Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Amores Verdaderos #68 Wed 2/13/13 Salsero's checkered past may keep him from competing in the Michelle Obama Look-Alike Contest.

Palace Intrigue at Meta Imagen
Victoria comes back for her cell phone and is shocked to see José Ángel reading a file left open on her desk.  But it's his own file, he protests.  And if she hired him because of what it says, she hired the wrong man:  because everything in it is false.

Kendra, showing off her Medusa tresses in profile at the reception desk, leaves an envelope for Mr. Brizz and a bit of advice for Betty: Watch out for Salsero -- that man is very dangerous. Before Beatriz can react, the elevator opens and spits out Nelson and his peculiarly coiffed shadow.  Bea gives the furry one the Kendra Papers and gives the dancing man a suspicious once-over.  Hmmm.

Once back in Nelson's office, Salsero observes:
Parece que Kendra Ferretti no quita el dedo del renglón.
(It looks like KF isn't giving up.  Literally, she's not taking her finger off the [written]line.]
The Furry Fornicator, however, admires Kendra for smuggling a Booty Call to him so discreetly (that's what the important document was).

He calls bread bread
The Angel speaks plainly:
Llamo al pan pan y al vino vino.
(I call a spade a spade.  I call bread "bread" and wine "wine.")
He came looking for a job as a foreman; he never pretended to know about guns; he's just a country boy. 
Vikki thinks he was just trying to keep his Super Hero identity a secret -- or that's what Salsero told her.  Arriaga is incredulous.  Salsero doesn't even know him!  He, José Ángel, has none of the training or experience that paper lists.  Now what?  She's going to fire him, right?

Two calls for help; two wrong numbers.

"Buy some rope and hang yourself." (Compras un mecate y te ahorcas.)
That's the gentle advice Nikki offers her used-to-be boy toy, Johnny -- not her finest hour, perhaps, but the guy is kind of a putz -- when he refuses her summons, telling her that lately she's been a real downer.  He just laughs her off and says it's all because of her "guard dog."  Click.

Beatriz steps away from her desk to call her brother and is startled by the earful he gives her: How long is she going to back up their mother's lie that he is the son of a friend?  There's nothing more to be said about it!  Click.

It's hard to find good help.
Vikki paces in her office as she and Adriana chew over the Arriaga problem.  He's brave and true -- he has saved her life more than once -- but he's not formally trained for his job.  Anyway, says Vikki as she sinks down on the couch, she can't leave him in the street: it wouldn't be fair to him.  Besides, he has some training -- and he's an expert in Aikido.  And what about his wife and daughter?

Adriana smiles at the mention of Liliana and the chemistry between them.  But she insists that Victoria's security comes first.  That's why Lili's father can't continue as a bodyguard.

He can hide his lyin' eyes ...
The Angel and Salsero sit in the reception area.  Salsero idly leafs through a magazine and comes across the famous ad. Oh yes, he's seen the blessed ad, says Arriaga in a flat tone, eyes cast down.  Bea passes through and Salsero gets up as if to follow her.  But Arriaga calls him back: "What's the deal with the fake report?  Why did you lie to señora Victoria?  Why did you tell her I was a secret agent?"  Salsero puts his shades on ...

Mansión Balvanera: Read it and weep.
Nikki steps on the bathroom scales and cries.  Outside the bathroom, Frankie hears her and when she doesn't answer his knock on the door, he comes in to see what's wrong.  She can't bear it anymore, she tells him, she can't take the pain.  From where she is sitting, she holds on to his leg and she begs him not to go.  He crouches down and takes her in his arms.  She weeps on his shoulder.  "Don't cry," he says, "please."

Salsero dances around the truth:
Salsero doesn't understand why the dossier is wrong.  That's just what his contacts in the police department told him, he tells JA.

Vikki instructs Salsero to keep the fake report quiet -- if Nelson hears about it, he'll fire Arriaga.  Salsero promises to find out what happened.

Before Adriana leaves Meta Imagen, Arriaga catches up with her and gives her an image of the Virgen del Carmen. (It's the tiny one that the vidente, Opalina, gave him for her -- though he doesn't mention that.)  "She'll help you find what you're looking for," he says.  "She'll guide your path."  Adriana is touched.

