Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #63 Wed 2/6/13 ¡Salud! ¡Dinero! ¡Amor! Would snails lie? (the slimy bastards)

Poor Adriana.  How she droops -- from her hair to her scarf to her long, sad, shapeless clothes that conceal her beauty.  She is like a lovely but neglected plant.  Now, as she sits in the greenhouse with Vikki, she mentions that she took care to avoid an encounter with Aníbal (No me quiero topar* con él/ I don't want to bump into him)

[Word nerd alert: Feel free to skip this:
toparse con algo o alguien: to run into something or meet someone casually, from the sound -- top -- (sort of rhymes with "dope") of the crash or choque.  It's Spanish onomatopoeia, folks! And whoever wrote this episode loves the word.] 

Adri tells Vikki all about her visit to Paula's apartment and her surprise at the woman herself -- she's not quite the monster of perversion they imagined her to be. Adriana is sorry to hear about her sister's argument with Nikki.  She offers to intervene but the two agree it's not the moment to approach her, what with Adriana in conflict with Nikki's adored grandpa.  

A cheesy gift, a cheesier interruption
Aníbal, Bea and Gilda are admiring a gift box of cheeses when PaulaToo* bursts into the office and declares: 
¡Me vas a tener que escuchar!
(You're going to have to listen to me!)

[*PaulaToo -- Too self-involved, Too loud, Too histrionic, Too Two-faced and much Too much make-up]

The two gorgeous secretaries -- one her daughter, the other her accomplice -- scurry out leaving Aníbal fuming at the intrusion.  He tries to grab Paula and hustle her out.  But PaulaToo is tired of being the Back Street Girl.  She is coming out of the shadows.  Now that Adriana has invaded her turf, she feels free to invade Aníbal's.  Ufff!

Jose Ángel, left for the moment with no body to guard and no wife to dance attendance on him, has gone to seek out an old friend, Opalina.  A woman in traditional dress greets him warmly.  She was expecting him:
Sabía que algo contigo no estaba bien.
(I knew something was going badly for you/I knew you were having problems.)

Two women?  A son? Oy vey!
So it turns out that the Angel's friend is -- what?  -- una bruja? una vidente? (a witch? a seer?)  We see her throw down some snail shells (caracoles) and then interpret them:  She can tell he is worried about his daughter and what happens when she is with a woman she just met.  Yes! He admits that is true and goes on to describe Lili's response to Adriana's presence. 

But Opalina isn't done:  She sees two women in his life; he loves them both.  No, she doesn't mean his wife and his daughter.  There is someone else...but the signs are confused -- like his thoughts.  Time will sort it all out.

Opalina gets a piece of white ribbon.  "Take it to your boss," she tells him.  He knows what he has to do.  Huh? ¿Para qué?

Opalina is still not done.  She throws down the snails again and studies them:
Vas a tener un hijo.  Un hijo varón.
(You're going to have a child.  A man-child.)
"But Cristina can't have more children," sputters the bewildered Angel.

Opalina intones:
La madre de tu hijo no va a ser Cristina.
(The child's mother isn't going to be Cristina.)

[There is some shuffling of feet out on the patio.  Say what?  Isn't Miss Vikki a little, um, old for this sort of twist?  Will there be another woman in the picture?]

Guess who's coming to din?
In the music room of the Balvanera Mansion, Nikki poses at the piano and bangs out a desultory chord or two.  The Patio crowd winces when Polita escorts PaulaToo into the room.  Nikki eyeballs her skeptically and says:
Teacher, usted me recuerda a alguien, no sé quien.
(Teacher, you remind me of someone, I don't know who.)
Paula asks, oh so casually, if anyone else in the house plays the piano.  Why does she want to know?  Oh, just curious.  PaulaToo is dismissed for now since Nikki has plans for the morning -- she can come back for a lesson later in the day.

In a stunning display of chutzpah, Gilda reminds Beatriz to be discreet about what happened in Aníbal's office. 

Left alone at the reception desk, Bea bends down to pick up some dropped letters. She sees the combat boots first; then her eyes travel upward.  "Leonardo."  He quickly invades her orderly space with his chaos and menace and noise.  When he grabs her roughly by her hair, Salsero yells "¡Suéltala!" (Let go of her!).  Aníbal, drawn by the commotion, comes on the scene: "What's going on here?"

