at one time Camila had said to him when she found out he had lied to her. Turns out that Dan doesn’t like to be lied to, either. Imagine that. It’s not that I don’t feel a lot of sympathy for Dan; I just couldn’t help but notice the irony.

I am not with the folks who wanted Dan to get physical with Abe. While I completely understand his anger, I am not a fan of physical altercations, and I thought he was being a bit of a bully. He did the same thing to Alonso. Sure, both of these guys are slimy little worms who have done terrible things to Dan and those he loves, but still. He is huge and towers over them, and he was using that to intimidate them. I just don’t care for that approach for problem solving. Agree that the acting was great by both of them.

I also think that their raised voices would have been easily heard by Dio listening at the door. Didn’t Electrolite (or whatever) hear Dio’s phone conversation with Isa in a normal voice through that door just a few episodes ago? That gave me the impression that the door was rather thin. And Gussy’s convo with Dan at the foot of the stairs could have easily been heard by someone else – like Miriam getting up for a drink of water. Sheesh.

Electrolite needs to tell Dan about that conversation, too. STAT.

I would like to see Dan and Abe talk about Dionicio. If Abe’s spidey sense is tingling over Dio, which I think it is, I would like to see him ask Dan for his side of the story. Dan should tell Abe that when he was being Andres, Dio told him to shoot Dan on sight. I also don’t see how Dio thinks he is going to be able to fool Abe into thinking his main motive is love for Augustina or even that he cares about her in the least. It would take about two minutes of watching Dio and Gussy interact to see that something is very, very wrong in that relationship. I think that Abe will come through for us and will help pull together some of the loose threads of evidence that the good guys have on Dio.

I don’t think that Dan takes Gussy all that seriously. I hope he doesn’t. He knows that the person who matters is Cam, not her mother. Gussy has been opposed to him all along. It’s really nothing new.

Netgirl, I have also been told that about ‘imbecil’ as well as ‘espupido’. They are much stronger in Spanish than English. I love your insights, btw.


Thanks UA. Great recap. Thanks for the pics and for the IMDb warning. I do have a question for you. You are a staunch supporter of the idea that Cam and Dan should not have let Dio and Gussie move back into the hacienda. I think we’ve decided it was to protect Gussie from Dio. What do you think they should have done otherwise? I can’t imagine Cam, or Dan for that matter, being happy putting her mother in what they perceive to be danger. Just curious as to how you would have written that part of the story.

I think Gussie’s telling Dan to leave Cam and go back to Chile is her misguided way of watching out for her. It definitely is Cam’s decision, but I can see how Gussie feels like she can interfere. I’m not a mother, but I have a theory that mother’s “mother” their children even when those children are old and grey. You mothers out there can tell me if I’m wrong. I know my mother sometimes treats me as if I were still 16. And sometimes I feel like it when I’m around her ☺

That baby has the LONGEST/THICKEST eyelashes. What a cutie patootie face.

I see that Dio provided a little comedy relief last night: “my word is my bond.”

I’m glad Ana likes Luz. I was afraid she would resent her because Nana is staying at LMQ instead of being with Ana.

What I still don’t understand why Abe didn’t approach Teresa and Dante when he found out because of them Dan was alive?

It doesn’t look like there’s going to be enough time for Mariano to get embroiled with Teresa before finding out that Cam is not really married.

“Viviana points out that she hopes Camila and Daniel stay together and that Miriam finds happiness elsewhere.”—as we all do.

Variopinta: “Her attraction to Rodolfo doesn't make sense, he doesn't have the resources that mama is expecting.”—maybe she’s just tired of being rejected. ☺

Carolina: I think you’re right about Abe. If estupido/a is worse in Spanish than English, what does that say about those TN villainesses who are big time users of the word?