Mansión Balvanera: ♫Quédate ♫Quédate ♫ Quédate conmigo
(Stay with me.)
Frankie carries Nikki to her bed, tucks her in gently, and, at her urging, stays by her side, stroking her hand.  The music swells.

Jocelyn who?
Oddly enough, learning that Arriaga is completely untrained for his job seems to have made Vikki forget all about the Jocelyn Affair.  She tells him:
Yo lo contraté a usted por lo que creí que era, pero ahora quiero que se quede por lo que realmente es.
(I hired you because of what I thought you were, but now I want you to stay because of what you really are.)

They beam Crest Whitening Strip smiles at one another.  She'll have Guzmán enroll him in Remedial Bodyguarding.  As for Guzmán ... he's for real, right?  Claro! Arriaga reviews Guzmán's pedigree and reminds her it was because of his know-how that Nikki was found and rescued after she was kidnapped.

Now Salsero comes in.  He figured out where the error was:  There's another José Ángel Arriaga who actually is a secret agent.  JAA II lives in Canada. What are the odds?

A poignant call from Cristina
She just wanted to hear his voice.  She misses him ... she was just talking to her ma --we see Cristina's tears; Arriaga hears them -- she was thinking of their little ranch and how happy they were in the country.  Arriaga is a little busy.  Can he call her back?  "Te amo, mi alma" she tells him.  "Y yo a ti" he replies.

[Mr. Maven looks up from his book and says:  "He's never going to see her again, right?"  Yikes.  Could he be right?]

Vikki -- the Good Vikki -- tells Arriaga to surprise his wife by going home and having  dinner with her.  They can watch the TV ad together.  JA, Vikki and Salsero laugh at the idea of Cris pulling up a chair to watch the commercial as if she were getting ready to watch her favorite telenovela.

[This joke of novela characters watching novelas doesn't seem to get old for the writers.  Notice, however, that the characters in question never have triple digit IQ's.]

Someone's in the Kitchen with Tomasina
Felipe needs Tomi's help. Polita gapes and grins as Felipe holds Tomasina's hands in his.
[Meta*Mart may need to lay in supplies of bobble-head Polita's with dropping jaws.]

Meanwhile, Frankie is in Nikki's room thinking aloud:  If they could iron out their differences, maybe they could be happy together.  "I'd take care of the divorce and then I'd fight for Nikki's love ..."

[Ears prick up all over the patio:  He said "Arreglaría lo del divorcio."  He is such a tease.]

Now Nikki is dressed and ready to go.  Frankie puts a little pressure on her to confide in her mother.  He's worried about her health and he's not so sure her therapist is the right one.  She brushes him off with vague promises and claims that she has taken a big step in acknowledging that she is ill.  Before she can blather further, she gets a call from Furry daddy who has ...

... The worst idea in the world!
He wants to throw a surprise birthday party for Vikki tomorrow night.  Nikki sees that as a good strategy.  [We in the Patio see it as a fabulous comic opportunity.]

In Nelson's office, Salsero asks if he is inviting Kendra.  "Of course not!"
[And there's no way she'll find out about the party and show up uninvited, right?]

Felipe is still in the Balvanera kitchen bending Tomasina's ear with his troubles when that good lady gets the news:  Party tomorrow night!  Jean Marie is, predictably, thrown into a tizzy.  Felipe pays no attention: he's trying to figure out how to win big in the lottery and thus win back the lovely Paula.  Can Tomi suggest a lucky number for him?  No?  Well, he'll have to go with his gut then. 

Poor Guzmán, sighs Tomasina.  His father is hopeless.

Poor Guzmán, indeed.  Once again he waits outside while Nikki and Dr. Kendra have a session.

The doctor is in ... but her nose is out of joint hearing Nikki babble about the surprise party planned for Victoria and the expensive cars and exclusive designer jewels that Furry Daddy usually gives her ma as gifts.  ¡Que lindo, tu papi!,  says Kendra, reflecting bitterly, perhaps, on her own cheapo chocolate and teddy bear gifts.  When Nikki again says that Nelson loves Vikki, regardless of the fling he had with that perra, Dr. K thought-bubbles untherapeutically:
¡Estúpida! Ya deja de decir babosadas!
(Moron!  Stop saying garbage!)