The Angel and his friend Opalina stroll down a narrow street (in Santa Rita?)  He's sure the snails got it wrong.  A son? But the bruja trumps his doubts (and gets 50 bonus points) when she answers him with the almost-title of the novela:
Si el amor es verdadero, todo es posible.
(If love is real, all things are possible.)

Your daughter is alive, ma'am.  (Su hija está viva, señora.)
Lili's voice startles Adriana.  She jumps up from the kitchen table where she has been chatting with Tomasina.  Lili quickly apologizes for blurting that out -- it was just something she felt.  Adriana reassures her:  Her words give her exactly what she needs -- hope.

Back at Meta Imagen, Salsero has Leonardo controlled in a headlock.  Bea is mortified by the spectacle and afraid she'll be fired because of it.  Aníbal orders Leonardo thrown out and instructs security not to allow him back in.  He reassures Beatriz. 

Adriana's visit to the Mansion is coming to a close.  Tomi walks her to her taxi and, at the last minute, can't hold back her curiosity:  What is she [Paula] like? (¿Cómo es ella?)  Adriana's reply:  PaulaToo wasn't what she expected -- she's a woman with class.  Style.
[Rude noises sound here and there on the Patio.]

In her apartment now, Paula tells Cris she is giving Nikki her first piano lesson this afternoon.  Cris snarks a little about Nikki and then says she hopes she'll be lucky enough to find work too.  Maybe she'll bump into someone (ya me toparé) brave enough to hire her!

Well it looks like a Casa de Citas*, neta?  Oh, wrong kind of citas.  Okaaay.
[Word nerd alert:  cita = appointment; casa de citas = bordello]

Guzmán stands vigilant outside a highrise building.  Inside, Nikki relaxes in KendraLand while the K-skank skips rope.   How funny -- and kind of sweet -- that Guzmancito thinks she's with a shrink right now!  The girls decide to play therapy: Nikki reclines on the couch.  The big white bear looks on, his expression inscrutable.  "A ver," begins Dr. K-Skank, "cuéntame tus problemas."  (Let's see, tell me your problems.)  "Where do I begin?"

Beatriz arrives at school to pick up her demon spawn son.  Guillo looks positively hateful as he rejects Beatriz and regurgitates the lies Leonardo has fed him.
[Note to self:  he's just a kid, it's not his fault. just a kid, not his fault, just a kid...]
It is only when Bea loses her composure and sobs like a child that stony Guillo relents and falls into her arms.

If I'm hearing what you're saying ...
Nikki's therapy session continues.  She confides that things between her parents are híper mega fatal.  And she feels bad about the fight she had with her ma -- she said some unforgiveable things.  Dr. K-Skank is at her most empathetic:  it's so hard to be in the middle.  She lived it herself and in the end, her parents' divorce was a good thing.  What Nikki can't understand is her dad's interest in some little tramp when her ma is so beautiful, so intelligent, from such a good family, so refined -- in short, everything that little fourth-rate nobody is not.  Dr. K-Skank starts to look a little ill.  Maybe Nikki has it wrong.  Maybe the Furry Fornicator her daddy will end up marrying the woman.  Not gonna happen, insists Nikki: 
Deja de bucear y sal a la superficie.
(Stop diving and come up for air) replies Nikki.
Men never marry their lovers.  Look at her grandpa and his 20-year affair. He's a widower and has never even  introduced that woman to his family..

Salud, Dinero, Amor
Now the Angel joins Vikki in the greenhouse and tells her about his visit to his old friend, Opalina, a healer of souls.  She sent along this ribbon for Vikki, he tells her, and as he ties it on her wrist, he explains:  He will knot it three times; each knot represents a wish; when the knots become untied on their own, the wishes will be granted.  Think hard, he tells her. 

She has no trouble with the first two wishes but gets stuck on the third.  He gives her a little help: Most people wish first for health (salud) ("but you're already healthy"); second for money (dinero) ("but you have plenty of that"); and third for ... love (amor).  "Love" echoes Vikki.  And then, God help us, poetry flows from her lips like water eddying down a well-plumbed toilet:  Love with veins open and labyrinths sealed and black eyes with dilated pupils and sad, uncertain lives; without speaking your name, I call you; without looking for you, I find you. Like a hurricane within me, my God, how much I love you.