Thanks Carolina!!! I too think that Abe will come through in the end. Someone in the past wrote a very descriptive post about names in this telenovela. There were some biblical references, so I wonder if "Abraham" would refer to leading people to the truth, or being honest, as in "Honest Abe" ... in either case, I agree that he will become a good cop again. It may be at Miriam's expense, temporarily, but I'm expecting this TN to at least follow the tradition of having a happy ending for the main characters.

Ok, time to get back to work! :)

Nanette: Maybe that they are villianesses? :) I don't know. It's just what I've been told. Clearly and repeatedly.

Netgirl: 'Honest Abe' would be an American cultural reference that Mexicans wouldn't tend to use, but I think you're right about Abraham leading his people to safety. I hope so. That was me with the Biblical names stuff earlier, btw. :)

It's back to work for me, too.

Ok, I thought that I was going back to work until I saw Nanette's post!

Nanette: I don't see Cam falling for anything that Mariano has to offer when she is head over heels for Dan. I don't know if she would "settle" for Mariano. Not because he's not a good man, but because she's just not that into him. Did anyone see "Love in the Time of Cholera"?
In that movie, the guy waited for the love of his life, for decades. He played the field to "ease his pain," but never loved anyone else but her. They were 70 or 80 when they finally got together in the end ... and boy did they ever "get together." "Like Water for Chocolate" was similar where the couple had an intense and passionate love. Here too, 1/2 of the pareja stayed single and reunited with the man that she loved later in life. Both movies were in Spanish BTW.

Ok, NOW I'll go back to work. (Carolina, it looks like you were more diligent!) I need to close this AB tab on my browser asap! :)

UA, Great job with the recap, as always, and thanks for embedding the screen shots as well.
Abe is no Columbo,that is for sure. If he was, I think he would have used his connections to get the 411 on Dio a lonnnggg time ago. We can only hope that his cop instincts MIGHT kick in while he is at LaMQ in person. That is, unless his other agenda is motivating him instead of his cop insticnt. I do think he has another agenda that has yet to be revealed - recall his cryptic soliloquy. Hopefully it is not another big dark plot.


Carolina: when the villainesses used "estupido/a", I always thought it was childish and comical. Now I have to rethink those bad girls a little.

Netgirl: I don't think Mariano has a chance with Cam. I don't think he knows that, though. I was just thinking that, if he had time, he might get together with Teresa and then have the awkwardness of getting out of that relationship in order to pursue Cam. And Teresa is not likely to go gently into the good night (sort of like what's happening with Ileana and Rodolfo).

Poor Rodolfo. Even Ana is laughing at him. As she should.

I was voting on a punch in the nose to Abe from Dan, but he has more self-control than me. Loved how he called Abe on his lies and refused to play the game. And really happy that he's getting his own doctor to help Miriam. Not like they can go anywhere for a while since she's "weak". Use Abe's excuse against him and his lies. Seems like Dan has learned from prior mistakes not to keep things hidden.

Abe may be able to come out of this but only if he steps out of selfish-jerk mode and into good-cop mode. He could be some help with the plot if he'd quit worrying about what Miriam is going to do to him when she finds out the truthiness of what he told her.

I'm still hoping for a better end for Miriam than death. If anyone can make this happen, it's these writers.


Thanks for the reminder about the Bibilical names.

Miriam rebellion
Abraham father of a great multitude
Daniel God is my judge

And two other names:

Dante steadfast, enduring
Dionicio a lover of wine, of the god Dionysus

More on this later; have to go out for a few. These writers think like I do when I think about writing fiction.

To answer a previous question, I would probably have Miriam fall for Dante, whom I also think isn't Jewish. There is a reason he previously mentioned that he had it bad for her and unless this reverts to Cliche As Usual he will win her in the end.

If Abe continues on the path his facial expressions seem to point to, he will redeem himself and then be rewarded.

UA - Terrific recap. Muchas gracias for all the details and the pics.

Loved Camila confronting Dio about Julian, Dan going off on Abe, and Dan and Camila finally connecting.