When Nikki suggests that maybe she should see a therapist, Dr. K squelches the idea immediately.  The talk turns to suitors and Kendra coyly admits she is dating a married man.  Nikki is shocked and repeats: Married men NEVER EVER leave a wife for a lover.  Seriously.  "En el corazón no se manda" says fake Kendra.  Love just happens.  She hopes Nikki never has the misfortune to fall for a married man. 
[Too late.  See Guzmancito's mini-soliloquy above.]

Meta Imagen -- the office where no actual work is ever done.

Furry gives Bea a guest list for Vikki's party and tells her to start calling.

Salsero wants to know why Bea is giving him the stink-eye all of a sudden.  She admits that Kendra Ferretti told her he was a dangerous man.

Salsero asks the boss for personal time and then dashes for the elevator.

Mansión Balvanera
Vikki tells JA she's not having a birthday party because she's not in any mood to celebrate.  She sends him home to his wife.

Brazen PaulaToo shows up.  Nikki hasn't returned yet.  Paula asks for a word with Vikki.  [Portentous Percussive notes sound as if Paula is going to say Something Significant.]

Fake-out.  She wants to talk piano pedagogy.  Yawn.  Vikki explains she is more interested in Nikki developing stick-to-itiveness than in becoming a great musician.  She begs Paula to be patient with her daughter. 

Paula tells Vikki how Nikki offered her three months salary to quit.  Vikki is scandalized (¡Que barbaridad!) but admits that Nikki's grandfather has over-indulged her -- now she believes that money can solve any problem.  And it doesn't help that she seems to have inherited his carácter too.

La cara que traes
Antonio joins Aníbal at a table in a restaurant and notices how stricken his friend looks.  Aníbal sighs, removes his blue glasses, leaving his old man face naked and vulnerable.  "Candelaria murió."  (Candelaria died.)

But the reports of her death have been greatly exaggerated.
Candelaria kneels before the Virgin.  Now that Cristina and Aníbal live in the same city, (the same HUMUNGOUS city) she has to find an excuse not to visit her daughter.  After all those years of silence, Aníbal ignored her letter telling him they had a daughter.  Maybe one day, father and daughter will cross paths and neither will know they are joined by blood.
[Yup.  Already happened, Cande.]  Cristina has the right to know!  [Tell that to wicked PaulaToo and Gilda!]

Nikki and Guzmancito are pulling away from the curb in front of Dr. Kendra's building just as Salsero's taxi pulls up.

Vikki is still pouring her heart out to heartless PaulaToo.  She has the feeling that Paula is the right person to help Nikki find joy in her piano studies.  Paula thought-bubbles:
Si supieras quien soy en realidad, ya me habrías echado de tu casa.
(If you knew who I really am, you would have thrown me out of your house.)

Tomasina apologizes -- she doesn't know where Nikki is and both she and Guzmán have their phones shut off.  No problem.  PaulaToo will come back tomorrow.

I know where the bodies are buried!
Salsero pulls hard on those blonde extensions while Kendra hollers that he's hurting her.  Is she trying to destroy him?  Who does she think she is putting her nose in his business?  "Don't exaggerate, Puchis," she says.  He's making a big drama out of nothing.  He doesn't agree, apparently, since he goes for her throat now, literally and figuratively:  He knows who she really is; unless she stays out of his life, he'll tell Nelson Brizz what he knows.

A walk in the park
Nikki steps carefully over rocks and grass in her precariously high heels.  Frankie says again that she needs to tell her ma about her illness.  She thinks it's the wrong time -- they have enough worries right now.

The Blonde Bimbo and the Bodyguard, Round Two
It's getting louder and nastier.  Salsero has Kendra by the throat again (and again, literally and figuratively).  He'll go public with her client list!  He'll reveal that she had Arriaga's house torched and that she engineered several kidnappings!  She reminds him he's no angel himself and they are still partners in crime.  He can't deny that but says that from now on, their dealings will be strictly business; and that as a woman, she doesn't interest him anymore. (como hembra, ya no me interesas.) "Don't you dare bother the woman I love," he warns, "or you'll be sorry you were ever born."