The Angel is dazzled.  What a beautiful poem!  Who wrote it?  No one, answers Vikki modestly.  It just came to her.*  But it was he who inspired it.  She hurries to record the words in her laptop.  He helps her with the last lines:  Como un huracán por dentro/Dios mio, cuánto te amo.  She thanks him -- his great memory made her day.  And now it's time to go to the agency.
[*Miss Vikki is fibbing here.  If you Google these lines you will find them attributed to others.]

They flunked the couple test but aced the parenting exam.
Or that's what Beatriz is trying to sell to Guillo.  His parents will always love him even if they can no longer live with each other.

PaulaToo and Cristina walk down the street together, each holding a folded orange shopping bag.  They gossip about Paula's brief meeting with Nikki (she kept thinking how she had been her grandfather's lover for 20 years).  "Did you bump into Francisco?"  (¿Te topaste con Francisco?) asks Cris.  No, answers Paula.  And she's not even sure he would remember her.

The Ikki's are in the building -- Vikki and Nikki, that is

Vikki and the Angel are back in her office.  She is feeling energized now and the Angel attributes it to the ribbon on her wrist.  Gilda delivers a copy of the commercial and Vikki and JA hunker down to watch it together:  Whoa! They used one of the takes with Kendra after all* -- the poor Angel looks like something out of Madame Tussauds Wax Museum.  (Even so, Anita reports that the poster version is flying off the shelves at Meta*Mart.)

[*NovelaMaven always guesses wrong whispers Sara, out on the Patio.  Meanwhile, the people at the Kendra table feel vindicated -- or they would if there were any people at the Kendra table.]

Nikki and the Guz are back from her therapy session.  She is delighted with herself -- she fooled the chump again!  On and on she blathers:  Did she discuss -- you know what?  Oh, she talked about everything, even him!  Now she approaches Bea at the reception desk and apologizes for mistaking her for one of Francisco's girlfriends the other day.  Girlfriends? Bea is a little flustered but accepts the apology graciously.

Cris and Paula are heading home, their orange shopping totes now full. PaulaToo tells Cris about Adriana's visit and her odd questions.  Suddenly Cris realizes she forgot Liliana's yogurt and has to go back to the store.  Paula offers to go with her. When they turn around, a larger than life José Ángel looks down on them from a gigantic billboard.  In the photo, the K-Skank hangs on his back like a possessive monkey in heat.   Cris is instantly transformed -- her eyes narrow, her posture becomes aggressive, her muscles bulge, her skin turns green ... (So maybe not so much the bulging muscles and the green skin.)

"It's my husband! It's José Ángel, my husband!"

Avances:  Nikki confronts the Furry Fornicator with his infidelity; it finally dawns on the Angel that Cristina will see the commercial. Doh!


Just brilliant NM! No filler. Just the good stuff. Got to get to bed, so I'll just say that 1) A loud snicker came from me at the thought of Vic having a baby. Maybe Kendra will get hold of some JA sperm somehow; 2) the seer is the same one who told Adri her daughter is alive; and 3) the scene with Bea and Guillo made me cry. First ever this tn.

Novelamaven: Wonderful, funny recap. Loved every word. It's so funny how Oplina is a childhood friend of the Angel's and that is who Adri went to to find out if her child was alive. I like Oplina, and I wonder if Lili learned all the preminition stuff from her.

Thanks for the translation of the poem. Now I want that book of upcoming poems from Valvaneria Bickie lol. I loved the way they showed the Angel's eyes, que romantico, as she was reading it. Those avances are always teasing us. They made it seem that Vikki was going to declare her love to the Angel, lol. Well, she kinda did, didn't she???

I really liked the way you described that scene with Nikki and K-Ho, too funny. The look on K-Ho's face when Nikki said her Daddy would never marry the ho. Too funny. She had the deer in the headlights look.

Loved what Dances did to Leo the horrible, good for him. What did Leo think he could drag her out by the hair. He needs a fork and a cast iron skillet. Glad that Anyballs banned Leo from the building.

I have to say I said the same about Guillo too, he's only a child, doesn't know any better, etc, but I wanted to yell at him. I think Leo needs supervised visits. He is way to horrible to spend time with his son alone.

Liked the nickname for Pauwhiner, PaulaToo, too funny. She is gonna run into Guzmi sooner or later if she is intent on giving Nikki those piano lessons. He'll probably tell her to scram too.

That look on Cris' face when she saw the Angel with K-Ho, too funny. I liked what he did in the office with the similuated cutting of of his head. Cris is gonna hand him his head when she sees him, that's for sure. Sucks to be the Angel.