Camila doesn't have to fight for her love. Dan is hers and after last night, she should know it. Dan only wants to help Miriam over this hurdle.

Can't stand Abe but still would like to see him join the Scoobies and help lay a trap for Dio.

Dion blamed Alonso for the connection with the death certificate and Julian. The phone records that Osvaldo is trying to get will show it was Dion making the calls to Julian in Chile, not Alonso.

Great recap, UA. Very nicely done as always.

Though I'm still annoyed with Abe, it's entertaining to watch him do something of a Columbo number on Dionysio and I was very impressed at the way Camila went directly at Dionysio last night. How in the world can he possibly think that he will ever have a chance with her?


I hope Abe gets together with Commandante Juarez soon to compare notes.Could save a lot of time.

DioniciA would be a good name for me.

They probably chose Miriam & Abraham because they are common Jewish names.

Thanks UA, as always, you deliver all the details in grand style. I am every bit as irked as you at the presumptuousness of Gussie. I don't believe her blindness to the truth is sheer stupidity although her brains are only knittin' with one needle. I think she's so defiant because of vain pride and the shame of being found out for her terrible mistake(s). There are moments when her expression looks as though maybe somebody's actually at home in that dizzy head of hers, but then the lower lip protrudes stubbornly and she won't give an inch. She's rackin' up the anvils though. But Camila is such a softie that I can see reconciliation before it's all over.

I'm horrified to think that the virus plan is still afoot. How cruel to poison these noble animals for gain.

And Danny boy is in deep, but at least he's starting to fight back a little. Poor guy. That last embrace with Camila was heart-rending, but a bit of a relief after his whole world spun out of control.
—Agnes in NJ

Excellent, detailed recap. I didn't get to watch last night, and with your writing it's so easy to visualize the scenes. I don't know how you do it, just the right amount of dialogue and description of the physical circumstances.

I have nothing new to add to the comments; they have brought out my questions and thoughts, and then some. Thank you!


Wow UA, another winner recap that's for sure.

Lots of good comments with some complimenting my way thinking, others giving me food for thought. I've just a couple of notes:

(1) Sorry Mariano fans, I'm sticking to the belief that my grandma passed down to me that "the way a man treats his mother is a good indication of the way he'll treat you". To hear him tell his mother “Can't you accept once and for all that this is the consequence of your actions?” just broke my heart. Wonder if he'll make a similar comment to Cayetano when Isa gets her hands on the ranch.

(2) I'm annoyed with Dio's ability to worm his way out of everything. It would be more interesting and entertaining if he'd get caught at least a couple of times. That way we'd be in suspense wondering if he's going to be caught. But the way the story goes, whenever he does something, it's predictable that he's going to get away with it. So there's no suspense or surprise. That's really scary when I realize that he has made up his mind that Camila will be his. The way things have been working in his favor makes me wonder if that becomes true in some way even if it's temporary and against Camila's will.

(3) I agree with UA and others who believe that Miriam has a chronic and fatal condition that will eventually claim her life.

If she were to live, I doubt that she could find another love to replace Dan. Also, Dan has fallen head over heels in love with his daughter and I believe that in the end it will be Dan and Cami who will raise the baby, not through a custody battle, but with Miriams blessings.

Great comments everybody--the romantics and the pragmatics alike.

Just one thought, viz a viz having Miriam die in order to secure Dan and Cam's happiness. In my short experience of obsessive tn watching, writers kill off "inconvenient" obstacles to reach their ends all too frequently. It's the lazy-writers way out.

This tn, half-remake, half-new, is certainly DIFFERENT. I expect more from this writer. It will be more complicated, surely to have Miriam live, but there are oh, so many possibilities to make it happen, some already mentioned here.

Chau until tonight.