Avances:  Surprise! Cake!  Arriaga asks Vikki to go out with him in the evening -- and she accepts! ¿Qué?  ¿Que qué?


NovelaMaven: I always look so forward to your wonderful recap, you never, eva disappoint. Loved the musical sub title, and the other little sub titles too along with you very funny title for this recap.

Ay Yi Yi, I thought for sure the Angel was on his way out, but now Ms Vikki and the Angel are friends again. I like that Angel gave Adri the Virgin del Carmen. He didn't forget, amidst all the hoo ha going on. I can't wait to see where Ms Vikki and the Angel end up tomorrow night : )

Salsero and those sunglasses, he always, always wears them when he lies. He is too funny that way. He usually takes them off when he talks to Betty, I just noticed that recently. He never wears them when talking to her. He bares his eyes, which are the windows to the soul. I hated what Kendho said to Betty. Like what you said about Kendho's Medusa tresses, snort!

I felt bad for Cris tonight. She is so missing her Angel and am glad the Angel is going home to be with her.

Loved what you said about Cande's death being premature, lol. I am really hoping Cande goes to the D.F. anyways and runs right into ole Anyballs, it's a heart attack waiting to happen, jus' sayin'.

So why hasn't Guzmi divorced the wife in the States yet, what is he waiting for Nikki to declare herself and then get the divorce, QTH is that! He just ought to get the divorce already.

Loved how Salsero "invented" the Angel 2.0 in Canada, lol. Too funny, but at least the Angel gets to keep his job.

Can't wait for Ms Vikki to find out who PauToo really is. I can't wait for Ms Vikki to throw her out on her ear. Or will she? Hmmm.

I think that Salsero ought to give up being partners with Kendho. All her mis planes always go wrong and I want Salsero to reform himself. What he has done has been bad enough already. I want him to reform on the straight and narrow, and stay away from the Kendho.

Furry Fornicator is an idiot. I was rolling on the floor laughing when he got the shagging note, really FF, and you want to bamboozle your wife with this surprise party???? Good luck with that, cause sucks to be the FF.

I swear everyweek there is a meeting of the minds, er, the Godfather and his left hand man there, Anyballs. It's too funny and becoming such a ritual.

Thank you, Mads. I'm so glad you enjoyed the recap.

As much as I like Salsero and Beatriz as a couple, his violence last night disturbed me. Sure, it was directed at Kendra but it's in his repertory of behavior. Could he be another Leo a few years down the road? And then add his scary good lying ability -- all in all, not the best prospect for our Beatriz.

Surely there must be an honest guy who knows how to dance salsa ... maybe Frankie has a friend ...

Thank you so much for this wonderful recap, NovelaMaven! You always artfully boil your recaps down to the essentials. Perfect!

I was troubled, muy troubled, but Salsa-Dude's violence with Kendra. I wonder what we are to believe or take away from this. I'm of two minds.

On one hand, he's clearly not above being violent against someone who is pissing him off, even if it's a woman. (Granted, a viper of a woman.) That doesn't bode well at all.

I still cling to the thought that he'd never, nunca, never do that to a woman who hadn't already proven herself to be a viper (as Kendra has). I'm going to stick with that belief, at least for a while longer.

I do feel that some of his violence was fueled by fear—not just fear that he'll be caught, but fear that Kendra (who after all, ordered Big Angel's casa be burned down—with Lily in it!) will do harm to Bea. It's completely within Kendra's personality to do that. So I can understand if Salsa-Dude decides to come down HARD as a way of warning Kendra-ho against something like that.

But it still does not set well at all with me, to see him roughing her up. I am waiting to see what will develop. A nicer guy with less baggage certainly would seem a better choice for Bea, but if Salsa-Dude can properly reform and truly make her happy, that would be great.

All I hope is that whatever drama comes from Salsa-Dude's past and current misdeeds, that Bea will be sheltered from most of it. I don't want to see the poor woman cry too much over any crap that Salsa-Dude does! Her tears over the trouble Leo has caused are quite enough.

Interesting how Vicki has sudden amnesia about Big Angel's supposed fling with the slutty Jocelyn!

Well, know I am like Jean Marie when it comes to you and your recaps (dear me, I hope that isn't too creepy.)