And I too wonder if maybe Opalina got the sex of the child wrong maybe. But if it really means a son, Ms Vikki does look a little old, unless they are making her out to be younger than she really is, hey it's a telenovela, anything can happen, jus' sayin'.

Vivi and Madelaine:

Thanks to you both for filling me in on the Opalina-Adriana connection. The net of characters in this one is very tightly controlled, isn't it?

Kendra getting hold of Angelic seed? ewwww. I hope not.

One thing I found striking in this episode (and actually we've seen this before) -- Aníbal's kindness to Beatriz. Maybe she reminds him of PaulaToo way back when she was just Paula. She was a rotten wife and mother but she must have had her charms. Whatever the reason, Bea brings out the best in Aníbal.

Yes, I think Christina will be beamed up, Vicki will divorce her miserable excuse of a husband and Angel will father a son with Vicki -- I think this is going to be the happy ending. After all, Angel did father a son with Christina but he died and is buried in the grave Adriana wants to dig up. Testing will show it's a boy and she will be reunited with he daughter, Lili. I think this is where the writers are going.

Brilliant recap, NM! I love how you cover everything that is important in such a succinct, clever, snarky way!

I think we're going to see a late in life pregnancy for Vicki. The actress is 48 or something, so it's not beyond reason, especially if we are to assume she's several years younger. I know a woman who was her mother's first and only child—she gave birth at age 45. We don't even need to tighten our beanies too that much to accept this as a possibility, even though it's not very common in real life.

I enjoyed Leo the Low's humiliation at the hands of Salsa-Dude, but we know there will have to be more! Leo will not go quietly into the night. He's going to have to create pain and destruction for all parties involved.

The scene between Bea and Guillo was very touching and heartbreaking. I'm not even that mad at the boy—the dad is a master at indoctrinating him and manipulating him. The poor kid! Glad that Bea's tears finally made him realize that maybe his dad's lies didn't all quite add up.

Also enjoyed seeing Kendra the Ho's face fall when Nikki obliviously says that naturally her dad would never marry the low-class trampy ho that he's temporarily hooked up with. And my opinion of Nikki raised a bit when we saw how glowingly she talked about her mom—beautiful, educated, etc. Nikki is a bruja on the outside, and a nightmare and a mess, but deep inside she's not all bad. (But we knew that already!)

I forgot to say: When it was revealed that Lily was not Big Angel's blood child, I felt bad for Big Angel. At least Christina was raising her own niece. But Big Angel has no blood connection to Lily. (Though they have a spiritual connection, and I don't think anything will separate them!)

Considering that Big Angel would otherwise be left with no "sangre de mi sangre," I wondered if the writers would provide a solution. It seems like they plan to!

Oh NovelaMaven! Where do I begin? The opening line alone is brilliant and until you spelled it out (droops) I had not realized that that is exactly what bothered me about Adri's costuming. She is so lovely, but is so weighed down and "droppy" with grief. I hope they fix that.

And from the first line on you continued to shine: Dr. K-skank and the delicious

" And then, God help us, poetry flows from her lips like water eddying down a well-plumbed toilet"

And your Spanish lessons always delight. I now have Casa de Citas tucked into my bag of words I shall ever remember but never have need to use (such is the vocabulary one learns on telenovelas.)

PS: The patio was getting kind of chatty last night so you may not have heard the second part of my statement: "NovelaMaven is always wrong. It's nice not to be the *only* one. I *always* screw stuff up.

NovelaMaven - Thank you for the snarky recap and ¶ headers.

Vikki probably had Nikki between age 25 and 30, so it is entirely possible for Vikki to become pregnant again.

I loved that look on Kendra's face, when Nikki said that married men never marry their mistresses.

Paula has been dying to meterse the Balvanera mansion, and has finally found a way with the Nikki piano lessons. That should be a fun scene (not!) when Guzman sees her.

I wanted to hug my TV screen when Salsero showed Leo the way out. ;o)

What a pivotal episode. What an amazing recap.

NovelaMaven: You modulated the heat of this to perfection. You fanned the flames, carefully stoking the heat yet lowered the termperature to a gentle sizzle when needed. So many great lines: "PaulaToo -- Too self-involved, Too loud, Too histrionic, Too Two-faced and much Too much make-up], "desultory chord" and "Madame Tussauds Wax Museum". Your phrases and humor complimented every single scene. My favorite? Why "Ikki's" of course!! This was wonderful (and loved the word nerd)...