Mariano probably WILL tell Cayetano something to that effect (if he survives Isa). I don't see Mariano being chauvinistic here. I do see Mariano looking out for Rocio's sake by telling her, "Hey take this money & house while you can, or you'll get nothing." Rocio cheated on her husband and passed another man's baby off as his for 23 years...Cayetano is the one who comes from the influential family, not Rocio...he could probably grease the wheels in his direction.

I don't see Mariano favoring Caye so much as knowing that his dad is deeply, deeply hurt by his mom* & the lie concerning Pablo and dad just wants to get away from mom ASAP.


I think that El Diablo has managed most of his life to avoid getting his hands dirty. He hasn't actually done a killing because he's managed to hire others to do it for him. This is where that has to stop.

We don't know how long he's used the name Dionicio Ferrer, but I doubt he has any criminal record anywhere under it. The only things that will nail him at this point are what Osvaldo is hunting down:

-- The marriage license or certificate under the name Hector Guttierrez, which has his fingerprints.
-- The cell phone records showing he spoke with Julian Hernandez while he was in Chile.

With the fingerprints Abe can probably contact Interpol to see if there is anything they can nail him for. With the cell phone records he can put him away forever in Chile, since he did also set foot on Chilean soil in connexion with the same crime.

The one problem is that Abe will likely lose his badge over this because of his abuse of authority vis a vis Daniel's arrest and imprisonment. However, I am inclined to think that if Abe nails El Diablo and Black Widow Lazcano, Dan, Camila, and Miriam will forgive him.

He's not a small-town police chief type; he needs a city. Maybe he can move to D.F., join the force there, and even find a novia. Jewish population of Mexico City is about 50,000, more than in all of Chile.

Since Miriam is Jewish, perhaps Dan's marriage to her won't count in the Catholic church, and his marriage to Camila will be his first "real" marriage.

I'd like to see a divorce and joint custody; if the writers kill off Miriam, it will be so predictable. I'd like to see them do better than that.


I will also be disappointed if Dio kidnaps Camila. Too predictable!


I miss Jarocha, she used to give us some info on how the TN's are accepted in Mex.
This one is excellent, Amores Verderderes not so much. Midnight is ok for that one in my book. I've enjoyed Por Ella, but will be happy to see it over. Guapisimo FC is coming.

i knew it...i knew u guys'd delete my sensitive...

Urban Anthropologist said...
Anon, you deserve your own reply because I removed your first post.

That was not because of your opinion of the characters -- which you are entitled to express politely -- but because you told us to do something that is anatomically impossible. This is not permitted here and I will remove any future posts that violate this rule.

^wait, what did i do? "you told us to do something anatomically impossible" - what??? what does that mean? please explain more clearly what da hell i said that apparently violated some rules here! (?) if anyone, i should be the one offended! which i am...

Anon207: I have been following the Rocio/Caye plot and am well aware of all of Rocio’s sins. (I apologize if I sounded like I needed a refresher of the fact that she had an affair over 20 years ago, had Pable and the whole bit. The reason I objected to Mariano’s remark was because it sounded like he was telling her that she should be satisfied with that considering what she had done. Stated that way it sounded disrespectful rather than words of “comfort” . In other words why not just tell her the merits of that options and not base it on her affair.

I don’t have grown sons, so perhaps I’m speaking from an ideal perspective rather than the real world way that mother: sons relationships are behind closed doors.

Foxy, Mariano is still speaking to her at all, and not even using profanity to her face.

He's seen her do her best to interfere with his brother, Pablo's, love and happiness, he recently learned of her distant infidelity, and he witnessed her new, continuing, lies (not least the false claim of rape, and the denial she knew Pablo's paternity).

Yet he sees to her move to the hotel and continues to offer support, emotional and, presumably, economically as she awaits C's alimony.

And how does she respond?

Anothere pathetic lie.

She helped Cayetano build the ranch's reputation, when she and Mariano both know full well that the ranch already had that reputation under Cayetano's father.

That Mariano is there at all to offer sharp words is a testament that he does love her. And the sharp words are apparently much needed since Rocio hasn't come to grips with reality yet.