Just loved the line about Nelson's "peculiarly coiffed shadow". And "they beam Crest whitening strip smiles at each other" was a hoot.

I've decided the writers have the characters do whatever needs to be done for the plot. Logic and consistency be damned. We need JA and Vikki happy and nice again? Well, just write it that way. Who cares if she was peeved two minutes ago! :-)


NovelaMaven- I had a good giggle at your title, and the hits kept coming as I read the rest of your wonderful recap.

ITA with all of you on seeing Salsero rough up Kendra. It's disturbing and Bea doesn't need another troubled man in her life. I too wonder what the writers want us to think of this man who is so gentle with Bea, and yet can exhibit such violence against a woman, even if it's a woman as bad as Kendra. Perhaps the solution will be something like Salsero making the ultimate sacrifice (his life) saving Bea from Leo or Kendra?

However, I am looking forward seeing Salsero and Bea heat up the dance floor tonight.

I will be VERY disappointed in JA if tonight he decides to take Vicky out for her b-day, instead of going home to cuddle with his lonely wife as Vicky has urged him to do. This is the first time that he's hesitated when she's given him time off to go home to Cris.

I hope the Joclyn misunderstanding is cleared up soon, but I'm happy that JA and Vicky are amigos again. I still haven't seen the last episode when she was super snippy with him.

I meant to say this ISN'T the first time JA has hesitated to leave Vicky's side and go to Cris.

NovelaMaven: I can't tell you how much your wonderful, witty recap has brightened my day! So clever and so much fun. This was incredible.

I also liked "Medusa tresses" as well as "...spits out Nelson and his peculiarly coiffed shadow", "remedial bodyguards" and my fav, "portentous percussive notes". Simply way too many marvelous lines to note. Gems all.

Hmmmm. Cris. "Mr. Maven looks up from his book and says: "He's never going to see her again, right?" Yikes. Could he be right?". Mr. Maven expressed what has been crossing our minds. We know the anvils are lining up and blowing in the breeze. When and on whom they will land will likely start to be revealed before too long.

The most disturbing of last night's events - Salsero. On the way into work, I kept thinking about how I would try and capture how I felt. But, there was no need - Elvira summed it up perfectly: "I still cling to the thought that he'd never, nunca, never do that to a woman who hadn't already proven herself to be a viper (as Kendra has). I'm going to stick with that belief, at least for a while longer." Me too...

Madelaine, I hadn't thought that Salsero removed his glasses when speaking with Bea but of course you are right! (Is there ANY detail you ever miss? :))

I was a tad disappointed Bea would take a casual comment from Kendho as the gospel truth. The worst part? Kendra really was right. Well, sort of...

So glad the Angel and Vicky have "reconciled". Vicky's calm, sweet genuine demeanor is very endearing although she definitely has her spicy, fiery side as we've seen...

Felipe. Good heavens man. Get a spine. There is nothing worse that a whiny man, wallowing in self-pity. Buck up.

Thanks again NovelaMaven. This was great!



Sara and Vivi, our comments crossed.

Sara: "you know I am like Jean Marie when it comes to you and your recaps (dear me, I hope that isn't too creepy.)" No, but it is very funny! Excellent.

Vivi, I've also wondered if Salsero will pay the ultimate price (his life) in order to save Bea. Perhaps what happened last night was meant to remind us that simply because you love a good woman does not mean you necessarily deserve one.



Elvira: I so agree with what you said about Salsero, I am so conflicted about him. I just wish he would give up those bidness plans with Kendho and be done with her. He did do something nice for her in the past too. He saved her from her ho'ish life, I remember that from the beginning of this TN. I don't know if he got sucked into the bad life cause of Kendho or if he was just skirting on the edge of badness himself when he hooked up with her. This is where I am so conflicted. I don't like the way he roughs her up, that so is NOT good. But I really beleive he would never do such a thing to Betty.

Diana: About the sunglasses that Salsero wears. I noticed in the very beginning when he lied or obfusticated he always wore them, and when he felt relaxed and didn't have to lie he took them off. Same goes for Anyballs, he does the same thing, whether with his blue glasses or his sunglasses. I think it is clever of the writers to use this device with the two of them. I am very detailed oriented. I blame it on my former job in the military : )

Madelaine: Yes, Anibal too! I am impressed.