So the Angel will have a son. I was happy to hear that and thrilled for Vicky as well (I am "expecting" she will be the mother but no spoiler). I loved Vicky's "poem" and her scene with the Angel was lovely. Elvira, their having a child together is totally within the realm of possibility for me as well.

I had absolutely no idea what Opalina was "reading". Snails? Well, Okaaayyy...

I was disappointed we weren't treated to Salsero throwing Leo out of the building and doing a salsa victory dance all over Leo's sorry butt. I can't recall ever seeing a more intimidating character (forgive me, I know I keep repeating this point but he frightens me). The thought of what he would do to Bea if he ever got her alone makes me ill...

Now if I saw my husband in a billboard ad my first question might be why didn't he tell me. I might have been upset but don't think I would have instantly grown horns and get all "hulkish" (as you noted NM)... Take a chill pill. Please.

Madelaine, ITA that the preview of JA making the motion of "cutting" his throat was a good one. He knows he is in for it and of course, should have told her as soon as it happened. I was disappointed they chose to use the Kendo ad but realize that using the one with Vicky would have sent Cris into an even further downward spiral.

Guillo has been brainwashed by a master manipulator. The poor kid. Bea kept explaining things to him in her gentle way and was relieved she was finally rewarded with a hug. The kid is confused and upset and who can blame him? Vivi, I have cried a few times during this and most (if not all) have involved scenes eith Bea.

Wonderful NovelaMaven. Thank you.


NM, I agree with other commenters that your recap was hylarious from top to bottom, esp the opening with 'Droopy' Adriana... That woman is so pretty, if only she had herself up higher in her 'i care about' list.
So Opalina tells Adriana about her daughter being alive, and then she tells Angel about having a son with a woman other than his wife... so interesting that Opalina is the same 'vidente' for both predictions.

We actually know how old Vicky is, and it is entirely possible for her to have a baby. I'm just having a hard time picturing her and JA running around after a little baby, but it would make them both very happy. Adri was 15 18 years ago-- that makes her 33. Vicky is 10 years older than Adri-- that makes her 43.

Vivi - thanks for the timeline on Vikki's age. Wasn't it the infamous telenovelaland "veinte años" when Adri's baby was born? Either way, Vikki is in her forties and still eligible to become pregnant.

word verif: oldrync
I guess it reads our posts!

They've said 18 years a bunch of times. Lily is 18 years old, and should be applying to college as she said she'd be doing many episodes ago-- a dropped plot thread.

Ah, 20 years ago is when Adri and Vicky's mama died and the time Anibal and Paula have been together.

My bad, Miss Sara. You're right -- the Patio was noisy last night. Sorry I didn't hear the last part of what you were whispering.

I am still basking in the glow of your approval of the Spanish lesson. [Yay! Our Spanish teacher likes it!]

Thank you! I agree with you that a pregnancy at Vikki's age is not fodder for tabloids (Mexican Woman Gives Birth at 44!). Still, I was surprised by the direction of the STORY. I just didn't see it coming. But after reading your comment, I'm starting to wrap my arms around the plot line. (Now if it doesn't happen, I'll be disappointed. I've already started knitting the blue booties and blankets. And there's no way I'm sending them to the K-skank.)

I have it on the best authority that Anita is stocking "Salseros de peluche" in the Puchis Department. (That's one way to keep the fingerprints off the flatscreen.)

Oh, thumbs up on the paragraph sign. ✌ (That is the world's tiniest "V" for victory, in case you were wondering.)

Shucks, Diana. Gracias. I couldn't really tell what Opalina was throwing at first -- pebbles? bones? but eventually, she and Angel referred to them as "caracoles" and then it made sense. Well, you know what I mean -- it made sense the way any of it makes sense.

I'm hoping for a bit of a 'happiness make-over' for Adriana when Liliana is officially back in her life.

Thanks so much for the timeline. And you put it very well -- it's hard to picture Vikki and JA running around after a baby (especially when Vikki's first baby is still in diapers. Oh, those weren't diapers on Nikki? Sorry.) :-)

First things first---Elvira, sorry I got your recap mixed up with Anita yesterday. Either I was so involved in Anita's Meta*Mart and fair that I just had Anita on my mind. Or---maybe my morning coffee wasn't strong enough, I don' which but in either case, I apologize.