No matter how clearly she sees through Isadora, her consistent lying and history of disregard for her sons' own conceptions of their own happiness will continue to cause others to see just another round of manipulation and distortion by Rocio, perhaps even shielding Isadora.

How else could he react? How should he?

Chris in FL

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...excuses like gussie said. he's always coming up with excuses.

& in response to netgirl about the whole moving on thing...

i can understand that. so the "fierce love" he had for her is completely gone...just vanished into thin air - gone 'cuz it got replaced by his "true love" despite telling that to another woman already who he "loved"...just makes me think of how in disney's pocahontas, she somehow moves on & falls in love with john rolfe! what about that "spark" u had with john smith??? how does that simply disappear just like that??? an outrage!!!

The writers can't let Miriam die and have Dan and Cam raise the baby, because SN already did that in CME. They wouldn't repeat the story, especially in this TN.

I believe Miriam will find out the truth before Dan or Abe tell her. She'll either overhear something or a well-meaning employee (Eleuterio? Dorotea? Piedad?) will commiserate with her about being 'uncomfortable' having to live with her husband and his new wife(!).

Too bad Abe never met Alonso. He could see that wimpy Al could never have had the guts/strength/smarts to 'order' Dionisio to do anything!

Cathyx - The virus Dio wants to introduce at LMQ is not so much about greed (although there IS some of that) as a way to have the ranch be in trouble and give Camila no alternative but to turn to HIM. He wants Dan out of there and Camila ruined so he can step in as the hero and save her. She will be SO impressed that she will immediately fall into his arms in ecstasy (yeah, right, because she'll forget he's married to her mother, tried to kill Daniel, bullied Amanda, attempted to kill Osvaldo, etc., etc., etc.)!!

Chris, I completely agree.

Foxy, I have never been a fan of the idea that parents deserve unconditional respect from their adult children. Mariano told his mother more than once that he will tolerate no more lies and she plows right into another one.

She tried to interfere with Pablo's relationship with Luzma while promoting a possible marriage to Bratgirl. Did she ever even face the reality about both of those girls? No.

As for Iago, there is no excuse for his present behavior toward anyone in the Albarran household. He is alienating himself away from his entire family.

Sorry, Anon 6:35 here.

Meant to sign (new commenter, previously a lurker) - Soyyo

Soyyo, welcome. I wonder how Dion plans to get Aggie out of the way. Divorce her? Have her killed?

Soyyo, Thanks for your take on the bull virus, Of course, all your points are spot on. Dio is the ultimate schemer.

And welcome. Thanks for coming out of lurkdom.

Welcome Soyyo,

"The virus Dio wants to introduce at LMQ is not so much about greed (although there IS some of that) as a way to have the ranch be in trouble and give Camila no alternative but to turn to HIM."

I'm not seeing how he thinks that the virus would cause her to turn to him. She is, after all, a veterinarian. The animals will either need to be treated or disposed of (if they die or must be destroyed). I can't think of any skills or resources that Dionysio has that would be useful or helpful.


Welcome Soyyo:

"Too bad Abe never met Alonso. He could see that wimpy Al could never have had the guts/strength/smarts to 'order' Dionisio to do anything!---good point!!

"The virus Dio wants to introduce at LMQ is not so much about greed (although there IS some of that) as a way to have the ranch be in trouble and give Camila no alternative but to turn to HIM. He wants Dan out of there and Camila ruined so he can step in as the hero and save her. She will be SO impressed that she will immediately fall into his arms in ecstasy (yeah, right, because she'll forget he's married to her mother, tried to kill Daniel, bullied Amanda, attempted to kill Osvaldo, etc., etc., etc.)!!"--well said.

Carlos: I think in Dio's egomanical mind that Cam will be so distraught she will need a manly man to help her through it emotionally and financially.