¡Feliz día del amor y la amistad!


It's tempting to look away from Salsa-Dude's dark side but Telenovela Justice is unrelenting. Sigh.


"you know I am like Jean Marie when it comes to you and your recaps"

Will there be petit fours? [NM grins like Polita and does a riff on air guitar]


Now I'm a bit confused about the timeline -- I thought the B-day party was for the next night and the evening with Cris was that very day.

I agree: redeeming and sacrificing Salsero in one swell foop (he is killed in the course of a heroic rescue) would be completely telenovelogical.


I think Anita is going to have to order the Collected Wisdom of Diana for the Meta*Mart book department:

"There is nothing worse that a whiny man, wallowing in self-pity."

"...simply because you love a good woman does not mean you necessarily deserve one."

Wow. Will you tell us what you had for breakfast? (Please don't say 'Tostachos') :-)


NovelaMaven- Yes. The big surprise party is tomorrow night (has anyone told JA yet?), but from the preiviews, it looks like he's planning a private celebration with Vicky tonight. Previews can be deceiving, so we'll see.


Salsa-Dude RESCUED Kendra from 'the life'? So what we are seeing is Kendra on the way UP, not on the way DOWN?


NovelaMaven: I remember from the beginning of this TN it was mentioned that Kendho, used to be well, a ho, and Salsero saved her from some bad dudes and she got the modeling job with Meta Imagen. It was never explained why Salsero rescued her, but appartently this dude/dudes were pretty bad. Salsero and Kendho used to be an item, but since he met Betty seems he dumped Kendho. Salsero also has a penchant for rescuing damsels in distress. Now you know why I am so conflicted, although, he needs to stop mauling women/kidnapping/hurting people. He does have empathy and maybe this will be his saving grace.


Oh, I see. In that case, I hope the previews ARE just a tease. We don't want JA and Vikki consumed with guilt because they are off Cavorting Platonically when Cris is hit by the falling piano/the Acme Anvils/the Runaway Piecart.

Looking on the bright side: maybe Cris will just side alone blubbering in front of the TV.

Thanks for the extra background, Mads! With you and Vivi here, I'm getting lots of on-the-job training. (A big like the Big Guy, neta?)

Diana-"We know the anvils are lining up and blowing in the breeze." Love this imagery.

NovelaMaven-I'm not the best cook, but I'll try my hand at petit fors.

Is there a bakery at Meta*Mart


"Is there a bakery at Meta*Mart"

Not exactly, Sara, although I understand that Jean-Marie has opened a tiny patisserie next to the Patio.

Meta*Mart DOES stock Tough Cookies, however, since they have a very long shelf life.

Thanks for the hiper-cool recap. NovelaMaven...another real treat.

I had hoped that Santino had been modified into a more cuddly puppy what with the bangs (loved your title by the way) and all, but it looks as those he's stuck with that violent side. From time to time it's been hinted at that he has some unresolved mommy problems.

Diana, you've given me my existential image to ponder on for today:

anvils blowing in the breeze.

Sympathy for Paula alert...didn't she seem genuinely concerned for Nikki?

...and lack of sympathy for Felipe: he's disgusted with Paula's venality so he's wanting to win some money in order to impress her and maybe win her back?


And maybe a song to consider:

...the anvils my friend, are blowing in the wind...



Carlos: LOL about the song lyrics!

NovelaMaven- thank you for the snarky recap.

ITA with all the comments already posted. And I'm on the iPhone a PITA for mucho typing .....
New word for my lexicon --- telenovelogical! ~grins~


"Sympathy for Paula alert...didn't she seem genuinely concerned for Nikki?"

Oh yes. At least as concerned as Dr. Kendra SEEMED to be.

"♫...the anvils my friend, are blowing in the wind..."

Nice. I think the line has to go in The Diana Collection. (I suspect she'll name you in a footnote though). Peace out. ☮


"Telenovelógica" was used by commenter LukeM when we were doing "El clon" -- I assume he made it up. I know I didn't. Oh wait ... that's right ... it IS mine. Totally.