NovelaMaven---Thanks for your time and effort in todays recap.
I loved your Dr. K-skank. That really had me laughing.

Loved to see Leo the low get taken down last night but I fear for Bea.
Salsero or Francisco will not always be with her to protect her from that monster.

Does anyone know what the conversation between Bea and her son was last night.
Guillo was pretty tough on his mommy after school. That was hard to watch. I'm glad that everything is ok at least for now. The future?

When Cris saw the billboard, she was instantly transformed. I was hoping that enough money would be made from the Meta*Mart and fair to at least start construction on a new Little House on the Prairie but I am becoming fearful that Christina and Jose Angel are soon to be finished as a Married couple.
So sad.
the gringo

If my hot husband ended up in a major ad campaign, looking all fine in suits, I would be bragging about it. I would be a bit miffed he didn't tell me about it before the ads came out, but it wouldn't be a big deal. I'd be too busy burning up the phones and posting a link to it on facebook and tweeting about to have much time to scold him. It's not like it's porn or he's in his skivvies.

Talking about Adriana: Her novio's name was "Vicente Celorio." I googled that (along with "Amores Verdaderos") a while back.

I don't consider what I found to be a huge spoiler, but don't do the search yourself if you don't want to know anything. I figured that since they have specifically mentioned his name, then there is a reason for it. I will say no more.

Vivi: ITA with you about having a hot husband on a billboard. I would be bragging too and doing all the things you said about FB etc. I'd be so proud too and telling everybody.

Elviria: I did that too awhile back, googled that name, and all I got to say bout that is standby to standby, Yowsa!

Holy Guacamole! I was reading along, enjoying the recap when I got to Elvira's comment--"When it was revealed that Lily was not Big Angel's blood child, I felt bad for Big Angel." When did that happen? Where was Big A's reaction; Cristina's? Elvira, were you speaking metaphorically and it was revealed only to the Patio folks?

I see that Sara quoted my favorite line from last night. Toilet Bowl and no chocolates were hurled.

NvMv, well, what could have been a Que?Que?Que? for Big A and the hijo varon, it turned out to be a big Que?Que?Que? for the folks out on the Patio. Brilliantly done, word smithing taken to new heights.


Anita: Big Angel doesn't know that. He thinks Cris had the baby while he was gone somewhere, and she did, at the same time that Adri had her baby. They told Adri that her baby died, and we speculate that Cris' baby died, she was in a bad way, and they did a baby switch. We are speculating that Adri's baby is really Lili but we don't know for sure yet. Cris thinks she gave birth to a healthy baby girl, she doesn't know yet either.

NovelaMaven - terrific recap. Appreciate the vocab. My favorite lines: “She is like a lovely but neglected plant”--captures Adriana so well. "PaulaToo -- Too self-involved, Too loud, Too histrionic, Too Two-faced and much Too much make-up"--lol

What a shocker, but I can totally see Angel having a baby cause there's still a lot of kid in him and he's great with Lili. I can see him and Lili teaching the boy Aikido. Even though several of my cousins went to the doc expecting menopause news and came home with baby news instead -- the oldest cousin was 48 -- I'm still wondering if the baby will not be Vickie's by birth. Having a baby now just doesn't suit who she is to me, but you never know...

Cris's little note to Lili was quite sad -- going to look for work cause I can't take feeling alone and enclosed like in prison and the dinner's in the fridge. Then she comes home with no job but still a lot of pluck about finding one. I've got my fingers-crossed that the Angel's poster won't do her in.

How stupid is Guzmancito? Really? He doesn't even walk Nikki to the door of the therapist? That's not even a good security practice.

Madelaine - “Leo needs supervised visits.” Absolutely. Don’t see any other way for Bea to counter Leo's brainwash attempts.

Love the way Anibal (and, of course, Salsero!) was protective of Bea. That must be what Candelaria saw in him to make her fall in love.

Hmmm, so it looks like Angel may be the first to figure out the baby switch.

META*MART Semi-Open for business.

Tees on the Square has the following, 100% all cotton, t-shirts, guaranteed to shrink seductively.

Don't look a gift cross in the mouth

OKAY! Captas?

Neta, Nikki...presiona el boton y borrate tu misma, mijita. Captas?

That ship has sailed. ¿Neto?