Just had a new thought in the comparison between this and CME. CME broke the rule that no protagonist can be the smoking gun that kills the villain. Maybe that rule will also be broken here.

Dionicio is truly delusional here. Camila would know what to do if a virus struck the herd. She has no need to turn to any man for advice, assistance, or comfort. He also clearly missed how she cringed when he embraced her on her wedding day.

She's got a mean left hook and she's been attacked enough times to figure out how to defend herself. By the time this happens I'm sure she will know his past crimes.

Abe needs to talk to Camila and Dan together. Teresa and Osvaldo should also be involved.

And Eleuterio needs to tell them what he heard through the study door.

Anon 6:26, Working with professionals who do research on grief, I've beem able to learn that some people choose to remain connected to their loved one who has died. Others, over time, choose to let go and move on. Paths are different for different people. And yes, widowers who were happily married tend to move on faster, almost as an homage to their deceased wife and the former marriage. I haven't looked at the stats lately, but I know that this is anedoctally true, and I believe that studies show statistical significance.

Soyyo- Totally agree about Al and Abe. Dio's problem is that he's used to being able to order people around (Al, Augie, the henchmen) that he can't see that Abe won't fall so easily for his manipulations. It might just be his downfall.

As for his attitude towards Camila, well he's just insane. She has Mariano waiting in the wings so what would she need her mother's husband for? Given how he likes to treat women, Augie is really the best wife for him. Except that she should've married a politician. She'd be a great hostess.


Couldn't there be a virus that spreads so quickly it would be impossible to get ahead of it? Or one that there is no cure for?

Kelly: "As for his attitude towards Camila, well he's just insane."---HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Someone pointed out earlier that El Diablo and his wife are at the ranch so Camila and Daniel can protect her mother. Thus far the only danger I see is Augustina's own delusion.

This has to be really difficult for Daniel, who is also attempting to protect Camila from the devil.

UA: I believe that was me. "Thus far the only danger I see is Augustina's own delusion."--very true, but they don't know that. I think there's also the idea that they can keep a closer eye on Dio, maybe keep him from doing any more harm or get more dirt on him--a keep your enemies closer kind of situation.

With the threat of a virus in the herd, they need to step up the security.

Eleuterio did talk to Pablo and Rodolfo, so here's hoping their brains are working better than his.

Didn't Camila have the bulls vaccinated?

Miriam is going to sense things are different with Daniel, I think she already does. I think she will move on.She will find out the truth of what Daniel had to endure because of Abe's lies. I don't think they will kill her off, they haven't been the least bit cliche in this one so far.

Camila did vaccinate the bulls just before Alonso conned her into marrying him. That's a little less than a year ago at this point. However, I have no idea what viruses bulls are vulnerable to or if there is a big drug cocktail that covers more than one.

About the virus: I thought I heard Dionisio say that he wants the virus to wipe out the herd. He's counting on it taking time for Cam to figure out what virus and innoculate the herd.

He's hoping Cam won't have the financing to be able to rebuild the herd and keep all the employees without selling--or selling the ranch to him or to the investors would be her only option...turning to him for help and guidance is what he's hoping for.

Viruses spread quickly. What's to say that the other ganaderias in the region wouldn't also be affected. The ganaderias could all get together to fight it or to help her rebuild. This is a fairly small community of rancheros--we just haven't seen them around particularly.

Dio is no ranchero!!

UA--I think Cam & Al were already married at the time of that first outbreak. That was D'Andres' early days where he helped. Cam & Al were separated and she was intent on getting a divorce.

Where do you go to buy a cattle virus? He's got some connections!

Not much time difference, though. Dionicio would have to know what she vaccinated against in order to know what virus to inject.

After the plague in LQNPA you'd think they'd think of something else.

A "plague" must be the TN fashion of the moment - LQNPA, but also CME, albeit a "vine" virus.

Hey folks--Don't forget the avocado plague in El Tal!!!!!

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