NM - so nice to see you. I can't watch/read AV regularly but had time to stop by today for a treat. And your wit continues in the comments "Salsa-Dude RESCUED Kendra from 'the life'? So what we are seeing is Kendra on the way UP, not on the way DOWN? Sobering."

I'm glad you mention Sunglasses's violence; I FF through it as it was scary and destroys hope for he and Bea to be together. I enjoy the actor and wanted better for the character. Alas.

Mads - great call on Ani/Sunglasses and their glasses.

NovelaMaven - Terrific recap. Loved the snark, the rhythm, the headings, Mr. Maven’s input - everything. Most of my favorites have already been mentioned, but here's one more:

"Meta*Mart may need to lay in supplies of bobble-head Polita's with dropping jaws."

ITA about Salsero. Violence with Kendra just comes too easy for him. He's pretty snappy with the lies too.

Goodness, the only “good guys” in this TN are near-adulterers.

I thought it was funny when Vickie mentioned to Adriana that Cris was jealous but a nice person. Vickie, didn't you just dump black paint on Angel's picture last night cause you saw him in a clinch with Jocelyn and deny him breakfast? Pot meet kettle.

Looking forward to seeing all the people who show up dressed to the hilt on a moment's notice for Vickie's surprise birthday party.

I still hold out hope for Salsa-Dude because it really is early days yet. I think of La que no podia amar and what a douche Rogelio was (and he was the hero!) and how he slipped into douchiness even when the episodes were in the triple digits. Yes, we had to wear our beanies to accept that he was going to be warm and cuddly in the end, but it was a telenovela, and he was warm and cuddly in the end. Though he still wore black! LOL.

Salsa-Dude's violence bugged me a lot, but unless they have him kill someone (go past the point of no return) I will have hope. Or if he roughs up more women, or shows a rough side to Bea—then that changes everything. But for now, I felt bad about this, didn't like it at all, it's definitely a setback, but I also think that Kendra is such a "special case" that it's not the same as general roughness towards a woman. It's Kendra, the ho who laughed as she ordered Big Angel's house burned down. Kendra, who told Odioette that why not kill Vicki now, just because? Kendra has no conscience and would just as soon kill someone if they crossed her path (or order someone else to do it) and then laugh about it. She's scary, really.

So that's where I am with Salsa-Dude. He's got baggage, we shouldn't forget that, and yes it's occurred to me too that he might redeem himself through death. But the more episodes that pass, the more I wish for that not to happen, and in part that's because we get hints that Salsa-Dude has an interesting past (that will probably help explain what his issues are), and in part because I think Bea really likes him. And since Bea really likes him, and he gives her the most appealing puppydog looks, I'm rooting for him to have a Happy Ever After with her. For more her sake than his, really.

But we'll have to wait and see! It's also quite possible that he'll redeem through death. *sniff*

NovelaMaven, so much was going on that could have been serious, but sorry, there is NO thing serious about your recap. What a great read.

I wonder if we can give Salsa-Dude the benefit of the doubt on this one. Kendra has shown herself to be pretty dastardly and pitiless when it comes to achieving her ends (and I could mean that literally). She's been into arson, with a potential victim inside, kidnapping, killing, and mayhem all hidden behind that sweet exterior. Maybe Salsero feels the only way he can get her to sit up and pay attention is to bring it down to her level.

He certainly doesn't hesitate to use his aggressiveness for good--getting Leo the Lo out of the building--and he's trained and rarin' to go, if necessary.

That's where I'll leave him for now.

Meta*Mart is considering carrying a line of e-Books in addition to our regular line of printed material.

We have found one that has great potential and offer it as a Beginning Special--subscribe now and get updated pages as they become available.

The Collected Wisdom of Diana, Goddess of the Hunt, the Moon and Birthing.
Feed that man - please!
There is nothing worse that a whiny man, wallowing in self-pity. Buck up.
Simply because you love a good woman does not mean you necessarily deserve one.
…the anvils, my friend, are blowin’ in the wind.

By popular demand--
Bobble-head Polita dolls with dropping jaws (apron, broom and wild rockers' wig extra)

Notez Bien--
Jean Marie will add a selection of Tough Cookies to his Patisserie on the Patio. These Tough Cookies are so tough they can be used to level a a wobbly table leg without crumbling.