I’m Available

I belong to the Nikki Support Group

Stay on your side Coloring

Poor Cande’s Dead [or is she]

“…well Carlos is always right…”

Here comes the airplane

Don’t Trust the Furry One

That manly prize *cough* Anibal

What is this? Vaudeville?

Who’s Your Daddy?

Gaius Iulius Caesar is rolling in his grave now

Bodyguard Widow

I’m an Ahhhhhhtist

We’re just friends

Lalalalalalala, I can't hear you

The Ikki's are in the building

Psychiatric Help 10¢ - Dr. K-Skank is In

Shhhh! Reading Snails


Whew, Mads. I knew all that but it just shocked me to see it all spelled out as if the big reveal had taken place. The Patio people know as much from the Llamada de Sangre that Lili had.


About the conversation between Guillo and Beatriz --

He repeats the stuff Leo told him: his mom doesn't love them and she's going to leave them for her new boyfriend, just like Paula left Bea and Uncle Francisco when they were kids.

Bea asks where he got that from and he finally acknowledges it came from his dad.

Bea explains that she and his dad are done as a couple because Leo "failed" as a husband; he treated her badly and without respect. The three will never live together as a family.

Leo, however, will always be Guillo's father and will never stop loving him. And she will always be his mother and never stop loving him.

He listens to her words but doesn't soften until she breaks down and sobs. Then he falls into her arms.

I loved your recap, NovelaMaven, it was so funny. Thank you very much. (And thank you for the Spanish lessons, too.)

"And then, God help us, poetry flows from her lips like water eddying down a well-plumbed toilet:"

*laughs hard and loud*

Hilarious! I don't really like poems, and I especially hate the ones Valvanera Bickie barfs up in every second episode. I was nauseated during that sickeningly corny scene.

I love the T-shirts. :) And thanks for including my silly ideas.


Guys, you'll love the next episode.

I can't stand Guillo. I want Colibrí (CS09) and Caramelo (LVO) baaack!

Niecie: if I was Cris, I would've gone mad already. Poor thing must feel so useless. (Sí, I'm a Bicke/Arri fangirl para siempre, but every once in a while I can sit with half a butt at Mrs. Hulk's table too, ooookay?) She's a good cook, she's candid and she's pretty. I could imagine her having a TV show or something like that.

Again, fabulous, Novela Maven - love the new word "topar." I never heard it before, and like how it was used twice. See! We really do learn a lot of Spanish here, and I think I can figure out how to use that without insulting anyone.

Still keeping my notebook of phrases you have been providing.

My favorite expression of last night was simply, "Me alegro,"
which Anibal said to Bea when she told him that she and her husband are separated. It was quick and it was funny to me, but he meant it, and as others have said, he treats her well.

Last night was the second reference to a "varon."
The first was when Salsero asked JA if he ever thought of having one, and now this. In my opinion, as I stated before, the varon is in the grave, and I think that the snails got a little mixed up - and the other woman is Adriana.i.e ..her baby's alleged tomb, but his child is buried there.

Of course, it's not out of the question that he could have a child with Vicky, but if she is 43 now, she would be close to 44 by the time this all gets resolved and 45 when she would deliver. My niece had children at 41 and 43, and a friend's mother had one at 48.

Enjoy all the comments, but if I don't write for awhile, I may be reading and lurking...muchas cosas que hacer - no health problems - just need to
stop lounging around so much.

All the best!



What about CHICLES, Caramelo's companion?

Hey Floridia,

I keep thinking there should be TOP TOP jokes:

¿Casa quién?
Cásate conmigo, Guzmancito (Out pops Polita)

[Doesn't quite work in translation but:
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Casa who?
Marry me, G!]

¿Cara quién?
Caracoles vemos, corazones no sabemos.
(We see snails, we don't know hearts / a play on the saying: Caras vemos, corazones no sabemos -- We see faces, we don't know hearts.)

Novela MavenToo

Too Funny
Too Hilarious
Too Original
Too Clever

Novela Maven Too: Ad Infinitum

Niecie reminded me about this line: “She is like a lovely but neglected plant"

That is so brilliant considering Lilliana's talents, NovelaMaven


Gracias, amiga. I was afraid I had gone TOO far. :-)


I'm glad you and Niecie picked up on that line. I almost used a paragraph heading -- Is there a gardener in the house? -- but decided it was more fun to leave the Adriana/Liliana (the Anas vs the Ikky's) implicit.

Please forgive the comments of a non-Spanish speaking viewer. Can someone explain the significance of those Tibetan monks in Carmen Salinas' commercial for Bon Balm? Unfortunately, there are no English subtitles for the incessant commercials.

Vivi- thanks again on the veinte anos and the eighteen years. I don't know why I cannot keep all that straight. Maybe my telenovela beanie hat is too tight.

I hate most of the footwear (cruel shoes? but definitely fugly) the women wear in these TNs, but Cristina gets to wear the most lovely delicate decorative sandals, and her feet look great in them. Hallelujah!

Novela maven - thanks so much. I'm so glad you joined ther recapping team because this TN is perfect for your style of snark.

Loved the PaulaToo description (right on) and the comparison of Vickie's recitation of poetry to a well plumbed toilet, lol!

Thanks for another marvelous recap, NovelaMaven. I always love your unique clever way with words and this is definitely elegantly crafted:

"And then, God help us, poetry flows from her lips like water eddying down a well-plumbed toilet..."

The look on Betty's face as Nikki apologized was priceless. I don't think that either the character or the actress understood a word she said.

I really like the verbs topar
and toparse and suspect that they derive from the noun topo
which means mole.


“…well Carlos is always right…”

tee shirts for everyone...

just put it on my tab...


Novela Maven---Thank you for the mother son conversation last night,
it was a most touching moment.

I am half way through the comments, will finish them later tonight.
the gringo

Thanks for the nice words, folks.


I really like the verbs topar
and toparse and suspect that they derive from the noun topo
which means mole.

According to the Diccionario* on the Royal Academia Española (RAE) website, the verb "topar" or "toparse" is onomatopoeic, from the sound "top" made when one object bumps into another.

On the other hand:

The noun "topo" meaning mole comes from the Vulgar Latin "talpus" which is derived from Latin "talpa" for the same animal.

In other words, nada que ver. Neta. Okay???

*This great, free resource is available at You can also navigate to RAE from from the definición tab of any Spanish word.

There's a RAE app for smartphones as well.

Thanks, Sara! It never occurred to me to look for the RAE app -- I'm kind of an app minimalist but this one is definitely a keeper.

P.S. Hey guys,
RAE is all in Spanish so it probably won't help you if you are just starting out. But has English to Spanish and Spanish to English entries and is also available as a free app for your phone.


Sooo, when a mole tops into something what sound do you suppose it makes?

Have you received your tee shirt I just bought for you yet?

Look down and read what it says...




¿Carlos quién?

Hello. We should have just started there y ya.





This is late to comment, but I just wanted to say that for DARN SURE these telenovelas help our Spanish.

I recently decided to more formally push my Spanish studies. I've been a complete slug in the last 18 months and haven't hardly opened a Spanish study book, or done anything to further my understanding. Nothing, other than telenovelas and any kind of word search I might do to help me understand telenovelas.

Thanks to this consistent telenovela addiction, not only can I "kind of sort of" slog my way through an entire episode with enough understanding to pretty much "get" what's going on by just listening alone (though I miss details aplenty) my reading comprehension is much better too.

The main area of concern is my grammar and writing—nonexistent. I'm afraid to write the simplest sentence for fear I'll butcher the language.

ANYWAY, I decided to enroll in an online course (which looks pretty good) and they had me do a "placement test" to gauge my level of Spanish. This involved me selecting right grammar choices for sentences (as if!) as well as do tests on reading comprehension and (shudder) listening comprehension.

But even though I have many pathetic gaps in my knowledge, despite all of this, I got an INTERMEDIATE on the placement test!!!! No puede ser!!!! I fully deserve "beginner" or maybe "advanced beginner" at best.

I am starting the course as "beginner" just because I need to fill in gaps.

But truly, the telenovelas have kept what little Spanish I had studied formally intact, and built on that. A lot. And with no effort from me, other than planting my behind in front of the TV every day. It's been fantastic.

Opalina was not reading snails. She was reading seashells. Caracoles is also the word for seashells, specifically, conch shells. I've seen this in other tns where there is a vidente. They read the shells, although the idea of snails seems to be more fun ;-)

NovelaMaven- I love my RAE and Wordreference apps because lugging around a good dictionary is tough. Lol.

Elvira- felicitaciones!

Thank you, anon@7:49--snails was just funnier.

El topo se topa con the TOP (that's Carlos).

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