Gee, with all this wonderful food swirling around the Balvanera mansion, why couldn't they have picked a nicer disease for Nikki. I feel guilty wanting JM's scrambled egg breakfasts, petit fours and now tough cookies and a surprise birthday fiesta coming up. Besides that, I'm tired of the 'I'm going to tell your mother,' 'No, not yet, later.'

Loved the: >>Fake-out. She wants to talk piano pedagogy. Yawn.<< Tell me it isn't so, Pau is going to teach Nikki discipline, focus, responsibility, stick-to-it-ivness through practicing scales? This is like asking a classroom teachers to cure behavioral problems through art--oh, wait, I think that works.

Hi Karen:

It's good to see you here. I came to this show several weeks after it started. The premise of the story was completely unappealing to me. But now that it is up and running, I find myself charmed by the actual novela. Can you say that a telenovela is "endearing"? Somehow, this one is -- at least, for me.

Niecie in MD:

"Pot meet kettle." hahahahaha
You are so right about that one. I love the way Erika B can deliver those throwaway lines with a perfect straight face. She is a very talented comedienne.


So now we have an eloquent defense of Salsa-Dude and tepid sympathy for soggy Paula (who seemed genuinely concerned about Nikki).

Any balls for Aníbal? Anyone want to take the Furry one home? Going once, going twice ...


I see you are also standing by the Dude. Ah well. I can understand. Kendra is a special case and many normally pacific folks might be driven to violence by her sheer awfulness.

I am so impressed by your stewardship of Meta*Mart. The last part of your comment makes me think you should stock copies of "Anita Says ... "

" Pau is going to teach Nikki discipline, focus, responsibility, stick-to-it-ivness through practicing scales? This is like asking a classroom teachers to cure behavioral problems through art--oh, wait, I think that works."

I offer conditional support for our Salsa Dude. I am a sucker for a redemption story! LOL.

If he pushes it too far, he does. I don't think he has, in part because we have so many more episodes to go. Early days yet.

I think the whole roughing up of Kendra thing (and his threat to not mess with the "woman he loves") was to remind us that he's not all sweet and cuddly yet (and may never be) as well as to reinforce his adamant love for Bea. Which is good and bad. Good because he loves Bea. Bad because he's still scary. Though yet—it's Kendra he's doing this to. So the sympathy meter is set on low when it comes to her.

Just thinking about the old green eyed monster: At least Vikki took her anger out in HER house on HER painting and didn't involve the entire art gallery. Just sayin'...

What I am really waiting for is the beat down that Leo's going to get. It could be Salsero but also Guzmancito.

Love love love the recaps and comments!

So has it been mentioned that Rogelio was a douche to the extreme? He *whipped* Skeletor and got redeemed.

Maybe there's hope for Salsero?


And don't forget that from time to time Kendra actually appreciates a little rough-housing. Remember those fun-filled early days of the good times she shared with Santino?... a little choking here... a little hair-pulling there...


Thanks so much for your recap, Novelamaven - very enjoyable as usual. Also the recaps this week from Aribeth & Elvira.

Salsero's Dr. Jeckle & Mr. Hyde bit. I think he knows what a vicious, nasty piece of work Kendho is, and that violent threats may be the only way to keep her for truly harming Bea. But unless he comes clean about EVERYTHING - including the Niki kidnapping and Vicki kidnapping attempts, there is no hope for his redemption, no matter how charming his "good guy" persona is, or how much he truly loves Bea.

Paula is so pathetic. She feels sorry for herself because she feels guilty for something really cruel that she deliberately did? What a baby!

Super recap, neta equis.

I used to think Guzmancito was too mature for flighty Nikki, but I've changed my mind about that. He might be as bad as she is, he's just old enough he should know better. Yet he knows how insecure she is, then he gets her to trust him, then just when she starts to relax and takes a little emotional risk, he cruelly rejects her again. This is getting old.

The power of suggestion is so strong...I haven't eaten any petits fours since I was a child, nor have I really thought about them, and now I am thinking I MUST have some. Running right over to the Patio/bakery.

Does anyone one remember how Antolin's redemption went? Did he come clean about everything? I don't think he did...but he should have. I agree with Audrey, Salsero will need to come clean to get redeemed and get the girl.

And a new hairdo.

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